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Text File | 2002-06-19 | 48.4 KB | 1,322 lines |
- # Time-stamp: "2001-06-21 23:12:39 MDT"
- =head1 NAME
- Locale::Maketext -- framework for localization
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- package MyProgram;
- use strict;
- use MyProgram::L10N;
- # ...which inherits from Locale::Maketext
- my $lh = MyProgram::L10N->get_handle() || die "What language?";
- ...
- # And then any messages your program emits, like:
- warn $lh->maketext( "Can't open file [_1]: [_2]\n", $f, $! );
- ...
- It is a common feature of applications (whether run directly,
- or via the Web) for them to be "localized" -- i.e., for them
- to a present an English interface to an English-speaker, a German
- interface to a German-speaker, and so on for all languages it's
- programmed with. Locale::Maketext
- is a framework for software localization; it provides you with the
- tools for organizing and accessing the bits of text and text-processing
- code that you need for producing localized applications.
- In order to make sense of Maketext and how all its
- components fit together, you should probably
- go read L<Locale::Maketext::TPJ13|Locale::Maketext::TPJ13>, and
- I<then> read the following documentation.
- You may also want to read over the source for C<File::Findgrep>
- and its constituent modules -- they are a complete (if small)
- example application that uses Maketext.
- The basic design of Locale::Maketext is object-oriented, and
- Locale::Maketext is an abstract base class, from which you
- derive a "project class".
- The project class (with a name like "TkBocciBall::Localize",
- which you then use in your module) is in turn the base class
- for all the "language classes" for your project
- (with names "TkBocciBall::Localize::it",
- "TkBocciBall::Localize::en",
- "TkBocciBall::Localize::fr", etc.).
- A language class is
- a class containing a lexicon of phrases as class data,
- and possibly also some methods that are of use in interpreting
- phrases in the lexicon, or otherwise dealing with text in that
- language.
- An object belonging to a language class is called a "language
- handle"; it's typically a flyweight object.
- The normal course of action is to call:
- use TkBocciBall::Localize; # the localization project class
- $lh = TkBocciBall::Localize->get_handle();
- # Depending on the user's locale, etc., this will
- # make a language handle from among the classes available,
- # and any defaults that you declare.
- die "Couldn't make a language handle??" unless $lh;
- From then on, you use the C<maketext> function to access
- entries in whatever lexicon(s) belong to the language handle
- you got. So, this:
- print $lh->maketext("You won!"), "\n";
- ...emits the right text for this language. If the object
- in C<$lh> belongs to class "TkBocciBall::Localize::fr" and
- %TkBocciBall::Localize::fr::Lexicon contains C<("You won!"
- =E<gt> "Tu as gagnE<eacute>!")>, then the above
- code happily tells the user "Tu as gagnE<eacute>!".
- =head1 METHODS
- Locale::Maketext offers a variety of methods, which fall
- into three categories:
- =over
- =item *
- Methods to do with constructing language handles.
- =item *
- C<maketext> and other methods to do with accessing %Lexicon data
- for a given language handle.
- =item *
- Methods that you may find it handy to use, from routines of
- yours that you put in %Lexicon entries.
- =back
- These are covered in the following section.
- =head2 Construction Methods
- These are to do with constructing a language handle:
- =over
- =item *
- $lh = YourProjClass->get_handle( ...langtags... ) || die "lg-handle?";
- This tries loading classes based on the language-tags you give (like
- C<("en-US", "sk", "kon", "es-MX", "ja", "i-klingon")>, and for the first class
- that succeeds, returns YourProjClass::I<language>->new().
- It runs thru the entire given list of language-tags, and finds no classes
- for those exact terms, it then tries "superordinate" language classes.
- So if no "en-US" class (i.e., YourProjClass::en_us)
- was found, nor classes for anything else in that list, we then try
- its superordinate, "en" (i.e., YourProjClass::en), and so on thru
- the other language-tags in the given list: "es".
- (The other language-tags in our example list:
- happen to have no superordinates.)
- If none of those language-tags leads to loadable classes, we then
- try classes derived from YourProjClass->fallback_languages() and
- then if nothing comes of that, we use classes named by
- YourProjClass->fallback_language_classes(). Then in the (probably
- quite unlikely) event that that fails, we just return undef.
- =item *
- $lh = YourProjClass->get_handleB<()> || die "lg-handle?";
- When C<get_handle> is called with an empty parameter list, magic happens:
- If C<get_handle> senses that it's running in program that was
- invoked as a CGI, then it tries to get language-tags out of the
- environment variable "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", and it pretends that
- those were the languages passed as parameters to C<get_handle>.
- Otherwise (i.e., if not a CGI), this tries various OS-specific ways
- to get the language-tags for the current locale/language, and then
- pretends that those were the value(s) passed to C<cet_handle>.
- Currently this OS-specific stuff consists of looking in the environment
- variables "LANG" and "LANGUAGE"; and on MSWin machines (where those
- variables are typically unused), this also tries using
- the module Win32::Locale to get a language-tag for whatever language/locale
- is currently selected in the "Regional Settings" (or "International"?)
- Control Panel. I welcome further
- suggestions for making this do the Right Thing under other operating
- systems that support localization.
- If you're using localization in an application that keeps a configuration
- file, you might consider something like this in your project class:
- sub get_handle_via_config {
- my $class = $_[0];
- my $preferred_language = $Config_settings{'language'};
- my $lh;
- if($preferred_language) {
- $lh = $class->get_handle($chosen_language)
- || die "No language handle for \"$chosen_language\" or the like";
- } else {
- # Config file missing, maybe?
