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- <BODY>
- <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>User not logged in or timed out!</B></FONT>
- </BODY>
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- <FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=#990033><B>Welcome</B> <U><RCEusername></u> !</FONT>
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- <RCif RCEmailserver = true and RCEhavembox = true>
- <BR>
- <RCif RCEhavemail = true>
- <B>You have mail!</B>
- <RCif RCSnewlogin ! true>
- <RCSnewlogin = true>
- <bgsound src="/sysuser/gotmail.wav">
- <RCendif>
- <RCelse>
- No new mail messages.
- <RCendif>
- <BR>
- <RCendif>
- <BR>
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- <BR>
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- <img border=0 ATL="Google" align="absmiddle" SRc="/sysuser/google.gif"></A>
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- <INPUT TYPE=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search">
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