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- #!perl -w
- #
- # PTKSH 2.0
- #
- # A graphical user interface for testing Perl/Tk commands and scripts.
- #
- # ...truncated earlier stuff...
- # 4/23/98 V1.7 Achim Bohnet -- some fixes to "o" command
- # 6/08/98 V2.01 M. Beller -- merge in GUI code for "wish"-like interface
- #
- # 2.01d1 6/6/98 First development version
- #
- # 2.01d2 6/7/98
- # - apply A.B. patch for pod and -option
- # - fix "use of uninitialized variable" in END{ } block (for -c option)
- # - support h and ? only for help
- # - misc. pod fixes (PITFALLS)
- # - use default fonts and default colors ## NOT YET--still working on it
- # - get rid of Data::Dumper for history
- #
- # 2.01d3 6/8/98
- # - Remove "use Data::Dumper" line
- # - Put in hack for unix vs. win32 window manager focus problem
- # - Achim's pod and histfile patch
- #
- # 2.01d4 6/18/98
- # - Slaven's patch to make <Home> work properly
- # - Add help message to banner (per Steve Lydie)
- # - Fix horizontal scrolling (turn off wrapping in console window)
- # - Clarify <Up> in docs and help means "up arrow"
- #
- =head1 NAME
- ptksh - Perl/Tk script to provide a graphical user interface for testing Perl/Tk
- commands and scripts.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- % ptksh ?scriptfile?
- ... version information ...
- ptksh> $b=$mw->Button(-text=>'Hi',-command=>sub{print 'Hi'})
- ptksh> $b->pack
- ptksh> o $b
- ... list of options ...
- ptksh> help
- ... help information ...
- ptksh> exit
- %
- ptksh is a perl/Tk shell to enter perl commands
- interactively. When one starts ptksh a L<MainWindow|Tk::MainWindow>
- is automaticly created, along with a ptksh command window.
- One can access the main window by typing commands using the
- variable $mw at the 'ptksh> ' prompt of the command window.
- ptksh supports command line editing and history. Just type "<Up>" at
- the command prompt to see a history list. The last 50 commands entered
- are saved, then reloaded into history list the next time you start ptksh.
- ptksh supports some convenient commands for inspecting Tk widgets. See below.
- To exit ptksh use: C<exit>.
- ptksh is B<*not*> a full symbolic debugger.
- To debug perl/Tk programs at a low level use the more powerful
- L<perl debugger|perldebug>. (Just enter ``O tk'' on debuggers
- command line to start the Tk eventloop.)
- =head1 FEATURES
- =head2 History
- Press <Up> (the Up Arrow) in the perlwish window to obtain a gui-based history list.
- Press <Enter> on any history line to enter it into the perlwish window.
- Then hit return. So, for example, repeat last command is <Up><Enter><Enter>.
- You can quit the history window with <Escape>. NOTE: history is only saved
- if exit is "graceful" (i.e. by the "exit" command from the console or by
- quitting all main windows--NOT by interrupt).
- =head2 Debugging Support
- ptksh provides some convenience function to make browsing
- in perl/Tk widget easier:
- =over 4
- =item B<?>, or B<h>
- displays a short help summary.
- =item B<d> ?I<args>, ...?
- Dumps recursively arguments to stdout. (see L<Data::Dumper>).
- You must have <Data::Dumper> installed to support this feature.
- =item B<p> ?I<arg>, ...?
- appends "|\n" to each of it's arguments and prints it.
- If value is B<undef>, '(undef)' is printed to stdout.
- =item B<o> I<$widget> ?I<-option> ...?
- prints the option(s) of I<$widget> one on each line.
- If no options are given all options of the widget are
- listed. See L<Tk::options> for more details on the
- format and contents of the returned list.
- =item B<o> I<$widget> B</>I<regexp>B</>
- Lists options of I<$widget> matching the
- L<regular expression|perlre> I<regexp>.
- =item B<u> ?I<class>?
- If no argument is given it lists the modules loaded
- by the commands you executed or since the last time you
- called C<u>.
- If argument is the empty string lists all modules that are
- loaded by ptksh.
- If argument is a string, ``text'' it tries to do a ``use Tk::Text;''.
- =back
- =head2 Packages
- Ptksh compiles into package Tk::ptksh. Your code is eval'ed into package
- main. The coolness of this is that your eval code should not interfere with
- ptksh itself.
- =head2 Multiline Commands
- ptksh will accept multiline commands. Simply put a "\" character immediately
- before the newline, and ptksh will continue your command onto the next line.
- =head2 Source File Support
- If you have a perl/Tk script that you want to do debugging on, try running the
- command
- ptksh> do 'myscript';
- -- or (at shell command prompt) --
- % ptksh myscript
- Then use the perl/Tk commands to try out different operations on your script.
- Looks for your .ptksh_history in the directory specified by
- the $HOME environment variable ($HOMEPATH on Win32 systems).
- =head1 FILES
- =over 4
- =item F<.ptksh_init>
- If found in current directory it is read in an evaluated
- after the mainwindow I<$mw> is created. F<.ptksh_init>
- can contain any valid perl code.
- =item F<~/.ptksh_history>
- Contains the last 50 lines entered in ptksh session(s).
- =back
- =head1 PITFALLS
- It is best not to use "my" in the commands you type into ptksh.
- For example "my $v" will make $v local just to the command or commands
- entered until <Return> is pressed.
- For a related reason, there are no file-scopy "my" variables in the
- ptksh code itself (else the user might trounce on them by accident).
- =head1 BUGS
- B<Tk::MainLoop> function interactively entered or sourced in a
- init or script file will block ptksh.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Tk|Tk>
- L<perldebug|perldebug>
- =head1 VERSION
- VERSION 2.01 6/18/98
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Mike Beller <beller@penvision.com>,
- Achim Bohnet <ach@mpe.mpg.de>
- Copyright (c) 1996 - 1998 Achim Bohnet and Mike Beller. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
- package Tk::ptksh;
- require 5.004;
- use strict;
- use Tk;
- ##### Constants
- $NAME = 'ptksh';
- $VERSION = '2.01';
- $WIN32 = 1 if $^O =~ /Win32/;
- $HOME = $WIN32 ? ($ENV{HOMEDRIVE} . $ENV{HOMEPATH}) || 'C:\\' : $ENV{HOME} . "/";
- @FONT = ($WIN32 ? (-font => 'systemfixed') : () );
- #@FONT = ($WIN32 ? (-font => ['courier', 9, 'normal']) : () );
- $HISTFILE = "${HOME}.${NAME}_history";
- $HISTSAVE = 50;
- $INITFILE = ".${NAME}_init";
- $PROMPT = "$NAME> ";
- sub Win32Fix { my $p = shift; $p =~ s'\\'/'g; $p =~ s'/$''; return $p }
- use vars qw($mw $st $t @hist $hist $list $isStartOfCommand);
- # NOTE: mainwindow creation order seems to impact who gets focus, and
- # order is different on Win32 & *nix!! So hack is to create the windows
- # in an order dependent on the OS!
- $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new unless $WIN32; # &&& hack to work around focus problem
- ##### set up user's main window
- package main;
- $main::mw = Tk::MainWindow->new;
- $main::mw->title('$mw');
- $main::mw->geometry("+1+1");
- package Tk::ptksh;
- ##### Set up ptksh windows
- $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new if $WIN32; # &&& hack to work around focus problem
- $mw->title($NAME);
- $st = $mw->Scrolled('Text', -scrollbars => 'osoe',
- -wrap => 'none',
- -width => 80, -height => 25, @FONT);
- $t = $st->Subwidget('scrolled');
- $st->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 'true');
- $mw->bind('<Map>', sub {Center($mw);} );
- # Event bindings
- $t->bindtags([$t, ref($t), $t->toplevel, 'all']); # take first crack at events
- $t->bind('<Return>', \&EvalInput);
- $t->bind('<BackSpace>', \&BackSpace);
- $t->bind('<Escape>', \&HistKill);
- $t->bind('<Up>', \&History);
- $t->bind('<Control-a>', \&BeginLine);
- $t->bind('<Home>', \&BeginLine);
- $t->bind('<Any-KeyPress>', [\&Key, Tk::Ev('K'), Tk::Ev('A')]);
- # Set up different colors for the various window outputs
- #$t->tagConfigure('prompt', -underline => 'true');
- $t->tagConfigure('prompt', -foreground => 'blue');
- $t->tagConfigure('result', -foreground => 'purple');
- $t->tagConfigure('error', -foreground => 'red');
- $t->tagConfigure('output', -foreground => 'blue');
- # The tag 'limit' is the beginning of the input command line
- $t->markSet('limit', 'insert');
- $t->markGravity('limit', 'left');
- # redirect stdout
- #tie (*STDOUT, 'Tk::Text', $t);
- tie (*STDOUT, 'Tk::ptksh');
- #tie (*STDERR, 'Tk::ptksh');
- # Print banner
- print "$NAME V$VERSION";
- print " perl V$] Tk V$Tk::VERSION MainWindow -> \$mw\n";
- print "\n\t\@INC:\n";
- foreach (@INC) { print "\t $_\n" };
- print "Type 'h<Return>' at the prompt for help\n";
- ##### Read .ptkshinit
- if ( -r $INITFILE)
- {
- print "Reading $INITFILE ...\n";
- package main;
- do $Tk::ptksh::INITFILE;
- package Tk::ptksh;
- }
- ###### Source the file if given as argument 0
- if (defined($ARGV[0]) && -r $ARGV[0])
- {
- print "Reading $ARGV[0] ...\n";
- package main;
- do $ARGV[0];
- package Tk::ptksh;
- }
- ##### Read history
- @hist = ();
- if ( -r $HISTFILE and open(HIST, $HISTFILE) ) {
- print "Reading history ...\n";
- my $c = "";
- while (<HIST>) {
- chomp;
- $c .= $_;
- if ($_ !~ /\\$/) { #end of command if no trailing "\"
- push @hist, $c;
- $c = "";
- } else {
- chop $c; # kill trailing "\"
- $c .= "\n";
- }
- }
- close HIST;
- }
- ##### Initial prompt
- Prompt($PROMPT);
- $Tk::ptksh::mw->focus;
- $t->focus;
- #$mw->after(1000, sub {print STDERR "now\n"; $mw->focus; $t->focus;});
- ##### Now enter main loop
- MainLoop();
- ####### Callbacks/etc.
- # EvalInput -- Eval the input area (between 'limit' and 'insert')
- # in package main;
- use vars qw($command $result); # use globals instead of "my" to avoid conflict w/ 'eval'
- sub EvalInput {
- # If return is hit when not inside the command entry range, reprompt
- if ($t->compare('insert', '<=', 'limit')) {
- $t->markSet('insert', 'end');
- Prompt($PROMPT);
- Tk->break;
- }
- # Support multi-line commands
- if ($t->get('insert-1c', 'insert') eq "\\") {
- $t->insert('insert', "\n");
- $t->insert('insert', "> ", 'prompt'); # must use this pattern for continue
- $t->see('insert');
- Tk->break;
- }
- # Get the command and strip out continuations
- $command = $t->get('limit','end');
- $t->markSet('insert','end');
- $command =~ s/\\\n>\s/\n/mg;
- # Eval it
- if ( $command !~ /^\s*$/) {
- chomp $command;
- push(@hist, $command)
- unless @hist && ($command eq $hist[$#hist]); #could elim more redundancy
- $t->insert('insert', "\n");
- $isStartOfCommand = 1;
- $command = PtkshCommand($command);
- exit if ($command eq 'exit');
- package main;
- no strict;
- $Tk::ptksh::result = eval "local \$^W=0; $Tk::ptksh::command;";
- use strict;
- package Tk::ptksh;
- if ($t->compare('insert', '!=', 'insert linestart')) {
- $t->insert('insert', "\n");
- }
- if ($@) {
- $t->insert('insert', '## ' . $@, 'error');
- } else {
- $result = "" if !defined($result);
- $t->insert('insert', '# ' . $result, 'result');
- }
- }
- Prompt($PROMPT);
- Tk->break;
- }
- sub Prompt {
- my $pr = shift;
- if ($t->compare('insert', '!=', 'insert linestart')) {
- $t->insert('insert', "\n");
- }
- $t->insert('insert', $pr, 'prompt');
- $t->see('insert');
- $t->markSet('limit', 'insert');
- }
- sub BackSpace {
- if ($t->tagNextrange('sel', '1.0', 'end')) {
- $t->delete('sel.first', 'sel.last');
- } elsif ($t->compare('insert', '>', 'limit')) {
- $t->delete('insert-1c');
- $t->see('insert');
- }
- Tk->break;
- }
- sub BeginLine {
- $t->SetCursor('limit');
- $t->break;
- }
- sub Key {
- my ($self, $k, $a) = @_;
- #print "key event: ", $k, "\n";
- if ($t->compare('insert', '<', 'limit')) {
- $t->markSet('insert', 'end');
- }
- #$t->break; #for testing bindtags
- }
- sub History {
- Tk->break if defined($hist);
- $hist = $mw->Toplevel;
- $hist->title('History');
- $list = $hist->ScrlListbox(-scrollbars => 'oe',
- -width => 30, -height => 10, @FONT)->pack;
- Center($hist);
- $list->insert('end', @hist);
- $list->see('end');
- $list->activate('end');
- $hist->bind('<Double-1>', \&HistPick);
- $hist->bind('<Return>', \&HistPick);
- $hist->bind('<Escape>', \&HistKill);
- $hist->bind('<Map>', sub {Center($hist);} );
- $hist->bind('<Destroy>', \&HistDestroy);
- $hist->focus;
- $list->focus;
- $hist->grab;
- Tk->break;
- }
- sub HistPick {
- my $item = $list->get('active');
- return if (!$item);
- $t->markSet('insert', 'end');
- $t->insert('insert',$item);
- $t->see('insert');
- $mw->focus;
- $t->focus;
- HistKill();
- }
- sub HistKill {
- if ($hist) {
- $hist->grabRelease;
- $hist->destroy;
- }
- }
- # Called from destroy event mapping
- sub HistDestroy {
- if (defined($hist) && (shift == $hist)) {
- $hist = undef;
- $mw->focus;
- $t->focus;
- }
- }
- sub LastCommand {
- if ($t->compare('insert', '==', 'limit')) {
- $t->insert('insert', $hist[$#hist]);
- $t->break;
- }
- }
- # Center a toplevel on screen or above parent
- sub Center {
- my $w = shift;
- my ($x, $y);
- if ($w->parent) {
- #print STDERR $w->screenwidth, " ", $w->width, "\n";
- $x = $w->parent->x + ($w->parent->width - $w->width)/2;
- $y = $w->parent->y + ($w->parent->height - $w->height)/2;
- } else {
- #print STDERR $w->screenwidth, " ", $w->width, "\n";
- $x = ($w->screenwidth - $w->width)/2;
- $y = ($w->screenheight - $w->height)/2;
- }
- $x = int($x);
- $y = int($y);
- my $g = "+$x+$y";
- #print STDERR "Setting geometry to $g\n";
- $w->geometry($g);
- }
- # To deal with "TIE".
- # We have to make sure the prints don't go into the command entry range.
- sub TIEHANDLE { # just to capture the tied calls
- my $self = [];
- return bless $self;
- }
- sub PRINT {
- my ($bogus) = shift;
- $t->markSet('insert', 'end');
- if ($isStartOfCommand) { # Then no prints have happened in this command yet so...
- if ($t->compare('insert', '!=', 'insert linestart')) {
- $t->insert('insert', "\n");
- }
- # set flag so we know at least one print happened in this eval
- $isStartOfCommand = 0;
- }
- while (@_) {
- $t->insert('end', shift, 'output');
- }
- $t->see('insert');
- $t->markSet('limit', 'insert'); # don't interpret print as an input command
- }
- sub PRINTF
- {
- my $w = shift;
- $w->PRINT(sprintf(shift,@_));
- }
- ###
- ### Utility function
- ###
- sub _o
- {
- my $w = shift;
- my $what = shift;
- $what =~ s/^\s+//;
- $what =~ s/\s+$//;
- my (@opt) = split " ", $what;
- print 'o(', join('|', @opt), ")\n";
- require Tk::Pretty;
- # check for regexp
- if ($opt[0] =~ s|^/(.*)/$|$1|)
- {
- print "options matching /$opt[0]/:\n";
- foreach ($w->configure())
- {
- print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($_),"\n" if $_->[0] =~ /\Q$opt[0]\E/;
- }
- return;
- }
- # list of options (allow as bar words)
- foreach (@opt)
- {
- s/^['"]//;
- s/,$//;
- s/['"]$//;
- s/^([^-])/-$1/;
- }
- if (length $what)
- {
- foreach (@opt)
- {
- print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($w->configure($_)),"\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foreach ($w->configure()) { print Tk::Pretty::Pretty($_),"\n" }
- }
- }
- sub _p {
- foreach (@_) { print $_, "|\n"; }
- }
- use vars qw($u_init %u_last $u_cnt);
- $u_init = 0;
- %u_last = ();
- sub _u {
- my $module = shift;
- if (defined($module) and $module ne '') {
- $module = "Tk/".ucfirst($module).".pm" unless $module =~ /^Tk/;
- print " --- Loading $module ---\n";
- require "$module";
- print $@ if $@;
- } else {
- %u_last = () if defined $module;
- $u_cnt = 0;
- foreach (sort keys %INC) {
- next if exists $u_last{$_};
- $u_cnt++;
- $u_last{$_} = 1;
- #next if m,^/, and m,\.ix$,; # Ignore autoloader files
- #next if m,\.ix$,; # Ignore autoloader files
- if (length($_) < 20 ) {
- printf "%-20s -> %s\n", $_, $INC{$_};
- } else {
- print "$_ -> $INC{$_}\n";
- }
- }
- print STDERR "No modules loaded since last 'u' command (or startup)\n"
- unless $u_cnt;
- }
- }
- sub _d
- {
- require Data::Dumper;
- print Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_);
- }
- sub _h
- {
- print <<'EOT';
- ? or h print this message
- d arg,... calls Data::Dumper::Dumper
- p arg,... print args, each on a line and "|\n"
- o $w /regexp/ print options of widget matching regexp
- o $w [opt ...] print (all) options of widget
- u xxx xxx = string : load Tk::Xxx
- = '' : list all modules loaded
- = undef : list modules loaded since last u call
- (or after ptksh startup)
- Press <Up> (the "up arrow" key) for command history
- Press <Escape> to leave command history window
- Type "exit" to quit (saves history)
- Type \<Return> for continuation of command to following line
- }
- # Substitute our special commands into the command line
- sub PtkshCommand {
- $_ = shift;
- foreach ($_) {
- last if s/^\?\s*$/Tk::ptksh::_h /;
- last if s/^h\s*$/Tk::ptksh::_h /;
- last if s/^u(\s+|$)/Tk::ptksh::_u /;
- last if s/^d\s+/Tk::ptksh::_d /;
- last if s/^u\s+(\S+)/Tk::ptksh::_u('$1')/;
- last if s/^p\s+(.*)$/Tk::ptksh::_p $1;/;
- last if s/^o\s+(\S+)\s*?$/Tk::ptksh::_o $1;/;
- last if s/^o\s+(\S+)\s*,?\s+(.*)?$/Tk::ptksh::_o $1, '$2';/;
- }
- %u_last = %INC unless $u_init++;
- # print STDERR "Command is: $_\n";
- $_;
- }
- ###
- ### Save History -- use Data::Dumper to preserve multiline commands
- ###
- END {
- if ($HISTFILE) { # because this is probably perl -c if $HISTFILE is not set
- $#hist-- if $hist[-1] =~ /^(q$|x$|\s*exit\b)/; # chop off the exit command
- @hist = @hist[($#hist-$HISTSAVE)..($#hist)] if $#hist > $HISTSAVE;
- if( open HIST, ">$HISTFILE" ) {
- while ($_ = shift(@hist)) {
- s/\n/\\\n/mg;
- print HIST "$_\n";
- }
- close HIST;
- } else {
- print STDERR "Error: Unable to open history file '$HISTFILE'\n";
- }
- }
- }
- 1; # just in case we decide to be "use"'able in the future.