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- <HTML id=imgbrows style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- width: 31.5em; height: 32.5em">
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- function wrapRegionalShortDate(dateIn)
- {
- var newDate;
- try
- {
- newDate = regionalShortDate(dateIn);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- newDate = dateIn;
- }
- return newDate;
- }
- function regionalizeDates() {
- var fcDate = _fileCreatedDate.innerText;
- if (fcDate!= "undefined" && fcDate != "")
- _fileCreatedDate.innerText = wrapRegionalShortDate(fcDate);
- var fmDate = _fileModifiedDate.innerText;
- if (fmDate != "undefined" && fmDate != "")
- _fileModifiedDate.innerText = wrapRegionalShortDate(fmDate);
- }
- function BodyLoad()
- {
- var L_NotAvailable_Text = "nenφ kádispozici";
- var arrAll = document.all;
- regionalizeDates();
- for (i=0; i < arrAll.length; i++)
- {
- var elm = arrAll[i];
- if (elm.id.substring(0,1) == "_")
- {
- if (elm.innerText== "undefined" || elm.innerText == "" || elm.innerText == "-1")
- {
- elm.innerText = L_NotAvailable_Text;
- switch (elm.id)
- {
- case "_fileSize":
- spaBytes.innerText = "";
- break;
- case "_width":
- case "_height":
- spaX.innerText = "";
- spaPixels.innerText = "";
- _width.innerText = "";
- _height.innerText = L_NotAvailable_Text;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- <SCRIPT language=vbscript>
- function regionalShortDate(dateIn)
- 'convert date to short format with current regional setting
- regionalShortDate = FormatDateTime(dateIn, 2)
- end function
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- font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; color: windowtext" scroll=no>
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- <TR>
- <TD id=td1 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <img id=imgImage src=image.gif width=35 height=35 border=0>
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- <td id=td2 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <TEXTAREA id=_nameProp style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 2.7em;
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- <td id=td3 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;" colspan=2>
- <P id=par1> </P>
- <hr>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <Td nowrap id=td4 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Protokol:
- <td id=td5 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <TEXTAREA id=_protocol style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 1.5em;
- border: 0px" readonly=1 wrap=physical tabindex=-1></TEXTAREA>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <TD id=td6 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Typ:
- <TD id=td7 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <TEXTAREA id=_mimeType style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 1.5em;
- border: 0px" readonly=1 wrap=physical tabindex=-1></TEXTAREA>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td8 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;" valign=top>Adresa:<br>
- (URL)
- <TD id=td9 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;" valign=top>
- <TEXTAREA id=_href style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 2.7em;
- border: 0px" readonly=1 wrap=physical tabindex=-1></TEXTAREA>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td10 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Velikost:
- <td id=td11 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <SPAN id=_fileSize style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface"></SPAN> <SPAN id=spaBytes>bajt∙</SPAN>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td17 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Rozm∞ry:
- <td id=td18 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <SPAN id=_width style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface"></SPAN>
- <SPAN id=spaX>x</SPAN>
- <SPAN id=_height style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface"></SPAN>
- <SPAN id=spaPixels>pixel∙</SPAN>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td12 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;" colspan=2>
- <hr>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td13 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Vytvo°eno:
- <td id=td14 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <TEXTAREA id=_fileCreatedDate style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 1.5em;
- border: 0px" readonly=1 wrap=physical tabindex=-1></TEXTAREA>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td id=td15 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">Zm∞n∞no:
- <td id=td16 style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;">
- <TEXTAREA id=_fileModifiedDate style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
- background: buttonface; overflow: hidden; width: 24em; height: 1.5em;
- border: 0px" readonly=1 wrap=physical tabindex=-1></TEXTAREA>
- </tr>
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