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Text File | 2002-12-01 | 44.2 KB | 1,514 lines |
- #!perl
- use Win32::TieRegistry;
- my $R = $Registry;
- $R->Delimiter('/');
- my $key1 = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ActiveState/PPM//InstallLocation';
- my $key2 = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/ActiveState/PPM//InstallLocation';
- my $own = "$Config{binexp}\\ppm3-bin";
- my $opt_exe = -f $own ? $own :
- defined $R->{$key1} ? $R->{$key1} :
- defined $R->{$key2} ? $R->{$key2} : undef;
- die "Error: neither '$key1' nor '$key2' found in registry"
- unless defined $opt_exe;
- # Tell ppm3-bin where it was launched from. (Used when auto-selecting what
- # target to use.)
- use Config;
- $ENV{PPM3_PERL_PREFIX} = $Config{prefix}; # should really be 'prefixexp'
- # but most versions on windows don't
- # have it set right
- $ENV{PPM3_PERL_SITELIB} = $Config{sitelibexp};
- # If $shared is true, then tell PPM3 to look at the shared config.
- # If $user is true, then tell PPM3 to look at the user's config.
- # If $tree is true, then tell PPM3 to look at the perl tree's config.
- # Note: if both of these are true, PPM3 will not work properly!
- $ENV{PPM3_SHARED} = 1 if $opt_shared;
- $ENV{PPM3_USER} = 1 if $opt_user;
- system($opt_exe, @ARGV);
- exit ($? >> 8);
- =head1 NAME
- ppm3 - Programmer's Package Manager, version 3.0
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- ppm3 [-file=f] [-shared] [-target[=t]] [-pause] [command [args]]
- When run with no arguments, PPM3 starts up an interactive shell where you can
- enter commands. You may specify command-line arguments to run a single
- command.
- For example, the following two sessions are equivalent:
- $ ppm
- ppm> search Tk
- [results displayed]
- ppm> exit
- $ ppm search Tk
- [results displayed]
- In the first case, PPM returns you to the prompt, where you can enter more
- commands.
- The program I<ppm3> is intended to simplify the tasks of locating, installing,
- upgrading and removing Perl packages.
- I<ppm3> runs in one of three modes: an interactive shell from which commands
- may be entered; a script interpreter, reading sequential commands from a
- file; and command-line mode, in which one specific action is performed per
- invocation of the program.
- =head1 COMMANDS
- The following sections describe each command available in PPM. The following
- help is also available via the online help feature by typing 'help' in PPM3.
- =head1 describe -- Describe Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- des Describes default/current package
- des <number> Describes package <number> in the
- current search set
- des <range> Describes packages in the given
- <range> from the current search
- des <package name> Describes named package
- des <url> Describes package located at <url>
- des <glob pattern> Performes a new search using <glob pattern>
- =head2 Description
- The describe command returns information about a package, including
- the name of the package, the author's name and a brief description
- (called an "Abstract") about the package. For example:
- describe libnet
- returns:
- ===============================
- Package 1
- Name: libnet
- Version: 1.07.03
- Author: Graham Barr
- Abstract: Collection of Network protocol modules
- Implementations:
- 1.sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- 2.i686-linux-thread-multi
- 3.MSWIn32-x86-multi-thread
- ===============================
- There are two modifiers to the describe command:
- =over 4
- =item -ppd
- Displays the raw PPD of the package.
- =item -dump
- The same as -ppd.
- =back
- When the describe command is called without arguments, it returns
- information about the first package in the current search. If there is no
- default search set, you will be prompted to use the search command
- to find a package.
- If describe is called with a numeric argument, that number is set as the
- default package and the information about that package is returned. If the
- number given doesn't exist, you will be prompted to use search to find a
- package. Also, you can use describe to get descriptions of several
- packages. For example:
- describe 4-7
- will return descriptions of packages 4 through 7 in the current search
- request. You can also enter:
- describe 3-4,10
- to get information on packages 3, 4 and 10.
- If you specify a URL as the argument to describe, PPM will describe the
- package located at the URL. The URL must point to a PPD file. The URL
- can also point to a PPD file on your computer.
- When the describe command is given a name with a wildcard (such as "*" or
- "?") it executes the search command with the given argument. For example,
- describe Tk* will return the name(s) of any packages that match the
- search parameters.
- =head2 See Also
- properties
- =head1 exit, q, quit -- Exit the program
- =head2 Synopsis
- exit Exit
- quit Exit
- q Exit
- q <query> Perform a new query (shortcut for query)
- =head2 Description
- When you leave the PPM environment, the current settings are saved.