- $lh = $class->get_handle()
- || die "Can't get a language handle";
- }
- return $lh;
- }
- =item *
- $lh = YourProjClass::langname->new();
- This constructs a language handle. You usually B<don't> call this
- directly, but instead let C<get_handle> find a language class to C<use>
- and to then call ->new on.
- =item *
- $lh->init();
- This is called by ->new to initialize newly-constructed language handles.
- If you define an init method in your class, remember that it's usually
- considered a good idea to call $lh->SUPER::init in it (presumably at the
- beginning), so that all classes get a chance to initialize a new object
- however they see fit.
- =item *
- YourProjClass->fallback_languages()
- C<get_handle> appends the return value of this to the end of
- whatever list of languages you pass C<get_handle>. Unless
- you override this method, your project class
- will inherit Locale::Maketext's C<fallback_languages>, which
- currently returns C<('i-default', 'en', 'en-US')>.
- ("i-default" is defined in RFC 2277).
- This method (by having it return the name
- of a language-tag that has an existing language class)
- can be used for making sure that
- C<get_handle> will always manage to construct a language
- handle (assuming your language classes are in an appropriate
- @INC directory). Or you can use the next method:
- =item *
- YourProjClass->fallback_language_classes()
- C<get_handle> appends the return value of this to the end
- of the list of classes it will try using. Unless
- you override this method, your project class
- will inherit Locale::Maketext's C<fallback_language_classes>,
- which currently returns an empty list, C<()>.
- By setting this to some value (namely, the name of a loadable
- language class), you can be sure that
- C<get_handle> will always manage to construct a language
- handle.
- =back
- =head2 The "maketext" Method
- This is the most important method in Locale::Maketext:
- $text = $lh->maketext(I<key>, ...parameters for this phrase...);
- This looks in the %Lexicon of the language handle
- $lh and all its superclasses, looking
- for an entry whose key is the string I<key>. Assuming such
- an entry is found, various things then happen, depending on the
- value found:
- If the value is a scalarref, the scalar is dereferenced and returned
- (and any parameters are ignored).
- If the value is a coderef, we return &$value($lh, ...parameters...).
- If the value is a string that I<doesn't> look like it's in Bracket Notation,
- we return it (after replacing it with a scalarref, in its %Lexicon).
- If the value I<does> look like it's in Bracket Notation, then we compile
- it into a sub, replace the string in the %Lexicon with the new coderef,
- and then we return &$new_sub($lh, ...parameters...).
- Bracket Notation is discussed in a later section. Note
- that trying to compile a string into Bracket Notation can throw
- an exception if the string is not syntactically valid (say, by not
- balancing brackets right.)
- Also, calling &$coderef($lh, ...parameters...) can throw any sort of
- exception (if, say, code in that sub tries to divide by zero). But
- a very common exception occurs when you have Bracket
- Notation text that says to call a method "foo", but there is no such
- method. (E.g., "You have [quaB<tn>,_1,ball]." will throw an exception
- on trying to call $lh->quaB<tn>($_[1],'ball') -- you presumably meant
- "quant".) C<maketext> catches these exceptions, but only to make the
- error message more readable, at which point it rethrows the exception.
- An exception I<may> be thrown if I<key> is not found in any
- of $lh's %Lexicon hashes. What happens if a key is not found,
- is discussed in a later section, "Controlling Lookup Failure".
- Note that you might find it useful in some cases to override
- the C<maketext> method with an "after method", if you want to
- translate encodings, or even scripts:
- package YrProj::zh_cn; # Chinese with PRC-style glyphs
- use base ('YrProj::zh_tw'); # Taiwan-style
- sub maketext {
- my $self = shift(@_);
- my $value = $self->maketext(@_);
- return Chineeze::taiwan2mainland($value);
- }
- Or you may want to override it with something that traps
- any exceptions, if that's critical to your program:
- sub maketext {
- my($lh, @stuff) = @_;
- my $out;
- eval { $out = $lh->SUPER::maketext(@stuff) };
- return $out unless $@;
- ...otherwise deal with the exception...
- }
- Other than those two situations, I don't imagine that
- it's useful to override the C<maketext> method. (If
- you run into a situation where it is useful, I'd be
- interested in hearing about it.)
- =over
- =item $lh->fail_with I<or> $lh->fail_with(I<PARAM>)
- =item $lh->failure_handler_auto
- These two methods are discussed in the section "Controlling
- Lookup Failure".
- =back
- =head2 Utility Methods
- These are methods that you may find it handy to use, generally
- from %Lexicon routines of yours (whether expressed as
- Bracket Notation or not).
- =over
- =item $language->quant($number, $singular)
- =item $language->quant($number, $singular, $plural)
- =item $language->quant($number, $singular, $plural, $negative)
- This is generally meant to be called from inside Bracket Notation
- (which is discussed later), as in
- "Your search matched [quant,_1,document]!"
- It's for I<quantifying> a noun (i.e., saying how much of it there is,
- while giving the currect form of it). The behavior of this method is
- handy for English and a few other Western European languages, and you
- should override it for languages where it's not suitable. You can feel
- free to read the source, but the current implementation is basically
- as this pseudocode describes:
- if $number is 0 and there's a $negative,
- return $negative;
- elsif $number is 1,
- return "1 $singular";
- elsif there's a $plural,
- return "$number $plural";
- else
- return "$number " . $singular . "s";
- #
- # ...except that we actually call numf to
- # stringify $number before returning it.
- So for English (with Bracket Notation)
- C<"...[quant,_1,file]..."> is fine (for 0 it returns "0 files",
- for 1 it returns "1 file", and for more it returns "2 files", etc.)
