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- package B::Xref;
- our $VERSION = '1.01';
- =head1 NAME
- B::Xref - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] foo.pl
- The B::Xref module is used to generate a cross reference listing of all
- definitions and uses of variables, subroutines and formats in a Perl program.
- It is implemented as a backend for the Perl compiler.
- The report generated is in the following format:
- File filename1
- Subroutine subname1
- Package package1
- object1 line numbers
- object2 line numbers
- ...
- Package package2
- ...
- Each B<File> section reports on a single file. Each B<Subroutine> section
- reports on a single subroutine apart from the special cases
- "(definitions)" and "(main)". These report, respectively, on subroutine
- definitions found by the initial symbol table walk and on the main part of
- the program or module external to all subroutines.
- The report is then grouped by the B<Package> of each variable,
- subroutine or format with the special case "(lexicals)" meaning
- lexical variables. Each B<object> name (implicitly qualified by its
- containing B<Package>) includes its type character(s) at the beginning
- where possible. Lexical variables are easier to track and even
- included dereferencing information where possible.
- The C<line numbers> are a comma separated list of line numbers (some
- preceded by code letters) where that object is used in some way.
- Simple uses aren't preceded by a code letter. Introductions (such as
- where a lexical is first defined with C<my>) are indicated with the
- letter "i". Subroutine and method calls are indicated by the character
- "&". Subroutine definitions are indicated by "s" and format
- definitions by "f".
- =head1 OPTIONS
- Option words are separated by commas (not whitespace) and follow the
- usual conventions of compiler backend options.
- =over 8
- =item C<-oFILENAME>
- Directs output to C<FILENAME> instead of standard output.
- =item C<-r>
- Raw output. Instead of producing a human-readable report, outputs a line
- in machine-readable form for each definition/use of a variable/sub/format.
- =item C<-d>
- Don't output the "(definitions)" sections.
- =item C<-D[tO]>
- (Internal) debug options, probably only useful if C<-r> included.
- The C<t> option prints the object on the top of the stack as it's
- being tracked. The C<O> option prints each operator as it's being
- processed in the execution order of the program.
- =back
- =head1 BUGS
- Non-lexical variables are quite difficult to track through a program.
- Sometimes the type of a non-lexical variable's use is impossible to
- determine. Introductions of non-lexical non-scalars don't seem to be
- reported properly.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Malcolm Beattie, mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk.
- =cut
- use strict;
- use Config;
- use B qw(peekop class comppadlist main_start svref_2object walksymtable
- );
- sub UNKNOWN { ["?", "?", "?"] }
- my @pad; # lexicals in current pad
- # as ["(lexical)", type, name]
- my %done; # keyed by $$op: set when each $op is done
- my $top = UNKNOWN; # shadows top element of stack as
- # [pack, type, name] (pack can be "(lexical)")
- my $file; # shadows current filename
- my $line; # shadows current line number
- my $subname; # shadows current sub name
- my %table; # Multi-level hash to record all uses etc.
