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- package Benchmark;
- =head1 NAME
- Benchmark - benchmark running times of Perl code
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Benchmark qw(:all) ;
- timethis ($count, "code");
- # Use Perl code in strings...
- timethese($count, {
- 'Name1' => '...code1...',
- 'Name2' => '...code2...',
- });
- # ... or use subroutine references.
- timethese($count, {
- 'Name1' => sub { ...code1... },
- 'Name2' => sub { ...code2... },
- });
- # cmpthese can be used both ways as well
- cmpthese($count, {
- 'Name1' => '...code1...',
- 'Name2' => '...code2...',
- });
- cmpthese($count, {
- 'Name1' => sub { ...code1... },
- 'Name2' => sub { ...code2... },
- });
- # ...or in two stages
- $results = timethese($count,
- {
- 'Name1' => sub { ...code1... },
- 'Name2' => sub { ...code2... },
- },
- 'none'
- );
- cmpthese( $results ) ;
- $t = timeit($count, '...other code...')
- print "$count loops of other code took:",timestr($t),"\n";
- $t = countit($time, '...other code...')
- $count = $t->iters ;
- print "$count loops of other code took:",timestr($t),"\n";
- The Benchmark module encapsulates a number of routines to help you
- figure out how long it takes to execute some code.
- timethis - run a chunk of code several times
- timethese - run several chunks of code several times
- cmpthese - print results of timethese as a comparison chart
- timeit - run a chunk of code and see how long it goes
- countit - see how many times a chunk of code runs in a given time
- =head2 Methods
- =over 10
- =item new
- Returns the current time. Example:
- use Benchmark;
- $t0 = new Benchmark;
- # ... your code here ...
- $t1 = new Benchmark;
- $td = timediff($t1, $t0);
- print "the code took:",timestr($td),"\n";
- =item debug
- Enables or disable debugging by setting the C<$Benchmark::Debug> flag:
- debug Benchmark 1;
- $t = timeit(10, ' 5 ** $Global ');
- debug Benchmark 0;
- =item iters
- Returns the number of iterations.
- =back
- =head2 Standard Exports
- The following routines will be exported into your namespace
- if you use the Benchmark module:
- =over 10
- =item timeit(COUNT, CODE)
- Arguments: COUNT is the number of times to run the loop, and CODE is
- the code to run. CODE may be either a code reference or a string to
- be eval'd; either way it will be run in the caller's package.
- Returns: a Benchmark object.
- =item timethis ( COUNT, CODE, [ TITLE, [ STYLE ]] )
- Time COUNT iterations of CODE. CODE may be a string to eval or a
- code reference; either way the CODE will run in the caller's package.
- Results will be printed to STDOUT as TITLE followed by the times.
- TITLE defaults to "timethis COUNT" if none is provided. STYLE
- determines the format of the output, as described for timestr() below.
- The COUNT can be zero or negative: this means the I<minimum number of
- CPU seconds> to run. A zero signifies the default of 3 seconds. For
- example to run at least for 10 seconds:
- timethis(-10, $code)
- or to run two pieces of code tests for at least 3 seconds:
- timethese(0, { test1 => '...', test2 => '...'})
- CPU seconds is, in UNIX terms, the user time plus the system time of
- the process itself, as opposed to the real (wallclock) time and the
- time spent by the child processes. Less than 0.1 seconds is not
- accepted (-0.01 as the count, for example, will cause a fatal runtime
- exception).
- Note that the CPU seconds is the B<minimum> time: CPU scheduling and
- other operating system factors may complicate the attempt so that a
- little bit more time is spent. The benchmark output will, however,
- also tell the number of C<$code> runs/second, which should be a more
- interesting number than the actually spent seconds.
- Returns a Benchmark object.
- =item timethese ( COUNT, CODEHASHREF, [ STYLE ] )
- The CODEHASHREF is a reference to a hash containing names as keys
- and either a string to eval or a code reference for each value.
- For each (KEY, VALUE) pair in the CODEHASHREF, this routine will
- call
- timethis(COUNT, VALUE, KEY, STYLE)
- The routines are called in string comparison order of KEY.
- The COUNT can be zero or negative, see timethis().
- Returns a hash of Benchmark objects, keyed by name.
- =item timediff ( T1, T2 )
- Returns the difference between two Benchmark times as a Benchmark
- object suitable for passing to timestr().
