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- # Bytecode.pm
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Malcolm Beattie
- #
- # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
- # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
- #
- package B::Bytecode;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use B qw(main_cv main_root main_start comppadlist
- class peekop walkoptree svref_2object cstring walksymtable
- init_av begin_av end_av
- );
- use B::Asmdata qw(@optype @specialsv_name);
- use B::Assembler qw(newasm endasm assemble);
- my %optype_enum;
- my $i;
- for ($i = 0; $i < @optype; $i++) {
- $optype_enum{$optype[$i]} = $i;
- }
- # Following is SVf_POK|SVp_POK
- # XXX Shouldn't be hardwired
- sub POK () { SVf_POK|SVp_POK }
- # Following is SVf_IOK|SVp_IOK
- # XXX Shouldn't be hardwired
- sub IOK () { SVf_IOK|SVp_IOK }
- # Following is SVf_NOK|SVp_NOK
- # XXX Shouldn't be hardwired
- sub NOK () { SVf_NOK|SVp_NOK }
- # nonexistant flags (see B::GV::bytecode for usage)
- sub GVf_IMPORTED_IO () { 0; }
- sub GVf_IMPORTED_FORM () { 0; }
- my ($verbose, $no_assemble, $debug_bc, $debug_cv);
- my @packages; # list of packages to compile
- sub asm (@) { # print replacement that knows about assembling
- if ($no_assemble) {
- print @_;
- } else {
- my $buf = join '', @_;
- assemble($_) for (split /\n/, $buf);
- }
- }
- sub asmf (@) { # printf replacement that knows about assembling
- if ($no_assemble) {
- printf shift(), @_;
- } else {
- my $format = shift;
- my $buf = sprintf $format, @_;
- assemble($_) for (split /\n/, $buf);
- }
- }
- # Optimisation options. On the command line, use hyphens instead of
- # underscores for compatibility with gcc-style options. We use
- # underscores here because they are OK in (strict) barewords.
- my ($compress_nullops, $omit_seq, $bypass_nullops);
- my %optimise = (compress_nullops => \$compress_nullops,
- omit_sequence_numbers => \$omit_seq,
- bypass_nullops => \$bypass_nullops);
- my $strip_syntree; # this is left here in case stripping the
- # syntree ever becomes safe again
- # -- BKS, June 2000
- my $nextix = 0;
- my %symtable; # maps object addresses to object indices.
- # Filled in at allocation (newsv/newop) time.
- my %saved; # maps object addresses (for SVish classes) to "saved yet?"
- # flag. Set at FOO::bytecode time usually by SV::bytecode.
- # Manipulated via saved(), mark_saved(), unmark_saved().
- my %strtable; # maps shared strings to object indices
- # Filled in at allocation (pvix) time
- my $svix = -1; # we keep track of when the sv register contains an element
- # of the object table to avoid unnecessary repeated
- # consecutive ldsv instructions.
- my $opix = -1; # Ditto for the op register.
- sub ldsv {
- my $ix = shift;
- if ($ix != $svix) {
- asm "ldsv $ix\n";
- $svix = $ix;
- }
- }
- sub stsv {
- my $ix = shift;
- asm "stsv $ix\n";
- $svix = $ix;
- }
- sub set_svix {
- $svix = shift;
- }
- sub ldop {
- my $ix = shift;
- if ($ix != $opix) {
- asm "ldop $ix\n";
- $opix = $ix;
- }
- }
- sub stop {
- my $ix = shift;
- asm "stop $ix\n";
- $opix = $ix;
- }
- sub set_opix {
- $opix = shift;
- }
- sub pvstring {
- my $str = shift;
- if (defined($str)) {
- return cstring($str . "\0");
- } else {
- return '""';
- }
- }
- sub nv {
- # print full precision
- my $str = sprintf "%.40f", $_[0];
- $str =~ s/0+$//; # remove trailing zeros
- $str =~ s/\.$/.0/;
- return $str;
- }
- sub saved { $saved{${$_[0]}} }
- sub mark_saved { $saved{${$_[0]}} = 1 }
- sub unmark_saved { $saved{${$_[0]}} = 0 }
- sub debug { $debug_bc = shift }
- sub pvix { # save a shared PV (mainly for COPs)
- return $strtable{$_[0]} if defined($strtable{$_[0]});
- asmf "newpv %s\n", pvstring($_[0]);
- my $ix = $nextix++;
- $strtable{$_[0]} = $ix;
- asmf "stpv %d\n", $ix;
- return $ix;
- }
- sub B::OBJECT::nyi {
- my $obj = shift;
- warn sprintf("bytecode save method for %s (0x%x) not yet implemented\n",
- class($obj), $$obj);
- }
- #
- # objix may stomp on the op register (for op objects)
- # or the sv register (for SV objects)
- #
- sub B::OBJECT::objix {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $ix = $symtable{$$obj};
- if (defined($ix)) {
- return $ix;
- } else {
- $obj->newix($nextix);
- return $symtable{$$obj} = $nextix++;
- }
- }
- sub B::SV::newix {
- my ($sv, $ix) = @_;
- asmf "newsv %d\t# %s\n", $sv->FLAGS & SVTYPEMASK, class($sv);
- stsv($ix);
- }
- sub B::GV::newix {
- my ($gv, $ix) = @_;
- my $gvname = $gv->NAME;
- my $name = cstring($gv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $gvname);
- asm "gv_fetchpv $name\n";
- stsv($ix);
- }
- sub B::HV::newix {
- my ($hv, $ix) = @_;
- my $name = $hv->NAME;
- if ($name) {
- # It's a stash
- asmf "gv_stashpv %s\n", cstring($name);
- stsv($ix);
- } else {
- # It's an ordinary HV. Fall back to ordinary newix method
- $hv->B::SV::newix($ix);
- }
- }
- sub B::SPECIAL::newix {
- my ($sv, $ix) = @_;
- # Special case. $$sv is not the address of the SV but an
- # index into svspecialsv_list.
- asmf "ldspecsv $$sv\t# %s\n", $specialsv_name[$$sv];
- stsv($ix);
- }
- sub B::OP::newix {
- my ($op, $ix) = @_;
- my $class = class($op);
- my $typenum = $optype_enum{$class};
- croak("OP::newix: can't understand class $class") unless defined($typenum);
- asm "newop $typenum\t# $class\n";
- stop($ix);
- }
- sub B::OP::walkoptree_debug {
- my $op = shift;
- warn(sprintf("walkoptree: %s\n", peekop($op)));
- }
- sub B::OP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $next = $op->next;
- my $nextix;
- my $sibix = $op->sibling->objix unless $strip_syntree;
- my $ix = $op->objix;
- my $type = $op->type;
- if ($bypass_nullops) {
- $next = $next->next while $$next && $next->type == 0;
- }
- $nextix = $next->objix;
- asmf "# %s\n", peekop($op) if $debug_bc;
- ldop($ix);
- asm "op_next $nextix\n";
- asm "op_sibling $sibix\n" unless $strip_syntree;
- asmf "op_type %s\t# %d\n", "pp_" . $op->name, $type;
- asmf("op_seq %d\n", $op->seq) unless $omit_seq;
- if ($type || !$compress_nullops) {
- asmf "op_targ %d\nop_flags 0x%x\nop_private 0x%x\n",
- $op->targ, $op->flags, $op->private;
- }
- }
- sub B::UNOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $firstix = $op->first->objix unless $strip_syntree;
- $op->B::OP::bytecode;
- if (($op->type || !$compress_nullops) && !$strip_syntree) {
- asm "op_first $firstix\n";
- }
- }
- sub B::LOGOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $otherix = $op->other->objix;
- $op->B::UNOP::bytecode;
- asm "op_other $otherix\n";
- }
- sub B::SVOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $sv = $op->sv;
- my $svix = $sv->objix;
- $op->B::OP::bytecode;
- asm "op_sv $svix\n";
- $sv->bytecode;
- }
- sub B::PADOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $padix = $op->padix;
- $op->B::OP::bytecode;
- asm "op_padix $padix\n";
- }
- sub B::PVOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $pv = $op->pv;
- $op->B::OP::bytecode;
- #
- # This would be easy except that OP_TRANS uses a PVOP to store an
- # endian-dependent array of 256 shorts instead of a plain string.
- #
- if ($op->name eq "trans") {
- my @shorts = unpack("s256", $pv); # assembler handles endianness
- asm "op_pv_tr ", join(",", @shorts), "\n";
- } else {
- asmf "newpv %s\nop_pv\n", pvstring($pv);
- }
- }
- sub B::BINOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $lastix = $op->last->objix unless $strip_syntree;
- $op->B::UNOP::bytecode;
- if (($op->type || !$compress_nullops) && !$strip_syntree) {
- asm "op_last $lastix\n";
- }
- }
- sub B::LOOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $redoopix = $op->redoop->objix;
- my $nextopix = $op->nextop->objix;
- my $lastopix = $op->lastop->objix;
- $op->B::LISTOP::bytecode;
- asm "op_redoop $redoopix\nop_nextop $nextopix\nop_lastop $lastopix\n";
- }
- sub B::COP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $file = $op->file;
- my $line = $op->line;
- if ($debug_bc) { # do this early to aid debugging
- asmf "# line %s:%d\n", $file, $line;
- }
- my $stashpv = $op->stashpv;
- my $warnings = $op->warnings;
- my $warningsix = $warnings->objix;
- my $labelix = pvix($op->label);
- my $stashix = pvix($stashpv);
- my $fileix = pvix($file);
- $warnings->bytecode;
- $op->B::OP::bytecode;
- asmf <<"EOT", $labelix, $stashix, $op->cop_seq, $fileix, $op->arybase;
- cop_label %d
- cop_stashpv %d
- cop_seq %d
- cop_file %d
- cop_arybase %d
- cop_line $line
- cop_warnings $warningsix
- }
- sub B::PMOP::bytecode {
- my $op = shift;
- my $replroot = $op->pmreplroot;
- my $replrootix = $replroot->objix;
- my $replstartix = $op->pmreplstart->objix;
- my $opname = $op->name;
- # pmnext is corrupt in some PMOPs (see misc.t for example)
- #my $pmnextix = $op->pmnext->objix;
- if ($$replroot) {
- # OP_PUSHRE (a mutated version of OP_MATCH for the regexp
- # argument to a split) stores a GV in op_pmreplroot instead
- # of a substitution syntax tree. We don't want to walk that...
- if ($opname eq "pushre") {
- $replroot->bytecode;
- } else {
- walkoptree($replroot, "bytecode");
- }
- }
- $op->B::LISTOP::bytecode;
- if ($opname eq "pushre") {
- asmf "op_pmreplrootgv $replrootix\n";
- } else {
- asm "op_pmreplroot $replrootix\nop_pmreplstart $replstartix\n";
- }
- my $re = pvstring($op->precomp);
- # op_pmnext omitted since a perl bug means it's sometime corrupt
- asmf <<"EOT", $op->pmflags, $op->pmpermflags;
- op_pmflags 0x%x
- op_pmpermflags 0x%x
- newpv $re
- pregcomp
- }
- sub B::SV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- my $ix = $sv->objix;
- my $refcnt = $sv->REFCNT;
- my $flags = sprintf("0x%x", $sv->FLAGS);
- ldsv($ix);
- asm "sv_refcnt $refcnt\nsv_flags $flags\n";
- mark_saved($sv);
- }
- sub B::PV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- $sv->B::SV::bytecode;
- asmf("newpv %s\nxpv\n", pvstring($sv->PV)) if $sv->FLAGS & POK;
- }
- sub B::IV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- my $iv = $sv->IVX;
- $sv->B::SV::bytecode;
- asmf "%s $iv\n", $sv->needs64bits ? "xiv64" : "xiv32" if $sv->FLAGS & IOK; # could be PVNV
- }
- sub B::NV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- $sv->B::SV::bytecode;
- asmf "xnv %s\n", nv($sv->NVX);
- }
- sub B::RV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- my $rv = $sv->RV;
- my $rvix = $rv->objix;
- $rv->bytecode;
- $sv->B::SV::bytecode;
- asm "xrv $rvix\n";
- }
- sub B::PVIV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- my $iv = $sv->IVX;
- $sv->B::PV::bytecode;
- asmf "%s $iv\n", $sv->needs64bits ? "xiv64" : "xiv32";
- }
- sub B::PVNV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- my $flag = shift || 0;
- # The $flag argument is passed through PVMG::bytecode by BM::bytecode
- # and AV::bytecode and indicates special handling. $flag = 1 is used by
- # BM::bytecode and means that we should ensure we save the whole B-M
- # table. It consists of 257 bytes (256 char array plus a final \0)
- # which follow the ordinary PV+\0 and the 257 bytes are *not* reflected
- # in SvCUR. $flag = 2 is used by AV::bytecode and means that we only
- # call SV::bytecode instead of saving PV and calling NV::bytecode since
- # PV/NV/IV stuff is different for AVs.
- return if saved($sv);
- if ($flag == 2) {
- $sv->B::SV::bytecode;
- } else {
- my $pv = $sv->PV;
- $sv->B::IV::bytecode;
- asmf "xnv %s\n", nv($sv->NVX);
- if ($flag == 1) {
- $pv .= "\0" . $sv->TABLE;
- asmf "newpv %s\npv_cur %d\nxpv\n", pvstring($pv),length($pv)-257;
- } else {
- asmf("newpv %s\nxpv\n", pvstring($pv)) if $sv->FLAGS & POK;
- }
- }
- }
- sub B::PVMG::bytecode {
- my ($sv, $flag) = @_;
- # See B::PVNV::bytecode for an explanation of $flag.
- return if saved($sv);
- # XXX We assume SvSTASH is already saved and don't save it later ourselves
- my $stashix = $sv->SvSTASH->objix;
- my @mgchain = $sv->MAGIC;
- my (@mgobjix, $mg);
- #
- # We need to traverse the magic chain and get objix for each OBJ
- # field *before* we do B::PVNV::bytecode since objix overwrites
- # the sv register. However, we need to write the magic-saving
- # bytecode *after* B::PVNV::bytecode since sv isn't initialised
- # to refer to $sv until then.
- #
- @mgobjix = map($_->OBJ->objix, @mgchain);
- $sv->B::PVNV::bytecode($flag);
- asm "xmg_stash $stashix\n";
- foreach $mg (@mgchain) {
- asmf "sv_magic %s\nmg_obj %d\nnewpv %s\nmg_pv\n",
- cstring($mg->TYPE), shift(@mgobjix), pvstring($mg->PTR);
- }
- }
- sub B::PVLV::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- $sv->B::PVMG::bytecode;
- asmf <<'EOT', $sv->TARGOFF, $sv->TARGLEN, cstring($sv->TYPE);
- xlv_targoff %d
- xlv_targlen %d
- xlv_type %s
- }
- sub B::BM::bytecode {
- my $sv = shift;
- return if saved($sv);
- # See PVNV::bytecode for an explanation of what the argument does
- $sv->B::PVMG::bytecode(1);
- asmf "xbm_useful %d\nxbm_previous %d\nxbm_rare %d\n",
- $sv->USEFUL, $sv->PREVIOUS, $sv->RARE;
- }
- sub empty_gv { # is a GV empty except for imported stuff?
- my $gv = shift;
- return 0 if ($gv->SV->FLAGS & SVTYPEMASK); # sv not SVt_NULL
- my @subfield_names = qw(AV HV CV FORM IO);
- @subfield_names = grep {;
- no strict 'refs';
- !($gv->GvFLAGS & ${\"GVf_IMPORTED_$_"}->()) && ${$gv->$_()};
- } @subfield_names;
- return scalar @subfield_names;
- }
- sub B::GV::bytecode {
- my $gv = shift;
- return if saved($gv);
- return unless grep { $_ eq $gv->STASH->NAME; } @packages;
- return if $gv->NAME =~ m/^\(/; # ignore overloads - they'll be rebuilt
- my $ix = $gv->objix;
- mark_saved($gv);
- ldsv($ix);
- asmf <<"EOT", $gv->FLAGS, $gv->GvFLAGS;
- sv_flags 0x%x
- xgv_flags 0x%x
- my $refcnt = $gv->REFCNT;
- asmf("sv_refcnt_add %d\n", $refcnt - 1) if $refcnt > 1;
- return if $gv->is_empty;
- asmf <<"EOT", $gv->LINE, pvix($gv->FILE);
- gp_line %d
- gp_file %d
- my $gvname = $gv->NAME;
- my $name = cstring($gv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $gvname);
- my $egv = $gv->EGV;
- my $egvix = $egv->objix;
- my $gvrefcnt = $gv->GvREFCNT;
- asmf("gp_refcnt_add %d\n", $gvrefcnt - 1) if $gvrefcnt > 1;
- if ($gvrefcnt > 1 && $ix != $egvix) {
- asm "gp_share $egvix\n";
- } else {
- if ($gvname !~ /^([^A-Za-z]|STDIN|STDOUT|STDERR|ARGV|SIG|ENV)$/) {
- my $i;
- my @subfield_names = qw(SV AV HV CV FORM IO);
- @subfield_names = grep {;
- no strict 'refs';
- !($gv->GvFLAGS & ${\"GVf_IMPORTED_$_"}->());
- } @subfield_names;
- my @subfields = map($gv->$_(), @subfield_names);
- my @ixes = map($_->objix, @subfields);
- # Reset sv register for $gv
- ldsv($ix);
- for ($i = 0; $i < @ixes; $i++) {
- asmf "gp_%s %d\n", lc($subfield_names[$i]), $ixes[$i];
- }
- # Now save all the subfields
- my $sv;
- foreach $sv (@subfields) {
- $sv->bytecode;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub B::HV::bytecode {
- my $hv = shift;
- return if saved($hv);
- mark_saved($hv);
- my $name = $hv->NAME;
- my $ix = $hv->objix;
- if (!$name) {
- # It's an ordinary HV. Stashes have NAME set and need no further
- # saving beyond the gv_stashpv that $hv->objix already ensures.
- my @contents = $hv->ARRAY;
- my ($i, @ixes);
- for ($i = 1; $i < @contents; $i += 2) {
- push(@ixes, $contents[$i]->objix);
- }
- for ($i = 1; $i < @contents; $i += 2) {
- $contents[$i]->bytecode;
- }
- ldsv($ix);
- for ($i = 0; $i < @contents; $i += 2) {
- asmf("newpv %s\nhv_store %d\n",
- pvstring($contents[$i]), $ixes[$i / 2]);
- }
- asmf "sv_refcnt %d\nsv_flags 0x%x\n", $hv->REFCNT, $hv->FLAGS;
- }
- }
- sub B::AV::bytecode {
- my $av = shift;
- return if saved($av);
- my $ix = $av->objix;
- my $fill = $av->FILL;
- my $max = $av->MAX;
- my (@array, @ixes);
- if ($fill > -1) {
- @array = $av->ARRAY;
- @ixes = map($_->objix, @array);
- my $sv;
- foreach $sv (@array) {
- $sv->bytecode;
- }
- }
- # See PVNV::bytecode for the meaning of the flag argument of 2.
- $av->B::PVMG::bytecode(2);
- # Recover sv register and set AvMAX and AvFILL to -1 (since we
- # create an AV with NEWSV and SvUPGRADE rather than doing newAV
- # which is what sets AvMAX and AvFILL.
- ldsv($ix);
- asmf "sv_flags 0x%x\n", $av->FLAGS & ~SVf_READONLY; # SvREADONLY_off($av) in case PADCONST
- asmf "xav_flags 0x%x\nxav_max -1\nxav_fill -1\n", $av->AvFLAGS;
- if ($fill > -1) {
- my $elix;
- foreach $elix (@ixes) {
- asm "av_push $elix\n";
- }
- } else {
- if ($max > -1) {
- asm "av_extend $max\n";
- }
- }
- asmf "sv_flags 0x%x\n", $av->FLAGS; # restore flags from above
- }
- sub B::CV::bytecode {
- my $cv = shift;
- return if saved($cv);
- return if ${$cv->GV} && ($cv->GV->GvFLAGS & GVf_IMPORTED_CV);
- my $fileix = pvix($cv->FILE);
- my $ix = $cv->objix;
- $cv->B::PVMG::bytecode;
- my $i;
- my @subfield_names = qw(ROOT START STASH GV PADLIST OUTSIDE);
- my @subfields = map($cv->$_(), @subfield_names);
- my @ixes = map($_->objix, @subfields);
- # Save OP tree from CvROOT (first element of @subfields)
- my $root = shift @subfields;
- if ($$root) {
- walkoptree($root, "bytecode");
- }
- # Reset sv register for $cv (since above ->objix calls stomped on it)
- ldsv($ix);
- for ($i = 0; $i < @ixes; $i++) {
- asmf "xcv_%s %d\n", lc($subfield_names[$i]), $ixes[$i];
- }
- asmf "xcv_depth %d\nxcv_flags 0x%x\n", $cv->DEPTH, $cv->CvFLAGS;
- asmf "xcv_file %d\n", $fileix;
- # Now save all the subfields (except for CvROOT which was handled
- # above) and CvSTART (now the initial element of @subfields).
- shift @subfields; # bye-bye CvSTART
- my $sv;
- foreach $sv (@subfields) {
- $sv->bytecode;
- }
- }
- sub B::IO::bytecode {
- my $io = shift;
- return if saved($io);
- my $ix = $io->objix;
- my $top_gv = $io->TOP_GV;
- my $top_gvix = $top_gv->objix;
- my $fmt_gv = $io->FMT_GV;
- my $fmt_gvix = $fmt_gv->objix;
- my $bottom_gv = $io->BOTTOM_GV;
- my $bottom_gvix = $bottom_gv->objix;
- $io->B::PVMG::bytecode;
- ldsv($ix);
- asm "xio_top_gv $top_gvix\n";
- asm "xio_fmt_gv $fmt_gvix\n";
- asm "xio_bottom_gv $bottom_gvix\n";
- my $field;
- foreach $field (qw(TOP_NAME FMT_NAME BOTTOM_NAME)) {
- asmf "newpv %s\nxio_%s\n", pvstring($io->$field()), lc($field);
- }
- asmf "xio_%s %d\n", lc($field), $io->$field();
- }
- asmf "xio_type %s\nxio_flags 0x%x\n", cstring($io->IoTYPE), $io->IoFLAGS;
- $top_gv->bytecode;
- $fmt_gv->bytecode;
- $bottom_gv->bytecode;
- }
- sub B::SPECIAL::bytecode {
- # nothing extra needs doing
- }
- sub bytecompile_object {
- for my $sv (@_) {
- svref_2object($sv)->bytecode;
- }
- }
- sub B::GV::bytecodecv {
- my $gv = shift;
- my $cv = $gv->CV;
- if ($$cv && !saved($cv) && !($gv->FLAGS & GVf_IMPORTED_CV)) {
- if ($debug_cv) {
- warn sprintf("saving extra CV &%s::%s (0x%x) from GV 0x%x\n",
- $gv->STASH->NAME, $gv->NAME, $$cv, $$gv);
- }
- $gv->bytecode;
- }
- }
- sub save_call_queues {
- if (begin_av()->isa("B::AV")) { # this is just to save 'use Foo;' calls
- for my $cv (begin_av()->ARRAY) {
- next unless grep { $_ eq $cv->STASH->NAME; } @packages;
- my $op = $cv->START;
- while ($$op) {
- if ($op->name eq 'require') { # save any BEGIN that does a require
- $cv->bytecode;
- asmf "push_begin %d\n", $cv->objix;
- last OPLOOP;
- }
- $op = $op->next;
- }
- }
- }
- if (init_av()->isa("B::AV")) {
- for my $cv (init_av()->ARRAY) {
- next unless grep { $_ eq $cv->STASH->NAME; } @packages;
- $cv->bytecode;
- asmf "push_init %d\n", $cv->objix;
- }
- }
- if (end_av()->isa("B::AV")) {
- for my $cv (end_av()->ARRAY) {
- next unless grep { $_ eq $cv->STASH->NAME; } @packages;
- $cv->bytecode;
- asmf "push_end %d\n", $cv->objix;
- }
- }
- }
- sub symwalk {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $ok = 1 if grep { (my $name = $_[0]) =~ s/::$//; $_ eq $name;} @packages;
- if (grep { /^$_[0]/; } @packages) {
- walksymtable(\%{"$_[0]"}, "bytecodecv", \&symwalk, $_[0]);
- }
- warn "considering $_[0] ... " . ($ok ? "accepted\n" : "rejected\n")
- if $debug_bc;
- $ok;
- }
- sub bytecompile_main {
- my $curpad = (comppadlist->ARRAY)[1];
- my $curpadix = $curpad->objix;
- $curpad->bytecode;
- save_call_queues();
- walkoptree(main_root, "bytecode") unless ref(main_root) eq "B::NULL";
- warn "done main program, now walking symbol table\n" if $debug_bc;
- if (@packages) {
- no strict qw(refs);
- walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "bytecodecv", \&symwalk);
- } else {
- die "No packages requested for compilation!\n";
- }
- asmf "main_root %d\n", main_root->objix;
- asmf "main_start %d\n", main_start->objix;
- asmf "curpad $curpadix\n";
- # XXX Do min_intro_pending and max_intro_pending matter?
- }
- sub compile {
- my @options = @_;
- my ($option, $opt, $arg);
- open(OUT, ">&STDOUT");
- binmode OUT;
- select OUT;
- while ($option = shift @options) {
- if ($option =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
- $opt = $1;
- $arg = $2;
- } else {
- unshift @options, $option;
- last OPTION;
- }
- if ($opt eq "-" && $arg eq "-") {
- shift @options;
- last OPTION;
- } elsif ($opt eq "o") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- open(OUT, ">$arg") or return "$arg: $!\n";
- binmode OUT;
- } elsif ($opt eq "a") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- open(OUT, ">>$arg") or return "$arg: $!\n";
- binmode OUT;
- } elsif ($opt eq "D") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- foreach $arg (split(//, $arg)) {
- if ($arg eq "b") {
- $| = 1;
- debug(1);
- } elsif ($arg eq "o") {
- B->debug(1);
- } elsif ($arg eq "a") {
- B::Assembler::debug(1);
- } elsif ($arg eq "C") {
- $debug_cv = 1;
- }
- }
- } elsif ($opt eq "v") {
- $verbose = 1;
- } elsif ($opt eq "S") {
- $no_assemble = 1;
- } elsif ($opt eq "f") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- my $value = $arg !~ s/^no-//;
- $arg =~ s/-/_/g;
- my $ref = $optimise{$arg};
- if (defined($ref)) {
- $$ref = $value;
- } else {
- warn qq(ignoring unknown optimisation option "$arg"\n);
- }
- } elsif ($opt eq "O") {
- $arg = 1 if $arg eq "";
- my $ref;
- foreach $ref (values %optimise) {
- $$ref = 0;
- }
- if ($arg >= 2) {
- $bypass_nullops = 1;
- }
- if ($arg >= 1) {
- $compress_nullops = 1;
- $omit_seq = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($opt eq "u") {
- $arg ||= shift @options;
- push @packages, $arg;
- } else {
- warn qq(ignoring unknown option "$opt$arg"\n);
- }
- }
- if (! @packages) {
- warn "No package specified for compilation, assuming main::\n";
- @packages = qw(main);
- }
- if (@options) {
- die "Extraneous options left on B::Bytecode commandline: @options\n";
- } else {
- return sub {
- newasm(\&apr) unless $no_assemble;
- bytecompile_main();
- endasm() unless $no_assemble;
- };
- }
- }
- sub apr { print @_; }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- B::Bytecode - Perl compiler's bytecode backend
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MO=Bytecode[,OPTIONS] foo.pl
- This compiler backend takes Perl source and generates a
- platform-independent bytecode encapsulating code to load the
- internal structures perl uses to run your program. When the
- generated bytecode is loaded in, your program is ready to run,
- reducing the time which perl would have taken to load and parse
- your program into its internal semi-compiled form. That means that
- compiling with this backend will not help improve the runtime
- execution speed of your program but may improve the start-up time.
- Depending on the environment in which your program runs this may
- or may not be a help.
- The resulting bytecode can be run with a special byteperl executable
- or (for non-main programs) be loaded via the C<byteload_fh> function
- in the F<B> module.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be names of
- objects to be saved (probably doesn't work properly yet). Without
- extra arguments, it saves the main program.
- =over 4
- =item B<-ofilename>
- Output to filename instead of STDOUT.
- =item B<-afilename>
- Append output to filename.
- =item B<-->
- Force end of options.
- =item B<-f>
- Force optimisations on or off one at a time. Each can be preceded
- by B<no-> to turn the option off (e.g. B<-fno-compress-nullops>).
- =item B<-fcompress-nullops>
- Only fills in the necessary fields of ops which have
- been optimised away by perl's internal compiler.
- =item B<-fomit-sequence-numbers>
- Leaves out code to fill in the op_seq field of all ops
- which is only used by perl's internal compiler.
- =item B<-fbypass-nullops>
- If op->op_next ever points to a NULLOP, replaces the op_next field
- with the first non-NULLOP in the path of execution.
- =item B<-On>
- Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). B<-O> means B<-O1>.
- B<-O1> sets B<-fcompress-nullops> B<-fomit-sequence numbers>.
- B<-O2> adds B<-fbypass-nullops>.
- =item B<-D>
- Debug options (concatenated or separate flags like C<perl -D>).
- =item B<-Do>
- Prints each OP as it's processed.
- =item B<-Db>
- Print debugging information about bytecompiler progress.
- =item B<-Da>
- Tells the (bytecode) assembler to include source assembler lines
- in its output as bytecode comments.
- =item B<-DC>
- Prints each CV taken from the final symbol tree walk.
- =item B<-S>
- Output (bytecode) assembler source rather than piping it
- through the assembler and outputting bytecode.
- =item B<-upackage>
- Stores package in the output.
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- perl -MO=Bytecode,-O6,-ofoo.plc,-umain foo.pl
- perl -MO=Bytecode,-S,-umain foo.pl > foo.S
- assemble foo.S > foo.plc
- Note that C<assemble> lives in the C<B> subdirectory of your perl
- library directory. The utility called perlcc may also be used to
- help make use of this compiler.
- perl -MO=Bytecode,-uFoo,-oFoo.pmc Foo.pm
- =head1 BUGS
- Output is still huge and there are still occasional crashes during
- either compilation or ByteLoading. Current status: experimental.
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Malcolm Beattie, C<mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk>
- Benjamin Stuhl, C<sho_pi@hotmail.com>
- =cut