- But for "directory", you'd want C<"[quant,_1,direcory,directories]">
- so that our elementary C<quant> method doesn't think that the
- plural of "directory" is "directorys". And you might find that the
- output may sound better if you specify a negative form, as in:
- "[quant,_1,file,files,No files] matched your query.\n"
- Remember to keep in mind verb agreement (or adjectives too, in
- other languages), as in:
- "[quant,_1,document] were matched.\n"
- Because if _1 is one, you get "1 document B<were> matched".
- An acceptable hack here is to do something like this:
- "[quant,_1,document was, documents were] matched.\n"
- =item $language->numf($number)
- This returns the given number formatted nicely according to
- this language's conventions. Maketext's default method is
- mostly to just take the normal string form of the number
- (applying sprintf "%G" for only very large numbers), and then
- to add commas as necessary. (Except that
- we apply C<tr/,./.,/> if $language->{'numf_comma'} is true;
- that's a bit of a hack that's useful for languages that express
- two million as "2.000.000" and not as "2,000,000").
- If you want anything fancier, consider overriding this with something
- that uses L<Number::Format|Number::Format>, or does something else
- entirely.
- Note that numf is called by quant for stringifying all quantifying
- numbers.
- =item $language->sprintf($format, @items)
- This is just a wrapper around Perl's normal C<sprintf> function.
- It's provided so that you can use "sprintf" in Bracket Notation:
- "Couldn't access datanode [sprintf,%10x=~[%s~],_1,_2]!\n"
- returning...
- Couldn't access datanode Stuff=[thangamabob]!
- =item $language->language_tag()
- Currently this just takes the last bit of C<ref($language)>, turns
- underscores to dashes, and returns it. So if $language is
- an object of class Hee::HOO::Haw::en_us, $language->language_tag()
- returns "en-us". (Yes, the usual representation for that language
- tag is "en-US", but case is I<never> considered meaningful in
- language-tag comparison.)
- You may override this as you like; Maketext doesn't use it for
- anything.
- =item $language->encoding()
- Currently this isn't used for anything, but it's provided
- (with default value of
- C<(ref($language) && $language-E<gt>{'encoding'})) or "iso-8859-1">
- ) as a sort of suggestion that it may be useful/necessary to
- associate encodings with your language handles (whether on a
- per-class or even per-handle basis.)
- =back
- =head2 Language Handle Attributes and Internals
- A language handle is a flyweight object -- i.e., it doesn't (necessarily)
- carry any data of interest, other than just being a member of
- whatever class it belongs to.
- A language handle is implemented as a blessed hash. Subclasses of yours
- can store whatever data you want in the hash. Currently the only hash
- entry used by any crucial Maketext method is "fail", so feel free to
- use anything else as you like.
- B<Remember: Don't be afraid to read the Maketext source if there's
- any point on which this documentation is unclear.> This documentation
- is vastly longer than the module source itself.
- =over
- =back
- These are Locale::Maketext's assumptions about the class
- hierarchy formed by all your language classes:
- =over
- =item *
- You must have a project base class, which you load, and
- which you then use as the first argument in
- the call to YourProjClass->get_handle(...). It should derive
- (whether directly or indirectly) from Locale::Maketext.
- It B<doesn't matter> how you name this class, altho assuming this
- is the localization component of your Super Mega Program,
- good names for your project class might be
- SuperMegaProgram::Localization, SuperMegaProgram::L10N,
- SuperMegaProgram::I18N, SuperMegaProgram::International,
- or even SuperMegaProgram::Languages or SuperMegaProgram::Messages.
- =item *
- Language classes are what YourProjClass->get_handle will try to load.
- It will look for them by taking each language-tag (B<skipping> it
- if it doesn't look like a language-tag or locale-tag!), turning it to
- all lowercase, turning and dashes to underscores, and appending it
- to YourProjClass . "::". So this:
- $lh = YourProjClass->get_handle(
- 'en-US', 'fr', 'kon', 'i-klingon', 'i-klingon-romanized'
- );
- will try loading the classes
- YourProjClass::en_us (note lowercase!), YourProjClass::fr,
- YourProjClass::kon,
- YourProjClass::i_klingon
- and YourProjClass::i_klingon_romanized. (And it'll stop at the
- first one that actually loads.)
- =item *
- I assume that each language class derives (directly or indirectly)
- from your project class, and also defines its @ISA, its %Lexicon,
- or both. But I anticipate no dire consequences if these assumptions
- do not hold.
- =item *
- Language classes may derive from other language classes (altho they
- should have "use I<Thatclassname>" or "use base qw(I<...classes...>)").
- They may derive from the project
- class. They may derive from some other class altogether. Or via
- multiple inheritance, it may derive from any mixture of these.
- =item *
- I foresee no problems with having multiple inheritance in
- your hierarchy of language classes. (As usual, however, Perl will
- complain bitterly if you have a cycle in the hierarchy: i.e., if
- any class is its own ancestor.)
- =back
- A typical %Lexicon entry is meant to signify a phrase,
- taking some number (0 or more) of parameters. An entry
- is meant to be accessed by via
- a string I<key> in $lh->maketext(I<key>, ...parameters...),
- which should return a string that is generally meant for
- be used for "output" to the user -- regardless of whether
- this actually means printing to STDOUT, writing to a file,
- or putting into a GUI widget.
- While the key must be a string value (since that's a basic
- restriction that Perl places on hash keys), the value in
- the lexicon can currenly be of several types:
- a defined scalar, scalarref, or coderef. The use of these is
- explained above, in the section 'The "maketext" Method', and
- Bracket Notation for strings is discussed in the next section.