- =item timestr ( TIMEDIFF, [ STYLE, [ FORMAT ] ] )
- Returns a string that formats the times in the TIMEDIFF object in
- the requested STYLE. TIMEDIFF is expected to be a Benchmark object
- similar to that returned by timediff().
- STYLE can be any of 'all', 'none', 'noc', 'nop' or 'auto'. 'all' shows
- each of the 5 times available ('wallclock' time, user time, system time,
- user time of children, and system time of children). 'noc' shows all
- except the two children times. 'nop' shows only wallclock and the
- two children times. 'auto' (the default) will act as 'all' unless
- the children times are both zero, in which case it acts as 'noc'.
- 'none' prevents output.
- FORMAT is the L<printf(3)>-style format specifier (without the
- leading '%') to use to print the times. It defaults to '5.2f'.
- =back
- =head2 Optional Exports
- The following routines will be exported into your namespace
- if you specifically ask that they be imported:
- =over 10
- =item clearcache ( COUNT )
- Clear the cached time for COUNT rounds of the null loop.
- =item clearallcache ( )
- Clear all cached times.
- =item cmpthese ( COUNT, CODEHASHREF, [ STYLE ] )
- =item cmpthese ( RESULTSHASHREF, [ STYLE ] )
- Optionally calls timethese(), then outputs comparison chart. This:
- cmpthese( -1, { a => "++\$i", b => "\$i *= 2" } ) ;
- outputs a chart like:
- Rate b a
- b 2831802/s -- -61%
- a 7208959/s 155% --
- This chart is sorted from slowest to fastest, and shows the percent speed
- difference between each pair of tests.
- c<cmpthese> can also be passed the data structure that timethese() returns:
- $results = timethese( -1, { a => "++\$i", b => "\$i *= 2" } ) ;
- cmpthese( $results );
- in case you want to see both sets of results.
- Returns a reference to an ARRAY of rows, each row is an ARRAY of cells from the
- above chart, including labels. This:
- my $rows = cmpthese( -1, { a => '++$i', b => '$i *= 2' }, "none" );
- returns a data structure like:
- [
- [ '', 'Rate', 'b', 'a' ],
- [ 'b', '2885232/s', '--', '-59%' ],
- [ 'a', '7099126/s', '146%', '--' ],
- ]
- B<NOTE>: This result value differs from previous versions, which returned
- the C<timethese()> result structure. If you want that, just use the two
- statement C<timethese>...C<cmpthese> idiom shown above.
- Incidently, note the variance in the result values between the two examples;
- this is typical of benchmarking. If this were a real benchmark, you would
- probably want to run a lot more iterations.
- =item countit(TIME, CODE)
- Arguments: TIME is the minimum length of time to run CODE for, and CODE is
- the code to run. CODE may be either a code reference or a string to
- be eval'd; either way it will be run in the caller's package.
- TIME is I<not> negative. countit() will run the loop many times to
- calculate the speed of CODE before running it for TIME. The actual
- time run for will usually be greater than TIME due to system clock
- resolution, so it's best to look at the number of iterations divided
- by the times that you are concerned with, not just the iterations.
- Returns: a Benchmark object.
- =item disablecache ( )
- Disable caching of timings for the null loop. This will force Benchmark
- to recalculate these timings for each new piece of code timed.
- =item enablecache ( )
- Enable caching of timings for the null loop. The time taken for COUNT
- rounds of the null loop will be calculated only once for each
- different COUNT used.
- =item timesum ( T1, T2 )
- Returns the sum of two Benchmark times as a Benchmark object suitable
- for passing to timestr().
- =back
- =head1 NOTES
- The data is stored as a list of values from the time and times
- functions:
- ($real, $user, $system, $children_user, $children_system, $iters)
- in seconds for the whole loop (not divided by the number of rounds).
- The timing is done using time(3) and times(3).
- Code is executed in the caller's package.
- The time of the null loop (a loop with the same
- number of rounds but empty loop body) is subtracted
- from the time of the real loop.
- The null loop times can be cached, the key being the
- number of rounds. The caching can be controlled using
- calls like these:
- clearcache($key);
- clearallcache();
- disablecache();
- enablecache();
- Caching is off by default, as it can (usually slightly) decrease
- accuracy and does not usually noticably affect runtimes.
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- For example,
- use Benchmark qw( cmpthese ) ;
- $x = 3;
- cmpthese( -5, {
- a => sub{$x*$x},
- b => sub{$x**2},
- } );
- outputs something like this:
- Benchmark: running a, b, each for at least 5 CPU seconds...
