1= This file contains all the words, phrases and sentences used in KChess Elite 3.6. This introduction contains information necessary to successfully translate this file into other languages.
2= Each entry in the file is made up of two parts, the entry key and the entry text. The two parts are separated by an equals sign "=". The key must not be changed, only the text following the equals sign is to be translated.
3= In some entries the text is divided into multiple items. Items are separated by a vertical bar "|". Each item should be translated separately.
4= In some entries the last item is a keyboard shortcut, such as "Alt+I", "Ctrl+1", or "Enter". These items are not translated, but they may be changed to more appropriate shortcuts to match the translated entry.
5= In some entries one or more items may contain an ampersand "&" which preceeds the letter to be used as a shortcut character. Where possible, ampersands should be retained in an appropriate position in the translated item.
6= Some entries contain one or more variables, indicated by the symbols starting with a percent sign "%", such as "%s" or "%1:d". These are placeholders which the program substitutes for other words, phrases or numbers. These must all be kept in the translated text.
7= Some entries are long and may wrap around several lines. Care should be taken to ensure no line breaks or carriage returns are inserted within these entries.
8= Entries are grouped into sections, indicated by names in square brackets "[" and "]". The section names should not be translated.
9= None of the entries in this Introduction section need to be translated.
AboutDlg= About KChess Elite
AboutDlg.RegoLabel= By registering you gain access to all the functions of the latest version of the program. There are no more reminder messages or time limits. You are also eligible for updates to future versions at reduced prices or for free.
AboutDlg.ClickLabel= Click on the Help button for more information about this program and how to register. Click on the Register button when you are ready to order. If you have already registered click on the Unlock button to enter your registration data.
AboutDlg.OkBtn= &OK
AboutDlg.RegoBtn= &Register
AboutDlg.UnlockBtn= &Unlock
AboutDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
BoardSetDlg= Initial Board Settings
BoardSetDlg.Heading= Enter the initial state of the board:
BoardSetDlg.EnPassantLabel= En passant target:
BoardSetDlg.FirstMoveLabel= First Move number:
BoardSetDlg.FiftyMoveLabel= Moves since capture or pawn move:
BoardSetDlg.CastleGroup= Castling Allowed
BoardSetDlg.BlackQueenBox= Black queen's side
BoardSetDlg.BlackKingBox= king's side
BoardSetDlg.WhiteQueenBox= White queen's side
BoardSetDlg.WhiteKingBox= king's side
BoardSetDlg.FirstGroup= First Player
BoardSetDlg.StatusGroup= Game Status | Normal | Drawn | Resigned
BoardSetDlg.OkBtn= &OK
BoardSetDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
BoardSetDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
ChessForm.FreezePanel= Game Frozen
ChessForm.FileMenu1= &File
ChessForm.FileNew1= &New | Ctrl+N
ChessForm.FileOpen1= &Open... | Ctrl+O
ChessForm.FileReopen1= &Reopen | Ctrl+R
ChessForm.FileSave1= &Save | Ctrl+S
ChessForm.FileSaveAs1= Save &As... | Ctrl+A
ChessForm.PrintMoves1= &Print Moves... | Ctrl+P
ChessForm.BoardPrint1= Print &Board... | Ctrl+B
ChessForm.PrintSetup1= Prin&t Setup...
ChessForm.FileExit1= E&xit
ChessForm.PlayMenu1= &Play
ChessForm.BoardSetup1= Board &Setup Mode
ChessForm.Clear1= C&lear Board
ChessForm.EnterPosition1= Enter &Position...
ChessForm.SetBoardState1= Board S&ettings...
