strBackupDestinationUnderSource = Destination folder can''t be placed under Source folder path!
strBackupHardwareSkip = Skipping because current hardware profile is "%s"!
strBackupDeleteObsoleteSourceError = One of the source folders is invalid (%s)! (drive is disconnected?) Obsolete files deletion skipped.
; Common
strBackupSourceNoFiles = Source files list is empty (check "File Filter" settings). Nothing to do!
strBackupMuliSrcSameDstFiles = Detected two or more Source files (one is: %s) with the same Destination locations (%s)! To prevent files overwriting Backup must be stopped!
strBackupMuliSrcSameDstFolders = Detected two or more Source folders with the same Destination location! Files from different source folders will be mixed in destination!
strBackupCreatingFolder = Creating folder "%s".
strBackupCreatingFolderError = Unable to create folder "%s"!
strProjectTypesProjectsSaveBackupError = Unable to create projects file backup (%s).
strProjectTypesProjectsError = New data file is being created.'+#10#13#10#13+'If this happen in error - you can try to restore your projects data file from a previous backup copy:'+#10#13+'1) Quit SmartBackup, by choosing "Exit" from the tray menu;'+#10#13+'2) Rename "smartbackup.~dat" to "smartbackup.dat";'+#10#13+'3) Start SmartBackup application again.'+#10#13#10#13+'After completing these steps SmartBackup data should restore.
strProjectTypesProjectsCorruptedError = SmartBackup projects file "%s" corrupted or it''s not SmartBackup file format.
strProjectTypesProjectsNoFoundError = SmartBackup projects file "%s" not found.
strMainProjectCantDeleteRunning = You can''t delete running Project. Please wait while Project done working and then try again.
strMainProjectDeleteConfirmation = Do you really want to delete this project (%s) from the list?
strMainGroupCreateErrorAlreadyExists = Cannon create "%s": A group with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different group name.
strMainGroupRenameErrorAlreadyExists = Cannon rename "%s": A group with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different group name.
strMainGroupDeleteConfirmation = Do you really want to delete group "%s"?
strMainGroupBackupAbortConfirmation = This may cause some or all of the Source files not be copied to Destination. Do you really want to abort work of the whole "%s" Projects Group?
strMainProjectBackupAbortConfirmation = This may cause some or all of the Source files not be copied to Destination. Do you really want to abort "%s" Project work?
MainForm.LogTbClear.Hint = Clear Log | Clear the Log Window contents
MainForm.LogMiSearch.Caption = Find
MainForm.LogMiSaveAs.Caption = Save As...
MainForm.LogMiOptions.Caption = Options...
MainForm.LogMiHide.Caption = Hide Log
MainForm.TipsTbPrev.Caption = Prev
MainForm.TipsTbPrev.Hint = Previous | Show previous Tool Tip
MainForm.TipsTbNext.Caption = Next
MainForm.TipsTbNext.Hint = Next | Show next Tool Tip
MainForm.TipsTbMoreHelp.Caption = More Help
MainForm.TipsTbMoreHelp.Hint = More Help | Open help window with more information about currently displayed program tool tip
MainForm.TipsTbHelpContents.Caption = Help Contents
MainForm.TipsTbHelpContents.Hint = Help Contents | Open help contents window
MainForm.TipsDidYouLabel.Caption = Did you know...
MainForm.TipsMiPrev.Caption = &Prev Tip
MainForm.TipsMiNext.Caption = &Next Tip
MainForm.TipsMiMoreHelp.Caption = &More Help
MainForm.TipsMiHelpContents.Caption = Help &Contents
MainForm.TipsMiHidePanel.Caption = &Hide Program Tips
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[0] = /files/contents.html SmartBackup maintains information about "what to copy", "where to copy" and "when to copy" in a Project.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[1] = SmartBackup compares files in the source and destination folders and compares their timestamps to see which files have changed. Then it copies only the new or changed files.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[2] = /files/logdisplay.html Check "View -> Log" to see SmartBackup log.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[3] = Click right mouse button on a project to see menu options.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[4] = To exit SmartBackup, right click on the icon in system tray and select Exit.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[5] = /files/preferences.language.html Choose Project -> Preferences -> Interface Language menu item to display language selection dialog. In this dialog all installed interface languages are listed. Using the drop-down box, select the language file to be used, and press OK. If your language is not listed here you can create the required file yourself.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[6] = You can save older versions of files in an Deleted File Archive folder. Go to the "Additional Options" page of the project properties dialog to define a location.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[7] = /files/foldervariables.html You can separate your backups by days, weeks, etc. by using the Folder Expansion Variables feature of SmartBackup.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[8] = /files/projectgroups.html You can organize projects by category in project groups.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[9] = /files/projectgroups.html To create a new project group, right click on the "All projects" (in "Project Group List") and select "New...".
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[10] = /files/projectgroups.html You can set the order of project groups by right clicking on any of the project group tab and selecting "Reorder...".