- my @todo = (); # List of CVs that need processing
- my %code = (intro => "i", used => "",
- subdef => "s", subused => "&",
- formdef => "f", meth => "->");
- # Options
- my ($debug_op, $debug_top, $nodefs, $raw);
- sub process {
- my ($var, $event) = @_;
- my ($pack, $type, $name) = @$var;
- if ($type eq "*") {
- if ($event eq "used") {
- return;
- } elsif ($event eq "subused") {
- $type = "&";
- }
- }
- $type =~ s/(.)\*$/$1/g;
- if ($raw) {
- printf "%-16s %-12s %5d %-12s %4s %-16s %s\n",
- $file, $subname, $line, $pack, $type, $name, $event;
- } else {
- # Wheee
- push(@{$table{$file}->{$subname}->{$pack}->{$type.$name}->{$event}},
- $line);
- }
- }
- sub load_pad {
- my $padlist = shift;
- my ($namelistav, $vallistav, @namelist, $ix);
- @pad = ();
- return if class($padlist) eq "SPECIAL";
- ($namelistav,$vallistav) = $padlist->ARRAY;
- @namelist = $namelistav->ARRAY;
- for ($ix = 1; $ix < @namelist; $ix++) {
- my $namesv = $namelist[$ix];
- next if class($namesv) eq "SPECIAL";
- my ($type, $name) = $namesv->PV =~ /^(.)([^\0]*)(\0.*)?$/;
- $pad[$ix] = ["(lexical)", $type || '?', $name || '?'];
- }
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- my (@vallist);
- @vallist = $vallistav->ARRAY;
- for ($ix = 1; $ix < @vallist; $ix++) {
- my $valsv = $vallist[$ix];
- next unless class($valsv) eq "GV";
- # these pad GVs don't have corresponding names, so same @pad
- # array can be used without collisions
- $pad[$ix] = [$valsv->STASH->NAME, "*", $valsv->NAME];
- }
- }
- }
- sub xref {
- my $start = shift;
- my $op;
- for ($op = $start; $$op; $op = $op->next) {
- last if $done{$$op}++;
- warn sprintf("top = [%s, %s, %s]\n", @$top) if $debug_top;
- warn peekop($op), "\n" if $debug_op;
- my $opname = $op->name;
- if ($opname =~ /^(or|and|mapwhile|grepwhile|range|cond_expr)$/) {
- xref($op->other);
- } elsif ($opname eq "match" || $opname eq "subst") {
- xref($op->pmreplstart);
- } elsif ($opname eq "substcont") {
- xref($op->other->pmreplstart);
- $op = $op->other;
- redo;
- } elsif ($opname eq "enterloop") {
- xref($op->redoop);
- xref($op->nextop);
- xref($op->lastop);
- } elsif ($opname eq "subst") {
- xref($op->pmreplstart);
- } else {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $ppname = "pp_$opname";
- &$ppname($op) if defined(&$ppname);
- }
- }
- }
- sub xref_cv {
- my $cv = shift;
- my $pack = $cv->GV->STASH->NAME;
- $subname = ($pack eq "main" ? "" : "$pack\::") . $cv->GV->NAME;
- load_pad($cv->PADLIST);
- xref($cv->START);
- $subname = "(main)";
- }
- sub xref_object {
- my $cvref = shift;
- xref_cv(svref_2object($cvref));
- }
- sub xref_main {
- $subname = "(main)";
- load_pad(comppadlist);
- xref(main_start);
- while (@todo) {
- xref_cv(shift @todo);
- }
- }
- sub pp_nextstate {
- my $op = shift;
- $file = $op->file;
- $line = $op->line;
- $top = UNKNOWN;
- }
- sub pp_padsv {
- my $op = shift;
- $top = $pad[$op->targ];
- process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
- }
- sub pp_padav { pp_padsv(@_) }
- sub pp_padhv { pp_padsv(@_) }
- sub deref {
- my ($op, $var, $as) = @_;
- $var->[1] = $as . $var->[1];
- process($var, $op->private & OPpOUR_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
- }
- sub pp_rv2cv { deref(shift, $top, "&"); }
- sub pp_rv2hv { deref(shift, $top, "%"); }
- sub pp_rv2sv { deref(shift, $top, "\$"); }
- sub pp_rv2av { deref(shift, $top, "\@"); }
- sub pp_rv2gv { deref(shift, $top, "*"); }
- sub pp_gvsv {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gv;
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- $top = $pad[$op->padix];
- $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
- $top->[1] = '$';
- }
- else {
- $gv = $op->gv;
- $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, '$', $gv->SAFENAME];
- }
- process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ||
- $op->private & OPpOUR_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
- }