ChessForm.Opening1= Openin&g... | Ctrl+G
ChessForm.AutoPlay1= &Auto Play | Alt+A
ChessForm.PlayWhite1= Play &White | Alt+W
ChessForm.PlayBlack1= Play &Black | Alt+B
ChessForm.TwoPlayer1= &Two Player | Alt+T
ChessForm.Analyse1= Analyse
ChessForm.Rotate1= &Rotate Board | Alt+Q
ChessForm.Speak1= Spea&k
ChessForm.SpeakMove1= &Move | Alt+0
ChessForm.SpeakRank11= Rank &1 | Alt+1
ChessForm.SpeakRank21= Rank &2 | Alt+2
ChessForm.SpeakRank31= Rank &3 | Alt+3
ChessForm.SpeakRank41= Rank &4 | Alt+4
ChessForm.SpeakRank51= Rank &5 | Alt+5
ChessForm.SpeakRank61= Rank &6 | Alt+6
ChessForm.SpeakRank71= Rank &7 | Alt+7
ChessForm.SpeakRank81= Rank &8 | Alt+8
ChessForm.SpeakFilea1= File &a | Ctrl+1
ChessForm.SpeakFileb1= File &b | Ctrl+2
ChessForm.SpeakFilec1= File &c | Ctrl+3
ChessForm.SpeakFiled1= File &d | Ctrl+4
ChessForm.SpeakFilee1= File &e | Ctrl+5
ChessForm.SpeakFilef1= File &f | Ctrl+6
ChessForm.SpeakFileg1= File &g | Ctrl+7
ChessForm.SpeakFileh1= File &h | Ctrl+8
ChessForm.SpeakStatus1= &Status | Alt+9
ChessForm.CopyGame1= &Copy Game | Ctrl+C
ChessForm.PasteGame1= &Paste Game | Ctrl+V
ChessForm.Variation1= &Variation | Alt+V
ChessForm.Freeze1= Free&ze Game | Alt+Z
ChessForm.GameInfo1= &Game Info... | Alt+G
ChessForm.Options1= &Options... | Alt+O
ChessForm.MoveMenu1= &Move
ChessForm.Undo1= &Undo | Alt+U
ChessForm.Redo1= &Redo | Alt+R
ChessForm.UndoAll1= Un&do All | Alt+D
ChessForm.RedoAll1= Redo Al&l | Alt+L
ChessForm.Hint1= Quick H&int | Alt+I
ChessForm.EnterMove1= &Enter Move... | Enter
ChessForm.ComputerMove1= &Computer Move | Alt+C
ChessForm.Stop1= &Stop thinking | Alt+S
ChessForm.Replay1= Repla&y | Alt+Y
ChessForm.Resign1= Resig&n | Alt+N
ChessForm.OfferDraw1= Offer Dra&w
ChessForm.Comment1= Comm&ent | Alt+E
ChessForm.HelpMenu1= &Help
ChessForm.HelpHelp1= &Help
ChessForm.HelpUsing1= &Using Help
ChessForm.HelpIndex1= Help &Index
ChessForm.SearchHelpfor1= &Search Help for...
ChessForm.BeginnersInfo1= &Beginners Info
ChessForm.Rules1= Ru&les of Chess
ChessForm.TipoftheDay1= &Tip of the Day...
ChessForm.KChessWebSite1= KChess web site
ChessForm.HelpAbout1= &About KChess...
