home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @rem = '--*-Perl-*--
- @echo off
- if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
- perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto endofperl
- :WinNT
- perl -x -S %0 %*
- if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
- if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
- if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
- goto endofperl
- @rem ';
- #!perl
- #line 15
- eval 'exec D:\p4\Apps\Gecko\MSI\data\ActivePerl\Perl\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if $running_under_some_shell;
- my $startperl;
- my $perlpath;
- ($startperl = <<'/../') =~ s/\s*\z//;
- #!perl
- /../
- ($perlpath = <<'/../') =~ s/\s*\z//;
- D:\p4\Apps\Gecko\MSI\data\ActivePerl\Perl\bin\perl.exe
- /../
- $0 =~ s/^.*?(\w+)[\.\w]*$/$1/;
- # (p)sed - a stream editor
- # History: Aug 12 2000: Original version.
- # Mar 25 2002: Rearrange generated Perl program.
- use strict;
- use integer;
- use Symbol;
- =head1 NAME
- psed - a stream editor
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- psed [-an] script [file ...]
- psed [-an] [-e script] [-f script-file] [file ...]
- s2p [-an] [-e script] [-f script-file]
- A stream editor reads the input stream consisting of the specified files
- (or standard input, if none are given), processes is line by line by
- applying a script consisting of edit commands, and writes resulting lines
- to standard output. The filename `C<->' may be used to read standard input.
- The edit script is composed from arguments of B<-e> options and
- script-files, in the given order. A single script argument may be specified
- as the first parameter.
- If this program is invoked with the name F<s2p>, it will act as a
- sed-to-Perl translator. See L<"sed Script Translation">.
- B<sed> returns an exit code of 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 4
- =item B<-a>
- A file specified as argument to the B<w> edit command is by default
- opened before input processing starts. Using B<-a>, opening of such
- files is delayed until the first line is actually written to the file.
- =item B<-e> I<script>
- The editing commands defined by I<script> are appended to the script.
- Multiple commands must be separated by newlines.
- =item B<-f> I<script-file>
- Editing commands from the specified I<script-file> are read and appended
- to the script.
- =item B<-n>
- By default, a line is written to standard output after the editing script
- has been applied to it. The B<-n> option suppresses automatic printing.
- =back
- =head1 COMMANDS
- B<sed> command syntax is defined as
- Z<> Z<> Z<> Z<>[I<address>[B<,>I<address>]][B<!>]I<function>[I<argument>]
- with whitespace being permitted before or after addresses, and between
- the function character and the argument. The I<address>es and the
- address inverter (C<!>) are used to restrict the application of a
- command to the selected line(s) of input.
- Each command must be on a line of its own, except where noted in
- the synopses below.
- The edit cycle performed on each input line consist of reading the line
- (without its trailing newline character) into the I<pattern space>,
- applying the applicable commands of the edit script, writing the final
- contents of the pattern space and a newline to the standard output.
- A I<hold space> is provided for saving the contents of the
- pattern space for later use.
- =head2 Addresses
- A sed address is either a line number or a pattern, which may be combined
- arbitrarily to construct ranges. Lines are numbered across all input files.
- Any address may be followed by an exclamation mark (`C<!>'), selecting
- all lines not matching that address.
- =over 4
- =item I<number>
- The line with the given number is selected.
- =item B<$>
- A dollar sign (C<$>) is the line number of the last line of the input stream.
- =item B</>I<regular expression>B</>
- A pattern address is a basic regular expression (see
- L<"Basic Regular Expressions">), between the delimiting character C</>.
- Any other character except C<\> or newline may be used to delimit a
- pattern address when the initial delimiter is prefixed with a
- backslash (`C<\>').
- =back
- If no address is given, the command selects every line.
- If one address is given, it selects the line (or lines) matching the
- address.
- Two addresses select a range that begins whenever the first address
- matches, and ends (including that line) when the second address matches.
- If the first (second) address is a matching pattern, the second
- address is not applied to the very same line to determine the end of
- the range. Likewise, if the second address is a matching pattern, the
- first address is not applied to the very same line to determine the
- begin of another range. If both addresses are line numbers,
- and the second line number is less than the first line number, then
- only the first line is selected.
- =head2 Functions
- The maximum permitted number of addresses is indicated with each
- function synopsis below.
- The argument I<text> consists of one or more lines following the command.
- Embedded newlines in I<text> must be preceded with a backslash. Other
- backslashes in I<text> are deleted and the following character is taken
- literally.
- =over 4
- =cut
- my %ComTab;
- my %GenKey;
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'a'}=[ 1, 'txt', \&Emit, '{ push( @Q, <<'."'TheEnd' ) }\n" ]; #ok
- =item [1addr]B<a\> I<text>
- Write I<text> (which must start on the line following the command)
- to standard output immediately before reading the next line
- of input, either by executing the B<N> function or by beginning a new cycle.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'b'}=[ 2, 'str', \&Branch, '{ goto XXX; }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<b> [I<label>]
- Branch to the B<:> function with the specified I<label>. If no label
- is given, branch to the end of the script.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'c'}=[ 2, 'txt', \&Change, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { print <<'TheEnd'; } $doPrint = 0; goto EOS;
- -X-
- ### continue OK => next CYCLE;
- =item [2addr]B<c\> I<text>
- The line, or range of lines, selected by the address is deleted.
- The I<text> (which must start on the line following the command)
- is written to standard output. With an address range, this occurs at
- the end of the range.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'d'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { $doPrint = 0;
- goto EOS;
- }
- -X-
- ### continue OK => next CYCLE;
- =item [2addr]B<d>
- Deletes the pattern space and starts the next cycle.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'D'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { s/^.*\n?//;
- if(length($_)){ goto BOS } else { goto EOS }
- }
- -X-
- ### continue OK => next CYCLE;
- =item [2addr]B<D>
- Deletes the pattern space through the first embedded newline or to the end.
