home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Net::NNTP.pm
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- package Net::NNTP;
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $debug);
- use IO::Socket;
- use Net::Cmd;
- use Carp;
- use Time::Local;
- use Net::Config;
- $VERSION = "2.21"; # $Id: //depot/libnet/Net/NNTP.pm#15 $
- @ISA = qw(Net::Cmd IO::Socket::INET);
- sub new
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = ref($self) || $self;
- my $host = shift if @_ % 2;
- my %arg = @_;
- my $obj;
- my $hosts = defined $host ? [ $host ] : $NetConfig{nntp_hosts};
- @{$hosts} = qw(news)
- unless @{$hosts};
- my $h;
- foreach $h (@{$hosts})
- {
- $obj = $type->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($host = $h),
- PeerPort => $arg{Port} || 'nntp(119)',
- Proto => 'tcp',
- Timeout => defined $arg{Timeout}
- ? $arg{Timeout}
- : 120
- ) and last;
- }
- return undef
- unless defined $obj;
- ${*$obj}{'net_nntp_host'} = $host;
- $obj->autoflush(1);
- $obj->debug(exists $arg{Debug} ? $arg{Debug} : undef);
- unless ($obj->response() == CMD_OK)
- {
- $obj->close;
- return undef;
- }
- my $c = $obj->code;
- my @m = $obj->message;
- unless(exists $arg{Reader} && $arg{Reader} == 0) {
- # if server is INN and we have transfer rights the we are currently
- # talking to innd not nnrpd
- if($obj->reader)
- {
- # If reader suceeds the we need to consider this code to determine postok
- $c = $obj->code;
- }
- else
- {
- # I want to ignore this failure, so restore the previous status.
- $obj->set_status($c,\@m);
- }
- }
- ${*$obj}{'net_nntp_post'} = $c == 200 ? 1 : 0;
- $obj;
- }
- sub debug_text
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $inout = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- if(($nntp->code == 350 && $text =~ /^(\S+)/)
- || ($text =~ /^(authinfo\s+pass)/io))
- {
- $text = "$1 ....\n"
- }
- $text;
- }
- sub postok
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->postok()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- ${*$nntp}{'net_nntp_post'} || 0;
- }
- sub article
- {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->article( [ MSGID ], [ FH ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my @fh;
- @fh = (pop) if @_ == 2 || (@_ && ref($_[0]) || ref(\$_[0]) eq 'GLOB');
- $nntp->_ARTICLE(@_)
- ? $nntp->read_until_dot(@fh)
- : undef;
- }
- sub articlefh {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->articlefh( [ MSGID ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- return unless $nntp->_ARTICLE(@_);
- return $nntp->tied_fh;
- }
- sub authinfo
- {
- @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->authinfo( USER, PASS )';
- my($nntp,$user,$pass) = @_;
- $nntp->_AUTHINFO("USER",$user) == CMD_MORE
- && $nntp->_AUTHINFO("PASS",$pass) == CMD_OK;
- }
- sub authinfo_simple
- {
- @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->authinfo( USER, PASS )';
- my($nntp,$user,$pass) = @_;
- && $nntp->command($user,$pass)->response == CMD_OK;
- }
- sub body
- {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->body( [ MSGID ], [ FH ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my @fh;
- @fh = (pop) if @_ == 2 || (@_ && ref($_[0]) || ref(\$_[0]) eq 'GLOB');
- $nntp->_BODY(@_)
- ? $nntp->read_until_dot(@fh)
- : undef;
- }
- sub bodyfh
- {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->bodyfh( [ MSGID ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- return unless $nntp->_BODY(@_);
- return $nntp->tied_fh;
- }
- sub head
- {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->head( [ MSGID ], [ FH ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my @fh;
- @fh = (pop) if @_ == 2 || (@_ && ref($_[0]) || ref(\$_[0]) eq 'GLOB');
- $nntp->_HEAD(@_)
- ? $nntp->read_until_dot(@fh)
- : undef;
- }
- sub headfh
- {
- @_ >= 1 && @_ <= 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->headfh( [ MSGID ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- return unless $nntp->_HEAD(@_);
- return $nntp->tied_fh;
- }
- sub nntpstat
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->nntpstat( [ MSGID ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_STAT(@_) && $nntp->message =~ /(<[^>]+>)/o
- ? $1
- : undef;
- }
- sub group
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->group( [ GROUP ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $grp = ${*$nntp}{'net_nntp_group'} || undef;
- return $grp
- unless(@_ || wantarray);
- my $newgrp = shift;
- return wantarray ? () : undef
- unless $nntp->_GROUP($newgrp || $grp || "")
- && $nntp->message =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/;
- my($count,$first,$last,$group) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
- # group may be replied as '(current group)'
- $group = ${*$nntp}{'net_nntp_group'}
- if $group =~ /\(/;
- ${*$nntp}{'net_nntp_group'} = $group;
- wantarray
- ? ($count,$first,$last,$group)
- : $group;
- }
- sub help
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->help()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_HELP
- ? $nntp->read_until_dot
- : undef;
- }
- sub ihave
- {
- @_ >= 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->ihave( MESSAGE-ID [, MESSAGE ])';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $mid = shift;
- $nntp->_IHAVE($mid) && $nntp->datasend(@_)
- ? @_ == 0 || $nntp->dataend
- : undef;
- }
- sub last
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->last()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LAST && $nntp->message =~ /(<[^>]+>)/o
- ? $1
- : undef;
- }
- sub list
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->list()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LIST
- ? $nntp->_grouplist
- : undef;
- }
- sub newgroups
- {
- @_ >= 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->newgroups( SINCE [, DISTRIBUTIONS ])';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $time = _timestr(shift);
- my $dist = shift || "";
- $dist = join(",", @{$dist})
- if ref($dist);
- $nntp->_NEWGROUPS($time,$dist)
- ? $nntp->_grouplist
- : undef;
- }
- sub newnews
- {
- @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or
- croak 'usage: $nntp->newnews( SINCE [, GROUPS [, DISTRIBUTIONS ]])';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $time = _timestr(shift);
- my $grp = @_ ? shift : $nntp->group;
- my $dist = shift || "";
- $grp ||= "*";
- $grp = join(",", @{$grp})
- if ref($grp);
- $dist = join(",", @{$dist})
- if ref($dist);
- $nntp->_NEWNEWS($grp,$time,$dist)
- ? $nntp->_articlelist
- : undef;
- }
- sub next
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->next()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_NEXT && $nntp->message =~ /(<[^>]+>)/o
- ? $1
- : undef;
- }
- sub post
- {
- @_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->post( [ MESSAGE ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_POST() && $nntp->datasend(@_)
- ? @_ == 0 || $nntp->dataend
- : undef;
- }
- sub postfh {
- my $nntp = shift;
- return unless $nntp->_POST();
- return $nntp->tied_fh;
- }
- sub quit
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->quit()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_QUIT;
- $nntp->close;
- }
- sub slave
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->slave()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_SLAVE;
- }
- ##
- ## The following methods are not implemented by all servers
- ##
- sub active
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->active( [ PATTERN ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LIST('ACTIVE',@_)
- ? $nntp->_grouplist
- : undef;
- }
- sub active_times
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->active_times()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LIST('ACTIVE.TIMES')
- ? $nntp->_grouplist
- : undef;
- }
- sub distributions
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->distributions()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub distribution_patterns
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->distributions()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arr;
- local $_;
- $nntp->_LIST('DISTRIB.PATS') && ($arr = $nntp->read_until_dot)
- ? [grep { /^\d/ && (chomp, $_ = [ split /:/ ]) } @$arr]
- : undef;
- }
- sub newsgroups
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->newsgroups( [ PATTERN ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LIST('NEWSGROUPS',@_)
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub overview_fmt
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->overview_fmt()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LIST('OVERVIEW.FMT')
- ? $nntp->_articlelist
- : undef;
- }
- sub subscriptions
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->subscriptions()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- ? $nntp->_articlelist
- : undef;
- }
- sub listgroup
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->listgroup( [ GROUP ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_LISTGROUP(@_)
- ? $nntp->_articlelist
- : undef;
- }
- sub reader
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->reader()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_MODE('READER');
- }
- sub xgtitle
- {
- @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->xgtitle( [ PATTERN ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_XGTITLE(@_)
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub xhdr
- {
