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- <TITLE>Mail Server Configuration</TITLE>
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- <A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
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- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>Mail Server Configuration</FONT></CENTER>
- <BR>
- <RCif RCEmailserver = false>
- <B>The Mail Server is not presently configured to run at startup.
- Use the <A HREF="../config.stm">Server Configuration</A> forms
- to initialize the mail interface.</B>
- <RCendif>
- <BR>
- <I>Changes don't take effect until system restart. You must restart the
- server before making any other configuration changes or the changes you
- make below will be overwritten.</I>
- <BR>
- <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/session/mailconfig" TARGET="_top">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="RCpage" VALUE="/sysadmin/index.stm">
- <HR>
- <BR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Mail Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="mailname" VALUE="<RCEmailname>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>The domain name of the mail server from which all mail is delivered.
- <B>Important!</B> This should be a domain name such as <I>sambar.com</I>.
- The fully qualified domain name is derived by adding the machine name
- to this domain. Currently, <B><RCEmailfqdn></B> is the fully qualified
- domain name used when routing remote mail via MTA. To override the FQDN,
- you can manually edit the <I>config/mail.ini</I> and add the
- entry <B>Mail Server FQDN</B> in the <B>[mail]</B> section.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Max Mailbox Size</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="mboxsize" VALUE="<RCEmboxsize>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The maximum size (in bytes) that a user mailbox is allow to grow to.
- Mail sent to a "full" mailbox is bounced to the originator.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Run SMTPD</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="runsmtp" VALUE="true" <RCif RCErunsmtp = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="runsmtp" VALUE="false" <RCif RCErunsmtp = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Run the SMTP server. This enables local delivery of mail in addition
- to scheduled relay of mail to internet SMTP servers (via MTA or your
- ISP mail server). Additional configuration for the SMTP server can be
- found below.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Relay Delivery</FONT>
- <P>
- <SELECT NAME="msgrelay">
- <OPTION VALUE="never" <RCif RCEmsgrelay = never> SELECTED<RCendif>> Deliver LOCAL mail only
- <OPTION VALUE="ondemand" <RCif RCEmsgrelay = ondemand> SELECTED<RCendif>> Deliver mail immediately
- <OPTION VALUE="hourly" <RCif RCEmsgrelay = hourly> SELECTED<RCendif>> Deliver remote mail hourly
- <OPTION VALUE="daily" <RCif RCEmsgrelay = daily> SELECTED<RCendif>> Deliver remote mail daily
- </TD>
- <TD>By default, the the SMTP server will only accept local mail for delivery.
- Otherwise, the interval specifies how often to deliver "non-local" mail
- via your ISP or MTA for delivery. For full-time mail servers this should
- be set to <B>Deliver mail immediately</B> (the <I>ondemand</I> option).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Local Domains</FONT>
- <P>
- <TEXTAREA NAME="maildomains" rows="8" cols="24"><RCEmaildomains></TEXTAREA>
- </TD>
- <TD>The internet domains that should be considered "local" to the SMTP server.
- Any mail addressed to one of the specified domains is assumed to be destined
- for a local user. A space separated list of domains can be provided, with
- wild-card characters (i.e. *sambar.com *sambar.net). If this entry is left
- blank, all mail will be forwarded to your ISP (<I><RCEmailserver></I>) for
- delivery.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Relay Domains</FONT>
- <P>
- <TEXTAREA NAME="relaydomains" rows="8" cols="24"><RCErelaydomains></TEXTAREA>
- </TD>
- <TD>The internet domains that should be accepted for relay.
- A space separated list of domains can be provided, with
- wild-card characters (i.e. *sambar.com *sambar.net). See the
- <A HREF="/syshelp/mailsmtp.htm">SMTP Server</A> help for details.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Use MTA</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mta" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEmta = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mta" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEmta = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Use the internal MTA for remote mail delivery. If this is not enabled,
- mail will be delivered via your ISPs mail server
- (<I>SMTP Server</I> in the <I>config.ini</I>). Before enabling, make sure
- your <B>DNS Primary</B> and <B>DNS Secondary</B> configuration entries
- are <A HREF="/sysadmin/mail/mxlookup.stm">properly configured</A>.
- <P>
- <RCif RCEmta = false>
- SMTP Server used for mail relay is: <B><RCEsmtpserver></B>. Use the
- <A HREF=/sysadmin/proxy.stm>proxy</A> configuration to change this.
- <RCelse>
- Configure the number of MTA delivery threads:
- <BR>
- <SELECT NAME="maxrouters">
- <OPTION VALUE="1" <RCif maxrouters = 1>SELECTED<RCendif>> 1 - Default
- <OPTION VALUE="2" <RCif maxrouters = 2>SELECTED<RCendif>> 2 - Active Server
- <OPTION VALUE="5" <RCif maxrouters = 5>SELECTED<RCendif>> 5 - 100+ Active Users
- <OPTION VALUE="15" <RCif maxrouters = 15>SELECTED<RCendif>> 15 - Max Recommended
- <RCendif>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Max Message Size</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="maxmsgsize" VALUE="<RCEmaxmsgsize>" SIZE=20 MAXSIZE=20>
- </TD>
- <TD>This parameter specifies the maximum mail message size (in bytes)
- accepted by the STMP server for delivery. This message size also applies
- to mail attachments.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Unknown Mailbox</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nombox" VALUE="<RCEnombox>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>Mail delivered to for an "unknown" local account can be handled with
- the following options:
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI>Leave this field blank to return an error message to the sender.
