home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @rem = '--*-Perl-*--
- @echo off
- if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
- perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto endofperl
- :WinNT
- perl -x -S %0 %*
- if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
- if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
- if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
- goto endofperl
- @rem ';
- #!perl
- #line 15
- eval 'exec D:\p4\Apps\Gecko\MSI\data\ActivePerl\Perl\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if $running_under_some_shell;
- my $config_tag1 = 'v5.8.0 - Sun Dec 1 23:15:01 2002';
- my $patchlevel_date = 1026657986;
- my $patch_tags = '+ACTIVEPERL_LOCAL_PATCHES_ENTRY ';
- my @patches = (
- );
- use Config;
- use File::Spec; # keep perlbug Perl 5.005 compatible
- use Getopt::Std;
- use strict;
- sub paraprint;
- eval "use Mail::Send;";
- $::HaveSend = ($@ eq "");
- eval "use Mail::Util;";
- $::HaveUtil = ($@ eq "");
- };
- my $Version = "1.34";
- # Changed in 1.06 to skip Mail::Send and Mail::Util if not available.
- # Changed in 1.07 to see more sendmail execs, and added pipe output.
- # Changed in 1.08 to use correct address for sendmail.
- # Changed in 1.09 to close the REP file before calling it up in the editor.
- # Also removed some old comments duplicated elsewhere.
- # Changed in 1.10 to run under VMS without Mail::Send; also fixed
- # temp filename generation.
- # Changed in 1.11 to clean up some text and removed Mail::Send deactivator.
- # Changed in 1.12 to check for editor errors, make save/send distinction
- # clearer and add $ENV{REPLYTO}.
- # Changed in 1.13 to hopefully make it more difficult to accidentally
- # send mail
- # Changed in 1.14 to make the prompts a little more clear on providing
- # helpful information. Also let file read fail gracefully.
- # Changed in 1.15 to add warnings to stop people using perlbug for non-bugs.
- # Also report selected environment variables.
- # Changed in 1.16 to include @INC, and allow user to re-edit if no changes.
- # Changed in 1.17 Win32 support added. GSAR 97-04-12
- # Changed in 1.18 add '-ok' option for reporting build success. CFR 97-06-18
- # Changed in 1.19 '-ok' default not '-v'
- # add local patch information
- # warn on '-ok' if this is an old system; add '-okay'
- # Changed in 1.20 Added patchlevel.h reading and version/config checks
- # Changed in 1.21 Added '-nok' for reporting build failure DFD 98-05-05
- # Changed in 1.22 Heavy reformatting & minor bugfixes HVDS 98-05-10
- # Changed in 1.23 Restore -ok(ay): say 'success'; don't prompt
- # Changed in 1.24 Added '-F<file>' to save report HVDS 98-07-01
- # Changed in 1.25 Warn on failure to open save file. HVDS 98-07-12
- # Changed in 1.26 Don't require -t STDIN for -ok. HVDS 98-07-15
- # Changed in 1.27 Added Mac OS and File::Spec support CNANDOR 99-07-27
- # Changed in 1.28 Additional questions for Perlbugtron RFOLEY 20.03.2000
- # Changed in 1.29 Perlbug(tron): auto(-ok), short prompts RFOLEY 05-05-2000
- # Changed in 1.30 Added warnings on failure to open files MSTEVENS 13-07-2000
- # Changed in 1.31 Add checks on close().Fix my $var unless. TJENNESS 26-07-2000
- # Changed in 1.32 Use File::Spec->tmpdir TJENNESS 20-08-2000
- # Changed in 1.33 Don't require -t STDOUT for -ok.
- # Changed in 1.34 Added Message-Id RFOLEY 18-06-2002
- # TODO: - Allow the user to re-name the file on mail failure, and
- # make sure failure (transmission-wise) of Mail::Send is
- # accounted for.
- # - Test -b option
- my( $file, $usefile, $cc, $address, $perlbug, $testaddress, $filename, $messageid, $domain,
- $subject, $from, $verbose, $ed, $outfile, $Is_MacOS, $category, $severity,
- $fh, $me, $Is_MSWin32, $Is_Linux, $Is_VMS, $msg, $body, $andcc, %REP, $ok);
- my $perl_version = $^V ? sprintf("v%vd", $^V) : $];
- my $config_tag2 = "$perl_version - $Config{cf_time}";
- Init();
- if ($::opt_h) { Help(); exit; }
- if ($::opt_d) { Dump(*STDOUT); exit; }
- if (!-t STDIN && !($ok and not $::opt_n)) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Please use perlbug interactively. If you want to
- include a file, you can use the -f switch.
