home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 3002 _Yes_No
- 3004 _Yes_No_All
- 3006 _Yes_No_All_nEver_Rename_Quit
- 3008 _Continue_Quit
- 3010 _Retry_Abort
- 3012 \nRAR %s Copyright (c) 1993-%d Eugene Roshal %d %s %d
- 3014 \nRegistered to %s\n
- 3016 \nShareware version Type RAR -? for help\n
- 3018 \nUNRAR %s freeware Copyright (c) 1993-%d Eugene Roshal\n
- 3020 beta
- 3022 Jan
- 3024 Feb
- 3026 Mar
- 3028 Apr
- 3030 May
- 3032 Jun
- 3034 Jul
- 3036 Aug
- 3038 Sep
- 3040 Oct
- 3042 Nov
- 3044 Dec
- 3046 \nUsage: rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
- 3048 \nUsage: unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
- 3050 \n <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>
- 3052 \n\n<Commands>
- 3054 \n a Add files to archive
- 3056 \n c Add archive comment
- 3058 \n cf Add files comment
- 3060 \n cw Write archive comment to file
- 3062 \n d Delete files from archive
- 3064 \n e Extract files to current directory
- 3066 \n f Freshen files in archive
- 3068 \n k Lock archive
- 3070 \n l[t] List archive [technical]
- 3072 \n m[f] Move to archive [files only]
- 3074 \n p Print file to stdout
- 3076 \n r Repair archive
- 3078 \n rc Reconstruct missing volumes
- 3080 \n rr[N] Add data recovery record
- 3082 \n rv[N] Create recovery volumes
- 3084 \n s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX
- 3086 \n t Test archive files
- 3088 \n u Update files in archive
- 3090 \n v[t] Verbosely list archive [technical]
- 3092 \n x Extract files with full path
- 3094 \n\n<Switches>
- 3096 \n - Stop switches scanning
- 3098 \n ac Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction
- 3100 \n ad Append archive name to destination path
- 3102 \n ag[format] Generate archive name using the current date
- 3104 \n ao Add files with Archive attribute set
- 3106 \n ap<path> Set path inside archive
- 3108 \n as Synchronize archive contents
- 3110 \n av Put authenticity verification (registered versions only)
- 3112 \n av- Disable authenticity verification check
- 3114 \n c- Disable comments show
- 3116 \n cfg- Disable read configuration
- 3118 \n cl Convert names to lower case
- 3120 \n cu Convert names to upper case
- 3122 \n df Delete files after archiving
- 3124 \n dh Open shared files
- 3126 \n ds Disable name sort for solid archive
- 3128 \n e<attr> Set file exclude attributes
- 3130 \n ed Do not add empty directories
- 3132 \n ee Do not save and extract extended attributes
- 3134 \n en Do not put 'end of archive' block
- 3136 \n ep Exclude paths from names
- 3138 \n ep1 Exclude base directory from names
- 3140 \n ep2 Expand paths to full
- 3142 \n f Freshen files
- 3144 \n hp[password] Encrypt both file data and headers
- 3146 \n idp Disable percentage display
- 3148 \n ieml[addr] Send archive by email
- 3150 \n ierr Send all messages to stderr
- 3152 \n ilog[name] Log errors to file (registered versions only)
- 3154 \n inul Disable all messages
- 3156 \n isnd Enable sound
- 3158 \n k Lock archive
- 3160 \n kb Keep broken extracted files
- 3162 \n m<0..5> Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
- 3164 \n mc<par> Set advanced compression parameters
- 3166 \n md<size> Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G)
- 3168 \n ms[ext;ext] Specify file types to store
- 3170 \n o+ Overwrite existing files
- 3172 \n o- Do not overwrite existing files
- 3174 \n ol Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file
- 3176 \n os Save NTFS streams
- 3178 \n ow Save or restore file owner and group
- 3180 \n p[password] Set password
- 3182 \n p- Do not query password
- 3184 \n r Recurse subdirectories
- 3186 \n r0 Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only
- 3188 \n ri<P>[:<S>] Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms
- 3190 \n rr[N] Add data recovery record
- 3192 \n rv[N] Create recovery volumes
- 3194 \n s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive
- 3196 \n s- Disable solid archiving
- 3198 \n sfx[name] Create SFX archive
- 3200 \n t Test files after archiving
- 3202 \n tk Keep original archive time
- 3204 \n tl Set archive time to latest file
- 3206 \n tn<time> Process files newer than <time>
- 3208 \n to<time> Process files older than <time>
- 3210 \n ta<date> Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
- 3212 \n tb<date> Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
- 3214 \n u Update files
- 3216 \n v Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes
- 3218 \n v<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]
- 3220 \n vd Erase disk contents before creating volume
- 3222 \n ver[n] File version control
- 3224 \n vn Use the old style volume naming scheme
- 3226 \n vp Pause before each volume
- 3228 \n w<path> Assign work directory
- 3230 \n x<file> Exclude specified file
- 3232 \n x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin
- 3234 \n x@<list> Exclude files in specified list file
- 3236 \n y Assume Yes on all queries
- 3238 \n z<file> Read archive comment from file
- 3240 \nERROR: Bad archive %s\n
- 3242 Enter password (will not be echoed)
- 3244 Enter password
- 3246 \nReenter password:
- 3248 for
- 3250 \nERROR: Passwords do not match\n
- 3252 Write error in the file %s
- 3254 Read error in the file %s
- 3256 Seek error in the file %s
- 3258 Cannot close the file %s
- 3260 Not enough memory
- 3262 Corrupt archive - use 'Repair' command
- 3264 Program aborted
- 3266 \nCannot rename %s to %s
- 3268 \nCannot find volume %s
- 3270 \nUser break\n
- 3272 \nCreate next volume ?
- 3274 \nDisk full. Insert next
- 3276 \n\nCreating %sarchive %s\n
- 3278 \nInsert disk with %s
- 3280 \n\nTesting archive %s\n
- 3282 \n\nExtracting from %s\n
- 3284 \nConverting %s
- 3286 \nConvert archives to SFX
- 3288 \nRemoving SFX module
- 3290 \n%s is not SFX archive
- 3292 \n%s is not RAR archive
- 3294 \n%s is not the first volume
- 3296 \n%s - cannot convert to SFX archive with old format
- 3298 \nCannot create %s
- 3300 \nCannot open %s
- 3302 \nUnknown method in %s
- 3304 OK
- 3306 \nDone
- 3308 \nLocking archive
- 3310 \n\nERROR: Cannot modify old format archive
- 3312 \n\nERROR: Locked archive
- 3314 \n\nERROR: Cannot modify volume
- 3316 \nVerifying authenticity information ...
- 3318 Failed\n
- 3320 \n\nArchive %s
- 3322 \ncreated at %s
- 3324 \nby %s\n
- 3326 Invalid authenticity information
- 3328 \nAdding authenticity verification
- 3330 \n\nOld style authenticity information
- 3332 \nEvaluation copy. Please register.\n
- 3334 \nCreating %sarchive %s\n
- 3336 \nUpdating %sarchive %s\n
- 3338 solid
- 3340 \nAdding %-58s
- 3342 \nUpdating %-58s
- 3344 \n... %-58s
- 3346 \nERROR: Cannot update solid archives with password\n
- 3348 \n\nDeleting files %s...
- 3350 and directories
- 3352 \nDeleting %-30s
- 3354 deleted
- 3358 \n\nClearing attributes...
- 3360 \nDeleting directory %-30s
- 3362 \nWARNING: Cannot open %d %s
- 3364 files
- 3366 file
- 3368 \nWARNING: No files
- 3370 \n%s: encrypted
- 3372 \nCannot modify solid archive containing encrypted files
- 3374 \nAnalyzing archived files:
- 3376 \nRepacking archived files:
- 3378 \n%-20s - CRC failed
- 3380 \n\nTesting archive %s\n
- 3382 \n\nExtracting from %s\n
- 3384 \n%s - use current password ?
- 3386 \nCreating %-56s
- 3388 \nSkipping %-56s
- 3390 \nTesting %-56s
- 3392 \nExtracting %-56s
- 3394 \n... %-56s
- 3396 \nCannot create directory %s
- 3398 \n------ Printing %s\n\n
- 3400 \nEncrypted file: CRC failed in %s (password incorrect ?)
- 3402 \nNo files to extract
- 3404 \nAll OK
- 3406 \nTotal errors: %ld
- 3408 \n\n%s already exists. Overwrite it ?
- 3410 \nOverwrite %s ?
- 3412 \nEnter new name:
- 3414 \nThe archive header is corrupt
- 3416 \n%s - the file header is corrupt
- 3418 \nThe comment header is corrupt\n
- 3420 The data recovery header is corrupt
- 3422 \nReading comment from stdin\n
- 3424 \nReading comment from %s
- 3426 \nDeleting comment from %s
- 3428 \nAdding comment to %s
- 3430 \nAdding file comments
- 3432 \n\nReading comment for %s : %s from stdin\n
- 3434 \nThe archive comment is corrupt
- 3436 \nPress 'Enter' to continue or 'Q' to quit:
- 3438 \nThe file comment is corrupt
- 3440 \nDestination file name required
- 3442 \nWrite comment to %s
- 3444 \nComment is not present
- 3446 \nDeleting from %s
- 3448 \nDeleting %s
- 3450 \nErasing empty archive %s
- 3452 \nNo files to delete
- 3454 \n\n-------- %2d %s %d, archive %s\n
- 3456 \nERROR: Path too long\n
- 3458 Solid
- 3460 SFX
- 3462 volume
- 3464 Volume
- 3466 archive
- 3468 Archive
- 3470 \nRecovery record is present\n
- 3472 \nLock is present\n
- 3474 \nPathname/Comment\n
- 3476 \n Name
- 3478 Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver\n
- 3480 Host OS Solid Old\n
- 3482 \n OS/2 extended attributes
- 3484 \n Unix Owner/Group data: %-14s %-14s
- 3486 \n BeOS extended attributes
- 3488 \n NTFS security data
- 3490 \n NTFS stream: %s
- 3492 \n Unknown subheader type: 0x%04x
- 3494 \nComment:
- 3496 Yes
- 3498 No
- 3500 0 files\n
- 3502 \nReconstructing %s
- 3504 \nBuilding %s
- 3506 \nCannot repair archive with old format
- 3508 \nFound %s
- 3510 \nThe archive header is corrupt. Mark archive as solid ?
- 3512 \nNo files found
- 3514 \n\nSuspicious entry %s
- 3516 \nDirectory
- 3518 \nSize %ld Packed %ld
- 3520 \nAdd it to archive ?
- 3522 \nUnexpected end of archive
- 3524 \nReconstruct archive structure ?
- 3526 \nScanning...
- 3528 \nData recovery record not found
- 3530 \nData recovery record found
- 3532 \nSector %ld (offsets %lX...%lX) damaged
- 3534 - data recovered
- 3536 - cannot recover data
- 3538 \nAdding data recovery record
- 3540 \n\nErasing contents of drive %c:\n
- 3542 \nWARNING: Cannot get %s owner and group\n
- 3544 \nWARNING: Cannot get owner %s ID\n
- 3546 \nWARNING: Cannot get group %s ID\n
- 3548 \nERROR: %s group and owner data are corrupt\n
- 3550 \nWARNING: Cannot set %s owner and group\n
- 3552 \nWARNING: Cannot read symbolic link %s
- 3554 \nWARNING: Cannot create link %s
- 3556 \nWARNING: Symbolic link %s already exists
- 3558 \nCannot create %s. Retry ?
- 3560 \n MacOS file type: %c%c%c%c ;
- 3562 file creator: %c%c%c%c\n
- 3564 \n%-20s : packed data CRC failed in volume %s
- 3566 \n%s is read-only
- 3568 \nWARNING: Cannot get %s security data\n
- 3570 \nWARNING: Cannot set %s security data\n
- 3572 \nERROR: %s security data are corrupt\n
- 3574 \nWARNING: Unknown format of %s security data\n
- 3576 \nERROR: %s stream data are corrupt\n
- 3578 \nWARNING: Unknown format of %s stream data\n
- 3580 \nERROR: Invalid file name %s
- 3582 \nERROR: %s extended attributes are corrupt\n
- 3584 \nWARNING: %s - unknown format of extended attributes\n
- 3586 \nWARNING: cannot set extended attributes to %s\n
- 3588 \nERROR: Cannot get extended attributes of %s\n
- 3590 (+EA)
- 3592 \n...skipping extended attributes
- 3594 \n\nProcessing archive %s
- 3596 \nFile search errors, cannot synchronize archive
- 3598 \nWARNING: Attempting to correct the invalid file name
- 3600 \nWARNING: You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack %s
- 3602 \nERROR: Unknown option: %s
- 3604 \nERROR: Corrupt data header found, ignored
- 3606 \nWARNING: Unknown data header format, ignored
- 3608 \nERROR: Corrupt %s data block
- 3610 \nData header type: %s
- 3612 \nCannot read contents of %s
- 3614 \n%s is not volume
- 3616 \nERROR: %s and %s belong to different sets
- 3618 \n%d volumes missing
- 3620 \n%d recovery volumes found
- 3622 \nNothing to reconstruct
- 3624 \nReconstruction impossible
- 3626 \nReconstructing...
- 3628 \nCreating %s
- 3630 \nWrite error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB
- 3632 \nWARNING: Cannot change attributes of %s
- 3634 \nERROR: default SFX module does not support RAR %d.%d archives
- 3636 \nCannot encrypt archive already contained encrypted files
- 3638 \nRAR SFX archive
- 3640 \n\n<Commands>
- 3642 \n -x Extract from archive (default)
- 3644 \n -t Test archive files
- 3646 \n -v Verbosely list contents of archive