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[11] = /files/projectgroups.html To add a new project to a particular group, select the desired group first and then select "Project -> New...".
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[12] = /files/preferences.logging.html To set the size of the log file, select "Project -> Preferences -> Activity Logging", and type the desired size of the log file in kilobytes.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[13] = Hold the mouse pointer over the tool bar buttons to display their descriptions.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[14] = /files/statusbar.html The Status Bar provides additional information while you are using SmartBackup. This information includes the total number of projects, currently running number of projects, and the project progress indicator.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[15] = Before clearing the log file, you can save it to a separate file for future reference by clicking on the "Save As" button.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[16] = /files/support.html For latest SmartBackup Tips and Tricks and other support isues select "Help -> SmartBackup Homepage".
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[17] = /files/foldervariables.html You can use Folder Expansion Variables to create a separate folder for your backups based on the date and time.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[18] = /files/project.backuptype.html#exactcopy To delete obsolete files from the destination that do not exist at the source location, select "Exact Copy" mode under the "Project Properties -> Backup Type" tab.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[19] = /files/foldervariables.html You can name a project using the Folder Expansion Variables feature to compress files into a single zip file whose name is based on the date and time.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[20] = SmartBackup only copies new and changed files based on the date and time stamp.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[21] = You can use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path names to define folders, or use a drive letter mapped to a network share.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[22] = /files/project.backuptype.html#synchronize SmartBackup can perform a two-way synchronization. You can copy files between your desktop computer and laptop computer to keep them synchronized.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[23] = /files/project.additionaloptions.html#deletedarchive You can keep any number of old versions of your data files using the archive feature.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[24] = /files/project.backuptype.html You can password-protect your zipped files when you use the Compress and Exact Compress copy modes.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[25] = You can check for product updates from the "Help -> SmartBackup Homepage" menu.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[26] = /files/ You can protect your projects with a password so that other users would not be able to change them.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[27] = /files/project.additionaloptions.html You can set an option in the "Project Properties -> Additional Options" dialog to compare the files after copying.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[28] = /files/project.filefilter.html You can ignore files from copying that are older than a specific date or a specific number of days.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[29] = /files/project.additionaloptions.html#runprograms You can run external programs before and/or after running a project.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[30] = /files/project.additionaloptions.html#hardwareprofile You can set a project not to run when a specific Hardware Profile is selected. This is feature is useful if you are using a laptop computer and do not wish to run the project when it is not connected to a network.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[31] = /files/project.additionaloptions.html#zip You can set a compression ratio when copying files in "Compress" or "Exact Compress" backup types.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[32] = SmartBackup can copy file and folder security information on NTFS file systems when running under Windows NT/2000/XP.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[33] = /files/menus.html#view Use View menu to view the source, destination, or archive files from the main SmartBackup window.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[34] = /files/commandlineoptions.html SmartBackup offers command line options to be used in a batch file.
MainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[35] = Last Tip: You have seen all the tips once. You will see them again from the beginning.
ProjectPropertiesForm.DestinationFolderLabelTip1.Caption = TIP: You can use Folder Variables in Source/Destination/Archive folders names. Press F1 button for more information.
ProjectPropertiesForm.FilesFilterLabel1.Caption = Backup Files Matching These Criteria:
ProjectPropertiesForm.FilesFilterLabel2.Caption = Use red arrows on the right of the list to change Filter item priority. Upper items have more priority than items on the bottom. Press F1 button for more information.
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsRunCheckBoxWaitBefore.Caption = Wait for program before proceeding
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsRunCheckBoxWaitAfter.Caption = Wait for program before proceeding
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsDialCheckBoxDisconnectAfter.Caption = Disconnect after running Project
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsBackupCheckBoxOverwriteNeverDestination.Caption = Overwrite destination files even if they are newer than source files
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsRunCheckBoxBefore.Caption = Before running the Project:
ProjectPropertiesForm.AdvancedOptionsBackupCheckBoxKeepStructureFromRoot.Caption = Keep source files in a sub folder of destination maintaining the source path
ProjectPropertiesForm.FilesFilterMenuMoveUp.Caption = Move Up
ProjectPropertiesForm.FilesFilterMenuMoveDown.Caption = Move Down
PrefsForm.Caption = SmartBackup Preferences
PrefsForm.StartupTabSheet.Caption = &Startup and Shutdown
PrefsForm.StartupLabel1.Caption = If SmartBackup icon is hidden it will run in the background, but you will not see the icon. If you want to see the main screen while it is running in the background, simply start SmartBackup again from the Start menu.
PrefsForm.StartupCheckBoxRunAtSystemStartup.Caption = Run at system &startup
PrefsForm.StartupRunMinimizedCheckBox.Caption = Run &minimized
PrefsForm.StartupHideTrayIconCheckBox.Caption = &Hide icon from system tray
PrefsForm.StartupShowSplashCheckBox.Caption = Show splash scr&een at startup
PrefsForm.StartupShutDownAtCloseCheckBox.Caption = Sh&utdown when main window is closed
PrefsForm.StartupConfirmShutDownCheckBox.Caption = Show shutdown confirmation dialog
PrefsForm.ProtectionLabel6.Caption = Security phrase (will be shown in case if you forgot your password):
PrefsForm.ProtectionLabel1.Caption = Enter a password to protect other users from changing the Projects. Once the password is set, you cannot edit the Projects properties without the password. Users can still run the Projects without knowing the password.