- die "\n";
- }
- Query();
- Edit() unless $usefile || ($ok and not $::opt_n);
- NowWhat();
- Send();
- exit;
- sub ask_for_alternatives { # (category|severity)
- my $name = shift;
- my %alts = (
- 'category' => {
- 'default' => 'core',
- 'ok' => 'install',
- 'opts' => [qw(core docs install library utilities)], # patch, notabug
- },
- 'severity' => {
- 'default' => 'low',
- 'ok' => 'none',
- 'opts' => [qw(critical high medium low wishlist none)], # zero
- },
- );
- die "Invalid alternative($name) requested\n" unless grep(/^$name$/, keys %alts);
- my $alt = "";
- if ($ok) {
- $alt = $alts{$name}{'ok'};
- } else {
- my @alts = @{$alts{$name}{'opts'}};
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Please pick a \u$name from the following:
- @alts
- my $err = 0;
- do {
- if ($err++ > 5) {
- die "Invalid $name: aborting.\n";
- }
- print "Please enter a \u$name [$alts{$name}{'default'}]: ";
- $alt = <>;
- chomp $alt;
- if ($alt =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $alt = $alts{$name}{'default'};
- }
- } while !((($alt) = grep(/^$alt/i, @alts)));
- }
- lc $alt;
- }
- sub Init {
- # -------- Setup --------
- $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
- $Is_Linux = lc($^O) eq 'linux';
- $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS';
- @ARGV = split m/\s+/,
- MacPerl::Ask('Provide command-line args here (-h for help):')
- if $Is_MacOS && $MacPerl::Version =~ /App/;
- if (!getopts("Adhva:s:b:f:F:r:e:SCc:to:n:")) { Help(); exit; };
- # This comment is needed to notify metaconfig that we are
- # using the $perladmin, $cf_by, and $cf_time definitions.
- # -------- Configuration ---------
- # perlbug address
- $perlbug = 'perlbug@perl.org';
- # Test address
- $testaddress = 'perlbug-test@perl.org';
- # Target address
- $address = $::opt_a || ($::opt_t ? $testaddress : $perlbug);
- # Users address, used in message and in Reply-To header
- $from = $::opt_r || "";
- # Include verbose configuration information
- $verbose = $::opt_v || 0;
- # Subject of bug-report message
- $subject = $::opt_s || "";
- # Send a file
- $usefile = ($::opt_f || 0);
- # File to send as report
- $file = $::opt_f || "";
- # File to output to
- $outfile = $::opt_F || "";
- # Body of report
- $body = $::opt_b || "";
- # Editor
- $ed = $::opt_e || $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{EDIT}
- || ($Is_VMS && "edit/tpu")
- || ($Is_MSWin32 && "notepad")
- || ($Is_MacOS && '')
- || "vi";
- # Not OK - provide build failure template by finessing OK report
- if ($::opt_n) {
- if (substr($::opt_n, 0, 2) eq 'ok' ) {
- $::opt_o = substr($::opt_n, 1);
- } else {
- Help();
- exit();
- }
- }
- # OK - send "OK" report for build on this system
- $ok = 0;
- if ($::opt_o) {
- if ($::opt_o eq 'k' or $::opt_o eq 'kay') {
- my $age = time - $patchlevel_date;
- if ($::opt_o eq 'k' and $age > 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) {
- my $date = localtime $patchlevel_date;
- print <<"EOF";
- "perlbug -ok" and "perlbug -nok" do not report on Perl versions which
- are more than 60 days old. This Perl version was constructed on
- $date. If you really want to report this, use
- "perlbug -okay" or "perlbug -nokay".
- exit();
- }
- # force these options
- unless ($::opt_n) {
- $::opt_S = 1; # don't prompt for send
- $::opt_b = 1; # we have a body
- $body = "Perl reported to build OK on this system.\n";
- }
- $::opt_C = 1; # don't send a copy to the local admin
- $::opt_s = 1; # we have a subject line
- $subject = ($::opt_n ? 'Not ' : '')
- . "OK: perl $perl_version ${patch_tags}on"
- ." $::Config{'archname'} $::Config{'osvers'} $subject";
- $ok = 1;
- } else {
- Help();
- exit();
- }
- }
- # Possible administrator addresses, in order of confidence
- # (Note that cf_email is not mentioned to metaconfig, since
- # we don't really want it. We'll just take it if we have to.)
- #
- # This has to be after the $ok stuff above because of the way
- # that $::opt_C is forced.
