900 There is not enough memory available. Quit one or more applications and try again.
901 Unable to open the registry.
902 %s is not a valid policy file.
903 An error occurred writing the Registry. The file cannot be saved.
904 Unable to open %s: error %lu occurred.
905 Unable to save %s: error %lu occurred.
906 Unable to read from the Registry: error %lu occurred.
907 Unable to save to the Registry: error %lu occurred.
908 The command line parameters are incorrect.
909 Unable to open template file %s:\n%s
910 Unable to open %s:\n%s
911 Unable to save %s:\n%s
950 The following error occurred in %s on line %lu:\nError %lu %s\n\n
951 Found: %s\n
952 Expected: %s\n
953 \nThe file can not be loaded.\n
1100 Template Files (*.ADM)
1101 *.ADM
1102 Open Template File
1103 Policy Files (*.POL)
1104 *.POL
1105 Do you want to save changes to %s?
1106 Open Policy File
1107 Are you sure you want to remove the user "%s"?
1108 Are you sure you want to remove the computer "%s"?
1109 Are you sure you want to remove the selected entries?
1110 The specified user has already been added.
1111 The specified computer has already been added.
1112 You need to enter something for "%s" This field cannot be left blank.
1113 You need to enter a number for "%s" This field has invalid characters.
1114 Do you want to save changes to the Registry?
1115 You must type a computer name.
1116 Windows cannot connect to %s. Make sure that you have administrative privileges for %s, that it is on the network and has user-level access control enabled, and that the Remote Registry service is enabled on both computers.
1117 Do you want to save changes to the Registry on %s?
1118 You need to type a user name.
1119 You need to type a computer name.
1120 There is already an entry for that user.
1121 There is already an entry for that computer.
1123 &Add ->
1126 Unable to load CHOOSUSR.DLL to browse for users.
1127 An Address Book Provider could not be found.
1128 The Address Book Provider is not valid.
1129 An error occurred trying to access the Address Book Provider.
1130 One or more users could not be added because there is not enough memory available.
1131 Local User
1132 Local Computer
1133 Default User
1134 Default Computer
1135 Show...
1136 Value
1137 Value Name
1138 You need to type a name.
1139 The name you typed has already been used. You need to type a unique name.
1140 Error %lu occurred
1141 You need to type a value.
1142 The value you typed has already been used. You need to type a unique value.
1143 Are you sure you want to paste the clipboard contents to the user "%s"?
1144 Are you sure you want to paste the clipboard contents the computer "%s"?
1145 Are you sure you want to paste the clipboard contents to the selected entries?
1146 Click the computer that you want to add.
1148 Policies for:
1149 Enter the name of the &group to add:
1150 Add Group
1151 Are you sure you want to remove the group "%s"?
1152 There is already an entry for that group.
1700 New
1701 Open
1702 Save
1800 Add User
1801 Add Computer
1802 Remove
1806 Add Group
2000 Unexpected keyword
2001 Unexpected end of file
2002 Key name specified more than once
2003 Value name specified more than once
2004 There was no key name specified for this entry or any of its parents
2005 There was no value name specified
2006 There was no value specified
2007 Expected a numeric value
2008 Item name specified more than once
2009 There was no item name specified
2010 More than one action list was specified
2011 The corresponding string was not found in the [strings] section