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- RAR Registration and Support sites
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The latest version of RAR and support conferences are available at
- the sites and BBS's listed below. Most of them are FIDONET-nodes, so
- you can request the latest version of RAR, via file request, using
- the magic name of 'RAR'.
- NOTE: This list is distributed with the current version of RAR and may not
- be up-to-date. For the latest RAR_SITE list please visit our website
- at
- http://www.rarlab.com
- There you will also find the latest versions of RAR for all platforms
- as well as FAR, the greatest file manager in the world.
- North American Continent:
- -----------------------------------
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- ROG, Inc.
- WinRAR Sales and Support Fax : (617) 576 0236
- 5 Upland Road Website: http://www.winrar-rog.com
- Cambridge, MA 02140
- Orders accepted by fax, mail, e-mail and via online ordering system.
- Credit cards accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club
- SouthEastern US
- USA Wisconsin
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Brian Hertziger Voice : 1-414-875-7831
- Mr. Homies' Computex BBS : 1-414-875-7835
- 3116 North 75th Street FAX : 1-414-875-7835
- Milwaukee, WI 53216-2742 FidoNet : 1:154/645
- Email: support@rararchiver.com WWW : http://www.rararchiver.com
- Voice Hours:
- Monday-Saturday -- 6:00pm to 10:00pm (CST)
- Sunday -- 10:00am to 10:00pm (CST)
- Orders accepted by: Email, Web, Phone, snail-mail, Netmail, Fax and BBS
- Credit Cards accepted: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover,
- and Novus cards.
- Personal and Business Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted;
- make all checks payable to: Mr. Homies' Computex.
- NOTE: Personal and Business checks require 7 working days to clear
- Wisconsin residents add 5.6% sales tax.
- ----------
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Darrell Harder Voice : (604) 535 2678
- Box 45527, Sunnyside Mall P.O. Fax : (604) 535 5638
- Surrey, B.C. Website : http://www.rarreg.com
- V4A 9N3 E-Mail : sales@rarreg.com
- Canada
- Orders accepted by fax, mail, e-mail and online including Paypal payment.
- Credit cards accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club
- Personal and Business Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier's Checks accepted;
- make all checks payable to: Darrell Harder
- NOTE: Canada: Personal/Business checks require 7 working days to clear.
- USA: Personal/Business checks require up to 21 working days to clear.
- Europe:
- Deutschland, Oesterreich und Schweiz
- ------------------------------------
- Postanschrift Information:
- ROG GmbH Fax : +49 4509 8542
- Wedekindweg 3 Phone : +49 4509 712084
- D-69434 Hirschhorn Website: www.rarsoft.net
- Germany
- Sie koennen Ihre Bestellung per Telefon, Fax, Post oder online
- aufgeben. Kreditkartenzahlung ueber unsere Partner ShareIt und
- JDS-Software ist sehr willkommen (Visa, Mastercard, American
- Express, Diner's Club).
- Auf www.winrar-rog.de erhalten Sie die aktuellen Programmversionen
- sowie Infos und Support.
- France
- ------
- Postal Address Ordering information
- ADC Voice: +(33) (0) 1-47-80-58-83
- 39, rue de 22 septembre Fax : +(33) (0) 6-61-02-86-68
- 92400 - COURBEVOIE email: ventes@adc-soft.com
- France WWW : http://www.adc-soft.com
- Orders accepted by post, e-mail, online or fax
- Italy
- -----
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- OOne s.r.l. Voice : +39-035-720749
- Via Lungo Romna, 45 Fax : +39-035-7171675
- 24020 Casnigo (BG) Website: http://www.winrar.it
- ITALY E-Mail : info@winrar.it
- Orders accepted by fax, mail, e-mail and via online ordering system.
- Credit cards accepted: Mastercard, Carta Si
- Italy
- -----
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Italsel srl Voice : +39-051-320409
- Fax : +39-051-320449
- Via Lugo,1 Website : http://www.italsel.com
- 40128 Bologna E-Mail : info@italsel.com
- Orders accepted by fax, mail, e-mail and via online ordering system.