- sub pp_gv {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gv;
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- $top = $pad[$op->padix];
- $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
- $top->[1] = '*';
- }
- else {
- $gv = $op->gv;
- $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, "*", $gv->SAFENAME];
- }
- process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
- }
- sub pp_const {
- my $op = shift;
- my $sv = $op->sv;
- # constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
- if ($$sv) {
- $top = ["?", "",
- (class($sv) ne "SPECIAL" && $sv->FLAGS & SVf_POK)
- ? cstring($sv->PV) : "?"];
- }
- else {
- $top = $pad[$op->targ];
- $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
- }
- }
- sub pp_method {
- my $op = shift;
- $top = ["(method)", "->".$top->[1], $top->[2]];
- }
- sub pp_entersub {
- my $op = shift;
- if ($top->[1] eq "m") {
- process($top, "meth");
- } else {
- process($top, "subused");
- }
- $top = UNKNOWN;
- }
- #
- # Stuff for cross referencing definitions of variables and subs
- #
- sub B::GV::xref {
- my $gv = shift;
- my $cv = $gv->CV;
- if ($$cv) {
- #return if $done{$$cv}++;
- $file = $gv->FILE;
- $line = $gv->LINE;
- process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "&", $gv->NAME], "subdef");
- push(@todo, $cv);
- }
- my $form = $gv->FORM;
- if ($$form) {
- return if $done{$$form}++;
- $file = $gv->FILE;
- $line = $gv->LINE;
- process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "", $gv->NAME], "formdef");
- }
- }
- sub xref_definitions {
- my ($pack, %exclude);
- return if $nodefs;
- $subname = "(definitions)";
- foreach $pack (qw(B O AutoLoader DynaLoader XSLoader Config DB VMS
- strict vars FileHandle Exporter Carp PerlIO::Layer
- attributes utf8 warnings)) {
- $exclude{$pack."::"} = 1;
- }
- no strict qw(vars refs);
- walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "xref", sub { !defined($exclude{$_[0]}) });
- }
- sub output {
- return if $raw;
- my ($file, $subname, $pack, $name, $ev, $perfile, $persubname,
- $perpack, $pername, $perev);
- foreach $file (sort(keys(%table))) {
- $perfile = $table{$file};
- print "File $file\n";
- foreach $subname (sort(keys(%$perfile))) {
- $persubname = $perfile->{$subname};
- print " Subroutine $subname\n";
- foreach $pack (sort(keys(%$persubname))) {
- $perpack = $persubname->{$pack};
- print " Package $pack\n";
- foreach $name (sort(keys(%$perpack))) {
- $pername = $perpack->{$name};
- my @lines;
- foreach $ev (qw(intro formdef subdef meth subused used)) {
- $perev = $pername->{$ev};
- if (defined($perev) && @$perev) {
- my $code = $code{$ev};
- push(@lines, map("$code$_", @$perev));
- }
- }
- printf " %-16s %s\n", $name, join(", ", @lines);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub compile {
- my @options = @_;
- my ($option, $opt, $arg);
- while ($option = shift @options) {
- if ($option =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
- $opt = $1;
- $arg = $2;
- } else {
- unshift @options, $option;
- last OPTION;
- }
- if ($opt eq "-" && $arg eq "-") {
- shift @options;
- last OPTION;
- } elsif ($opt eq "o") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- open(STDOUT, ">$arg") or return "$arg: $!\n";
- } elsif ($opt eq "d") {
- $nodefs = 1;
- } elsif ($opt eq "r") {
- $raw = 1;
- } elsif ($opt eq "D") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- foreach $arg (split(//, $arg)) {
- if ($arg eq "o") {
- B->debug(1);
- } elsif ($arg eq "O") {
- $debug_op = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "t") {
- $debug_top = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (@options) {
- return sub {
- my $objname;
- xref_definitions();
- foreach $objname (@options) {
- $objname = "main::$objname" unless $objname =~ /::/;
- eval "xref_object(\\&$objname)";
- die "xref_object(\\&$objname) failed: $@" if $@;
- }
- output();
- }
- } else {
- return sub {
- xref_definitions();
- xref_main();
- output();
- }
- }
- }
- 1;