- $cc = $::opt_C ? "" : (
- $::opt_c || $::Config{'perladmin'}
- || $::Config{'cf_email'} || $::Config{'cf_by'}
- );
- if ($::HaveUtil) {
- $domain = Mail::Util::maildomain();
- } elsif ($Is_MSWin32) {
- $domain = $ENV{'USERDOMAIN'};
- } else {
- require Sys::Hostname;
- $domain = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
- }
- # Message-Id - rjsf
- $messageid = "<$::Config{'version'}_${$}_".time."\@$domain>";
- # My username
- $me = $Is_MSWin32 ? $ENV{'USERNAME'}
- : $^O eq 'os2' ? $ENV{'USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'}
- : $Is_MacOS ? $ENV{'USER'}
- : eval { getpwuid($<) }; # May be missing
- $from = $::Config{'cf_email'}
- if !$from && $::Config{'cf_email'} && $::Config{'cf_by'} && $me &&
- ($me eq $::Config{'cf_by'});
- } # sub Init
- sub Query {
- # Explain what perlbug is
- unless ($ok) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- This program provides an easy way to create a message reporting a bug
- in perl, and e-mail it to $address. It is *NOT* intended for
- sending test messages or simply verifying that perl works, *NOR* is it
- intended for reporting bugs in third-party perl modules. It is *ONLY*
- a means of reporting verifiable problems with the core perl distribution,
- and any solutions to such problems, to the people who maintain perl.
- If you're just looking for help with perl, try posting to the Usenet
- newsgroup comp.lang.perl.misc. If you're looking for help with using
- perl with CGI, try posting to comp.infosystems.www.programming.cgi.
- }
- # Prompt for subject of message, if needed
- if (TrivialSubject($subject)) {
- $subject = '';
- }
- unless ($subject) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- First of all, please provide a subject for the
- message. It should be a concise description of
- the bug or problem. "perl bug" or "perl problem"
- is not a concise description.
- my $err = 0;
- do {
- print "Subject: ";
- $subject = <>;
- chomp $subject;
- if ($err++ == 5) {
- die "Aborting.\n";
- }
- } while (TrivialSubject($subject));
- }
- # Prompt for return address, if needed
- unless ($from) {
- # Try and guess return address
- my $guess;
- $guess = $ENV{'REPLY-TO'} || $ENV{'REPLYTO'} || '';
- if ($Is_MacOS) {
- require Mac::InternetConfig;
- $guess = $Mac::InternetConfig::InternetConfig{
- Mac::InternetConfig::kICEmail()
- };
- }
- unless ($guess) {
- # move $domain to where we can use it elsewhere
- if ($domain) {
- if ($Is_VMS && !$::Config{'d_socket'}) {
- $guess = "$domain\:\:$me";
- } else {
- $guess = "$me\@$domain" if $domain;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($guess) {
- unless ($ok) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Your e-mail address will be useful if you need to be contacted. If the
- default shown is not your full internet e-mail address, please correct it.
- }
- } else {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- So that you may be contacted if necessary, please enter
- your full internet e-mail address here.
- }
- if ($ok && $guess) {
- # use it
- $from = $guess;
- } else {
- # verify it
- print "Your address [$guess]: ";
- $from = <>;
- chomp $from;
- $from = $guess if $from eq '';
- }
- }
- if ($from eq $cc or $me eq $cc) {
- # Try not to copy ourselves
- $cc = "yourself";
- }
- # Prompt for administrator address, unless an override was given
- if( !$::opt_C and !$::opt_c ) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- A copy of this report can be sent to your local
- perl administrator. If the address is wrong, please
- correct it, or enter 'none' or 'yourself' to not send
- a copy.
- print "Local perl administrator [$cc]: ";
- my $entry = scalar <>;
- chomp $entry;
- if ($entry ne "") {
- $cc = $entry;
- $cc = '' if $me eq $cc;
- }
- }
- $cc = '' if $cc =~ /^(none|yourself|me|myself|ourselves)$/i;
- $andcc = " and $cc" if $cc;
- # Prompt for editor, if no override is given
- editor:
- unless ($::opt_e || $::opt_f || $::opt_b) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Now you need to supply the bug report. Try to make
- the report concise but descriptive. Include any
- relevant detail. If you are reporting something
- that does not work as you think it should, please
- try to include example of both the actual
- result, and what you expected.
- Some information about your local
- perl configuration will automatically be included
- at the end of the report. If you are using any
- unusual version of perl, please try and confirm
- exactly which versions are relevant.
- You will probably want to use an editor to enter
- the report. If "$ed" is the editor you want
- to use, then just press Enter, otherwise type in
- the name of the editor you would like to use.
- If you would like to use a prepared file, type
- "file", and you will be asked for the filename.
- print "Editor [$ed]: ";
- my $entry =scalar <>;
- chomp $entry;
- $usefile = 0;
- if ($entry eq "file") {
- $usefile = 1;
- } elsif ($entry ne "") {
- $ed = $entry;
- }
- }
- # Prompt for category of bug
- $category ||= ask_for_alternatives('category');
- # Prompt for severity of bug
- $severity ||= ask_for_alternatives('severity');
- # Generate scratch file to edit report in
- $filename = filename();
- # Prompt for file to read report from, if needed
- if ($usefile and !$file) {
- filename:
- paraprint <<EOF;
- What is the name of the file that contains your report?