- =head1 help -- General help, or help on specific commands.
- =head2 Synopsis
- help Lists available commands and help topics
- help 'command' Lists detailed help about a specific command
- =head2 Description
- The help command provides a brief description of the commands available
- within PPM. For help on a specific command, enter help followed by the
- command name. For example, enter help settings or help set for a detailed
- description of the settings command.
- There are some extra help topics built into PPM. They can be accessed
- within the PPM environment as follows:
- help ppm_migration
- shows more details about the changes from previous versions of PPM
- help quickstart
- an easy-to-follow guide to getting started with PPM
- help prompt
- provides a detailed explanation about the PPM prompt
- =head1 install -- Install Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- install Installs default package
- install <number> Installs packages by a specific <number>
- install <range> Installs packages in the given numeric <range>
- install <name> Installs named package
- install <url> Installs the package located at <url>
- =head2 Description
- The install command is used to install packages from the repository. Install
- packages by name or number (the number is given by the repository or search
- request), or set a default package using the describe command. You can specify
- a full URL to a PPD file; the URL may point to a PPD file on your computer.
- If you have profile tracking enabled, (see 'help profile') the current profile
- will be updated to include the newly installed package(s).
- The following modifiers can be used with the install command:
- =over 4
- =item
- -force
- =item
- -noforce
- =item
- -follow
- =item
- -nofollow
- =back
- The force and follow switches determine how packages are installed:
- false false Checks to see if the package is installed and
- if it is, installation stops. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, the installation will
- fail.
- false true Checks to see if the package is installed and
- if it is, installation stops. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, they are automatically
- installed. NOTE: this is the default setting
- when PPM is first installed.
- true false If the package is installed, PPM will
- reinstall the package. If there are any
- missing prerequisites, the installation will
- fail.
- true true If the package is installed, PPM will
- reinstall the package. All prerequisites are
- installed, missing or not.
- If you do not specify any options, install uses the default settings.
- Set or view the current defaults using the 'settings' command.
- For example:
- install foo
- will install the package named "foo", using the default settings.
- Over-ride the defaults using the install modifiers described above.
- For example:
- install foo -force
- will install the "foo" package, even if it has already been installed. If
- both -force and -follow are set to "true", all the prerequisites for any
- package you install will also be installed. For example, the installation
- of a tk-related package, like "tk-ach" which is 8.4 kB will be preceded
- by the installation of Tk, which is 1.7 MB.
- You can also install by package number. Package numbers are
- based on the current repository or current search request. For example:
- install 6
- installs package number 6. You can install more than one package at one
- time:
- install 3-5
- installs packages 3, 4 and 5. You can also type install 3-6,8 to install
- packages 3,4,5,6 and 8.
- =head2 See Also
- profile
- =head1 profile -- Manage PPM Profiles
- =head2 Synopsis
- profile Lists profiles available on the repository
- profile <num> Switches to the given profile
- profile add <name> Creates a new profile on the repository
- profile delete <name or num>
- Deletes the given profile
- profile describe [name or num]
- Describes the current or given profile
- profile save Saves the client state to the current profile
- profile restore Restores the current profile
- profile rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the given profile to <name>
- =head2 Description
- Profiles store information about packages that are installed on your
- system. If the 'profile-track' setting is enabled, your ASPN Profile will
- be updated with information about installed packages. Profiles allow you
- to easily migrate, reinstall, upgrade or restore PPM packages in one or
- more locations.
- To use profiles, you must have a license for ASPN. For license
- information, see http://www.ActiveState.com/ASPN/About.
- Disable profile tracking by setting 'profile-track=0'.
- =head1 properties -- Describe Installed Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- prop Describes default installed package
- prop <number> Describes installed package <number>
- prop <range> Describes a <range> of installed packages
- prop <package name> Describes named installed package
- prop <url> Describes installed package located at <url>
- prop <glob pattern> Performs a new query using <glob pattern>
- =head2 Description
- The properties command is an verbose form of the describe command. In
- addition to summary information, properties will display
- the installation date and a URL showing the location of the package
- within the repository.
- If you specify the package as a URL, PPM determines the package name
- from the URL and searches for that.
- When the properties command is used with wildcard arguments,
- the text entered at the PPM prompt is passed to the query command.