- While you can use arbitrary unique IDs for lexicon keys
- (like "_min_larger_max_error"), it is often
- useful for if an entry's key is itself a valid value, like
- this example error message:
- "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n",
- Compare this code that uses an arbitrary ID...
- die $lh->maketext( "_min_larger_max_error", $min, $max )
- if $min > $max;
- ...to this code that uses a key-as-value:
- die $lh->maketext(
- "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n",
- $min, $max
- ) if $min > $max;
- The second is, in short, more readable. In particular, it's obvious
- that the number of parameters you're feeding to that phrase (two) is
- the number of parameters that it I<wants> to be fed. (Since you see
- _1 and a _2 being used in the key there.)
- Also, once a project is otherwise
- complete and you start to localize it, you can scrape together
- all the various keys you use, and pass it to a translator; and then
- the translator's work will go faster if what he's presented is this:
- "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n",
- => "", # fill in something here, Jacques!
- rather than this more cryptic mess:
- "_min_larger_max_error"
- => "", # fill in something here, Jacques
- I think that keys as lexicon values makes the completed lexicon
- entries more readable:
- "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n",
- => "Le minimum ([_1]) est plus grand que le maximum ([_2])!\n",
- Also, having valid values as keys becomes very useful if you set
- up an _AUTO lexicon. _AUTO lexicons are discussed in a later
- section.
- I almost always use keys that are themselves
- valid lexicon values. One notable exception is when the value is
- quite long. For example, to get the screenful of data that
- a command-line program might returns when given an unknown switch,
- I often just use a key "_USAGE_MESSAGE". At that point I then go
- and immediately to define that lexicon entry in the
- ProjectClass::L10N::en lexicon (since English is always my "project
- lanuage"):
- ...long long message...
- and then I can use it as:
- getopt('oDI', \%opts) or die $lh->maketext('_USAGE_MESSAGE');
- Incidentally,
- note that each class's C<%Lexicon> inherits-and-extends
- the lexicons in its superclasses. This is not because these are
- special hashes I<per se>, but because you access them via the
- C<maketext> method, which looks for entries across all the
- C<%Lexicon>'s in a language class I<and> all its ancestor classes.
- (This is because the idea of "class data" isn't directly implemented
- in Perl, but is instead left to individual class-systems to implement
- as they see fit..)
- Note that you may have things stored in a lexicon
- besides just phrases for output: for example, if your program
- takes input from the keyboard, asking a "(Y/N)" question,
- you probably need to know what equivalent of "Y[es]/N[o]" is
- in whatever language. You probably also need to know what
- the equivalents of the answers "y" and "n" are. You can
- store that information in the lexicon (say, under the keys
- "~answer_y" and "~answer_n", and the long forms as
- "~answer_yes" and "~answer_no", where "~" is just an ad-hoc
- character meant to indicate to programmers/translators that
- these are not phrases for output).
- Or instead of storing this in the language class's lexicon,
- you can (and, in some cases, really should) represent the same bit
- of knowledge as code is a method in the language class. (That
- leaves a tidy distinction between the lexicon as the things we
- know how to I<say>, and the rest of the things in the lexicon class
- as things that we know how to I<do>.) Consider
- this example of a processor for responses to French "oui/non"
- questions:
- sub y_or_n {
- return undef unless defined $_[1] and length $_[1];
- my $answer = lc $_[1]; # smash case
- return 1 if $answer eq 'o' or $answer eq 'oui';
- return 0 if $answer eq 'n' or $answer eq 'non';
- return undef;
- }
- ...which you'd then call in a construct like this:
- my $response;
- until(defined $response) {
- print $lh->maketext("Open the pod bay door (y/n)? ");
- $response = $lh->y_or_n( get_input_from_keyboard_somehow() );
- }
- if($response) { $pod_bay_door->open() }
- else { $pod_bay_door->leave_closed() }
- Other data worth storing in a lexicon might be things like
- filenames for language-targetted resources:
- ...
- "_main_splash_png"
- => "/styles/en_us/main_splash.png",
- "_main_splash_imagemap"
- => "/styles/en_us/main_splash.incl",
- "_general_graphics_path"
- => "/styles/en_us/",
- "_alert_sound"
- => "/styles/en_us/hey_there.wav",
- "_forward_icon"
- => "left_arrow.png",
- "_backward_icon"
- => "right_arrow.png",
- # In some other languages, left equals
- # BACKwards, and right is FOREwards.
- ...
- You might want to do the same thing for expressing key bindings
- or the like (since hardwiring "q" as the binding for the function
- that quits a screen/menu/program is useful only if your language
- happens to associate "q" with "quit"!)
- Bracket Notation is a crucial feature of Locale::Maketext. I mean
- Bracket Notation to provide a replacement for sprintf formatting.
- Everything you do with Bracket Notation could be done with a sub block,
- but bracket notation is meant to be much more concise.
- Bracket Notation is a like a miniature "template" system (in the sense
- of L<Text::Template|Text::Template>, not in the sense of C++ templates),
- where normal text is passed thru basically as is, but text is special
- regions is specially interpreted. In Bracket Notation, you use brackets
- ("[...]" -- not "{...}"!) to note sections that are specially interpreted.
- For example, here all the areas that are taken literally are underlined with
- a "^", and all the in-bracket special regions are underlined with an X:
- "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n",
- ^^^^^^^^^ XX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ XX ^^^^
- When that string is compiled from bracket notation into a real Perl sub,
- it's basically turned into:
- sub {
- my $lh = $_[0];
- my @params = @_;
- return join '',
- "Minimum (",
- ...some code here...
- ") is larger than maximum (",
- ...some code here...
- ")!\n",
- }
- # to be called by $lh->maketext(KEY, params...)
- In other words, text outside bracket groups is turned into string
- literals. Text in brackets is rather more complex, and currently follows
- these rules:
- =over
- =item *
- Bracket groups that are empty, or which consist only of whitespace,
- are ignored. (Examples: "[]", "[ ]", or a [ and a ] with returns
- and/or tabs and/or spaces between them.
- Otherwise, each group is taken to be a comma-separated group of items,
- and each item is interpreted as follows:
- =item *
- An item that is "_I<digits>" or "_-I<digits>" is interpreted as
- $_[I<value>]. I.e., "_1" is becomes with $_[1], and "_-3" is interpreted
- as $_[-3] (in which case @_ should have at least three elements in it).
- Note that $_[0] is the language handle, and is typically not named
- directly.
- =item *
- An item "_*" is interpreted to mean "all of @_ except $_[0]".
- I.e., C<@_[1..$#_]>. Note that this is an empty list in the case
- of calls like $lh->maketext(I<key>) where there are no
- parameters (except $_[0], the language handle).
- =item *
- Otherwise, each item is interpreted as a string literal.
- =back
- The group as a whole is interpreted as follows:
- =over
- =item *
- If the first item in a bracket group looks like a method name,
- then that group is interpreted like this:
- $lh->that_method_name(
- ...rest of items in this group...
- ),
- =item *
- If the first item in a bracket group is "*", it's taken as shorthand
- for the so commonly called "quant" method. Similarly, if the first
- item in a bracket group is "#", it's taken to be shorthand for
- "numf".
- =item *
- If the first item in a bracket group is empty-string, or "_*"
- or "_I<digits>" or "_-I<digits>", then that group is interpreted
- as just the interpolation of all its items:
- join('',
- ...rest of items in this group...
- ),
- Examples: "[_1]" and "[,_1]", which are synonymous; and
- "[,ID-(,_4,-,_2,)]", which compiles as
- C<join "", "ID-(", $_[4], "-", $_[2], ")">.
- =item *
- Otherwise this bracket group is invalid. For example, in the group
- "[!@#,whatever]", the first item C<"!@#"> is neither empty-string,
- "_I<number>", "_-I<number>", "_*", nor a valid method name; and so
- Locale::Maketext will throw an exception of you try compiling an
- expression containing this bracket group.
- =back
- Note, incidentally, that items in each group are comma-separated,
- not C</\s*,\s*/>-separated. That is, you might expect that this
- bracket group:
- "Hoohah [foo, _1 , bar ,baz]!"
- would compile to this:
- sub {
- my $lh = $_[0];
- return join '',
- "Hoohah ",
- $lh->foo( $_[1], "bar", "baz"),
- "!",
- }
- But it actually compiles as this:
- sub {
- my $lh = $_[0];
- return join '',
- "Hoohah ",
- $lh->foo(" _1 ", " bar ", "baz"), #!!!
- "!",
- }
- In the notation discussed so far, the characters "[" and "]" are given
- special meaning, for opening and closing bracket groups, and "," has
- a special meaning inside bracket groups, where it separates items in the
- group. This begs the question of how you'd express a literal "[" or
- "]" in a Bracket Notation string, and how you'd express a literal
- comma inside a bracket group. For this purpose I've adopted "~" (tilde)
- as an escape character: "~[" means a literal '[' character anywhere
- in Bracket Notation (i.e., regardless of whether you're in a bracket
- group or not), and ditto for "~]" meaning a literal ']', and "~," meaning
- a literal comma. (Altho "," means a literal comma outside of
- bracket groups -- it's only inside bracket groups that commas are special.)
- And on the off chance you need a literal tilde in a bracket expression,
- you get it with "~~".
- Currently, an unescaped "~" before a character
- other than a bracket or a comma is taken to mean just a "~" and that
- charecter. I.e., "~X" means the same as "~~X" -- i.e., one literal tilde,
- and then one literal "X". However, by using "~X", you are assuming that
- no future version of Maketext will use "~X" as a magic escape sequence.
- In practice this is not a great problem, since first off you can just
- write "~~X" and not worry about it; second off, I doubt I'll add lots
- of new magic characters to bracket notation; and third off, you
- aren't likely to want literal "~" characters in your messages anyway,
- since it's not a character with wide use in natural language text.
- Brackets must be balanced -- every openbracket must have
- one matching closebracket, and vice versa. So these are all B<invalid>:
- "I ate [quant,_1,rhubarb pie."
- "I ate [quant,_1,rhubarb pie[."
- "I ate quant,_1,rhubarb pie]."
- "I ate quant,_1,rhubarb pie[."
- Currently, bracket groups do not nest. That is, you B<cannot> say:
- "Foo [bar,baz,[quux,quuux]]\n";
- If you need a notation that's that powerful, use normal Perl:
- %Lexicon = (
- ...
- "some_key" => sub {
- my $lh = $_[0];
- join '',
- "Foo ",
- $lh->bar('baz', $lh->quux('quuux')),
- "\n",
- },
- ...
- );
- Or write the "bar" method so you don't need to pass it the
- output from calling quux.
- I do not anticipate that you will need (or particularly want)
- to nest bracket groups, but you are welcome to email me with
- convincing (real-life) arguments to the contrary.
- If maketext goes to look in an individual %Lexicon for an entry
- for I<key> (where I<key> does not start with an underscore), and
- sees none, B<but does see> an entry of "_AUTO" => I<some_true_value>,
- then we actually define $Lexicon{I<key>} = I<key> right then and there,
- and then use that value as if it had been there all
- along. This happens before we even look in any superclass %Lexicons!
