<% REM Previous line is used to work around proxy caching problems. %>
<%REM Zkontroluje jestli jsou vyplnena pole.%>
<%if trim(request("NAZEV_FIRMY_NEED")) = "" or trim(request("ADRESA_NEED")) = "" or trim(request("ICO")) = "" or trim(request("DIC")) = "" or trim(request("OSOBA")) = "" or trim(request("FUNKCE")) = "" or trim(request("TELEFON")) = "" or trim(request("MOBIL")) = "" or trim(request("EMAIL")) = "" or trim(request("WWW")) = "" or trim(request("UPDATE")) = "" then Response.Redirect "error.htm"%>
<% REM Set up error handling. %>
<% on error resume next %>
<% REM Set up CDONTS component
Dim MyBody
Dim MyCDONTSMail %>
<% Set MyCDONTSMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") %>
<% REM If object isn't found, don't display full page. %>
<% if IsObject(MyCDONTSMail) = FALSE then %>
<b>CDONTS komponenta musφ b²t nainstalovßna na poΦφtaΦi, kde je ulo₧ena tato strßnka, kontaktujte prosφm <a href="mailto:www@box.cz">webmastera</a></b><p>
<% else %>
<% REM SETUP User changeable variables for use on this page. %>
<% REM WebMaster is the complete e-mail address of the person who %>
<% REM receives the user's feedback. %>
<% REM ThisPage is the name of this page. %>
<% WebMaster = "www@box.cz" %>
<% ThisPage = "objed.asp" %>
<% REM Set up other variables for use on this page. %>