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- package File::Spec;
- use strict;
- our(@ISA, $VERSION);
- $VERSION = 0.83 ;
- my %module = (MacOS => 'Mac',
- MSWin32 => 'Win32',
- os2 => 'OS2',
- VMS => 'VMS',
- epoc => 'Epoc',
- NetWare => 'Win32', # Yes, File::Spec::Win32 works on NetWare.
- dos => 'OS2', # Yes, File::Spec::OS2 works on DJGPP.
- cygwin => 'Cygwin');
- my $module = $module{$^O} || 'Unix';
- require "File/Spec/$module.pm";
- @ISA = ("File::Spec::$module");
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- File::Spec - portably perform operations on file names
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use File::Spec;
- $x=File::Spec->catfile('a', 'b', 'c');
- which returns 'a/b/c' under Unix. Or:
- use File::Spec::Functions;
- $x = catfile('a', 'b', 'c');
- This module is designed to support operations commonly performed on file
- specifications (usually called "file names", but not to be confused with the
- contents of a file, or Perl's file handles), such as concatenating several
- directory and file names into a single path, or determining whether a path
- is rooted. It is based on code directly taken from MakeMaker 5.17, code
- written by Andreas KE<ouml>nig, Andy Dougherty, Charles Bailey, Ilya
- Zakharevich, Paul Schinder, and others.
- Since these functions are different for most operating systems, each set of
- OS specific routines is available in a separate module, including:
- File::Spec::Unix
- File::Spec::Mac
- File::Spec::OS2
- File::Spec::Win32
- File::Spec::VMS
- The module appropriate for the current OS is automatically loaded by
- File::Spec. Since some modules (like VMS) make use of facilities available
- only under that OS, it may not be possible to load all modules under all
- operating systems.
- Since File::Spec is object oriented, subroutines should not be called directly,
- as in:
- File::Spec::catfile('a','b');
- but rather as class methods:
- File::Spec->catfile('a','b');
- For simple uses, L<File::Spec::Functions> provides convenient functional
- forms of these methods.
- =head1 METHODS
- =over 2
- =item canonpath
- No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
- path.
- $cpath = File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) ;
- =item catdir
- Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending
- with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting
- string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses
- OS2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the
- trailing slash :-)
- $path = File::Spec->catdir( @directories );
- =item catfile
- Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
- complete path ending with a filename
- $path = File::Spec->catfile( @directories, $filename );
- =item curdir
- Returns a string representation of the current directory.
- $curdir = File::Spec->curdir();
- =item devnull
- Returns a string representation of the null device.
- $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
- =item rootdir
- Returns a string representation of the root directory.
- $rootdir = File::Spec->rootdir();
- =item tmpdir
- Returns a string representation of the first writable directory from a
- list of possible temporary directories. Returns "" if no writable
- temporary directories are found. The list of directories checked
- depends on the platform; e.g. File::Spec::Unix checks $ENV{TMPDIR} and
- /tmp.
- $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
- =item updir
- Returns a string representation of the parent directory.
- $updir = File::Spec->updir();
- =item no_upwards
- Given a list of file names, strip out those that refer to a parent
- directory. (Does not strip symlinks, only '.', '..', and equivalents.)
- @paths = File::Spec->no_upwards( @paths );
- =item case_tolerant
- Returns a true or false value indicating, respectively, that alphabetic
- is not or is significant when comparing file specifications.
- $is_case_tolerant = File::Spec->case_tolerant();
- =item file_name_is_absolute
- Takes as argument a path and returns true if it is an absolute path.
- $is_absolute = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $path );
- This does not consult the local filesystem on Unix, Win32, OS/2, or
- Mac OS (Classic). It does consult the working environment for VMS
- (see L<File::Spec::VMS/file_name_is_absolute>).
- =item path
- Takes no argument, returns the environment variable PATH as an array.
- @PATH = File::Spec->path();
- =item join
- join is the same as catfile.
- =item splitpath
- Splits a path in to volume, directory, and filename portions. On systems
- with no concept of volume, returns undef for volume.
- ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
- ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $no_file );
- For systems with no syntax differentiating filenames from directories,
- assumes that the last file is a path unless $no_file is true or a
- trailing separator or /. or /.. is present. On Unix this means that $no_file
- true makes this return ( '', $path, '' ).
- The directory portion may or may not be returned with a trailing '/'.
- The results can be passed to L</catpath()> to get back a path equivalent to
- (usually identical to) the original path.
- =item splitdir
- The opposite of L</catdir()>.
- @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
- $directories must be only the directory portion of the path on systems
- that have the concept of a volume or that have path syntax that differentiates
- files from directories.
- Unlike just splitting the directories on the separator, empty
- directory names (C<''>) can be returned, because these are significant
- on some OSs.
- =item catpath()
- Takes volume, directory and file portions and returns an entire path. Under
- Unix, $volume is ignored, and directory and file are catenated. A '/' is
- inserted if need be. On other OSs, $volume is significant.
- $full_path = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $directory, $file );
- =item abs2rel
- Takes a destination path and an optional base path returns a relative path
- from the base path to the destination path:
- $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path ) ;
- $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path, $base ) ;
- If $base is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If $base is relative,
- then it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>. This means that it
- is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
- On systems with the concept of a volume, this assumes that both paths
- are on the $destination volume, and ignores the $base volume.
- On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores the
- $base filename as well. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
- directories.
- If $path is relative, it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>.
- This means that it is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
- No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
- interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
- macros are expanded.
- Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
- =item rel2abs()
- Converts a relative path to an absolute path.
- $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path ) ;
- $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path, $base ) ;
- If $base is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If $base is relative,
- then it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>. This means that it
- is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
- On systems with the concept of a volume, this assumes that both paths
- are on the $base volume, and ignores the $path volume.
- On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores the
- $base filename as well. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
- directories.
- If $path is absolute, it is cleaned up and returned using L</canonpath()>.
- No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
- interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
- macros are expanded.
- Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
- =back
- For further information, please see L<File::Spec::Unix>,
- L<File::Spec::Mac>, L<File::Spec::OS2>, L<File::Spec::Win32>, or
- L<File::Spec::VMS>.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<File::Spec::Unix>, L<File::Spec::Mac>, L<File::Spec::OS2>,
- L<File::Spec::Win32>, L<File::Spec::VMS>, L<File::Spec::Functions>,
- L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com>, Andy Dougherty
- <doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu>, Andreas KE<ouml>nig
- <A.Koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE>, Tim Bunce <Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk.
- VMS support by Charles Bailey <bailey@newman.upenn.edu>.
- OS/2 support by Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>.
- Mac support by Paul Schinder <schinder@pobox.com>, and Thomas Wegner
- <wegner_thomas@yahoo.com>. abs2rel() and rel2abs() written by Shigio
- Yamaguchi <shigio@tamacom.com>, modified by Barrie Slaymaker
- <barries@slaysys.com>. splitpath(), splitdir(), catpath() and
- catdir() by Barrie Slaymaker.