ChessForm.NewButton= New game
ChessForm.OpenButton= Open game
ChessForm.SaveButton= Save game
ChessForm.PrintButton= Print game
ChessForm.SetupButton= Board setup
ChessForm.AutoplayButton= Auto Play
ChessForm.PlayWhiteButton= Play White
ChessForm.PlayBlackButton= Play Black
ChessForm.TwoPlayerButton= Two Player
ChessForm.AnalyseButton= Analyse position
ChessForm.RotateButton= Rotate board
ChessForm.CopyButton= Copy game
ChessForm.PasteButton= Paste game
ChessForm.VariationButton= Variation
ChessForm.FreezeButton= Freeze game
ChessForm.OptionsButton= Options
ChessForm.UndoAllButton= Undo all
ChessForm.UndoButton= Undo move
ChessForm.RedoButton= Redo move
ChessForm.RedoAllButton= Redo all
ChessForm.HintButton= Quick Hint
ChessForm.ComputerButton= Computer move
ChessForm.StopButton= Stop thinking
ChessForm.ReplayButton= Replay move
ChessForm.HelpButton= Help
EnterMoveDlg.OkBtn= &OK
EnterMoveDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
EnterMoveDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
InfoDlg= Game and Player Information
InfoDlg.Heading= Enter any relevant information about this game and it's players:
InfoDlg.EventLabel= Event Name:
InfoDlg.SiteLabel= Site/Location:
InfoDlg.DateLabel= Game Date (yyyy.mm.dd):
InfoDlg.TimeLabel= Time (hh:mm:ss):
InfoDlg.RoundLabel= Round:
InfoDlg.WhiteLabel= White Player:
InfoDlg.BlackLabel= Black Player:
InfoDlg.EventDateLabel= Event Date (yyyy.mm.dd):
InfoDlg.OpeningLabel= Opening:
InfoDlg.TitleLabel= Title:
InfoDlg.PlayerLabel= Name:
InfoDlg.CtryLabel= Ctry:
InfoDlg.AnnotatorLabel= Annotator:
InfoDlg.OkBtn= &OK
InfoDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
InfoDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
OpeningsDlg= Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings
OpeningsDlg.Heading= Select the opening you wish to play:
OptionsDlg.LimitTypeGroup= Time Limit Type | &No time limit | Limit player &game time | Limit player &turn time | Set moves per &hour | Computer &match user time | &Sandclock timer
OptionsDlg.LengthGroup= Time Limit Value
OptionsDlg.UserLimitGroup= &User Limit Scope | Not applied to user | Computer moves for user | User loses game
OptionsDlg.FixedBox= Fixed width font for moves list
OptionsDlg.NotationGroup= &Notation | Standard Algebraic (eg Be3) | Long Algebraic (eg Bc1-e3) | Computer (eg c1e3)
OptionsDlg.LanguageGroup= &Language
OptionsDlg.TextTypeGroup= &Piece Letters | Standard English | Custom Language
OptionsDlg.CustomTextGroup= &Custom Text
OptionsDlg.AudioGroup= &Audio | None | Sound effects only | Sound and spoken status | Sound and spoken full move
OptionsDlg.WhiteVoiceGroup= &White voice | Male | Female
OptionsDlg.BlackVoiceGroup= &Black voice | Male | Female
OptionsDlg.PrintGroup= &Printer Font
OptionsDlg.PrintLabel= Font Sample Text
OptionsDlg.PrintBoldBox= &Bold
OptionsDlg.PrintItalicBox= &Italic
OptionsDlg.PrintFixedBox= Fixed width font for moves list in column format
OptionsDlg.FigureGroup= &Figure Font
OptionsDlg.FigureCharLabel= Figure character set
OptionsDlg.PrintSetupBtn= P&rint Setup
OptionsDlg.OkBtn= &OK
OptionsDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
OptionsDlg.PreviewBtn= &Preview
OptionsDlg.DefaultsBtn= &Defaults
OptionsDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
OptionsDlg.YesBtn= &Yes
OptionsDlg.NoBtn= &No
OptionsDlg.AppendBtn= &Append
OptionsDlg.ReplaceBtn= &Replace
OrderDlg= Registration/Order Form
OrderDlg.Heading= Enter your name, address and payment details, and send as follows:
OrderDlg.NameLabel= Name:
OrderDlg.CompanyLabel= Company:
OrderDlg.AddressLabel= Address:
OrderDlg.CountryLabel= Country:
OrderDlg.PhoneLabel= Phone:
OrderDlg.FaxLabel= Fax:
OrderDlg.EmailLabel= Email:
OrderDlg.SourceLabel= Where software seen or obtained:
OrderDlg.ProductLabel= Product:
OrderDlg.AmountLabel= Currency and Amount paid:
OrderDlg.CommentLabel= Comment:
OrderDlg.PaymentGroup= Payment Type:
OrderDlg.CardLabel= Card No:
OrderDlg.ExpiryLabel= Expires:
OrderDlg.HolderLabel= Cardholder Name:
OrderDlg.CloseBtn= Close
OrderDlg.PrintBtn= &Print
OrderDlg.FileBtn= &File
OrderDlg.CopyBtn= &Copy
OrderDlg.EmailBtn= &Email
OrderDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
PromoteDlg= Promotion
PromoteDlg.QueenBtn= &Queen
PromoteDlg.RookBtn= &Rook
PromoteDlg.BishopBtn= &Bishop
PromoteDlg.KnightBtn= K&night
PromoteDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
SelectDlg= Select Game
SelectDlg.Heading= This file is a library of games. Select the game you wish to open:
SelectDlg.KeepBox= Keep library in memory
SelectDlg.OkBtn= &OK
SelectDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
SelectDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
TipsDlg= Tip of the Day
TipsDlg.TipLabel= Did You Know...