- Credit cards accepted: Visa, Mastercard,Carta Si
- Sweden
- ------
- Postal address Ordering information
- Definite Solutions Voice: +46 (8) 6505087
- Box 827 Fax : +46 (8) 6505071
- S-101 36 Stockholm BBS : +46 (8) 4410010 (ISDN/V.34)
- Sweden +46 (8) 4410011 (ISDN/V.34)
- FidoNet : 2:201/330, 2:201/329
- Internet: sales@defsol.se
- WWW : http://www.defsol.se/
- Orders accepted by Voice phone, FAX, Mail, crash NetMail
- or BBS. File request REGFORM.SWE for our Swedish order
- form. This form is also available on our web site.
- Credit card orders require a signed order form to be mailed
- or faxed due to local authorities' regulations for credit card
- payments.
- Credit cards accepted VISA, MasterCard, EuroCard,
- BankKort, RiksKort, KopKort and SparbanksKort.
- Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
- ----------------------------------
- Dutch / English: Ordering information
- Hendrik Desmet Phone : +32 (0) 51 68 91 64
- Abeelstraat, 6 Fax : +32 (0) 51 68 91 64
- B-8755 Ruiselede Mobile : +32 (0)478 43 50 80
- Belgium E-mail : info@rarsoft.be
- support@rarsoft.be
- sales@rarsoft.be
- Web: http://www.rarsoft.be
- Orders accepted by post, e-mail, online ( (Visa, Mastercard, American
- Express, Diner's Club) or fax.
- Spain
- -----
- Postal address Ordering information
- On-Line Services 2000 S.L. Voice support +34-93 315 1593
- Trafalgar 78 2 2 B Fax +34-93 268 3590
- 08010 Barcelona
- Spain
- E-Mail rar@ols.es
- WWW http://rar.ols.es
- We also accept VISA, Mastercard, 4B, american Express and VirtualCash.
- Orders accepted by Voice phone, WWW, Mail and EMail.
- Czech Republic
- ----------------
- Postal Address Ordering Information
- Viliam Mlich
- Desna 70
- 763 15 Slusovice Voice : +420-67-7986163
- Czech Rep. Mobile : +420-603-454069
- e-mail: vmlich@mbox.vol.cz or vmlich@rar.cz
- fidonet: 2:421/50
- website: http://www.rar.cz/
- Orders accepted by Mail, E-Mail and via Internet at:
- http://www.rar.cz/rarreg.html
- Czech Republic
- --------------
- Postal address Ordering Information
- JIMAZ s.r.o. Voice: +420-2-33372301
- Hermanova 37 FAX: +420-2-33370686
- 170 00 Praha 7
- CZECHIA Email: jimaz@jimaz.cz
- Orders accepted by Voice phone, fax, mail and Internet Email.
- Objednavky prijimame telefonicky, faxem, postou a elektronickou
- postou.
- Hungary
- -------
- Postal address/retail shop: Ordering information:
- KeSzo Kft. Voice : +36-1-332-8717 (Hungarian and English)
- Falk Miksa u. 6 Fax : +36-1-302-5136
- H-1055 Budapest e-mail: sales@keszo.com
- Hungary
- Internet: www.keszo.com
- Orders accepted by Voice Phone, Fax, E-Mail, or personally in our shop.
- Payments accepted by Cash, Bank Transfer.
- Slovakia
- --------
- Postal address Ordering information
- Ing.Peter Hubinsky - AVIR Mobile : +421 905 859812
- L.Novomeskeho 48 FAX/TAM : +421 33 6401895
- 902 01 Pezinok E-mail : info@avir.sk
- SLOVAKIA Web Site: http://www.avir.sk
- Orders accepted by mail, phone, FAX and E-mail.
- Poland
- ------
- Postal Address Ordering Information
- Centrum Rejestracji Oprogramowania
- Skulski Enterprises Polska Sp. Z o.o.
