home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # CC.pm
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Malcolm Beattie
- #
- # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
- # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
- #
- package B::CC;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- use Config;
- use strict;
- use B qw(main_start main_root class comppadlist peekop svref_2object
- timing_info init_av sv_undef amagic_generation
- );
- use B::C qw(save_unused_subs objsym init_sections mark_unused
- output_all output_boilerplate output_main);
- use B::Bblock qw(find_leaders);
- use B::Stackobj qw(:types :flags);
- # These should probably be elsewhere
- # Flags for $op->flags
- my $module; # module name (when compiled with -m)
- my %done; # hash keyed by $$op of leaders of basic blocks
- # which have already been done.
- my $leaders; # ref to hash of basic block leaders. Keys are $$op
- # addresses, values are the $op objects themselves.
- my @bblock_todo; # list of leaders of basic blocks that need visiting
- # sometime.
- my @cc_todo; # list of tuples defining what PP code needs to be
- # saved (e.g. CV, main or PMOP repl code). Each tuple
- # is [$name, $root, $start, @padlist]. PMOP repl code
- # tuples inherit padlist.
- my @stack; # shadows perl's stack when contents are known.
- # Values are objects derived from class B::Stackobj
- my @pad; # Lexicals in current pad as Stackobj-derived objects
- my @padlist; # Copy of current padlist so PMOP repl code can find it
- my @cxstack; # Shadows the (compile-time) cxstack for next,last,redo
- my $jmpbuf_ix = 0; # Next free index for dynamically allocated jmpbufs
- my %constobj; # OP_CONST constants as Stackobj-derived objects
- # keyed by $$sv.
- my $need_freetmps = 0; # We may postpone FREETMPS to the end of each basic
- # block or even to the end of each loop of blocks,
- # depending on optimisation options.
- my $know_op = 0; # Set when C variable op already holds the right op
- # (from an immediately preceding DOOP(ppname)).
- my $errors = 0; # Number of errors encountered
- my %skip_stack; # Hash of PP names which don't need write_back_stack
- my %skip_lexicals; # Hash of PP names which don't need write_back_lexicals
- my %skip_invalidate; # Hash of PP names which don't need invalidate_lexicals
- my %ignore_op; # Hash of ops which do nothing except returning op_next
- my %need_curcop; # Hash of ops which need PL_curcop
- my %lexstate; #state of padsvs at the start of a bblock
- foreach (qw(pp_scalar pp_regcmaybe pp_lineseq pp_scope pp_null)) {
- $ignore_op{$_} = 1;
- }
- }
- my ($module_name);
- my ($debug_op, $debug_stack, $debug_cxstack, $debug_pad, $debug_runtime,
- $debug_shadow, $debug_queue, $debug_lineno, $debug_timings);
- # Optimisation options. On the command line, use hyphens instead of
- # underscores for compatibility with gcc-style options. We use
- # underscores here because they are OK in (strict) barewords.
- my ($freetmps_each_bblock, $freetmps_each_loop, $omit_taint);
- my %optimise = (freetmps_each_bblock => \$freetmps_each_bblock,
- freetmps_each_loop => \$freetmps_each_loop,
- omit_taint => \$omit_taint);
- # perl patchlevel to generate code for (defaults to current patchlevel)
- my $patchlevel = int(0.5 + 1000 * ($] - 5));
- # Could rewrite push_runtime() and output_runtime() to use a
- # temporary file if memory is at a premium.
- my $ppname; # name of current fake PP function
- my $runtime_list_ref;
- my $declare_ref; # Hash ref keyed by C variable type of declarations.
- my @pp_list; # list of [$ppname, $runtime_list_ref, $declare_ref]
- # tuples to be written out.
- my ($init, $decl);
- sub init_hash { map { $_ => 1 } @_ }
- #
- # Initialise the hashes for the default PP functions where we can avoid
- # either write_back_stack, write_back_lexicals or invalidate_lexicals.
- #
- %skip_lexicals = init_hash qw(pp_enter pp_enterloop);
- %skip_invalidate = init_hash qw(pp_enter pp_enterloop);
- %need_curcop = init_hash qw(pp_rv2gv pp_bless pp_repeat pp_sort pp_caller
- pp_reset pp_rv2cv pp_entereval pp_require pp_dofile
- pp_entertry pp_enterloop pp_enteriter pp_entersub
- pp_enter pp_method);
- sub debug {
- if ($debug_runtime) {
- warn(@_);
- } else {
- my @tmp=@_;
- runtime(map { chomp; "/* $_ */"} @tmp);
- }
- }
- sub declare {
- my ($type, $var) = @_;
- push(@{$declare_ref->{$type}}, $var);
- }
- sub push_runtime {
- push(@$runtime_list_ref, @_);
- warn join("\n", @_) . "\n" if $debug_runtime;
- }
- sub save_runtime {
- push(@pp_list, [$ppname, $runtime_list_ref, $declare_ref]);
- }
- sub output_runtime {
- my $ppdata;
- print qq(#include "cc_runtime.h"\n);
- foreach $ppdata (@pp_list) {
- my ($name, $runtime, $declare) = @$ppdata;
- print "\nstatic\nCCPP($name)\n{\n";
- my ($type, $varlist, $line);
- while (($type, $varlist) = each %$declare) {
- print "\t$type ", join(", ", @$varlist), ";\n";
- }
- foreach $line (@$runtime) {
- print $line, "\n";
- }
- print "}\n";
- }
- }
- sub runtime {
- my $line;
- foreach $line (@_) {
- push_runtime("\t$line");
- }
- }
- sub init_pp {
- $ppname = shift;
- $runtime_list_ref = [];
- $declare_ref = {};
- runtime("dSP;");
- declare("I32", "oldsave");
- declare("SV", "**svp");
- map { declare("SV", "*$_") } qw(sv src dst left right);
- declare("MAGIC", "*mg");
- $decl->add("static OP * $ppname (pTHX);");
- debug "init_pp: $ppname\n" if $debug_queue;
- }
- # Initialise runtime_callback function for Stackobj class
- BEGIN { B::Stackobj::set_callback(\&runtime) }
- # Initialise saveoptree_callback for B::C class
- sub cc_queue {
- my ($name, $root, $start, @pl) = @_;
- debug "cc_queue: name $name, root $root, start $start, padlist (@pl)\n"
- if $debug_queue;
- if ($name eq "*ignore*") {
- $name = 0;
- } else {
- push(@cc_todo, [$name, $root, $start, (@pl ? @pl : @padlist)]);
- }
- my $fakeop = new B::FAKEOP ("next" => 0, sibling => 0, ppaddr => $name);
- $start = $fakeop->save;
- debug "cc_queue: name $name returns $start\n" if $debug_queue;
- return $start;
- }
- BEGIN { B::C::set_callback(\&cc_queue) }
- sub valid_int { $_[0]->{flags} & VALID_INT }
- sub valid_double { $_[0]->{flags} & VALID_DOUBLE }
- sub valid_numeric { $_[0]->{flags} & (VALID_INT | VALID_DOUBLE) }
- sub valid_sv { $_[0]->{flags} & VALID_SV }
- sub top_int { @stack ? $stack[-1]->as_int : "TOPi" }
- sub top_double { @stack ? $stack[-1]->as_double : "TOPn" }
- sub top_numeric { @stack ? $stack[-1]->as_numeric : "TOPn" }
- sub top_sv { @stack ? $stack[-1]->as_sv : "TOPs" }
- sub top_bool { @stack ? $stack[-1]->as_bool : "SvTRUE(TOPs)" }
- sub pop_int { @stack ? (pop @stack)->as_int : "POPi" }
- sub pop_double { @stack ? (pop @stack)->as_double : "POPn" }
- sub pop_numeric { @stack ? (pop @stack)->as_numeric : "POPn" }
- sub pop_sv { @stack ? (pop @stack)->as_sv : "POPs" }
- sub pop_bool {
- if (@stack) {
- return ((pop @stack)->as_bool);
- } else {
- # Careful: POPs has an auto-decrement and SvTRUE evaluates
- # its argument more than once.
