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- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Proxy Configuration</TITLE>
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- <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
- <IMG border=0 ALIGN=left SRC="/sysimage/system/console.gif"></A>
- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>Proxy Configuration</FONT>
- <BR>
- <I>Changes don't take effect until system restart. You must restart the
- server before making any other configuration changes or the changes you
- make below will be overwritten.</I>
- <HR>
- <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/session/sysconfig" TARGET=_top>
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="RCpage" VALUE="/sysadmin/index.stm">
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As HTTP Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="httpproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEhttpproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="httpproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEhttpproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as an HTTP proxy server. The Sambar Server
- is not a caching HTTP proxy server, simply a "pass-through" gateway.
- (<B>Important!</B> If using Netscape/Mozilla 6.0 or later, you must configure
- the proxy protocol to HTTP/1.0; the HTTP/1.1 proxy protocol is not
- supported.)
- If turned on, the proxy server runs on the same port as the HTTP server.
- Note: FTP proxy over HTTP, and SSL tunneling are supported when HTTP proxy
- is turned on.
- <B>IMPORTANT!!! Make sure the security restrictions
- (<B>proxyaccept</B>) in <I>security.ini</B> are appropriate for your site.</B>
- Finally, sites can be filtered using the configuration files:
- <I>wordlist.ini</I>, <I>urllist.ini</I> and <I>whitelist.ini</I>.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>HTTP Proxy Word Filter</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="proxyfilter" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEproxyfilter = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="proxyfilter" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEproxyfilter = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>The HTTP Proxy includes a word filter that can be enabled to
- restrict access to sites that contain undesirable words.
- The <I>config/wordlist.ini</I> file contains the words and/or strings
- used for the proxy filtering and the <I>config/hostlist.ini</I>
- file contains the hosts that the proxy word filter should restrict
- (this can be a regular expression match against the entire URL,
- i.e. http://www.geocities.com/~playboy/*).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Proxy Filter IPs</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="filterip" VALUE="<RCEfilterip>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>A space separated list of IP addresses on which to filter. This list
- may use wild-card characters tomatch against (i.e. 192.168.*).
- If no IP addresses are provided or a star (*) is provided, all HTTP proxy
- users are subject to the wordlist filter.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Log HTTP Proxy Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="logproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCElogproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="logproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCElogproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If the Sambar Server is configured to run as an HTTP Proxy server,
- this flag determines if a <I>log/proxy.log</I> log file should be maintained.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Remote Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="rproxy" VALUE="<RCErproxy>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>When acting as an HTTP proxy, a remote caching proxy server can also
- be used. If the Remote Proxy field is non-blank, all proxy requests will
- be forwarded to the server configured (typically your ISPs caching proxy).
- FTP and SSL tunneling requests are also directed to the remote proxy.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Remote Proxy Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="rproxyport" VALUE="<RCErproxyport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Remote Proxy Port to connect with when utilizing a
- caching remote proxy server.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As NNTP Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="nntpproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEnntpproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="nntpproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEnntpproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as an NNTP proxy server. <I>Important:</I>
- The Sambar Server can only act as an NNTP Proxy server for a single News
- server.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>NNTP Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nntpserver" VALUE="<RCEnntpserver>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The NNTP Server that proxy requests will be directed to.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>NNTP Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nntpport" VALUE="<RCEnntpport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The TCP/IP protocol has a number of ports which are used to differentiate
- requests to different processes. The standard NNTP port number is 119.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As SMTP Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="smtpproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEsmtpproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="smtpproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEsmtpproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as an SMTP proxy server.
- <B>IMPORTANT!!! Make sure the security restrictions
- (<B>proxyaccept</B>) in <I>security.ini</B> are appropriate for your site.</B>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>SMTP Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="smtpserver" VALUE="<RCEsmtpserver>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The SMTP Server that proxy requests will be directed to. This server must
- be configured in order to use the SMTP Proxy.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>SMTP Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="smtpport" VALUE="<RCEsmtpport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The TCP/IP protocol has a number of ports which are used to differentiate
- requests to different processes. The standard SMTP port number is 25.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As POP3 Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="pop3proxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEpop3proxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="pop3proxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEpop3proxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as a POP3 proxy server.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>POP3 Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="pop3server" VALUE="<RCEpop3server>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The POP3 Server that proxy requests will be directed to.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>POP3 Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="pop3port" VALUE="<RCEpop3port>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The standard POP3 port number is 110.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>POP3 Enhanced</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="pop3enh" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEpop3enh = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="pop3enh" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEpop3enh = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>The POP3 Enhnaced mode allows users to override the POP3 proxy specified
- above with one of their own choosing by modifying their username to include
- the POP3 server that the proxy should connect via. The <FONT SIZE=+1>#</FONT>
- symbol is used to specify an alternative server (i.e. <CODE>user#pop3server</CODE>).
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As IMAP4 Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="imap4proxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEimap4proxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="imap4proxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEimap4proxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as a IMAP4 proxy server.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>IMAP4 Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="imap4server" VALUE="<RCEimap4server>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The IMAP4 Server that proxy requests will be directed to.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>IMAP4 Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="imap4port" VALUE="<RCEimap4port>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD></TD>
- <TD>The standard IMAP4 port number is 143.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As FTP Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ftpproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEftpproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ftpproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEftpproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as an FTP proxy server. The HTTP proxy server
- includes a basic FTP proxy server used by browser clients; this "native"
- FTP proxy server is for traditional FTP client applications such as CuteFTP
- or WSFtp. The port used for the FTP Proxy server is the same port as
- is configured for the FTP Server. See the <a href="/syshelp/proxy.htm">Proxy
- </a> documentation for more details on the native FTP proxy.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As Telnet Server/Proxy</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="telnetd" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtelnetd = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="telnetd" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtelnetd = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as a Telnet server and proxy.
- See the <a href="/syshelp/telnet.htm">Telnet</a> documentation for more
- details on the Telnet Server/Proxy functionality.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As Bridge Proxy Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="bridgeproxy" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEbridgeproxy = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="bridgeproxy" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEbridgeproxy = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as a bridge proxy server. This feature
- provides a bridge capability for any TCP application bound to a specific
- port.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Bridge Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="bridgeserver" VALUE="<RCEbridgeserver>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The Bridge Server that proxy requests will be directed to.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Bridge Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="bridgeport" VALUE="<RCEbridgeport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD></TD>
- <TD>The standard Bridge proxy port number.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act As SOCKS Proxy</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="socksd" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEsocksd = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="socksd" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEsocksd = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to act as a SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy server.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>SOCKS Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="socksport" VALUE="<RCEsocksport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The TCP/IP protocol has a number of ports which are used to differentiate
- requests to different processes. The standard SOCKS port number is 1080.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>TCP/UDP Proxies</FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure additional forwarding TCP or UDP proxies using the
- format: <B>srcport</B> <B>server</B>:<B>dstport</B>,
- i.e. <B><CODE>9000 www.test.com:23</CODE></B>. The <I>srcport</I>
- is the port the listener on the Sambar Server will established on;
- all requests to the <I>srcport</I> are forwarded to the
- <B>dstport</B> on the <B>server</B>.
- Leave the entry blank if the proxy is not in use.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD colspan=2>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=2>
- <TR valign=top>
- <TD><B>TCP Proxies</B><BR>
- <RCXshowtcpproxy display=config>
- </TD>
- <TD><B>UDP Proxies</B><BR>
- <RCXshowudpproxy display=config>
- </TD>
- <TD align=center>
- <B>Common TCP Ports</B><BR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=2>
- <TR><TD align=right>22 </TD><TD>ssh</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD align=right>23 </TD><TD>telnet</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD align=right>25 </TD><TD>smtp</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD align=right>110 </TD><TD>pop3</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD align=right>119 </TD><TD>nntp</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD align=right>143 </TD><TD>imap4</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </TABLE>
- <RCendif>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Dial-On-Demand</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dialup" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEdialup = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dialup" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEdialup = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server for dial-on-demand (all outgoing connections).
- <B>Warning!</B> The dial-on-demand functionality can cause system
- instability. Some users experience no problems with this feature while
- others experience server crashes; the problems are being investigated but
- appear to be dialer and operating system dependent. It is recommended that
- anyone experiencing problems use a third-party dialer.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Trace Dial-On-Demand Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dialtrace" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEdialtrace = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dialtrace" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEdialtrace = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Trace dial-on-demand usage to the server.log.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Dial-On-Demand Entry</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="dialentry" VALUE="<RCEdialentry>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The RAS Entry to use for Dial-On-Demand. This is the name you
- specified when setting up the RAS configuration for your ISP.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Dial-On-Demand User</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="dialuser" VALUE="<RCEdialuser>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The username to use with the RAS Entry when dialing.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Dial-On-Demand Password</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="dialpass" VALUE="<RCEdialpass>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The password to use with the RAS Entry when dialing.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Dial-On-Demand Timeout</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="dialtimeout" VALUE="<RCEdialtimeout>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>The timeout period to use for Dial-On-Demand. This is the time,
- in seconds after the last outgoing connection has been terminated that the
- dial-up connection should be maintained. Note: Since the scheduler only
- checks tasks every 2 minutes, the actual timeout duration will vary by
- up to 2 minutes.</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <HR>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Update Proxy Configuration">
- </FORM>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="/"><IMG border=0 SRC="/sysimage/system/powerby.gif"></A>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>