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- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Server Configuration</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
- <!--
- function Form_Validator(theForm)
- {
- if (theForm.port.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Server Port\" field.");
- theForm.port.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.maxconns.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Maximum Connections\" field.");
- theForm.maxconns.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.nettimeout.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Network Read Timeout\" field.");
- theForm.nettimeout.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.watcherto.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Watcher Timeout\" field.");
- theForm.watcherto.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- }
- //-->
- <A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
- <IMG border=0 ALIGN=left SRC="/sysimage/system/console.gif"></A>
- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>Server Configuration</FONT>
- <BR>
- <I>Changes don't take effect until system restart. You must restart the
- server before making any other configuration changes or the changes you
- make below will be overwritten.</I>
- <HR>
- <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/session/sysconfig" TARGET=_top onsubmit="return Form_Validator(this)">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="RCpage" VALUE="/sysadmin/index.stm">
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Administrator(s)</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="sysadmin" VALUE="<RCEsysadmin>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=90>
- </TD>
- <TD>The System Administrator(s) username is used to access these sysadmin folder
- and administrator methods. By default, the administrator username is 'admin'.
- This can be a space-separated list of usernames.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Administrator IP</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="sysadminip" VALUE="<RCEsysadminip>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>If left blank, the Sambar Server System Administrator may login from
- any host. A space-separated list of IP addresses may be provided
- (the wild-card character '*' may be used, i.e. 140.172.165.* ) to ensure
- that only hosts which you plan to use for administration have access to
- your System Administration tools. For maximum security, only allow access
- to the "localhost" account (
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>User IP</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="userip" VALUE="<RCEuserip>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>If left blank, Sambar Server users may login from any host.
- A space-separated list of IP addresses may be provided (the wild-card
- character '*' may be used, i.e. 140.172.165.* ) to ensure
- that only hosts which you plan to use for user logins have access to
- your server.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Server Port</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="port" VALUE="<RCEport>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>The TCP/IP protocol has a number of ports which are used to differentiate
- requests to different processes. The standard HTTP port number is 80. You can
- choose any port number from 1 to 65000, however, many port numbers on your
- system are reserved for other applications. Should you choose any port other
- than port 80, you will have to access you homepage with the port number
- appended to the URL (i.e. http://www.sambar.com:1080/ ).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Default Page(s)</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="defpage" VALUE="<RCEdefpage>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>The HTTP page served when users request a page from a directory without
- specifying a path to a URL (i.e. http://www.sambar.com/).
- This can be a space separated list of file names (i.e. index.htm
- index.html index.stm index.shtml).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Documents Directory</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="docsdir" VALUE="<RCEdefdocsdir>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
- </TD>
- <TD>The directory in which documents are served out of. If not preceded by
- a drive letter (i.e. d:\wwwdir), this directory is assumed to be relative to
- the installation directory of the Sambar Server (<RCErootdir>).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Security Realm</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="realm" VALUE="<RCErealm>" SIZE=20 MAXSIZE=20>
- </TD>
- <TD>The security realm of the server. This applies to all Basic
- security.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>NT Authentication</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ntauth" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEntauth = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ntauth" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEntauth = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Perform username/password authentication using NT Authentication/domain.
- By default, the Sambar Server <I>config/passwd</I> file is used.
- NT Authentication is not recommended for servers that will reside
- on the internet.
- See the <A HREF="/syshelp/auth.htm">Authentication</A> documentation
- for more details.<BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Domain</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="ntdomain" VALUE="<RCEntdomain>">
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD nowrap width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Radius Authentication</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="radiusauth" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEradiusauth = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="radiusauth" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEradiusauth = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Perform username/password authentication using a Radius server.
- <I>Note!</I> To override the default radius port (1812) you must manually
- edit the <I>config.ini</I> file and change the <B>Radius Port</B> parameter.
- By default, the Sambar Server <I>config/passwd</I> file is used.
- See the <A HREF="/syshelp/auth.htm">Authentication</A> documentation
- for more details.<BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Server</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="radius" VALUE="<RCEradius>"><BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Secret</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=password NAME="radiussecret" VALUE="<RCEradiussecret>">
- </TD></TR>
- <RCif RCEusedbms = true>
- <TR valign=top><TD nowrap width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>SQL Authentication</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="sqlauth" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEsqlauth = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="sqlauth" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEsqlauth = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Perform username/password authentication using a SQL server.
- The DBMS interface must be enabled and a DB cache configured for this
- interface. By default, the Sambar Server <I>config/passwd</I> file is used.
- See the <A HREF="/syshelp/auth.htm">Authentication</A> documentation
- for more details.<BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Cache</I></font>
- <SELECT NAME="sqlauthcache"><RCXdbcachelist cache=RCEsqlauthcache></SELECT><BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Query</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="sqlauthquery" VALUE="<RCEsqlauthquery>" SIZE=80>
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Maximum Connections</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="maxconns" VALUE="<RCEmaxconns>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the maximum simultaneous connections supported by the system.
- Connections differ from users in that a connection is only maintained
- by the HTTP server for the duration of the transaction (HTTP request).
- Therefore, while you might wish to support 200 simultaneous users, the
- number of simultaneous connections needed to support that number of users
- would likely be no more than 40.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Idle Threads</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="idlethreads" VALUE="<RCEidlethreads>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the minimum number of idle threads the server should keep
- around to respond to requests. General rules of thumb should be 5-10 for
- development machines, and 20-50 for production machines.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Network Read Timeout</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nettimeout" VALUE="<RCEnettimeout>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a client connection
- before terminating the connection. This period must be at least as
- large as the Keep-Alive duration defined for the HTTP protocol. This
- duration affects HTTP, proxy and FTP clients.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Memory Cache</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="cachesize" VALUE="<RCEcachesize>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the size, in bytes, for in-memory caching of disk files.
- If zero (0) is specified, no file caching is performed. The memory cache
- is used to enhance the HTTP Server performance only; there is presently
- no caching mechanism for HTTP Proxy requests. For maximum performance,
- this should be set to the cumulative size of all static files in your
- document directories. (Note: The FTP Server and DNS Server also use this
- memory cache). <B>Important!</B> This should be set to 0 if WebDAV is
- enabled.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Resolve Host Names</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="resolvedns" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEresolvedns = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="resolvedns" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEresolvedns = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the server to perform a DNS lookup on every host connection
- to resolve the hostname. <I>WARNING: </I>This requires communicating with
- a DNS server which can be quite slow if not properly configured. You
- should absolutely NOT turn this feature on if your DNS server is on the
- other side of a WAN, modem dial-up, or if you expect user heavy traffic.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Directory Lists</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="showdirs" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEshowdirs = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="showdirs" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEshowdirs = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>If no default index page is present, this boolean indicates whether
- the server should display the contents of the directory (automatically using
- an internal list mechanism.)
- <BR>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=2>
- <TR><TD>Directory Lists Style</TD><TD>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="dirstyle" VALUE="localtime" <RCif RCEdirstyle ~ "*localtime*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Localtime (GMT is default)<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="dirstyle" VALUE="folderfirst" <RCif RCEdirstyle = "*folderfirst*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Sort Folders First<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="dirstyle" VALUE="fancy" <RCif RCEdirstyle = "*fancy*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Fancy Listing<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="dirstyle" VALUE="trunc20" <RCif RCEdirstyle = "*trunc20*"> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- Truncate Names
- </TD></TR>
- </table>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Enforce .htaccess</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="htaccess" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEhtaccess = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="htaccess" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEhtaccess = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>HTAccess Authentication was first implemented in NCSA and has since
- become a de-facto standard for file-based access authentication. See the
- documentation for additional information on this functionality.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>CGI stderr</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="cgistderr" VALUE="none" <RCif RCEcgistderr = none> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Ignore</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="cgistderr" VALUE="client" <RCif RCEcgistderr = client> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Return to Client</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="cgistderr" VALUE="log" <RCif RCEcgistderr = log> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Write to server.log</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Specify where CGI STDERR output is written: to the client, to the
- server.log, or ignored. By default, only CGI STDOUT output is returned to
- the client.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>ISAPI Debug Level</FONT>
- <P>
- <SELECT NAME=isapidbg>
- <OPTION <RCif RCEisapidbg = None> SELECTED<RCendif>> None
- <OPTION <RCif RCEisapidbg = Basic> SELECTED<RCendif>> Basic
- <OPTION <RCif RCEisapidbg = Call> SELECTED<RCendif>> Call
- <OPTION <RCif RCEisapidbg = Full> SELECTED<RCendif>> Full
- </TD>
- <TD>The debug level for ISAPI applications.
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI><B>None</B>: No logging of any kind.
- <LI><B>Basic</B>: Log only ISAPI function failures.
- <LI><B>Call</B>: Trace all ISAPI function calls.
- <LI><B>Full</B>: Detailed trace of each ISAPI call (for developers only).
- </UL>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Automatic Log Rotation</FONT>
- <P>
- <SELECT NAME="autolog">
- <OPTION VALUE="never" <RCif RCEautolog = never OR RCEautolog = false> SELECTED<RCendif>> No log rotation
- <OPTION VALUE="daily" <RCif RCEautolog = daily OR RCEautolog = true> SELECTED<RCendif>> Rotate Daily
- <OPTION VALUE="weekly" <RCif RCEautolog = weekly> SELECTED<RCendif>> Rotate Weekly
- <OPTION VALUE="monthly" <RCif RCEautolog = monthly> SELECTED<RCendif>> Rotate Monthly
- </TD>
- <TD>If turned on, the server log files (www, server, proxy, mail, dhcp etc.)
- will be automatically rotated and WWW log and server reports will be
- automatically run. The log reports are available through the system
- administration <I>Report</I> interface.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCif RCEusedbms = true>
- <TR valign=top><TD nowrap width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>SQL Logger</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="sqllogger" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEsqllogger = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="sqllogger" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEsqllogger = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>In addition to the file-based logging, you can chose to log all requests
- to an database. The DBMS interface must be enabled and a DB cache configured
- for this interface. See the <A HREF="/syshelp/logfmt.htm">Server Logging</A>
- documentation for details on configuring the SQL log query.<BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Cache</I></font>
- <SELECT NAME="sqllogcache"><RCXdbcachelist cache=RCEsqllogcache></SELECT><BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Insert</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="sqllogquery" VALUE="<RCEsqllogquery>" SIZE=80>
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Invalid Characters</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="invalidchars" VALUE="<RC@txt2html(RCEinvalidchars)>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=90>
- </TD>
- <TD>The characters that are <I>NOT</I> allowed in URIs. Unless you are
- very familiar with the HTTP protocol and your specific operating system
- vulnerabilities, you should not modify this setting.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>CGI Directory</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="cgidir" VALUE="<RCEcgidir>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
- </TD>
- <TD>The directory in which cgi-bin scripts are served out of. The
- CGI directory must be found in the installation directory of the
- Sambar Server. The Sambar Server CGI plug-in module can be used to
- execute CGI applications outside the CGI directory.
- <I>Note:</I> The <B>CGI Run As</B> configuration parameters can be used
- to specify the NT <I>username</I><B>:</B><I>password</I><B>:</B><I>domain</I>
- that CGI scripts should use when executing.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>WinCGI Directory</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="wincgidir" VALUE="<RCEwincgidir>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=60>
- </TD>
- <TD>The directory in which Windows CGI scripts are served out of. The
- WinCGI directory must be found in the installation directory of the
- Sambar Server. The Sambar Server WinCGI plug-in module can be used to
- execute WinCGI applications outside the WinCGI directory.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>ISAPI Extensions</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="isapiext" VALUE="<RCEisapiext>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>This should be a space separated list of ISAPI extensions that, if found
- in the Documents Directory should be recognized as a DLL with
- ISAPI extensions executed (i.e. *.dll).
- If left blank, ISAPI extension cannot be run in the Doucments
- Directory (with the exception of any direct execute ISAPI DLLs found
- in the <B>[isapi]</B> section).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>CGI Extensions</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="cgiext" VALUE="<RCEcgiext>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>This should be a space separated list of CGI extensions that, if found
- in the Documents Directory should be recognized as CGI scripts and
- executed (i.e. *.cgi *.exe *.pl).
- If left blank, only scripts found in the <I>CGI Directory</I> are
- treated as CGI scripts.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>WinCGI Extensions</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="wincgiext" VALUE="<RCEwincgiext>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=40>
- </TD>
- <TD>This should be a space separated list of WinCGI extensions that, if found
- in the Documents Directory should be recognized as CGI scripts and
- executed (i.e. *.cgi *.exe).
- If left blank, only scripts found in the <I>WinCGI Directory</I> are
- treated as WinCGI scripts.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Server Side Includes</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="ssi" VALUE="<RCEssi>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>A space separated list of HTML file extensions that correspond with
- files containing server side includes (i.e. shtml sht). As parsing
- server-side include files is expensive, it is recommended that the
- extensions be limited to <I>shtml</I>.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Prohibit Script #exec</FONT>
- <P>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="noscriptexec" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEnoscriptexec = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="noscriptexec" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEnoscriptexec = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Server-side include scripts may contain #exec directives that execute
- arbitrary server-side scripts. If untrusted users are permitted to upload
- documents to your server, you should prohibit the use of this directive.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Log Format</FONT>
- <P>
- <SELECT NAME="logformat">
- <OPTION VALUE="performance" <RCif RCElogformat = performance> SELECTED<RCendif>> Sambar Server Format
- <OPTION VALUE="combined" <RCif RCElogformat = combined> SELECTED<RCendif>> NCSA Combined Log Format
- <OPTION VALUE="common" <RCif RCElogformat = common> SELECTED<RCendif>> NCSA Common Log Format
- <OPTION VALUE="custom" <RCif RCElogformat = custom> SELECTED<RCendif>> Custom Log Format
- </TD>
- <TD>The log format options are:
- <UL>
- <LI>performance - Sambar Server performance format
- <LI>combined - NCSA combined log format
- <LI>common - NCSA Common Log Format
- <LI>custom - Custom Log Format (see <A HREF="/syshelp/logfmt.htm">log format</A> help)
- </UL>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Don't Log IPs</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="noip" VALUE="<RCEnoip>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>A space separated list of IP addresses not to log requests from.
- This list may use wild-cards to match against (i.e. <B> 140.172*</B> ).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Don't Log Requests</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="noreq" VALUE="<RCEnoreq>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=30>
- </TD>
- <TD>A space separated list of requests not to log.
- This list may use wild-cards to match against (i.e. <B>*.jpg *.gif /foo*</B> ).
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Log Buffer Size</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="logsize" VALUE="<RCElogsize>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the maximum number of lines permitted in the server log
- file (server.log). Once this number is reached for a server session,
- the log is reset to the first line (it operates much like a circular buffer).
- For an infinite log size, set the log size value to 0.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Compress Content</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="compress" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEcompress = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="compress" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEcompress = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Enable <A HREF="/syshelp/perf.htm">compression</A> of content
- served up by the Sambar Server.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Enable ASP Engine</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="asp" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEasp = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="asp" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEasp = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Enable the <A HREF="/syshelp/cscript/cscript.htm">ASP/CScript</A> Engine
- in the Sambar Server.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Enable WebDAV</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="webdav" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEwebdav = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="webdav" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEwebdav = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Enable the experimental <A HREF="/syshelp/webdav.htm">WebDAV</A> and
- <A HREF="/syshelp/version.htm">versioning</A> functionality in the Sambar
- Server. Enabling WebDAV results in significant enhancement to the
- Document Manager.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Enable JavaEngine</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="javaeng" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEjavaeng = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="javaeng" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEjavaeng = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Enable the Sambar Server JavaEngine module. The JavaEngine implements
- the Java 1.2 Servlet interface. See the
- <A HREF=/syshelp/javaeng.htm>JavaEngine Help</A> pages for configuration
- help. The Sun Java JDK must be installed prior to enabling this
- functionality.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Enable DBMS</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="usedbms" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEusedbms = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="usedbms" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEusedbms = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Enable the DBMS interface of the Sambar Server. The DBMS interface
- must be initialized to use the DBMS scripting. Once configured, the
- DBMS management interfaces become available in the System Administration
- console. (Note: You must have ODBC installed to enable this option.)
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as HTTPS Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="httpsserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEhttpsserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="httpsserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEhttpsserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the SSL HTTP Server when the Sambar Server is started (in addition
- to the HTTP server). There are several additional configuration elements
- associated with installing and running SSL on the Sambar Server.
- See the <A HREF="/syshelp/ssl.htm">SSL documentation</A> for more details.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as Mail Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mailserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEmailserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="mailserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEmailserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the Mail Server when the Sambar Server is started (in addition
- to the HTTP server). Additional Mail configuration parameters must be
- entered via the Mail Configuration forms on the System Administration
- pages. User mailboxes are created using the User Management forms.
- <I>WARNING: </I> At this time, the Mail Server is not mature and
- should not be used in production environments.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as DNS Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dnsserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEdnsserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dnsserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEdnsserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the DNS Server/Proxy when the Sambar Server is started.
- Additional DNS configuration parameters must be entered via the
- DNS Configuration forms on the System Administration pages.
- The functionality of this server/proxy is outlined on the
- <A HREF="/syshelp/dns.htm">DNS</A> system help pages.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as FTP Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ftpserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEftpserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="ftpserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEftpserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the FTP Server when the Sambar Server is started (in addition
- to the HTTP server). <I>WARNING: </I>If your machine is already running an
- FTP Server, the FTP Server will fail to start if the ports of the two
- servers conflict.</I>
- </TD></TR>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as TFTP Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tftpserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtftpserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="tftpserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtftpserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the TFTP Server when the Sambar Server is started (in addition
- to the HTTP server). <I>WARNING: </I>If your machine is already running an
- TFTP Server, the TFTP Server will fail to start if the ports of the two
- servers conflict. The TFTP supports read-only access to files
- found in the Sambar Server <I>tftpboot</I> directory.</I>
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as Telnet Server/Proxy</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="telnetd" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEtelnetd = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="telnetd" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEtelnetd = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the Telnet Server & Proxy when the Sambar Server is started
- (in addition to the HTTP server). See the
- <A HREF="/syshelp/telnet.htm">Telnet</A> documentation for usage details.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCElicense = pro or RCElicense = demo or RCElicense = enterprise>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Act as DHCP Server</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dhcpserver" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEdhcpserver = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="dhcpserver" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEdhcpserver = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start the DHCP Server when the Sambar Server is started
- (in addition to the HTTP server). See the
- <A HREF="/syshelp/dhcp.htm">DHCP</A> documentation for usage details.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Run Watcher</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="watcher" VALUE="true" <RCif RCEwatcher = true> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>Yes</B><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="watcher" VALUE="false" <RCif RCEwatcher = false> CHECKED<RCendif>>
- <B>No</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Start a Watcher Daemon when the server is started to monitor the
- WWW server and restart it in the event of a failure. This feature <B>can
- be used</B> when the Sambar Server is run as an NT Service.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Watcher Timeout</FONT>
- <P>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="watcherto" VALUE="<RCEwatcherto>" SIZE=12 MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD>
- <TD>Configure the delay in seconds between each wwwping of the server
- by the watcher daemon. This time should exceed 60 seconds
- (1200 is the default). After two consecutive connect failures,
- the Sambar Server will be terminated and restarted by the Watcher Daemon.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD nowrap width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>NTP Server</FONT><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="ntp" VALUE="<RCEntp>" SIZE=30 MAXSIZE=80><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>Specify an NTP server (network time protocol) to use to synchronize
- the server's clock with at the specified cron period. See
- <A HREF="http://www.ntp.org">www.ntp.org</A> for a list of public NTP
- servers. If the NTP server
- or cron period is left blank, synchronization will not occur. An example
- cron period would be <B> 0 1 * * * </B>, which equates to every nigth at 1AM.
- <BR>
- <font size=-1><I>Cron</I></font>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="ntpcron" VALUE="<RCEntpcron>" MAXSIZE=12>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD width=20%><FONT SIZE=+1>Network Trace Level</FONT>
- <P>
- <SELECT NAME=netloglevel>
- <OPTION <RCif RCEnetloglevel = NONE> SELECTED<RCendif>> None
- <OPTION <RCif RCEnetloglevel = OPENCLOSE> SELECTED<RCendif>> Network Connections
- <OPTION <RCif RCEnetloglevel = PACKETS> SELECTED<RCendif>> Packet read/write
- <OPTION <RCif RCEnetloglevel = STREAM> SELECTED<RCendif>> Full stream
- </TD>
- <TD>The network trace level affects output to the network.log file and can be
- useful for debugging applications. It should <B>ALWAYS</B> be set to None on
- production servers.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Update Server Configuration">
- </FORM>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="/"><IMG border=0 SRC="/sysimage/system/powerby.gif"></A>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>