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- package File::CheckTree;
- use 5.006;
- use Cwd;
- use Exporter;
- use File::Spec;
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- our $VERSION = '4.2';
- our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- our @EXPORT = qw(validate);
- =head1 NAME
- validate - run many filetest checks on a tree
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use File::CheckTree;
- $num_warnings = validate( q{
- /vmunix -e || die
- /boot -e || die
- /bin cd
- csh -ex
- csh !-ug
- sh -ex
- sh !-ug
- /usr -d || warn "What happened to $file?\n"
- });
- The validate() routine takes a single multiline string consisting of
- directives, each containing a filename plus a file test to try on it.
- (The file test may also be a "cd", causing subsequent relative filenames
- to be interpreted relative to that directory.) After the file test
- you may put C<|| die> to make it a fatal error if the file test fails.
- The default is C<|| warn>. The file test may optionally have a "!' prepended
- to test for the opposite condition. If you do a cd and then list some
- relative filenames, you may want to indent them slightly for readability.
- If you supply your own die() or warn() message, you can use $file to
- interpolate the filename.
- Filetests may be bunched: "-rwx" tests for all of C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>.
- Only the first failed test of the bunch will produce a warning.
- The routine returns the number of warnings issued.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Unknown. Revised by Paul Grassie <F<grassie@perl.com>> in 2002.
- =head1 HISTORY
- File::CheckTree used to not display fatal error messages.
- It used to count only those warnings produced by a generic C<|| warn>
- (and not those in which the user supplied the message). In addition,
- the validate() routine would leave the user program in whatever
- directory was last entered through the use of "cd" directives.
- These bugs were fixed during the development of perl 5.8.
- The first fixed version of File::CheckTree was 4.2.
- =cut
- my $Warnings;
- sub validate {
- my ($starting_dir, $file, $test, $cwd, $oldwarnings);
- $starting_dir = cwd;
- $cwd = "";
- $Warnings = 0;
- foreach my $check (split /\n/, $_[0]) {
- my ($testlist, @testlist);
- # skip blanks/comments
- next if $check =~ /^\s*#/ || $check =~ /^\s*$/;
- # Todo:
- # should probably check for invalid directives and die
- # but earlier versions of File::CheckTree did not do this either
- # split a line like "/foo -r || die"
- # so that $file is "/foo", $test is "-rwx || die"
- ($file, $test) = split(' ', $check, 2); # special whitespace split
- # change a $test like "!-ug || die" to "!-Z || die",
- # capturing the bundled tests (e.g. "ug") in $2
- if ($test =~ s/ ^ (!?-) (\w{2,}) \b /$1Z/x) {
- $testlist = $2;
- # split bundled tests, e.g. "ug" to 'u', 'g'
- @testlist = split(//, $testlist);
- }
- else {
- # put in placeholder Z for stand-alone test
- @testlist = ('Z');
- }
- # will compare these two later to stop on 1st warning w/in a bundle
- $oldwarnings = $Warnings;
- foreach my $one (@testlist) {
- # examples of $test: "!-Z || die" or "-w || warn"
- my $this = $test;
- # expand relative $file to full pathname if preceded by cd directive
- $file = File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $file)
- if $cwd && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file);
- # put filename in after the test operator
- $this =~ s/(-\w\b)/$1 "\$file"/g;
- # change the "-Z" representing a bundle with the $one test
- $this =~ s/-Z/-$one/;
- # if it's a "cd" directive...
- if ($this =~ /^cd\b/) {
- # add "|| die ..."
- $this .= ' || die "cannot cd to $file\n"';
- # expand "cd" directive with directory name
- $this =~ s/\bcd\b/chdir(\$cwd = '$file')/;
- }
- else {
- # add "|| warn" as a default disposition
- $this .= ' || warn' unless $this =~ /\|\|/;
- # change a generic ".. || die" or ".. || warn"
- # to call valmess instead of die/warn directly
- # valmess will look up the error message from %Val_Message
- $this =~ s/ ^ ( (\S+) \s+ \S+ ) \s* \|\| \s* (die|warn) \s* $
- /$1 || valmess('$3', '$2', \$file)/x;
- }
- {
- # count warnings, either from valmess or '-r || warn "my msg"'
- # also, call any pre-existing signal handler for __WARN__
- my $orig_sigwarn = $SIG{__WARN__};
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- ++$Warnings;
- if ( $orig_sigwarn ) {
- $orig_sigwarn->(@_);
- }
- else {
- warn "@_";
- }
- };
- # do the test
- eval $this;
- # re-raise an exception caused by a "... || die" test
- if ($@) {
- # in case of any cd directives, return from whence we came
- if ($starting_dir ne cwd) {
- chdir($starting_dir) || die "$starting_dir: $!";
- }
- die $@ if $@;
- }
- }
- # stop on 1st warning within a bundle of tests
- last if $Warnings > $oldwarnings;
- }
- }
- # in case of any cd directives, return from whence we came
- if ($starting_dir ne cwd) {
- chdir($starting_dir) || die "chdir $starting_dir: $!";
- }
- return $Warnings;
- }
- my %Val_Message = (
- 'r' => "is not readable by uid $>.",
- 'w' => "is not writable by uid $>.",
- 'x' => "is not executable by uid $>.",
- 'o' => "is not owned by uid $>.",
- 'R' => "is not readable by you.",
- 'W' => "is not writable by you.",
- 'X' => "is not executable by you.",
- 'O' => "is not owned by you.",
- 'e' => "does not exist.",
- 'z' => "does not have zero size.",
- 's' => "does not have non-zero size.",
- 'f' => "is not a plain file.",
- 'd' => "is not a directory.",
- 'l' => "is not a symbolic link.",
- 'p' => "is not a named pipe (FIFO).",
- 'S' => "is not a socket.",
- 'b' => "is not a block special file.",
- 'c' => "is not a character special file.",
- 'u' => "does not have the setuid bit set.",
- 'g' => "does not have the setgid bit set.",
- 'k' => "does not have the sticky bit set.",
- 'T' => "is not a text file.",
- 'B' => "is not a binary file."
- );
- sub valmess {
- my ($disposition, $test, $file) = @_;
- my $ferror;
- if ($test =~ / ^ (!?) -(\w) \s* $ /x) {
- my ($neg, $ftype) = ($1, $2);
- $ferror = "$file $Val_Message{$ftype}";
- if ($neg eq '!') {
- $ferror =~ s/ is not / should not be / ||
- $ferror =~ s/ does not / should not / ||
- $ferror =~ s/ not / /;
- }
- }
- else {
- $ferror = "Can't do $test $file.\n";
- }
- die "$ferror\n" if $disposition eq 'die';
- warn "$ferror\n";
- }
- 1;