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- ***********************************************************************
- Version 6.2.1
- Readme (win32.readme.6.2.1.txt)
- Copyright IBM Corporation, 2001. All Rights Reserved
- ***********************************************************************
- --------
- 1. Company
- 2. Product
- 3. Version
- 4. Description
- 5. Contact Information
- 6. Upgrade Information
- 7. Installation Requirements
- 8. End-User Installation Instructions
- 9. ISV Installation Instructions
- 10. Working with Concatenative Voices
- 11. Uninstall Instructions
- 12. General Limitations and Comments
- 13. Known Problems & F.A.Q.
- 14. Developer Notes
- 15. Trademark Information
- -----------
- International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
- -----------
- IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit
- -----------
- IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit, Version 6.2.1
- ----------------
- IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit, provides the speech synthesis engine and
- other components necessary for applications to produce speech. IBM
- ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit, Version 6.2.1 produces speech from
- recordings of units of human speech. These units (possibly phonemes,
- syllables, words, or phrases) are then combined (concatenated)
- according to linguistic rules formulated from analyzed text. When these
- recorded speech units are entire phrases or sentences, the output can
- be very natural, human-sounding speech.
- The components for the ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit include:
- Speech synthesis engine
- Data Sets (Per Language):
- 1. Adult male 8 KHz
- 2. Adult female 8 KHz
- The Speech synthesis engine and data include capability for a
- concatenative voice dataset representation as well as for synthesized
- voice representation. The concatenative voice is derived from a
- professional speaker, speaking a particular language and dialect,
- recorded at a particular sampling rate. When a client program changes
- languages, and it is doing concatenative synthesis, a new voice dataset
- may have to be loaded into memory from disk, if it is not already
- cached in memory from previous usage.
- The system will automatically choose concatenative synthesis if a voice
- data set is available for the language, voice, and sample rate that you
- select. For example, if you are using English at 8KHz, with voice 1 and
- U.S. English voice 1 at 8Khz has been installed, then the system will
- automatically do concatenative synthesis. Otherwise, the system will do
- formant synthesis.
- When concatenation is being done, ECI voice selections appear to the
- concatenative engine as requests to switch between already-loaded voice
- datasets, while voice attribute settings appear as changes in the
- phonetic and acoustic data that it receives.
- -----------------------
- Please visit our Web site for enhancements and updates to ViaVoice TTS.
- http://www.software.ibm.com/speech/dev
- --------------------------------
- The full version is currently included.
- -----------------------------
- Hardware:
- Formant
- - Processor performance equivalent to Intel Pentium 133MHz with MMX
- with 256K L2 cache
- - 48MB of RAM in total
- - 10MB available hard disk space
- - Compatible 16 bit sound card
- - CD-ROM drive
- Note: Formant functionality is supported under:
- Windows 98
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT 4.0
- Windows Millennium
- Concatenative
- - Processor performance equivalent to Intel Pentium III 266MHz
- - 48MB of RAM plus 48MB of RAM per Concatenative Voice loaded
- - 10MB available hard disk space + 75 MB Per Concatenative Voice
- - Compatible 16 bit sound card
- - CD-ROM drive
- Note: Concatenative functionality is only supported under:
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1
- Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6
- --------------------------------------
- Run setup.exe from the installation media.
- Follow the instructions presented to you.
- You may be prompted to install concatenative voices.
- Select the voices for which you want to synthesize speech with the
- concatenative method.
- Warning: If you do not have sufficient free space on the target drive,
- the install will fail without indicating any error. This is because we
- removed the checks for free space in order to minimize the install
- time.
- The amount of free space that is required is affected by the number of
- concatenative voices to be installed. On average, each concatenative
- voice requires 75 MB.
- ---------------------------------
- If you are deploying applications using the IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit, you
- must obtain a licence from IBM for redistribution.
- In addition, you will want to integrate our product installation with your
- products' installation program. You will need to copy the redistributable TTS
- driver to your installation media and invoke setup.exe.
- The IBM ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit installation program setup.exe, takes the
- following command line arguments:
- setup.exe [installPath] [/silent] [/hideaddremove] [/nosapi] [/nr] [/ns]
- [/nl] [/nk] [-SMS] [/statusnone] [/statusold] -lXXXX
- -l (Lower Case L) requires the the following XXXX language code
- 0003-Catalan 0005-Czech 0006-Danish 0007-German
- 0008-Greek 0009-English 000a-Spanish 000b-Finnish
- 000e-Hungarian 0010-Italian 0011-Japanese 0012-Korean
- 0013-Dutch 0014-Norwegian 0015-Polish 0019-Russian
- 001a-Croatian 001b-Slovak 001d-Swedish 001e-Thai
- 001f-Turkish 0021-Indonesian 0024-Slovenian 002d-Basque
- 0404-Chinese (Taiwan) 040c-French (Standard)0416-Portuguese (Brazilian)
- 0804-Chinese (PRC) 0816-Portuguese (Standard) 0c0c-French (Canadian)
- **Note due to an InstallShield limitation if you are using DoInstall you must
- specify the same language as the parent installation. See IS document Q144122.
- <Installpath> can contain spaces and is a fully qualified path. No quotes
- should be placed around the path. Path will be ignored if TTS is already on the
- system. If a path is provided on the command line the choose directory dialog
- will not be shown.
- /silent
- Prevent everything except the path dialog from appearing. If voice data is
- detected it too will ask which voices to install regardless of this parameter.
- /hideaddremove
- Deletes the Add/Remove program entry from the control panel.
- /nosapi
- Prevents SAPI from installing.
- /nr
- No reboot message and subsequent reboot. Even if a calling application executes
- our install with a GUI we may wish to let the calling install perform additional
- logic. The calling install should then reboot if TTS requests. Please see
- appendix 2 for how to determine whether TTS requires a reboot. TTS
- functionality will not work until the requested reboot is carried out. If the
- /silent option is used /nr is redundant.
- [-SMS]
- This switch prevents a network connection and the Setup.exe from closing before
- the installation is complete. The switch works with installations originating
- from a Windows NT server over a network. Please note that SMS must be uppercase;
- this switch is case-sensitive.
- /statusold
- By default, the TTS install will show a large progress bar dialog box.
- To display the small dialog box, use the /statusold option.
- /statusnone
- To turn off the status box altogether use the option /statusnone.
- [Redundant but still supported for backwards compatibility]
- /nk do not hide add remove (now default behavior)
- /nl no license (no license now packaged).
- /ns (silent install)
- *Please note the language parameter is not optional. A minimal amount of
- change is required to make old installations work.
- 10. Working with Concatenative Voices
- --------------------------------------
- During installation you may install concatenative voices from the
- selection presented to you. Due to disk space issues, periodic
- updates, or business reasons you may wish to add, remove, or relocate a
- concatenative voice. To add a voice, rerun the installation selecting
- the voice you wish to add.
- To remove a voice you must unregister the voice then manually delete it
- directory.
- To relocate a voice or update a voice from a downloaded file you must
- register the location of the voice using the inivoice.exe utility.
- For example, to move voice 1 from ViaVoice's default installation path
- to F:\TTSVoices\us\1. Move the data files and then invoke the following
- command:
- C:>inivoice.exe 1 "F:\TTSVoices\us\1at8000KHz_1_0\synthinfo"
- To unregister a voice with the system use the -u command.
- C:>inivoice.exe -u 1 "F:\TTSVoices\us\1at8000KHz_1_0\synthinfo"
- Note: Concatenative voices allow the following parameters to be adjusted
- at run time:
- - Volume
- - Pitch Baseline
- - Speed
- - Pitch Fluctuation
- The following parameters are not changeable for concatentaive voices:
- - Gender
- - Sample Rate (see section 4 above)
- - Head Size
- - Roughness
- - Breathiness
- If a change is executed to one of the above (not changeable
- parameters), no error will occur and the voice synthesis will not
- change.
- ---------------------------
- To uninstall the ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit:
- Open Control Panel
- Select Add Remove Programs
- Select the entry for IBM ViaVoice TTS Runtime (for the appropriate
- language)
- You will be guided through the uninstall process.
- -------------------------------------
- This section contains information that is not specific to any
- particular element of the ViaVoice TTS Run Time Kit but is general or
- generic in nature. It is very important to heed these warnings and
- follow the instructions given to avoid abnormal or unpredictable
- results.