- For example, typing 'properties libnet' will give you:
- ====================
- Name: libnet
- Version: 1.07.03
- Author: Graham Barr
- Title: libnet
- Abstract: Collection of Network protocol modules
- InstDate: Fri Oct 2 16:15:15 1998
- Location: http://ppm-ia.ActiveState.com/PPM/...
- ====================
- =head2 See Also
- describe
- =head1 query -- Query Installed Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- query Displays list of previous queries
- query <number> Displays results of previous query
- query <glob pattern> Performs a new query using <glob pattern>
- query * Displays a list of all installed packages
- =head2 Description
- The query command displays a list of all installed packages, or a
- list based on the <glob pattern> switch. You can also check
- the list of past queries, or the results of a past query.
- With PPM 3.0, you can now perform much more powerful queries. The syntax
- is identical to the 'search' command, and almost all the search switches
- are also available for querying installed packages.
- Recall previous queries with the 'query <number>' command. PPM3
- stores all queries from the current PPM session.
- Note: Depending on the value of the "case-sensitivity" setting,
- the query may or may not be case-sensitive. See "help settings" for
- instructions on setting the default case sensitivity.
- =head2 See Also
- search, settings
- =head1 repository -- Repository Control
- =head2 Synopsis
- rep Displays all repositories
- rep add [name] <location> Adds a new repository; makes it active
- rep delete <name or num> Deletes specified repository
- rep describe <name or num> Displays information about the specified
- repository
- rep rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the specified repository to
- the given name
- rep on <name> Activates the specified repository
- rep off <name or num> Removes the repository from the active list
- rep up <name or num> Moves the specified repository up one
- rep down <name or num> Moves the specified repository down one
- =head2 Description
- The I<repository> (or I<rep>) command controls two lists or repositories:
- =over 4
- =item 1
- The list of "active" repositories. This is the list of repositories used by
- I<search>, I<install>, I<upgrade>, and I<verify>.
- =item 2
- The list of all known repositories. You can designate a repository "inactive",
- which means PPM will not use it in any commands.
- =back
- If no arguments are given, the rep command will list the active
- repositories defined in the PPM settings. The order is significant: when
- installing a package, PPM will try the first repository, then the
- second, and so on, until it find the package you asked for. When
- searching, PPM merges the results of all the repositories together, so the
- order is less important (see the I<search> command).
- For example, when you enter:
- rep
- PPM3 will return something resembling this:
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- In the example above, entering 'rep off 2' will disable the second repository
- (the ActiveStat Package Repository). To add another repository:
- rep add [options] <NAME> <LOCATION>
- The following options are available for the 'add' command:
- =over 4
- =item
- -username
- =item
- -password
- =back
- These options allow you to specify a username and password to be used
- when logging into a repository. Currently, these are only used for FTP
- and WWW repositories.
- For example:
- rep add "EZE" http://ppm.ActiveState.com/PPMPackages/5.8plus
- with "EZE" being the name of the repository (for easy reference)
- and the location noted by the http location. If you were to enter the
- rep command again, you would see:
- ppm> rep
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [3] EZE
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To move the new repository to the top of the Active list, you would type:
- ppm> rep up EZE
- Repositories:
- [1] ActiveCD
- [2] EZE
- [3] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- ppm> rep up EZE
- Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveCD
- [3] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To disable the ActiveCD repository temporarily, enter the following:
- ppm> rep off ActiveCD
- Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [ ] ActiveCD
- [ ] An inactive repository
- To describe a repository, refer to it either by name, or by the number
- displayed next to the repository in the Active Repositories list. You must
- refer to inactive repositories by their full name.
- ppm> rep describe 2
- Describing Active Repository 2:
- Name: ActiveState Package Repository
- Location: http://ppm.ActiveState.com/cgibin/PPM/...
- Type: PPMServer 2.00
- ppm> rep describe ActiveCD
- Describing Inactive Repository:
- Name: ActiveCD
- Location: F:\PPMPackages\5.8plus
- Type: Local Directory
- To re-activate the ActiveCD repository, use the I<rep on> command. You
- must refer to inactive repositories by name, not number.
- ppm> rep on ActiveCD
- Active Repositories:
- [1] EZE
- [2] ActiveState Package Repository
- [3] ActiveCD
- [ ] An inactive repository
- =head2 Repository Types
- PPM3 supports several types of package repositories:
- =over 4
- =item 1.
- PPM Server 3.0
- ActiveState's SOAP-driven package server. Because all searches are
- done server-side, the server can deliver much richer information about
- packages than other repositories.
- =item 2.
- PPM Server 2.0
- The SOAP server designed for PPM version 2. PPM3 ships with the
- PPM2 repository as well as the PPM3 repository, so you can use
- either. Simple searches are performed server-side. If your search is
- too complicated for the server, PPM3 will download the package
- summary and search by itself.
- =item 3.
- Web Repositories
- Older versions of PPM used non-SOAP repositories (directories full of
- PPD files accessible using a web browser). Over the history of PPM,
- there have been several different ways of organising the files so that
- PPM can search for packages properly. PPM3 tries to download a summary
- file first -- if that fails, it gets the directory index. It parses the
- summary or the index, and caches it. Searches are done from the
- cache.
- =item 4.
- FTP Repositories
- FTP is another way of exposing a directory full of PPD files. PPM3
- consideres FTP repositories a subset of Web repositories. Treat them as
- identical: PPM3 downloads the summary or the "index" (file listing in
- this case), parses it, and then searches from it.
- =item 5.
- Local Repositories
- To support installing packages from the ActiveCD, a local directory can
- be a repository. PPM3 searches the files in the directory. All valid
- path formats are supported, including UNC paths.
- =back
- =head1 search -- Search for Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- search Displays list of previous searches
- search <number> Displays results of search <number>
- search <glob pattern> Performs a new search
- search <field>=<glob> Searches for all packages matching the field.
- search * Displays all packages in the current repository
- The available fields are 'ABSTRACT', 'NAME', 'TITLE', 'AUTHOR', and 'VERSION'.
- 'NAME' is used when you do not specify a field.
- =head2 Description
- Use the search command to look through the repository for packages.
- PPM version 3.0 provides powerful search functionality. For example:
- =over 4
- =item 1.
- Search for 'CGI' anywhere in the name:
- search CGI
- Example results:
- Apache-CGI
- CGI-Application
- CGI-ArgChecker
- =item 2.
- Search for 'CGI' at the beginning of the name:
- search CGI*
- Example results:
- CGI-ArgChecker
- CGI-Application
- =item 3.
- Search for all modules authored by someone with 'smith' in their name or
- email:
- search AUTHOR=smith
- Example results:
- Apache-ProxyPass
- Business-ISBN
- =item 4.
- Search for 'compress' anywhere in the abstract:
- search ABSTRACT=compress
- Example results:
- Apache-GzipChain
- IO-Zlib
- =item 5.
- Search for 'CGI' in the name, or 'web' in the abstract:
- search CGI or ABSTRACT=web
- Example results:
- HTML-Clean
- =item 6.
- Search for 'XML' in the name and either 'parser' in the name or 'pars' in the
- abstract, but not with 'XPath' in the name:
- search XML and (parser or ABSTRACT=pars) and not XPath
- Example results:
- XML-Node
- XML-Parser-EasyTree
- =item 7.
- PPM Server 3.0 repositories only: search by module name, even if unrelated to
- the containing package:
- search Data::Grove
- Example results:
- libxml-perl
- =item 8.
- Browse all packages in the repository:
- search *
- Example results:
- Affix-Infix2Postfix
- AI-Fuzzy
- [many more...]
- =back
- Recall previous searches using the 'search <number>' command. PPM3 stores
- searches for each session until you exit PPM.
- Some package names or versions are too long to be displayed in the search
- results. If a name is too long, you will see a '~' (tilde) as the last visible
- character in the column. You can use I<describe> to view detailed information
- about such packages.
- =head2 Search Results
- When you type a command like C<search XML>, PPM searches in each of the Active
- Repositories (see the I<repository> command) for your package. The results are
- merged into one list, and duplicates (packages found in more than one
- repository) are hidden.
- You can control what fields PPM shows for each package. The fields each have a
- built-in weight, which is used to calculate how wide to make each field based
- on the width of your screen. Information that doesn't fit into a field is
- truncated, and a tilde (C<~>) character is displayed in the last column of the
- field.
- Let's get down to an example:
- ppm> search XML
- Searching in Active Repositories
- 1. CGI-XMLForm [0.10] Extension to CGI.pm which
- 2. Data-DumpXML [1.01] Dump arbitrary data structures
- 3. DBIx-XML_RDB [0.05] Perl extension for creating XML
- 4. DBIx-XMLMessage [0.03] XML Message exchange between DBI
- 5. GoXML-XQI [1.1.4] Perl extension for the XML Query
- 6. Language-DATR-DATR2~ [0.901] manipulate DATR .dtr, XML, HTML,
- 7. libxml-perl [0.07] support for deeply nested
- 8. Mail-FilterXML [0.1] Undetermined
- 9. Mail-XML [0.03] Adds a toXML() method to
- 10. Pod-XML [0.93] Module to convert POD to XML
- As you can see, the three fields being displayed are:
- =over 4
- =item 1
- The package name
- =item 2
- The package version
- =item 3
- The package abstract
- =back
- You can customize the view somewhat. If you want to view the authors, but not
- the abstract, you can run the same I<search> command after using I<set> to
- change the fields:
- ppm> set fields="NAME VERSION AUTHOR"
- Setting 'fields' set to 'name version author'.
- ppm> search XML
- Using cached search result set 1.
- 1. CGI-XMLForm [0.10] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- 2. Data-DumpXML [1.01] Gisle Aas (gisle@aas.no)
- 3. DBIx-XML_RDB [0.05] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- 4. DBIx-XMLMessage [0.03] Andrei Nossov (andrein@andrein.com)
- 5. GoXML-XQI [1.1.4] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 6. Language-DATR-DAT~ [0.901] Lee Goddard (lgoddard@cpan.org)
- 7. libxml-perl [0.07] Ken MacLeod (ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us)
- 8. Mail-FilterXML [0.1] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 9. Mail-XML [0.03] Matthew MacKenzie (matt@goxml.com)
- 10. Pod-XML [0.93] Matt Sergeant (matt@sergeant.org)
- You can change the order in which the results are sorted, and what columns are
- displayed. The settings I<fields> and I<sort-field> changes this. You can
- sort by any valid field name (even fields which are not displayed). See the
- I<settings> command for the valid field names.
- PPM always hides "duplicate" results. It decides whether a result is
- duplicated based on the fields being displayed. If the same package is found
- in more than one repository, but you don't have the REPOSITORY field showing,
- PPM will only list the package once.
- =head1 settings -- View or Set PPM Settings
- =head2 Synopsis
- set Displays current settings
- set <name> Displays the current setting of the given <name>
- set <name> <value> Sets <name> to <value>
- unset <name> Sets <name> to a "false" value: '0' for boolean
- Settings, '' for others.
- =head2 Description
- The settings command is used to configure the default PPM environment.
- Settings such as the number of lines displayed per page, case-sensitivity,
- and the log file are configured using the settings command.
- Setting names may be abbreviated to uniqueness. For example, instead
- of typing 'case-sensitivity', you may type 'case'.
- Available settings:
- case-sensitivity 1 or 0 If 1, searches and queries are
- case-sensitive.
- download-chunksize integer If this is set to a positive,
- non-zero integer, PPM updates the
- status after "integer" of bytes
- transferred during an install or
- upgrade.
- fields fields A space-separated list of fields to
- display in the search results. Valid
- fields are:
- Usually, NAME and TITLE have the same
- content.
- follow-install 1 or 0 See 'help install' for details.
- force-install 1 or 0 See 'help install' for details.
- install-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- installing packages. If 1, PPM prints
- each file as it is installed.
- pager path The path to an external pager program
- used to page long displays. If blank,
- or set to 'internal', the internal
- pager is used. If 'none', paging
- is disabled.
- profile-track 1 or 0 If 1, PPM arranges to have the
- ASPN server track your PPM profile.
- This means that every time your install
- or remove a package, your profile is
- updated on the server. If 0, you must
- manually save your profile using
- 'profile save'.
- prompt-context 1 or 0 If 1, enables the prompt to change
- based on the current state of PPM, i.e
- showing current target, query, etc.
- prompt-slotsize integer If prompt-verbose is 1, this defines
- the width of each slot in the prompt.
- For instance, 4 means to use 4
- character-wide slots.
- prompt-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, uses numbers to represent the
- context in the prompt; much shorter.
- If prompt-context is set to 0, there
- will be no visible difference in the
- 'prompt-verbose' settings.
- remove-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- removing packages. If 1, prints the
- name of each file as it is removed.
- sort-field field The field by which to sort search and
- query results. Valid fields are
- and VERSION.
- tempdir path A temporary directory into which
- packages are downloaded and expanded
- during 'install' and 'upgrade'.
- trace-file path A file to which PPM will write tracing
- information.
- trace-level integer If 0 or negative, tracing is disabled.
- Positive, non-zero integers result in
- tracing information being written to
- 'trace-file'. Higher settings of
- 'trace-level' result in more trace
- information.
- upgrade-verbose 1 or 0 If 0, suppresses most output when
- upgrading packages. If 1, prints the
- name of each file as it is upgraded.
- For information about migrating options used by previous
- versions of PPM, see 'help ppm_migration'.
- When you assign a value to a setting, PPM saves the configuration.
- Therefore, setting values persist across sessions.
- =head1 targets -- View Target Installer Backends
- =head2 Synopsis
- target Displays a list of backend targets
- target <number> Sets <number> as default backend target
- target [select] <name or num>
- Sets <name or num> as default backend target
- target describe [name or num]
- Describes the given (or default) target
- target set <key> <val> Sets the target's <key> to <val>
- target rename <name or num> <name>
- Renames the given target to <name>
- =head2 Description
- The target is the destination location of the install routine, such as
- the directory where the packages are installed when they're downloaded
- from the repository. For example:
- target
- returns:
- Targets:
- 1. ActivePerl 618
- * 2. ActivePerl 629
- This shows that there are two available targets, and that the second
- target (ActivePerl 629) is currently the default (as shown by the
- asterisk). Using multiple targets, you can manage multiple
- installations of Perl from a single command-line.
- =head1 tree -- Show Dependency Tree for Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- tree Displays the dependency-tree of the current
- or default package
- tree <number> Displays the dependency-tree of the given <number>
- tree <range> Displays a <range> of dependency-trees
- tree <package name> Displays the dependency-tree of the named package
- tree <url> Displays the dependency-tree for the
- package at <url>
- tree <glob pattern> Performs a new search using <glob pattern>
- =head2 Description
- The tree command is used to show the "dependency tree" of a given
- package (additional packages that are required by the current package).
- For example:
- tree SOAP-lite
- returns:
- ====================
- SOAP-Lite 0.51
- |__MIME-tools 5.316
- | |__MailTools 1.15
- | \__IO-stringy 1.216
- |
- \__MIME-Lite 2.105
- ====================
- SOAP-Lite requires four other packages.
- When tree is called without a <name> or <number> switch, the command
- will return the dependency tree of the first package in the default
- search result. If there is no default search, you will be requested to
- use search to find a package.
- =head1 remove, uninstall -- Uninstalls Installed Packages
- =head2 Synopsis
- remove Deletes default installed package
- remove <number> Deletes installed package <number>
- remove <range> Deletes a <range> of installed packages
- remove <name> Deletes a packages by a specific name
- remove <url> Deletes the package located at <url>
- =head2 Description
- The remove and uninstall commands function identically. They are used to
- delete packages from the current target (specified using the target
- command). If profile tracking is enabled, (see 'help profile') the
- current PPM profile on ASPN will be updated.
- Packages can be removed by package name, by their numerical listing, or
- by specifying a URL to a PPD file. For example:
- remove XML-DOM
- will delete the XML-DOM package from the target.
- To remove package by number:
- remove 6
- and the sixth package in your current query will be removed. If no
- queries have been run in the current PPM session, you will be prompted
- to use a query to find a package before deleting it. Remember that removing
- packages clears all previous query requests, since the numerical
- sequence stored in any query will no longer be true once package(s) have
- been removed.
- Packages can also be removed in groups. For example:
- remove 4-7
- will delete packages 4, 5, 6, and 7 from your target. You can also skip
- packages:
- remove 3-5, 7
- this will delete packages 3, 4, 5 and 7, but will leave 6 intact.
- Remember to run a new query whenever you remove a package from your
- target.
- If you specify the package as a URL, PPM determines the package name from
- the URL and removes that.
- Please note that wildcards like "*" or "?" cannot be used with the remove
- command.
- =head2 See Also
- profile
- =head1 upgrade -- List or install available upgrades
- =head2 Synopsis
- upgrade [*] Lists upgrades available for all installed packages
- upgrade <number> Upgrades installed package <number>
- upgrade <range> Upgrades a <range> of installed packages
- upgrade <package> Upgrades the named <package>
- =head2 Description
- The upgrade command lists package upgrades that are available on the
- current repository for packages installed on your system. To install
- available upgrades, use the '--install' option.
- If profile tracking is enabled, (see 'help profile'), your profile
- will be updated to reflect changes to any packages which are upgraded.
- There are several modifiers to the upgrade command:
- =over 4
- =item -install
- Installs, rather than lists, available upgrades
- =item -precious
- Allows upgrading of "precious" packages
- =item -force
- See 'help install'
- =item -follow
- See 'help install'
- =back
- By default, 'upgrade' typed by itself only lists the available upgrades.