PrefsForm.PerformanceLabel1.Caption = Background Process Priority:
PrefsForm.PerformanceLabel2.Caption = Note: Lower priority will make copy process slower. Higher priority will make copy process faster but you will notice some slow down in the other applications you are working in.
PrefsForm.PerformanceLabel3.Caption = By checking this option you disallow simultaneous running of several backups that may give a gain of productivity and will reduce system load.
PrefsForm.PowerDontStartOnBatteriesCheckBox.Caption = Don't start backup when the computer is running on batteries.
PrefsForm.PowerWakeToRunCheckBox.Caption = Wake the computer to run backup
PrefsForm.LogTabSheet.Caption = Activity &Logging
PrefsForm.LogLabel2.Caption = Maximum Log file size:
PrefsForm.LogLabel3.Caption = KB
PrefsForm.LogLabel4.Caption = The Log file will be reset when it becomes larger than size you specify here. If you set this value to 0, SmartBackup will recycle the log file every time is starts.
RegReminderForm.Label2.Caption = This is unregistered version for evaluation use only.
RegReminderForm.Label1.Caption = THANK YOU FOR TRYING "SMART BACKUP"!
RegReminderForm.Label3.Caption = The registered version (US$29) does not display this notice.
RegReminderForm.LabelEvaluationNote.Caption = I understand that I may use "SmartBackup" only for evaluation puproses and that any other use requires payment of the registration fee.
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[0] = If you paid the SmartBackup registration fee and received a registration number from
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[1] = Onlime Media or an authorized reseller, please enter your name and registration number
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[2] = here EXACTLY as they appear in the instructions.
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[3] =
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[4] = If you have not yet paid the SmartBackup registration fee:
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[5] = If you downloaded an evaluation version of SmartBackup, or if you received this copy of
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[6] = SmartBackup on a disk or CD, with a book, or with other hardware or software, and you
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[7] = have not paid the registration fee to SmartBackup, - you are licensed to use SmartBackup
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[8] = for evaluation puproses only. Click "Continue Unregistered", or click "Help" for additional
RegistrationForm.RichEdit.Lines[9] = information.
RegNowForm.Caption = Register "SmartBackup"
RegNowForm.Label1.Caption = You may register "SmartBackup" either online with your credit card or offline with creditcard or money check at a cost of US $29.95.
RegNowForm.OkButton.Caption = &OK
RegNowForm.CancelButton.Caption = &Cancel
RegNowForm.MoreInfoButton.Caption = &More Info...
RegNowForm.Label3.Caption = This will open local registration form in your browser. You can place your order by fax, e-mail, or TOLL-FREE voice with a credit card or a check by filling in and printing this form.
RegNowForm.Label2.Caption = This is the fastest and easiest way. It will take you RegSoft's secure web site to place your order.
EvaluationForm.LabelText.Caption = Your 30 day evaluation period has expired. Continued use of this evaluation version is in violation of the licensing agreenent agreed to during installation.
GroupsOrderForm.Caption = Change order of the groups in list
GroupsOrderForm.GroupBox.Caption = Group list:
GroupsOrderForm.OkButton.Caption = &OK
GroupsOrderForm.CancelButton.Caption = &Cancel
GroupsOrderForm.HelpButton.Caption = &Help
ShutdownForm.Caption = SmartBackup Shutdown
ShutdownForm.Label1.Caption = If you exit SmartBackup it will not run any scheduled backups, except backups scheduled using Microsoft Task Scheduler (if it's running).
ShutdownForm.Label2.Caption = Are you sure you want to exit?
ShutdownForm.OkButton.Caption = &Yes
ShutdownForm.CancelButton.Caption = &No
ShutdownForm.DontShowAgainCheckBox.Caption = Don''t show this message again
PasswordForm.Caption = Enter password to continue
PasswordForm.Label1.Caption = You need a password to make any modifications.
PasswordForm.Label2.Caption = Password:
PasswordForm.OkButton.Caption = &OK
PasswordForm.CancelButton.Caption = &Cancel
PasswordForm.HelpButton.Caption = &Help
PasswordForm.ReminderButton.Caption = &Reminder
ShortcutForm.Caption = Create Shortcut
ShortcutForm.Label1.Caption = Shortcut name:
ShortcutForm.Label2.Caption = Select folder to place shortcut in:
ShortcutForm.TopLabel.Caption = Create shortcut for the backup project
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonDesktop.Caption = Desktop
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonStartMenu.Caption = Start menu
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonAutoRun.Caption = Autorun menu
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonPrograms.Caption = Programs menu
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonOther.Caption = Other folder: