1207="A minute of silence, in tribute to all souls wasted in this|crazy war...|and|be sure to bring poppies to their graves!"
1208="Honour the graves"
1300="Player's choice"
1302="Player number|||Get ready to choose your country|Other players:|No peeping!"
1350="Player's choice"
1352="Time|spent playing:"
1354="YOUR TURN"
1400="Waiting area"
1401="Stop playing"
1402="Please wait while other players make their moves"
1500="The General"
; Game controls
1501="End of turn"
1502="Exit game"
1503="Let computer make the moves"
; Information
1506="Your achievements this year"
1507="Military action"
1511="Save game"
1512="Battle results"
; Economy
1514="Grain to sow:"
1515="Sow grain"
1516="Sell grain"
1517="Train scientists from peasants"
1518="Recruit soldiers from peasants"
1519="Make scientists peasants"
1520="Make soldiers peasants"
1521="Buy grain"
1522="Sow grain to harvest next turn"
1523="Sell grain and get money"
1524="Make part of peasants scientists"
1525="Make part of peasants soldiers"
1526="Revert idle scientists to peasants"
1527="Revert soldiers to peasants"
1528="Buy grain if sold accidentally"
1529="Your resources"
1535="Max pop.count:"
; Science
1546="Population density (urbanisation level):"
1547="Population growth (demographic level):"
1548="Agriculture (agrarian level):"
1549="Monetary system (financial level):"
1550="Defense strength (military level):"
1551="Scientific potential (scientific level):"
1552="Current level:"
1553="Max people per sq. km:"
1554="Increase ratio(%):"
1555="Grain sown by 1 peasant:"
1556="Price of 1 grain unit:"
1557="Research hours per 1 scientist:"
1558="Health and strength of soldiers:"
1559="Discovery in: years."
1560="In 1 year"
1561="Idle scientists"
1562="Remove all"
1563="Make all scientists idle"
; Border guard
1565="Your borders:"
1566="All countries:"
1568="Soldiers in defense"
1571="All to rest"
1573="List of all countries and their population"
; Hiring generals
1575="You can hire a general here"
1577="Such general|would cost you:"
; Chat
1584="Players' list"
; Saving game
1585="Save game"
; Buttons
2000="New game"
2001="Generate|new map"
2009="Changing map size is possible.|You can watch development graphs of other countries during the game.|The game result does not go to high score table."
2010="Changing map size is possible.|Game result is placed into high scores table, number of saves is ignored.|No server access code to place highscore at http://newgame.da.ru"
2011="Changing map size is not allowed.|Autosave is disabled.|Number of saves influences your score.|Server access code to place highscore at http://newgame.da.ru is provided"
2012="Map size"
2013="Number of countries"
2014="Number of human|players on the map:"
2015="Game difficulty:"
2016="Please wait..."
2017="AI players' turn"
2018="Processing battles"
2020="Game overview"
2021="Pass turn"
2105="1) You need to choose map size"
2106=" and number of countries on it."
2108=" Choose small map if you have"
2109=" a slow computer."
2111=" Number of countries influences game"
2112=" difficulty: the more you have, the more"
2113=" difficult it would be to kill them all."
2115=" For maximum fun, choose maximum settings."
2117="2) Now, generate a map."
2118=" You can do it"
2119=" several times,"
2120=" until the map suits you."
2122="3) Once done with the map,"
2123=" input the number of"
2124=" human players."
2126="4) Choose your country,"
2127=" and play!"
2157="In this form you can:"
2159="1) sow grain. Each grain sown"
2160="will give two next year."
2161="The more grain you sow, the"
2162="larger harvest it will yield."
2163="One peasant can sow 1 sq. km"
2164="of soil with grain quantity equal"
2165="to country's agricultural level."
2167="2) Sell grain. This will give you"
2168="a certain sum of money,"
2169="depending on the quantity of grain"
2170="sold and financial level of your"
2173="3) Train peasants into scientists."
2174="You will have to pay for this:"
2175="it costs $100 each."
2178="4) Recruit soldiers from peasants."
2179="It isn't free either: the cost"
2180="is $100."
2182="5) Purchase grain if sold by"
2185="6) Make scientists and soldiers"
2186="peasants (free). Then, they will not"
2193="Here you can assign scientists"
2194="research goals."
2196="Press Help, to get full information"
2197="on each scientific direction (though"
2198="their names are self-explanatory)."
2201="The computer tells you, in how many"
2202="turns the discovery is due, also,"
2203="you can see the progress visually and"
2204="as percentage."