TipsDlg.ShowTipsBox= Show tips on startup
TipsDlg.TipTypesGroup= Show tip types | KChess program | Playing chess | Chess trivia | All tip types
TipsDlg.PrevBtn= < &Prev tip
TipsDlg.NextBtn= &Next tip >
TipsDlg.CloseBtn= &Close
UnlockDlg= Unlock Program
UnlockDlg.Heading= Enter your registration details below to access all the functions of this program:
UnlockDlg.NameLabel= Your Name:
UnlockDlg.SerialLabel= Serial Number:
UnlockDlg.UnlockLabel= Unlock Code:
UnlockDlg.OkBtn= &OK
UnlockDlg.CancelBtn= Cancel
UnlockDlg.HelpBtn= &Help
1000= Error message %d not found.
1001= Invalid board layout.
1002= Invalid en passant square.
1003= Invalid number of moves since last capture or pawn move.
1004= An internal processing error has been detected. Try disabling other programs that may be running, such as anti-virus software. If the problem prsists make a note of the following error messages and contact ARK ANGLES at arkangles@arkangles.com.
1005= Unknown file format.
1006= Invalid Data.
1007= Illegal move in game file.
1008= The status panel is too small to show comments. To enter a comment you must first either increase the board size or do not show the game clocks.
1009= Invalid Name, Serial Number or Unlock Code.
1011= Unable to retract move %s.
1012= Cannot move piece on %s.
1013= %s is an illegal move.
1014= %s is not a valid move.
1015= Unable to perform move, %s is not valid.
1016= File %s is missing or corrupt. Please reinstall KChess Elite.
1017= File %s does not exist.
1018= File %s already exists. Would you like to replace it?
1019= File %s already exists. Would you like to append to it or replace it?
1020= Quit the game in progress without saving?
1021= You have only one minute remaining in this program.
1022= Your time for running this program has expired.
1023= You cannot save games in this evaluation version. Please register to get the full program - see the About function on the Help menu.
1024= The offer of a draw is declined.
1025= Unable to read file %s. (KChess Elite 16 cannot read more than 32K lines, please use KChess Elite 32).
1026= This beta test version cannot be unlocked, you need to get the latest evaluation or registered version.
1027= Some options were changed when the current game was loaded. Do you want to restore the previous options?
1031= Enter Move
1032= Enter your move in an unambiguous format (such as e2e4 or Pe4 or just e4):
1033= Enter Position
1034= Enter a setup position in standard FEN format:
1035= Store settings with saved games
1041= minutes per player
1042= seconds per turn
1043= moves per hour
1045= seconds in sandclock
1051= ply
1052= steps
1053= pixels
1054= seconds
1101= Test Version
1102= Unregistered Evaluation Version
1103= Registered Version
1104= You have used %d days out of your 30 day evaluation period.