- print "Filename: ";
- my $entry = scalar <>;
- chomp $entry;
- if ($entry eq "") {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- No filename? I'll let you go back and choose an editor again.
- goto editor;
- }
- unless (-f $entry and -r $entry) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- I'm sorry, but I can't read from `$entry'. Maybe you mistyped the name of
- the file? If you don't want to send a file, just enter a blank line and you
- can get back to the editor selection.
- goto filename;
- }
- $file = $entry;
- }
- # Generate report
- open(REP,">$filename") or die "Unable to create report file `$filename': $!\n";
- my $reptype = !$ok ? "bug" : $::opt_n ? "build failure" : "success";
- print REP <<EOF;
- This is a $reptype report for perl from $from,
- generated with the help of perlbug $Version running under perl $perl_version.
- if ($body) {
- print REP $body;
- } elsif ($usefile) {
- open(F, "<$file")
- or die "Unable to read report file from `$file': $!\n";
- while (<F>) {
- print REP $_
- }
- close(F) or die "Error closing `$file': $!";
- } else {
- print REP <<EOF;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- [Please enter your report here]
- [Please do not change anything below this line]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- Dump(*REP);
- close(REP) or die "Error closing report file: $!";
- # read in the report template once so that
- # we can track whether the user does any editing.
- # yes, *all* whitespace is ignored.
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Unable to open report file `$filename': $!\n";
- while (<REP>) {
- s/\s+//g;
- $REP{$_}++;
- }
- close(REP) or die "Error closing report file `$filename': $!";
- } # sub Query
- sub Dump {
- local(*OUT) = @_;
- print OUT <<EFF;
- ---
- Flags:
- category=$category
- severity=$severity
- if ($::opt_A) {
- print OUT <<EFF;
- ack=no
- }
- print OUT <<EFF;
- ---
- print OUT "This perlbug was built using Perl $config_tag1\n",
- "It is being executed now by Perl $config_tag2.\n\n"
- if $config_tag2 ne $config_tag1;
- print OUT <<EOF;
- Site configuration information for perl $perl_version:
- if ($::Config{cf_by} and $::Config{cf_time}) {
- print OUT "Configured by $::Config{cf_by} at $::Config{cf_time}.\n\n";
- }
- print OUT Config::myconfig;
- if (@patches) {
- print OUT join "\n ", "Locally applied patches:", @patches;
- print OUT "\n";
- };
- print OUT <<EOF;
- ---
- \@INC for perl $perl_version:
- for my $i (@INC) {
- print OUT " $i\n";
- }
- print OUT <<EOF;
- ---
- Environment for perl $perl_version:
- my @env =
- push @env, $Config{ldlibpthname} if $Config{ldlibpthname} ne '';
- push @env, grep /^(?:PERL|LC_|LANG|CYGWIN)/, keys %ENV;
- my %env;
- @env{@env} = @env;
- for my $env (sort keys %env) {
- print OUT " $env",
- exists $ENV{$env} ? "=$ENV{$env}" : ' (unset)',
- "\n";
- }
- if ($verbose) {
- print OUT "\nComplete configuration data for perl $perl_version:\n\n";
- my $value;
- foreach (sort keys %::Config) {
- $value = $::Config{$_};
- $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- print OUT "$_='$value'\n";
- }
- }
- } # sub Dump
- sub Edit {
- # Edit the report
- if ($usefile || $body) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Please make sure that the name of the editor you want to use is correct.
- print "Editor [$ed]: ";
- my $entry =scalar <>;
- chomp $entry;
- $ed = $entry unless $entry eq '';
- }
- tryagain:
- my $sts;
- $sts = system("$ed $filename") unless $Is_MacOS;
- if ($Is_MacOS) {
- require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- ExtUtils::MM_MacOS::launch_file($filename);
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Press Enter when done.
- scalar <>;
- }
- if ($sts) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- The editor you chose (`$ed') could apparently not be run!
- Did you mistype the name of your editor? If so, please
- correct it here, otherwise just press Enter.
- print "Editor [$ed]: ";
- my $entry =scalar <>;
- chomp $entry;
- if ($entry ne "") {
- $ed = $entry;
- goto tryagain;
- } else {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- You may want to save your report to a file, so you can edit and mail it
- yourself.
- }
- }
- return if ($ok and not $::opt_n) || $body;
- # Check that we have a report that has some, eh, report in it.
- my $unseen = 0;
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Couldn't open `$filename': $!\n";
- # a strange way to check whether any significant editing
- # have been done: check whether any new non-empty lines
- # have been added. Yes, the below code ignores *any* space
- # in *any* line.
- while (<REP>) {
- s/\s+//g;
- $unseen++ if $_ ne '' and not exists $REP{$_};
- }
- while ($unseen == 0) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- I am sorry but it looks like you did not report anything.