- Rate b a
- b 1559428/s -- -62%
- a 4152037/s 166% --
- while
- use Benchmark qw( timethese cmpthese ) ;
- $x = 3;
- $r = timethese( -5, {
- a => sub{$x*$x},
- b => sub{$x**2},
- } );
- cmpthese $r;
- outputs something like this:
- Benchmark: running a, b, each for at least 5 CPU seconds...
- a: 10 wallclock secs ( 5.14 usr + 0.13 sys = 5.27 CPU) @ 3835055.60/s (n=20210743)
- b: 5 wallclock secs ( 5.41 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.41 CPU) @ 1574944.92/s (n=8520452)
- Rate b a
- b 1574945/s -- -59%
- a 3835056/s 144% --
- Benchmark inherits from no other class, except of course
- for Exporter.
- =head1 CAVEATS
- Comparing eval'd strings with code references will give you
- inaccurate results: a code reference will show a slightly slower
- execution time than the equivalent eval'd string.
- The real time timing is done using time(2) and
- the granularity is therefore only one second.
- Short tests may produce negative figures because perl
- can appear to take longer to execute the empty loop
- than a short test; try:
- timethis(100,'1');
- The system time of the null loop might be slightly
- more than the system time of the loop with the actual
- code and therefore the difference might end up being E<lt> 0.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Devel::DProf> - a Perl code profiler
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Jarkko Hietaniemi <F<jhi@iki.fi>>, Tim Bunce <F<Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk>>
- September 8th, 1994; by Tim Bunce.
- March 28th, 1997; by Hugo van der Sanden: added support for code
- references and the already documented 'debug' method; revamped
- documentation.
- April 04-07th, 1997: by Jarkko Hietaniemi, added the run-for-some-time
- functionality.
- September, 1999; by Barrie Slaymaker: math fixes and accuracy and
- efficiency tweaks. Added cmpthese(). A result is now returned from
- timethese(). Exposed countit() (was runfor()).
- December, 2001; by Nicholas Clark: make timestr() recognise the style 'none'
- and return an empty string. If cmpthese is calling timethese, make it pass the
- style in. (so that 'none' will suppress output). Make sub new dump its
- debugging output to STDERR, to be consistent with everything else.
- All bugs found while writing a regression test.
- =cut
- # evaluate something in a clean lexical environment
- sub _doeval { eval shift }
- #
- # put any lexicals at file scope AFTER here
- #
- use Carp;
- use Exporter;
- @ISA=(Exporter);
- @EXPORT=qw(timeit timethis timethese timediff timestr);
- @EXPORT_OK=qw(timesum cmpthese countit
- clearcache clearallcache disablecache enablecache);
- %EXPORT_TAGS=( all => [ @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK ] ) ;
- $VERSION = 1.05;
- &init;
- sub init {
- $debug = 0;
- $min_count = 4;
- $min_cpu = 0.4;
- $defaultfmt = '5.2f';
- $defaultstyle = 'auto';
- # The cache can cause a slight loss of sys time accuracy. If a
- # user does many tests (>10) with *very* large counts (>10000)
- # or works on a very slow machine the cache may be useful.
- &disablecache;
- &clearallcache;
- }
- sub debug { $debug = ($_[1] != 0); }
- # The cache needs two branches: 's' for strings and 'c' for code. The
- # emtpy loop is different in these two cases.