- Wierzbowa 26 Voice : +48 (501) 140297
- 05-822 Milanowek Faz : +48 (22) 7241405
- Poland
- website: http://cro.skulski.pl
- e-mail: cro@skulski.pl
- Estonia
- -------
- Postal address Ordering information:
- A&Y Majandustarkvara OY
- Karol Kislenko Voice : +372 7 40 99 99
- Riia 26 Fax : +372 7 40 99 88
- 50405 Tartu e-mail: rar@pcexpert.ee
- Estonia
- Internet: www.pcexpert.ee
- Orders accepted by Voice Phone, Fax, E-Mail
- Payments accepted by Cash, Bank Transfer.
- Romania
- -------
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- ProVision Software Div. S.R.L Voice: +40-1-3211568
- P-ta Alba Iulia Nr.8, Bl.i7, Sc.3 FAX : +40-1-3236570
- et.2, ap.50, BUCHAREST
- ROMANIA / 7000 Email: provision@pro.ro/alex@pro.ro
- Website: http://www.pro.ro
- Voice Hours:
- Monday-Saturday -- 7.00pm to 10:00pm
- Sunday -- 10:00am to 10:00pm
- Orders accepted by Phone, Mail, e-mail, FAX,
- Russia
- ------
- Postal Address Ordering information
- TFM&K Voice: +7-095-215-6613
- 21, of.801, Zvezdnyi bulevard, Fax: +7-095-215-6613
- Moscow, Web: http://www.tfmik.ru
- Russia, 129085 email: sales@tfmik.ru
- Orders accepted by fax, mail and Internet Email.
- Ukraine
- ------
- Postal Address Ordering information
- SOFTPROM, Ltd. Phone: +38-044-242-53-00
- 12, Chervonozoryany Blvd. Fax: +38-044-242-01-55
- Kiev, WWW: http://www.softprom.com
- Ukraine, 03037 E-mail: info@softprom.com
- Australasia:
- Australia
- ---------
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Shareware-Australia Phone (02) 9565-2339
- PO Box 1075 Fax (02) 9565-2362
- Maroubra NSW 2035 Email: sales@shareware-australia.com
- AUSTRALIA Web Site http://www.shareware-australia.com
- We accept payment by Cheque or Money Order made payable to
- Shareware-Australia
- Credit Cards accepted: Bankcard, Mastercard, Visacard, American Express.
- Orders accepted by phone, fax, mail, email, Web Secure Server.
- Australia
- ------
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Australia Connect Pty Ltd FAX: +61 (02) 9387 5087
- P.O.Box 861
- Bondi Junction
- NSW 1355 Email: webmaster@acon.com.au
- Australia Website: http://winrar.acon.com.au
- Orders accepted by Fax, SnailMail, E-Mail.
- Australia
- ---------
- Postal address Ordering information
- Secure Antivirus Systems Voice : +61 (0)7 3204 5000
- PO Box 29 fidonet : 3:640/886
- Kallangur internet : ftp.st.net.au/pub/rar
- Australia 4503 email : rod@st.net.au
- Orders accepted by phone/ mail / email
- Credit cards : Bankcard / Mastercard / Visa
- New Zealand
- -----------
- Postal address Ordering information
- Arrow Computer Services Ltd Fax : +64 9 486-7606
- 30A Bracken Ave Voice : +64 9 486-1012
- Takapuna Orders : +64 9 486-1012
- North Shore City 1309
- New Zealand
- Internet: arrowcomp@xtra.co.nz
- Orders accepted by email, Voice phone, fax or mail
- Credit card : American Express
- South America:
- Brazil
- ------
- Endereºo Postal: Informaºσes de compra/Suporte T⌐cnico:
- ATT: Fabio Becker Voz : 55-51-582-9682
- FWA Com. Rep. e Ass. Tec. Ltda FAX : 55-51-593-3964
- Rua Sao Francisco de Paula, 149
- Novo Hamburgo, RS, 93410-330 E-mail : admin@rarbrazil.com
- Brasil WWW : http://www.rarbrazil.com
- Horírio TelefΣnico:
- Seg-Sex: 10:00 at⌐ 16:00 (GMT -3)
- Ordens de compra aceitas por: telefone, correio, e-mail, fax, ou online.
- Cartσes de cr⌐dito aceitos: Visa (taxa de 6%)
- Cheques Pessoais, Dinheiro súo aceitos, e deverúo ser emitidos em nome de
- Fabio A. Becker.
- Ordens de Compra pelo Correio (núo eletrΣnico) t¬m uma taxa adicional de
- 10% para registro postal.
- Columbia
- --------
- Postal Address Ordering Information
- A.P.C. Ltda
- Bogota:
- DG 128C No. 19-61 Of-301 Voice: (57)(1) 727-0306
- Medellin:
- Kra 43A No. 1sur-31 Of 503 Voice: (57)(4) 266-3614
- Cali:
- Clle 7A No. 56-76 Of 2 Voice: (57)(2) 896-0910
- Email: mcafeapc@col3.telecom.com.co
- Email: ingridfernandezapc@yahoo.com
- Postal Address Ordering information:
- Expreso Tecnologico 2000 Ltda. Voice : (57)(1) 2361696
- Carrera 37 No. 89-99 Oficina 104 Sales : (57)(1) 2576169
- Santafe de Bogota, Colombia Fax : (57)(1) 6357995
- Email-Marketing : inftec@colomsat.net.co
- Email-Sales : exp2000@tutopia.com
- Far East:
- Korea
- -----
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- BuySoft Inc E-Mail : hsseo@buysoft.co.kr
- #922 Daeyoung bldg., 44-1
- Yoido-dong
- Youngdeungpo-gu, 150-010
- Seoul, Korea
- Korea
- -----
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Robby Kang E-Mail : robbykang@jsresource.com
- JS Resources & Co
- 2030 E. 4th Street, #102
- Santa Ana, CA 92705
- Japan
- -----
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Tencraft WinRAR E-Mail : winrar@diana.dti.ne.jp
- Kudan Kita 1-3-5 6F Website: http://www.diana.dti.ne.jp/~winrar/
- Chiyoda-ku
- Tokyo Japan
- Orders accepted by SHARE-REGI and E-mail
- Credit Cards accepted by SHARE-REGI:
- VISA, MASTER, UC, SAISON, DC, NICOS, Orico and JCB cards.
- Taiwan, Rep. of China
- ---------------------
- Postal address Ordering information
- LightBlue Technology Ltd., Co. Fax : 886-2-2307-4763
- 2F, No. 97, Pao-Hsing St. Voice : 886-2-2301-1312
- 108 Taipei, Taiwan
- URL: http://rarsoft.com.tw
- E-mail: sam@rarsoft.com.tw
- Orders accepted by Fax, Mail or E-mail.
- Support Sites:
- ----------
- +------------------------------------------------+
- | CompuServe Forum to get the latest RAR version |
- +------------------------------------------------+
- The official CompuServe Forum for RAR is:
- a part of Ziff Davis Net Germany [GO ZDNETD]
- The RAR distribution files are in library three.
- You may send comments on accessing this forum to:
- Harald Reissl [HReissl@compuserve.com]
- who is responsible for RAR, or
- Matthias Copray [MCopray@compuserve.com]
- who is responsible for the forum as a whole.
- --------
- +------------------------------------+
- | Visit our world wide web site at: |
- +------------------------------------+
- http://www.rarlab.com
- On-Line registration
- --------------------
- For your convenience we have contracted another company, to handle on-
- line secure credit card orders. Please visit our website and you will see
- a link to the on-line credit card handling system on the main page.
- +----------------------------------------+
- | FTP site for the latest WinRAR version |
- +----------------------------------------+
- The official anonymous FTP site for RAR is:
- ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack