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- ; Windows Update INF
- ; Installation of AutoUpdate Service
- ; Copyright Microsoft (R) 2001
- [Version]
- Signature="$Windows NT$"
- ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
- LayoutFile=layout.inf
- DriverVer=08/23/2002,5.00.2195.5438
- [DestinationDirs]
- AU_Win9x_files_delFromSystem_rule = 11 ; system directory
- AU_Win9x_files_delFromRoot_rule = 25 ; shared directory
- AU_CUN_files_delFromSystem_rule = 11 ; system32 directory
- AU_CUN_files_delFromInf_rule = 17 ; inf directory
- AU_CUN_files_delFromTasks_rule = 10, Tasks ; windows directory
- AU_files_copyToSystem32_rule = 11 ; system32 directory
- AU_files_copyToHelp_rule = 18 ; %windir%\Help directory
- AU_files_copyToInf_rule = 17 ; inf dierectory
- [Optional Components]
- AutoUpdate ; install Automatic Updates, see section definition below
- [AutoUpdate]
- ; General setup information, but setup will never show this as the item is marked as a hidden component
- OptionDesc = %AU_DESC%
- Tip = %AU_TIP%
- IconIndex = 0
- Modes = 0, 1, 2, 3
- SizeApproximation = 280000 ; our guess for the size of the components to be installed
- BlankLine = yes
- ; Take care of upgrade scenarios: remove old versions of AU and CUN
- DelFiles = AU_Win9x_files_delFromSystem_rule, AU_Win9x_files_delFromRoot_rule, AU_CUN_files_delFromSystem_rule, AU_CUN_files_delFromInf_rule, AU_CUN_files_delFromTasks_rule
- DelReg = AU_Win9x_regkeys_del_rule, AU_CUN_regkeys_del_rule, OUTDATED_AU_regkeys_del_rule
- AddReg = AU_regkeys_add_rule
- ; Copy the files required for AU on win2k
- ; It is important to register the DLL here and not earlier on win2k setup because some
- ; of the upgrade actions for CUN may remove files/reg keys needed for this version of AU.
- ;
- CopyFiles = AU_files_copyToSystem32_rule, AU_files_copyToHelp_rule, AU_files_copyToInf_rule
- RegisterDLLs = AU_regsvr_rule
- [AU_files_copyToSystem32_rule]
- wuauserv.dll
- wuaueng.dll
- wuauclt.exe
- wuaucpl.cpl
- [AU_files_copyToHelp_rule]
- wuauhelp.chm
- [AU_files_copyToInf_rule]
- wuau.adm
- [AU_regsvr_rule]
- 11,,wuaueng.dll, 1 ; 1 means call DLLRegisterServer
- [AU_Win9x_files_delFromSystem_rule]
- wuaucpl.cpl
- auhook.dll
- wuaupd98.dll
- wuaucpl.cpl.disabled
- [AU_Win9x_files_delFromRoot_rule]
- wuauclt.exe
- wuaures.dll
- wuauboot.exe
- [AU_CUN_files_delFromSystem_rule]
- wucrtupd.exe
- wuloader.exe
- wuslflib.dll
- [AU_CUN_files_delFromInf_rule]
- wucrtupd.inf
- wucrtupd.pnf
- [AU_CUN_files_delFromTasks_rule]
- [AU_Win9x_regkeys_del_rule]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\HiddenItems"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{92D1915F-BAF9-4928-BB8E-967AEEC13527}"
- ;wuv3is
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CEBC955E-58AF-11D2-A30A-00A0C903492B}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\Flags","wuaucpl.cpl",,1
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{BCBCD383-3E06-11D3-91A9-00C04F68105C}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad","AUHook"
- ;wuauboot
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{2FD2FACA-4071-11d3-8CD1-00C04F8ED9EB}"
- ;wuauclt
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{48B5862A-4071-11d3-8CD1-00C04F8ED9EB}"
- ;wuaucpl
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{11566B38-955B-4549-930F-7B7482668782}"
- ;auhook
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{BCBCD383-3E06-11D3-91A9-00C04F68105C}"
- ;wuaures
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{DF893A39-485B-457F-8366-965C316A143E}"
- ;wuaupd
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{0B9C698E-3029-11D3-91A5-00C04F68105C}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{0B9C698E-3029-11D3-91A5-00C04F68105C}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{C3CCEDF8-2412-11D3-919B-00C04F68105C}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\TypeLib\{BFF80E2A-3028-11D3-91A5-00C04F68105C}"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\Wuaupd.WUProgressiveDL.1"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\Wuaupd.WUQueueManager.1"
- [AU_CUN_regkeys_del_rule]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","CriticalUpdate"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Windows Critical Update Notification"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{73a41784-3241-11d2-aa16-00c04fb16f9e}"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Critical Update"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7FD58812-D1B2-11d2-94A5-00C04F797DF4}"
- [OUTDATED_AU_regkeys_del_rule]
- ;old wuaueng.dll IUpdates
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\CLASSES\Interface\{C350CAC8-7BEB-494A-A846-FE42C392E054}"
- [AU_regkeys_add_rule]
- ; Mark that AU was installed by a service pack
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update","ResetAU",0x00010001,0x1
- [Strings]
- ;Non-Localizable
- ;Localizable
- AU_DESC = "Automatické aktualizace systému Windows"
- AU_TIP = "Pomocí funkce automatických aktualizací můžete vyhledat aktualizace a automaticky je stáhnout na pozadí."
- ;needs to be localized exactly as the task scheduler job created by CUN
- WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "upozornění na důležitou aktualizaci systému windows.job"