- sub clearcache { delete $cache{"$_[0]c"}; delete $cache{"$_[0]s"}; }
- sub clearallcache { %cache = (); }
- sub enablecache { $cache = 1; }
- sub disablecache { $cache = 0; }
- # --- Functions to process the 'time' data type
- sub new { my @t = (time, times, @_ == 2 ? $_[1] : 0);
- print STDERR "new=@t\n" if $debug;
- bless \@t; }
- sub cpu_p { my($r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs) = @{$_[0]}; $pu+$ps ; }
- sub cpu_c { my($r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs) = @{$_[0]}; $cu+$cs ; }
- sub cpu_a { my($r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs) = @{$_[0]}; $pu+$ps+$cu+$cs ; }
- sub real { my($r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs) = @{$_[0]}; $r ; }
- sub iters { $_[0]->[5] ; }
- sub timediff {
- my($a, $b) = @_;
- my @r;
- for (my $i=0; $i < @$a; ++$i) {
- push(@r, $a->[$i] - $b->[$i]);
- }
- bless \@r;
- }
- sub timesum {
- my($a, $b) = @_;
- my @r;
- for (my $i=0; $i < @$a; ++$i) {
- push(@r, $a->[$i] + $b->[$i]);
- }
- bless \@r;
- }
- sub timestr {
- my($tr, $style, $f) = @_;
- my @t = @$tr;
- warn "bad time value (@t)" unless @t==6;
- my($r, $pu, $ps, $cu, $cs, $n) = @t;
- my($pt, $ct, $tt) = ($tr->cpu_p, $tr->cpu_c, $tr->cpu_a);
- $f = $defaultfmt unless defined $f;
- # format a time in the required style, other formats may be added here
- $style ||= $defaultstyle;
- return '' if $style eq 'none';
- $style = ($ct>0) ? 'all' : 'noc' if $style eq 'auto';
- my $s = "@t $style"; # default for unknown style
- $s=sprintf("%2d wallclock secs (%$f usr %$f sys + %$f cusr %$f csys = %$f CPU)",
- $r,$pu,$ps,$cu,$cs,$tt) if $style eq 'all';
- $s=sprintf("%2d wallclock secs (%$f usr + %$f sys = %$f CPU)",
- $r,$pu,$ps,$pt) if $style eq 'noc';
- $s=sprintf("%2d wallclock secs (%$f cusr + %$f csys = %$f CPU)",
- $r,$cu,$cs,$ct) if $style eq 'nop';
- $s .= sprintf(" @ %$f/s (n=$n)", $n / ( $pu + $ps )) if $n && $pu+$ps;
- $s;
- }
- sub timedebug {
- my($msg, $t) = @_;
- print STDERR "$msg",timestr($t),"\n" if $debug;
- }
- # --- Functions implementing low-level support for timing loops
- sub runloop {
- my($n, $c) = @_;
- $n+=0; # force numeric now, so garbage won't creep into the eval
- croak "negative loopcount $n" if $n<0;
- confess "Usage: runloop(number, [string | coderef])" unless defined $c;
- my($t0, $t1, $td); # before, after, difference
- # find package of caller so we can execute code there
- my($curpack) = caller(0);
- my($i, $pack)= 0;
- while (($pack) = caller(++$i)) {
- last if $pack ne $curpack;
- }
- my ($subcode, $subref);
- if (ref $c eq 'CODE') {
- $subcode = "sub { for (1 .. $n) { local \$_; package $pack; &\$c; } }";
- $subref = eval $subcode;
- }
- else {
- $subcode = "sub { for (1 .. $n) { local \$_; package $pack; $c;} }";
- $subref = _doeval($subcode);
- }
- croak "runloop unable to compile '$c': $@\ncode: $subcode\n" if $@;
- print STDERR "runloop $n '$subcode'\n" if $debug;
- # Wait for the user timer to tick. This makes the error range more like
- # -0.01, +0. If we don't wait, then it's more like -0.01, +0.01. This
- # may not seem important, but it significantly reduces the chances of
- # getting a too low initial $n in the initial, 'find the minimum' loop
- # in &countit. This, in turn, can reduce the number of calls to
- # &runloop a lot, and thus reduce additive errors.
- my $tbase = Benchmark->new(0)->[1];
- while ( ( $t0 = Benchmark->new(0) )->[1] == $tbase ) {} ;
- &$subref;
- $t1 = Benchmark->new($n);
- $td = &timediff($t1, $t0);
- timedebug("runloop:",$td);
- $td;
- }
- sub timeit {
- my($n, $code) = @_;
- my($wn, $wc, $wd);
- printf STDERR "timeit $n $code\n" if $debug;
- my $cache_key = $n . ( ref( $code ) ? 'c' : 's' );
- if ($cache && exists $cache{$cache_key} ) {
- $wn = $cache{$cache_key};
- } else {
- $wn = &runloop($n, ref( $code ) ? sub { } : '' );
- # Can't let our baseline have any iterations, or they get subtracted
- # out of the result.
- $wn->[5] = 0;
- $cache{$cache_key} = $wn;
- }
- $wc = &runloop($n, $code);
- $wd = timediff($wc, $wn);
- timedebug("timeit: ",$wc);
- timedebug(" - ",$wn);
- timedebug(" = ",$wd);
- $wd;
- }
- my $default_for = 3;
- my $min_for = 0.1;
- sub countit {
- my ( $tmax, $code ) = @_;
- if ( not defined $tmax or $tmax == 0 ) {
- $tmax = $default_for;
- } elsif ( $tmax < 0 ) {
- $tmax = -$tmax;
- }
- die "countit($tmax, ...): timelimit cannot be less than $min_for.\n"
- if $tmax < $min_for;
- my ($n, $tc);
- # First find the minimum $n that gives a significant timing.