- runtime("sv = POPs;");
- return "SvTRUE(sv)";
- }
- }
- sub write_back_lexicals {
- my $avoid = shift || 0;
- debug "write_back_lexicals($avoid) called from @{[(caller(1))[3]]}\n"
- if $debug_shadow;
- my $lex;
- foreach $lex (@pad) {
- next unless ref($lex);
- $lex->write_back unless $lex->{flags} & $avoid;
- }
- }
- sub save_or_restore_lexical_state {
- my $bblock=shift;
- unless( exists $lexstate{$bblock}){
- foreach my $lex (@pad) {
- next unless ref($lex);
- ${$lexstate{$bblock}}{$lex->{iv}} = $lex->{flags} ;
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach my $lex (@pad) {
- next unless ref($lex);
- my $old_flags=${$lexstate{$bblock}}{$lex->{iv}} ;
- next if ( $old_flags eq $lex->{flags});
- if (($old_flags & VALID_SV) && !($lex->{flags} & VALID_SV)){
- $lex->write_back;
- }
- if (($old_flags & VALID_DOUBLE) && !($lex->{flags} & VALID_DOUBLE)){
- $lex->load_double;
- }
- if (($old_flags & VALID_INT) && !($lex->{flags} & VALID_INT)){
- $lex->load_int;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub write_back_stack {
- my $obj;
- return unless @stack;
- runtime(sprintf("EXTEND(sp, %d);", scalar(@stack)));
- foreach $obj (@stack) {
- runtime(sprintf("PUSHs((SV*)%s);", $obj->as_sv));
- }
- @stack = ();
- }
- sub invalidate_lexicals {
- my $avoid = shift || 0;
- debug "invalidate_lexicals($avoid) called from @{[(caller(1))[3]]}\n"
- if $debug_shadow;
- my $lex;
- foreach $lex (@pad) {
- next unless ref($lex);
- $lex->invalidate unless $lex->{flags} & $avoid;
- }
- }
- sub reload_lexicals {
- my $lex;
- foreach $lex (@pad) {
- next unless ref($lex);
- my $type = $lex->{type};
- if ($type == T_INT) {
- $lex->as_int;
- } elsif ($type == T_DOUBLE) {
- $lex->as_double;
- } else {
- $lex->as_sv;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- package B::Pseudoreg;
- #
- # This class allocates pseudo-registers (OK, so they're C variables).
- #
- my %alloc; # Keyed by variable name. A value of 1 means the
- # variable has been declared. A value of 2 means
- # it's in use.
- sub new_scope { %alloc = () }
- sub new ($$$) {
- my ($class, $type, $prefix) = @_;
- my ($ptr, $i, $varname, $status, $obj);
- $prefix =~ s/^(\**)//;
- $ptr = $1;
- $i = 0;
- do {
- $varname = "$prefix$i";
- $status = $alloc{$varname};
- } while $status == 2;
- if ($status != 1) {
- # Not declared yet
- B::CC::declare($type, "$ptr$varname");
- $alloc{$varname} = 2; # declared and in use
- }
- $obj = bless \$varname, $class;
- return $obj;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $obj = shift;
- $alloc{$$obj} = 1; # no longer in use but still declared
- }
- }
- {
- package B::Shadow;
- #
- # This class gives a standard API for a perl object to shadow a
- # C variable and only generate reloads/write-backs when necessary.
- #
- # Use $obj->load($foo) instead of runtime("shadowed_c_var = foo").
- # Use $obj->write_back whenever shadowed_c_var needs to be up to date.
- # Use $obj->invalidate whenever an unknown function may have
- # set shadow itself.
- sub new {
- my ($class, $write_back) = @_;
- # Object fields are perl shadow variable, validity flag
- # (for *C* variable) and callback sub for write_back
- # (passed perl shadow variable as argument).
- bless [undef, 1, $write_back], $class;
- }
- sub load {
- my ($obj, $newval) = @_;
- $obj->[1] = 0; # C variable no longer valid
- $obj->[0] = $newval;
- }
- sub write_back {
- my $obj = shift;
- if (!($obj->[1])) {
- $obj->[1] = 1; # C variable will now be valid
- &{$obj->[2]}($obj->[0]);
- }
- }
- sub invalidate { $_[0]->[1] = 0 } # force C variable to be invalid
- }
- my $curcop = new B::Shadow (sub {
- my $opsym = shift->save;
- runtime("PL_curcop = (COP*)$opsym;");
- });
- #
- # Context stack shadowing. Mimics stuff in pp_ctl.c, cop.h and so on.
- #
- sub dopoptoloop {
- my $cxix = $#cxstack;
- while ($cxix >= 0 && $cxstack[$cxix]->{type} != CXt_LOOP) {
- $cxix--;
- }
- debug "dopoptoloop: returning $cxix" if $debug_cxstack;
- return $cxix;
- }
- sub dopoptolabel {
- my $label = shift;
- my $cxix = $#cxstack;
- while ($cxix >= 0 &&
- ($cxstack[$cxix]->{type} != CXt_LOOP ||
- $cxstack[$cxix]->{label} ne $label)) {
- $cxix--;
- }
- debug "dopoptolabel: returning $cxix" if $debug_cxstack;
- return $cxix;
- }
- sub error {
- my $format = shift;
- my $file = $curcop->[0]->file;
- my $line = $curcop->[0]->line;
- $errors++;
- if (@_) {
- warn sprintf("%s:%d: $format\n", $file, $line, @_);
- } else {
- warn sprintf("%s:%d: %s\n", $file, $line, $format);
- }
- }
- #
- # Load pad takes (the elements of) a PADLIST as arguments and loads
- # up @pad with Stackobj-derived objects which represent those lexicals.
- # If/when perl itself can generate type information (my int $foo) then
- # we'll take advantage of that here. Until then, we'll use various hacks
- # to tell the compiler when we want a lexical to be a particular type
- # or to be a register.
- #
- sub load_pad {
- my ($namelistav, $valuelistav) = @_;
- @padlist = @_;
- my @namelist = $namelistav->ARRAY;
- my @valuelist = $valuelistav->ARRAY;
- my $ix;
- @pad = ();
- debug "load_pad: $#namelist names, $#valuelist values\n" if $debug_pad;
- # Temporary lexicals don't get named so it's possible for @valuelist
- # to be strictly longer than @namelist. We count $ix up to the end of
- # @valuelist but index into @namelist for the name. Any temporaries which
- # run off the end of @namelist will make $namesv undefined and we treat
- # that the same as having an explicit SPECIAL sv_undef object in @namelist.
- # [XXX If/when @_ becomes a lexical, we must start at 0 here.]