- @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 4 or croak 'usage: $nntp->xhdr( HEADER, [ MESSAGE-SPEC ] )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $hdr = shift;
- my $arg = _msg_arg(@_);
- $nntp->_XHDR($hdr, $arg)
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub xover
- {
- @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->xover( MESSAGE-SPEC )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arg = _msg_arg(@_);
- $nntp->_XOVER($arg)
- ? $nntp->_fieldlist
- : undef;
- }
- sub xpat
- {
- @_ == 4 || @_ == 5 or croak '$nntp->xpat( HEADER, PATTERN, MESSAGE-SPEC )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $hdr = shift;
- my $pat = shift;
- my $arg = _msg_arg(@_);
- $pat = join(" ", @$pat)
- if ref($pat);
- $nntp->_XPAT($hdr,$arg,$pat)
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub xpath
- {
- @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $nntp->xpath( MESSAGE-ID )';
- my($nntp,$mid) = @_;
- return undef
- unless $nntp->_XPATH($mid);
- my $m; ($m = $nntp->message) =~ s/^\d+\s+//o;
- my @p = split /\s+/, $m;
- wantarray ? @p : $p[0];
- }
- sub xrover
- {
- @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $nntp->xrover( MESSAGE-SPEC )';
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arg = _msg_arg(@_);
- $nntp->_XROVER($arg)
- ? $nntp->_description
- : undef;
- }
- sub date
- {
- @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $nntp->date()';
- my $nntp = shift;
- $nntp->_DATE && $nntp->message =~ /(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/
- ? timegm($6,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1 - 1900)
- : undef;
- }
- ##
- ## Private subroutines
- ##
- sub _msg_arg
- {
- my $spec = shift;
- my $arg = "";
- if(@_)
- {
- carp "Depriciated passing of two message numbers, "
- . "pass a reference"
- if $^W;
- $spec = [ $spec, $_[0] ];
- }
- if(defined $spec)
- {
- if(ref($spec))
- {
- $arg = $spec->[0];
- if(defined $spec->[1])
- {
- $arg .= "-"
- if $spec->[1] != $spec->[0];
- $arg .= $spec->[1]
- if $spec->[1] > $spec->[0];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $arg = $spec;
- }
- }
- $arg;
- }
- sub _timestr
- {
- my $time = shift;
- my @g = reverse((gmtime($time))[0..5]);
- $g[1] += 1;
- $g[0] %= 100;
- sprintf "%02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d GMT", @g;
- }
- sub _grouplist
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arr = $nntp->read_until_dot or
- return undef;
- my $hash = {};
- my $ln;
- foreach $ln (@$arr)
- {
- my @a = split(/[\s\n]+/,$ln);
- $hash->{$a[0]} = [ @a[1,2,3] ];
- }
- $hash;
- }
- sub _fieldlist
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arr = $nntp->read_until_dot or
- return undef;
- my $hash = {};
- my $ln;
- foreach $ln (@$arr)
- {
- my @a = split(/[\t\n]/,$ln);
- my $m = shift @a;
- $hash->{$m} = [ @a ];
- }
- $hash;
- }
- sub _articlelist
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arr = $nntp->read_until_dot;
- chomp(@$arr)
- if $arr;
- $arr;
- }
- sub _description
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- my $arr = $nntp->read_until_dot or
- return undef;
- my $hash = {};
- my $ln;
- foreach $ln (@$arr)
- {
- chomp($ln);
- $hash->{$1} = $ln
- if $ln =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*//o;
- }
- $hash;
- }
- ##
- ## The commands
- ##
- sub _ARTICLE { shift->command('ARTICLE',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _AUTHINFO { shift->command('AUTHINFO',@_)->response }
- sub _BODY { shift->command('BODY',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _DATE { shift->command('DATE')->response == CMD_INFO }
- sub _GROUP { shift->command('GROUP',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _HEAD { shift->command('HEAD',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _HELP { shift->command('HELP',@_)->response == CMD_INFO }
- sub _IHAVE { shift->command('IHAVE',@_)->response == CMD_MORE }
- sub _LAST { shift->command('LAST')->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _LIST { shift->command('LIST',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _LISTGROUP { shift->command('LISTGROUP',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _NEWGROUPS { shift->command('NEWGROUPS',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _NEWNEWS { shift->command('NEWNEWS',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _NEXT { shift->command('NEXT')->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _POST { shift->command('POST',@_)->response == CMD_MORE }