- (This is meant to be somewhat like the AUTOLOAD mechanism in
- Perl's function call system -- or, looked at another way,
- like the L<AutoLoader|AutoLoader> module.)
- I can picture all sorts of circumstances where you just
- do not want lookup to be able to fail (since failing
- normally means that maketext throws a C<die>, altho
- see the next section for greater control over that). But
- here's one circumstance where _AUTO lexicons are meant to
- be I<especially> useful:
- As you're writing an application, you decide as you go what messages
- you need to emit. Normally you'd go to write this:
- if(-e $filename) {
- go_process_file($filename)
- } else {
- print "Couldn't find file \"$filename\"!\n";
- }
- but since you anticipate localizing this, you write:
- use ThisProject::I18N;
- my $lh = ThisProject::I18N->get_handle();
- # For the moment, assume that things are set up so
- # that we load class ThisProject::I18N::en
- # and that's the class that $lh belongs to.
- ...
- if(-e $filename) {
- go_process_file($filename)
- } else {
- print $lh->maketext(
- "Couldn't find file \"[_1]\"!\n", $filename
- );
- }
- Now, right after you've just written the above lines, you'd
- normally have to go open the file
- ThisProject/I18N/en.pm, and immediately add an entry:
- "Couldn't find file \"[_1]\"!\n"
- => "Couldn't find file \"[_1]\"!\n",
- But I consider that somewhat of a distraction from the work
- of getting the main code working -- to say nothing of the fact
- that I often have to play with the program a few times before
- I can decide exactly what wording I want in the messages (which
- in this case would require me to go changing three lines of code:
- the call to maketext with that key, and then the two lines in
- ThisProject/I18N/en.pm).
- However, if you set "_AUTO => 1" in the %Lexicon in,
- ThisProject/I18N/en.pm (assuming that English (en) is
- the language that all your programmers will be using for this
- project's internal message keys), then you don't ever have to
- go adding lines like this
- "Couldn't find file \"[_1]\"!\n"
- => "Couldn't find file \"[_1]\"!\n",
- to ThisProject/I18N/en.pm, because if _AUTO is true there,
- then just looking for an entry with the key "Couldn't find
- file \"[_1]\"!\n" in that lexicon will cause it to be added,
- with that value!
- Note that the reason that keys that start with "_"
- are immune to _AUTO isn't anything generally magical about
- the underscore character -- I just wanted a way to have most
- lexicon keys be autoable, except for possibly a few, and I
- arbitrarily decided to use a leading underscore as a signal
- to distinguish those few.
- If you call $lh->maketext(I<key>, ...parameters...),
- and there's no entry I<key> in $lh's class's %Lexicon, nor
- in the superclass %Lexicon hash, I<and> if we can't auto-make
- I<key> (because either it starts with a "_", or because none
- of its lexicons have C<_AUTO =E<gt> 1,>), then we have
- failed to find a normal way to maketext I<key>. What then
- happens in these failure conditions, depends on the $lh object
- "fail" attribute.
- If the language handle has no "fail" attribute, maketext
- will simply throw an exception (i.e., it calls C<die>, mentioning
- the I<key> whose lookup failed, and naming the line number where
- the calling $lh->maketext(I<key>,...) was.
- If the language handle has a "fail" attribute whose value is a
- coderef, then $lh->maketext(I<key>,...params...) gives up and calls:
- return &{$that_subref}($lh, $key, @params);
- Otherwise, the "fail" attribute's value should be a string denoting
- a method name, so that $lh->maketext(I<key>,...params...) can
- give up with:
- return $lh->$that_method_name($phrase, @params);
- The "fail" attribute can be accessed with the C<fail_with> method:
- # Set to a coderef:
- $lh->fail_with( \&failure_handler );
- # Set to a method name:
- $lh->fail_with( 'failure_method' );
- # Set to nothing (i.e., so failure throws a plain exception)
- $lh->fail_with( undef );
- # Simply read:
- $handler = $lh->fail_with();
- Now, as to what you may want to do with these handlers: Maybe you'd
- want to log what key failed for what class, and then die. Maybe
- you don't like C<die> and instead you want to send the error message
- to STDOUT (or wherever) and then merely C<exit()>.
- Or maybe you don't want to C<die> at all! Maybe you could use a
- handler like this:
- # Make all lookups fall back onto an English value,
- # but after we log it for later fingerpointing.
- my $lh_backup = ThisProject->get_handle('en');
- open(LEX_FAIL_LOG, ">>wherever/lex.log") || die "GNAARGH $!";
- sub lex_fail {
- my($failing_lh, $key, $params) = @_;
- print LEX_FAIL_LOG scalar(localtime), "\t",
- ref($failing_lh), "\t", $key, "\n";
- return $lh_backup->maketext($key,@params);
- }
- Some users have expressed that they think this whole mechanism of
- having a "fail" attribute at all, seems a rather pointless complication.
- But I want Locale::Maketext to be usable for software projects of I<any>
- scale and type; and different software projects have different ideas
- of what the right thing is to do in failure conditions. I could simply
- say that failure always throws an exception, and that if you want to be
- careful, you'll just have to wrap every call to $lh->maketext in an
- S<eval { }>. However, I want programmers to reserve the right (via
- the "fail" attribute) to treat lookup failure as something other than
- an exception of the same level of severity as a config file being
- unreadable, or some essential resource being inaccessable.
