home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2002-12-01 | 141.4 KB | 4,828 lines |
- #!perl
- require 5.006; # require 5.6.0
- use strict;
- # A command-line shell implementation. The code which invokes it is at the
- # bottom of this file.
- package PPMShell;
- use base qw(PPM::Term::Shell);
- use Data::Dumper;
- use Text::Autoformat qw(autoformat form);
- use Getopt::Long;
- # These must come _after_ the options parsing.
- require PPM::UI;
- require PPM::Trace;
- PPM::Trace->import(qw(trace));
- my $NAME = q{PPM - Programmer's Package Manager};
- my $SHORT_NAME = q{PPM};
- my $VERSION = '3.0.1';
- sub dictsort(@);
- #=============================================================================
- # Output Methods
- #
- # PPM behaves differently under different calling circumstances. Here are the
- # various classes of messages it prints out:
- # 1. error/warning - an error or "bad thing" has occurred
- # 2. informational - required information like search results
- # 3. verbose - verbose that's only needed in interactive mode
- #
- # Here are the cases:
- # 1. PPM is in interactive mode: everything gets printed.
- # 2. PPM is in batch mode: everything minus 'verbose' gets printed.
- #=============================================================================
- sub error {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{error};
- CORE::print STDERR @_;
- }
- sub errorf {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{error};
- CORE::printf STDERR @_;
- }
- sub warn { goto &error }
- sub warnf { goto &errorf }
- sub inform {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform};
- CORE::print @_;
- }
- sub informf {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform};
- CORE::printf @_;
- }
- sub verbose {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose};
- CORE::print @_;
- }
- sub verbosef {
- my $o = shift;
- return 1 unless $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose};
- CORE::printf @_;
- }
- sub assertw {
- my $o = shift;
- my $cond = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- $o->warn("Warning: $msg\n") unless $cond;
- return $cond;
- }
- sub assert {
- my $o = shift;
- my $cond = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- $o->error("Error: $msg\n") unless $cond;
- return $cond;
- }
- sub mode {
- my $o = shift;
- $o->{SHELL}{mode};
- }
- sub setmode {
- my $o = shift;
- my $newmode = shift || '';
- my $oldmode = $o->{SHELL}{mode};
- if ($newmode eq 'SHELL') {
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{error} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($newmode eq 'BATCH') {
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{error} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose} = 0;
- }
- elsif ($newmode eq 'SCRIPT') {
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{error} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose} = 0;
- }
- elsif ($newmode eq 'SILENT') {
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{error} = 1;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{inform} = 0;
- $o->{SHELL}{output}{verbose} = 0;
- }
- $o->{SHELL}{mode} = $newmode;
- return $oldmode;
- }
- # Older versions of PPM3 had one "Active" repository. This code reads
- # $o->conf('repository') if it exists, and moves it into
- # $o->conf('active_reps'), which is a list. The old one is deleted -- old PPMs
- # will reset it if needed, but it will be ignored if 'active_reps' exists.
- sub init_active_reps {
- my $o = shift;
- if ($o->conf('repository') and not $o->conf('active_reps')) {
- my @active = $o->conf('repository');
- delete $o->{SHELL}{conf}{DATA}{repository};
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@active);
- }
- elsif (not defined $o->conf('active_reps')) {
- my @active = $o->reps_all; # enable all repositories
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@active);
- }
- }
- sub init {
- my $o = shift;
- $o->cache_clear('query');
- $o->cache_clear('search');
- $o->{API}{case_ignore} = 1;
- # Load the configuration;
- $o->{SHELL}{conf} = PPM::Config::load_config_file('cmdline');
- $o->init_active_reps;
- # check whether there's a target in the parent's perl that hasn't been
- # installed in the "targets" file:
- my $ppmsitelib = $ENV{PPM3_PERL_SITELIB};
- if ($ppmsitelib and opendir(PPMDIR, "$ppmsitelib/ppm-conf")) {
- my @files = map { "$ppmsitelib/ppm-conf/$_" }
- grep { /^ppminst/i && !/(~|\.bak)\z/ } readdir PPMDIR;
- closedir PPMDIR;
- my $found = 0;
- if (@files == 1) {
- my @targets = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- for my $target (@targets) {
- my $info = PPM::UI::target_raw_info($target);
- next unless $info and $info->is_success;
- ++$found and last
- if path_under($info->result->{path}, $files[0]);
- }
- unless ($found) {
- # We're going to add a new target:
- # 1. if we can find ppm3-bin.cfg, use that
- # 2. if not, guess lots of stuff
- my $ppm3_bin_cfg = "$ENV{PPM3_PERL_PREFIX}/bin/ppm3-bin.cfg";
- my $r = PPM::UI::target_add(undef, From => $ppm3_bin_cfg)
- if -f $ppm3_bin_cfg;
- unless ($r and $r->is_success) {
- PPM::UI::target_add(
- 'TEMP',
- type => 'Local',
- path => $files[0],
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # set the initial target:
- if (defined $o->{API}{args}{target}) {
- my $t = $o->{API}{args}{target};
- my $prefix = $ENV{PPM3_PERL_PREFIX};
- if ($t ne 'auto') {
- # A full name or number given:
- $o->run('target', 'select', $o->{API}{args}{target});
- }
- elsif ($prefix) {
- # Auto-select target, based on where we came from:
- my @l = $o->conf('target');
- push @l, PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- for my $target (@l) {
- next unless $target;
- my $info = PPM::UI::target_raw_info($target);
- next unless $info and $info->is_success;
- next unless path_under($info->result->{path}, "$prefix/");
- my $mode = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->run('target', 'select', $target);
- $o->setmode($mode);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub preloop {
- my $o = shift;
- if ($o->conf('verbose-startup') and $o->mode eq 'SHELL') {
- my $profile_track = $o->conf('profile-track');
- chomp (my $startup = <<END);
- $NAME version $VERSION.
- Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState SRL. All Rights Reserved.
- Entering interactive shell.
- my $profile_tracking_warning = $profile_track ? '' : <<'END';
- Profile tracking is not enabled. If you save and restore profiles manually,
- your profile may be out of sync with your computer. See 'help profile' for
- more information.
- $o->inform($startup);
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Using $o->{API}{readline} as readline library.
- $profile_tracking_warning
- Type 'help' to get started.
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("$NAME ($VERSION). Type 'help' to get started.\n");
- }
- $o->term->SetHistory(@{$o->conf('history') || []})
- if $o->term->Features->{setHistory};
- }
- sub postloop {
- my $o = shift;
- trace(1, "PPM: exiting...\n");
- if ($o->mode eq 'SHELL' and $o->term->Features->{getHistory}) {
- my @h = $o->term->GetHistory;
- my $max_history = $o->conf('max_history') || 100;
- splice @h, 0, (@h - $max_history)
- if @h > $max_history;
- my $old = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('history', \@h);
- $o->setmode($old);
- }
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Cache of search and query results
- #============================================================================
- sub cache_set_current {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift;
- my $set = shift;
- $set = $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{current} unless defined $set;
- $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{current} = $set;
- return $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{current};
- }
- sub cache_set_index {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- $index = $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{index} unless defined $index;
- $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{index} = $index;
- return $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{index};
- }
- sub cache_set_add {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift;
- my $query = shift;
- my $entries = shift;
- my $sort_field = $o->conf('sort-field');
- my @sorted = $o->sort_pkgs($sort_field, @$entries);
- my $set = {
- query => $query,
- raw => $entries,
- $sort_field => \@sorted,
- };
- push @{$o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{sets}}, $set;
- }
- sub cache_entry {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift; # 'query' or 'cache';
- my $index = shift; # defaults to currently selected index
- my $set = shift; # defaults to currently selected set
- $index = $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{index} unless defined $index;
- my $src = $o->cache_set($type, $set);
- return undef unless $src and bounded(0, $index, $#$src);
- # Make sure we display only valid entries:
- my $tar = $o->conf('target');
- $src->[$index]->make_complete($tar);
- return $src->[$index];
- }
- sub cache_set {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift; # 'query' or 'cache'
- my $set = shift; # defaults to currently selected set
- my $entry = shift; # defaults to 'results';
- $entry = $o->conf('sort-field') unless defined $entry;
- return undef unless grep { lc($entry) eq $_ } (sort_fields(), 'query');
- $set = $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{current} unless defined $set;
- my $src = $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{sets};
- return undef unless defined $set;
- return undef unless bounded(0, $set, $#$src);
- # We've changed sort-field at some point -- make sure the sorted data
- # exists, or else build it:
- unless (defined $src->[$set]{$entry}) {
- my $raw = $src->[$set]{raw};
- my @sorted = $o->sort_pkgs($entry, @$raw);
- $src->[$set]{$entry} = \@sorted;
- }
- return wantarray ? @{$src->[$set]{$entry}} : $src->[$set]{$entry};
- }
- sub cache_clear {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift; # 'query' or 'cache'
- $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{sets} = [];
- $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{current} = -1;
- $o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{index} = -1;
- }
- sub cache_sets {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift;
- @{$o->{SHELL}{CACHE}{$type}{sets}};
- }
- # This sub searches for an entry in the cache whose name matches that thing
- # passed in. It searches in the current cache first. If the name isn't found,
- # it searches in all caches. If the name still isn't found, it returns undef.
- sub cache_find {
- my $o = shift;
- my $type = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- my $ncaches = $o->cache_sets($type);
- my $current = $o->cache_set_current($type);
- # First, search the current set:
- my @pkgs = map { $_ ? $_->name : '' } $o->cache_set($type);
- my $ind = find_index($name, 0, @pkgs);
- return ($current, $ind) if $ind >= 0;
- # Now try to find in all the sets:
- for my $s (0 .. $ncaches - 1) {
- next if $s == $current;
- @pkgs = map { $_ ? $_->name : '' } $o->cache_set($type, $s);
- $ind = find_index($name, 0, @pkgs);
- return ($s, $ind) if $ind >= 0;
- }
- return (-1, -1);
- }
- # A pretty separator to print between logically separate items:
- my $SEP;
- $SEP = '=' x 20;
- }
- # Useful functions:
- sub max (&@) {
- my $code = shift;
- my $max;
- local $_;
- for (@_) {
- my $res = $code->($_);
- $max = $res if not defined $max or $max < $res;
- }
- $max || 0;
- }
- sub min (&@) {
- my $code = shift;
- my $min;
- local $_;
- for (@_) {
- my $res = $code->($_);
- $min = $res if not defined $min or $min > $res;
- }
- $min || 0;
- }
- sub sum (&@) {
- my $code = shift;
- my $sum = 0;
- local $_;
- for (@_) {
- my $res = $code->($_);
- $sum += $res if defined $res;
- }
- $sum || 0;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Repository:
- # rep # displays repositories
- # rep add http://... # adds a new repository
- # rep del <\d+> # deletes the specified repository
- # rep [set] 1 # sets the specified repository active
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_repository { "adds, removes, or sets repositories" }
- sub help_repository { <<'END' }
- repository -- Repository Control
- Synopsis
- rep Displays all repositories
- rep add [name] <location> Adds a new repository; makes it active
- rep delete <name or num> Deletes specified repository
- rep describe <name or num> Displays information about the specified
- repository
- rep rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the specified repository to
- the given name
- rep on <name> Activates the specified repository
- rep off <name or num> Removes the repository from the active list
- rep up <name or num> Moves the specified repository up one
- rep down <name or num> Moves the specified repository down one
- Description
- The *repository* (or *rep*) command controls two lists or repositories:
- 1 The list of "active" repositories. This is the list of repositories
- used by *search*, *install*, *upgrade*, and *verify*.
- 2 The list of all known repositories. You can designate a repository
- "inactive", which means PPM will not use it in any commands.
- If no arguments are given, the rep command will list the active
- repositories defined in the PPM settings. The order is significant: when
- installing a package, PPM will try the first repository, then the
- second, and so on, until it find the package you asked for. When
- searching, PPM merges the results of all the repositories together, so
- the order is less important (see the *search* command).
- For example, when you enter:
- rep
- PPM3 will return something resembling this:
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- In the example above, entering 'rep off 2' will disable the second
- repository (the ActiveStat Package Repository). To add another
- repository:
- rep add [options] <NAME> <LOCATION>
- The following options are available for the 'add' command:
- * -username
- * -password
- These options allow you to specify a username and password to be used
- when logging into a repository. Currently, these are only used for FTP
- and WWW repositories.
- For example:
- rep add "EZE" http://ppm.ActiveState.com/PPMPackages/5.8plus
- with "EZE" being the name of the repository (for easy reference) and the
- location noted by the http location. If you were to enter the rep
- command again, you would see:
- ppm> rep
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [3] EZE
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To move the new repository to the top of the Active list, you would
- type:
- ppm> rep up EZE
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] EZE
- [3] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- ppm> rep up EZE
- Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveCD
- [3] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To disable the ActiveCD repository temporarily, enter the following:
- ppm> rep off ActiveCD
- Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] ActiveCD
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To describe a repository, refer to it either by name, or by the number
- displayed next to the repository in the Active Repositories list. You
- must refer to inactive repositories by their full name.
- ppm> rep describe 2
- Describing Active Repository 2:
- Name: ActiveState Package Repository
- Location: http://ppm.ActiveState.com/cgibin/PPM/...
- Type: PPMServer 2.00
- ppm> rep describe ActiveCD
- Describing Inactive Repository:
- Name: ActiveCD
- Location: F:\PPMPackages\5.8plus
- Type: Local Directory
- To re-activate the ActiveCD repository, use the *rep on* command. You
- must refer to inactive repositories by name, not number.
- ppm> rep on ActiveCD
- Active Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [3] ActiveCD
- [ ] An inactive repository
- Repository Types
- PPM3 supports several types of package repositories:
- 1. PPM Server 3.0
- ActiveState's SOAP-driven package server. Because all searches are
- done server-side, the server can deliver much richer information
- about packages than other repositories.
- 2. PPM Server 2.0
- The SOAP server designed for PPM version 2. PPM3 ships with the PPM2
- repository as well as the PPM3 repository, so you can use either.
- Simple searches are performed server-side. If your search is too
- complicated for the server, PPM3 will download the package summary
- and search by itself.
- 3. Web Repositories
- Older versions of PPM used non-SOAP repositories (directories full
- of PPD files accessible using a web browser). Over the history of
- PPM, there have been several different ways of organising the files
- so that PPM can search for packages properly. PPM3 tries to download
- a summary file first -- if that fails, it gets the directory index.
- It parses the summary or the index, and caches it. Searches are done
- from the cache.
- 4. FTP Repositories
- FTP is another way of exposing a directory full of PPD files. PPM3
- consideres FTP repositories a subset of Web repositories. Treat them
- as identical: PPM3 downloads the summary or the "index" (file
- listing in this case), parses it, and then searches from it.
- 5. Local Repositories
- To support installing packages from the ActiveCD, a local directory
- can be a repository. PPM3 searches the files in the directory. All
- valid path formats are supported, including UNC paths.
- sub comp_repository {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- my $words = scalar @words;
- my @reps = PPM::UI::repository_list()->result_l;
- my $reps = @reps;
- my @compls = qw(add delete describe rename set select);
- push @compls, ($reps ? (1 .. $reps) : ());
- if ($words == 1 or $words == 2 and $start != length($line)) {
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- if ($words == 2 or $words == 3 and $start != length($line)) {
- return (readline::rl_filename_list($word))
- if $words[1] eq 'add';
- return $o->completions($word, [1 .. $reps])
- if $o->completions($words[1], [qw(delete describe rename set select)]) == 1;
- }
- ();
- }
- sub reps_all {
- my $o = shift;
- my $l = PPM::UI::repository_list();
- unless ($l->is_success) {
- $o->warn($l->msg);
- return () unless $l->ok;
- }
- $l->result_l;
- }
- sub reps_on {
- my $o = shift;
- return @{$o->conf('active_reps')};
- }
- sub reps_off {
- my $o = shift;
- my @reps = $o->reps_all;
- my @reps_on = $o->reps_on;
- my @off;
- for my $r (@reps) {
- push @off, $r unless grep { $_ eq $r } @reps_on;
- }
- @off;
- }
- sub rep_on {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- my @reps = ($o->reps_on, $rep);
- my $m = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@reps);
- $o->setmode($m);
- }
- sub rep_off {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- my @reps = grep { $_ ne $rep } $o->reps_on;
- my $m = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@reps);
- $o->setmode($m);
- }
- sub rep_ison {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- scalar grep { $_ eq $rep } $o->reps_on;
- }
- sub rep_isoff {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- scalar grep { $_ eq $rep } $o->reps_off;
- }
- sub rep_exists {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- scalar grep { $_ eq $rep } $o->reps_all;
- }
- sub rep_uniq {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- unless ($o->rep_exists($rep) or $rep =~ /^\d+$/) {
- /\Q$rep\E/i and return $_ for $o->reps_all;
- }
- $rep;
- }
- sub rep_up {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- my @reps = $o->reps_on;
- my $ind = find_index($rep, 0, @reps);
- if (bounded(1, $ind, $#reps)) {
- @reps = (
- @reps[0 .. $ind - 2],
- $rep,
- $reps[$ind - 1],
- @reps[$ind + 1 .. $#reps]
- );
- }
- my $m = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@reps);
- $o->setmode($m);
- }
- sub rep_down {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = shift;
- my @reps = $o->reps_on;
- my $ind = find_index($rep, 0, @reps);
- if (bounded(0, $ind, $#reps - 1)) {
- @reps = (
- @reps[0 .. $ind - 1],
- $reps[$ind + 1],
- $rep,
- @reps[$ind + 2 .. $#reps]
- );
- }
- my $m = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('active_reps', \@reps);
- $o->setmode($m);
- }
- sub run_repository {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- my (@reps, @reps_off, @reps_on);
- my $refresh = sub {
- @reps = $o->reps_all;
- @reps_off = $o->reps_off;
- @reps_on = $o->reps_on;
- };
- &$refresh;
- trace(1, "PPM: repository @args\n");
- if (@args) {
- my ($cmd, @args) = @args;
- #=====================================================================
- # add, delete, describe, rename commands:
- #=====================================================================
- if (matches($cmd, "add")) {
- # Support for usernames and passwords.
- my ($user, $pass);
- {
- local *ARGV;
- @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions(
- "username=s" => \$user,
- "password=s" => \$pass,
- );
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- $o->warn(<<END) and return unless (@args == 1 or @args == 2);
- repository: invalid 'add' command arguments. See 'help repository'.
- my $name = $args[0];
- my $url = $args[1];
- if (@args == 1) { # rep add http://...
- $url = $name;
- $name = 'Autonamed';
- for (my $i=1; $i<=@reps; $i++) {
- my $tmp = "$name $i";
- $name = $tmp and last
- unless (grep { $tmp eq $_ } @reps);
- }
- }
- my $ok = PPM::UI::repository_add($name, $url, $user, $pass);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $o->rep_on($name);
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, "del|ete")) {
- my $arg = $args[0];
- my $gonner = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $gonner = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- $gonner = $o->rep_uniq($gonner);
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($gonner),
- "no such repository '$gonner'"
- );
- }
- my $ok = PPM::UI::repository_del($gonner);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $o->rep_off($gonner);
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, "des|cribe")) {
- my $arg = $args[0] || '1';
- my $rep = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $rep = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- $rep = $o->rep_uniq($rep);
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($rep),
- "no such repository '$rep'"
- );
- }
- my $info = PPM::UI::repository_info($rep);
- unless ($info->is_success) {
- $o->warn($info->msg);
- return unless $info->ok;
- }
- my $type = $o->rep_ison($rep) ? "Active" : "Inactive";
- my $num = (
- $o->rep_ison($rep)
- ? " " . find_index($rep, 1, @reps_on)
- : ""
- );
- my @info = $info->result_l;
- my @keys = qw(Name Location Type);
- push @keys, qw(Username) if @info >= 4;
- push @keys, qw(Password) if @info >= 5;
- $o->inform("Describing $type Repository$num:\n");
- $o->print_pairs(\@keys, \@info);
- return 1;
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'r|ename')) {
- my $arg = $args[0];
- my $name = $args[1];
- my $rep = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $rep = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- $rep = $o->rep_uniq($rep);
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($rep),
- "no such repository '$rep'"
- );
- }
- my $ok = PPM::UI::repository_rename($rep, $name);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $o->rep_on($name) if $o->rep_ison($rep);
- $o->rep_off($rep);
- }
- #=====================================================================
- # On, off, up, and down commands:
- #=====================================================================
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'on')) {
- my $rep = $o->rep_uniq($args[0]);
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_isoff($rep),
- "no such inactive repository '$rep'"
- );
- $o->rep_on($rep);
- $o->cache_clear('search');
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'of|f')) {
- my $arg = $args[0];
- my $rep = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $rep = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- $rep = $o->rep_uniq($rep);
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($rep),
- "no such repository '$rep'"
- );
- }
- $o->rep_off($rep);
- $o->cache_clear('search');
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'up')) {
- my $arg = $args[0];
- my $rep = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $rep = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($rep),
- "no such repository '$rep'"
- );
- }
- $o->rep_up($rep);
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'do|wn')) {
- my $arg = $args[0];
- my $rep = $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
- return unless $o->assert(
- bounded(1, $arg, scalar @reps_on),
- "no such active repository $arg"
- );
- $rep = $reps_on[$arg - 1];
- }
- else {
- return unless $o->assert(
- $o->rep_exists($rep),
- "no such repository '$rep'"
- );
- }
- $o->rep_down($rep);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn(<<END) and return;
- No such repository command '$cmd'; see 'help repository'.
- }
- }
- &$refresh;
- unless(@reps) {
- $o->warn("No repositories. Use 'rep add' to add a repository.\n");
- }
- else {
- my $i = 0;
- my $count = @reps_on;
- my $l = length($count);
- $o->inform("Repositories:\n");
- for my $r (@reps_on) {
- my $n = sprintf("%${l}d", $i + 1);
- $o->inform("[$n] $r\n");
- $i++;
- }
- for my $r ($o->dictsort(@reps_off)) {
- my $s = ' ' x $l;
- $o->inform("[$s] $r\n");
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Search:
- # search # displays previous searches
- # search <\d+> # displays results of previous search
- # search <terms> # executes a new search on the current repository
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_search { "searches for packages in a repository" }
- sub help_search { <<'END' }
- search -- Search for Packages
- Synopsis
- search Displays list of previous searches
- search <number> Displays results of search <number>
- search <glob pattern> Performs a new search
- search <field>=<glob> Searches for all packages matching the field.
- search * Displays all packages in the current repository
- The available fields are 'ABSTRACT', 'NAME', 'TITLE', 'AUTHOR', and
- 'VERSION'. 'NAME' is used when you do not specify a field.
- Description
- Use the search command to look through the repository for packages. PPM
- version 3.0 provides powerful search functionality. For example:
- 1. Search for 'CGI' anywhere in the name:
- search CGI
- Example results:
- Apache-CGI
- CGI-Application
- CGI-ArgChecker
- 2. Search for 'CGI' at the beginning of the name:
- search CGI*
- Example results:
- CGI-ArgChecker
- CGI-Application
- 3. Search for all modules authored by someone with 'smith' in their
- name or email:
- search AUTHOR=smith
- Example results:
- Apache-ProxyPass
- Business-ISBN
- 4. Search for 'compress' anywhere in the abstract:
- search ABSTRACT=compress
- Example results:
- Apache-GzipChain
- IO-Zlib
- 5. Search for 'CGI' in the name, or 'web' in the abstract:
- search CGI or ABSTRACT=web
- Example results:
- HTML-Clean
- 6. Search for 'XML' in the name and either 'parser' in the name or
- 'pars' in the abstract, but not with 'XPath' in the name:
- search XML and (parser or ABSTRACT=pars) and not XPath
- Example results:
- XML-Node
- XML-Parser-EasyTree
- 7. PPM Server 3.0 repositories only: search by module name, even if
- unrelated to the containing package:
- search Data::Grove
- Example results:
- libxml-perl
- 8. Browse all packages in the repository:
- search *
- Example results:
- Affix-Infix2Postfix
- AI-Fuzzy
- [many more...]
- Recall previous searches using the 'search <number>' command. PPM3
- stores searches for each session until you exit PPM.
- Some package names or versions are too long to be displayed in the
- search results. If a name is too long, you will see a '~' (tilde) as the
- last visible character in the column. You can use *describe* to view
- detailed information about such packages.
- Search Results
- When you type a command like "search XML", PPM searches in each of the
- Active Repositories (see the *repository* command) for your package. The
- results are merged into one list, and duplicates (packages found in more
- than one repository) are hidden.
- You can control what fields PPM shows for each package. The fields each
- have a built-in weight, which is used to calculate how wide to make each
- field based on the width of your screen. Information that doesn't fit
- into a field is truncated, and a tilde ("~") character is displayed in
- the last column of the field.
- Let's get down to an example:
- ppm> search XML
- Searching in Active Repositories
- 1. CGI-XMLForm [0.10] Extension to CGI.pm which
- 2. Data-DumpXML [1.01] Dump arbitrary data structures
- 3. DBIx-XML_RDB [0.05] Perl extension for creating XML
- 4. DBIx-XMLMessage [0.03] XML Message exchange between DBI
- 5. GoXML-XQI [1.1.4] Perl extension for the XML Query
- 6. Language-DATR-DATR2~ [0.901] manipulate DATR .dtr, XML, HTML,
- 7. libxml-perl [0.07] support for deeply nested
- 8. Mail-FilterXML [0.1] Undetermined
- 9. Mail-XML [0.03] Adds a toXML() method to
- 10. Pod-XML [0.93] Module to convert POD to XML
- As you can see, the three fields being displayed are:
- 1 NAME
- The package name
- The package version
- The package abstract
- You can customize the view somewhat. If you want to view the authors,
- but not the abstract, you can run the same *search* command after using
- *set* to change the fields:
- ppm> set fields="NAME VERSION AUTHOR"
- Setting 'fields' set to 'name version author'.
- ppm> search XML
- Using cached search result set 1.
- 1. CGI-XMLForm [0.10] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- 2. Data-DumpXML [1.01] Gisle Aas (gisle@aas.no)
- 3. DBIx-XML_RDB [0.05] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- 4. DBIx-XMLMessage [0.03] Andrei Nossov (andrein@andrein.com)
- 5. GoXML-XQI [1.1.4] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 6. Language-DATR-DAT~ [0.901] Lee Goddard (lgoddard@cpan.org)
- 7. libxml-perl [0.07] Ken MacLeod (ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us)
- 8. Mail-FilterXML [0.1] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 9. Mail-XML [0.03] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 10. Pod-XML [0.93] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- You can change the order in which the results are sorted, and what
- columns are displayed. The settings *fields* and *sort-field* changes
- this. You can sort by any valid field name (even fields which are not
- displayed). See the *settings* command for the valid field names.
- PPM always hides "duplicate" results. It decides whether a result is
- duplicated based on the fields being displayed. If the same package is
- found in more than one repository, but you don't have the REPOSITORY
- field showing, PPM will only list the package once.
- sub comp_search {()}
- sub run_search {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- my $query = $o->raw_args || join ' ', @args;
- trace(1, "PPM: search @args\n\tquery='$query'\n");
- return unless $o->assert(
- scalar $o->reps_on,
- "you must activate a repository before searching."
- );
- # No args: show cached result sets
- unless (@args) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- if (@search_results) {
- $o->inform("Search Result Sets:\n");
- my $i = 0;
- for (@search_results) {
- $o->informf("%s%2d",
- $search_result_current == $i ? "*" : " ",
- $i + 1);
- $o->inform(". $_->{query}\n");
- $i++;
- }
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No search result sets -- provide a search term.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- # Args:
- else {
- # Show specified result set
- if ($query =~ /^\d+/) {
- my $set = int($query);
- my $s = $o->cache_set('search', $set - 1);
- unless ($set > 0 and defined $s) {
- $o->warn("No such search result set '$set'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $query = $o->cache_set('search', $set-1, 'query');
- $o->inform("Search Results Set $set ($query):\n");
- $o->print_formatted($s, $o->cache_set_index('search'));
- $o->cache_set_current('search', $set-1);
- $o->cache_set_index('search', -1);
- }
- # Query is the same as a previous query on the same repository:
- # Use cached results and set them as default
- elsif(grep { $_->{query} eq $query } $o->cache_sets('search')) {
- my @entries = $o->cache_sets('search');
- for (my $i=0; $i<@entries; $i++) {
- if ($o->cache_set('search', $i, 'query') eq $query) {
- $o->inform("Using cached search result set ", $i+1, ".\n");
- $o->cache_set_current('search', $i);
- my $set = $o->cache_set('search');
- $o->print_formatted($set);
- }
- }
- }
- # Perform a new search
- else {
- my @rlist = $o->reps_on;
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- my $case = not $o->conf('case-sensitivity');
- $o->inform("Searching in Active Repositories\n");
- my $ok = PPM::UI::search(\@rlist, $targ, $query, $case);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- my @matches = $ok->result_l;
- unless (@matches) {
- $o->warn("No matches for '$query'; see 'help search'.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- $o->cache_set_index('search', -1);
- $o->cache_set_add('search', $query, \@matches);
- $o->cache_set_current('search', scalar($o->cache_sets('search')) - 1);
- my @set = $o->cache_set('search');
- $o->print_formatted(\@set);
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- sub alias_search { qw(s) }
- #============================================================================
- # tree
- # tree # shows the dependency tree for the default/current pkg
- # tree <\d+> # shows dep tree for numbered pkg in current search set
- # tree <pkg> # shows dep tree for given package
- # tree <url> # shows dep tree for package located at <url>
- # tree <glob> # searches for matches
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_tree { "shows package dependency tree" }
- sub help_tree { <<'END' }
- tree -- Show Dependency Tree for Packages
- Synopsis
- tree Displays the dependency-tree of the current
- or default package
- tree <number> Displays the dependency-tree of the given <number>
- tree <range> Displays a <range> of dependency-trees
- tree <package name> Displays the dependency-tree of the named package
- tree <url> Displays the dependency-tree for the
- package at <url>
- tree <glob pattern> Performs a new search using <glob pattern>
- Description
- The tree command is used to show the "dependency tree" of a given
- package (additional packages that are required by the current package).