- for ($n = 1; ; $n *= 2 ) {
- my $td = timeit($n, $code);
- $tc = $td->[1] + $td->[2];
- last if $tc > 0.1;
- }
- my $nmin = $n;
- # Get $n high enough that we can guess the final $n with some accuracy.
- my $tpra = 0.1 * $tmax; # Target/time practice.
- while ( $tc < $tpra ) {
- # The 5% fudge is to keep us from iterating again all
- # that often (this speeds overall responsiveness when $tmax is big
- # and we guess a little low). This does not noticably affect
- # accuracy since we're not couting these times.
- $n = int( $tpra * 1.05 * $n / $tc ); # Linear approximation.
- my $td = timeit($n, $code);
- my $new_tc = $td->[1] + $td->[2];
- # Make sure we are making progress.
- $tc = $new_tc > 1.2 * $tc ? $new_tc : 1.2 * $tc;
- }
- # Now, do the 'for real' timing(s), repeating until we exceed
- # the max.
- my $ntot = 0;
- my $rtot = 0;
- my $utot = 0.0;
- my $stot = 0.0;
- my $cutot = 0.0;
- my $cstot = 0.0;
- my $ttot = 0.0;
- # The 5% fudge is because $n is often a few % low even for routines
- # with stable times and avoiding extra timeit()s is nice for
- # accuracy's sake.
- $n = int( $n * ( 1.05 * $tmax / $tc ) );
- while () {
- my $td = timeit($n, $code);
- $ntot += $n;
- $rtot += $td->[0];
- $utot += $td->[1];
- $stot += $td->[2];
- $cutot += $td->[3];
- $cstot += $td->[4];
- $ttot = $utot + $stot;
- last if $ttot >= $tmax;
- $ttot = 0.01 if $ttot < 0.01;
- my $r = $tmax / $ttot - 1; # Linear approximation.
- $n = int( $r * $ntot );
- $n = $nmin if $n < $nmin;
- }
- return bless [ $rtot, $utot, $stot, $cutot, $cstot, $ntot ];
- }
- # --- Functions implementing high-level time-then-print utilities
- sub n_to_for {
- my $n = shift;
- return $n == 0 ? $default_for : $n < 0 ? -$n : undef;
- }
- sub timethis{
- my($n, $code, $title, $style) = @_;
- my($t, $for, $forn);
- if ( $n > 0 ) {
- croak "non-integer loopcount $n, stopped" if int($n)<$n;
- $t = timeit($n, $code);
- $title = "timethis $n" unless defined $title;
- } else {
- $fort = n_to_for( $n );
- $t = countit( $fort, $code );
- $title = "timethis for $fort" unless defined $title;
- $forn = $t->[-1];
- }
- local $| = 1;
- $style = "" unless defined $style;
- printf("%10s: ", $title) unless $style eq 'none';
- print timestr($t, $style, $defaultfmt),"\n" unless $style eq 'none';
- $n = $forn if defined $forn;
- # A conservative warning to spot very silly tests.
- # Don't assume that your benchmark is ok simply because
- # you don't get this warning!
- print " (warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)\n"
- if $n < $min_count
- || ($t->real < 1 && $n < 1000)
- || $t->cpu_a < $min_cpu;
- $t;
- }
- sub timethese{
- my($n, $alt, $style) = @_;
- die "usage: timethese(count, { 'Name1'=>'code1', ... }\n"
- unless ref $alt eq HASH;
- my @names = sort keys %$alt;
- $style = "" unless defined $style;
- print "Benchmark: " unless $style eq 'none';
- if ( $n > 0 ) {
- croak "non-integer loopcount $n, stopped" if int($n)<$n;
- print "timing $n iterations of" unless $style eq 'none';
- } else {
- print "running" unless $style eq 'none';
- }
- print " ", join(', ',@names) unless $style eq 'none';
- unless ( $n > 0 ) {
- my $for = n_to_for( $n );
- print ", each" if $n > 1 && $style ne 'none';
- print " for at least $for CPU seconds" unless $style eq 'none';
- }
- print "...\n" unless $style eq 'none';
- # we could save the results in an array and produce a summary here
- # sum, min, max, avg etc etc
- my %results;
- foreach my $name (@names) {
- $results{$name} = timethis ($n, $alt -> {$name}, $name, $style);
- }
- return \%results;
- }
- sub cmpthese{
- my ($results, $style) =
- ref $_ [0] ? @_
- : (timethese (@_ [0, 1], @_ > 2 ? $_ [2] : "none"), $_ [2]);
- $style = "" unless defined $style;
- # Flatten in to an array of arrays with the name as the first field
- my @vals = map{ [ $_, @{$results->{$_}} ] } keys %$results;
- for (@vals) {
- # The epsilon fudge here is to prevent div by 0. Since clock
- # resolutions are much larger, it's below the noise floor.
- my $rate = $_->[6] / ( $_->[2] + $_->[3] + 0.000000000000001 );
- $_->[7] = $rate;
- }
- # Sort by rate
- @vals = sort { $a->[7] <=> $b->[7] } @vals;
- # If more than half of the rates are greater than one...
- my $display_as_rate = $vals[$#vals>>1]->[7] > 1;
- my @rows;
- my @col_widths;
- my @top_row = (
- '',
- $display_as_rate ? 'Rate' : 's/iter',
- map { $_->[0] } @vals
- );
- push @rows, \@top_row;
- @col_widths = map { length( $_ ) } @top_row;
- # Build the data rows
- # We leave the last column in even though it never has any data. Perhaps
- # it should go away. Also, perhaps a style for a single column of
- # percentages might be nice.
- for my $row_val ( @vals ) {
- my @row;
- # Column 0 = test name
- push @row, $row_val->[0];
- $col_widths[0] = length( $row_val->[0] )
- if length( $row_val->[0] ) > $col_widths[0];
- # Column 1 = performance
- my $row_rate = $row_val->[7];
- # We assume that we'll never get a 0 rate.
- my $a = $display_as_rate ? $row_rate : 1 / $row_rate;
- # Only give a few decimal places before switching to sci. notation,
- # since the results aren't usually that accurate anyway.
- my $format =
- $a >= 100 ?
- "%0.0f" :
- $a >= 10 ?
- "%0.1f" :
- $a >= 1 ?
- "%0.2f" :
- $a >= 0.1 ?
- "%0.3f" :
- "%0.2e";
- $format .= "/s"
- if $display_as_rate;
- # Using $b here due to optimizing bug in _58 through _61
- my $b = sprintf( $format, $a );
- push @row, $b;
- $col_widths[1] = length( $b )
- if length( $b ) > $col_widths[1];
- # Columns 2..N = performance ratios
- my $skip_rest = 0;
- for ( my $col_num = 0 ; $col_num < @vals ; ++$col_num ) {
- my $col_val = $vals[$col_num];
- my $out;
- if ( $skip_rest ) {
- $out = '';
- }
- elsif ( $col_val->[0] eq $row_val->[0] ) {
- $out = "--";
- # $skip_rest = 1;
- }
- else {
- my $col_rate = $col_val->[7];
- $out = sprintf( "%.0f%%", 100*$row_rate/$col_rate - 100 );
- }
- push @row, $out;
- $col_widths[$col_num+2] = length( $out )
- if length( $out ) > $col_widths[$col_num+2];
- # A little wierdness to set the first column width properly
- $col_widths[$col_num+2] = length( $col_val->[0] )
- if length( $col_val->[0] ) > $col_widths[$col_num+2];
- }
- push @rows, \@row;
- }
- return \@rows if $style eq "none";
- # Equalize column widths in the chart as much as possible without
- # exceeding 80 characters. This does not use or affect cols 0 or 1.
- my @sorted_width_refs =
- sort { $$a <=> $$b } map { \$_ } @col_widths[2..$#col_widths];
- my $max_width = ${$sorted_width_refs[-1]};
- my $total = @col_widths - 1 ;
- for ( @col_widths ) { $total += $_ }
- while ( $total < 80 ) {
- my $min_width = ${$sorted_width_refs[0]};
- last
- if $min_width == $max_width;
- for ( @sorted_width_refs ) {
- last
- if $$_ > $min_width;
- ++$$_;
- ++$total;
- if $total >= 80;
- }
- }
- # Dump the output
- my $format = join( ' ', map { "%${_}s" } @col_widths ) . "\n";
- substr( $format, 1, 0 ) = '-';
- for ( @rows ) {
- printf $format, @$_;
- }
- return \@rows ;
- }
- 1;