- To actually install all available upgrades, enter
- upgrade -install
- To enable upgrading "precious" packages, enter
- upgrade -install -precious
- =head2 See Also
- profile
- =head1 version -- print the name and version of PPM.
- Prints the name and version of PPM3.
- The following sections describe extra help topics available in PPM. An extra
- help topic is not the name of a command -- it is only available as a help
- page. The following help is available via the online help feature by typing
- 'help' in PPM3.
- =head1 ppm migration -- PPM Migration Guide
- =head2 Description
- Those familiar with PPM version 2 should appreciate the extended
- functionality of PPM version 3, including the command-line history,
- autocomplete and profiles. Some PPM version 2 commands are different
- in PPM version 3. Examples of command changes include:
- =over 4
- =item 1
- Adding a repository
- PPM2:
- set repository my_repository http://my/repository
- PPM3:
- repository add my_repository http://my/repository
- =item 2
- Removing a repository
- PPM2:
- set repository --remove my_repository
- PPM3:
- repository del my_repository
- =item 3
- Setting the temporary directory
- PPM2:
- set build DIRECTORY
- PPM3
- set tempdir DIRECTORY
- =item 4
- Setting frequency of download updates
- PPM2:
- set downloadstatus NUMBER
- PPM3:
- set download-chunksize NUMBER
- =item 5
- Changing the installation root directory:
- PPM2:
- set root DIRECTORY
- PPM3:
- target set root DIRECTORY
- =item 6
- Listing all installed packages:
- PPM2:
- query
- PPM3:
- query *
- =item 7
- Listing all packages on server:
- PPM2:
- search
- PPM3:
- search *
- =back
- =head1 prompt -- information about the PPM3 prompt
- =head2 Description
- The PPM prompt can tell you six things:
- =over 4
- =item 1)
- The current repository;
- =item 2)
- The current target;
- =item 3)
- The last search you made on the current repository;
- =item 4)
- The last query you made on the current target;
- =item 5)
- The last package you described from this repository; and,
- =item 6)
- The last package you described from this target.
- =back
- To enable the prompt to tell you this information, you must set
- 'prompt-context' to '1'. The following examples all assume this setting.
- =head2 Examples
- =over 4
- =item 1
- Repository and Target:
- Set 'prompt-context' The prompt will resemble:
- ppm:1:1>
- In this case, the first '1' means that the first repository is selected.
- The second '1' means the first target is selected. You can prove this by
- adding another repository and switching to it:
- ppm:1:1> rep add TEMP http://my/repository
- Repositories:
- 1. ActiveState Package Repository
- * 2. TEMP
- ppm:1:1> rep 2
- Repositories:
- 1. ActiveState Package Repository
- * 2. TEMP
- ppm:2:1>
- The same is true for targets. If you have multiple versions of Perl
- installed, when you swtich to a different target the second number
- reflects the change.
- If you delete all the repositories, the repository number changes to '?'.
- The same goes for targets. If either item is indicated by a question mark,
- you must configure a repository or target before proceeding.
- =item 2
- Search and Query:
- PPM stores searches and search results from in the current session.
- The prompt displays the search number:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- The 's1' indicates that the last search you performed
- can be viewed again by entering 'search 1'. Type 'search' with no
- arguments to view the list of cached searches:
- ppm:1:1:s1> search
- Search Result Sets:
- * 1. Text
- If you then enter 'search 1', you will see the same results as when you
- typed 'search Text' earlier. If you search for something else ('search
- Parse') then the number will change to 's2':
- ppm:1:1:s1> search Parse
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s2>
- The same indicators apply to the query command. When you run a query,
- a numerical indicator displays the current query:
- ppm:1:1:s1> query PPM
- [results displayed here]
- ppm:1:1:s1:q1>
- You can view the past queries with 'query', and view results by querying a
- particular number.
- =item 3
- Describe and Properties:
- When you use the describe command with the numerical switch (to view
- package information based on the package number in the last search or
- query), PPM sets that index to the current index. If you use the desribe
- command with the name switch, and the name is found within the current
- result, the index is set to the current one. If no package is found,
- PPM creates a new search or query on-the-fly, and sets it as the current
- search or query.
- For example:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- 1. Convert-Context [0.501] an Attributed Text data type
- 2. gettext [1.01] message handling functions
- 3. HTML-FromText [1.005] mark up text as HTML
- 4. HTML-Subtext [1.03] Perform text substitutions on an HTML
- template
- 5. Locale-Maketext [0.18] framework for software localization
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- ppm:1:1:s1> describe 1
- ====================
- Package 1:
- Name: Convert-Context
- Version: 0.501
- Author: Martin Schwartz (martin@nacho.de)
- Abstract: an Attributed Text data type
- Implementations:
- 1. i686-linux-thread-multi
- 2. MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
- 3. sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- ====================
- ppm:1:1:s1:sp1>
- The last prompt has an extra 'sp1'. That stands for 'search
- package 1', and it means that PPM considers 'Convert-Context' to be the
- default package. If you now type 'describe' or 'install' with no
- arguments, PPM will apply your command to this package.
- If you go back to where you had no default package selected:
- ppm:1:1> search Text
- 1. Convert-Context [0.501] an Attributed Text data type
- 2. gettext [1.01] message handling functions
- 3. HTML-FromText [1.005] mark up text as HTML
- 4. HTML-Subtext [1.03] Perform text substitutions on an HTML
- template
- 5. Locale-Maketext [0.18] framework for software localization
- ppm:1:1:s1>
- ...and you describe 'Locale-Maketext', you will see this:
- ppm:1:1:s1> describe Locale-Maketext
- ====================
- Name: Locale-Maketext
- Version: 0.18
- Author: Sean M. Burke (sburke@cpan.org)
- Abstract: framework for software localization
- Prerequisites:
- 1. I18N-LangTags 0.13
- Implementations:
- 1. i686-linux-thread-multi
- 2. MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
- 3. sun4-solaris-thread-multi
- ====================
- ppm:1:1:s1:sp5>
- Notice that the correct package got selected, even though you specified it
- by name.
- =back
- This behaviour also applies to the query and properties commands.
- =head2 See Also
- describe, properties, query, search
- =head1 quickstart -- a beginners' guide to PPM3
- =head2 Description
- PPM (Programmer's Package Manager) is a utility for managing
- software "packages". A package is a modular extension for a language
- or a software program. Packages reside in repositories. PPM can use
- three types of repositories:
- 1) A directory on a CD-ROM or hard drive in your computer
- 2) A website
- 3) A remote Repository Server (such as ASPN)
- Common Commands:
- To view PPM help:
- help
- help <command>
- To view the name of the current repository:
- repository
- To search the current repository:
- search <keywords>
- To install a package:
- install <package_name>
- Most commands can be truncated; as long as the command is unambiguous,
- PPM will recognize it. For example, 'repository add foo" can be
- entered as 'rep add foo'.
- PPM features user profiles, which store information about installed
- packages. Profiles are stored as part of your ASPN account; thus,
- you can easily maintain package profiles for different languages, or
- configure one machine with your favorite packages, and then copy that
- installation to another machine by accessing your ASPN profile.
- For more information, type 'help profile' at the PPM prompt.
- =head1 unicode -- Notes About Unicode Author Names
- =head2 Description
- CPAN author names are defined to be in Unicode. Unicode is an international
- standard ISO 10646, defining the I<Universal Character Set (UCS)>. UCS
- contains all characters of all other character set standards. For more
- information about Unicode, see F<http://www.unicode.org/>.
- The CPAN authors website is located at your local CPAN mirror under
- /authors/00whois.html. For example, you can view it at
- F<http://www.cpan.org/authors/00whois.html>. This page can be rendered by
- Mozilla 0.9.8 and Internet Explorer 5.0, but you may have to install extra
- language packs to view all the author names.
- By default, PPM3 renders all characters as Latin1 when it prints them to your
- console. Characters outside the Latin1 range (0-255) are not printed at all.
- If your console can render UTF-8 characters, you can tell PPM3 not to recode
- characters by using one of the following environment variables:
- =over 4
- =item
- =item
- =item
- =item
- =back
- PPM3 requires one of these environment variables to contain the string
- 'UTF-8'. For example, the following setting make PPM3 print
- beautifully-formatted authors in RedHat Linux 7.2 (assumes you're using a
- Bourne shell):
- $ PPM_LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xterm -u8 -e ppm3
- Linux and Solaris users should refer to L<xterm> for more information about
- setting up xterm to display UTF-8 characters.
- =head1 BUGS
- If you find a bug in PPM, please report it at this URL:
- http://bugs.activestate.com/enter_bug.cgi?set_product=PPM
- Bugs regarding the ActiveState Package Repository (particularly missing or
- out-of-date packages) should be sent via email to this email address:
- mailto:ppm-request@ActiveState.com
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- For information about the older version of PPM, see L<ppm>.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- ActiveState Corporation (support@ActiveState.com)
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, ActiveState Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- =cut