2206="Press buttons "1 year"! This will allow you"
2207="to calculate automatically, how many"
2208="scientists you need to make the discovery"
2209="in one year. However, if you do not have"
2210="enough scientists, nothing will happen."
2228="Here you can hire a general"
2230="You need to choose his"
2231="characteristics, such as Age,"
2232="Skill, Grade and"
2233="Speed (Mobility)."
2235="Age gives you nothing, however"
2236="your general will certainly live"
2237="till 60, after which he can die,"
2238="or can live till 100 years old."
2240="General's skill allows him apply"
2241="more advanced tactics in battle;"
2242="thus, a general with 0 skill"
2243="will only be able to observe"
2244="enemy's army."
2246="Grade shows, by how much the"
2247="general can increase his skill"
2248="level per turn."
2250="Mobility (speed): this parameter"
2251="defines, which general moves first."
2252="For instance, two strong countries attack"
2253="a weak one. The first to attack is the one"
2254="having a speedier general, and possibly, the"
2255="second one would have nothing to attack."
2257="Also, a speedier general in defence"
2258="will be able to fortify before"
2259="the attack, which will give his troops"
2260="a 150% bonus in defence."
2263="Soldiers conquer more land when"
2264="commanded by a speedier general."
2266="Mobility is a constant value, so if"
2267="you buy a slow butt, it would grow no better,"
2268="no matter how hard you kick it."
2270="You can have up to 10 generals, but not more"
2271="than number of country borders + 2."
3000="Select country"
3001=" Confirm selection."
3002=" I don't like|this map!"
3003="Select your country"
3004="Your name"
; Messages
3100="Not possible to make sounds!"
3101="Where are the humans!!!?"
3102="Game over.|Country %s has convincingly won over its opponents!"
3103="Game over... %s has convincingly won over the opponents!"
3104="All humans have lost.|Game over.|Artificial intelligence has again overpowered humans!"
3105="Game too long.|It's draw.|Thanks for slow play!"
3106="Welcome to our site, http://newgame.agava.ru||There you can always:|- find the latest version of "General",|- learn about our plans,|- take part in game design,|- find links to interesting sites."
3107="Your file DIM.DAT is corrupt"
3108="Wait||new|map is|created."
3109="Attention!|Humans have common borders!|If you are unhappy about it, generate a new map."
3110="Sorry,|this country is already occupied."
3111="Are you sure you want to fire a general?"
3112="Are you sure you don't want to sow grain first?"
3113="You have too little money!"
3114="Are you sure you want to fire %d scientists?"
3115="Are you sure you want to fire %d soldiers?"
3116="You don't have enough money for the purchase."
3117="You want to have too many generals and too few borders. Nope! Either|increase your border count or be content with what you have!"
3118="Maximum number of generals: %d."
3119="Are you sure you want to quit?"
3120="Would you like to save game?"
3121="Error control unit is shutting down the program. Should the error repeat, please contact the developer."
3122="Will other players continue without you?"
3123="Are you sure you want to stop playing?"
3124="Leaves game."
3125="There is a player with such name in the game.|Please, choose a different name."
3126="SOMEONE has attempted to break in using a registered name."
3130="Is frightened and abandons the country. AI will take up the ruler's duties."
3131="Gives order to urgently finish the game."
3132="If you want to play without partners,|go to the main menu and choose New Game."
3133="While saving, the following players were present:|"
3134="|Additionally, the following players can join:|"
3135="Different players in chat and in the saved game. Load game?"
3136="Connection to partners lost.|Exit game and re-connect."
3137="Transferring data to other players."
3138="Connection lost."
3139="TCP/IP not found"
3140="IP address must be unique"
3141="SOMEONE has attempted by break in using the same IP address"
3150="Connection error"
3151="Incorrect version"
3152="Games found:"
3155="Wrong name or password"
3156="Register player?"
3157="Name already in use"
3158="Player registered OK"
3159="Player not found please register"
3160="Wrong password"
3161="Game title currently in use"
3164="Game title:"
3167="IP address"
3175="No connection to Internet server. Retry?"
3200="Due to the change of the border you general %s could not attack|and went to well deserved rest."
3201="You have reached the maximum population count, it can't grow any further.|The advice is to increase your Urban level."
3202="The population of your country has grown by %d people."
3203="Your peasants have grown %d tonnes of grain, worth $%d."
3204="%d th Urban level is discovered."
3205="%d th Demographic level is discovered."
3206="%d th Agrarian level is discovered."
3207="%d th Financial level is discovered."
3208="%d th Military level is discovered."
3209="%d th Research level is discovered."
3210="You have paid $%d to your scientists."
3211="There's not been enough money to pay your scientists, so the excess grain, to the value of $%d , has been sold."
3212="Not having received their wages, all your scientists have starved."
3213="Not having received their wages, %d of your scientists have staved."
3214="You have paid $%d to your soldiers."
3215="There's not been enough money to pay your soldiers, so the excess grain, to the value of $%d , has been sold."
3216="Not having received their wages, all your soldiers."
3217="Not having received their wages, %d of your soldiers have staved."
3218="General %s has gained %d skill units."
3219="Your general %s has died of old age."
3220="This is a saved game from an older version,|it is not compatible with the new version."
3221="This is a network game. Try loading another game."
3222="This is a single player game. Try loading another game."
3223="High scores table is corrupted."
3224="Are you sure you want to clear your high scores?"
3225="There is a best players list at|"http://newgame.agava.ru".||If you have higher score than others,|please send full info on your game to genscore@mail.ru :||1. Your name (as wish it to appear on the server).|"
3226="2. Your score.|3. Total countries.|4. Destroyed countries.|5. Year of victory.|6. Sum total of science levels.|7. Number of saves.|8. Access code to server.|9. Your σ-mail (optional, for other players).||And your score will be placed on "The General" page for everyone to admire!"
3227="From got in fighting by wounds Your general %s decease."
3300=" %s has attacked %s.|"
3301="In its turn, %s has ordered its armies to attack %s."
3302="The battle starts on the border of the two countries."
3303="The winning side will continue its glorious advance!|"
7203="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|The troops form a wedge and move towards the passive opponent."
7204="Order: All to attack|The soldiers rush at the peacefully standing opponent. A massacre starts."
7205="Order: Organised attack|The soldiers make formation and throw back the helpless opponent. Its general must be asleep!"
7206="Order: Hold defense|The general orders to hold defense, puzzled by the helplessly standing opponent."
7207="Order: Active defense|Seeing that the enemy general is doing nothing, the commander orders a cautious approach to the opponent, holding the formation and being ready for enemy's attack."
7208="Order: Surround opponent|Seeing the helpless opponent, the general orders to surround and decimate."
;Previous order: "Cautious advance"
7211="Order: Passively observe opponent|The troops observe cautious moves of the opponent and are attempting to evade fighting."
7212="Order: Start cautious advance|The troops start cautiously moving towards the equally frightened opponent. The battle is going to be a bore."
7213="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|The general:"Just look at that! These bastards dare attack us!?? Make wedge, attack, kill!'"
7214="Order: All to attack|The soldiers rush at the frightened attackers. Yuck, what's that smell, is it from opponents' pants?:-("
7215="Order: Organised attack|Seeing the opponents' cautious advance, the general orders and organised attack."
7216="Order: Hold defense|Seeing the opponent's soldiers approaching, the general gets frightened and orders to hold defense."
7217="Order: Active defense|While opponent's soldiers are approaching, the general considers the chances for retaliation attack as slim and orders to take defense positions and shoot back."
7218="Order: Surround opponent|In order to stop the opponent's attempt to attack, the general orders to surround the cautious enemy."
;Previous order: "Wedge formation"
7221="Order: Passively observe opponent|The soldiers are passively observing the enemy's wedge going right through their lines."
7222="Order: Start cautious advance|The enemy is so scary 8-0. The troops start cautious advance towards the enemy's wedge."
7223="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|That's what cannon fodder is for! A wedge is attacking a wedge! Well, let's see who has sharper swords and better morale."
7224="Order: All to attack|Seeing the enemy's formation, the general orders his troops to attack it at any cost. The soldiers rush at the orderly enemy lines."
7225="Order: Organised attack|'My general, they have formed a wedge!'|'My orders to troops: disrupt enemy's formation by attacking from flanks'."
7226="Order: Hold defense|The general orders defense against the wedge. The troops are trying to hold the enemy's pressure."
7227="Order: Active defense|The enemy is too cool, the general orders the troops to retreat and shoot back. 'There's just a few of us, but the victory will be ours!'"
7228="Order: Surround opponent|The general remembers Pearl Harbor and decides that the time for revenge has come. 'Surround those Japanese pigs and destroy them'."
;Previous order: "All to attack"
7231="Order: Passively observe opponent|The troops try to evade the fight."
7232="Order: Start cautious advance|Seeing the fierce attack of the enemy, the general orders a cautious advance."
7233="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|Seeing the fierce attack of the enemy, the general orders to make wedge formation and retaliate."
7234="Order: All to attack|Both generals are not too bright, but then they are fresh, the troops have excellent morale, so nothing can prevent a spectacular massacre."
7235="Order: Organised attack|The troops strike back against the dumb rush of enemy's soldiers."
7236="Order: Hold defense|The enemy's berserk soldiers are too much for the general. The orders: 'All to defense positions!'"
7237="Order: Active defense|Seeing the disorderly attack of the opponent, the general orders to retreat slowly, using every possibility to counterattack and, most importantly, save the troops."
7238="Order: Surround opponent|The general is not scared by the enemy's mob and orders to surround it."
;Previous order: "Organised attack"
7241="Order: Passively observe opponent|The troops are watching the organised advance of the opponent, trying to evade the fight."
7242="Order: Start cautious advance|The general is a bit dumb but he's not a coward. The troops start a cautious advance towards the orderly lines of attacking opponent."
7243="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|'Enemy's lines are driving us into the sea, my general!|'Is there such thing as sea wedge?..|'No, but there is seaweed, my general!|'Excellent! Make seaweed formation and crush the scum!"
7244="Order: All to attack|The enemy's general is a smartass, where's he learned that tactics? The general orders: "Come on guys, smash them, chop them! Forget these new tricks, attack now and think later, that's what I say'."
7245="Order: Organised attack|Seeing the organised attack of the enemy, the general decides to strike back. The battle is hard for both sides."
7246="Order: Hold defense|Colonel: 'Enemy's troops are wearing us out!|General: All to defense positions and shoot back!"
7247="Order: Active defense|The enemy's too powerful. The general decides to win time and orders retreat, trying to save men."
7248="Order: Surround opponent|Seeing the organised attack of the opponent, the general attempts to surround the enemy."
;Previous order: "Linear defense"
7251="Order: Passively observe opponent|While the opponent goes to defense positions, our glorious troops are just standing there and waiting for what's going to happen next. The general is dumb!"
7252="Order: Start cautious advance|The troops start cautious advance towards the defending opponent. Not really efficient, the general is either dumb or really tired."
7253="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|Wedge formation slowly but surely disrupts enemy lines. The general remarks: 'This is the way to deal with them.'"
7254="Order: All to attack|The troops rush at the defenders. A bit stupid, but nevertheless efficient."
7255="Order: Organised attack|The troops crush opponent's defense. The soldiers admire their smart general."
7256="Order: Hold defense|Isn't it absurd: Both parties are defending. Well, let's see whose range troops are better."
7257="Order: Active defense|Seeing the enemy ready to defense and not putting much hope on the attack, the general orders slow approach to the opponent. 'Just save your men', he says."
7258="Order: Surround opponent|The enemy is scared and getting ready for defense. The general orders to surround and destroy the opponent."
;Previous order: "Active defense"
7261="Order: Passively observe opponent|While the opponent goes to defense positions, our glorious troops are just standing there and waiting for what's going to happen next. The general is dumb!"
7262="Order: Start cautious advance|The troops start cautious advance towards the defending opponent. Not really efficient, the general is either dumb or really tired."
7263="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|Seeing the opponent attempting to evade the fight, the general decides to decimate the enemy and orders wedge formation."
7264="Order: All to attack|Seeing the opponent prefers to evade the fight, the general orders the soldiers to attack. The troops rush at the defendants."
7265="Order: Organised attack|The troops crush the strong defense lines. The soldiers admire their smart general."
7266="Order: Hold defense|Isn't it absurd: Both parties are defending. Well, let's see whose range troops are better."
7267="Order: Active defense|The enemy's general is saving troops. All right, let's do the same..."
7268="Order: Surround opponent|The opponent is trying to save the troops. The general orders to surround and destroy them."
;Previous order: "Surround opponent"
7271="Order: Passively observe opponent|The troops passively observe the surrounding opponent. No orders, no action."
7272="Order: Start cautious advance|Seeing that the opponent has surrounded the troops, the general makes desperate attempt and orders the army to cautiously advance."
7273="Order: Make wedge formation and attack|Seeing that the opponent has surrounded the troops, the general orders to make wedge formation and attack."
7274="Order: All to attack|It finally dawns on the general that the opponent has surrounded him and he orders all soldiers to break the encirclement."
7275="Order: Organised attack|Seeing the opponent tightening the ring, the general is not frightened and orders an organised strike."
7276="Order: Hold defense|Seeing the opponent tightening the ring, the general orders to stand still and defend. Is it because the general is extremely stupid, or is it some new sophisticated tactics?"
7277="Order: Active defense|The opponent is surrounding the troops and the general orders careful crawl out of the enemy's ring in an attempt to save his small army from defeat."
7278="Order: Surround opponent|Seeing the opponent engage in encircling manoeuvre, the general orders the same tactics."