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- package Digest;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($VERSION %MMAP $AUTOLOAD);
- $VERSION = "1.00";
- %MMAP = (
- "SHA-1" => "Digest::SHA1",
- "HMAC-MD5" => "Digest::HMAC_MD5",
- "HMAC-SHA-1" => "Digest::HMAC_SHA1",
- );
- sub new
- {
- shift; # class ignored
- my $algorithm = shift;
- my $class = $MMAP{$algorithm} || "Digest::$algorithm";
- no strict 'refs';
- unless (exists ${"$class\::"}{"VERSION"}) {
- eval "require $class";
- die $@ if $@;
- }
- $class->new(@_);
- }
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my $algorithm = substr($AUTOLOAD, rindex($AUTOLOAD, '::')+2);
- $class->new($algorithm, @_);
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Digest:: - Modules that calculate message digests
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- $md2 = Digest->MD2;
- $md5 = Digest->MD5;
- $sha1 = Digest->SHA1;
- $sha1 = Digest->new("SHA-1");
- $hmac = Digest->HMAC_MD5($key);
- The C<Digest::> modules calculate digests, also called "fingerprints"
- or "hashes", of some data, called a message. The digest is (usually)
- some small/fixed size string. The actual size of the digest depend of
- the algorithm used. The message is simply a sequence of arbitrary
- bytes.
- An important property of the digest algorithms is that the digest is
- I<likely> to change if the message change in some way. Another
- property is that digest functions are one-way functions, i.e. it
- should be I<hard> to find a message that correspond to some given
- digest. Algorithms differ in how "likely" and how "hard", as well as
- how efficient they are to compute.
- All C<Digest::> modules provide the same programming interface. A
- functional interface for simple use, as well as an object oriented
- interface that can handle messages of arbitrary length and which can
- read files directly.
- The digest can be delivered in three formats:
- =over 8
- =item I<binary>
- This is the most compact form, but it is not well suited for printing
- or embedding in places that can't handle arbitrary data.
- =item I<hex>
- A twice as long string of (lowercase) hexadecimal digits.
- =item I<base64>
- A string of portable printable characters. This is the base64 encoded
- representation of the digest with any trailing padding removed. The
- string will be about 30% longer than the binary version.
- L<MIME::Base64> tells you more about this encoding.
- =back
- The functional interface is simply importable functions with the same
- name as the algorithm. The functions take the message as argument and
- return the digest. Example:
- use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
- $digest = md5($message);
- There are also versions of the functions with "_hex" or "_base64"
- appended to the name, which returns the digest in the indicated form.
- The following methods are available for all C<Digest::> modules:
- =over 4
- =item $ctx = Digest->XXX($arg,...)
- =item $ctx = Digest->new(XXX => $arg,...)
- =item $ctx = Digest::XXX->new($arg,...)
- The constructor returns some object that encapsulate the state of the
- message-digest algorithm. You can add data to the object and finally
- ask for the digest. The "XXX" should of course be replaced by the proper
- name of the digest algorithm you want to use.
- The two first forms are simply syntactic sugar which automatically
- load the right module on first use. The second form allow you to use
- algorithm names which contains letters which are not legal perl
- identifiers, e.g. "SHA-1".
- If new() is called as an instance method (i.e. $ctx->new) it will just
- reset the state the object to the state of a newly created object. No
- new object is created in this case, and the return value is the
- reference to the object (i.e. $ctx).
- =item $ctx->reset
- This is just an alias for $ctx->new.
- =item $ctx->add($data,...)
- The $data provided as argument are appended to the message we
- calculate the digest for. The return value is the $ctx object itself.
- =item $ctx->addfile($io_handle)
- The $io_handle is read until EOF and the content is appended to the
- message we calculate the digest for. The return value is the $ctx
- object itself.
- =item $ctx->digest
- Return the binary digest for the message.
- Note that the C<digest> operation is effectively a destructive,
- read-once operation. Once it has been performed, the $ctx object is
- automatically C<reset> and can be used to calculate another digest
- value.
- =item $ctx->hexdigest
- Same as $ctx->digest, but will return the digest in hexadecimal form.
- =item $ctx->b64digest
- Same as $ctx->digest, but will return the digest as a base64 encoded
- string.
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Digest::MD5>, L<Digest::SHA1>, L<Digest::HMAC>, L<Digest::MD2>
- L<MIME::Base64>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no>
- The C<Digest::> interface is based on the interface originally
- developed by Neil Winton for his C<MD5> module.
- =cut