- One possibly useful value for the "fail" attribute is the method name
- "failure_handler_auto". This is a method defined in class
- Locale::Maketext itself. You set it with:
- $lh->fail_with('failure_handler_auto');
- Then when you call $lh->maketext(I<key>, ...parameters...) and
- there's no I<key> in any of those lexicons, maketext gives up with
- return $lh->failure_handler_auto($key, @params);
- But failure_handler_auto, instead of dying or anything, compiles
- $key, caching it in $lh->{'failure_lex'}{$key} = $complied,
- and then calls the compiled value, and returns that. (I.e., if
- $key looks like bracket notation, $compiled is a sub, and we return
- &{$compiled}(@params); but if $key is just a plain string, we just
- return that.)
- The effect of using "failure_auto_handler"
- is like an AUTO lexicon, except that it 1) compiles $key even if
- it starts with "_", and 2) you have a record in the new hashref
- $lh->{'failure_lex'} of all the keys that have failed for
- this object. This should avoid your program dying -- as long
- as your keys aren't actually invalid as bracket code, and as
- long as they don't try calling methods that don't exist.
- "failure_auto_handler" may not be exactly what you want, but I
- hope it at least shows you that maketext failure can be mitigated
- in any number of very flexible ways. If you can formalize exactly
- what you want, you should be able to express that as a failure
- handler. You can even make it default for every object of a given
- class, by setting it in that class's init:
- sub init {
- my $lh = $_[0]; # a newborn handle
- $lh->SUPER::init();
- $lh->fail_with('my_clever_failure_handler');
- return;
- }
- sub my_clever_failure_handler {
- ...you clever things here...
- }
- Here is a brief checklist on how to use Maketext to localize
- applications:
- =over
- =item *
- Decide what system you'll use for lexicon keys. If you insist,
- you can use opaque IDs (if you're nostalgic for C<catgets>),
- but I have better suggestions in the
- section "Entries in Each Lexicon", above. Assuming you opt for
- meaningful keys that double as values (like "Minimum ([_1]) is
- larger than maximum ([_2])!\n"), you'll have to settle on what
- language those should be in. For the sake of argument, I'll
- call this English, specifically American English, "en-US".
- =item *
- Create a class for your localization project. This is
- the name of the class that you'll use in the idiom:
- use Projname::L10N;
- my $lh = Projname::L10N->get_handle(...) || die "Language?";
- Assuming your call your class Projname::L10N, create a class
- consisting minimally of:
- package Projname::L10N;
- use base qw(Locale::Maketext);
- ...any methods you might want all your languages to share...
- # And, assuming you want the base class to be an _AUTO lexicon,
- # as is discussed a few sections up:
- 1;
- =item *
- Create a class for the language your internal keys are in. Name
- the class after the language-tag for that language, in lowercase,
- with dashes changed to underscores. Assuming your project's first
- language is US English, you should call this Projname::L10N::en_us.
- It should consist minimally of:
- package Projname::L10N::en_us;
- use base qw(Projname::L10N);
- %Lexicon = (
- '_AUTO' => 1,
- );
- 1;
- (For the rest of this section, I'll assume that this "first
- language class" of Projname::L10N::en_us has
- _AUTO lexicon.)
- =item *
- Go and write your program. Everywhere in your program where
- you would say:
- print "Foobar $thing stuff\n";
- instead do it thru maketext, using no variable interpolation in
- the key:
- print $lh->maketext("Foobar [_1] stuff\n", $thing);
- If you get tired of constantly saying C<print $lh-E<gt>maketext>,
- consider making a functional wrapper for it, like so:
- use Projname::L10N;
- use vars qw($lh);
- $lh = Projname::L10N->get_handle(...) || die "Language?";
- sub pmt (@) { print( $lh->maketext(@_)) }
- # "pmt" is short for "Print MakeText"
- $Carp::Verbose = 1;
- # so if maketext fails, we see made the call to pmt
- Besides whole phrases meant for output, anything language-dependent
- should be put into the class Projname::L10N::en_us,
- whether as methods, or as lexicon entries -- this is discussed
- in the section "Entries in Each Lexicon", above.
- =item *
- Once the program is otherwise done, and once its localization for
- the first language works right (via the data and methods in
- Projname::L10N::en_us), you can get together the data for translation.
- If your first language lexicon isn't an _AUTO lexicon, then you already
- have all the messages explicitly in the lexicon (or else you'd be
- getting exceptions thrown when you call $lh->maketext to get
- messages that aren't in there). But if you were (advisedly) lazy and are
- using an _AUTO lexicon, then you've got to make a list of all the phrases
- that you've so far been letting _AUTO generate for you. There are very
- many ways to assemble such a list. The most straightforward is to simply
- grep the source for every occurrence of "maketext" (or calls
- to wrappers around it, like the above C<pmt> function), and to log the
- following phrase.
- =item *
- You may at this point want to consider whether the your base class
- (Projname::L10N) that all lexicons inherit from (Projname::L10N::en,
- Projname::L10N::es, etc.) should be an _AUTO lexicon. It may be true
- that in theory, all needed messages will be in each language class;
- but in the presumably unlikely or "impossible" case of lookup failure,
- you should consider whether your program should throw an exception,
- emit text in English (or whatever your project's first language is),
- or some more complex solution as described in the section
- "Controlling Lookup Failure", above.
- =item *
- Submit all messages/phrases/etc. to translators.
- (You may, in fact, want to start with localizing to I<one> other language
- at first, if you're not sure that you've property abstracted the
- language-dependent parts of your code.)
