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Text File | 2002-07-30 | 50.7 KB | 2,086 lines |
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // std.mi
- //
- // standard definitions for internal objects
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef true
- #define true 1
- #endif
- #ifndef false
- #define false 0
- #endif
- // GUIDS
- extern class @{51654971-0D87-4a51-91E3-A6B53235F3E7}@ @{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}@ Object;
- extern class @{D6F50F64-93FA-49b7-93F1-BA66EFAE3E98}@ Object _predecl System;
- extern class @{E90DC47B-840D-4ae7-B02C-040BD275F7FC}@ Object Container;
- extern class @{00C074A0-FEA2-49a0-BE8D-FABBDB161640}@ Object Wac;
- extern class @{B2023AB5-434D-4ba1-BEAE-59637503F3C6}@ Object &List;
- extern class @{38603665-461B-42a7-AA75-D83F6667BF73}@ Object ⤅
- extern class @{F4787AF4-B2BB-4ef7-9CFB-E74BA9BEA88D}@ Object &PopupMenu;
- extern class @{3A370C02-3CBF-439f-84F1-86885BCF1E36}@ Object &Region;
- extern class @{5D0C5BB6-7DE1-4b1f-A70F-8D1659941941}@ Object &Timer;
- extern class @{4EE3E199-C636-4bec-97CD-78BC9C8628B0}@ Object &GuiObject;
- extern class @{45BE95E5-2072-4191-935C-BB5FF9F117FD}@ GuiObject &Group;
- extern class @{60906D4E-537E-482e-B004-CC9461885672}@ Group &Layout;
- extern class @{403ABCC0-6F22-4bd6-8BA4-10C829932547}@ GuiObject &Component;
- extern class @{97AA3E4D-F4D0-4fa8-817B-0AF22A454983}@ GuiObject &ComponentBucket;
- extern class @{64E4BBFA-81F4-49d9-B0C0-A85B2EC3BCFD}@ GuiObject &Edit;
- extern class @{62B65E3F-375E-408d-8DEA-76814AB91B77}@ GuiObject &Slider;
- extern class @{CE4F97BE-77B0-4e19-9956-D49833C96C27}@ GuiObject &Vis;
- extern class @{A8C2200D-51EB-4b2a-BA7F-5D4BC65D4C71}@ GuiObject &Browser;
- extern class @{8D1EBA38-489E-483e-B960-8D1F43C5C405}@ GuiObject &EqVis;
- extern class @{0F08C940-AF39-4b23-80F3-B8C48F7EBB59}@ GuiObject &Status;
- extern class @{EFAA8672-310E-41fa-B7DC-85A9525BCB4B}@ GuiObject &Text;
- extern class @{7DFD3244-3751-4e7c-BF40-82AE5F3ADC33}@ GuiObject &Title;
- extern class @{5AB9FA15-9A7D-4557-ABC8-6557A6C67CA9}@ GuiObject &Layer;
- extern class @{698EDDCD-8F1E-4fec-9B12-F944F909FF45}@ GuiObject &Button;
- extern class @{6B64CD27-5A26-4c4b-8C59-E6A70CF6493A}@ Layer &AnimatedLayer;
- extern class @{B4DCCFFF-81FE-4bcc-961B-720FD5BE0FFF}@ Button &ToggleButton;
- extern class @{01E28CE1-B059-11d5-979F-E4DE6F51760A}@ GuiObject &GroupList;
- extern class @{80F0F8BD-1BA5-42a6-A093-3236A00C8D4A}@ Group &CfgGroup;
- extern class @{CDCB785D-81F2-4253-8F05-61B872283CFA}@ GuiObject &QueryList;
- extern class @{9B2E341B-6C98-40fa-8B85-0C1B6EE89405}@ GuiObject &MouseRedir;
- extern class @{36D59B71-03FD-4af8-9795-0502B7DB267A}@ GuiObject &DropDownList;
- extern class @{7FD5F210-ACC4-48df-A6A0-5451576CDC76}@ GuiObject &LayoutStatus;
- extern class @{B5BAA535-05B3-4dcb-ADC1-E618D28F6896}@ GuiObject &TabSheet;
- // class tree member functions & events
- //*****************************************************************************
- // Object CLASS
- //*****************************************************************************
- /**
- Object Class.
- @short This is the base class from which all other classes inherit.
- @author Nullsoft Inc.
- @ver 1.0
- */
- /**
- getClassName()
- Returns the class name for the object.
- @ret The class name.
- */
- extern String Object.getClassName();
- /**
- getId()
- */
- extern String Object.getId();
- /**
- onNotify()
- @ret
- @param command
- @param param
- @param a
- @param b
- */
- extern Int Object.onNotify(String command, String param, int a, int b);
- //*****************************************************************************
- // System CLASS
- //*****************************************************************************
- /**
- System Class.
- @short The system class are basic system functions accessible to all.
- @author Nullsoft Inc.
- @ver 1.0
- */
- /**
- onScriptLoaded()
- Hookable. Event happens when script has just finished being loaded.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onScriptLoaded();
- /**
- onScriptUnloading()
- Hookable. Event happens when script is going to be unloaded.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onScriptUnloading();
- /**
- onQuit()
- Hookable. Event happens when the user quits the application.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onQuit();
- /**
- onSetXuiParam(String param, String value)
- Hookable. Event happens when the script is in a group implementing
- an xuiobject and a parameter has not been recognized by the group or
- the embedded object.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onSetXuiParam(String param, String value);
- /**
- onKeyDown()
- Hookable. Event happens when the user presses a key on the keyboard.
- @param key The key that was pressed.
- */
- extern System.onKeyDown(String key);
- /**
- onAccelerator()
- Hookable. Event happens when the user presses an accelerator key.
- @param action The action to perform (from locales)
- @param section The locales section for the accelerator.
- @param key The key, ie: "tab", "ctrl+a".
- */
- extern System.onAccelerator(String action, String section, String key);
- /**
- onCreateLayout()
- Hookable. Event happens when a layout is created.
- @param _layout The layout that was just created.
- */
- extern System.onCreateLayout(Layout _layout);
- /**
- onShowLayout()
- Hookable. Event happens when a layout is about to be shown.
- This even only happens if the layout was previously hidden.
- @param _layout The layout that's about to be shown.
- */
- extern System.onShowLayout(Layout _layout);
- /**
- onHideLayout()
- Hookable.
- @param _layout The layout that's about to be hidden.
- */
- extern System.onHideLayout(Layout _layout);
- /**
- onStop()
- Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 stops playing a file.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onStop();
- /**
- onPlay()
- Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 starts playing a file.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onPlay();
- /**
- onPause()
- Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 pauses playback.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onPause();
- /**
- onResume()
- Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 resumes playback.
- Event only happens when the song was previously set in a paused state.
- No params.
- */
- extern System.onResume();
- /**
- onTitleChange()
- Hookable. Event happens when the song title changes.
- */
- extern System.onTitleChange(String newtitle);
- extern System.onTitle2Change(String newtitle2);
- extern System.onInfoChange(String info);
- extern System.onStatusMsg(String msg);
- /**
- onEqBandChanged()
- Hookable. Event happens when an equalizer band changes values.
- The bands are numbered from 0 to 9 (0 being 60Hz and 9 being 16kHz)
- and their values range from -127 to +127.
- @param band The frequency band that has changed.
- @param newvalue The new value of the frequency band.
- */
- extern System.onEqBandChanged(int band, int newvalue);
- /**
- onEqPreampChanged()
- Hookable. Event happens when the equalizer pre-amp has changed
- values. Range of the value is from -127 to +127.
- @param newvalue The new pre-amp value.
- */
- extern System.onEqPreampChanged(int newvalue);
- /**
- onEqChanged()
- Hookable. Event happens when the EQ is switched on or off.
- 0 means the EQ was turned off. 1 means it was turned on.
- You might want to use true and false to verify this, it's a bit
- more elegant. :)
- @param newstatus The new status of the EQ.
- */
- extern System.onEqChanged(int newstatus);
- /**
- onVolumeChanged()
- Hookable. Event happens when the volume was changed.
- The range of the volume is from 0 to 255.
- @param newvol The new volume value.
- */
- extern System.onVolumeChanged(int newvol);
- /**
- onSeek()
- Hookable. Event happens when the user seeks
- to a position in the track.
- @param newpos The seekers new position.
- */
- extern System.onSeek(int newpos);
- /**
- getContainer()
- @ret The requested container.
- @param container_id The containers identifier string.
- */
- extern Container System.getContainer(String container_id);
- /**
- newDynamicContainer()
- @ret The new container.
- @param container_id The identifier for the container you want to create.
- */
- extern Container System.newDynamicContainer(String container_id);
- /**
- newGroup()
- @ret The new group.
- @param group_id The identifier for the group you want to create.