- For example:
- tree SOAP-lite
- returns:
- ====================
- SOAP-Lite 0.51
- |__MIME-tools 5.316
- | |__MailTools 1.15
- | \__IO-stringy 1.216
- |
- \__MIME-Lite 2.105
- ====================
- SOAP-Lite requires four other packages.
- When tree is called without a <name> or <number> switch, the command
- will return the dependency tree of the first package in the default
- search result. If there is no default search, you will be requested to
- use search to find a package.
- sub comp_tree { goto &comp_describe }
- sub run_tree {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: tree @args\n");
- # Check for anything that looks like a query. If it does, just
- # send it to search() instead.
- my $query = $o->raw_args || join ' ', @args;
- $query ||= '';
- if ($query and not PPM::UI::is_pkg($args[0]) and not parse_range($query)) {
- $o->inform("Wildcards detected; using 'search' instead...\n");
- return $o->run('search', @_);
- }
- # No Args: describes current index of current result set, or 1.
- unless (@args) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (@search_results and
- bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->warn("No search results to show dependency tree for -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @res = $o->cache_set('search');
- my $npkgs = @res;
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if ($o->cache_entry('search')) {
- my $n = $o->cache_set_index('search') + 1;
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->tree_pkg($o->cache_entry('search'));
- }
- elsif (defined $o->cache_entry('search', 0)) {
- $o->inform("Package 1:\n");
- $o->tree_pkg($o->cache_entry('search', 0));
- $o->cache_set_index('search', 0);
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Search Results are empty -- use 'search' again.\n");
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Args provided
- else {
- # Describe a particular number:
- if (my @r = parse_range(@args)) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->inform("No search results to show dependency tree for -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- for my $n (@r) {
- my $sr = $o->cache_set('search');
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if (bounded(1, $n, scalar @$sr)) {
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->tree_pkg($o->cache_entry('search', $n-1));
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("No such package $n in result set.\n");
- }
- $o->cache_set_index('search', $n - 1);
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Describe a particular package
- else {
- return unless $o->assert(
- scalar $o->reps_on,
- "No repositories -- use 'rep add' to add a repository.\n"
- );
- my $pkg =
- PPM::UI::describe([$o->reps_on], $o->conf('target'), $args[0]);
- unless ($pkg->is_success) {
- $o->warn($pkg->msg);
- return unless $pkg->ok;
- }
- if ($pkg->ok) {
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- $o->tree_pkg($pkg->result);
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Describe:
- # des # describes default or current package
- # des <\d+> # describes numbered package in the current search set
- # des <pkg> # describes the named package (bypasses cached results)
- # des <url> # describes the package located at <url>
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_describe { "describes packages in detail" }
- sub help_describe { <<'END' }
- describe -- Describe Packages
- Synopsis
- des Describes default/current package
- des <number> Describes package <number> in the
- current search set
- des <range> Describes packages in the given
- <range> from the current search
- des <package name> Describes named package
- des <url> Describes package located at <url>
- des <glob pattern> Performes a new search using <glob pattern>
- Description
- The describe command returns information about a package, including the
- name of the package, the author's name and a brief description (called
- an "Abstract") about the package. For example:
- describe libnet
- returns:
- ===============================
- Package 1
- Name: libnet
- Version: 1.07.03
- Author: Graham Barr
- Abstract: Collection of Network protocol modules
- Implementations:
- 1.sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- 2.i686-linux-thread-multi
- 3.MSWIn32-x86-multi-thread
- ===============================
- There are two modifiers to the describe command:
- -ppd
- Displays the raw PPD of the package.
- -dump
- The same as -ppd.
- When the describe command is called without arguments, it returns
- information about the first package in the current search. If there is
- no default search set, you will be prompted to use the search command to
- find a package.
- If describe is called with a numeric argument, that number is set as the
- default package and the information about that package is returned. If
- the number given doesn't exist, you will be prompted to use search to
- find a package. Also, you can use describe to get descriptions of
- several packages. For example:
- describe 4-7
- will return descriptions of packages 4 through 7 in the current search
- request. You can also enter:
- describe 3-4,10
- to get information on packages 3, 4 and 10.
- If you specify a URL as the argument to describe, PPM will describe the
- package located at the URL. The URL must point to a PPD file. The URL
- can also point to a PPD file on your computer.
- When the describe command is given a name with a wildcard (such as "*"
- or "?") it executes the search command with the given argument. For
- example, describe Tk* will return the name(s) of any packages that match
- the search parameters.
- See Also
- properties
- sub comp_describe {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- # If no search results
- my $n_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $n_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- return ()
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1));
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- # If the previous word isn't a number or the command, stop.
- return ()
- if ($#words > 0 and
- $words[$#words] !~ /^\d+/ and
- $start == length($line) or
- $#words > 1);
- # This is the most optimistic list:
- my @results = $o->cache_set('search');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- my @compls = (1 .. $npkgs);
- # If the previous word is a number, return only other numbers:
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls)
- if $words[$#words] =~ /^\d+/;
- # Either a number or the names of the packages
- push @compls, map { $_->name } @results;
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- sub run_describe {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- # Check for options:
- my $ppd;
- {
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions(ppd => \$ppd, dump => \$ppd);
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- trace(1, "PPM: describe @args\n");
- # Check for anything that looks like a query. If it does, just
- # send it to search() instead.
- my $query = $o->raw_args || join ' ', @args;
- if ($query and not PPM::UI::is_pkg($args[0]) and not parse_range($query)) {
- $o->inform("Wildcards detected; using 'search' instead...\n");
- return $o->run('search', @_);
- }
- my $dumper = sub {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg_obj = shift;
- my $ppd = $pkg_obj->getppd($o->conf('target'))->result;
- $o->page($ppd);
- };
- my $displayer = $ppd ? $dumper : \&describe_pkg;
- # No Args: describes current index of current result set, or 1.
- unless (@args) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (@search_results and
- bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->warn("No search results to describe -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @res = $o->cache_set('search');
- my $npkgs = @res;
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if ($o->cache_entry('search')) {
- my $n = $o->cache_set_index('search') + 1;
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->$displayer($o->cache_entry('search'));
- }
- elsif (defined $o->cache_entry('search', 0)) {
- $o->inform("Package 1:\n");
- $o->$displayer($o->cache_entry('search', 0));
- $o->cache_set_index('search', 0);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("Search Results are empty -- use 'search' again.\n");
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Args provided
- else {
- # Describe a particular number:
- if (my @r = parse_range(@args)) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->warn("No search results to describe -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- for my $n (@r) {
- my $sr = $o->cache_set('search');
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if (bounded(1, $n, scalar @$sr)) {
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->$displayer($o->cache_entry('search', $n-1));
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("No such package $n in result set.\n");
- }
- $o->cache_set_index('search', $n - 1);
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Describe a particular package
- else {
- return unless $o->assert(
- scalar $o->reps_on,
- "No repositories -- use 'rep add' to add a repository.\n"
- );
- my ($set, $index) = $o->cache_find('search', $args[0]);
- my ($ok, $pkg);
- if ($index >= 0) {
- $o->cache_set_current('search', $set);
- $o->cache_set_index('search', $index);
- $pkg = $o->cache_entry('search');
- }
- else {
- $ok = PPM::UI::describe([$o->reps_on],
- $o->conf('target'), $args[0]);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->inform($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $pkg = $ok->result;
- $o->cache_set_add('search', $args[0], [$pkg]);
- my $last = $o->cache_sets('search') - 1;
- $o->cache_set_current('search', $last);
- $o->cache_set_index('search', 0);
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- $o->$displayer($pkg);
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Install:
- # i # installs default or current package
- # i <\d+> # installs numbered package in current search set
- # i <pkg> # installs named package
- # i <url> # installs the package at <url>
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_install { "installs packages" }
- sub help_install { <<'END' }
- install -- Install Packages
- Synopsis
- install Installs default package
- install <number> Installs packages by a specific <number>
- install <range> Installs packages in the given numeric <range>
- install <name> Installs named package
- install <url> Installs the package located at <url>
- Description
- The install command is used to install packages from the repository.
- Install packages by name or number (the number is given by the
- repository or search request), or set a default package using the
- describe command. You can specify a full URL to a PPD file; the URL may
- point to a PPD file on your computer.
- If you have profile tracking enabled, (see 'help profile') the current
- profile will be updated to include the newly installed package(s).
- The following modifiers can be used with the install command:
- * -force
- * -noforce
- * -follow
- * -nofollow
- The force and follow switches determine how packages are installed:
- false false Checks to see if the package is installed and
- if it is, installation stops. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, the installation will
- fail.
- false true Checks to see if the package is installed and
- if it is, installation stops. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, they are automatically
- installed. NOTE: this is the default setting
- when PPM is first installed.
- true false If the package is installed, PPM will
- reinstall the package. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, the installation will
- fail.
- true true If the package is installed, PPM will
- reinstall the package. All prerequisites are
- installed, missing or not.
- If you do not specify any options, install uses the default settings.
- Set or view the current defaults using the 'settings' command.
- For example:
- install foo
- will install the package named "foo", using the default settings.
- Over-ride the defaults using the install modifiers described above.
- For example:
- install foo -force
- will install the "foo" package, even if it has already been installed.
- If both -force and -follow are set to "true", all the prerequisites for
- any package you install will also be installed. For example, the
- installation of a tk-related package, like "tk-ach" which is 8.4 kB will
- be preceded by the installation of Tk, which is 1.7 MB.
- You can also install by package number. Package numbers are based on the
- current repository or current search request. For example:
- install 6
- installs package number 6. You can install more than one package at one
- time:
- install 3-5
- installs packages 3, 4 and 5. You can also type install 3-6,8 to install
- packages 3,4,5,6 and 8.
- See Also
- profile
- sub comp_install { goto &comp_describe }
- sub run_install {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: install @args\n");
- # Get the install options
- my %opts = (
- force => $o->conf('force-install'),
- follow => $o->conf('follow-install'),
- dryrun => 0,
- );
- {
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions('force!' => \$opts{force},
- 'follow!' => \$opts{follow},
- 'dryrun' => \$opts{dryrun},
- );
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- # No Args -- installs default package
- unless (@args) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (@search_results and
- bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->warn("No search results to install -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @results = $o->cache_set('search');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- my $pkg;
- if ($o->cache_entry('search')) {
- my $n = $o->cache_set_index('search') + 1;
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $pkg = $o->cache_entry('search');
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Package 1:\n");
- $pkg = $o->cache_entry('search', 0);
- }
- return $o->install_pkg($pkg, \%opts);
- }
- }
- # Args provided
- else {
- # Install a particular number:
- if (my @r = parse_range(@args)) {
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- unless (@search_results and
- bounded(0, $search_result_current, $#search_results)) {
- $o->warn("No search results to install -- " .
- "use 'search' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my $ok = 0;
- for my $n (@r) {
- my $sr = $o->cache_set('search');
- if (bounded(1, $n, scalar @$sr)) {
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- my $pkg = $sr->[$n-1];
- $ok++ if $o->install_pkg($pkg, \%opts);
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("No such package $n in result set.\n");
- }
- }
- return unless $ok;
- }
- }
- # Install a particular package
- else {
- if ($o->reps_on) {
- return $o->install_pkg($args[0], \%opts);
- }
- elsif ($o->reps_all) {
- $o->warn("Can't install: no repositories are active.\n");
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("Can't install: no repositories defined.\n");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Target:
- # t # displays a list of backend targets
- # t [set] <\d+> # sets numbered target as default backend target
- # t des [<\d+>] # describes the given (or default) target
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_targets { "views or sets target installer backends" }
- sub help_targets { <<'END' }
- targets -- View Target Installer Backends
- Synopsis
- target Displays a list of backend targets
- target <number> Sets <number> as default backend target
- target [select] <name or num>
- Sets <name or num> as default backend target
- target describe [name or num]
- Describes the given (or default) target
- target set <key> <val> Sets the target's <key> to <val>
- target rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the given target to <name>
- Description
- The target is the destination location of the install routine, such as
- the directory where the packages are installed when they're downloaded
- from the repository. For example:
- target
- returns:
- Targets:
- 1. ActivePerl 618
- * 2. ActivePerl 629
- This shows that there are two available targets, and that the second
- target (ActivePerl 629) is currently the default (as shown by the
- asterisk). Using multiple targets, you can manage multiple installations
- of Perl from a single command-line.
- sub comp_targets {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- my $words = scalar @words;
- my @compls;
- my @targs = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- # only return 'set' and 'describe' when we're completing the second word
- if ($words == 1 or $words == 2 and $start != length($line)) {
- @compls = ('set', 'select', 'describe', 'rename', 1 .. scalar @targs);
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- if ($words == 2 or $words == 3 and $start != length($line)) {
- # complete 'set'
- if (matches($words[1], 's|et')) {
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- @compls = map { $_->[0] }
- grep { $_->[1] }
- PPM::UI::target_config_keys($targ)->result_l;
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- # complete 'describe' and 'rename'
- elsif (matches($words[1], 'd|escribe')
- or matches($words[1], 'r|ename')
- or matches($words[1], 's|elect')) {
- return $o->completions($word, [1 .. scalar @targs]);
- }
- }
- ();
- }
- sub run_targets {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: target @args\n");
- my @targets = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- my $targets = @targets;
- # No arguments: print targets
- if (@args) {
- my ($cmd, @rest) = @args;
- if ($cmd =~ /^\d+$/
- or matches($cmd, 'se|lect')) {
- my $num = $cmd =~ /^\d+$/ ? $cmd :
- $rest[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $rest[0] :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($rest[0], 1, @targets);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->warn("No such target '$rest[0]'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $n;
- };
- # QA the number: is it too high/low?
- unless(bounded(1, $num, $targets)) {
- $o->warn("No such target number '$num'.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- $o->conf('target', $targets[$num-1]);
- $o->cache_clear('query');
- }
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, 'r|ename')) {
- my ($oldnum, $newname) = @rest;
- $oldnum = $oldnum =~ /^\d+$/ ? $oldnum :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($oldnum, 1, @targets);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->warn("No such target '$oldnum'.\n");
- return;
- };
- $n;
- };
- unless (defined $oldnum && $oldnum =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- target: '$cmd' requires a numeric argument. See 'help $cmd'.
- return;
- }
- unless (bounded(1, $oldnum, $targets)) {
- $o->warn("No such target number '$oldnum'.\n");
- return;
- }
- unless (defined $newname and $newname) {
- $newname = '' unless defined $newname;
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Target names must be non-empty: '$newname' is not a valid name.
- return;
- }
- my $oldname = $targets[$oldnum - 1];
- my $ret = PPM::UI::target_rename($oldname, $newname);
- $o->warn($ret->msg) unless $ret->ok;
- $o->conf('target', $newname)
- if $o->conf('target') eq $oldname;
- @targets = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- $targets = scalar @targets;
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, "s|et")) {
- my ($key, $value) = @rest;
- if (defined $key and $key =~ /=/ and not defined $value) {
- ($key, $value) = split /=/, $key;
- }
- unless(defined($key) && $key) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- You must specify what option to set. See 'help target'.
- return;
- }
- unless(defined($value)) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- You must provide a value for the option. See 'help target'.
- return;
- }
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- my %keys = map { @$_ }
- PPM::UI::target_config_keys($targ)->result_l;
- unless ($keys{$key}) {
- $o->warn("Invalid set key '$key'; these are the settable values:\n");
- $o->warn(" $_\n") for (grep { $keys{$_} } keys %keys);
- return;
- }
- my $ok = PPM::UI::target_config_set($targ, $key, $value);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $o->inform("Target attribute '$key' set to '$value'\n");
- return 1;
- }
- elsif (matches($cmd, "d|escribe")) {
- my %opts = (exec => 1);
- my $sel;
- if (@rest) {
- local @ARGV = @rest;
- GetOptions(\%opts, 'exec!');
- @rest = @ARGV;
- }
- if (@rest) {
- $sel = $rest[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $rest[0] :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($rest[0], 1, @targets);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->warn("No such target '$rest[0]'.\n");
- return;
- };
- $n;
- };
- unless(bounded(1, $sel, $targets)) {
- $o->warn("No such target number '$sel'.\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- $sel = find_index($o->conf('target'), 1, @targets);
- }
- my $targ = $targets[$sel-1];
- my (@keys, @vals);
- my $res = $opts{exec}
- ? PPM::UI::target_info($targ)
- : PPM::UI::target_raw_info($targ);
- unless ($res->is_success) {
- $o->warn($res->msg);
- return unless $res->ok;
- }
- my %h = $res->result_h;
- my @h = sort keys %h;
- push @keys, @h;
- push @vals, $h{$_} for @h;
- if ($opts{exec}) {
- for (PPM::UI::target_config_info($targ)->result_l) {
- push @keys, $_->[0];
- push @vals, $_->[1];
- }
- }
- $_ = ucfirst $_ for @keys;
- $o->inform("Describing target $sel ($targ):\n");
- $o->print_pairs(\@keys, \@vals);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- unless($targets) {
- $o->warn("No targets. Install a PPM target.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- $o->conf('target', $targets[0])
- unless $o->conf('target');
- my $i = 0;
- $o->inform("Targets:\n");
- for (@targets) {
- $o->informf(
- "%s%2d",
- $o->conf('target') eq $targets[$i] ? "*" : " ",
- $i + 1
- );
- $o->inform(". $_\n");
- $i++;
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Query:
- # query # displays list of previous queries
- # query <\d+> # displays results of previous query
- # query <terms> # performs a new query and displays results
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_query { "queries installed packages" }
- sub help_query { <<'END' }
- query -- Query Installed Packages
- Synopsis
- query Displays list of previous queries
- query <number> Displays results of previous query
- query <glob pattern> Performs a new query using <glob pattern>
- query * Displays a list of all installed packages
- Description
- The query command displays a list of all installed packages, or a list
- based on the <glob pattern> switch. You can also check the list of past
- queries, or the results of a past query.
- With PPM 3.0, you can now perform much more powerful queries. The syntax
- is identical to the 'search' command, and almost all the search switches
- are also available for querying installed packages.
- Recall previous queries with the 'query <number>' command. PPM3 stores
- all queries from the current PPM session.
- Note: Depending on the value of the "case-sensitivity" setting, the
- query may or may not be case-sensitive. See "help settings" for
- instructions on setting the default case sensitivity.
- See Also
- search, settings
- sub comp_query {()}
- sub run_query {
- my $o = shift;
- my $query = $o->raw_args || join ' ', @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: query @_\n\tquery='$query'\n");
- my @targets = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- my $target = $o->conf('target');
- my $case = not $o->conf('case-sensitivity');
- $o->warn("You must install an installation target before using PPM.\n")
- and return unless @targets;
- # No args: show cached query sets
- unless ($query =~ /\S/) {
- my @query_results = $o->cache_sets('query');
- my $query_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('query');
- if (@query_results) {
- $o->inform("Query Result Sets:\n");
- my $i = 0;
- for (@query_results) {
- $o->informf("%s%2d",
- $query_result_current == $i ? "*" : " ",
- $i + 1);
- $o->inform(". $_->{query}\n");
- $i++;
- }
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No query result sets -- provide a query term.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- # Args:
- else {
- # Show specified result set
- if ($query =~ /^\d+/) {
- my $set = int($query);
- unless (defined $o->cache_set('query', $set-1)) {
- $o->warn("No such query result set '$set'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $query = $o->cache_set('query', $set-1, 'query');
- $o->inform("Query Results Set $set ($query):\n");
- $o->print_formatted([$o->cache_set('query', $set-1)],
- $o->cache_set_index('query'));
- $o->cache_set_current('query', $set-1);
- $o->cache_set_index('query', -1);
- }
- # Query is the same a a previous query on the same target:
- # Use cached results and set them as default
- elsif (grep { $_->{query} eq $query } $o->cache_sets('query')) {
- for (my $i=0; $i<$o->cache_sets('query'); $i++) {
- if ($o->cache_set('query', $i, 'query') eq $query) {
- $o->inform("Using cached query result set ", $i+1, ".\n");
- $o->cache_set_current('query', $i);
- my $set = $o->cache_set('query');
- $o->print_formatted($set);
- }
- }
- }
- # Perform a new query.
- else {
- my $num = find_index($target, 1, @targets);
- $o->inform("Querying target $num (");
- if (length($target) > 30) {
- $o->inform(substr($target, 0, 30), "...");
- }
- else {
- $o->inform($target);
- }
- $o->inform(")\n");
- my $res = PPM::UI::query($target, $query, $case);
- unless ($res->ok) {
- $o->inform($res->msg);
- return;
- }
- my @matches = $res->result_l;
- if (@matches) {
- $o->cache_set_add('query', $query, \@matches);
- $o->cache_set_current('query', scalar($o->cache_sets('query')) - 1);
- my @set = $o->cache_set('query');
- $o->print_formatted(\@set);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No matches for '$query'; see 'help query'.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Properties:
- # prop # describes default installed package
- # prop <\d+> # describes numbered installed package
- # prop <pkg> # describes named installed package
- # prop <url> # describes installed package at location <url>
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_properties { "describes installed packages in detail" }
- sub help_properties { <<'END' }
- properties -- Describe Installed Packages
- Synopsis
- prop Describes default installed package
- prop <number> Describes installed package <number>
- prop <range> Describes a <range> of installed packages
- prop <package name> Describes named installed package
- prop <url> Describes installed package located at <url>
- prop <glob pattern> Performs a new query using <glob pattern>
- Description
- The properties command is an verbose form of the describe command. In
- addition to summary information, properties will display the
- installation date and a URL showing the location of the package within
- the repository.
- If you specify the package as a URL, PPM determines the package name
- from the URL and searches for that.
- When the properties command is used with wildcard arguments, the text
- entered at the PPM prompt is passed to the query command.
- For example, typing 'properties libnet' will give you:
- ====================
- Name: libnet
- Version: 1.07.03
- Author: Graham Barr
- Title: libnet
- Abstract: Collection of Network protocol modules
- InstDate: Fri Oct 2 16:15:15 1998
- Location: http://ppm-ia.ActiveState.com/PPM/...
- ====================
- See Also
- describe
- sub comp_properties {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- # If no query results
- my $n_results = scalar $o->cache_sets('query');
- my $n_current = $o->cache_set_current('query');
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1)) {
- my $targ = $o->conf('target') or return ();
- my $r = PPM::UI::query($targ, '*');
- return () unless $r->ok;
- $o->cache_set_add('query', '*', $r->result);
- $o->cache_set_current('query', scalar($o->cache_sets('query')) - 1);
- }
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- # If the previous word isn't a number or the command, stop.
- return ()
- if ($#words > 0 and
- $words[$#words] !~ /^\d+/ and
- $start == length($line) or
- $#words > 1);
- # This is the most optimistic list:
- my @results = $o->cache_set('query');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- my @compls = (1 .. $npkgs);
- # If the previous word is a number, return only other numbers:
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls)
- if ($words[$#words] =~ /^\d+/);
- # Either a number or the names of the packages
- push @compls, map { $_->name } @results;
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- sub run_properties {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- my $args = $args[0];
- trace(1, "PPM: properties @args\n");
- # Check for anything that looks like a query. If it does, send it
- # to query instead.
- my $query = $o->raw_args || join ' ', @args;
- $query ||= '';
- if ($query and not PPM::UI::is_pkg($args[0]) and not parse_range($query)) {
- $o->inform("Wildcards detected; using 'query' instead.\n");
- return $o->run('query', @_);
- }
- # No Args: describes current index of current result set, or 1.
- my $n_results = $o->cache_sets('query');
- my $n_current = $o->cache_set_current('query');
- my $ind = $o->cache_set_index('query');
- unless (@args) {
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1)) {
- $o->inform("No query results to describe -- " .
- "use 'query' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @results = $o->cache_set('query');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if (bounded(0, $ind, $npkgs-1)) {
- my $n = $ind + 1;
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->describe_pkg($o->cache_entry('query', $ind));
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Package 1:\n");
- $o->describe_pkg($results[0]);
- $o->cache_set_index('query', 0);
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Args provided
- else {
- # Describe a particular number:
- if (my @r = parse_range(@args)) {
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1)) {
- $o->inform("No query results to describe -- " .
- "use 'query' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- for my $n (@r) {
- my @results = $o->cache_set('query');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- if (bounded(1, $n, $npkgs)) {
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->cache_set_index('query', $n-1);
- my $old = $o->cache_entry('query');
- my $prop =
- PPM::UI::properties($o->conf('target'), $old->name);
- unless ($prop->is_success) {
- $o->warn($prop->msg);
- next unless $prop->ok;
- }
- my ($pkg, $idate, $loc) = $prop->result_l;
- $o->describe_pkg($pkg,
- [qw(InstDate Location)],
- [$idate, $loc],
- );
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("No such package $n in result set.\n");
- }
- }
- $o->inform("$SEP\n");
- }
- }
- # Query a particular package
- else {
- if ($o->conf('target')) {
- my $prop =
- PPM::UI::properties($o->conf('target'), $args);
- unless ($prop->is_success) {
- $o->warn($prop->msg);
- return unless $prop->ok;
- }
- my ($pkg, $idate, $loc) = $prop->result_l;
- my ($s, $index) = $o->cache_find('query', $args);
- $o->inform("$SEP\n") if $pkg;
- $o->describe_pkg($pkg,
- [qw(InstDate Location)],
- [$idate, $loc],
- )
- if $pkg;
- $o->inform("$SEP\n") if $pkg;
- if ($index >= 0) {
- $o->cache_set_current('query', $s);
- $o->cache_set_index('query', $index);
- }
- elsif ($pkg) {
- $o->cache_set_add('query', $args[0], [$pkg]);
- my $last = $o->cache_sets('query') - 1;
- $o->cache_set_current('query', $last);
- $o->cache_set_index('query', 0);
- }
- $o->warn("Package '$args' not found; 'query' for it first.\n")
- and return unless $pkg;
- }
- else {
- # XXX: Change this output.
- $o->warn(
- "There are no targets installed.\n"
- );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Uninstall:
- # uninst # removes default installed package
- # uninst <\d+> # removes specified package
- # uninst <pkg> # removes specified package
- # uninst <url> # removes the package located at <url>
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_uninstall { "uninstalls packages" }
- sub help_uninstall { <<'END' }
- remove, uninstall -- Uninstalls Installed Packages
- Synopsis
- remove Deletes default installed package
- remove <number> Deletes installed package <number>
- remove <range> Deletes a <range> of installed packages
- remove <name> Deletes a packages by a specific name
- remove <url> Deletes the package located at <url>
- Description
- The remove and uninstall commands function identically. They are used to
- delete packages from the current target (specified using the target
- command). If profile tracking is enabled, (see 'help profile') the
- current PPM profile on ASPN will be updated.
- Packages can be removed by package name, by their numerical listing, or
- by specifying a URL to a PPD file. For example:
- remove XML-DOM
- will delete the XML-DOM package from the target.
- To remove package by number:
- remove 6
- and the sixth package in your current query will be removed. If no
- queries have been run in the current PPM session, you will be prompted
- to use a query to find a package before deleting it. Remember that
- removing packages clears all previous query requests, since the
- numerical sequence stored in any query will no longer be true once
- package(s) have been removed.
- Packages can also be removed in groups. For example:
- remove 4-7
- will delete packages 4, 5, 6, and 7 from your target. You can also skip
- packages:
- remove 3-5, 7
- this will delete packages 3, 4, 5 and 7, but will leave 6 intact.
- Remember to run a new query whenever you remove a package from your
- target.
- If you specify the package as a URL, PPM determines the package name
- from the URL and removes that.
- Please note that wildcards like "*" or "?" cannot be used with the
- remove command.
- See Also
- profile
- sub comp_uninstall { goto &comp_properties; }
- sub run_uninstall {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: uninstall @args\n");
- # Get the force option:
- my ($force);
- {
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions(
- 'force!' => \$force,
- );
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- my $args = $args[0];
- # No Args -- removes default package
- my $n_results = $o->cache_sets('query');
- my $n_current = $o->cache_set_current('query');
- my $ind = $o->cache_set_index('query');
- unless (@args) {
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1)) {
- $o->warn("No query results to uninstall -- " .
- "use 'query' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @results = $o->cache_set('query');
- if (bounded(0, $ind, $#results)) {
- my $n = $ind + 1;
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $o->remove_pkg($o->cache_entry('query', $ind)->name, $force);
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Package 1:\n");
- $o->remove_pkg($o->cache_entry('query', 0)->name, $force);
- }
- }
- }
- # Args provided
- else {
- # Uninstall a particular number:
- if (my @r = parse_range(@args)) {
- unless ($n_results and bounded(0, $n_current, $n_results - 1)) {
- $o->warn("No query results to uninstall -- " .
- "use 'query' to find a package.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- my @results = $o->cache_set('query');
- my $npkgs = @results;
- my $ok = 0;
- for my $n (@r) {
- if (bounded(1, $n, $npkgs)) {
- $o->inform("Package $n:\n");
- $ok |=
- $o->remove_pkg($o->cache_entry('query', $n-1)->name,
- $force, 1);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No such package $n in result set.\n");
- }
- }
- $o->cache_clear('query') if $ok;
- }
- }
- # Uninstall a particular package
- else {
- if ($o->conf('target')) {
- $o->remove_pkg($_, $force) for @args;
- }
- else {
- print
- "No targets -- use 'rep add' to add a target.\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- sub alias_uninstall { qw(remove) }
- #============================================================================
- # Settings:
- #============================================================================
- my (%lib_keys, @ui_keys);
- my (@path_keys, @boolean_keys, @integer_keys);
- my (%cache_clear_keys);
- %lib_keys = ('download-chunksize' => 'downloadbytes',
- 'tempdir' => 'tempdir',
- 'trace-file' => 'tracefile',
- 'trace-level' => 'tracelvl',
- 'profile-track' => 'profile_enable',
- );
- @ui_keys = qw(
- case-sensitivity
- pager
- fields
- follow-install
- force-install
- prompt-context
- prompt-slotsize
- prompt-verbose
- sort-field
- verbose-startup
- install-verbose
- upgrade-verbose
- remove-verbose
- );
- @boolean_keys = qw(case-sensitivity force-install follow-install
- prompt-context prompt-verbose profile-track
- verbose-startup install-verbose upgrade-verbose
- remove-verbose
- );
- @integer_keys = qw(download-chunksize prompt-slotsize trace-level);
- @path_keys = qw(tempdir pager trace-file);
- @cache_clear_keys{qw/
- case-sensitivity
- /} = ();
- }
- sub settings_getkeys {
- my $o = shift;
- my @keys = @ui_keys;
- push @keys, keys %lib_keys;
- @keys;
- }
- sub settings_getvals {
- my $o = shift;
- my @vals;
- push @vals, $o->settings_getkey($_) for $o->settings_getkeys;
- @vals;
- }
- sub conf {
- my $o = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- my $val = shift;
- my $un = shift;
- return $o->settings_setkey($key, $val, $un) if defined $val;
- return $o->settings_getkey($key);
- }
- sub settings_getkey {
- my $o = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- return PPM::UI::config_get($lib_keys{$key})->result if $lib_keys{$key};
- return $o->{SHELL}{conf}{DATA}{$key};
- }
- sub settings_setkey {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($key, $val, $un) = @_;
- if (grep { $key eq $_ } @boolean_keys) {
- $val = 0 if $un;
- unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/ && ($val == 0 || $val == 1)) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Setting '$key' must be boolean: '0' or '1'. See 'help settings'.
- return;
- }
- }
- elsif (grep { $key eq $_ } @integer_keys) {
- $val = 0 if $un;
- unless ($val =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Setting '$key' must be numeric. See 'help settings'.
- return;
- }
- }
- elsif ($key eq 'sort-field') {
- $val = 'name' if $un;
- my @fields = sort_fields();
- unless (grep { lc($val) eq $_ } @fields) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Error setting '$key' to '$val': should be one of:
- @fields.
- return;
- }
- else {
- $val = lc($val);
- $o->cache_set_index('search', -1); # invalidates current indices.
- $o->cache_set_index('query', -1);
- }
- }
- elsif ($key eq 'fields') {
- $val = 'name version abstract' if $un;
- my @fields = sort_fields();
- my @vals = split ' ', $val;
- for my $v (@vals) {
- unless (grep { lc $v eq lc $_ } @fields) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Error adding field '$v': should be one of:
- @fields.
- return;
- }
- }
- $val = lc $val;
- }
- if ($un and $key eq 'tempdir') {
- $o->warn("Can't unset 'tempdir': use 'set' instead.\n");
- return;
- }
- # Check for any cache-clearing that needs to happen:
- if (exists $cache_clear_keys{$key}) {
- $o->cache_clear('search');
- $o->cache_clear('query');
- }
- if ($lib_keys{$key}) { PPM::UI::config_set($lib_keys{$key}, $val) }
- else {
- $o->{SHELL}{conf}{DATA}{$key} = $val;
- $o->{SHELL}{conf}->save;
- }
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Setting '$key' set to '$val'.
- }
- sub smry_settings { "view or set PPM options" }
- sub help_settings { <<'END' }
- settings -- View or Set PPM Settings
- Synopsis
- set Displays current settings
- set <name> Displays the current setting of the given <name>
- set <name> <value> Sets <name> to <value>
- unset <name> Sets <name> to a "false" value: '0' for boolean
- Settings, '' for others.
- Description
- The settings command is used to configure the default PPM environment.
- Settings such as the number of lines displayed per page,
- case-sensitivity, and the log file are configured using the settings
- command.
- Setting names may be abbreviated to uniqueness. For example, instead of
- typing 'case-sensitivity', you may type 'case'.
- Available settings:
- case-sensitivity 1 or 0 If 1, searches and queries are
- case-sensitive.
- download-chunksize integer If this is set to a positive,
- non-zero integer, PPM updates the
- status after "integer" of bytes
- transferred during an install or
- upgrade.
- fields fields A space-separated list of fields to
- display in the search results. Valid
- fields are:
- Usually, NAME and TITLE have the same
- content.
- follow-install 1 or 0 See 'help install' for details.
- force-install 1 or 0 See 'help install' for details.
- install-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- installing packages. If 1, PPM prints
- each file as it is installed.
- pager path The path to an external pager program
- used to page long displays. If blank,
- or set to 'internal', the internal
- pager is used. If 'none', paging
- is disabled.
- profile-track 1 or 0 If 1, PPM arranges to have the
- ASPN server track your PPM profile.
- This means that every time your install
- or remove a package, your profile is
- updated on the server. If 0, you must
- manually save your profile using
- 'profile save'.
- prompt-context 1 or 0 If 1, enables the prompt to change
- based on the current state of PPM, i.e
- showing current target, query, etc.
- prompt-slotsize integer If prompt-verbose is 1, this defines
- the width of each slot in the prompt.
- For instance, 4 means to use 4
- character-wide slots.
- prompt-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, uses numbers to represent the
- context in the prompt; much shorter.
- If prompt-context is set to 0, there
- will be no visible difference in the
- 'prompt-verbose' settings.
- remove-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- removing packages. If 1, prints the
- name of each file as it is removed.
- sort-field field The field by which to sort search and
- query results. Valid fields are
- and VERSION.
- tempdir path A temporary directory into which
- packages are downloaded and expanded
- during 'install' and 'upgrade'.
- trace-file path A file to which PPM will write tracing
- information.
- trace-level integer If 0 or negative, tracing is disabled.
- Positive, non-zero integers result in
- tracing information being written to
- 'trace-file'. Higher settings of
- 'trace-level' result in more trace
- information.
- upgrade-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- upgrading packages. If 1, prints the
- name of each file as it is upgraded.
- For information about migrating options used by previous versions of
- PPM, see 'help ppm_migration'.
- When you assign a value to a setting, PPM saves the configuration.
- Therefore, setting values persist across sessions.
- sub comp_settings {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- # To please the users of Bash, we'll allow 'set foo=bar' to work as well,
- # since it's really easy to do:
- if (defined $words[1] and $words[1] =~ /=/ and not defined $words[2]) {
- my @kv = split '=', $words[1];
- splice(@words, 1, 1, @kv);
- }
- my $words = @words;
- my @compls;
- # return the keys when we're completing the second word
- if ($words == 1 or $words == 2 and $start != length($line)) {
- @compls = $o->settings_getkeys();
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- # Return no completions for 'unset'.
- return () if matches($o->{API}{cmd}{run}{name}, 'u|nset');
- # provide intelligent completion for arguments:
- if ($words ==2 or $words == 3 and $start != length($line)) {
- # Completion for boolean values:
- my @bool = $o->completions($words[1], \@boolean_keys);
- my @path = $o->completions($words[1], \@path_keys);
- if (@bool == 1) {
- return $o->completions($word, [0, 1]);
- }
- elsif (@path == 1) {
- @compls = readline::rl_filename_list($word);
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- elsif (matches($words[1], 's|ort-field')) {
- @compls = sort_fields();
- return $o->completions(lc($word), \@compls);
- }
- }
- # Don't complete for anything else.
- ()
- }
- sub run_settings {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- my $key = $args[0];
- my $val = $args[1];
- # To please the users of Bash, we'll allow 'set foo=bar' to work as well,
- # since it's really easy to do:
- if (defined $key and $key =~ /=/ and not defined $val) {
- ($key, $val) = split '=', $key;
- }
- trace(1, "PPM: settings @args\n");
- my $unset = matches($o->{API}{cmd}{run}{name}, 'u|nset');
- my @stuff = $o->completions($key, [$o->settings_getkeys()])
- if $key;
- my $fullkey = $stuff[0] if @stuff == 1;
- if (defined $key and defined $val) {
- # validate the key:
- unless ($fullkey) {
- $key = '' unless defined $key;
- $o->warn("Unknown or ambiguous setting '$key'. See 'help settings'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $o->conf($fullkey, $val, $unset);
- }
- elsif (defined $key) {
- unless ($fullkey) {
- $key = '' unless defined $key;
- $o->warn("Unknown or ambiguous setting '$key'. See 'help settings'.\n");
- return;
- }
- if ($unset) {
- $o->conf($fullkey, '', $unset);
- }
- else {
- my $val = $o->conf($fullkey);
- $o->print_pairs([$fullkey], [$val]);
- }
- }
- else {
- my (@keys, @vals);
- @keys = $o->settings_getkeys();
- @vals = $o->settings_getvals();
- my %k;
- @k{@keys} = @vals;
- @keys = sort keys %k;
- @vals = map { $k{$_} } @keys;
- $o->print_pairs(\@keys, \@vals);
- }
- }
- sub alias_settings { qw(unset) }
- sub help_help { <<'END' }
- help -- General help, or help on specific commands.
- Synopsis
- help Lists available commands and help topics
- help 'command' Lists detailed help about a specific command
- Description
- The help command provides a brief description of the commands available
- within PPM. For help on a specific command, enter help followed by the
- command name. For example, enter help settings or help set for a
- detailed description of the settings command.
- There are some extra help topics built into PPM. They can be accessed
- within the PPM environment as follows:
- help ppm_migration
- shows more details about the changes from previous versions of PPM
- help quickstart
- an easy-to-follow guide to getting started with PPM
- help prompt
- provides a detailed explanation about the PPM prompt
- #============================================================================
- # Version:
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_version { "displays the PPM version ($VERSION)" }
- sub help_version { <<'END' }
- version -- print the name and version of PPM.
- Prints the name and version of PPM3.
- sub comp_version {()}
- sub run_version {
- my $o = shift;
- if ($o->mode eq 'SHELL') {
- $o->inform("$NAME version $VERSION\n");
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("$SHORT_NAME $VERSION\n");
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Exit:
- #============================================================================
- sub help_exit { <<'END' }
- exit, q, quit -- Exit the program
- Synopsis
- exit Exit
- quit Exit
- q Exit
- q <query> Perform a new query (shortcut for query)
- Description
- When you leave the PPM environment, the current settings are saved.
- sub comp_exit {
- my $o = shift;
- return &comp_query
- if $o->{API}{cmd}{run}{name} eq 'q' and @_;
- ();
- }
- sub run_exit {
- my $o = shift;
- # Special case: 'q' with no arguments should mean 'quit', but 'q' with
- # arguments should mean 'query'.
- if ($o->{API}{cmd}{run}{name} eq 'q' and @_) {
- return $o->run('query', @_);
- }
- $o->stoploop;
- }
- sub alias_exit { qw(quit q) }
- #============================================================================
- # Upgrade
- # upgrade # lists upgrades available
- # upgrade <\d+> # upgrades specified package
- # upgrade<pkg> # upgrades named package
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_upgrade { "shows availables upgrades for installed packages" }
- sub help_upgrade { <<'END' }
- upgrade -- List or install available upgrades
- Synopsis
- upgrade [*] Lists upgrades available for all installed packages
- upgrade <number> Upgrades installed package <number>
- upgrade <range> Upgrades a <range> of installed packages
- upgrade <package> Upgrades the named <package>
- Description
- The upgrade command lists package upgrades that are available on the
- current repository for packages installed on your system. To install
- available upgrades, use the '--install' option.
- If profile tracking is enabled, (see 'help profile'), your profile will
- be updated to reflect changes to any packages which are upgraded.
- There are several modifiers to the upgrade command:
- -install
- Installs, rather than lists, available upgrades
- -precious
- Allows upgrading of "precious" packages
- -force
- See 'help install'
- -follow
- See 'help install'
- By default, 'upgrade' typed by itself only lists the available upgrades.
- To actually install all available upgrades, enter
- upgrade -install
- To enable upgrading "precious" packages, enter
- upgrade -install -precious
- See Also
- profile
- sub comp_upgrade { goto &comp_properties; }
- sub run_upgrade {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: upgrade @args\n");
- # Get options:
- my %opts = (
- install => 0,
- doprecious => 0,
- dryrun => 0,
- force => $o->conf('force-install'),
- follow => $o->conf('follow-install'),
- );
- {
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions(install => \$opts{install},
- precious => \$opts{doprecious},
- 'force!' => \$opts{force},
- 'follow!' => \$opts{follow},
- dryrun => \$opts{dryrun},
- );
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- my $rlist = [$o->reps_on];
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- my @pkgs;
- # Allow 'upgrade *';
- @args = grep { $_ ne '*' } @args;
- # List upgrades for a particular package
- if (@args) {
- my $pkg = $args[0];
- my @n = parse_range($o->raw_args);
- for my $n (@n) {
- my $ppd = $o->cache_entry('query', $n-1);
- unless($ppd) {
- $o->warn("No such query result '$pkg' in result set.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- push @pkgs, $ppd;
- }
- }
- # The name of the package:
- unless (@n) {
- my $ppd = PPM::UI::properties($o->conf('target'), $pkg);
- unless ($ppd->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ppd->msg);
- return unless $ppd->ok;
- }
- my $real_ppd = ($ppd->result_l)[0];
- push @pkgs, $real_ppd;
- }
- }
- # List upgrades for all packages
- else {
- @pkgs = PPM::UI::query($targ, '*', 0)->result_l;
- @pkgs = $o->sort_pkgs($o->conf('sort-field'), @pkgs);
- }
- my $verify = PPM::UI::verify_pkgs($rlist, $targ, @pkgs);
- unless ($verify->is_success) {
- $o->error("Error verifying packages: ", $verify->msg_raw, "\n");
- return;
- }
- my %bypackage;
- for my $result ($verify->result_l) {
- next unless $result->is_success; # ignore unfound packages
- my ($uptodate, $server_pkg, $inst_pkg, $b, $p) = $result->result_l;
- my $name = $server_pkg->name;
- my $nver = $server_pkg->version;
- my $over = $inst_pkg->version;
- my $repo = $server_pkg->repository->name;
- $bypackage{$name}{$repo} = {
- uptodate => $uptodate,
- oldver => $over,
- newver => $nver,
- repo => $repo,
- bundled => $b,
- precious => $p,
- pkg => $server_pkg,
- };
- }
- for my $pkg (sort keys %bypackage) {
- my $default;
- my @updates;
- my $p = $bypackage{$pkg};
- for my $rep (sort { $p->{$b}{newver} cmp $p->{$a}{newver} } keys %$p) {
- my $tmp = $default = $p->{$rep};
- push @updates, [@$tmp{qw(oldver newver repo)}] unless $tmp->{uptodate};
- }
- my $upgrade = $opts{install} ? 1 : 0;
- for (@updates) {
- $o->inform("$pkg $_->[0]: new version $_->[1] available in $_->[2]\n");
- }
- unless (@updates) {
- $o->inform("$pkg $default->{oldver}: up to date.\n");
- $upgrade &= $opts{force};
- }
- if ($upgrade) {
- my @k = keys %$p;
- my $ask = (@updates > 1 or @k > 1 and !@updates);
- if ($ask) {
- # Which one do they want to install?
- $o->inform(<<MANY);
- Note: $pkg version $default->{oldver} is available from more than one place.
- Which repository would you like to upgrade from?
- my @repos = map { $_->[2] } @updates;
- $o->print_pairs([ 1 .. @repos ], \@repos, '. ');
- $o->inform("\n");
- my $rep = $o->prompt(
- "Repository? [$default->{repo}] ",
- $default->{repo},
- [ 1 .. @repos, @repos ],
- );
- $rep = $repos[$rep - 1] if $rep =~ /^\d+$/;
- $default = $p->{$rep};
- }
- elsif (!@updates) {
- ($default) = values %$p;
- }
- if (not $default->{precious} or $default->{precious} && $opts{doprecious}) {
- $o->upgrade_pkg($default->{pkg}, \%opts);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Use '-precious' to force precious packages to be upgraded.
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Profile:
- # profile # lists the profiles available on the repository
- # profile N # switches profiles
- # profile add "name" # adds a new profile
- # profile delete N # deletes the given profile
- # profile describe N # describes the given profile
- # profile save # saves the current state to the current profile
- # profile restore # restores the current profile
- # profile rename # renames the given profile
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_profiles { "manage PPM profiles" }
- sub help_profiles { <<'END' }
- profile -- Manage PPM Profiles
- Synopsis
- profile Lists profiles available on the repository
- profile <num> Switches to the given profile
- profile add <name> Creates a new profile on the repository
- profile delete <name or num>
- Deletes the given profile
- profile describe [name or num]
- Describes the current or given profile
- profile save Saves the client state to the current profile
- profile restore Restores the current profile
- profile rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the given profile to <name>
- Description
- Profiles store information about packages that are installed on your
- system. If the 'profile-track' setting is enabled, your ASPN Profile
- will be updated with information about installed packages. Profiles
- allow you to easily migrate, reinstall, upgrade or restore PPM packages
- in one or more locations.
- To use profiles, you must have a license for ASPN. For license
- information, see http://www.ActiveState.com/ASPN/About. Disable profile
- tracking by setting 'profile-track=0'.
- sub comp_profiles {
- my $o = shift;
- my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
- my @words = $o->line_parsed($line);
- my $words = scalar @words;
- my @profs = PPM::UI::profile_list();
- my @cmds = ('add', 'delete', 'describe', 'save', 'restore', 'rename');
- if ($words == 1 or $words == 2 and $start != length($line)) {
- my @compls = (@cmds, 1 .. scalar @profs);
- return $o->completions($word, \@compls);
- }
- if ($words == 2 or $words == 3 and $start != length($line)) {
- return ()
- if ($o->completions($words[1], [qw(add save restore)])==1);
- return $o->completions($word, [1 .. scalar @profs])
- if ($o->completions($words[1], [qw(delete describe rename)])==1);
- }
- ();
- }
- sub run_profiles {
- my $o = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- trace(1, "PPM: profile @args\n");
- my $ok = PPM::UI::profile_list();
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- my @profiles = dictsort $ok->result_l;
- $ok = PPM::UI::profile_get();
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- my $profile = $ok->result;
- my $which = find_index($profile, 0, @profiles);
- if ($which < 0 and @profiles) {
- $profile = $profiles[0];
- PPM::UI::profile_set($profile);
- }
- if (@args) {
- # Switch to profile N:
- if ($args[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- my $num = $args[0];
- if (bounded(1, $num, scalar @profiles)) {
- my $profile = $profiles[$num-1];
- PPM::UI::profile_set($profile);
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No such profile number '$num'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- # Describe profile N:
- elsif (matches($args[0], "des|cribe")) {
- my $num = $args[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $args[1] :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($args[1], 1, @profiles);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->warn("No such profile '$args[1]'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $n;
- } if defined $args[1];
- my $prof;
- if (defined $num and $num =~ /^\d+$/) {
- if (bounded(1, $num, scalar @profiles)) {
- $prof = $profiles[$num - 1];
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No such profile number '$num'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- elsif (defined $num) {
- $o->warn("Argument to '$args[0]' must be numeric; see 'help profile'.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- $prof = $profile;
- }
- my $res = PPM::UI::profile_info($prof);
- $o->warn($res->msg) and return unless $res->ok;
- my @res = $res->result_l;
- {
- my ($pkg, $version, $target);
- my $picture = <<'END';
- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
- ($pkg, $version, $target) = qw(PACKAGE VERSION TARGET);
- my $text = '';
- $text .= form($picture, $pkg, $version, $target)
- if @res;
- for my $entity (@res) {
- ($pkg, $version, $target) = @$entity;
- $version = "[$version]";
- $text .= form($picture, $pkg, $version, $target);
- }
- if (@res) {
- $o->inform("Describing Profile '$prof':\n");
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Profile '$prof' is empty.\n");
- }
- $o->page($text);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # Add a profile "name":
- elsif (matches($args[0], "a|dd")) {
- my $name = $args[1];
- if ($name) {
- # Note: do some heavy-duty error-checking; XXX
- PPM::UI::profile_add($name);
- PPM::UI::profile_save($name)
- if $o->conf('profile-track');
- PPM::UI::profile_set($name)
- unless $which >= 0;
- @profiles = PPM::UI::profile_list()->result_l;
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("Invalid use of 'add' command; see 'help profile'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- # Remove profile N:
- elsif (matches($args[0], "del|ete")) {
- my $num = $args[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $args[1] :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($args[1], 1, @profiles);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->inform("No such profile '$args[1]'.\n");
- return;
- }
- $n;
- } if defined $args[1];
- if (defined $num and $num =~ /^\d+$/) {
- my $dead_profile = $profiles[$num-1];
- if (bounded(1, $num, scalar @profiles)) {
- PPM::UI::profile_del($dead_profile);
- @profiles = dictsort PPM::UI::profile_list()->result_l;
- if (@profiles and $dead_profile eq $profile) {
- $profile = $profiles[0];
- PPM::UI::profile_set($profile);
- }
- elsif (not @profiles) {
- $o->conf('profile-track', 0);
- PPM::UI::profile_set('');
- }
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No such profile '$num'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- elsif (defined $num) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Argument to '$args[0]' must be numeric; see 'help profile'.
- return;
- }
- else {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Invalid use of '$args[0]' command; see 'help profile'.
- return;
- }
- }
- # Save current profile:
- elsif (matches($args[0], "s|ave")) {
- unless (@profiles) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profiles on the server. Use 'profile add' to add a profile.
- return;
- }
- unless ($which >= 0) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profile selected. Use 'profile <number>' to select a profile.
- return;
- }
- my $ok = PPM::UI::profile_save($profile);
- if ($ok->ok) {
- $o->inform("Profile '$profile' saved.\n");
- }
- else {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # Rename profile:
- elsif (matches($args[0], "ren|ame")) {
- unless (@profiles) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profiles on the server. Use 'profile add' to add a profile.
- return;
- }
- # Determine the old name:
- my $num = $args[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $args[1] :
- do {
- my $n = find_index($args[1], 1, @profiles);
- if ($n < 1) {
- $o->warn("No such profile '$args[1]'.\n");
- return;
- };
- $n;
- } if defined $args[1];
- my $oldprof;
- if (defined $num and $num =~ /^\d+$/) {
- if (bounded(1, $num, scalar @profiles)) {
- $oldprof = $profiles[$num - 1];
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("No such profile number '$num'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- elsif (defined $num) {
- $o->warn("Argument to '$args[0]' must be numeric; see 'help profile'.\n");
- return;
- }
- else {
- $o->warn("profile: invalid use of '$args[0]' command: see 'help profile'.\n");
- return;
- }
- # Validate the new name:
- my $newprof = $args[2];
- unless (defined $newprof and length($newprof)) {
- $newprof = '' unless defined $newprof;
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Profile names must be non-empty: '$newprof' is not a valid name.
- return;
- }
- # Actually do it:
- my $ok = PPM::UI::profile_rename($oldprof, $newprof);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- if ($profile eq $oldprof) {
- $profile = $newprof;
- PPM::UI::profile_set($profile);
- }
- @profiles = dictsort PPM::UI::profile_list()->result_l;
- }
- # Restore current profile:
- elsif (matches($args[0], "res|tore")) {
- unless (@profiles) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profiles on this server. Use 'profile add' to add a profile.
- return;
- }
- unless ($which >= 0) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profile selected. Use 'profile <number>' to select a profile.
- return;
- }
- my ($clean_packages, $dry) = (0, 0);
- my ($force, $follow) = (1, 0);
- {
- local @ARGV = @args;
- GetOptions('clean!' => \$clean_packages,
- 'force!' => \$force,
- 'follow!' => \$follow,
- 'dryrun' => \$dry,
- );
- @args = @ARGV;
- }
- my $cb_inst = $dry ? \&dr_install : \&cb_install;
- my $cb_rm = $dry ? \&dr_remove : \&cb_remove ;
- my $ok = PPM::UI::profile_restore($profile, $cb_inst,
- $cb_rm, $force, $follow,
- $dry, $clean_packages);
- if ($ok->ok) {
- $o->cache_clear('query');
- $o->inform("Profile '$profile' restored.\n");
- }
- else {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # Unrecognized subcommand:
- else {
- $o->warn("No such profile command '$args[0]'; see 'help profile'.\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (@profiles) {
- @profiles = dictsort @profiles;
- my $i = 0;
- $o->inform("Profiles:\n");
- my $profile = PPM::UI::profile_get()->result;
- for (@profiles) {
- $o->informf("%s%2d", $profile eq $profiles[$i] ? "*" : " ", $i + 1);
- $o->inform(". $_\n");
- $i++;
- }
- }
- elsif (defined $args[0] and matches($args[0], "del|ete")) {
- # assume that we just deleted the last profile
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Profile deleted; no remaining profiles on the server.
- }
- else {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- No profiles. Use 'profile add' to add a profile.
- }
- 1;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Help-only topics:
- #============================================================================
- sub smry_prompt { "how to interpret the PPM prompt" }
- sub help_prompt { <<'END' }
- prompt -- information about the PPM3 prompt
- Description
- The PPM prompt can tell you six things:
- 1) The current repository;
- 2) The current target;
- 3) The last search you made on the current repository;
- 4) The last query you made on the current target;
- 5) The last package you described from this repository; and,
- 6) The last package you described from this target.
- To enable the prompt to tell you this information, you must set
- 'prompt-context' to '1'. The following examples all assume this setting.
- Examples
- 1 Repository and Target:
- Set 'prompt-context' The prompt will resemble:
- ppm:1:1>
- In this case, the first '1' means that the first repository is
- selected. The second '1' means the first target is selected. You can
- prove this by adding another repository and switching to it:
- ppm:1:1> rep add TEMP http://my/repository
- Repositories:
- 1. ActiveState Package Repository
- * 2. TEMP
- ppm:1:1> rep 2
- Repositories:
- 1. ActiveState Package Repository
- * 2. TEMP
- ppm:2:1>
- The same is true for targets. If you have multiple versions of Perl
- installed, when you swtich to a different target the second number
- reflects the change.
- If you delete all the repositories, the repository number changes to
- '?'. The same goes for targets. If either item is indicated by a
- question mark, you must configure a repository or target before
- proceeding.
- 2 Search and Query:
- PPM stores searches and search results from in the current session.
- The prompt displays the search number:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- The 's1' indicates that the last search you performed can be viewed
- again by entering 'search 1'. Type 'search' with no arguments to
- view the list of cached searches:
- ppm:1:1:s1> search
- Search Result Sets:
- * 1. Text
- If you then enter 'search 1', you will see the same results as when
- you typed 'search Text' earlier. If you search for something else
- ('search Parse') then the number will change to 's2':
- ppm:1:1:s1> search Parse
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s2>
- The same indicators apply to the query command. When you run a
- query, a numerical indicator displays the current query:
- ppm:1:1:s1> query PPM
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s1:q1>
- You can view the past queries with 'query', and view results by
- querying a particular number.
- 3 Describe and Properties:
- When you use the describe command with the numerical switch (to view
- package information based on the package number in the last search
- or query), PPM sets that index to the current index. If you use the
- desribe command with the name switch, and the name is found within
- the current result, the index is set to the current one. If no
- package is found, PPM creates a new search or query on-the-fly, and
- sets it as the current search or query.
- For example:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- 1. Convert-Context [0.501] an Attributed Text data type
- 2. gettext [1.01] message handling functions
- 3. HTML-FromText [1.005] mark up text as HTML
- 4. HTML-Subtext [1.03] Perform text substitutions on an HTML
- template
- 5. Locale-Maketext [0.18] framework for software localization
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- ppm:1:1:s1> describe 1
- ====================
- Package 1:
- Name: Convert-Context
- Version: 0.501
- Author: Martin Schwartz (martin@nacho.de)
- Abstract: an Attributed Text data type
- Implementations:
- 1. i686-linux-thread-multi
- 2. MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
- 3. sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- ====================
- ppm:1:1:s1:sp1>
- The last prompt has an extra 'sp1'. That stands for 'search package
- 1', and it means that PPM considers 'Convert-Context' to be the
- default package. If you now type 'describe' or 'install' with no
- arguments, PPM will apply your command to this package.
- If you go back to where you had no default package selected:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- 1. Convert-Context [0.501] an Attributed Text data type
- 2. gettext [1.01] message handling functions
- 3. HTML-FromText [1.005] mark up text as HTML
- 4. HTML-Subtext [1.03] Perform text substitutions on an HTML
- template
- 5. Locale-Maketext [0.18] framework for software localization
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- ...and you describe 'Locale-Maketext', you will see this:
- ppm:1:1:s1> describe Locale-Maketext
- ====================
- Name: Locale-Maketext
- Version: 0.18
- Author: Sean M. Burke (sburke@cpan.org)
- Abstract: framework for software localization
- Prerequisites:
- 1. I18N-LangTags 0.13
- Implementations:
- 1. i686-linux-thread-multi
- 2. MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
- 3. sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- ====================
- ppm:1:1:s1:sp5>
- Notice that the correct package got selected, even though you
- specified it by name.
- This behaviour also applies to the query and properties commands.
- See Also
- describe, properties, query, search
- sub run_quickstart { $_[0]->help('quickstart') }
- sub smry_quickstart { "a crash course in using PPM" }
- sub help_quickstart { <<'END' }
- quickstart -- a beginners' guide to PPM3
- Description
- PPM (Programmer's Package Manager) is a utility for managing software
- "packages". A package is a modular extension for a language or a
- software program. Packages reside in repositories. PPM can use three
- types of repositories:
- 1) A directory on a CD-ROM or hard drive in your computer
- 2) A website
- 3) A remote Repository Server (such as ASPN)
- Common Commands:
- To view PPM help:
- help
- help <command>
- To view the name of the current repository:
- repository
- To search the current repository:
- search <keywords>
- To install a package:
- install <package_name>
- Most commands can be truncated; as long as the command is unambiguous,
- PPM will recognize it. For example, 'repository add foo" can be entered
- as 'rep add foo'.
- PPM features user profiles, which store information about installed
- packages. Profiles are stored as part of your ASPN account; thus, you
- can easily maintain package profiles for different languages, or
- configure one machine with your favorite packages, and then copy that
- installation to another machine by accessing your ASPN profile.
- For more information, type 'help profile' at the PPM prompt.
- sub smry_ppm_migration { "guide for those familiar with PPM" }
- sub help_ppm_migration { <<'END' }
- ppm migration -- PPM Migration Guide
- Description
- Those familiar with PPM version 2 should appreciate the extended
- functionality of PPM version 3, including the command-line history,
- autocomplete and profiles. Some PPM version 2 commands are different in
- PPM version 3. Examples of command changes include:
- 1 Adding a repository
- PPM2:
- set repository my_repository http://my/repository
- PPM3:
- repository add my_repository http://my/repository
- 2 Removing a repository
- PPM2:
- set repository --remove my_repository
- PPM3:
- repository del my_repository
- 3 Setting the temporary directory
- PPM2:
- set build DIRECTORY
- PPM3
- set tempdir DIRECTORY
- 4 Setting frequency of download updates
- PPM2:
- set downloadstatus NUMBER
- PPM3:
- set download-chunksize NUMBER
- 5 Changing the installation root directory:
- PPM2:
- set root DIRECTORY
- PPM3:
- target set root DIRECTORY
- 6 Listing all installed packages:
- PPM2:
- query
- PPM3:
- query *
- 7 Listing all packages on server:
- PPM2:
- search
- PPM3:
- search *
- sub smry_unicode { "notes about unicode author names" }
- sub help_unicode { <<'END' }
- unicode -- Notes About Unicode Author Names
- Description
- CPAN author names are defined to be in Unicode. Unicode is an
- international standard ISO 10646, defining the *Universal Character Set
- (UCS)*. UCS contains all characters of all other character set
- standards. For more information about Unicode, see
- http://www.unicode.org/.
- The CPAN authors website is located at your local CPAN mirror under
- /authors/00whois.html. For example, you can view it at
- http://www.cpan.org/authors/00whois.html. This page can be rendered by
- Mozilla 0.9.8 and Internet Explorer 5.0, but you may have to install
- extra language packs to view all the author names.
- By default, PPM3 renders all characters as Latin1 when it prints them to
- your console. Characters outside the Latin1 range (0-255) are not
- printed at all.
- If your console can render UTF-8 characters, you can tell PPM3 not to
- recode characters by using one of the following environment variables:
- * LC_ALL
- * LANG
- PPM3 requires one of these environment variables to contain the string
- 'UTF-8'. For example, the following setting make PPM3 print
- beautifully-formatted authors in RedHat Linux 7.2 (assumes you're using
- a Bourne shell):
- $ PPM_LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xterm -u8 -e ppm3
- Linux and Solaris users should refer to xterm for more information about
- setting up xterm to display UTF-8 characters.
- #============================================================================
- # Utility Functions
- #============================================================================
- sub sort_fields { qw(name title author abstract version repository) }
- sub sort_pkgs {
- my $o = shift;
- my $field = lc shift;
- my @pkgs = @_;
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- my $filt = sub { $_[0]->getppd_obj($targ)->result->$field };
- if ($field eq 'name') {
- return dictsort $filt, @pkgs;
- }
- if ($field eq 'title') {
- return dictsort $filt, @pkgs;
- }
- if ($field eq 'author') {
- return dictsort $filt, @pkgs;
- }
- if ($field eq 'abstract') {
- return dictsort $filt, @pkgs;
- }
- if ($field eq 'repository') {
- return dictsort sub { $_[0]->repository->name }, @pkgs;
- }
- if ($field eq 'version') {
- return sort {
- my $pa = $a->getppd_obj($targ)->result;
- my $pb = $b->getppd_obj($targ)->result;
- $pb->uptodate($pa->version_osd) <=> $pa->uptodate($pb->version_osd)
- } @pkgs;
- }
- @pkgs;
- }
- sub find_index {
- my $entry = shift || '';
- my $index = shift;
- $index = 0 unless defined $index;
- for (my $i=0; $i<@_; $i++) {
- return $index + $i if $entry eq $_[$i];
- }
- return $index - 1;
- }
- sub bounded {
- my $lb = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my $ub = shift;
- return ($d >= $lb and $d <= $ub);
- }
- sub dictsort(@) {
- my $o = shift if eval { $_[0]->isa("PPMShell") };
- my $filt = ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE' ? shift @_ : undef;
- return map { $_->[0] }
- sort { lc $a->[1] cmp lc $b->[1] }
- map { [ $_, $filt ? $filt->($_) : $_ ] } @_;
- }
- sub path_under {
- my $path = shift;
- my $cmp = shift;
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $path =~ s#\\#/#g;
- $cmp =~ s#\\#/#g;
- return $path =~ /^\Q$cmp\E/i;
- }
- else {
- return $path =~ /^\Q$cmp\E/;
- }
- }
- sub prompt_str {
- my $o = shift;
- # Hack: set the pager here, instead of in settings_setkey()
- $o->{API}{pager} = $o->conf('pager');
- my @search_results = $o->cache_sets('search');
- my $search_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('search');
- my $search_result_index = $o->cache_set_index('search');
- my @query_results = $o->cache_sets('query');
- my $query_result_current = $o->cache_set_current('query');
- my $query_result_index = $o->cache_set_index('query');
- # Make sure a profile is selected if they turned tracking on.
- my $profile_track = $o->conf('profile-track');
- my $profile = PPM::UI::profile_get()->result;
- $o->setup_profile()
- if $profile_track and not $profile and $o->mode eq 'SHELL';
- my @targs = PPM::UI::target_list()->result_l;
- if (@targs and not find_index($o->conf('target'), 1, @targs)) {
- $o->conf('target', $targs[0]);
- }
- if ($o->conf('prompt-context')) {
- my ($targ, $rep, $s, $sp, $q, $qp);
- if ($o->conf('prompt-verbose')) {
- my $sz = $o->conf('prompt-slotsize');
- $targ = substr($o->conf('target'), 0, $sz);
- $rep = substr($o->conf('repository'), 0, $sz);
- my $sq_tmp = $o->cache_set('search', undef, 'query');
- my $ss_tmp = $o->cache_set('search');
- my $sp_tmp = $o->cache_entry('search');
- $s = (defined $sq_tmp)
- ? ":" . substr($sq_tmp, 0, $sz)
- : "";
- $sp = ($s and defined $sp_tmp and
- bounded(0, $search_result_index, $#$ss_tmp))
- ? ":" . substr($sp_tmp->name, 0, $sz)
- : "";
- my $qq_tmp = $o->cache_set('query', undef, 'query');
- my $qs_tmp = $o->cache_set('query');
- my $qp_tmp = $o->cache_entry('query');
- $q = (defined $qq_tmp)
- ? ":" . substr($qq_tmp, 0, $sz)
- : "";
- $qp = ($q and defined $qp_tmp and
- bounded(0, $query_result_index, $#$qs_tmp))
- ? ":" . substr($qp_tmp->name, 0, $sz)
- : "";
- }
- else {
- # Target and Repository:
- $targ = find_index($o->conf('target'), 1, @targs);
- $targ = '?' if $targ == 0;
- # Search number & package:
- $s = @search_results ? ":s".($search_result_current + 1) : "";
- my $sp_tmp = $o->cache_set('search');
- $sp = ($s and defined $sp_tmp and
- bounded(0, $search_result_index, $#$sp_tmp))
- ? ":sp".($search_result_index + 1)
- : "";
- # Query number & package:
- $q = @query_results ? ":q".($query_result_current + 1) : "";
- my $qp_tmp = $o->cache_set('query');
- $qp = ($q and defined $qp_tmp and
- bounded(0, $query_result_index, $#$qp_tmp))
- ? ":qp".($query_result_index + 1)
- : "";
- }
- return "ppm:$targ$s$sp$q$qp> ";
- }
- else {
- return "ppm> ";
- }
- }
- {
- # Weights for particular fields: these are stored in percentage of the
- # screen width, based on the number of columns they use on an 80 column
- # terminal. They also have a minimum and maximum.
- use constant MIN => 0;
- use constant MAX => 1;
- my %weight = (
- name => [12, 20],
- title => [12, 20],
- abstract => [12, 20],
- author => [12, 20],
- repository => [12, 20],
- version => [ 4, 9],
- );
- my %meth = (
- name => 'name',
- title => 'title',
- version => 'version',
- abstract => 'abstract',
- author => 'author',
- repository => sub {
- my $o = shift;
- my $rep = $o->repository or return "Installed";
- my $name = $rep->name;
- my $id = $o->id || $name;
- my $loc = $rep->location;
- "$name [$loc]"
- },
- );
- # These are Text::Autoformat justification marks. They're actually used to
- # build a printf() format string, since it's so much more efficient for a
- # non-line-wrapping case.
- my %just = (
- name => '<',
- title => '<',
- abstract => '<',
- author => '<',
- repository => '<',
- version => '>',
- );
- my %plus = (
- name => '0',
- title => '0',
- abstract => '0',
- author => '0',
- repository => '0',
- version => '2',
- );
- my %filt = (
- version => q{"[$_]"},
- );
- sub picture_optimized {
- my $o = shift;
- my @items = @{shift(@_)};
- unless ($o->conf('fields')) {
- my $m = $o->setmode('SILENT');
- $o->conf('fields', '', 1);
- $o->setmode($m);
- }
- my @fields = split ' ', $o->conf('fields');
- $_ = lc $_ for @fields;
- my (%max_width, %width);
- my $cols = $o->termsize->{cols};
- for my $f (@fields) {
- my $meth = $meth{$f};
- $max_width{$f} = max { length($_->$meth) } @items;
- $max_width{$f} += $plus{$f};
- $width{$f} = $max_width{$f} / 80 * $cols;
- my $max_f = $weight{$f}[MAX] / 80 * $cols;
- my $min_f = $weight{$f}[MIN];
- my $gw = $width{$f};
- $width{$f} = (
- $width{$f} > $max_width{$f} ? $max_width{$f} :
- $width{$f} > $max_f ? $max_f :
- $width{$f} < $min_f ? $min_f : $width{$f}
- );
- }
- my $right = $fields[-1];
- my $index_sz = length( scalar(@items) ) + 3; # index spaces
- my $space_sz = @fields + 1; # separator spaces
- my $room = $cols - $index_sz - $space_sz;
- $width{$right} = $room - sum { $width{$_} } @fields[0 .. $#fields-1];
- while ($width{$right} > $max_width{$right}) {
- my $smallest;
- my $n;
- for my $k (@fields[0 .. $#fields-1]) {
- my $max = $max_width{$k};
- my $sz = $width{$k};
- $smallest = $k, $n = $max - $sz if $max - $sz > $n;
- }
- $width{$right}--;
- $width{$smallest}++;
- }
- while ($width{$right} < $weight{$right}[MIN]) {
- my $biggest;
- my $n;
- for my $k (@fields[0 .. $#fields-1]) {
- my $max = $max_width{$k};
- my $sz = $width{$k};
- $biggest = $k, $n = $max - $sz if $max - $sz < $n;
- }
- $width{$right}++;
- $width{$biggest}--;
- }
- my $picture;
- $picture = "\%${index_sz}s "; # printf picture
- $picture .= join ' ', map {
- my $w = $width{$_};
- my $c = $just{$_};
- my $pad = $c eq '>' ? '' : '-';
- "\%${pad}${w}s" # printf picture
- } @fields;
- ($picture, \@fields, [@width{@fields}]);
- }
- sub print_formatted {
- my $o = shift;
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- my @items = map { $_->getppd_obj($targ)->result } @{shift(@_)};
- my $selected = shift;
- my $format;
- # Generate a picture and a list of fields for Text::Autoformat:
- my (@fields, %width);
- my ($picture, $f, $w) = $o->picture_optimized(\@items);
- $picture .= "\n";
- @fields = @$f;
- @width{@fields} = @$w;
- # The line-breaking sub: use '~' as hyphenation signal
- my $wrap = sub {
- my ($str, $maxlen, $width) = @_;
- my $field = substr($str, 0, $maxlen - 1) . '~';
- my $left = substr($str, $maxlen - 1);
- ($field, $left);
- };
- my $lines = 0;
- my $i = 1;
- my @text;
- my %seen;
- for my $pkg (@items) {
- my $star = (defined $selected and $selected == $i - 1) ? "*" : " ";
- my $num = "$star $i.";
- my @vals = (
- map {
- my $field = $_;
- my $method = $meth{$field};
- local $_ = $pkg->$method;
- my $val = defined $filt{$field} ? eval $filt{$field} : $_;
- ($val) = $wrap->($val, $width{$field})
- if length $val > $width{$field};
- $val;
- }
- @fields
- );
- # my $key = join '', @vals;
- # if (exists $seen{$key}) {
- # my $index = $seen{$key};
- # substr($text[$index], 0, 1) = '+';
- # next;
- # }
- # $seen{$key} = $i - 1;
- (my $inc = sprintf $picture, $num, @vals) =~ s/[ ]+$//;
- push @text, $inc;
- $i++;
- }
- # And, page it.
- $o->page(join '', @text);
- }
- }
- sub tree_pkg {
- my $o = shift;
- my @rlist = $o->reps_on;
- my $tar = $o->conf('target');
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $ppd;
- if (eval { $pkg->isa('PPM::Package') }) {
- $ppd = $pkg->getppd_obj($tar)->result;
- }
- else {
- my ($s, $i) = $o->cache_find('search', $pkg);
- if ($i >= 0) {
- $ppd = $o->cache_entry('search', $i, $s);
- }
- else {
- my $ok = PPM::UI::describe(\@rlist, $tar, $pkg);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $ppd = $ok->result->getppd_obj($tar)->result;
- }
- }
- my $pad = "\n";
- $o->inform($ppd->name, " ", $ppd->version);
- $o->Tree(\@rlist, $tar, $ppd->name, $pad, {});
- $o->inform($pad);
- }
- my ($VER, $HOR, $COR, $TEE, $SIZ) = ('|', '_', '\\', '|', ' ');
- sub Tree {
- my $o = shift;
- my $reps = shift;
- my $tar = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $ind = shift;
- my $seen = shift;
- my $pad = $ind . " " . $VER;
- my $ppd;
- if (exists $seen->{$pkg}) {
- $ppd = $seen->{$pkg};
- }
- else {
- my ($s, $i) = $o->cache_find('search', $pkg);
- if ($i >= 0) {
- $ppd = $o->cache_entry('search', $i, $s);
- }
- else {
- my $ok = PPM::UI::describe($reps, $tar, $pkg);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->inform(" -- package not found; skipping tree");
- return 0 unless $ok->ok;
- }
- $ppd = $ok->result;
- }
- $ppd->make_complete($tar);
- $ppd = $ppd->getppd_obj($tar)->result;
- $seen->{$pkg} = $ppd;
- }
- my @impls = $ppd->implementations;
- return 0 unless @impls;
- my @prereqs = $impls[0]->prereqs;
- return 0 unless @prereqs;
- my $nums = scalar @prereqs;
- for (1..$nums) {
- my $doneblank = 0;
- my $pre = $prereqs[$_-1];
- my $txt = $pre->name . " " . $pre->version;
- if ($_ == $nums) {
- substr($pad, -1) = $COR;
- $o->inform($pad, "$HOR$HOR", $txt);
- substr($pad, -1) = ' ';
- }
- else {
- substr($pad, -1) = $TEE;
- $o->inform($pad, "$HOR$HOR", $txt);
- substr($pad, -1) = $VER;
- }
- if ($o->Tree($reps, $tar, $pre->name, $pad, $seen) != 0 and
- $doneblank == 0) {
- $o->inform($pad); ++$doneblank;
- }
- }
- return $nums;
- }
- sub describe_pkg {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my ($extra_keys, $extra_vals) = (shift || [], shift || []);
- my $n;
- # Get the PPM::PPD object out of the PPM::Package object.
- my $pkg_des = $pkg->describe($o->conf('target'))->result;
- # Basic information:
- $n = $o->print_pairs(
- [qw(Name Version Author Title Abstract), @$extra_keys],
- [(map { $pkg_des->$_ } qw(name version author title abstract)),
- @$extra_vals],
- undef, # separator
- undef, # left
- undef, # indent
- undef, # length
- 1, # wrap (yes, please wrap)
- );
- # The repository:
- if (my $rep = $pkg_des->repository) {
- $o->print_pairs(
- ["Location"],
- [$rep->name],
- undef, # separator
- undef, # left
- undef, # indent
- $n, # length
- 1, # wrap
- );
- }
- # Prerequisites:
- my @impls = grep { $_->architecture } $pkg_des->implementations;
- my @prereqs = @impls ? $impls[0]->prereqs : ();
- $o->inform("Prerequisites:\n") if @prereqs;
- $o->print_pairs(
- [ 1 .. @prereqs ],
- [ map { $_->name . ' ' . $_->version} @prereqs ],
- '. ', # separator
- undef, # left
- undef, # indent
- $n, # length
- 0, # wrap (no, please don't wrap)
- );
- # Implementations:
- $o->inform("Available Platforms:\n") if @impls;
- my @impl_strings;
- for (@impls) {
- my $arch = $_->architecture;
- my $os = $_->os;
- my $osver = $_->osversion;
- my $str = $arch;
- $osver =~ s/\Q(any version)\E//g;
- if ($os and $osver) {
- $str .= ", $os $osver";
- }
- push @impl_strings, $str;
- }
- @impl_strings = dictsort @impl_strings;
- $o->print_pairs(
- [ 1 .. @impls ],
- [ @impl_strings ],
- '. ', undef, undef, $n
- );
- }
- sub remove_pkg {
- my $o = shift;
- my $package = shift;
- my $target = $o->conf('target');
- my $force = shift;
- my $quell_clear = shift;
- my $verbose = $o->conf('remove-verbose');
- my $ok = PPM::UI::remove($target, $package, $force, sub { $o->cb_remove(@_) }, $verbose);
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return 0 unless $ok->ok;
- }
- else {
- $o->warn_profile_change($ok);
- }
- $o->cache_clear('query') if ($ok->ok and not $quell_clear);
- 1;
- }
- sub upgrade_pkg {
- push @_, 'upgrade';
- goto &install_pkg;
- }
- sub install_pkg {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $opts = shift;
- my $action = shift;
- my $quell_clear = shift;
- $action = 'install' unless defined $action;
- # Find the package:
- while (1) {
- # 1. Return if they specified a full filename or URL:
- last if PPM::UI::is_pkg($pkg);
- # 2. Check if whatever they specified returns 1 search result:
- my $search =
- PPM::UI::search([$o->reps_on], $o->conf('target'), $pkg,
- $o->conf('case-sensitivity'));
- unless ($search->is_success) {
- $o->warn($search->msg);
- return unless $search->ok;
- }
- my @ret = $search->result_l;
- if (@ret > 1) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Searching for '$pkg' returned multiple results. Using 'search' instead...
- $o->run_search($pkg);
- return;
- }
- elsif (not @ret) {
- $o->warn(<<END);
- Searching for '$pkg' returned no results. Try a broader search first.
- return;
- }
- $pkg = $ret[0]->name;
- last;
- }
- my $cb = (
- $opts->{dryrun}
- ? $action eq 'install' ? \&dr_install : \&dr_upgrade
- : $action eq 'install' ? \&cb_install : \&cb_upgrade
- );
- # Now, do the install
- my $ok;
- my @rlist = $o->reps_on;
- my $targ = $o->conf('target');
- if ($action eq 'install') {
- $opts->{verbose} = $o->conf('install-verbose');
- my $prop = PPM::UI::properties($targ, $pkg);
- my $pkgname = ref $pkg ? eval { $pkg->name } || $pkg : $pkg;
- $o->inform("Note: Package '$pkgname' is already installed.\n")
- if $prop->ok;
- $ok = PPM::UI::install(\@rlist, $targ, $pkg, $opts, sub {$o->$cb(@_)});
- }
- else {
- $opts->{verbose} = $o->conf('upgrade-verbose');
- $ok = PPM::UI::upgrade(\@rlist, $targ, $pkg, $opts, sub {$o->$cb(@_)});
- }
- unless ($ok->is_success) {
- $o->warn($ok->msg);
- return unless $ok->ok;
- }
- else {
- $o->warn_profile_change($ok);
- $o->cache_clear('query') unless $quell_clear;
- }
- 1;
- }
- # The dry run callback; just prints out package name and version:
- sub dr_install {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $target_name = shift;
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Dry run install '$pkg' version $version in $target_name.
- }
- sub dr_upgrade {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $target_name = shift;
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Dry run upgrade '$pkg' version $version in $target_name.
- }
- sub dr_remove {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $target_name = shift;
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Dry run remove '$pkg' version $version from $target_name.
- }
- sub cb_remove {
- my $o = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $target_name = shift;
- my $status = shift;
- if ($status eq 'COMPLETE') {
- $o->inform(
- "Successfully removed $pkg version $version from $target_name.\n"
- )
- }
- else {
- $o->inform(<<END);
- $SEP
- Remove '$pkg' version $version from $target_name.
- $SEP
- }
- }
- sub cb_install {
- my $o = shift;
- unshift @_, $o, 'install';
- &cb_status;
- }
- sub cb_upgrade {
- my $o = shift;
- unshift @_, $o, 'upgrade';
- &cb_status;
- }
- sub cb_status {
- my $o = shift;
- my $ACTION = shift;
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $target_name = shift;
- my $status = shift;
- my $bytes = shift;
- my $total = shift;
- my $secs = shift;
- my $cols = $ENV{COLUMNS} || 78;
- $o->inform(<<END) and return if ($status eq 'PRE-INSTALL');
- $SEP
- \u$ACTION '$pkg' version $version in $target_name.
- $SEP
- # Print the output on one line, repeatedly:
- my ($line, $pad, $eol);
- if ($status eq 'DOWNLOAD') {
- if ($bytes < $total) {
- $line = "Transferring data: $bytes/$total bytes.";
- $eol = "\r";
- }
- else {
- $line = "Downloaded $bytes bytes.";
- $eol = "\n";
- }
- }
- elsif ($status eq 'PRE-EXPAND') {
- $line = ""; #"Extracting package. This may take a few seconds.";
- $eol = "\r"; #"\n";
- }
- elsif ($status eq 'EXPAND') {
- $line = "Extracting $bytes/$total: $secs";
- $eol = $bytes < $total ? "\r" : "\n";
- }
- elsif ($status eq 'COMPLETE') {
- my $verb = $ACTION eq 'install' ? 'installed' : 'upgraded';
- $o->inform(
- "Successfully $verb $pkg version $version in $target_name.\n"
- );
- return;
- }
- $pad = ' ' x ($cols - length($line));
- $o->verbose($line, $pad, $eol);
- }
- sub warn_profile_change {
- my $o = shift;
- my $ok = shift;
- my $profile_track = $o->conf('profile-track');
- my $profile = PPM::UI::profile_get()->result;
- if ($profile_track) {
- $o->verbose(<<END);
- Tracking changes to profile '$profile'.
- }
- }
- sub parse_range {
- my @numbers;
- my $arg;
- while ($arg = shift) {
- while ($arg) {
- if ($arg =~ s/^\s*,?\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)//) {
- push @numbers, ($1 .. $2);
- }
- elsif ($arg =~ s/^\s*,?\s*(\d+)//) {
- push @numbers, $1;
- }
- else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- @numbers;
- }
- sub raw_args {
- my $o = shift;
- strip($o->line_args);
- }
- sub strip {
- my $f = shift;
- $f =~ s/^\s*//;
- $f =~ s/\s*$//;
- $f;
- }
- # matches("neil", "ne|il") => 1
- # matches("ne", "ne|il") => 1
- # matches("n", "ne|il") => 0
- sub matches {
- my $cmd = shift;
- my $pat = shift || "";
- my ($required, $extra) = split '\|', $pat;
- $extra ||= "";
- my $regex = "$required(?:";
- for (my $i=1; $i<=length($extra); $i++) {
- $regex .= '|' . substr($extra, 0, $i);
- }
- $regex .= ")";
- return $cmd =~ /^$regex$/i;
- }
- sub pause_exit {
- my $o = shift;
- my $exit_code = shift || 0;
- my $pause = shift || 0;
- if ($pause) {
- if ($o->have_readkey) {
- $o->inform("Hit any key to exit...");
- }
- else {
- $o->inform("Hit <ENTER> to exit...");
- }
- $o->readkey;
- }
- exit $exit_code;
- }
- #============================================================================
- # Check if this is the first time we've ever used profiles. This can be
- # guessed: if the 'profile' entry is not set, but the 'profile-track' flag
- # is, then it's the first time profile-track has been set to '1'.
- #============================================================================
- sub setup_profile {
- my $o = shift;
- $o->inform(<<END);
- $SEP
- You have profile tracking turned on: now it's time to choose a profile name.
- ActiveState's PPM 3.0 Server will track which packages you have installed on
- your machine. This information is stored in a "profile", located on the
- server.
- Here are some features of profiles:
- o You can have as many profiles as you want;
- o Each profile can track an unlimited number of packages;
- o PPM defaults to "tracking" your profile (it updates your profile every time
- you add or remove a package;
- o You can disable profile tracking by modifying the 'profile-track' option;
- o You can manually select, save, and restore profiles;
- o You can view your profile from ASPN as well as inside PPM 3.
- $SEP
- my $response = PPM::UI::profile_list();
- my @l;
- unless ($response->ok) {
- $o->warn($response->msg);
- $o->warn(<<END);
- You can still use PPM3, but profiles are not enabled. To try setting up
- profiles again, enter 'set profile-track=1'. Or, you can set up profiles
- by hand, using the 'profile add' command.
- $o->run('unset', 'profile-track');
- return;
- }
- else {
- @l = sort $response->result_l;
- $o->inform("It looks like you have profiles on the server already.\n")
- if @l;
- $o->print_pairs([1 .. @l], \@l, '. ', 1, ' ');
- $o->inform("\n") if @l;
- }
- require PPM::Sysinfo;
- (my $suggest = PPM::Sysinfo::hostname()) =~ s/\..*$//;
- $suggest ||= "Default Profile";
- my $profile_name = $o->prompt(
- "What profile name would you like? [$suggest] ", $suggest, @l
- );
- my $select_existing = grep { $profile_name eq $_ } $response->result_l
- if $response->ok;
- if ($select_existing) {
- $o->inform("Selecting profile '$profile_name'...\n");
- PPM::UI::profile_set($profile_name);
- $o->inform(<<END);
- You should probably run either 'profile save' or 'profile restore' to bring
- the profile in sync with your computer.
- }
- elsif ($response->ok) {
- $o->inform("Creating profile '$profile_name'...\n");
- $o->run('profile', 'add', $profile_name);
- $o->inform("Saving profile '$profile_name'...\n");
- $o->run('profile', 'save');
- $o->inform(<<END);
- Congratulations! PPM is now set up to track your profile.
- }
- else {
- $o->warn($response->msg);
- $o->warn(<<END);
- You can still use PPM3, but profiles will not be enabled. To try setting up
- profiles again, enter 'set profile-track=1'. Or, you can set up profiles
- yourself using the 'profile add' command.
- $o->run('unset', 'profile-track');
- }
- }
- package main;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Data::Dumper;
- $ENV{PERL_RL} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "0" : "Perl";
- my ($pause, $input_file, $target);
- my ($shared_config_files, @fixpath, $gen_inst_key);
- Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
- $target = 'auto';
- GetOptions(
- 'file=s' => \$input_file,
- 'shared' => \$shared_config_files,
- 'target:s' => \$target,
- 'fixpath=s' => \@fixpath,
- 'generate-inst-key' => \$gen_inst_key,
- pause => \$pause,
- );
- Getopt::Long::Configure('no_pass_through');
- if ($shared_config_files) {
- $ENV{PPM3_shared_config} = 1;
- }
- if (@fixpath) {
- PPM::UI::target_fix_paths(@fixpath);
- exit;
- }
- if ($gen_inst_key) {
- require PPM::Config;
- PPM::Config::load_config_file('instkey');
- exit;
- }
- }
- # If we're being run from a file, tell Term::Shell about it:
- if ($input_file) {
- my $line = 0;
- open SCRIPT, $input_file or die "$0: can't open $input_file: $!";
- my $shell = PPMShell->new(
- term => ['PPM3', \*SCRIPT, \*STDOUT],
- target => $target,
- pager => 'none',
- );
- $shell->setmode('SCRIPT');
- while (<SCRIPT>) {
- $line++;
- next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
- my ($cmd, @args) = $shell->line_parsed($_);
- my $ret = $shell->run($cmd, @args);
- my $warn = <<END;
- $0: $input_file:$line: fatal error: unknown or ambiguous command '$cmd'.
- $shell->warn($warn) and $shell->pause_exit(2, $pause)
- unless $shell->{API}{cmd}{run}{found};
- $shell->pause_exit(1, $pause) unless $ret;
- }
- close SCRIPT;
- $shell->pause_exit(0, $pause);
- }
- # If we've been told what to do from the command-line, do it right away:
- elsif (@ARGV) {
- my $shell = PPMShell->new(target => $target, pager => 'none');
- $shell->setmode('BATCH');
- my $ret = $shell->run($ARGV[0], @ARGV[1..$#ARGV]);
- my $warn = <<END;
- Unknown or ambiguous command '$ARGV[0]'; type 'help' for commands.
- $shell->warn($warn) and $shell->pause_exit(2, $pause)
- unless $shell->{API}{cmd}{run}{found};
- $shell->pause_exit(0, $pause) if $ret;
- $shell->pause_exit(1, $pause);
- }
- # Just run the command loop
- if (-t STDIN and -t STDOUT) {
- my $shell = PPMShell->new(target => $target);
- $shell->setmode('SHELL');
- $shell->cmdloop;
- }
- else {
- die <<END;
- Error:
- PPM3 cannot be run in interactive shell mode unless both STDIN and
- STDOUT are connected to a terminal or console. If you want to
- capture the output of a command, use PPM3 in batch mode like this:
- ppm3 search IO-stringy > results.txt
- Type 'perldoc ppm3' for more information.
- }
- =head1 NAME
- ppm3-bin - ppm3 executable
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- Do not run I<ppm3-bin> manually. It is meant to be called by the wrapper
- program I<ppm3>. See L<ppm3>.
- I<ppm3> runs I<ppm3-bin> after setting up a few environment variables. You
- should run I<ppm3> instead.
- For information about I<ppm3> commands, see L<ppm3>.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- See L<ppm3>.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- ActiveState Corporation (support@ActiveState.com)
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, ActiveState Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- =cut