- If the pattern space becomes empty, a new cycle is started, otherwise
- execution of the script is restarted.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'g'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ $_ = $Hold };' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<g>
- Replace the contents of the pattern space with the hold space.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'G'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ $_ .= "\n"; $_ .= $Hold };' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<G>
- Append a newline and the contents of the hold space to the pattern space.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'h'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ $Hold = $_ }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<h>
- Replace the contents of the hold space with the pattern space.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'H'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ $Hold .= "\n"; $Hold .= $_; }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<H>
- Append a newline and the contents of the pattern space to the hold space.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'i'}=[ 1, 'txt', \&Emit, '{ print <<'."'TheEnd' }\n" ]; #ok
- =item [1addr]B<i\> I<text>
- Write the I<text> (which must start on the line following the command)
- to standard output.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'l'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ _l() }' ]; #okUTF8
- =item [2addr]B<l>
- Print the contents of the pattern space: non-printable characters are
- shown in C-style escaped form; long lines are split and have a trailing
- `C<\>' at the point of the split; the true end of a line is marked with
- a `C<$>'. Escapes are: `\a', `\t', `\n', `\f', `\r', `\e' for
- BEL, HT, LF, FF, CR, ESC, respectively, and `\' followed by a three-digit
- octal number for all other non-printable characters.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'n'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { print $_, "\n" if $doPrint;
- printQ() if @Q;
- $CondReg = 0;
- last CYCLE unless getsARGV();
- chomp();
- }
- -X-
- =item [2addr]B<n>
- If automatic printing is enabled, write the pattern space to the standard
- output. Replace the pattern space with the next line of input. If
- there is no more input, processing is terminated.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'N'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { printQ() if @Q;
- $CondReg = 0;
- last CYCLE unless getsARGV( $h );
- chomp( $h );
- $_ .= "\n$h";
- }
- -X-
- =item [2addr]B<N>
- Append a newline and the next line of input to the pattern space. If
- there is no more input, processing is terminated.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'p'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ print $_, "\n"; }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<p>
- Print the pattern space to the standard output. (Use the B<-n> option
- to suppress automatic printing at the end of a cycle if you want to
- avoid double printing of lines.)
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'P'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { if( /^(.*)/ ){ print $1, "\n"; } }
- -X-
- =item [2addr]B<P>
- Prints the pattern space through the first embedded newline or to the end.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'q'}=[ 1, '', \&Emit, <<'-X-' ]; #ok
- { print $_, "\n" if $doPrint;
- last CYCLE;
- }
- -X-
- =item [1addr]B<q>
- Branch to the end of the script and quit without starting a new cycle.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'r'}=[ 1, 'str', \&Emit, "{ _r( '-X-' ) }" ]; #ok
- =item [1addr]B<r> I<file>
- Copy the contents of the I<file> to standard output immediately before
- the next attempt to read a line of input. Any error encountered while
- reading I<file> is silently ignored.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'s'}=[ 2, 'sub', \&Emit, '' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<s/>I<regular expression>B</>I<replacement>B</>I<flags>
- Substitute the I<replacement> string for the first substring in
- the pattern space that matches the I<regular expression>.
- Any character other than backslash or newline can be used instead of a
- slash to delimit the regular expression and the replacement.
- To use the delimiter as a literal character within the regular expression
- and the replacement, precede the character by a backslash (`C<\>').
- Literal newlines may be embedded in the replacement string by
- preceding a newline with a backslash.
- Within the replacement, an ampersand (`C<&>') is replaced by the string
- matching the regular expression. The strings `C<\1>' through `C<\9>' are
- replaced by the corresponding subpattern (see L<"Basic Regular Expressions">).
- To get a literal `C<&>' or `C<\>' in the replacement text, precede it
- by a backslash.
- The following I<flags> modify the behaviour of the B<s> command:
- =over 8
- =item B<g>
- The replacement is performed for all matching, non-overlapping substrings
- of the pattern space.
- =item B<1>..B<9>
- Replace only the n-th matching substring of the pattern space.
- =item B<p>
- If the substitution was made, print the new value of the pattern space.
- =item B<w> I<file>
- If the substitution was made, write the new value of the pattern space
- to the specified file.
- =back
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'t'}=[ 2, 'str', \&Branch, '{ goto XXX if _t() }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<t> [I<label>]
- Branch to the B<:> function with the specified I<label> if any B<s>
- substitutions have been made since the most recent reading of an input line
- or execution of a B<t> function. If no label is given, branch to the end of
- the script.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'w'}=[ 2, 'str', \&Write, "{ _w( '-X-' ) }" ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<w> I<file>
- The contents of the pattern space are written to the I<file>.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'x'}=[ 2, '', \&Emit, '{ ($Hold, $_) = ($_, $Hold) }' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<x>
- Swap the contents of the pattern space and the hold space.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'y'}=[ 2, 'tra', \&Emit, '' ]; #ok
- =item [2addr]B<y>B</>I<string1>B</>I<string2>B</>
- In the pattern space, replace all characters occuring in I<string1> by the
- character at the corresponding position in I<string2>. It is possible
- to use any character (other than a backslash or newline) instead of a
- slash to delimit the strings. Within I<string1> and I<string2>, a
- backslash followed by any character other than a newline is that literal
- character, and a backslash followed by an `n' is replaced by a newline
- character.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'='}=[ 1, '', \&Emit, '{ print "$.\n" }' ]; #ok
- =item [1addr]B<=>
- Prints the current line number on the standard output.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{':'}=[ 0, 'str', \&Label, '' ]; #ok
- =item [0addr]B<:> [I<label>]
- The command specifies the position of the I<label>. It has no other effect.
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'{'}=[ 2, '', \&BeginBlock, '{' ]; #ok
- $ComTab{'}'}=[ 0, '', \&EndBlock, ';}' ]; #ok
- # ';' to avoid warning on empty {}-block
- =item [2addr]B<{> [I<command>]
- =item [0addr]B<}>
- These two commands begin and end a command list. The first command may
- be given on the same line as the opening B<{> command. The commands
- within the list are jointly selected by the address(es) given on the
- B<{> command (but may still have individual addresses).
- =cut
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $ComTab{'#'}=[ 0, 'str', \&Comment, '' ]; #ok
- =item [0addr]B<#> [I<comment>]
- The entire line is ignored (treated as a comment). If, however, the first
- two characters in the script are `C<#n>', automatic printing of output is
- suppressed, as if the B<-n> option were given on the command line.
- =back
- =cut
- use vars qw{ $isEOF $Hold %wFiles @Q $CondReg $doPrint };
- my $useDEBUG = exists( $ENV{PSEDDEBUG} );
- my $useEXTBRE = $ENV{PSEDEXTBRE} || '';
- $useEXTBRE =~ s/[^<>wWyB]//g; # gawk RE's handle these
- my $doAutoPrint = 1; # automatic printing of pattern space (-n => 0)
- my $doOpenWrite = 1; # open w command output files at start (-a => 0)
- my $svOpenWrite = 0; # save $doOpenWrite
- my $doGenerate = $0 eq 's2p';
- # Collected and compiled script
- #
- my( @Commands, %Defined, @BlockStack, %Label, $labNum, $Code, $Func );
- $Code = '';
- ##################
- # Compile Time
- #
- # Labels
- #
- # Error handling
- #
- sub Warn($;$){
- my( $msg, $loc ) = @_;
- $loc ||= '';
- $loc .= ': ' if length( $loc );
- warn( "$0: $loc$msg\n" );
- }
- $labNum = 0;
- sub newLabel(){
- return 'L_'.++$labNum;
- }
- # safeHere: create safe here delimiter and modify opcode and argument
- #
- sub safeHere($$){
- my( $codref, $argref ) = @_;
- my $eod = 'EOD000';
- while( $$argref =~ /^$eod$/m ){
- $eod++;
- }
- $$codref =~ s/TheEnd/$eod/e;
- $$argref .= "$eod\n";
- }
- # Emit: create address logic and emit command
- #
- sub Emit($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl ) = @_;
- my $cond = '';
- if( defined( $addr1 ) ){
- if( defined( $addr2 ) ){
- $addr1 .= $addr2 =~ /^\d+$/ ? "..$addr2" : "...$addr2";
- } else {
- $addr1 .= ' == $.' if $addr1 =~ /^\d+$/;
- }
- $cond = $negated ? "unless( $addr1 )\n" : "if( $addr1 )\n";
- }
- if( $opcode eq '' ){
- $Code .= "$cond$arg\n";
- } elsif( $opcode =~ s/-X-/$arg/e ){
- $Code .= "$cond$opcode\n";
- } elsif( $opcode =~ /TheEnd/ ){
- safeHere( \$opcode, \$arg );
- $Code .= "$cond$opcode$arg";
- } else {
- $Code .= "$cond$opcode\n";
- }
- 0;
- }
- # Write (w command, w flag): store pathname
- #
- sub Write($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $path, $fl ) = @_;
- $wFiles{$path} = '';
- Emit( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $path, $fl );
- }
- # Label (: command): label definition
- #
- sub Label($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $lab, $fl ) = @_;
- my $rc = 0;
- $lab =~ s/\s+//;
- if( length( $lab ) ){
- my $h;
- if( ! exists( $Label{$lab} ) ){
- $h = $Label{$lab}{name} = newLabel();
- } else {
- $h = $Label{$lab}{name};
- if( exists( $Label{$lab}{defined} ) ){
- my $dl = $Label{$lab}{defined};
- Warn( "duplicate label $lab (first defined at $dl)", $fl );
- $rc = 1;
- }
- }
- $Label{$lab}{defined} = $fl;
- $Code .= "$h:;\n";
- }
- $rc;
- }
- # BeginBlock ({ command): push block start
- #
- sub BeginBlock($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl ) = @_;
- push( @BlockStack, [ $fl, $addr1, $addr2, $negated ] );
- Emit( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl );
- }
- # EndBlock (} command): check proper nesting
- #
- sub EndBlock($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl ) = @_;
- my $rc;
- my $jcom = pop( @BlockStack );
- if( defined( $jcom ) ){
- $rc = Emit( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl );
- } else {
- Warn( "unexpected `}'", $fl );
- $rc = 1;
- }
- $rc;
- }
- # Branch (t, b commands): check or create label, substitute default
- #
- sub Branch($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $lab, $fl ) = @_;
- $lab =~ s/\s+//; # no spaces at end
- my $h;
- if( length( $lab ) ){
- if( ! exists( $Label{$lab} ) ){
- $h = $Label{$lab}{name} = newLabel();
- } else {
- $h = $Label{$lab}{name};
- }
- push( @{$Label{$lab}{used}}, $fl );
- } else {
- $h = 'EOS';
- }
- $opcode =~ s/XXX/$h/e;
- Emit( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, '', $fl );
- }
- # Change (c command): is special due to range end watching
- #
- sub Change($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl ) = @_;
- my $kwd = $negated ? 'unless' : 'if';
- if( defined( $addr2 ) ){
- $addr1 .= $addr2 =~ /^\d+$/ ? "..$addr2" : "...$addr2";
- if( ! $negated ){
- $addr1 = '$icnt = ('.$addr1.')';
- $opcode = 'if( $icnt =~ /E0$/ )' . $opcode;
- }
- } else {
- $addr1 .= ' == $.' if $addr1 =~ /^\d+$/;
- }
- safeHere( \$opcode, \$arg );
- $Code .= "$kwd( $addr1 ){\n $opcode$arg}\n";
- 0;
- }
- # Comment (# command): A no-op. Who would've thought that!
- #
- sub Comment($$$$$$){
- my( $addr1, $addr2, $negated, $opcode, $arg, $fl ) = @_;
- ### $Code .= "# $arg\n";
- 0;
- }
- sub stripRegex($$){
- my( $del, $sref ) = @_;
- my $regex = $del;
- print "stripRegex:$del:$$sref:\n" if $useDEBUG;
- while( $$sref =~ s{^(.*?)(\\*)\Q$del\E(\s*)}{}s ){
- my $sl = $2;
- $regex .= $1.$sl.$del;
- if( length( $sl ) % 2 == 0 ){
- return $regex;
- }
- $regex .= $3;
- }
- undef();
- }
- # stripTrans: take a <del> terminated string from y command
- # honoring and cleaning up of \-escaped <del>'s
- #
- sub stripTrans($$){
- my( $del, $sref ) = @_;
- my $t = '';
- print "stripTrans:$del:$$sref:\n" if $useDEBUG;
- while( $$sref =~ s{^(.*?)(\\*)\Q$del\E}{}s ){
- my $sl = $2;
- $t .= $1;
- if( length( $sl ) % 2 == 0 ){
- $t .= $sl;
- $t =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
- return $t;
- }
- chop( $sl );
- $t .= $sl.$del.$3;
- }
- undef();
- }
- # makey - construct Perl y/// from sed y///
- #
- sub makey($$$){
- my( $fr, $to, $fl ) = @_;
- my $error = 0;
- # Ensure that any '-' is up front.
- # Diagnose duplicate contradicting mappings
- my %tr;
- for( my $i = 0; $i < length($fr); $i++ ){
- my $fc = substr($fr,$i,1);
- my $tc = substr($to,$i,1);
- if( exists( $tr{$fc} ) && $tr{$fc} ne $tc ){
- Warn( "ambiguos translation for character `$fc' in `y' command",
- $fl );
- $error++;
- }
- $tr{$fc} = $tc;
- }
- $fr = $to = '';
- if( exists( $tr{'-'} ) ){
- ( $fr, $to ) = ( '-', $tr{'-'} );
- delete( $tr{'-'} );
- } else {
- $fr = $to = '';
- }
- # might just as well sort it...
- for my $fc ( sort keys( %tr ) ){
- $fr .= $fc;
- $to .= $tr{$fc};
- }
- # make embedded delimiters and newlines safe
- $fr =~ s/([{}])/\$1/g;
- $to =~ s/([{}])/\$1/g;
- $fr =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- $to =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- return $error ? undef() : "{ y{$fr}{$to}; }";
- }
- ######
- # makes - construct Perl s/// from sed s///
- #
- sub makes($$$$$$$){
- my( $regex, $subst, $path, $global, $print, $nmatch, $fl ) = @_;
- # make embedded newlines safe
- $regex =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- $subst =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- my $code;
- # n-th occurrence
- #
- if( length( $nmatch ) ){
- $code = <<TheEnd;
- { \$n = $nmatch;
- while( --\$n && ( \$s = m ${regex}g ) ){}
- \$s = ( substr( \$_, pos() ) =~ s ${regex}${subst}s ) if \$s;
- \$CondReg ||= \$s;
- TheEnd
- } else {
- $code = <<TheEnd;
- { \$s = s ${regex}${subst}s${global};
- \$CondReg ||= \$s;
- TheEnd
- }
- if( $print ){
- $code .= ' print $_, "\n" if $s;'."\n";
- }
- if( defined( $path ) ){
- $wFiles{$path} = '';
- $code .= " _w( '$path' ) if \$s;\n";
- $GenKey{'w'} = 1;
- }
- $code .= "}";
- }
- A I<Basic Regular Expression> (BRE), as defined in POSIX 1003.2, consists
- of I<atoms>, for matching parts of a string, and I<bounds>, specifying
- repetitions of a preceding atom.
- =head2 Atoms
- The possible atoms of a BRE are: B<.>, matching any single character;
- B<^> and B<$>, matching the null string at the beginning or end
- of a string, respectively; a I<bracket expressions>, enclosed
- in B<[> and B<]> (see below); and any single character with no
- other significance (matching that character). A B<\> before one
- of: B<.>, B<^>, B<$>, B<[>, B<*>, B<\>, matching the character
- after the backslash. A sequence of atoms enclosed in B<\(> and B<\)>
- becomes an atom and establishes the target for a I<backreference>,
- consisting of the substring that actually matches the enclosed atoms.
- Finally, B<\> followed by one of the digits B<0> through B<9> is a
- backreference.
- A B<^> that is not first, or a B<$> that is not last does not have
- a special significance and need not be preceded by a backslash to
- become literal. The same is true for a B<]>, that does not terminate
- a bracket expression.
- An unescaped backslash cannot be last in a BRE.
- =head2 Bounds
- The BRE bounds are: B<*>, specifying 0 or more matches of the preceding
- atom; B<\{>I<count>B<\}>, specifying that many repetitions;
- B<\{>I<minimum>B<,\}>, giving a lower limit; and
- B<\{>I<minimum>B<,>I<maximum>B<\}> finally defines a lower and upper
- bound.
- A bound appearing as the first item in a BRE is taken literally.
- =head2 Bracket Expressions
- A I<bracket expression> is a list of characters, character ranges
- and character classes enclosed in B<[> and B<]> and matches any
- single character from the represented set of characters.
- A character range is written as two characters separated by B<-> and
- represents all characters (according to the character collating sequence)
- that are not less than the first and not greater than the second.
- (Ranges are very collating-sequence-dependent, and portable programs
- should avoid relying on them.)
- A character class is one of the class names
- alnum digit punct
- alpha graph space
- blank lower upper
- cntrl print xdigit
- enclosed in B<[:> and B<:]> and represents the set of characters
- as defined in ctype(3).
- If the first character after B<[> is B<^>, the sense of matching is
- inverted.
- To include a literal `C<^>', place it anywhere else but first. To
- include a literal 'C<]>' place it first or immediately after an
- initial B<^>. To include a literal `C<->' make it the first (or
- second after B<^>) or last character, or the second endpoint of
- a range.
- The special bracket expression constructs C<[[:E<lt>:]]> and C<[[:E<gt>:]]>
- match the null string at the beginning and end of a word respectively.
- (Note that neither is identical to Perl's `\b' atom.)
- =head2 Additional Atoms
- Since some sed implementations provide additional regular expression
- atoms (not defined in POSIX 1003.2), B<psed> is capable of translating
- the following backslash escapes:
- =over 4
- =item B<\E<lt>> This is the same as C<[[:E<gt>:]]>.
- =item B<\E<gt>> This is the same as C<[[:E<lt>:]]>.
- =item B<\w> This is an abbreviation for C<[[:alnum:]_]>.
- =item B<\W> This is an abbreviation for C<[^[:alnum:]_]>.
- =item B<\y> Match the empty string at a word boundary.
- =item B<\B> Match the empty string between any two either word or non-word characters.
- =back
- To enable this feature, the environment variable PSEDEXTBRE must be set
- to a string containing the requested characters, e.g.:
- C<PSEDEXTBRE='E<lt>E<gt>wW'>.
- =cut
- #####
- # bre2p - convert BRE to Perl RE
- #
- sub peek(\$$){
- my( $pref, $ic ) = @_;
- $ic < length($$pref)-1 ? substr( $$pref, $ic+1, 1 ) : '';
- }
- sub bre2p($$$){
- my( $del, $pat, $fl ) = @_;
- my $led = $del;
- $led =~ tr/{([</})]>/;
- $led = '' if $led eq $del;
- $pat = substr( $pat, 1, length($pat) - 2 );
- my $res = '';
- my $bracklev = 0;
- my $backref = 0;
- my $parlev = 0;
- for( my $ic = 0; $ic < length( $pat ); $ic++ ){
- my $c = substr( $pat, $ic, 1 );
- if( $c eq '\\' ){
- ### backslash escapes
- my $nc = peek($pat,$ic);
- if( $nc eq '' ){
- Warn( "`\\' cannot be last in pattern", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- $ic++;
- if( $nc eq $del ){ ## \<pattern del> => \<pattern del>
- $res .= "\\$del";
- } elsif( $nc =~ /([[.*\\n])/ ){
- ## check for \-escaped magics and \n:
- ## \[ \. \* \\ \n stay as they are
- $res .= '\\'.$nc;
- } elsif( $nc eq '(' ){ ## \( => (
- $parlev++;
- $res .= '(';
- } elsif( $nc eq ')' ){ ## \) => )
- $parlev--;
- $backref++;
- if( $parlev < 0 ){
- Warn( "unmatched `\\)'", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- $res .= ')';
- } elsif( $nc eq '{' ){ ## repetition factor \{<i>[,[<j>]]\}
- my $endpos = index( $pat, '\\}', $ic );
- if( $endpos < 0 ){
- Warn( "unmatched `\\{'", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- my $rep = substr( $pat, $ic+1, $endpos-($ic+1) );
- $ic = $endpos + 1;
- if( $res =~ /^\^?$/ ){
- $res .= "\\{$rep\}";
- } elsif( $rep =~ /^(\d+)(,?)(\d*)?$/ ){
- my $min = $1;
- my $com = $2 || '';
- my $max = $3;
- if( length( $max ) ){
- if( $max < $min ){
- Warn( "maximum less than minimum in `\\{$rep\\}'",
- $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- } else {
- $max = '';
- }
- # simplify some
- if( $min == 0 && $max eq '1' ){
- $res .= '?';
- } elsif( $min == 1 && "$com$max" eq ',' ){
- $res .= '+';
- } elsif( $min == 0 && "$com$max" eq ',' ){
- $res .= '*';
- } else {
- $res .= "{$min$com$max}";
- }
- } else {
- Warn( "invalid repeat clause `\\{$rep\\}'", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- } elsif( $nc =~ /^[1-9]$/ ){
- ## \1 .. \9 => \1 .. \9, but check for a following digit
- if( $nc > $backref ){
- Warn( "invalid backreference ($nc)", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- $res .= "\\$nc";
- if( peek($pat,$ic) =~ /[0-9]/ ){
- $res .= '(?:)';
- }
- } elsif( $useEXTBRE && ( $nc =~ /[$useEXTBRE]/ ) ){
- ## extensions - at most <>wWyB - not in POSIX
- if( $nc eq '<' ){ ## \< => \b(?=\w), be precise
- $res .= '\\b(?<=\\W)';
- } elsif( $nc eq '>' ){ ## \> => \b(?=\W), be precise
- $res .= '\\b(?=\\W)';
- } elsif( $nc eq 'y' ){ ## \y => \b
- $res .= '\\b';
- } else { ## \B, \w, \W remain the same
- $res .= "\\$nc";
- }
- } elsif( $nc eq $led ){
- ## \<closing bracketing-delimiter> - keep '\'
- $res .= "\\$nc";
- } else { ## \ <char> => <char> ("as if `\' were not present")
- $res .= $nc;
- }
- } elsif( $c eq '.' ){ ## . => .
- $res .= $c;
- } elsif( $c eq '*' ){ ## * => * but \* if there's nothing preceding it
- if( $res =~ /^\^?$/ ){
- $res .= '\\*';
- } elsif( substr( $res, -1, 1 ) ne '*' ){
- $res .= $c;
- }
- } elsif( $c eq '[' ){
- ## parse []: [^...] [^]...] [-...]
- my $add = '[';
- if( peek($pat,$ic) eq '^' ){
- $ic++;
- $add .= '^';
- }
- my $nc = peek($pat,$ic);
- if( $nc eq ']' || $nc eq '-' ){
- $add .= $nc;
- $ic++;
- }
- # check that [ is not trailing
- if( $ic >= length( $pat ) - 1 ){
- Warn( "unmatched `['", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- # look for [:...:] and x-y
- my $rstr = substr( $pat, $ic+1 );
- if( $rstr =~ /^((?:\[:\(\w+|[><]\):\]|[^]-](?:-[^]])?)*)/ ){
- my $cnt = $1;
- $ic += length( $cnt );
- $cnt =~ s/([\\\$])/\\$1/g; # `\', `$' are magic in Perl []
- # try some simplifications
- my $red = $cnt;
- if( $red =~ s/0-9// ){
- $cnt = $red.'\d';
- if( $red =~ s/A-Z// && $red =~ s/a-z// && $red =~ s/_// ){
- $cnt = $red.'\w';
- }
- }
- $add .= $cnt;
- # POSIX 1003.2 has this (optional) for begin/end word
- $add = '\\b(?=\\W)' if $add eq '[[:<:]]';
- $add = '\\b(?<=\\W)' if $add eq '[[:>:]]';
- }
- ## may have a trailing `-' before `]'
- if( $ic < length($pat) - 1 &&
- substr( $pat, $ic+1 ) =~ /^(-?])/ ){
- $ic += length( $1 );
- $add .= $1;
- # another simplification
- $add =~ s/^\[(\^?)(\\[dw])]$/ $1 eq '^' ? uc($2) : $2 /e;
- $res .= $add;
- } else {
- Warn( "unmatched `['", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- } elsif( $c eq $led ){ ## unescaped <closing bracketing-delimiter>
- $res .= "\\$c";
- } elsif( $c eq ']' ){ ## unmatched ] is not magic
- $res .= ']';
- } elsif( $c =~ /[|+?{}()]/ ){ ## not magic in BRE, but in Perl: \-quote
- $res .= "\\$c";
- } elsif( $c eq '^' ){ ## not magic unless 1st, but in Perl: \-quote
- $res .= length( $res ) ? '\\^' : '^';
- } elsif( $c eq '$' ){ ## not magic unless last, but in Perl: \-quote
- $res .= $ic == length( $pat ) - 1 ? '$' : '\\$';
- } else {
- $res .= $c;
- }
- }
- if( $parlev ){
- Warn( "unmatched `\\('", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- # final cleanup: eliminate raw HTs
- $res =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
- return $del . $res . ( $led ? $led : $del );
- }
- #####
- # sub2p - convert sed substitution to Perl substitution
- #
- sub sub2p($$$){
- my( $del, $subst, $fl ) = @_;
- my $led = $del;
- $led =~ tr/{([</})]>/;
- $led = '' if $led eq $del;
- $subst = substr( $subst, 1, length($subst) - 2 );
- my $res = '';
- for( my $ic = 0; $ic < length( $subst ); $ic++ ){
- my $c = substr( $subst, $ic, 1 );
- if( $c eq '\\' ){
- ### backslash escapes
- my $nc = peek($subst,$ic);
- if( $nc eq '' ){
- Warn( "`\\' cannot be last in substitution", $fl );
- return undef();
- }
- $ic++;
- if( $nc =~ /[\\$del$led]/ ){ ## \ and delimiter
- $res .= '\\' . $nc;
- } elsif( $nc =~ /[1-9]/ ){ ## \1 - \9 => ${1} - ${9}
- $res .= '${' . $nc . '}';
- } else { ## everything else (includes &): omit \
- $res .= $nc;
- }
- } elsif( $c eq '&' ){ ## & => $&
- $res .= '$&';
- } elsif( $c =~ /[\$\@$led]/ ){ ## magic in Perl's substitution string
- $res .= '\\' . $c;
- } else {
- $res .= $c;
- }
- }
- # final cleanup: eliminate raw HTs
- $res =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
- return ( $led ? $del : $led ) . $res . ( $led ? $led : $del );
- }
- sub Parse(){
- my $error = 0;
- my( $pdef, $pfil, $plin );
- for( my $icom = 0; $icom < @Commands; $icom++ ){
- my $cmd = $Commands[$icom];
- print "Parse:$cmd:\n" if $useDEBUG;
- $cmd =~ s/^\s+//;
- next unless length( $cmd );
- my $scom = $icom;
- if( exists( $Defined{$icom} ) ){
- $pdef = $Defined{$icom};
- if( $pdef =~ /^ #(\d+)/ ){
- $pfil = 'expression #';
- $plin = $1;
- } else {
- $pfil = "$pdef l.";
- $plin = 1;
- }
- } else {
- $plin++;
- }
- my $fl = "$pfil$plin";
- # insert command as comment in gnerated code
- #
- $Code .= "# $cmd\n" if $doGenerate;
- # The Address(es)
- #
- my( $negated, $naddr, $addr1, $addr2 );
- $naddr = 0;
- if( $cmd =~ s/^(\d+)\s*// ){
- $addr1 = "$1"; $naddr++;
- } elsif( $cmd =~ s/^\$\s*// ){
- $addr1 = 'eofARGV()'; $naddr++;
- } elsif( $cmd =~ s{^(/)}{} || $cmd =~ s{^\\(.)}{} ){
- my $del = $1;
- my $regex = stripRegex( $del, \$cmd );
- if( defined( $regex ) ){
- $addr1 = 'm '.bre2p( $del, $regex, $fl ).'s';
- $naddr++;
- } else {
- Warn( "malformed regex, 1st address", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- }
- if( defined( $addr1 ) && $cmd =~ s/,\s*// ){
- if( $cmd =~ s/^(\d+)\s*// ){
- $addr2 = "$1"; $naddr++;
- } elsif( $cmd =~ s/^\$\s*// ){
- $addr2 = 'eofARGV()'; $naddr++;
- } elsif( $cmd =~ s{^(/)}{} || $cmd =~ s{^\\(.)}{} ){
- my $del = $1;
- my $regex = stripRegex( $del, \$cmd );
- if( defined( $regex ) ){
- $addr2 = 'm '. bre2p( $del, $regex, $fl ).'s';
- $naddr++;
- } else {
- Warn( "malformed regex, 2nd address", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- } else {
- Warn( "invalid address after `,'", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- }
- # address modifier `!'
- #
- $negated = $cmd =~ s/^!\s*//;
- if( defined( $addr1 ) ){
- print "Parse: addr1=$addr1" if $useDEBUG;
- if( defined( $addr2 ) ){
- print ", addr2=$addr2 " if $useDEBUG;
- # both numeric and addr1 > addr2 => eliminate addr2
- undef( $addr2 ) if $addr1 =~ /^\d+$/ &&
- $addr2 =~ /^\d+$/ && $addr1 > $addr2;
- }
- }
- print 'negated' if $useDEBUG && $negated;
- print " command:$cmd\n" if $useDEBUG;
- # The Command
- #
- if( $cmd !~ s/^([:#={}abcdDgGhHilnNpPqrstwxy])\s*// ){
- my $h = substr( $cmd, 0, 1 );
- Warn( "unknown command `$h'", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- my $key = $1;
- my $tabref = $ComTab{$key};
- $GenKey{$key} = 1;
- if( $naddr > $tabref->[0] ){
- Warn( "excess address(es)", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- my $arg = '';
- if( $tabref->[1] eq 'str' ){
- # take remainder - don't care if it is empty
- $arg = $cmd;
- $cmd = '';
- } elsif( $tabref->[1] eq 'txt' ){
- # multi-line text
- my $goon = $cmd =~ /(.*)\\$/;
- if( length( $1 ) ){
- Warn( "extra characters after command ($cmd)", $fl );
- $error++;
- }
- while( $goon ){
- $icom++;
- if( $icom > $#Commands ){
- Warn( "unexpected end of script", $fl );
- $error++;
- last;
- }
- $cmd = $Commands[$icom];
- $Code .= "# $cmd\n" if $doGenerate;
- $goon = $cmd =~ s/\\$//;
- $cmd =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
- $arg .= "\n" if length( $arg );
- $arg .= $cmd;
- }
- $arg .= "\n" if length( $arg );
- $cmd = '';
- } elsif( $tabref->[1] eq 'sub' ){
- # s///
- if( ! length( $cmd ) ){
- Warn( "`s' command requires argument", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- if( $cmd =~ s{^([^\\\n])}{} ){
- my $del = $1;
- my $regex = stripRegex( $del, \$cmd );
- if( ! defined( $regex ) ){
- Warn( "malformed regular expression", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- $regex = bre2p( $del, $regex, $fl );
- # a trailing \ indicates embedded NL (in replacement string)
- while( $cmd =~ s/(?<!\\)\\$/\n/ ){
- $icom++;
- if( $icom > $#Commands ){
- Warn( "unexpected end of script", $fl );
- $error++;
- last;
- }
- $cmd .= $Commands[$icom];
- $Code .= "# $Commands[$icom]\n" if $doGenerate;
- }
- my $subst = stripRegex( $del, \$cmd );
- if( ! defined( $regex ) ){
- Warn( "malformed substitution expression", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- $subst = sub2p( $del, $subst, $fl );
- # parse s/// modifier: g|p|0-9|w <file>
- my( $global, $nmatch, $print, $write ) =
- ( '', '', 0, undef );
- while( $cmd =~ s/^([gp0-9])// ){
- $1 eq 'g' ? ( $global = 'g' ) :
- $1 eq 'p' ? ( $print = $1 ) : ( $nmatch .= $1 );
- }
- $write = $1 if $cmd =~ s/w\s*(.*)$//;
- ### $nmatch =~ s/^(\d)\1*$/$1/; ### may be dangerous?
- if( $global && length( $nmatch ) || length( $nmatch ) > 1 ){
- Warn( "conflicting flags `$global$nmatch'", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- $arg = makes( $regex, $subst,
- $write, $global, $print, $nmatch, $fl );
- if( ! defined( $arg ) ){
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- } else {
- Warn( "improper delimiter in s command", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- } elsif( $tabref->[1] eq 'tra' ){
- # y///
- # a trailing \ indicates embedded newline
- while( $cmd =~ s/(?<!\\)\\$/\n/ ){
- $icom++;
- if( $icom > $#Commands ){
- Warn( "unexpected end of script", $fl );
- $error++;
- last;
- }
- $cmd .= $Commands[$icom];
- $Code .= "# $Commands[$icom]\n" if $doGenerate;
- }
- if( ! length( $cmd ) ){
- Warn( "`y' command requires argument", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- my $d = substr( $cmd, 0, 1 ); $cmd = substr( $cmd, 1 );
- if( $d eq '\\' ){
- Warn( "`\\' not valid as delimiter in `y' command", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- my $fr = stripTrans( $d, \$cmd );
- if( ! defined( $fr ) || ! length( $cmd ) ){
- Warn( "malformed `y' command argument", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- my $to = stripTrans( $d, \$cmd );
- if( ! defined( $to ) ){
- Warn( "malformed `y' command argument", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- if( length($fr) != length($to) ){
- Warn( "string lengths in `y' command differ", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- if( ! defined( $arg = makey( $fr, $to, $fl ) ) ){
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- }
- # $cmd must be now empty - exception is {
- if( $cmd !~ /^\s*$/ ){
- if( $key eq '{' ){
- # dirty hack to process command on '{' line
- $Commands[$icom--] = $cmd;
- } else {
- Warn( "extra characters after command ($cmd)", $fl );
- $error++;
- next;
- }
- }
- # Make Code
- #
- if( &{$tabref->[2]}( $addr1, $addr2, $negated,
- $tabref->[3], $arg, $fl ) ){
- $error++;
- }
- }
- while( @BlockStack ){
- my $bl = pop( @BlockStack );
- Warn( "start of unterminated `{'", $bl );
- $error++;
- }
- for my $lab ( keys( %Label ) ){
- if( ! exists( $Label{$lab}{defined} ) ){
- for my $used ( @{$Label{$lab}{used}} ){
- Warn( "undefined label `$lab'", $used );
- $error++;
- }
- }
- }
- exit( 1 ) if $error;
- }
- ##############
- #### MAIN ####
- ##############
- sub usage(){
- print STDERR "Usage: sed [-an] command [file...]\n";
- print STDERR " [-an] [-e command] [-f script-file] [file...]\n";
- }
- ###################
- # Here we go again...
- #
- my $expr = 0;
- while( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-(.)(.*)$/ ){
- my $opt = $1;
- my $arg = $2;
- shift( @ARGV );
- if( $opt eq 'e' ){
- if( length( $arg ) ){
- push( @Commands, split( "\n", $arg ) );
- } elsif( @ARGV ){
- push( @Commands, shift( @ARGV ) );
- } else {
- Warn( "option -e requires an argument" );
- usage();
- exit( 1 );
- }
- $expr++;
- $Defined{$#Commands} = " #$expr";
- next;
- }
- if( $opt eq 'f' ){
- my $path;
- if( length( $arg ) ){
- $path = $arg;
- } elsif( @ARGV ){
- $path = shift( @ARGV );
- } else {
- Warn( "option -f requires an argument" );
- usage();
- exit( 1 );
- }
- my $fst = $#Commands + 1;
- open( SCRIPT, "<$path" ) || die( "$0: $path: could not open ($!)\n" );
- my $cmd;
- while( defined( $cmd = <SCRIPT> ) ){
- chomp( $cmd );
- push( @Commands, $cmd );
- }
- close( SCRIPT );
- if( $#Commands >= $fst ){
- $Defined{$fst} = "$path";
- }
- next;
- }
- if( $opt eq '-' && $arg eq '' ){
- last;
- }
- if( $opt eq 'h' || $opt eq '?' ){
- usage();
- exit( 0 );
- }
- if( $opt eq 'n' ){
- $doAutoPrint = 0;
- } elsif( $opt eq 'a' ){
- $doOpenWrite = 0;
- } else {
- Warn( "illegal option `$opt'" );
- usage();
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if( length( $arg ) ){
- unshift( @ARGV, "-$arg" );
- }
- }
- # A singleton command may be the 1st argument when there are no options.
- #
- if( @Commands == 0 ){
- if( @ARGV == 0 ){
- Warn( "no script command given" );
- usage();
- exit( 1 );
- }
- push( @Commands, split( "\n", shift( @ARGV ) ) );
- $Defined{0} = ' #1';
- }
- print STDERR "Files: @ARGV\n" if $useDEBUG;
- # generate leading code
- #
- $Func = <<'[TheEnd]';
- # openARGV: open 1st input file
- #
- sub openARGV(){
- unshift( @ARGV, '-' ) unless @ARGV;
- my $file = shift( @ARGV );
- open( ARG, "<$file" )
- || die( "$0: can't open $file for reading ($!)\n" );
- $isEOF = 0;
- }
- # getsARGV: Read another input line into argument (default: $_).
- # Move on to next input file, and reset EOF flag $isEOF.
- sub getsARGV(;\$){
- my $argref = @_ ? shift() : \$_;
- while( $isEOF || ! defined( $$argref = <ARG> ) ){
- close( ARG );
- return 0 unless @ARGV;
- my $file = shift( @ARGV );
- open( ARG, "<$file" )
- || die( "$0: can't open $file for reading ($!)\n" );
- $isEOF = 0;
- }
- 1;
- }
- # eofARGV: end-of-file test
- #
- sub eofARGV(){
- return @ARGV == 0 && ( $isEOF = eof( ARG ) );
- }
- # makeHandle: Generates another file handle for some file (given by its path)
- # to be written due to a w command or an s command's w flag.
- sub makeHandle($){
- my( $path ) = @_;
- my $handle;
- if( ! exists( $wFiles{$path} ) || $wFiles{$path} eq '' ){
- $handle = $wFiles{$path} = gensym();
- if( $doOpenWrite ){
- if( ! open( $handle, ">$path" ) ){
- die( "$0: can't open $path for writing: ($!)\n" );
- }
- }
- } else {
- $handle = $wFiles{$path};
- }
- return $handle;
- }
- # printQ: Print queued output which is either a string or a reference
- # to a pathname.
- sub printQ(){
- for my $q ( @Q ){
- if( ref( $q ) ){
- # flush open w files so that reading this file gets it all
- if( exists( $wFiles{$$q} ) && $wFiles{$$q} ne '' ){
- open( $wFiles{$$q}, ">>$$q" );
- }
- # copy file to stdout: slow, but safe
- if( open( RF, "<$$q" ) ){
- while( defined( my $line = <RF> ) ){
- print $line;
- }
- close( RF );
- }
- } else {
- print $q;
- }
- }
- undef( @Q );
- }
- [TheEnd]
- # generate the sed loop
- #
- $Code .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- sub openARGV();
- sub getsARGV(;\$);
- sub eofARGV();
- sub printQ();
- # Run: the sed loop reading input and applying the script
- #
- sub Run(){
- my( $h, $icnt, $s, $n );
- # hack (not unbreakable :-/) to avoid // matching an empty string
- my $z = "\000"; $z =~ /$z/;
- # Initialize.
- openARGV();
- $Hold = '';
- $CondReg = 0;
- $doPrint = $doAutoPrint;
- while( getsARGV() ){
- chomp();
- $CondReg = 0; # cleared on t
- BOS:;
- [TheEnd]
- # parse - avoid opening files when doing s2p
- #
- ( $svOpenWrite, $doOpenWrite ) = ( $doOpenWrite, $svOpenWrite )
- if $doGenerate;
- Parse();
- ( $svOpenWrite, $doOpenWrite ) = ( $doOpenWrite, $svOpenWrite )
- if $doGenerate;
- # append trailing code
- #
- $Code .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- EOS: if( $doPrint ){
- print $_, "\n";
- } else {
- $doPrint = $doAutoPrint;
- }
- printQ() if @Q;
- }
- exit( 0 );
- }
- [TheEnd]
- # append optional functions, prepend prototypes
- #
- my $Proto = "# prototypes\n";
- if( $GenKey{'l'} ){
- $Proto .= "sub _l();\n";
- $Func .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- # _l: l command processing
- #
- sub _l(){
- my $h = $_;
- my $mcpl = 70;
- # transform non printing chars into escape notation
- $h =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- if( $h =~ /[^[:print:]]/ ){
- $h =~ s/\a/\\a/g;
- $h =~ s/\f/\\f/g;
- $h =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- $h =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
- $h =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
- $h =~ s/\e/\\e/g;
- $h =~ s/([^[:print:]])/sprintf("\\%03o", ord($1))/ge;
- }
- # split into lines of length $mcpl
- while( length( $h ) > $mcpl ){
- my $l = substr( $h, 0, $mcpl-1 );
- $h = substr( $h, $mcpl );
- # remove incomplete \-escape from end of line
- if( $l =~ s/(?<!\\)(\\[0-7]{0,2})$// ){
- $h = $1 . $h;
- }
- print $l, "\\\n";
- }
- print "$h\$\n";
- }
- [TheEnd]
- }
- if( $GenKey{'r'} ){
- $Proto .= "sub _r(\$);\n";
- $Func .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- # _r: r command processing: Save a reference to the pathname.
- #
- sub _r($){
- my $path = shift();
- push( @Q, \$path );
- }
- [TheEnd]
- }
- if( $GenKey{'t'} ){
- $Proto .= "sub _t();\n";
- $Func .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- # _t: t command - condition register test/reset
- #
- sub _t(){
- my $res = $CondReg;
- $CondReg = 0;
- $res;
- }
- [TheEnd]
- }
- if( $GenKey{'w'} ){
- $Proto .= "sub _w(\$);\n";
- $Func .= <<'[TheEnd]';
- # _w: w command and s command's w flag - write to file
- #
- sub _w($){
- my $path = shift();
- my $handle = $wFiles{$path};
- if( ! $doOpenWrite && ! defined( fileno( $handle ) ) ){
- open( $handle, ">$path" )
- || die( "$0: $path: cannot open ($!)\n" );
- }
- print $handle $_, "\n";
- }
- [TheEnd]
- }
- $Code = $Proto . $Code;
- # magic "#n" - same as -n option
- #
- $doAutoPrint = 0 if substr( $Commands[0], 0, 2 ) eq '#n';
- # eval code - check for errors
- #
- print "Code:\n$Code$Func" if $useDEBUG;
- eval $Code . $Func;
- if( $@ ){
- print "Code:\n$Code$Func";
- die( "$0: internal error - generated incorrect Perl code: $@\n" );
- }
- if( $doGenerate ){
- # write full Perl program
- #
- # bang line, declarations, prototypes
- print <<TheEnd;
- #!$perlpath -w
- eval 'exec $perlpath -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
- if 0;
- \$0 =~ s/^.*?(\\w+)\[\\.\\w+\]*\$/\$1/;
- use strict;
- use Symbol;
- use vars qw{ \$isEOF \$Hold \%wFiles \@Q \$CondReg
- \$doAutoPrint \$doOpenWrite \$doPrint };
- \$doAutoPrint = $doAutoPrint;
- \$doOpenWrite = $doOpenWrite;
- TheEnd
- my $wf = "'" . join( "', '", keys( %wFiles ) ) . "'";
- if( $wf ne "''" ){
- print <<TheEnd;
- sub makeHandle(\$);
- for my \$p ( $wf ){
- exit( 1 ) unless makeHandle( \$p );
- }
- TheEnd
- }
- print $Code;
- print "Run();\n";
- print $Func;
- exit( 0 );
- } else {
- # execute: make handles (and optionally open) all w files; run!
- for my $p ( keys( %wFiles ) ){
- exit( 1 ) unless makeHandle( $p );
- }
- Run();
- }
- The environment variable C<PSEDEXTBRE> may be set to extend BREs.
- See L<"Additional Atoms">.
- =over 4
- =item ambiguos translation for character `%s' in `y' command
- The indicated character appears twice, with different translations.
- =item `[' cannot be last in pattern
- A `[' in a BRE indicates the beginning of a I<bracket expression>.
- =item `\' cannot be last in pattern
- A `\' in a BRE is used to make the subsequent character literal.
- =item `\' cannot be last in substitution
- A `\' in a subsitution string is used to make the subsequent character literal.
- =item conflicting flags `%s'
- In an B<s> command, either the `g' flag and an n-th occurrence flag, or
- multiple n-th occurrence flags are specified. Note that only the digits
- `1' through `9' are permitted.
- =item duplicate label %s (first defined at %s)
- =item excess address(es)
- The command has more than the permitted number of addresses.
- =item extra characters after command (%s)
- =item illegal option `%s'
- =item improper delimiter in s command
- The BRE and substitution may not be delimited with `\' or newline.
- =item invalid address after `,'
- =item invalid backreference (%s)
- The specified backreference number exceeds the number of backreferences
- in the BRE.
- =item invalid repeat clause `\{%s\}'
- The repeat clause does not contain a valid integer value, or pair of
- values.
- =item malformed regex, 1st address
- =item malformed regex, 2nd address
- =item malformed regular expression
- =item malformed substitution expression
- =item malformed `y' command argument
- The first or second string of a B<y> command is syntactically incorrect.
- =item maximum less than minimum in `\{%s\}'
- =item no script command given
- There must be at least one B<-e> or one B<-f> option specifying a
- script or script file.
- =item `\' not valid as delimiter in `y' command
- =item option -e requires an argument
- =item option -f requires an argument
- =item `s' command requires argument
- =item start of unterminated `{'
- =item string lengths in `y' command differ
- The translation table strings in a B<y> commanf must have equal lengths.
- =item undefined label `%s'
- =item unexpected `}'
- A B<}> command without a preceding B<{> command was encountered.
- =item unexpected end of script
- The end of the script was reached although a text line after a
- B<a>, B<c> or B<i> command indicated another line.
- =item unknown command `%s'
- =item unterminated `['
- A BRE contains an unterminated bracket expression.
- =item unterminated `\('
- A BRE contains an unterminated backreference.
- =item `\{' without closing `\}'
- A BRE contains an unterminated bounds specification.
- =item `\)' without preceding `\('
- =item `y' command requires argument
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLE
- The basic material for the preceding section was generated by running
- the sed script
- #no autoprint
- s/^.*Warn( *"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/
- t process
- b
- :process
- s/$!/%s/g
- s/$[_[:alnum:]]\{1,\}/%s/g
- s/\\\\/\\/g
- s/^/=item /
- p
- on the program's own text, and piping the output into C<sort -u>.
- If this program is invoked with the name F<s2p> it will act as a
- sed-to-Perl translator. After option processing (all other
- arguments are ignored), a Perl program is printed on standard
- output, which will process the input stream (as read from all
- arguments) in the way defined by the sed script and the option setting
- used for the translation.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- perl(1), re_format(7)
- =head1 BUGS
- The B<l> command will show escape characters (ESC) as `C<\e>', but
- a vertical tab (VT) in octal.
- Trailing spaces are truncated from labels in B<:>, B<t> and B<b> commands.
- The meaning of an empty regular expression (`C<//>'), as defined by B<sed>,
- is "the last pattern used, at run time". This deviates from the Perl
- interpretation, which will re-use the "last last successfully executed
- regular expression". Since keeping track of pattern usage would create
- terribly cluttered code, and differences would only appear in obscure
- context (where other B<sed> implementations appear to deviate, too),
- the Perl semantics was adopted. Note that common usage of this feature,
- such as in C</abc/s//xyz/>, will work as expected.
- Collating elements (of bracket expressions in BREs) are not implemented.
- =head1 STANDARDS
- This B<sed> implementation conforms to the IEEE Std1003.2-1992 ("POSIX.2")
- definition of B<sed>, and is compatible with the I<OpenBSD>
- implementation, except where otherwise noted (see L<"BUGS">).
- =head1 AUTHOR
- This Perl implementation of I<sed> was written by Wolfgang Laun,
- I<Wolfgang.Laun@alcatel.at>.
- This program is free and open software. You may use, modify,
- distribute, and sell this program (and any modified variants) in any
- way you wish, provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.
- =cut
- __END__
- :endofperl