- for ($ix = 1; $ix < @valuelist; $ix++) {
- my $namesv = $namelist[$ix];
- my $type = T_UNKNOWN;
- my $flags = 0;
- my $name = "tmp$ix";
- my $class = class($namesv);
- if (!defined($namesv) || $class eq "SPECIAL") {
- # temporaries have &PL_sv_undef instead of a PVNV for a name
- } else {
- if ($namesv->PV =~ /^\$(.*)_([di])(r?)$/) {
- $name = $1;
- if ($2 eq "i") {
- $type = T_INT;
- $flags = VALID_SV|VALID_INT;
- } elsif ($2 eq "d") {
- $type = T_DOUBLE;
- }
- $flags |= REGISTER if $3;
- }
- }
- $pad[$ix] = new B::Stackobj::Padsv ($type, $flags, $ix,
- "i_$name", "d_$name");
- debug sprintf("PL_curpad[$ix] = %s\n", $pad[$ix]->peek) if $debug_pad;
- }
- }
- sub declare_pad {
- my $ix;
- for ($ix = 1; $ix <= $#pad; $ix++) {
- my $type = $pad[$ix]->{type};
- declare("IV", $type == T_INT ?
- sprintf("%s=0",$pad[$ix]->{iv}):$pad[$ix]->{iv}) if $pad[$ix]->save_int;
- declare("double", $type == T_DOUBLE ?
- sprintf("%s = 0",$pad[$ix]->{nv}):$pad[$ix]->{nv} )if $pad[$ix]->save_double;
- }
- }
- #
- # Debugging stuff
- #
- sub peek_stack { sprintf "stack = %s\n", join(" ", map($_->minipeek, @stack)) }
- #
- # OP stuff
- #
- sub label {
- my $op = shift;
- # XXX Preserve original label name for "real" labels?
- return sprintf("lab_%x", $$op);
- }
- sub write_label {
- my $op = shift;
- push_runtime(sprintf(" %s:", label($op)));
- }
- sub loadop {
- my $op = shift;
- my $opsym = $op->save;
- runtime("PL_op = $opsym;") unless $know_op;
- return $opsym;
- }
- sub doop {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = $op->ppaddr;
- my $sym = loadop($op);
- runtime("DOOP($ppname);");
- $know_op = 1;
- return $sym;
- }
- sub gimme {
- my $op = shift;
- my $flags = $op->flags;
- return (($flags & OPf_WANT) ? (($flags & OPf_WANT)== OPf_WANT_LIST? G_ARRAY:G_SCALAR) : "dowantarray()");
- }
- #
- # Code generation for PP code
- #
- sub pp_null {
- my $op = shift;
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_stub {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gimme = gimme($op);
- if ($gimme != G_ARRAY) {
- my $obj= new B::Stackobj::Const(sv_undef);
- push(@stack, $obj);
- # XXX Change to push a constant sv_undef Stackobj onto @stack
- #write_back_stack();
- #runtime("if ($gimme != G_ARRAY) XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_unstack {
- my $op = shift;
- @stack = ();
- runtime("PP_UNSTACK;");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_and {
- my $op = shift;
- my $next = $op->next;
- reload_lexicals();
- unshift(@bblock_todo, $next);
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $bool = pop_bool();
- write_back_stack();
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$next);
- runtime(sprintf("if (!$bool) {XPUSHs(&PL_sv_no); goto %s;}", label($next)));
- } else {
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$next);
- runtime(sprintf("if (!%s) goto %s;", top_bool(), label($next)),
- "*sp--;");
- }
- return $op->other;
- }
- sub pp_or {
- my $op = shift;
- my $next = $op->next;
- reload_lexicals();
- unshift(@bblock_todo, $next);
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $bool = pop_bool @stack;
- write_back_stack();
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$next);
- runtime(sprintf("if (%s) { XPUSHs(&PL_sv_yes); goto %s; }",
- $bool, label($next)));
- } else {
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$next);
- runtime(sprintf("if (%s) goto %s;", top_bool(), label($next)),
- "*sp--;");
- }
- return $op->other;
- }
- sub pp_cond_expr {
- my $op = shift;
- my $false = $op->next;
- unshift(@bblock_todo, $false);
- reload_lexicals();
- my $bool = pop_bool();
- write_back_stack();
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$false);
- runtime(sprintf("if (!$bool) goto %s;", label($false)));
- return $op->other;
- }
- sub pp_padsv {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ix = $op->targ;
- push(@stack, $pad[$ix]);
- if ($op->flags & OPf_MOD) {
- my $private = $op->private;
- if ($private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) {
- runtime("SAVECLEARSV(PL_curpad[$ix]);");
- } elsif ($private & OPpDEREF) {
- runtime(sprintf("vivify_ref(PL_curpad[%d], %d);",
- $ix, $private & OPpDEREF));
- $pad[$ix]->invalidate;
- }
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_const {
- my $op = shift;
- my $sv = $op->sv;
- my $obj;
- # constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
- if ($$sv) {
- $obj = $constobj{$$sv};
- if (!defined($obj)) {
- $obj = $constobj{$$sv} = new B::Stackobj::Const ($sv);
- }
- }
- else {
- $obj = $pad[$op->targ];
- }
- push(@stack, $obj);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_nextstate {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->load($op);
- @stack = ();
- debug(sprintf("%s:%d\n", $op->file, $op->line)) if $debug_lineno;
- runtime("TAINT_NOT;") unless $omit_taint;
- runtime("sp = PL_stack_base + cxstack[cxstack_ix].blk_oldsp;");
- if ($freetmps_each_bblock || $freetmps_each_loop) {
- $need_freetmps = 1;
- } else {
- runtime("FREETMPS;");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_dbstate {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->invalidate; # XXX?
- return default_pp($op);
- }
- #default_pp will handle this:
- #sub pp_bless { $curcop->write_back; default_pp(@_) }
- #sub pp_repeat { $curcop->write_back; default_pp(@_) }
- # The following subs need $curcop->write_back if we decide to support arybase:
- # pp_pos, pp_substr, pp_index, pp_rindex, pp_aslice, pp_lslice, pp_splice
- #sub pp_caller { $curcop->write_back; default_pp(@_) }
- #sub pp_reset { $curcop->write_back; default_pp(@_) }
- sub pp_rv2gv{
- my $op =shift;
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals() unless $skip_lexicals{$ppname};
- write_back_stack() unless $skip_stack{$ppname};
- my $sym=doop($op);
- if ($op->private & OPpDEREF) {
- $init->add(sprintf("((UNOP *)$sym)->op_first = $sym;"));
- $init->add(sprintf("((UNOP *)$sym)->op_type = %d;",
- $op->first->type));
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_sort {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = $op->ppaddr;
- if ( $op->flags & OPf_SPECIAL && $op->flags & OPf_STACKED){
- #this indicates the sort BLOCK Array case
- #ugly surgery required.
- my $root=$op->first->sibling->first;
- my $start=$root->first;
- $op->first->save;
- $op->first->sibling->save;
- $root->save;
- my $sym=$start->save;
- my $fakeop=cc_queue("pp_sort".$$op,$root,$start);
- $init->add(sprintf("(%s)->op_next=%s;",$sym,$fakeop));
- }
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- doop($op);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_gv {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gvsym;
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- $gvsym = $pad[$op->padix]->as_sv;
- }
- else {
- $gvsym = $op->gv->save;
- }
- write_back_stack();
- runtime("XPUSHs((SV*)$gvsym);");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_gvsv {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gvsym;
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- $gvsym = $pad[$op->padix]->as_sv;
- }
- else {
- $gvsym = $op->gv->save;
- }
- write_back_stack();
- if ($op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) {
- runtime("XPUSHs(save_scalar($gvsym));");
- } else {
- runtime("XPUSHs(GvSV($gvsym));");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_aelemfast {
- my $op = shift;
- my $gvsym;
- if ($Config{useithreads}) {
- $gvsym = $pad[$op->padix]->as_sv;
- }
- else {
- $gvsym = $op->gv->save;
- }
- my $ix = $op->private;
- my $flag = $op->flags & OPf_MOD;
- write_back_stack();
- runtime("svp = av_fetch(GvAV($gvsym), $ix, $flag);",
- "PUSHs(svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef);");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub int_binop {
- my ($op, $operator) = @_;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_STACKED) {
- my $right = pop_int();
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $left = top_int();
- $stack[-1]->set_int(&$operator($left, $right));
- } else {
- runtime(sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs, %s);",&$operator("TOPi", $right)));
- }
- } else {
- my $targ = $pad[$op->targ];
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "riv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "liv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;", pop_int(), pop_int));
- $targ->set_int(&$operator($$left, $$right));
- push(@stack, $targ);
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub INTS_CLOSED () { 0x1 }
- sub INT_RESULT () { 0x2 }
- sub NUMERIC_RESULT () { 0x4 }
- sub numeric_binop {
- my ($op, $operator, $flags) = @_;
- my $force_int = 0;
- $force_int ||= ($flags & INT_RESULT);
- $force_int ||= ($flags & INTS_CLOSED && @stack >= 2
- && valid_int($stack[-2]) && valid_int($stack[-1]));
- if ($op->flags & OPf_STACKED) {
- my $right = pop_numeric();
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $left = top_numeric();
- if ($force_int) {
- $stack[-1]->set_int(&$operator($left, $right));
- } else {
- $stack[-1]->set_numeric(&$operator($left, $right));
- }
- } else {
- if ($force_int) {
- my $rightruntime = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "riv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$rightruntime = %s;",$right));
- runtime(sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs, %s);",
- &$operator("TOPi", $$rightruntime)));
- } else {
- my $rightruntime = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "rnv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$rightruntime = %s;",$right));
- runtime(sprintf("sv_setnv(TOPs, %s);",
- &$operator("TOPn",$$rightruntime)));
- }
- }
- } else {
- my $targ = $pad[$op->targ];
- $force_int ||= ($targ->{type} == T_INT);
- if ($force_int) {
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "riv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "liv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;",
- pop_numeric(), pop_numeric));
- $targ->set_int(&$operator($$left, $$right));
- } else {
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "rnv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "lnv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;",
- pop_numeric(), pop_numeric));
- $targ->set_numeric(&$operator($$left, $$right));
- }
- push(@stack, $targ);
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_ncmp {
- my ($op) = @_;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_STACKED) {
- my $right = pop_numeric();
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $left = top_numeric();
- runtime sprintf("if (%s > %s){",$left,$right);
- $stack[-1]->set_int(1);
- $stack[-1]->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else if (%s < %s ) {",$left,$right);
- $stack[-1]->set_int(-1);
- $stack[-1]->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else if (%s == %s) {",$left,$right);
- $stack[-1]->set_int(0);
- $stack[-1]->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else {");
- $stack[-1]->set_sv("&PL_sv_undef");
- runtime "}";
- } else {
- my $rightruntime = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "rnv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$rightruntime = %s;",$right));
- runtime sprintf(qq/if ("TOPn" > %s){/,$rightruntime);
- runtime sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs,1);");
- runtime sprintf(qq/}else if ( "TOPn" < %s ) {/,$$rightruntime);
- runtime sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs,-1);");
- runtime sprintf(qq/} else if ("TOPn" == %s) {/,$$rightruntime);
- runtime sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs,0);");
- runtime sprintf(qq/}else {/);
- runtime sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs,&PL_sv_undef;");
- runtime "}";
- }
- } else {
- my $targ = $pad[$op->targ];
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "rnv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "lnv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;",
- pop_numeric(), pop_numeric));
- runtime sprintf("if (%s > %s){",$$left,$$right);
- $targ->set_int(1);
- $targ->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else if (%s < %s ) {",$$left,$$right);
- $targ->set_int(-1);
- $targ->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else if (%s == %s) {",$$left,$$right);
- $targ->set_int(0);
- $targ->write_back();
- runtime sprintf("}else {");
- $targ->set_sv("&PL_sv_undef");
- runtime "}";
- push(@stack, $targ);
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub sv_binop {
- my ($op, $operator, $flags) = @_;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_STACKED) {
- my $right = pop_sv();
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $left = top_sv();
- if ($flags & INT_RESULT) {
- $stack[-1]->set_int(&$operator($left, $right));
- } elsif ($flags & NUMERIC_RESULT) {
- $stack[-1]->set_numeric(&$operator($left, $right));
- } else {
- # XXX Does this work?
- runtime(sprintf("sv_setsv($left, %s);",
- &$operator($left, $right)));
- $stack[-1]->invalidate;
- }
- } else {
- my $f;
- if ($flags & INT_RESULT) {
- $f = "sv_setiv";
- } elsif ($flags & NUMERIC_RESULT) {
- $f = "sv_setnv";
- } else {
- $f = "sv_setsv";
- }
- runtime(sprintf("%s(TOPs, %s);", $f, &$operator("TOPs", $right)));
- }
- } else {
- my $targ = $pad[$op->targ];
- runtime(sprintf("right = %s; left = %s;", pop_sv(), pop_sv));
- if ($flags & INT_RESULT) {
- $targ->set_int(&$operator("left", "right"));
- } elsif ($flags & NUMERIC_RESULT) {
- $targ->set_numeric(&$operator("left", "right"));
- } else {
- # XXX Does this work?
- runtime(sprintf("sv_setsv(%s, %s);",
- $targ->as_sv, &$operator("left", "right")));
- $targ->invalidate;
- }
- push(@stack, $targ);
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub bool_int_binop {
- my ($op, $operator) = @_;
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "riv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("IV", "liv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;", pop_int(), pop_int()));
- my $bool = new B::Stackobj::Bool (new B::Pseudoreg ("int", "b"));
- $bool->set_int(&$operator($$left, $$right));
- push(@stack, $bool);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub bool_numeric_binop {
- my ($op, $operator) = @_;
- my $right = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "rnv");
- my $left = new B::Pseudoreg ("double", "lnv");
- runtime(sprintf("$$right = %s; $$left = %s;",
- pop_numeric(), pop_numeric()));
- my $bool = new B::Stackobj::Bool (new B::Pseudoreg ("int", "b"));
- $bool->set_numeric(&$operator($$left, $$right));
- push(@stack, $bool);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub bool_sv_binop {
- my ($op, $operator) = @_;
- runtime(sprintf("right = %s; left = %s;", pop_sv(), pop_sv()));
- my $bool = new B::Stackobj::Bool (new B::Pseudoreg ("int", "b"));
- $bool->set_numeric(&$operator("left", "right"));
- push(@stack, $bool);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub infix_op {
- my $opname = shift;
- return sub { "$_[0] $opname $_[1]" }
- }
- sub prefix_op {
- my $opname = shift;
- return sub { sprintf("%s(%s)", $opname, join(", ", @_)) }
- }
- my $plus_op = infix_op("+");
- my $minus_op = infix_op("-");
- my $multiply_op = infix_op("*");
- my $divide_op = infix_op("/");
- my $modulo_op = infix_op("%");
- my $lshift_op = infix_op("<<");
- my $rshift_op = infix_op(">>");
- my $scmp_op = prefix_op("sv_cmp");
- my $seq_op = prefix_op("sv_eq");
- my $sne_op = prefix_op("!sv_eq");
- my $slt_op = sub { "sv_cmp($_[0], $_[1]) < 0" };
- my $sgt_op = sub { "sv_cmp($_[0], $_[1]) > 0" };
- my $sle_op = sub { "sv_cmp($_[0], $_[1]) <= 0" };
- my $sge_op = sub { "sv_cmp($_[0], $_[1]) >= 0" };
- my $eq_op = infix_op("==");
- my $ne_op = infix_op("!=");
- my $lt_op = infix_op("<");
- my $gt_op = infix_op(">");
- my $le_op = infix_op("<=");
- my $ge_op = infix_op(">=");
- #
- # XXX The standard perl PP code has extra handling for
- # some special case arguments of these operators.
- #
- sub pp_add { numeric_binop($_[0], $plus_op) }
- sub pp_subtract { numeric_binop($_[0], $minus_op) }
- sub pp_multiply { numeric_binop($_[0], $multiply_op) }
- sub pp_divide { numeric_binop($_[0], $divide_op) }
- sub pp_modulo { int_binop($_[0], $modulo_op) } # differs from perl's
- sub pp_left_shift { int_binop($_[0], $lshift_op) }
- sub pp_right_shift { int_binop($_[0], $rshift_op) }
- sub pp_i_add { int_binop($_[0], $plus_op) }
- sub pp_i_subtract { int_binop($_[0], $minus_op) }
- sub pp_i_multiply { int_binop($_[0], $multiply_op) }
- sub pp_i_divide { int_binop($_[0], $divide_op) }
- sub pp_i_modulo { int_binop($_[0], $modulo_op) }
- sub pp_eq { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $eq_op) }
- sub pp_ne { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $ne_op) }
- sub pp_lt { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $lt_op) }
- sub pp_gt { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $gt_op) }
- sub pp_le { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $le_op) }
- sub pp_ge { bool_numeric_binop($_[0], $ge_op) }
- sub pp_i_eq { bool_int_binop($_[0], $eq_op) }
- sub pp_i_ne { bool_int_binop($_[0], $ne_op) }
- sub pp_i_lt { bool_int_binop($_[0], $lt_op) }
- sub pp_i_gt { bool_int_binop($_[0], $gt_op) }
- sub pp_i_le { bool_int_binop($_[0], $le_op) }
- sub pp_i_ge { bool_int_binop($_[0], $ge_op) }
- sub pp_scmp { sv_binop($_[0], $scmp_op, INT_RESULT) }
- sub pp_slt { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $slt_op) }
- sub pp_sgt { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $sgt_op) }
- sub pp_sle { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $sle_op) }
- sub pp_sge { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $sge_op) }
- sub pp_seq { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $seq_op) }
- sub pp_sne { bool_sv_binop($_[0], $sne_op) }
- }
- sub pp_sassign {
- my $op = shift;
- my $backwards = $op->private & OPpASSIGN_BACKWARDS;
- my ($dst, $src);
- if (@stack >= 2) {
- $dst = pop @stack;
- $src = pop @stack;
- ($src, $dst) = ($dst, $src) if $backwards;
- my $type = $src->{type};
- if ($type == T_INT) {
- $dst->set_int($src->as_int,$src->{flags} & VALID_UNSIGNED);
- } elsif ($type == T_DOUBLE) {
- $dst->set_numeric($src->as_numeric);
- } else {
- $dst->set_sv($src->as_sv);
- }
- push(@stack, $dst);
- } elsif (@stack == 1) {
- if ($backwards) {
- my $src = pop @stack;
- my $type = $src->{type};
- runtime("if (PL_tainting && PL_tainted) TAINT_NOT;");
- if ($type == T_INT) {
- if ($src->{flags} & VALID_UNSIGNED){
- runtime sprintf("sv_setuv(TOPs, %s);", $src->as_int);
- }else{
- runtime sprintf("sv_setiv(TOPs, %s);", $src->as_int);
- }
- } elsif ($type == T_DOUBLE) {
- runtime sprintf("sv_setnv(TOPs, %s);", $src->as_double);
- } else {
- runtime sprintf("sv_setsv(TOPs, %s);", $src->as_sv);
- }
- runtime("SvSETMAGIC(TOPs);");
- } else {
- my $dst = $stack[-1];
- my $type = $dst->{type};
- runtime("sv = POPs;");
- runtime("MAYBE_TAINT_SASSIGN_SRC(sv);");
- if ($type == T_INT) {
- $dst->set_int("SvIV(sv)");
- } elsif ($type == T_DOUBLE) {
- $dst->set_double("SvNV(sv)");
- } else {
- runtime("SvSetMagicSV($dst->{sv}, sv);");
- $dst->invalidate;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($backwards) {
- runtime("src = POPs; dst = TOPs;");
- } else {
- runtime("dst = POPs; src = TOPs;");
- }
- runtime("MAYBE_TAINT_SASSIGN_SRC(src);",
- "SvSetSV(dst, src);",
- "SvSETMAGIC(dst);",
- "SETs(dst);");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_preinc {
- my $op = shift;
- if (@stack >= 1) {
- my $obj = $stack[-1];
- my $type = $obj->{type};
- if ($type == T_INT || $type == T_DOUBLE) {
- $obj->set_int($obj->as_int . " + 1");
- } else {
- runtime sprintf("PP_PREINC(%s);", $obj->as_sv);
- $obj->invalidate();
- }
- } else {
- runtime sprintf("PP_PREINC(TOPs);");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_pushmark {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_stack();
- runtime("PUSHMARK(sp);");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_list {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_stack();
- my $gimme = gimme($op);
- if ($gimme == G_ARRAY) { # sic
- runtime("POPMARK;"); # need this even though not a "full" pp_list
- } else {
- runtime("PP_LIST($gimme);");
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_entersub {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- runtime("while (PL_op != ($sym)->op_next && PL_op != (OP*)0 ){");
- runtime("PL_op = (*PL_op->op_ppaddr)(aTHX);");
- runtime("SPAGAIN;}");
- $know_op = 0;
- invalidate_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_formline {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = $op->ppaddr;
- write_back_lexicals() unless $skip_lexicals{$ppname};
- write_back_stack() unless $skip_stack{$ppname};
- my $sym=doop($op);
- # See comment in pp_grepwhile to see why!
- $init->add("((LISTOP*)$sym)->op_first = $sym;");
- runtime("if (PL_op == ((LISTOP*)($sym))->op_first){");
- save_or_restore_lexical_state(${$op->first});
- runtime( sprintf("goto %s;",label($op->first)));
- runtime("}");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_goto{
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = $op->ppaddr;
- write_back_lexicals() unless $skip_lexicals{$ppname};
- write_back_stack() unless $skip_stack{$ppname};
- my $sym=doop($op);
- runtime("if (PL_op != ($sym)->op_next && PL_op != (OP*)0){return PL_op;}");
- invalidate_lexicals() unless $skip_invalidate{$ppname};
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_enterwrite {
- my $op = shift;
- pp_entersub($op);
- }
- sub pp_leavesub{
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_lexicals() unless $skip_lexicals{$ppname};
- write_back_stack() unless $skip_stack{$ppname};
- runtime("if (PL_curstackinfo->si_type == PERLSI_SORT){");
- runtime("\tPUTBACK;return 0;");
- runtime("}");
- doop($op);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_leavewrite {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- # XXX Is this the right way to distinguish between it returning
- # CvSTART(cv) (via doform) and pop_return()?
- #runtime("if (PL_op) PL_op = (*PL_op->op_ppaddr)(aTHX);");
- runtime("SPAGAIN;");
- $know_op = 0;
- invalidate_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub doeval {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = loadop($op);
- my $ppaddr = $op->ppaddr;
- #runtime(qq/printf("$ppaddr type eval\n");/);
- runtime("PP_EVAL($ppaddr, ($sym)->op_next);");
- $know_op = 1;
- invalidate_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_entereval { doeval(@_) }
- sub pp_dofile { doeval(@_) }
- #pp_require is protected by pp_entertry, so no protection for it.
- sub pp_require {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- runtime("while (PL_op != ($sym)->op_next && PL_op != (OP*)0 ){");
- runtime("PL_op = (*PL_op->op_ppaddr)(ARGS);");
- runtime("SPAGAIN;}");
- $know_op = 1;
- invalidate_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_entertry {
- my $op = shift;
- $curcop->write_back;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- my $jmpbuf = sprintf("jmpbuf%d", $jmpbuf_ix++);
- declare("JMPENV", $jmpbuf);
- runtime(sprintf("PP_ENTERTRY(%s,%s);", $jmpbuf, label($op->other->next)));
- invalidate_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_leavetry{
- my $op=shift;
- default_pp($op);
- runtime("PP_LEAVETRY;");
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_grepstart {
- my $op = shift;
- if ($need_freetmps && $freetmps_each_loop) {
- runtime("FREETMPS;"); # otherwise the grepwhile loop messes things up
- $need_freetmps = 0;
- }
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym= doop($op);
- my $next=$op->next;
- $next->save;
- my $nexttonext=$next->next;
- $nexttonext->save;
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$nexttonext);
- runtime(sprintf("if (PL_op == (($sym)->op_next)->op_next) goto %s;",
- label($nexttonext)));
- return $op->next->other;
- }
- sub pp_mapstart {
- my $op = shift;
- if ($need_freetmps && $freetmps_each_loop) {
- runtime("FREETMPS;"); # otherwise the mapwhile loop messes things up
- $need_freetmps = 0;
- }
- write_back_stack();
- # pp_mapstart can return either op_next->op_next or op_next->op_other and
- # we need to be able to distinguish the two at runtime.
- my $sym= doop($op);
- my $next=$op->next;
- $next->save;
- my $nexttonext=$next->next;
- $nexttonext->save;
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$nexttonext);
- runtime(sprintf("if (PL_op == (($sym)->op_next)->op_next) goto %s;",
- label($nexttonext)));
- return $op->next->other;
- }
- sub pp_grepwhile {
- my $op = shift;
- my $next = $op->next;
- unshift(@bblock_todo, $next);
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- # pp_grepwhile can return either op_next or op_other and we need to
- # be able to distinguish the two at runtime. Since it's possible for
- # both ops to be "inlined", the fields could both be zero. To get
- # around that, we hack op_next to be our own op (purely because we
- # know it's a non-NULL pointer and can't be the same as op_other).
- $init->add("((LOGOP*)$sym)->op_next = $sym;");
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$next);
- runtime(sprintf("if (PL_op == ($sym)->op_next) goto %s;", label($next)));
- $know_op = 0;
- return $op->other;
- }
- sub pp_mapwhile {
- pp_grepwhile(@_);
- }
- sub pp_return {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_lexicals(REGISTER|TEMPORARY);
- write_back_stack();
- doop($op);
- runtime("PUTBACK;", "return PL_op;");
- $know_op = 0;
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub nyi {
- my $op = shift;
- warn sprintf("%s not yet implemented properly\n", $op->ppaddr);
- return default_pp($op);
- }
- sub pp_range {
- my $op = shift;
- my $flags = $op->flags;
- if (!($flags & OPf_WANT)) {
- error("context of range unknown at compile-time");
- }
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- unless (($flags & OPf_WANT)== OPf_WANT_LIST) {
- # We need to save our UNOP structure since pp_flop uses
- # it to find and adjust out targ. We don't need it ourselves.
- $op->save;
- save_or_restore_lexical_state(${$op->other});
- runtime sprintf("if (SvTRUE(PL_curpad[%d])) goto %s;",
- $op->targ, label($op->other));
- unshift(@bblock_todo, $op->other);
- }
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_flip {
- my $op = shift;
- my $flags = $op->flags;
- if (!($flags & OPf_WANT)) {
- error("context of flip unknown at compile-time");
- }
- if (($flags & OPf_WANT)==OPf_WANT_LIST) {
- return $op->first->other;
- }
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- # We need to save our UNOP structure since pp_flop uses
- # it to find and adjust out targ. We don't need it ourselves.
- $op->save;
- my $ix = $op->targ;
- my $rangeix = $op->first->targ;
- runtime(($op->private & OPpFLIP_LINENUM) ?
- "if (PL_last_in_gv && SvIV(TOPs) == IoLINES(GvIOp(PL_last_in_gv))) {"
- : "if (SvTRUE(TOPs)) {");
- runtime("\tsv_setiv(PL_curpad[$rangeix], 1);");
- if ($op->flags & OPf_SPECIAL) {
- runtime("sv_setiv(PL_curpad[$ix], 1);");
- } else {
- save_or_restore_lexical_state(${$op->first->other});
- runtime("\tsv_setiv(PL_curpad[$ix], 0);",
- "\tsp--;",
- sprintf("\tgoto %s;", label($op->first->other)));
- }
- runtime("}",
- qq{sv_setpv(PL_curpad[$ix], "");},
- "SETs(PL_curpad[$ix]);");
- $know_op = 0;
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_flop {
- my $op = shift;
- default_pp($op);
- $know_op = 0;
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub enterloop {
- my $op = shift;
- my $nextop = $op->nextop;
- my $lastop = $op->lastop;
- my $redoop = $op->redoop;
- $curcop->write_back;
- debug "enterloop: pushing on cxstack" if $debug_cxstack;
- push(@cxstack, {
- type => CXt_LOOP,
- op => $op,
- "label" => $curcop->[0]->label,
- nextop => $nextop,
- lastop => $lastop,
- redoop => $redoop
- });
- $nextop->save;
- $lastop->save;
- $redoop->save;
- return default_pp($op);
- }
- sub pp_enterloop { enterloop(@_) }
- sub pp_enteriter { enterloop(@_) }
- sub pp_leaveloop {
- my $op = shift;
- if (!@cxstack) {
- die "panic: leaveloop";
- }
- debug "leaveloop: popping from cxstack" if $debug_cxstack;
- pop(@cxstack);
- return default_pp($op);
- }
- sub pp_next {
- my $op = shift;
- my $cxix;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_SPECIAL) {
- $cxix = dopoptoloop();
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('"next" used outside loop');
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- } else {
- $cxix = dopoptolabel($op->pv);
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('Label not found at compile time for "next %s"', $op->pv);
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- }
- default_pp($op);
- my $nextop = $cxstack[$cxix]->{nextop};
- push(@bblock_todo, $nextop);
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$nextop);
- runtime(sprintf("goto %s;", label($nextop)));
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_redo {
- my $op = shift;
- my $cxix;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_SPECIAL) {
- $cxix = dopoptoloop();
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('"redo" used outside loop');
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- } else {
- $cxix = dopoptolabel($op->pv);
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('Label not found at compile time for "redo %s"', $op->pv);
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- }
- default_pp($op);
- my $redoop = $cxstack[$cxix]->{redoop};
- push(@bblock_todo, $redoop);
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$redoop);
- runtime(sprintf("goto %s;", label($redoop)));
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_last {
- my $op = shift;
- my $cxix;
- if ($op->flags & OPf_SPECIAL) {
- $cxix = dopoptoloop();
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('"last" used outside loop');
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- } else {
- $cxix = dopoptolabel($op->pv);
- if ($cxix < 0) {
- error('Label not found at compile time for "last %s"', $op->pv);
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- # XXX Add support for "last" to leave non-loop blocks
- if ($cxstack[$cxix]->{type} != CXt_LOOP) {
- error('Use of "last" for non-loop blocks is not yet implemented');
- return $op->next; # ignore the op
- }
- }
- default_pp($op);
- my $lastop = $cxstack[$cxix]->{lastop}->next;
- push(@bblock_todo, $lastop);
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$lastop);
- runtime(sprintf("goto %s;", label($lastop)));
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_subst {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- my $sym = doop($op);
- my $replroot = $op->pmreplroot;
- if ($$replroot) {
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$replroot);
- runtime sprintf("if (PL_op == ((PMOP*)(%s))->op_pmreplroot) goto %s;",
- $sym, label($replroot));
- $op->pmreplstart->save;
- push(@bblock_todo, $replroot);
- }
- invalidate_lexicals();
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub pp_substcont {
- my $op = shift;
- write_back_lexicals();
- write_back_stack();
- doop($op);
- my $pmop = $op->other;
- # warn sprintf("substcont: op = %s, pmop = %s\n",
- # peekop($op), peekop($pmop));#debug
- # my $pmopsym = objsym($pmop);
- my $pmopsym = $pmop->save; # XXX can this recurse?
- # warn "pmopsym = $pmopsym\n";#debug
- save_or_restore_lexical_state(${$pmop->pmreplstart});
- runtime sprintf("if (PL_op == ((PMOP*)(%s))->op_pmreplstart) goto %s;",
- $pmopsym, label($pmop->pmreplstart));
- invalidate_lexicals();
- return $pmop->next;
- }
- sub default_pp {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = "pp_" . $op->name;
- if ($curcop and $need_curcop{$ppname}){
- $curcop->write_back;
- }
- write_back_lexicals() unless $skip_lexicals{$ppname};
- write_back_stack() unless $skip_stack{$ppname};
- doop($op);
- # XXX If the only way that ops can write to a TEMPORARY lexical is
- # when it's named in $op->targ then we could call
- # invalidate_lexicals(TEMPORARY) and avoid having to write back all
- # the temporaries. For now, we'll play it safe and write back the lot.
- invalidate_lexicals() unless $skip_invalidate{$ppname};
- return $op->next;
- }
- sub compile_op {
- my $op = shift;
- my $ppname = "pp_" . $op->name;
- if (exists $ignore_op{$ppname}) {
- return $op->next;
- }
- debug peek_stack() if $debug_stack;
- if ($debug_op) {
- debug sprintf("%s [%s]\n",
- peekop($op),
- $op->flags & OPf_STACKED ? "OPf_STACKED" : $op->targ);
- }
- no strict 'refs';
- if (defined(&$ppname)) {
- $know_op = 0;
- return &$ppname($op);
- } else {
- return default_pp($op);
- }
- }
- sub compile_bblock {
- my $op = shift;
- #warn "compile_bblock: ", peekop($op), "\n"; # debug
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$op);
- write_label($op);
- $know_op = 0;
- do {
- $op = compile_op($op);
- } while (defined($op) && $$op && !exists($leaders->{$$op}));
- write_back_stack(); # boo hoo: big loss
- reload_lexicals();
- return $op;
- }
- sub cc {
- my ($name, $root, $start, @padlist) = @_;
- my $op;
- if($done{$$start}){
- #warn "repeat=>".ref($start)."$name,\n";#debug
- $decl->add(sprintf("#define $name %s",$done{$$start}));
- return;
- }
- init_pp($name);
- load_pad(@padlist);
- %lexstate=();
- B::Pseudoreg->new_scope;
- @cxstack = ();
- if ($debug_timings) {
- warn sprintf("Basic block analysis at %s\n", timing_info);
- }
- $leaders = find_leaders($root, $start);
- my @leaders= keys %$leaders;
- if ($#leaders > -1) {
- @bblock_todo = ($start, values %$leaders) ;
- } else{
- runtime("return PL_op?PL_op->op_next:0;");
- }
- if ($debug_timings) {
- warn sprintf("Compilation at %s\n", timing_info);
- }
- while (@bblock_todo) {
- $op = shift @bblock_todo;
- #warn sprintf("Considering basic block %s\n", peekop($op)); # debug
- next if !defined($op) || !$$op || $done{$$op};
- #warn "...compiling it\n"; # debug
- do {
- $done{$$op} = $name;
- $op = compile_bblock($op);
- if ($need_freetmps && $freetmps_each_bblock) {
- runtime("FREETMPS;");
- $need_freetmps = 0;
- }
- } while defined($op) && $$op && !$done{$$op};
- if ($need_freetmps && $freetmps_each_loop) {
- runtime("FREETMPS;");
- $need_freetmps = 0;
- }
- if (!$$op) {
- runtime("PUTBACK;","return PL_op;");
- } elsif ($done{$$op}) {
- save_or_restore_lexical_state($$op);
- runtime(sprintf("goto %s;", label($op)));
- }
- }
- if ($debug_timings) {
- warn sprintf("Saving runtime at %s\n", timing_info);
- }
- declare_pad(@padlist) ;
- save_runtime();
- }
- sub cc_recurse {
- my $ccinfo;
- my $start;
- $start = cc_queue(@_) if @_;
- while ($ccinfo = shift @cc_todo) {
- cc(@$ccinfo);
- }
- return $start;
- }
- sub cc_obj {
- my ($name, $cvref) = @_;
- my $cv = svref_2object($cvref);
- my @padlist = $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY;
- my $curpad_sym = $padlist[1]->save;
- cc_recurse($name, $cv->ROOT, $cv->START, @padlist);
- }
- sub cc_main {
- my @comppadlist = comppadlist->ARRAY;
- my $curpad_nam = $comppadlist[0]->save;
- my $curpad_sym = $comppadlist[1]->save;
- my $init_av = init_av->save;
- my $start = cc_recurse("pp_main", main_root, main_start, @comppadlist);
- # Do save_unused_subs before saving inc_hv
- save_unused_subs();
- cc_recurse();
- my $inc_hv = svref_2object(\%INC)->save;
- my $inc_av = svref_2object(\@INC)->save;
- my $amagic_generate= amagic_generation;
- return if $errors;
- if (!defined($module)) {
- $init->add(sprintf("PL_main_root = s\\_%x;", ${main_root()}),
- "PL_main_start = $start;",
- "PL_curpad = AvARRAY($curpad_sym);",
- "PL_initav = (AV *) $init_av;",
- "GvHV(PL_incgv) = $inc_hv;",
- "GvAV(PL_incgv) = $inc_av;",
- "av_store(CvPADLIST(PL_main_cv),0,SvREFCNT_inc($curpad_nam));",
- "av_store(CvPADLIST(PL_main_cv),1,SvREFCNT_inc($curpad_sym));",
- "PL_amagic_generation= $amagic_generate;",
- );
- }
- seek(STDOUT,0,0); #prevent print statements from BEGIN{} into the output
- output_boilerplate();
- print "\n";
- output_all("perl_init");
- output_runtime();
- print "\n";
- output_main();
- if (defined($module)) {
- my $cmodule = $module;
- $cmodule =~ s/::/__/g;
- print <<"EOT";
- #include "XSUB.h"
- XS(boot_$cmodule)
- {
- perl_init();
- SAVEVPTR(PL_curpad);
- PL_curpad = AvARRAY($curpad_sym);
- PL_op = $start;
- pp_main(aTHX);
- ST(0) = &PL_sv_yes;
- }
- }
- if ($debug_timings) {
- warn sprintf("Done at %s\n", timing_info);
- }
- }
- sub compile {
- my @options = @_;
- my ($option, $opt, $arg);
- while ($option = shift @options) {
- if ($option =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
- $opt = $1;
- $arg = $2;
- } else {
- unshift @options, $option;
- last OPTION;
- }
- if ($opt eq "-" && $arg eq "-") {
- shift @options;
- last OPTION;
- } elsif ($opt eq "o") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- open(STDOUT, ">$arg") or return "open '>$arg': $!\n";
- } elsif ($opt eq "n") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- $module_name = $arg;
- } elsif ($opt eq "u") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- mark_unused($arg,undef);
- } elsif ($opt eq "f") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- my $value = $arg !~ s/^no-//;
- $arg =~ s/-/_/g;
- my $ref = $optimise{$arg};
- if (defined($ref)) {
- $$ref = $value;
- } else {
- warn qq(ignoring unknown optimisation option "$arg"\n);
- }
- } elsif ($opt eq "O") {
- $arg = 1 if $arg eq "";
- my $ref;
- foreach $ref (values %optimise) {
- $$ref = 0;
- }
- if ($arg >= 2) {
- $freetmps_each_loop = 1;
- }
- if ($arg >= 1) {
- $freetmps_each_bblock = 1 unless $freetmps_each_loop;
- }
- } elsif ($opt eq "m") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- $module = $arg;
- mark_unused($arg,undef);
- } elsif ($opt eq "p") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- $patchlevel = $arg;
- } elsif ($opt eq "D") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- foreach $arg (split(//, $arg)) {
- if ($arg eq "o") {
- B->debug(1);
- } elsif ($arg eq "O") {
- $debug_op = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "s") {
- $debug_stack = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "c") {
- $debug_cxstack = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "p") {
- $debug_pad = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "r") {
- $debug_runtime = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "S") {
- $debug_shadow = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "q") {
- $debug_queue = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "l") {
- $debug_lineno = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "t") {
- $debug_timings = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- init_sections();
- $init = B::Section->get("init");
- $decl = B::Section->get("decl");
- if (@options) {
- return sub {
- my ($objname, $ppname);
- foreach $objname (@options) {
- $objname = "main::$objname" unless $objname =~ /::/;
- ($ppname = $objname) =~ s/^.*?:://;
- eval "cc_obj(qq(pp_sub_$ppname), \\&$objname)";
- die "cc_obj(qq(pp_sub_$ppname, \\&$objname) failed: $@" if $@;
- return if $errors;
- }
- output_boilerplate();
- print "\n";
- output_all($module_name || "init_module");
- output_runtime();
- }
- } else {
- return sub { cc_main() };
- }
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- B::CC - Perl compiler's optimized C translation backend
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MO=CC[,OPTIONS] foo.pl
- This compiler backend takes Perl source and generates C source code
- corresponding to the flow of your program. In other words, this
- backend is somewhat a "real" compiler in the sense that many people
- think about compilers. Note however that, currently, it is a very
- poor compiler in that although it generates (mostly, or at least
- sometimes) correct code, it performs relatively few optimisations.
- This will change as the compiler develops. The result is that
- running an executable compiled with this backend may start up more
- quickly than running the original Perl program (a feature shared
- by the B<C> compiler backend--see F<B::C>) and may also execute
- slightly faster. This is by no means a good optimising compiler--yet.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be
- names of objects to be saved (probably doesn't work properly yet).
- Without extra arguments, it saves the main program.
- =over 4
- =item B<-ofilename>
- Output to filename instead of STDOUT
- =item B<-v>
- Verbose compilation (currently gives a few compilation statistics).
- =item B<-->
- Force end of options
- =item B<-uPackname>
- Force apparently unused subs from package Packname to be compiled.
- This allows programs to use eval "foo()" even when sub foo is never
- seen to be used at compile time. The down side is that any subs which
- really are never used also have code generated. This option is
- necessary, for example, if you have a signal handler foo which you
- initialise with C<$SIG{BAR} = "foo">. A better fix, though, is just
- to change it to C<$SIG{BAR} = \&foo>. You can have multiple B<-u>
- options. The compiler tries to figure out which packages may possibly
- have subs in which need compiling but the current version doesn't do
- it very well. In particular, it is confused by nested packages (i.e.
- of the form C<A::B>) where package C<A> does not contain any subs.
- =item B<-mModulename>
- Instead of generating source for a runnable executable, generate
- source for an XSUB module. The boot_Modulename function (which
- DynaLoader can look for) does the appropriate initialisation and runs
- the main part of the Perl source that is being compiled.
- =item B<-D>
- Debug options (concatenated or separate flags like C<perl -D>).
- =item B<-Dr>
- Writes debugging output to STDERR just as it's about to write to the
- program's runtime (otherwise writes debugging info as comments in
- its C output).
- =item B<-DO>
- Outputs each OP as it's compiled
- =item B<-Ds>
- Outputs the contents of the shadow stack at each OP
- =item B<-Dp>
- Outputs the contents of the shadow pad of lexicals as it's loaded for
- each sub or the main program.
- =item B<-Dq>
- Outputs the name of each fake PP function in the queue as it's about
- to process it.
- =item B<-Dl>
- Output the filename and line number of each original line of Perl
- code as it's processed (C<pp_nextstate>).
- =item B<-Dt>
- Outputs timing information of compilation stages.
- =item B<-f>
- Force optimisations on or off one at a time.
- =item B<-ffreetmps-each-bblock>
- Delays FREETMPS from the end of each statement to the end of the each
- basic block.
- =item B<-ffreetmps-each-loop>
- Delays FREETMPS from the end of each statement to the end of the group
- of basic blocks forming a loop. At most one of the freetmps-each-*
- options can be used.
- =item B<-fomit-taint>
- Omits generating code for handling perl's tainting mechanism.
- =item B<-On>
- Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). B<-O> means B<-O1>.
- Currently, B<-O1> sets B<-ffreetmps-each-bblock> and B<-O2>
- sets B<-ffreetmps-each-loop>.
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- perl -MO=CC,-O2,-ofoo.c foo.pl
- perl cc_harness -o foo foo.c
- Note that C<cc_harness> lives in the C<B> subdirectory of your perl
- library directory. The utility called C<perlcc> may also be used to
- help make use of this compiler.
- perl -MO=CC,-mFoo,-oFoo.c Foo.pm
- perl cc_harness -shared -c -o Foo.so Foo.c
- =head1 BUGS
- Plenty. Current status: experimental.
- These aren't really bugs but they are constructs which are heavily
- tied to perl's compile-and-go implementation and with which this
- compiler backend cannot cope.
- =head2 Loops
- Standard perl calculates the target of "next", "last", and "redo"
- at run-time. The compiler calculates the targets at compile-time.
- For example, the program
- sub skip_on_odd { next NUMBER if $_[0] % 2 }
- NUMBER: for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
- skip_on_odd($i);
- print $i;
- }
- produces the output
- 024
- with standard perl but gives a compile-time error with the compiler.
- =head2 Context of ".."
- The context (scalar or array) of the ".." operator determines whether
- it behaves as a range or a flip/flop. Standard perl delays until
- runtime the decision of which context it is in but the compiler needs
- to know the context at compile-time. For example,
- @a = (4,6,1,0,0,1);
- sub range { (shift @a)..(shift @a) }
- print range();
- while (@a) { print scalar(range()) }
- generates the output
- 456123E0
- with standard Perl but gives a compile-time error with compiled Perl.
- =head2 Arithmetic
- Compiled Perl programs use native C arithemtic much more frequently
- than standard perl. Operations on large numbers or on boundary
- cases may produce different behaviour.
- =head2 Deprecated features
- Features of standard perl such as C<$[> which have been deprecated
- in standard perl since Perl5 was released have not been implemented
- in the compiler.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Malcolm Beattie, C<mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk>
- =cut