- * Currently, only 8 KHz concatenative voices are provided.
- Application programmers requiring higher quality audio should upgrade
- their voice datasets. For more information visit the IBM ViaVoice home
- page.
- * Currently, Version 6.2.1 supports the following languages with Formant
- voices, (Note: languages with a * denote formant and concatenative voice
- support):
- Brazilian Portuguese
- French*
- Canadian French
- Finnish
- German*
- United States English*
- United Kingdom English*
- Spanish*
- Mexican Spanish
- Italian*
- Chinese Simplified*
- Chinese Traditional*
- Japanese*
- --------------------------
- The following are known problems that are included in this release:
- * If you are upgrading from TTS version 4.7 to TTS Version 6.2.1, you will
- need to remove TTS version 4.7 prior to installing TTS Version 6.2.1.
- * On Windows XP, and Windows 2000 non-administrator users may receive
- error messages pertaining to the InstallShield engine not being able to
- register. You will need to have the proper access permissions to properly
- install.
- * Setting the pitch baseline after setting head size may return an
- error in certain situations.
- * The installation copies a large amount of data from the installation
- media. During the copy process, very little screen activity is
- visible.
- F.A.Q
- -----
- Q: Why is my application still synthesizing with format synthesis.
- A: When you install an 8KHz voice the system will produce concatenative
- synthesis for any application which requests synthesis at 8KHz. By
- default the system generates audio at 11KHz. In order to produce
- concatenative speech use eciSetParam to set the sample rate. Also,
- check that version 5.0 was not installed after version 6.2.1 if both
- version reside on the same machine.
- --------------------
- * The ViaVoice TTS SDK is a good starting point for developing applications.
- In order to develop applications, you will require updated versions
- of ibmeci.lib, and eci.h that are installed in your ViaVoice TTS
- directory. If you have existing TTS applications that use the ECI interface,
- you will need to re-compile and re-link these applications with the new
- files.
- * Using SAPI programs with concatenative synthesis
- If you have an 8K concatenative voice installed, and you select a
- SAPI voice that has been optimized for the telephone ("tel" in the
- name and speaker fields, and 0x200 in the available feature field),
- you will experience a delay while the concatenative voice data is
- loaded into memory. This delay is considerably shortened the second
- and subsequent times that you access the same voice, as the IBM
- Concatenative Memory Manager (CMM) caches voices for a period of
- time before flushing them from memory.
- * Concatenative Memory Manager (CMM) cmmcmd Utility
- A support utility called cmmcmd was created to interface with the
- Concatenative Memory Manager (CMM).
- Note : This is a support tool and was not intended to be an end
- user utility.
- Invoke cmmcmd as follows:
- cmmcmd shutdown -- shuts down the CMM
- cmmcmd timeout ## -- sets the CMM timeout to ## seconds
- * Concatenation Shared Memory Configuration Utility: inishmad
- Concatenative speech data which is read-only and shared by all
- concatenative TTS applications is stored in shared memory that is
- managed by the CMM. Because this memory contains pointers, it must be
- located at a common virtual address by all TTS concatenative
- applications. The default location of this shared memory on Windows is
- 0x40000000 (1 GB). If your application or another application has
- shared memory or DLLs loaded at this address or within 100 MB above it,
- the CMM may not be able to map the shared memory at the same virtual
- location for all processes. In this case you should reconfigure
- the base address of the shared memory higher or lower until all your
- applications work correctly. For example, using a default base address of
- 0x10000000 (256 MB) or 0x20000000 (512 MB) might work better for
- you. Use the inishmad utility is change the default address.
- To change the default address to 0x20000000, invoke inishmad as follows:
- inishmad 0x20000000
- To view the changed default address, invoke inishmad as follows:
- inishmad -l
- Note: Do not attempt to set the base address to a non-multiple of 64 KB.
- It is not supported. We recommend multiples of 1 MB.
- --------------------------
- IBM and ViaVoice are registered trademarks or trademarks of
- International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and
- other countries.
- Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP,
- and Windows 2000 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
- Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
- All other names are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks
- of their respective companies.
- Doc Number: win32.readme.6.2.1.txt.083001