- Translators may request clarification of the situation in which a
- particular phrase is found. For example, in English we are entirely happy
- saying "I<n> files found", regardless of whether we mean "I looked for files,
- and found I<n> of them" or the rather distinct situation of "I looked for
- something else (like lines in files), and along the way I saw I<n>
- files." This may involve rethinking things that you thought quite clear:
- should "Edit" on a toolbar be a noun ("editing") or a verb ("to edit")? Is
- there already a conventionalized way to express that menu option, separate
- from the target language's normal word for "to edit"?
- In all cases where the very common phenomenon of quantification
- (saying "I<N> files", for B<any> value of N)
- is involved, each translator should make clear what dependencies the
- number causes in the sentence. In many cases, dependency is
- limited to words adjacent to the number, in places where you might
- expect them ("I found the-?PLURAL I<N>
- empty-?PLURAL directory-?PLURAL"), but in some cases there are
- unexpected dependencies ("I found-?PLURAL ..."!) as well as long-distance
- dependencies "The I<N> directory-?PLURAL could not be deleted-?PLURAL"!).
- Remind the translators to consider the case where N is 0:
- "0 files found" isn't exactly natural-sounding in any language, but it
- may be unacceptable in many -- or it may condition special
- kinds of agreement (similar to English "I didN'T find ANY files").
- Remember to ask your translators about numeral formatting in their
- language, so that you can override the C<numf> method as
- appropriate. Typical variables in number formatting are: what to
- use as a decimal point (comma? period?); what to use as a thousands
- separator (space? nonbreakinng space? comma? period? small
- middot? prime? apostrophe?); and even whether the so-called "thousands
- separator" is actually for every third digit -- I've heard reports of
- two hundred thousand being expressable as "2,00,000" for some Indian
- (Subcontinental) languages, besides the less surprising "S<200 000>",
- "200.000", "200,000", and "200'000". Also, using a set of numeral
- glyphs other than the usual ASCII "0"-"9" might be appreciated, as via
- C<tr/0-9/\x{0966}-\x{096F}/> for getting digits in Devanagari script
- (for Hindi, Konkani, others).
- The basic C<quant> method that Locale::Maketext provides should be
- good for many languages. For some languages, it might be useful
- to modify it (or its constituent C<numerate> method)
- to take a plural form in the two-argument call to C<quant>
- (as in "[quant,_1,files]") if
- it's all-around easier to infer the singular form from the plural, than
- to infer the plural form from the singular.
- But for other languages (as is discussed at length
- in L<Locale::Maketext::TPJ13|Locale::Maketext::TPJ13>), simple
- C<quant>/C<numerify> is not enough. For the particularly problematic
- Slavic languages, what you may need is a method which you provide
- with the number, the citation form of the noun to quantify, and
- the case and gender that the sentence's syntax projects onto that
- noun slot. The method would then be responsible for determining
- what grammatical number that numeral projects onto its noun phrase,
- and what case and gender it may override the normal case and gender
- with; and then it would look up the noun in a lexicon providing
- all needed inflected forms.
- =item *
- You may also wish to discuss with the translators the question of
- how to relate different subforms of the same language tag,
- considering how this reacts with C<get_handle>'s treatment of
- these. For example, if a user accepts interfaces in "en, fr", and
- you have interfaces available in "en-US" and "fr", what should
- they get? You may wish to resolve this by establishing that "en"
- and "en-US" are effectively synonymous, by having one class
- zero-derive from the other.
- For some languages this issue may never come up (Danish is rarely
- expressed as "da-DK", but instead is just "da"). And for other
- languages, the whole concept of a "generic" form may verge on
- being uselessly vague, particularly for interfaces involving voice
- media in forms of Arabic or Chinese.
- =item *
- Once you've localized your program/site/etc. for all desired
- languages, be sure to show the result (whether live, or via
- screenshots) to the translators. Once they approve, make every
- effort to have it then checked by at least one other speaker of
- that language. This holds true even when (or especially when) the
- translation is done by one of your own programmers. Some
- kinds of systems may be harder to find testers for than others,
- depending on the amount of domain-specific jargon and concepts
- involved -- it's easier to find people who can tell you whether
- they approve of your translation for "delete this message" in an
- email-via-Web interface, than to find people who can give you
- an informed opinion on your translation for "attribute value"
- in an XML query tool's interface.
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- I recommend reading all of these:
- L<Locale::Maketext::TPJ13|Locale::Maketext::TPJ13> -- my I<The Perl
- Journal> article about Maketext. It explains many important concepts
- underlying Locale::Maketext's design, and some insight into why
- Maketext is better than the plain old approach of just having
- message catalogs that are just databases of sprintf formats.
- L<File::Findgrep|File::Findgrep> is a sample application/module
- that uses Locale::Maketext to localize its messages.
- L<I18N::LangTags|I18N::LangTags>.
- L<Win32::Locale|Win32::Locale>.
- RFC 3066, I<Tags for the Identification of Languages>,
- as at http://sunsite.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc3066.html
- RFC 2277, I<IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages>
- is at http://sunsite.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc2277.html -- much of it is
- just things of interest to protocol designers, but it explains
- some basic concepts, like the distinction between locales and
- language-tags.
- The manual for GNU C<gettext>. The gettext dist is available in
- C<ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/> -- get
- a recent gettext tarball and look in its "doc/" directory, there's
- an easily browsable HTML version in there. The
- gettext documentation asks lots of questions worth thinking
- about, even if some of their answers are sometimes wonky,
- particularly where they start talking about pluralization.
- The Locale/Maketext.pm source. Obverse that the module is much
- shorter than its documentation!
- Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Sean M. Burke C<sburke@cpan.org>
- =cut
- # Zing!