- sub _QUIT { shift->command('QUIT',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _SLAVE { shift->command('SLAVE',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _STAT { shift->command('STAT',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _MODE { shift->command('MODE',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XGTITLE { shift->command('XGTITLE',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XHDR { shift->command('XHDR',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XPAT { shift->command('XPAT',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XPATH { shift->command('XPATH',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XOVER { shift->command('XOVER',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XROVER { shift->command('XROVER',@_)->response == CMD_OK }
- sub _XTHREAD { shift->unsupported }
- sub _XSEARCH { shift->unsupported }
- sub _XINDEX { shift->unsupported }
- ##
- ## IO/perl methods
- ##
- {
- my $nntp = shift;
- defined(fileno($nntp)) && $nntp->quit
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Net::NNTP - NNTP Client class
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Net::NNTP;
- $nntp = Net::NNTP->new("some.host.name");
- $nntp->quit;
- C<Net::NNTP> is a class implementing a simple NNTP client in Perl as described
- in RFC977. C<Net::NNTP> inherits its communication methods from C<Net::Cmd>
- =over 4
- =item new ( [ HOST ] [, OPTIONS ])
- This is the constructor for a new Net::NNTP object. C<HOST> is the
- name of the remote host to which a NNTP connection is required. If not
- given two environment variables are checked, first C<NNTPSERVER> then
- C<NEWSHOST>, then C<Net::Config> is checked, and if a host is not found
- then C<news> is used.
- C<OPTIONS> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.
- Possible options are:
- B<Timeout> - Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the
- NNTP server, a value of zero will cause all IO operations to block.
- (default: 120)
- B<Debug> - Enable the printing of debugging information to STDERR
- B<Reader> - If the remote server is INN then initially the connection
- will be to nnrpd, by default C<Net::NNTP> will issue a C<MODE READER> command
- so that the remote server becomes innd. If the C<Reader> option is given
- with a value of zero, then this command will not be sent and the
- connection will be left talking to nnrpd.
- =back
- =head1 METHODS
- Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a I<true> or I<false>
- value, with I<true> meaning that the operation was a success. When a method
- states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as I<undef> or an
- empty list.
- =over 4
- =item article ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ], [FH] )
- Retrieve the header, a blank line, then the body (text) of the
- specified article.
- If C<FH> is specified then it is expected to be a valid filehandle
- and the result will be printed to it, on sucess a true value will be
- returned. If C<FH> is not specified then the return value, on sucess,
- will be a reference to an array containg the article requested, each
- entry in the array will contain one line of the article.
- If no arguments are passed then the current article in the currently
- selected newsgroup is fetched.
- C<MSGNUM> is a numeric id of an article in the current newsgroup, and
- will change the current article pointer. C<MSGID> is the message id of
- an article as shown in that article's header. It is anticipated that the
- client will obtain the C<MSGID> from a list provided by the C<newnews>
- command, from references contained within another article, or from the
- message-id provided in the response to some other commands.
- If there is an error then C<undef> will be returned.
- =item body ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ], [FH] )
- Like C<article> but only fetches the body of the article.
- =item head ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ], [FH] )
- Like C<article> but only fetches the headers for the article.
- =item articlefh ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ] )
- =item bodyfh ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ] )
- =item headfh ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ] )
- These are similar to article(), body() and head(), but rather than
- returning the requested data directly, they return a tied filehandle
- from which to read the article.
- =item nntpstat ( [ MSGID|MSGNUM ] )
- The C<nntpstat> command is similar to the C<article> command except that no
- text is returned. When selecting by message number within a group,
- the C<nntpstat> command serves to set the "current article pointer" without
- sending text.
- Using the C<nntpstat> command to
- select by message-id is valid but of questionable value, since a
- selection by message-id does B<not> alter the "current article pointer".
- Returns the message-id of the "current article".
- =item group ( [ GROUP ] )
- Set and/or get the current group. If C<GROUP> is not given then information
- is returned on the current group.
- In a scalar context it returns the group name.
- In an array context the return value is a list containing, the number
- of articles in the group, the number of the first article, the number
- of the last article and the group name.
- =item ihave ( MSGID [, MESSAGE ])
- The C<ihave> command informs the server that the client has an article
- whose id is C<MSGID>. If the server desires a copy of that
- article, and C<MESSAGE> has been given the it will be sent.
- Returns I<true> if the server desires the article and C<MESSAGE> was
- successfully sent,if specified.
- If C<MESSAGE> is not specified then the message must be sent using the
- C<datasend> and C<dataend> methods from L<Net::Cmd>
- C<MESSAGE> can be either an array of lines or a reference to an array.
- =item last ()
- Set the "current article pointer" to the previous article in the current
- newsgroup.
- Returns the message-id of the article.
- =item date ()
- Returns the date on the remote server. This date will be in a UNIX time
- format (seconds since 1970)
- =item postok ()
- C<postok> will return I<true> if the servers initial response indicated
- that it will allow posting.
- =item authinfo ( USER, PASS )
- =item list ()
- Obtain information about all the active newsgroups. The results is a reference
- to a hash where the key is a group name and each value is a reference to an
- array. The elements in this array are:- the last article number in the group,
- the first article number in the group and any information flags about the group.
- =item newgroups ( SINCE [, DISTRIBUTIONS ])
- C<SINCE> is a time value and C<DISTRIBUTIONS> is either a distribution
- pattern or a reference to a list of distribution patterns.
- The result is the same as C<list>, but the
- groups return will be limited to those created after C<SINCE> and, if
- specified, in one of the distribution areas in C<DISTRIBUTIONS>.
- =item newnews ( SINCE [, GROUPS [, DISTRIBUTIONS ]])
- C<SINCE> is a time value. C<GROUPS> is either a group pattern or a reference
- to a list of group patterns. C<DISTRIBUTIONS> is either a distribution
- pattern or a reference to a list of distribution patterns.
- Returns a reference to a list which contains the message-ids of all news posted
- after C<SINCE>, that are in a groups which matched C<GROUPS> and a
- distribution which matches C<DISTRIBUTIONS>.
- =item next ()
- Set the "current article pointer" to the next article in the current
- newsgroup.
- Returns the message-id of the article.
- =item post ( [ MESSAGE ] )
- Post a new article to the news server. If C<MESSAGE> is specified and posting
- is allowed then the message will be sent.
- If C<MESSAGE> is not specified then the message must be sent using the
- C<datasend> and C<dataend> methods from L<Net::Cmd>
- C<MESSAGE> can be either an array of lines or a reference to an array.
- =item postfh ()
- Post a new article to the news server using a tied filehandle. If
- posting is allowed, this method will return a tied filehandle that you
- can print() the contents of the article to be posted. You must
- explicitly close() the filehandle when you are finished posting the
- article, and the return value from the close() call will indicate
- whether the message was successfully posted.
- =item slave ()
- Tell the remote server that I am not a user client, but probably another
- news server.
- =item quit ()
- Quit the remote server and close the socket connection.
- =back
- =head2 Extension methods
- These methods use commands that are not part of the RFC977 documentation. Some
- servers may not support all of them.
- =over 4
- =item newsgroups ( [ PATTERN ] )
- Returns a reference to a hash where the keys are all the group names which
- match C<PATTERN>, or all of the groups if no pattern is specified, and
- each value contains the description text for the group.
- =item distributions ()
- Returns a reference to a hash where the keys are all the possible
- distribution names and the values are the distribution descriptions.
- =item subscriptions ()
- Returns a reference to a list which contains a list of groups which
- are recommended for a new user to subscribe to.
- =item overview_fmt ()
- Returns a reference to an array which contain the names of the fields returned
- by C<xover>.
- =item active_times ()
- Returns a reference to a hash where the keys are the group names and each
- value is a reference to an array containing the time the groups was created
- and an identifier, possibly an Email address, of the creator.
- =item active ( [ PATTERN ] )
- Similar to C<list> but only active groups that match the pattern are returned.
- C<PATTERN> can be a group pattern.
- =item xgtitle ( PATTERN )
- Returns a reference to a hash where the keys are all the group names which
- match C<PATTERN> and each value is the description text for the group.
- =item xhdr ( HEADER, MESSAGE-SPEC )
- Obtain the header field C<HEADER> for all the messages specified.
- The return value will be a reference
- to a hash where the keys are the message numbers and each value contains
- the text of the requested header for that message.
- =item xover ( MESSAGE-SPEC )
- The return value will be a reference
- to a hash where the keys are the message numbers and each value contains
- a reference to an array which contains the overview fields for that
- message.
- The names of the fields can be obtained by calling C<overview_fmt>.
- =item xpath ( MESSAGE-ID )
- Returns the path name to the file on the server which contains the specified
- message.
- The result is the same as C<xhdr> except the is will be restricted to
- headers where the text of the header matches C<PATTERN>
- =item xrover
- The XROVER command returns reference information for the article(s)
- specified.
- Returns a reference to a HASH where the keys are the message numbers and the
- values are the References: lines from the articles
- =item listgroup ( [ GROUP ] )
- Returns a reference to a list of all the active messages in C<GROUP>, or
- the current group if C<GROUP> is not specified.
- =item reader
- Tell the server that you are a reader and not another server.
- This is required by some servers. For example if you are connecting to
- an INN server and you have transfer permission your connection will
- be connected to the transfer daemon, not the NNTP daemon. Issuing
- this command will cause the transfer daemon to hand over control
- to the NNTP daemon.
- Some servers do not understand this command, but issuing it and ignoring
- the response is harmless.
- =back
- The following NNTP command are unsupported by the package, and there are
- no plans to do so.
- =over 4
- C<MESSAGE-SPEC> is either a single message-id, a single message number, or
- a reference to a list of two message numbers.
- If C<MESSAGE-SPEC> is a reference to a list of two message numbers and the
- second number in a range is less than or equal to the first then the range
- represents all messages in the group after the first message number.
- B<NOTE> For compatibility reasons only with earlier versions of Net::NNTP
- a message spec can be passed as a list of two numbers, this is deprecated
- and a reference to the list should now be passed
- =item PATTERN
- The C<NNTP> protocol uses the C<WILDMAT> format for patterns.
- The WILDMAT format was first developed by Rich Salz based on
- the format used in the UNIX "find" command to articulate
- file names. It was developed to provide a uniform mechanism
- for matching patterns in the same manner that the UNIX shell
- matches filenames.
- Patterns are implicitly anchored at the
- beginning and end of each string when testing for a match.
- There are five pattern matching operations other than a strict
- one-to-one match between the pattern and the source to be
- checked for a match.
- The first is an asterisk C<*> to match any sequence of zero or more
- characters.
- The second is a question mark C<?> to match any single character. The
- third specifies a specific set of characters.
- The set is specified as a list of characters, or as a range of characters
- where the beginning and end of the range are separated by a minus (or dash)
- character, or as any combination of lists and ranges. The dash can
- also be included in the set as a character it if is the beginning
- or end of the set. This set is enclosed in square brackets. The
- close square bracket C<]> may be used in a set if it is the first
- character in the set.
- The fourth operation is the same as the
- logical not of the third operation and is specified the same
- way as the third with the addition of a caret character C<^> at
- the beginning of the test string just inside the open square
- bracket.
- The final operation uses the backslash character to
- invalidate the special meaning of an open square bracket C<[>,
- the asterisk, backslash or the question mark. Two backslashes in
- sequence will result in the evaluation of the backslash as a
- character with no special meaning.
- =over 4
- =item Examples
- =item C<[^]-]>
- matches any single character other than a close square
- bracket or a minus sign/dash.
- =item C<*bdc>
- matches any string that ends with the string "bdc"
- including the string "bdc" (without quotes).
- =item C<[0-9a-zA-Z]>
- matches any single printable alphanumeric ASCII character.
- =item C<a??d>
- matches any four character string which begins
- with a and ends with d.
- =back
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Net::Cmd>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =for html <hr>
- I<$Id: //depot/libnet/Net/NNTP.pm#15 $>
- =cut