- print "Action (Retry Edit/Cancel) ";
- my ($action) = scalar(<>);
- if ($action =~ /^[re]/i) { # <R>etry <E>dit
- goto tryagain;
- } elsif ($action =~ /^[cq]/i) { # <C>ancel, <Q>uit
- Cancel();
- }
- }
- } # sub Edit
- sub Cancel {
- 1 while unlink($filename); # remove all versions under VMS
- print "\nCancelling.\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- sub NowWhat {
- # Report is done, prompt for further action
- if( !$::opt_S ) {
- while(1) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- Now that you have completed your report, would you like to send
- the message to $address$andcc, display the message on
- the screen, re-edit it, display/change the subject,
- or cancel without sending anything?
- You may also save the message as a file to mail at another time.
- retry:
- print "Action (Send/Display/Edit/Subject/Save to File): ";
- my $action = scalar <>;
- chomp $action;
- if ($action =~ /^(f|sa)/i) { # <F>ile/<Sa>ve
- my $file_save = $outfile || "perlbug.rep";
- print "\n\nName of file to save message in [$file_save]: ";
- my $file = scalar <>;
- chomp $file;
- $file = $file_save if $file eq "";
- unless (open(FILE, ">$file")) {
- print "\nError opening $file: $!\n\n";
- goto retry;
- }
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Couldn't open file `$filename': $!\n";
- print FILE "To: $address\nSubject: $subject\n";
- print FILE "Cc: $cc\n" if $cc;
- print FILE "Reply-To: $from\n" if $from;
- print FILE "Message-Id: $messageid\n" if $messageid;
- print FILE "\n";
- while (<REP>) { print FILE }
- close(REP) or die "Error closing report file `$filename': $!";
- close(FILE) or die "Error closing $file: $!";
- print "\nMessage saved in `$file'.\n";
- exit;
- } elsif ($action =~ /^(d|l|sh)/i ) { # <D>isplay, <L>ist, <Sh>ow
- # Display the message
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Couldn't open file `$filename': $!\n";
- while (<REP>) { print $_ }
- close(REP) or die "Error closing report file `$filename': $!";
- } elsif ($action =~ /^su/i) { # <Su>bject
- print "Subject: $subject\n";
- print "If the above subject is fine, just press Enter.\n";
- print "If not, type in the new subject.\n";
- print "Subject: ";
- my $reply = scalar <STDIN>;
- chomp $reply;
- if ($reply ne '') {
- unless (TrivialSubject($reply)) {
- $subject = $reply;
- print "Subject: $subject\n";
- }
- }
- } elsif ($action =~ /^se/i) { # <S>end
- # Send the message
- print "Are you certain you want to send this message?\n"
- . 'Please type "yes" if you are: ';
- my $reply = scalar <STDIN>;
- chomp $reply;
- if ($reply eq "yes") {
- last;
- } else {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- That wasn't a clear "yes", so I won't send your message. If you are sure
- your message should be sent, type in "yes" (without the quotes) at the
- confirmation prompt.
- }
- } elsif ($action =~ /^[er]/i) { # <E>dit, <R>e-edit
- # edit the message
- Edit();
- } elsif ($action =~ /^[qc]/i) { # <C>ancel, <Q>uit
- Cancel();
- } elsif ($action =~ /^s/i) {
- paraprint <<EOF;
- I'm sorry, but I didn't understand that. Please type "send" or "save".
- }
- }
- }
- } # sub NowWhat
- sub TrivialSubject {
- my $subject = shift;
- if ($subject =~
- /^(y(es)?|no?|help|perl( (bug|problem))?|bug|problem)$/i ||
- length($subject) < 4 ||
- $subject !~ /\s/) {
- print "\nThat doesn't look like a good subject. Please be more verbose.\n\n";
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- sub Send {
- # Message has been accepted for transmission -- Send the message
- if ($outfile) {
- open SENDMAIL, ">$outfile" or die "Couldn't open '$outfile': $!\n";
- goto sendout;
- }
- # on linux certain mail implementations won't accept the subject
- # as "~s subject" and thus the Subject header will be corrupted
- # so don't use Mail::Send to be safe
- if ($::HaveSend && !$Is_Linux) {
- $msg = new Mail::Send Subject => $subject, To => $address;
- $msg->cc($cc) if $cc;
- $msg->add("Reply-To",$from) if $from;
- $fh = $msg->open;
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Couldn't open `$filename': $!\n";
- while (<REP>) { print $fh $_ }
- close(REP) or die "Error closing $filename: $!";
- $fh->close;
- print "\nMessage sent.\n";
- } elsif ($Is_VMS) {
- if ( ($address =~ /@/ and $address !~ /^\w+%"/) or
- ($cc =~ /@/ and $cc !~ /^\w+%"/) ) {
- my $prefix;
- foreach (qw[ IN MX SMTP UCX PONY WINS ], '') {
- $prefix = "$_%", last if $ENV{"MAIL\$PROTOCOL_$_"};
- }
- $address = qq[${prefix}"$address"] unless $address =~ /^\w+%"/;
