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- #
- # $Id: QuotedPrint.pm,v 2.3 1997/12/02 10:24:27 aas Exp $
- package MIME::QuotedPrint;
- =head1 NAME
- MIME::QuotedPrint - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use MIME::QuotedPrint;
- $encoded = encode_qp($decoded);
- $decoded = decode_qp($encoded);
- This module provides functions to encode and decode strings into the
- Quoted-Printable encoding specified in RFC 2045 - I<MIME (Multipurpose
- Internet Mail Extensions)>. The Quoted-Printable encoding is intended
- to represent data that largely consists of bytes that correspond to
- printable characters in the ASCII character set. Non-printable
- characters (as defined by english americans) are represented by a
- triplet consisting of the character "=" followed by two hexadecimal
- digits.
- The following functions are provided:
- =over 4
- =item encode_qp($str)
- This function will return an encoded version of the string given as
- argument.
- Note that encode_qp() does not change newlines C<"\n"> to the CRLF
- sequence even though this might be considered the right thing to do
- (RFC 2045 (Q-P Rule #4)).
- =item decode_qp($str);
- This function will return the plain text version of the string given
- as argument.
- =back
- If you prefer not to import these routines into your namespace you can
- call them as:
- use MIME::QuotedPrint ();
- $encoded = MIME::QuotedPrint::encode($decoded);
- $decoded = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($encoded);
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 1995-1997 Gisle Aas.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
- if (ord('A') == 193) { # on EBCDIC machines we need translation help
- require Encode;
- }
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(encode_qp decode_qp);
- use Carp qw(croak);
- $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.3 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- sub encode_qp ($)
- {
- my $res = shift;
- croak("The Quoted-Printable encoding is only defined for bytes")
- if $res =~ /[^\0-\xFF]/;
- # Do not mention ranges such as $res =~ s/([^ \t\n!-<>-~])/sprintf("=%02X", ord($1))/eg;
- # since that will not even compile on an EBCDIC machine (where ord('!') > ord('<')).
- if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC style machine
- if (ord('[') == 173) {
- $res =~ s/([^ \t\n!"#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])/sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('cp1047',$1))))/eg; # rule #2,#3
- $res =~ s/([ \t]+)$/
- join('', map { sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('cp1047',$_)))) }
- split('', $1)
- )/egm; # rule #3 (encode whitespace at eol)
- }
- elsif (ord('[') == 187) {
- $res =~ s/([^ \t\n!"#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])/sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('posix-bc',$1))))/eg; # rule #2,#3
- $res =~ s/([ \t]+)$/
- join('', map { sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('posix-bc',$_)))) }
- split('', $1)
- )/egm; # rule #3 (encode whitespace at eol)
- }
- elsif (ord('[') == 186) {
- $res =~ s/([^ \t\n!"#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])/sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('cp37',$1))))/eg; # rule #2,#3
- $res =~ s/([ \t]+)$/
- join('', map { sprintf("=%02X", ord(Encode::encode('iso-8859-1',Encode::decode('cp37',$_)))) }
- split('', $1)
- )/egm; # rule #3 (encode whitespace at eol)
- }
- }
- else { # ASCII style machine
- $res =~ s/([^ \t\n!"#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])/sprintf("=%02X", ord($1))/eg; # rule #2,#3
- $res =~ s/([ \t]+)$/
- join('', map { sprintf("=%02X", ord($_)) }
- split('', $1)
- )/egm; # rule #3 (encode whitespace at eol)
- }
- # rule #5 (lines must be shorter than 76 chars, but we are not allowed
- # to break =XX escapes. This makes things complicated :-( )
- my $brokenlines = "";
- $brokenlines .= "$1=\n"
- while $res =~ s/(.*?^[^\n]{73} (?:
- [^=\n]{2} (?! [^=\n]{0,1} $) # 75 not followed by .?\n
- |[^=\n] (?! [^=\n]{0,2} $) # 74 not followed by .?.?\n
- | (?! [^=\n]{0,3} $) # 73 not followed by .?.?.?\n
- ))//xsm;
- "$brokenlines$res";
- }
- sub decode_qp ($)
- {
- my $res = shift;
- $res =~ s/[ \t]+?(\r?\n)/$1/g; # rule #3 (trailing space must be deleted)
- $res =~ s/=\r?\n//g; # rule #5 (soft line breaks)
- if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC style machine
- if (ord('[') == 173) {
- $res =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/Encode::encode('cp1047',Encode::decode('iso-8859-1',pack("C", hex($1))))/ge;
- }
- elsif (ord('[') == 187) {
- $res =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/Encode::encode('posix-bc',Encode::decode('iso-8859-1',pack("C", hex($1))))/ge;
- }
- elsif (ord('[') == 186) {
- $res =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/Encode::encode('cp37',Encode::decode('iso-8859-1',pack("C", hex($1))))/ge;
- }
- }
- else { # ASCII style machine
- $res =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
- }
- $res;
- }
- # Set up aliases so that these functions also can be called as
- #
- # MIME::QuotedPrint::encode();
- # MIME::QuotedPrint::decode();
- *encode = \&encode_qp;
- *decode = \&decode_qp;
- 1;