- The sender will receive a failure notification immediately during their
- SMTP delivery. In the case of mail being forwarded from another SMTP
- server, the delievery failure should result in a bounce message to the
- sender. <B>Important</B> The Sambar SMTP server will not generate a
- bounce message because the mail will not be accepted for delivery.
- <LI>Set the field to the string <B><CODE>null</CODE></B> to quietly dispose
- of the mail message without notifying the sender of a failure.
- <LI>Set a "real" account to deliver the unknown mail to (i.e. <B>admin</B>)
- </UL>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Backup Mailboxes</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mboxbackup" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEmboxbackup = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mboxbackup" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEmboxbackup = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If true, all user mailboxes will be backed up daily.
- A rolling seven day backup is maintained of the user's mailboxes
- in maintained in the <I>backup</I> directory (found below the user's
- mailbox directory). In a later release, users will be able to recover
- their own mailboxes.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Require AUTH</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="requireauth" VALUE="true" <RCif RCErequireauth = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="requireauth" VALUE="false" <RCif RCErequireauth = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If true, all mail sent to the SMTP server must be bound for local
- users (the address must be for a local domain) or the client sending
- the mail must be authenticated as a local user via the SMTP AUTH command.
- (Note: Webmail always authenticates via AUTH.) This feature over-rides
- the <B>Restrict Relay IPs</B>.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Always Allow localhost</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="allowlocal" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEallowlocal = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="allowlocal" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEallowlocal = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If true, <B><I>and</I></B> the SMTP AUTH flag is enabled,
- the SMTP server will allow mail clients from "localhost" to send to/from
- any mail address.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Restrict Relay</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="restrictrelay" VALUE="true" <RCif RCErestrictrelay = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="restrictrelay" VALUE="false" <RCif RCErestrictrelay = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If true, all mail sent to the SMTP server must be bound for local
- users (the address must be for a local domain) or the client sending
- the mail must be a local user (<B>From</B> address must be a local account).
- This should be enabled if you are using the Sambar Mail Server as your
- primary SMTPD or it is on the internet (to prevent relay spam).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Restrict Relay IPs</FONT>
- <P>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="restrictrelayip" VALUE="<RCErestrictrelayip>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
- </TD>
- <TD>The host(s) who are allowed to send mail via the SMTP server
- to outside mail addresses. This is an anti-spam feature
- (<B>Restrict Relay</B> must be set to <I>true</I>) which
- restricts internet users from using the SMTP server to relay their mail.
- You may provide a <I>space separated</I> list of IP address which
- identify valid SMTP users. If left blank, an SMTP user may login
- from any host. The wild-card star(*) character may be used for patter
- matching, i.e. 140.175.165.*
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Relay FROM User</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="relayuser" VALUE="<RCErelayuser>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>Deliver remote mail using this user account. This feature is
- necessary if your ISP blocks mail relaying from anonymous or unknown
- user accounts. The a Relay User is set it is used for all outgoing
- mail to ensure it is not bounced by the remote server.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD colspan=2><FONT SIZE=+1>SPAM Check</FONT>
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=2>
- <TR valign=top><TD>Actions</TD><TD>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="folder" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*folder*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Move to 'spam' folder<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="reject" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*reject*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Reject with SMTP error
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD>Tests</TD><TD>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="dnsbl" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*dnsbl*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Use DNS black list to identify spam (i.e. relays.osirusoft.com,
- spam.dnsrbl.net)<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="dnsip" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*dnsip*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Test client IP address with reverse DNS (not recommended)<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="dnsmx" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*dnsmx*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Test HELO/EHLO domain for valid MX record (will fail with misconfigured mail
- servers)<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="from" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*from*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Verify mail From header matches From: in message body; also prevents forging
- mail from local domains if SMTP authentication is enabled.<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="spam" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*spam*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Check mail against mail/mbox/spam.flt REGEX rules<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="whitelist" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*whitelist*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Check mail against mail/mbox/whitelist.flt REGEX rules<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="headercheck" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*headercheck*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Check mail headers against mail/mbox/header.flt REGEX rules<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="spamcheck" VALUE="bodycheck" <RCif RCEspamcheck ~ "*bodycheck*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Check mail body against mail/mbox/body.flt REGEX rules<BR>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- If the SPAM checking features are enabled, all incoming mail is checked and
- any matches found are either rejected or moved to a "spam" folder for the
- recipient. The <A HREF="/syshelp/spam.htm">SPAM</A> documentation goes
- into more detail on this functionality. <B>Important!</B> To enable the
- DNSBL feature, you must configure a space separated list of DNS black list
- servers to use (i.e. spam.dnsrbl.net relays.osirusoft.com):
- <BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="dnsbl" VALUE="<RCEdnsbl>" SIZE=80 MAXSIZE=512>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Trace SMTP Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracesmtp" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtracesmtp = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracesmtp" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtracesmtp = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Trace SMTP daemon usage to the <I>log/smtp.log</I> file.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Trace POP3 Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracepop3" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtracepop3 = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracepop3" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtracepop3 = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Trace POP3 daemon usage to the <I>log/pop3.log</I> file.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Trace MTA Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracerouter" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtracerouter = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracerouter" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtracerouter = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Trace Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) usage to the <I>log/router.log</I> file.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Trace Fetcher Usage</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracefetcher" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtracefetcher = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tracefetcher" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtracefetcher = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Trace Mail Fetcher activity to the <I>log/fetcher.log</I> file.</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Update Mail Configuration">
- </FORM>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="/"><IMG border=0 SRC="/sysimage/system/powerby.gif"></A>
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