- $cc = qq[${prefix}"$cc"] unless !$cc || $cc =~ /^\w+%"/;
- }
- $subject =~ s/"/""/g; $address =~ s/"/""/g; $cc =~ s/"/""/g;
- my $sts = system(qq[mail/Subject="$subject" $filename. "$address","$cc"]);
- if ($sts) {
- die <<EOF;
- Can't spawn off mail
- (leaving bug report in $filename): $sts
- }
- } else {
- my $sendmail = "";
- for (qw(/usr/lib/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/ucblib/sendmail)) {
- $sendmail = $_, last if -e $_;
- }
- if ($^O eq 'os2' and $sendmail eq "") {
- my $path = $ENV{PATH};
- $path =~ s:\\:/: ;
- my @path = split /$Config{'path_sep'}/, $path;
- for (@path) {
- $sendmail = "$_/sendmail", last if -e "$_/sendmail";
- $sendmail = "$_/sendmail.exe", last if -e "$_/sendmail.exe";
- }
- }
- paraprint(<<"EOF"), die "\n" if $sendmail eq "";
- I am terribly sorry, but I cannot find sendmail, or a close equivalent, and
- the perl package Mail::Send has not been installed, so I can't send your bug
- report. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- So you may attempt to find some way of sending your message, it has
- been left in the file `$filename'.
- open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail -t -oi") || die "'|$sendmail -t -oi' failed: $!";
- sendout:
- print SENDMAIL "To: $address\n";
- print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
- print SENDMAIL "Cc: $cc\n" if $cc;
- print SENDMAIL "Reply-To: $from\n" if $from;
- print SENDMAIL "Message-Id: $messageid\n" if $messageid;
- print SENDMAIL "\n\n";
- open(REP, "<$filename") or die "Couldn't open `$filename': $!\n";
- while (<REP>) { print SENDMAIL $_ }
- close(REP) or die "Error closing $filename: $!";
- if (close(SENDMAIL)) {
- printf "\nMessage %s.\n", $outfile ? "saved" : "sent";
- } else {
- warn "\nSendmail returned status '", $? >> 8, "'\n";
- }
- }
- 1 while unlink($filename); # remove all versions under VMS
- } # sub Send
- sub Help {
- print <<EOF;
- A program to help generate bug reports about perl5, and mail them.
- It is designed to be used interactively. Normally no arguments will
- be needed.
- Usage:
- $0 [-v] [-a address] [-s subject] [-b body | -f inpufile ] [ -F outputfile ]
- [-r returnaddress] [-e editor] [-c adminaddress | -C] [-S] [-t] [-h]
- $0 [-v] [-r returnaddress] [-A] [-ok | -okay | -nok | -nokay]
- Simplest usage: run "$0", and follow the prompts.
- Options:
- -v Include Verbose configuration data in the report
- -f File containing the body of the report. Use this to
- quickly send a prepared message.
- -F File to output the resulting mail message to, instead of mailing.
- -S Send without asking for confirmation.
- -a Address to send the report to. Defaults to `$address'.
- -c Address to send copy of report to. Defaults to `$cc'.
- -C Don't send copy to administrator.
- -s Subject to include with the message. You will be prompted
- if you don't supply one on the command line.
- -b Body of the report. If not included on the command line, or
- in a file with -f, you will get a chance to edit the message.
- -r Your return address. The program will ask you to confirm
- this if you don't give it here.
- -e Editor to use.
- -t Test mode. The target address defaults to `$testaddress'.
- -d Data mode. This prints out your configuration data, without mailing
- anything. You can use this with -v to get more complete data.
- -A Don't send a bug received acknowledgement to the return address.
- -ok Report successful build on this system to perl porters
- (use alone or with -v). Only use -ok if *everything* was ok:
- if there were *any* problems at all, use -nok.
- -okay As -ok but allow report from old builds.
- -nok Report unsuccessful build on this system to perl porters
- (use alone or with -v). You must describe what went wrong
- in the body of the report which you will be asked to edit.
- -nokay As -nok but allow report from old builds.
- -h Print this help message.
- }
- sub filename {
- my $dir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
- $filename = "bugrep0$$";
- $filename++ while -e File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename);
- $filename = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename);
- }
- sub paraprint {
- my @paragraphs = split /\n{2,}/, "@_";
- print "\n\n";
- for (@paragraphs) { # implicit local $_
- s/(\S)\s*\n/$1 /g;
- write;
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- format STDOUT =
- ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~
- $_
- .