1105= Your 30 day evaluation period has now expired.
1106= Registered to %0:s. Serial Number %1:s.
1107= You can try out this program free of charge for up to 30 days. After that time you must either register for the full product or stop using this evaluation copy.
1108= This version is licensed for use by one person or on one machine.
1109= This version is licensed for use on any number of machines in one class room or office.
2001= White
2002= Black
2003= empty
2004= King
2005= Queen
2006= Rook
2007= Bishop
2008= Knight
2009= Pawn
2011= En passant.
2012= Castle King's side.
2013= Castle Queen's side.
2014= Pawn promotion to %s.
2015= under Attack
2016= in Jeopardy
2017= taken
2018= Resigns
2019= Draw
2021= Comment
2022= Variation
2031= Check!
2032= Checkmate! %s wins.
2033= Stalemate! %s is not in check but cannot move.
2034= %0:s resigns! %1:s wins.
2035= Draw! No captures or pawn moves occurred in the last 50 moves.
2036= Draw! Same board layout has been repeated 3 times.
2037= Draw! No result can be forced with these pieces.
2038= Both players agree to a draw.
2039= Mate found in %d moves.
2041= Game time limit exceeded. %s wins.
2042= Turn time limit exceeded. %s wins.
2043= Moves per hour not attained. %s wins.
2044= Sandclock time has run out. %s wins.
2052= Mate
2053= Stalemate
2054= Resigns
2055= Draw (50 moves)
2056= Draw (3 repeats)
2057= Draw (forces)
2058= Draw (agreed)
2059= Out of Time
2061= Loading...
2062= Running...
2063= Playing...
2064= Board Setup Mode
2065= Ready
2066= Analysing...
2067= Game Over
2071= Program Searching
2072= Program Thinking Ahead
2073= Program Waiting
2074= Thinking...
2075= Waiting...
2076= Turn %d
2077= %s to move
2081= Auto Play Mode
2082= Play White Mode
2083= Play Black Mode
2084= Two Player Mode
2091= Value: %d
2092= Nodes: %dK
2093= Best Line: %s
2094= FEN board layout: %s
2095= Untitled
2096= Unknown
2101= a Pawn
2102= two Pawns
2103= a minor piece, or three Pawns
2104= a minor piece and a Pawn
2105= a Rook, or a minor piece and two Pawns
2106= a Rook and a Pawn, or two minor pieces
2107= a Rook and two Pawns, or two minor pieces and a Pawn
2108= a Rook and a minor piece, or two minor pieces and two Pawns
2109= a Queen, or a Rook and a minor piece and a Pawn
2110= a Queen and a Pawn, or two Rooks
2111= a Queen and two Pawns, or two Rooks and a Pawn
2112= a Queen and a minor piece, or two Rooks and two Pawns
2113= a Queen and a minor piece and a Pawn, or two Rooks and a minor piece
2114= a Queen and a Rook, or two Rooks and a minor piece and a Pawn
2115= a Queen and a Rook and a Pawn, or two Rooks and a minor piece and a Pawn
2116= a Queen and a Rook and two Pawns, or two Rooks and two minor pieces
2117= a Queen and a Rook and a minor piece, or two Rooks and two minor pieces and a Pawn
2118= a Queen and a Rook and a minor piece and a Pawn, or two Rooks and two minor pieces and two Pawns
2119= a Queen and two Rooks, or two Rooks and three minor pieces
2120= a Queen, two Rooks and a Pawn
2121= a Queen, two Rooks and two Pawns
2122= a Queen, two Rooks and a minor piece
2123= a Queen, two Rooks, a minor piece and a Pawn
2124= a Queen, two Rooks, a minor piece and two Pawns
2125= a Queen, two Rooks and two minor pieces
2126= a Queen, two Rooks, two minor pieces and a Pawn
2127= a Queen, two Rooks, two minor pieces and two Pawns
2128= a Queen, two Rooks and three minor pieces
2129= a Queen, two Rooks, three minor pieces and a Pawn
2130= a Queen, two Rooks, three minor pieces and two Pawns
2131= a Queen, two Rooks and four minor pieces
2132= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and a Pawn
2133= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and two Pawns
2134= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and three Pawns
2135= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and four Pawns
2136= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and five Pawns
2137= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and six Pawns
2138= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and seven Pawns
2139= a Queen, two Rooks, four minor pieces and eight Pawns
2140= more than a full set of pieces
2201= The board is at the normal starting position.
2202= The game is finished.
2203= Both players have equivalent forces, with a point count of %d.
2204= Point count for %0:s is %1:d higher than %2:s, having an advantage the equivalent of %3:s.
2205= Both players have equivalent mobility around the board, each having a similar number of moves available (%0:s can make %1:d moves, %2:s can make %3:d).
2206= %0:s has greater mobility around the board, having %1:d moves available while %2:s has only %3:d.
2207= Both players have equivalent coverage of the board, attacking a similar number of squares (%0:s attacks %1:d squares, %2:s attacks %3:d).
2208= %0:s has more coverage of the board, attacking %1:d squares while %2:s attacks only %3:d.
2209= Both players have comparable command of the centre of the board.
2210= %s has stronger command of the centre of the board.
2211= %s may castle on both sides.
2212= %s may castle on the King's side.
2213= %s may castle on the Queen's side.
2214= %0:s may capture en passant at %1:s.
2301= Event
2302= Site
2303= Round
2304= Date
2305= Time
2306= Opening
2307= Title
2308= Country
2309= Annotator
[Program Tips]
1= Welcome to KChess Elite. If you need any Help or want some troubleshooting information, just click on Help from the Help Menu.
2= You can choose to play either Black or White by selecting the appropriate mode from the Play menu.
3= If you make a mistake while playing you can choose Undo from the Move Menu to take back your last move.
4= If you are stuck during gameplay you can choose Quick Hint from the Move Menu to get a suggestion on what to do.
5= If you are finding your games too easy or hard then go to the Strength page in Options which can be found in the Play menu. Click on the Novice, Average or Expert buttons.
6= At any time during gameplay you can Rotate the board by clicking on Rotate Board from the Play Menu.
7= Short cuts to many common commands can be found on the button bar.
8= To change the appearance of the Board colours, texture and pieces go to the Board page in Options which can be found in the Play Menu.
9= If you want to sit back and watch KChess Elite play itself, then choose Auto Play from the Play menu.
10= If you have played enough for now but you want to continue your game later then you can save your game by choosing Save from the File menu.
11= You can load previously saved games (ones you have saved yourself, as well as the sample games that came with the program) by choosing Open from the File menu, and selecting the name of the game to load.
12= If you hold the left mouse button down on a piece, then all the squares that it can be moved to will be highlighted.
13= If you hold the right mouse button down on a piece or square, then all the pieces attacking that piece or square will be highlighted.
14= You can use a range of standard chess file formats. When saving or opening games, choose the file format from the File Type drop down list.
15= If you want to practice some moves or analyse a position, create another board with the same setup by choosing Variation from the Play menu.
[Game Tips]
1= A good opening move is to advance one of your centre Pawns by 2 squares. This occupies the centre of the board, and opens an avenue to move some of your other pieces.
2= In the early part of the game, you should concentrate on developing your pieces as quickly as possible.
3= If you can advance a Pawn to the opposite end of the board, it will be promoted to your choice of Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight.
4= It is best to avoid moving any piece more than once in the early part of the game, as this will delay development of other pieces.
5= It is helpful to assign a relative value to each piece: 1 for Pawns, 3 for Knights and Bishops, 5 for Rooks, and 9 for Queens.
6= A Pawn can take an enemy Pawn that has advanced 2 squares on its first move as if it had only advanced one square. This special move is called "en passant".
7= You can help protect your King by leaving Pawns in front of it, at least early on in the game.
8= It is best not to bring your Queen out too early in the game.
9= You should always assume your opponent will make the best move. Never assume they do not know what you are doing with your moves.
10= The 4 centre squares are the most crucial ones on the board. Try to place your own pieces on them.
11= If neither your King nor one of your Rooks has been moved, and the squares between them are vacant, you can move your King across two squares and jump the Rook over it. This is called "castling".
12= Pieces have more mobility when they are in the centre of the board, and they control more squares.
13= When you have a stronger force than your opponent, it is a good idea to exchange pieces. This will increase your relative strength.
14= You should use the least valuable piece possible to protect another piece. Try to never use pieces more valuable than the ones they are protecting.
[Chess Trivia]
1= It is thought that chess originated in India around 550-600 A.D. It spread rapidly through Asia, then to Arab territories and eventually to Europe.
2= The longest chess game ever played by top ranking players was 269 moves by Ivan Nikolic and Goran Arsovic in Belgrade in 1989. It lasted more than 20 hours, and resulted in a draw.
3= It has been said there is more literature devoted to chess than for all other games combined.
4= There are 318,979,564,000 different ways of playing the first four moves by each player in a game of chess.
5= The word "Checkmate" comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat", which means "the king is dead".
6= The first chessboard of alternating light and dark squares appeared in Europe in 1090.
7= In 1851 the world chess champion was A. Anderssen, while at the same time the world checker champion was A. Anderson.
8= Niaz Murshed of Bangladesh is the youngest person to ever win a national championship, winning the Bangladesh championship at age 12, and later becoming the first (and only) grandmaster from Bangladesh at age 20.
9= In the television series "Star Trek", Captain Kirk and Mr Spock played chess three times. Kirk won every game.
10= The first pocket chess set was created in 1845 by Peter Mark Roget, author of Roget's Thesaurus.
11= In 1939 Weaver Adams wrote a book entitled "White to play and Win". At his next tournament he lost all his games as White and won all his games as Black.
12= The leading British chess masters of World War 2 all became leading codebreakers for British intelligence.
13= There are over 200 million inhabitants of China that are keen chess players.
14= There are 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 different ways of playing the first ten moves by each player in a game of chess.
15= The first chess game played by telephone was played by two men in Derbyshire, England in 1878.
16= The first computer program to play proper chess was written at MIT by Alex Bernstein in 1958-59.
17= The first chess tournament on record was held in Madrid in 1575. Giulio Polerio and Giovanni Leonardo defeated Ruy Lopez and Alfonso Ceron in a series of matches arranged by King Phillip II.
18= Former world champion Jose Capablanca began to play chess at the age of 4, and beat his father in his first game also at age 4.
19= The slowest move on record was by Francisco R. Torres Trois, who took 2 hours 20 minutes to make one move in a game against Luis M.C.P. Santos, in Vigo, Spain in 1980. Trois had only two possible moves to consider.
20= "The Chess Players", painted in 1490, was the first known painting with a chess theme.
21= The youngest world champion of all was Maya Chiburdanidze of the former USSR, who was 17 years old when she won the women's title in 1978.
22= Garry Kasparov of the former USSR was 22 years old when he beat Anatoly Karpov for the world championship of chess in 1985, making him the youngest men's champion in history.
23= Automatons are machines that give the illusion of playing chess. The first automaton was "The Turk" in 1769, followed by "Ajeeb" in 1868, and "Mephisto" in 1878.
24= Draughts is an older game than chess.
25= Judit Polgar of Hungary was the youngest female to gain International Master status in 1989 when she was 12, and the youngest female to gain International Grandmaster status in 1991 at age 15.
26= The first appearance of chess in a film was in "The Wishing Ring" in 1914.
27= In 1974, Stockholm hosted the first world computer chess championship, won by the Soviet program "Kaissa".