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- B<perlbug> S<[ B<-v> ]> S<[ B<-a> I<address> ]> S<[ B<-s> I<subject> ]>
- S<[ B<-b> I<body> | B<-f> I<inputfile> ]> S<[ B<-F> I<outputfile> ]>
- S<[ B<-r> I<returnaddress> ]>
- S<[ B<-e> I<editor> ]> S<[ B<-c> I<adminaddress> | B<-C> ]>
- S<[ B<-S> ]> S<[ B<-t> ]> S<[ B<-d> ]> S<[ B<-A> ]> S<[ B<-h> ]>
- B<perlbug> S<[ B<-v> ]> S<[ B<-r> I<returnaddress> ]>
- S<[ B<-A> ]> S<[ B<-ok> | B<-okay> | B<-nok> | B<-nokay> ]>
- A program to help generate bug reports about perl or the modules that
- come with it, and mail them.
- If you have found a bug with a non-standard port (one that was not part
- of the I<standard distribution>), a binary distribution, or a
- non-standard module (such as Tk, CGI, etc), then please see the
- documentation that came with that distribution to determine the correct
- place to report bugs.
- C<perlbug> is designed to be used interactively. Normally no arguments
- will be needed. Simply run it, and follow the prompts.
- If you are unable to run B<perlbug> (most likely because you don't have
- a working setup to send mail that perlbug recognizes), you may have to
- compose your own report, and email it to B<perlbug@perl.org>. You might
- find the B<-d> option useful to get summary information in that case.
- In any case, when reporting a bug, please make sure you have run through
- this checklist:
- =over 4
- =item What version of Perl you are running?
- Type C<perl -v> at the command line to find out.
- =item Are you running the latest released version of perl?
- Look at http://www.perl.com/ to find out. If it is not the latest
- released version, get that one and see whether your bug has been
- fixed. Note that bug reports about old versions of Perl, especially
- those prior to the 5.0 release, are likely to fall upon deaf ears.
- You are on your own if you continue to use perl1 .. perl4.
- =item Are you sure what you have is a bug?
- A significant number of the bug reports we get turn out to be documented
- features in Perl. Make sure the behavior you are witnessing doesn't fall
- under that category, by glancing through the documentation that comes
- with Perl (we'll admit this is no mean task, given the sheer volume of
- it all, but at least have a look at the sections that I<seem> relevant).
- Be aware of the familiar traps that perl programmers of various hues
- fall into. See L<perltrap>.
- Check in L<perldiag> to see what any Perl error message(s) mean.
- If message isn't in perldiag, it probably isn't generated by Perl.
- Consult your operating system documentation instead.
- If you are on a non-UNIX platform check also L<perlport>, as some
- features may be unimplemented or work differently.
- Try to study the problem under the Perl debugger, if necessary.
- See L<perldebug>.
- =item Do you have a proper test case?
- The easier it is to reproduce your bug, the more likely it will be
- fixed, because if no one can duplicate the problem, no one can fix it.
- A good test case has most of these attributes: fewest possible number
- of lines; few dependencies on external commands, modules, or
- libraries; runs on most platforms unimpeded; and is self-documenting.
- A good test case is almost always a good candidate to be on the perl
- test suite. If you have the time, consider making your test case so
- that it will readily fit into the standard test suite.
- Remember also to include the B<exact> error messages, if any.
- "Perl complained something" is not an exact error message.
- If you get a core dump (or equivalent), you may use a debugger
- (B<dbx>, B<gdb>, etc) to produce a stack trace to include in the bug
- report. NOTE: unless your Perl has been compiled with debug info
- (often B<-g>), the stack trace is likely to be somewhat hard to use
- because it will most probably contain only the function names and not
- their arguments. If possible, recompile your Perl with debug info and
- reproduce the dump and the stack trace.
- =item Can you describe the bug in plain English?
- The easier it is to understand a reproducible bug, the more likely it
- will be fixed. Anything you can provide by way of insight into the
- problem helps a great deal. In other words, try to analyze the
- problem (to the extent you can) and report your discoveries.
- =item Can you fix the bug yourself?
- A bug report which I<includes a patch to fix it> will almost
- definitely be fixed. Use the C<diff> program to generate your patches
- (C<diff> is being maintained by the GNU folks as part of the B<diffutils>
- package, so you should be able to get it from any of the GNU software
- repositories). If you do submit a patch, the cool-dude counter at
- perlbug@perl.org will register you as a savior of the world. Your
- patch may be returned with requests for changes, or requests for more
- detailed explanations about your fix.
- Here are some clues for creating quality patches: Use the B<-c> or
- B<-u> switches to the diff program (to create a so-called context or
- unified diff). Make sure the patch is not reversed (the first
- argument to diff is typically the original file, the second argument
- your changed file). Make sure you test your patch by applying it with
- the C<patch> program before you send it on its way. Try to follow the
- same style as the code you are trying to patch. Make sure your patch
- really does work (C<make test>, if the thing you're patching supports
- it).
- =item Can you use C<perlbug> to submit the report?
- B<perlbug> will, amongst other things, ensure your report includes
- crucial information about your version of perl. If C<perlbug> is unable
- to mail your report after you have typed it in, you may have to compose
- the message yourself, add the output produced by C<perlbug -d> and email
- it to B<perlbug@perl.org>. If, for some reason, you cannot run
- C<perlbug> at all on your system, be sure to include the entire output
- produced by running C<perl -V> (note the uppercase V).
- Whether you use C<perlbug> or send the email manually, please make
- your Subject line informative. "a bug" not informative. Neither is
- "perl crashes" nor "HELP!!!". These don't help.
- A compact description of what's wrong is fine.
- =back
- Having done your bit, please be prepared to wait, to be told the bug
- is in your code, or even to get no reply at all. The Perl maintainers
- are busy folks, so if your problem is a small one or if it is difficult
- to understand or already known, they may not respond with a personal reply.
- If it is important to you that your bug be fixed, do monitor the
- C<Changes> file in any development releases since the time you submitted
- the bug, and encourage the maintainers with kind words (but never any
- flames!). Feel free to resend your bug report if the next released
- version of perl comes out and your bug is still present.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 8
- =item B<-a>
- Address to send the report to. Defaults to B<perlbug@perl.org>.
- =item B<-A>
- Don't send a bug received acknowledgement to the reply address.
- Generally it is only a sensible to use this option if you are a
- perl maintainer actively watching perl porters for your message to
- arrive.
- =item B<-b>
- Body of the report. If not included on the command line, or
- in a file with B<-f>, you will get a chance to edit the message.
- =item B<-C>
- Don't send copy to administrator.
- =item B<-c>
- Address to send copy of report to. Defaults to the address of the
- local perl administrator (recorded when perl was built).
- =item B<-d>
- Data mode (the default if you redirect or pipe output). This prints out
- your configuration data, without mailing anything. You can use this
- with B<-v> to get more complete data.
- =item B<-e>
- Editor to use.
- =item B<-f>
- File containing the body of the report. Use this to quickly send a
- prepared message.
- =item B<-F>
- File to output the results to instead of sending as an email. Useful
- particularly when running perlbug on a machine with no direct internet
- connection.
- =item B<-h>
- Prints a brief summary of the options.
- =item B<-ok>
- Report successful build on this system to perl porters. Forces B<-S>
- and B<-C>. Forces and supplies values for B<-s> and B<-b>. Only
- prompts for a return address if it cannot guess it (for use with
- B<make>). Honors return address specified with B<-r>. You can use this
- with B<-v> to get more complete data. Only makes a report if this
- system is less than 60 days old.
- =item B<-okay>
- As B<-ok> except it will report on older systems.
- =item B<-nok>
- Report unsuccessful build on this system. Forces B<-C>. Forces and
- supplies a value for B<-s>, then requires you to edit the report
- and say what went wrong. Alternatively, a prepared report may be
- supplied using B<-f>. Only prompts for a return address if it
- cannot guess it (for use with B<make>). Honors return address
- specified with B<-r>. You can use this with B<-v> to get more
- complete data. Only makes a report if this system is less than 60
- days old.
- =item B<-nokay>
- As B<-nok> except it will report on older systems.
- =item B<-r>
- Your return address. The program will ask you to confirm its default
- if you don't use this option.
- =item B<-S>
- Send without asking for confirmation.
- =item B<-s>
- Subject to include with the message. You will be prompted if you don't
- supply one on the command line.
- =item B<-t>
- Test mode. The target address defaults to B<perlbug-test@perl.org>.
- =item B<-v>
- Include verbose configuration data in the report.
- =back
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Kenneth Albanowski (E<lt>kjahds@kjahds.comE<gt>), subsequently I<doc>tored
- by Gurusamy Sarathy (E<lt>gsar@activestate.comE<gt>), Tom Christiansen
- (E<lt>tchrist@perl.comE<gt>), Nathan Torkington (E<lt>gnat@frii.comE<gt>),
- Charles F. Randall (E<lt>cfr@pobox.comE<gt>), Mike Guy
- (E<lt>mjtg@cam.a.ukE<gt>), Dominic Dunlop (E<lt>domo@computer.orgE<gt>),
- Hugo van der Sanden (E<lt>hv@crypt.org<gt>),
- Jarkko Hietaniemi (E<lt>jhi@iki.fiE<gt>), Chris Nandor
- (E<lt>pudge@pobox.comE<gt>), Jon Orwant (E<lt>orwant@media.mit.eduE<gt>,
- and Richard Foley (E<lt>richard@rfi.netE<gt>).
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- perl(1), perldebug(1), perldiag(1), perlport(1), perltrap(1),
- diff(1), patch(1), dbx(1), gdb(1)
- =head1 BUGS
- None known (guess what must have been used to report them?)
- =cut
- __END__
- :endofperl