- */
- extern Group System.newGroup(String group_id);
- extern Layout System.newGroupAsLayout(String group_id);
- /**
- getNumContainers()
- Get the number of containers currently created.
- @ret The number of containers.
- */
- extern Int System.getNumContainers();
- /**
- enumContainer()
- Returns the name of the container associated with it's number.
- Use getNumContainers() to fetch the number of containers present.
- The containers are numbered from 0 to the value returned by getNumContainers().
- @ret The name of the specified container.
- @param num The container's number for which you want to know the name.
- */
- extern Container System.enumContainer(Int num);
- /**
- getWac()
- Gets the reference to the wac identified by the guid sent.
- @ret The requested WAC.
- @param wac_guid The WAC's GUID.
- */
- extern Wac System.getWac(String wac_guid);
- /**
- messageBox()
- Creates a message box.
- The flag paramater lets you set the style of the message box.
- Just use the OR bitwise operator to set the style you want.
- Here's a list of the flags you can use:
- MSGBOX_OK Adds an OK button. (1)
- MSGBOX_CANCEL Adds a CANCEL button. (2)
- MSGBOX_YES Adds a YES button. (4)
- MSGBOX_NO Adds a NO button. (8)
- MSGBOX_ALL Adds ALL buttons. (16)
- MSGBOX_NEXT Adds a NEXT button. (32)
- MSGBOX_PREVIOUS Adds a PREVIOUS button. (64)
- Note that the notanymore_id parameter stores the users answer in the
- configuration file with the entry name specified by it's value.
- @ret The value of the button that was pressed (example: if OK is pressed, 1 is returned).
- @param message The message you want to display.
- @param msgtitle The title of the message box.
- @param flag The message box style you want.
- @param notanymore_id Configuration item name in which to store the users answer.
- */
- extern Int System.messageBox(String message, String msgtitle, Int flag, String notanymore_id);
- /**
- getPlayItemString()
- @ret The name of what is playing.
- */
- extern String System.getPlayItemString();
- /**
- getPlayItemLength()
- Get the length of the track currently playing, in milliseconds.
- @ret Length of the track, in seconds.
- */
- extern Int System.getPlayItemLength();
- /**
- getPlayItemMetaDataString()
- Get metadata for the track currently playing. The metadata field names that
- are available are the following:
- **ADD LIST**
- @ret The requested metadata.
- @param metadataname The name of the metadata field you want to read.
- */
- extern String System.getPlayItemMetaDataString(String metadataname);
- /**
- playFile()
- Play the requested file. Path and filename are required
- with proper extension (example: playFile("c:\music\mp3\file.mp3"); ).
- It also works with URL's (example: playFile("http://myshoutcast.com:8000"); ).
- @param playitem The path and filename to play.
- */
- extern System.playFile(String playitem);
- /**
- getLeftVuMeter()
- Get the value of the left vu meter.
- Range is from 0 to 255. Linear.
- @ret The value of the left vu meter.
- */
- extern Int System.getLeftVuMeter();
- /**
- getRightVuMeter()
- Get the value of the right vu meter.
- Range is from 0 to 255. Linear.
- @ret The value of the left vu meter.
- */
- extern Int System.getRightVuMeter();
- /**
- getVolume()
- Get the current volume. Range is from 0 to 255.
- @ret The current volume.
- */
- extern Int System.getVolume();
- /**
- setVolume()
- Set the volume to the desired value.
- Range is from 0 to 255.
- @param vol The desired volume value.
- */
- extern System.setVolume(Int vol);
- /**
- play()
- Trigger the play event.
- */
- extern System.play();
- /**
- stop()
- Trigger the stop event.
- */
- extern System.stop();
- /**
- pause()
- Trigger the pause event.
- */
- extern System.pause();
- /**
- next()
- Trigger the next event.
- */
- extern System.next();
- /**
- previous()
- Trigger the previous event.
- */
- extern System.previous();
- /**
- eject()
- Trigger the eject event.
- */
- extern System.eject();
- /**
- seekTo()
- Seek to the desired position in the track. Range is from
- 0 to SONG LENGTH (in milliseconds).
- */
- extern System.seekTo(Int pos);
- /**
- getPosition()
- Get the current position in the track currently playing,
- in milliseconds.
- @ret The current position in the track.
- */
- extern Int System.getPosition();
- /**
- setEqBand()
- Sets the requested equalizer band to the specified value.
- The bands are numbered from 0 (60Hz) to 9 (16kHz) and
- each range from -127 to +127.
- @param band The EQ band to set.
- @param value The desired value for the specified band.
- */
- extern System.setEqBand(int band, Int value);
- /**
- setEqPreamp()
- Set the equalizer pre-amp to the desired value.
- Range is from -127 to +127 (0 means no preamp).
- @param value The desired value for the pre-amp.
- */
- extern System.setEqPreamp(Int value);
- /**
- Set the equalizer to the desired state. On or off.
- 0 is off, 1 is on.
- @param onoff The desired state for the eq.
- */
- extern System.setEq(Int onoff);
- /**
- getEqBand()
- Get the value of an equalizer band. The bands
- are numbered from 0 (60Hz) to 9 (16kHz). The return
- value range is from -127 to +127.
- @ret The value of the band.
- @param band The eq band number you want to get.
- */
- extern Int System.getEqBand(int band);
- /**
- getEqPreamp()
- Get the equalizer preamp value. The value range is
- from -127 to +127 (0 means no preamp).
- @ret The preamp's current value.
- */
- extern int System.getEqPreamp();
- /**
- getEq()
- Get the equalizer state. 0 for off, 1 for on.
- Remember to compare return value to true and false.
- @ret The EQ's state.
- */
- extern int System.getEq();
- /**
- getMousePosX()
- This returns the X position of the mouse in the screen,
- using the screen coordinate system.
- @ret The mouse's current X pos.
- */
- extern int System.getMousePosX();
- /**
- getMousePosY()
- This returns the Y position of the mouse in the screen,
- using the screen coordinate system.
- @ret The mouse's current Y pos.
- */
- extern int System.getMousePosY();
- /**
- integerToString()
- Get the string representation of an integer.
- @ret The string equivalent of the integer.
- @param value The integer to change into a string.
- */
- extern String System.integerToString(Int value);
- /**
- StringToInteger()
- Get the integer representation of a string.
- @ret The integer equivalent of the string.
- @param str The string to change into an integer.
- */
- extern Int System.StringToInteger(String str);
- /**
- floatToString()
- Get the string representation of a floating point number.
- @ret The string representation of the float number.
- @param value The float to convert.
- @param ndigits Number of digits after the decimal point you want.
- */
- extern String System.floatToString(float value, int ndigits);
- /**
- stringToFloat()
- Get the floating point representation of a string.
- @ret The float representation of the string.
- @param str The string to convert.
- */
- extern Float System.stringToFloat(String str);
- /**
- integerToLongTime()
- Convert a time in seconds to a HH:MM:SS value.
- @ret The string representation of the time (HH:MM:SS).
- @param value Timestamp to use.
- */
- extern String System.integerToLongTime(Int value);
- /**
- integerToTime()
- Convert a time in seconds to a MM:SS value.
- @ret The string representation of the time (MM:SS).
- @param value Timestamp to use.
- */
- extern String System.integerToTime(Int value);
- /**
- strmid()
- Get a substring from a string.
- @ret The substring.
- @param str The string.
- @param start The start position.
- @param len The length of the string to extract, from start position.
- */
- extern String System.strmid(String str, Int start, Int len);
- /**
- strleft()
- Get a substring from a string, starting from the left.
- @ret The substring.
- @param str The string.
- @param nchars The length of the string to extract, from the left.
- */
- extern String System.Strleft(string str, int nchars);
- /**
- strright()
- Get a substring from a string, starting from the right. Since
- the start point is the right of the string (or the end). It will
- extract the string starting from the END going towards the BEGINNING.
- @ret The substring.
- @param str The string.
- @param nchars The length of the string to extract, from the right.
- */
- extern string System.strright(string str, int nchars);
- /**
- strsearch()
- Search a string for any occurance of substring. If the substring was
- found in the string, it will return the position of the substring in
- the string searched. If the substring is not found, the return value
- is -1.
- @ret Position at which the substring was found.
- @param str The string to search in.
- @param substr The substring to find.
- */
- extern int System.strsearch(string str, string substr);
- /**
- strlen()
- Returns the length of the string.
- @ret The length of the string.
- @param str The string.
- */
- extern int System.strlen(string str);
- /**
- strupper()
- Convert a string to all uppercase.
- @ret The uppercase string.
- @param str The string to uppercase.
- */
- extern string System.strupper(string str);
- /**
- strlower()
- Convert a string to all lowercase.
- @ret The lowercase string.
- @param str The string to lowercase.
- */
- extern string System.strlower(string str);
- /**
- urlEncode()
- URL Encode a string. Characters that are NOT encoded
- are: All letters, All digits, underscore (_), dash (-) and
- period (.).
- @ret The URL encoded string.
- @param url The string to URL encode.
- */
- extern string System.urlEncode(string url);
- /**
- removePath()
- Remove the path from a fullpath. (example:
- c:\music\mp3\test.mp3 -> test.mp3)
- Also works on URL's.
- @ret The filename with the path removed.
- @param str The fullpath of a file.
- */
- extern string System.removePath(string str);
- /**
- getToken()
- Retreive a token from a list of tokens seperated by separator.
- The index starts at 0, not 1, so be careful.
- Here's a short example:
- getToken("1,2,3,4,5", ",", 3);
- Would return, 3. If the token you ask for doesn't exist, an
- empty string is returned.
- @ret The token requested.
- @param str The tokenenized string.
- @param separator The separator to use.
- @param tokennum The token to retreive.
- */
- extern string System.getToken(string str, string separator, int tokennum);
- /**
- sin()
- Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio of two sides of a right triangle.
- The ratio is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length
- of the hypotenuse. The result range is from -1 to 1.
- Converting from degrees to radians can be done by multiplying degrees by PI/180.
- @ret The sine value of the angle.
- @param value The angle for which you want to know the sine value.
- */
- extern double System.sin(double value);
- /**
- cos()
- Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio of the two sides of a right triangle.
- The ratio is the length of the side adjacent to the angle divided by the length of the
- hypotenuse. The result is range is from -1 to 1.
- @ret The cosine value of the angle.
- @param value The angle for which you want to know the cosine value.
- */
- extern double System.cos(double value);
- /**
- tan()
- Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio between two sides of a right triangle.
- The ratio is sin(x) divided by cos(x).
- @ret The tangent value of the angle.
- @param value The angle for which you want to know the tangent value.
- */
- extern double System.tan(double value);
- /**
- asin()
- Takes a sine value ranging from -1 to 1 and returns the angle in radians.
- The return value ranges from -PI/2 to +PI/2.
- @ret The angle in radians.
- @param value The sine value for which you want to know the angle.
- */
- extern double System.asin(double value);
- /**
- acos()
- Takes a cosine value ranging from -1 to 1 and returns the angle in radians.
- The return value ranges from -PI/2 to +PI/2.
- @ret The angle in radians.
- @param value The cosine value for which you want to know the angle.
- */
- extern double System.acos(double value);
- /**
- atan()
- Takes an angle in radians and returns the ration between two sides of a right triangle.
- The ratio is cos(x) divided by sin(x).
- @ret The arc tangent value of the angle.
- */
- extern double System.atan(double value);
- /**
- atan2()
- @ret The arctangent of y/x.
- */
- extern double System.atan2(double y, double x);
- /**
- pow()
- Elevate a number to the N'th power.
- @ret The number
- @param value The number you want to elevate to the N power.
- @param pvalue The power to which you want to elevate the number.
- */
- extern double System.pow(double value, double pvalue);
- /**
- sqr()
- Get the square of a number.
- @ret The number, squared.
- @param value The number for which you want the square value.
- */
- extern double System.sqr(double value);
- /**
- sqrt()
- Get the square root of a number.
- @ret The square root of the number.
- @param value The number for which you want the square root value.
- */
- extern double System.sqrt(double value);
- /**
- random()
- Get a randomely generated number. The random number will not
- be bigger than the max value indicated. Smallest value is 0.
- @ret The random number.
- @param max The maximum value of the random number to return.
- */
- extern int System.random(int max);
- /**
- setPrivateString()
- Create a private config entry for your script, of String type.
- @param section The section for the entry.
- @param item The item name for the entry.
- @param value The value of the entry.
- */
- extern System.setPrivateString(string section, string item, string value);
- /**
- setPrivateInt()
- Create a private config entry for your script, of Int type.
- @param section The section for the entry.
- @param item The item name for the entry.
- @param value The value of the entry.
- */
- extern System.setPrivateInt(string section, string item, int value);
- /**
- getPrivateString()
- Read a private config entry of String type. Returns
- the specified default value if the section and item isn't
- found.
- @ret The value of the config entry.
- @param section The section from which to read the entry.
- @param item The name of the item to read.
- @param defvalue The default value to return if no item is found.
- */
- extern String System.getPrivateString(String section, String item, String defvalue);
- /**
- getPrivateInt()
- Read a private config entry of Integer type. Returns
- the specified default value if the section and item isn't
- found.
- @ret The value of the config entry.
- @param section The section from which to read the entry.
- @param item The name of the item to read.
- @param defvalue The defautl value to return if no item is found.
- */
- extern Int System.getPrivateInt(String section, String item, Int defvalue);
- /**
- setPublicString()
- Create a public config entry for your script, of String type.
- @param item The item name for the entry.
- @param value The value of the entry.
- */
- extern System.setPublicString(String item, String value);
- /**
- setPublicInt()
- Create a public config entry for your script, of Int type.
- @param item The item name of the entry.
- @param value The value of the entry.
- */
- extern System.setPublicInt(String item, Int value);
- /**
- getPublicString()
- Read a public config entry of String type. Returns
- the specified default value if the item isn't found.
- @ret The value of the config entry.
- @param item The item name to read.
- @param defvalue The default value to return if no item is found.
- */
- extern String System.getPublicString(String item, String defvalue);
- /**
- getPublicInt()
- Read a public config entry of Integer type. Returns
- the specified default value if the item isn't found.
- @ret The value of the config entry.
- @param item The item name to read.
- @param defvalue The default value to return if no item is found.
- */
- extern Int System.getPublicInt(String item, Int defvalue);
- /**
- getParam()
- Get the parameters with which the script is called.
- This is the 'param="..."' attribute in the <script ...>
- skin XML tag.
- @ret The parameter for the script.
- */
- extern String System.getParam();
- /**
- getScriptGroup()
- Get the group in which the script is instantiated. Returns
- Null if it's not instantiated in a group.
- @ret
- */
- extern Group System.getScriptGroup();
- /**
- getViewPortWidth()
- Get the user's screen width in pixels.
- @ret The width of the user's screen.
- */
- extern Int System.getViewportWidth();
- /**
- getViewPortHeight()
- Get the user's screen height in pixels.
- @ret The height of the user's screen.
- */
- extern Int System.getViewportHeight();
- extern Int System.getViewportLeft();
- extern Int System.getViewportTop();
- /**
- debugString()
- Send a debug message to the Wasabi Console.
- The severity ranges from 0 (not serious) to 9 (very serious).
- @param str The debug message.
- @param severity The severity of the error.
- */
- extern System.debugString(String str, Int severity);
- /**
- ddeSend()
- Send a DDE message to an application. The minimum
- interval between messages is specified in milliseconds.
- Here's an example:
- ddeSend("mIRC", "/msg #channel I'm using Winamp3", 300);
- @param application The DDE server name of the application.
- @param command The command to send.
- @param mininterval The minimum interval to respect between messages (in ms).
- */
- extern System.ddeSend(String application, String command, Int mininterval);
- /**
- onLookForComponent()
- Hookable. Event happens when the component with the
- specified GUID is going to be shown. Don't forget
- to return the component when you're done doing what
- you want to do (example: animate something).
- @ret The component requested.
- @param guid The requested components GUID.
- */
- extern Component System.onLookForComponent(String guid);
- /**
- getCurAppLeft()
- Get the applications current left coordinate in the screen,
- using the screen coordinate system.
- @ret The left coordinate of the application.
- */
- extern Int System.getCurAppLeft();
- /**
- getCurAppTop()
- Get the applications current top coordinate in the screen,
- using the screen coordinate system.
- @ret The top coordinate of the application.
- */
- extern Int System.getCurAppTop();
- /**
- getCurAppWidth()
- Get the applications current window width, in pixels.
- @ret The width of the application window.
- */
- extern Int System.getCurAppWidth();
- /**
- getCurAppHeight()
- Get the applications current window height, in pixels.
- @ret The height of the application window.
- */
- extern Int System.getCurAppHeight();
- /**
- isAppActive()
- Get the current status of the application. If it's active,
- it means the application has focus. True is active, false is
- inactive.
- @ret The application's status.
- */
- extern Boolean System.isAppActive();
- /**
- getSkinName()
- Get the skin name for the loaded skin.
- @ret The skin's name.
- */
- extern String System.getSkinName();
- /**
- getMainBrowser()
- Get a reference to the main browser object.
- This is the browser object that's defined with
- mainmb="1" in the skin XML.
- @ret A reference to the main browser object.
- */
- extern Browser System.getMainBrowser();
- extern System.popMainBrowser();
- extern System.navigateUrl(String url);
- /**
- isObjectValid()
- Verifies if an object is valid. You can also verify
- this using the Null object. True means the object is valid,
- false means it isn't.
- @ret The validity of the object.
- @param o The object you want to verify.
- */
- extern Boolean System.isObjectValid(Object o);
- /**
- integer()
- Takes a Double and returns the closest integer representation.
- @ret The integer representation of the double.
- @param d The double for which you want an integer representation.
- */
- extern Int System.integer(Double d);
- /**
- getTimeOfDay()
- Read the current time of the day. Returns a number that's
- the number of milliseconds since the start of the day (0:00).
- @ret The number of milliseconds since midnight.
- */
- extern Int System.getTimeOfDay();
- /**
- setMenuTransparency()
- Set the menu's transparency value (alpha blending). Ranges
- from 0 to 255. 0 being totally transparent and 255 being
- totally opaque.
- @param alphavalue The transparency value to set.
- */
- extern System.setMenuTransparency(int alphavalue);
- extern Boolean System.onGetCancelComponent(String guid, boolean goingvisible);
- #define STATUS_PAUSED -1
- #define STATUS_STOPPED 0
- #define STATUS_PLAYING 1
- /**
- getStatus()
- returns the status of the main player core.
- @ret STATUS_PAUSED (-1) if paused, STATUS_STOPPED (0) if stopped, STATUS_PLAYING (1) if playing.
- */
- extern Int System.getStatus();
- #define VK_SHIFT 16
- #define VK_CONTROL 17
- #define VK_ALT 18
- /**
- Int isKeyDown(int vk_code)
- Checks if a virtual key (like VK_CONTROL, VK_SHIFT, VK_ALT) is pressed.
- @ret 1 if key is pressed, 0 if not.
- */
- extern Int System.isKeyDown(int vk_code);
- /**
- setClipboardText(String text)
- Sets the given text to the clipboard.
- */
- extern System.setClipboardText(String _text);
- /**
- String Chr(Int charnum)
- Returns a string the ascii char.
- */
- extern String System.Chr(Int charnum);
- extern System.systemMenu();
- extern System.windowMenu();
- //*****************************************************************************
- // Container CLASS
- //*****************************************************************************
- /**
- Container Class.
- @short The container class enables you to control current containers and also create them.
- @author Nullsoft Inc.
- @ver 1.0
- */
- /**
- onSwitchToLayout()
- Hookable. Event happens when a container is going to switch
- from the currently active layout to another layout (newlayout).
- @param newlayout The new layout that will be used.
- */
- extern Container.onSwitchToLayout(Layout newlayout);
- /**
- onHideLayout()
- Hookable. Event happens when a container is about to hide
- the currently active layout (_layout).
- @param _layout The layout that's going to be hidden.
- */
- extern Container.onHideLayout(Layout _layout);
- /**
- onShowLayout()
- Hookable. Event happens when a container is about to
- show a layout (_layout).
- @param _layout The layout about to be shown
- */
- extern Container.onShowLayout(Layout _layout);
- /**
- getLayout()
- Get the layout associated with the an id.
- This corresponds to the "id=..." attribute in
- the XML tag <layout .. />.
- @ret The layout associated with the id.
- @param layout_id The id of the layout you wish to retrieve.
- */
- extern Layout Container.getLayout(String layout_id);
- /**
- getNumLayouts()
- Get the number of layouts contained in the
- container.
- @ret The number of layouts.
- */
- extern Int Container.getNumLayouts();
- /**
- enumLayout()
- Get the layout by it's index number.
- Range is from 0 to the value returned
- by getNumLayouts() - 1.
- @ret The layout.
- @param num The index number of the layout you want.
- */
- extern Layout Container.enumLayout(Int num);
- /**
- switchToLayout()
- Switch to a perticular layout by using the
- desired layout's id. This corresponds to the
- "id=..." attribute in the XML tag <layout .. />.
- @param layout_id The id of the layout to which you want to switch.
- */
- extern Container.switchToLayout(Layout layout_id);
- /**
- show()
- Trigger the show event.
- */
- extern Container.show();
- /**
- hide()
- Trigger the hide event.
- */
- extern Container.hide();
- /**
- toggle()
- Toggle the containers state between Shown / Hidden.
- */
- extern Container.toggle();
- /**
- isDynamic()
- Tells you if the current container is a dynamic
- container or not. Values are true (1) for dynamic
- false (0) for static.
- @ret The container type (dynamic or static).
- */
- extern Int Container.isDynamic();
- extern Container.setName(String name);
- //*****************************************************************************
- //*****************************************************************************
- /**
- WAC Class.
- @short .
- @author Nullsoft Inc.
- @ver 1.0
- */
- /**
- getGuid()
- Get the GUID of the WAC.
- @ret The GUID of the WAC.
- */
- extern String Wac.getGuid();
- /**
- getName()
- Get the name of the WAC.
- @ret The name of the WAC.
- */
- extern String Wac.getName();
- /**
- sendCommand()
- */
- extern Int Wac.sendCommand(String cmd, Int param1, Int param2, String param3);
- /**
- show()
- Trigger the show event.
- */
- extern Wac.show();
- /**
- hide()
- Trigger the hide event.
- */
- extern Wac.hide();
- /**
- isVisible()
- */
- extern Boolean Wac.isVisible();
- /**
- onNotify()
- */
- extern Wac.onNotify(String notifstr, Int a, Int b);
- /**
- onShow()
- Hookable. The event happens when the WAC is about
- to be shown.
- */
- extern Wac.onShow();
- /**
- onHide()
- Hookable. The event happens when the WAC is about
- to be hidden.
- */
- extern Wac.onHide();
- /**
- setStatusBar()
- Set the status bars visibility.
- Sending true will make the status bar
- visible while sending false will hide
- it.
- @param onoff The status bars visibility.
- */
- extern Wac.setStatusBar(Boolean onoff);
- /**
- getStatusBar()
- Get the status bars visibility. True means
- it's visible, false means it's hidden.
- @ret The status bars visibility.
- */
- extern Boolean Wac.getStatusBar();
- //*****************************************************************************
- //*****************************************************************************
- /**
- GuiObject Class.
- @short .
- @author Nullsoft Inc.
- @ver 1.0
- */
- /**
- show()
- Trigger the show event.
- */
- extern GuiObject.show();
- /**
- hide()
- Trigger the hide event.
- */
- extern GuiObject.hide();
- /**
- isVisible()
- Get the visibility status of the object.
- False means it's hidden, true means it's
- visible.
- @ret The visibility status of the object.
- */
- extern int GuiObject.isVisible();
- /**
- onSetVisible()
- Hookable. Event happens when the visibility
- status of the object is changed from visible to
- hidden or vice-versa.
- @param onoff The objects visibility status.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onSetVisible(Boolean onoff);
- /**
- setAlpha()
- Set the alphablending value of the object.
- Value ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to
- 255 (fully opaque).
- @param alpha The alpha value.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setAlpha(int alpha);
- /**
- getAlpha()
- Get the current alphablending value of
- the object. Value ranges from 0 (fully
- transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).
- @ret The alpha value.
- */
- extern int GuiObject.getAlpha();
- /**
- onLeftButtonUp()
- Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse
- button was previously down and is now up.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y);
- /**
- onLeftButtonDown()
- Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse button
- is pressed.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y);
- /**
- onRightButtonUp()
- Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
- was previously down and is now up.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onRightButtonUp(int x, int y);
- /**
- onRightButtonDown()
- Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
- is pressed.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onRightButtonDown(int x, int y);
- /**
- onRightButtonDlbClk()
- Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
- is double clicked.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onRightButtonDblClk(int x, int y);
- /**
- onLeftButtonDlbClk()
- Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse button
- is double clicked.
- @param x The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- @param y The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonDblClk(int x, int y);
- /**
- onMouseMove()
- Hookable. Event happens when the mouse is moved.
- @param x The new X screen position of the mouse.
- @param y The new Y screen position of the mouse.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onMouseMove(int x, int y);
- /**
- onEnterArea()
- Hookable. Event happens when the mouse
- enters the objects area.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onEnterArea();
- /**
- onLeaveArea()
- Hookable. Event happens when the mouse
- leaves the objects area.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onLeaveArea();
- /**
- setEnabled()
- */
- extern GuiObject.setEnabled(boolean onoff);
- /**
- getEnabled()
- */
- extern boolean GuiObject.getEnabled();
- /**
- onEnabled()
- */
- extern GuiObject.onEnable(boolean onoff);
- /**
- resize()
- Resize the object to the desired size and position.
- @param x The X position where to anchor the object before resize.
- @param y The Y position where to anchor the object before resize.
- @param w The width you wish the object to have.
- @param h The height you wish the object to have.
- */
- extern GuiObject.resize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- /**
- onResize()
- Hookable. Event happens when the object is about
- to be resized.
- @param x The X position where the object will be anchored.
- @param y The Y position where the object will be anchored.
- @param w The width the object will have.
- @param h The height the object will have.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- /**
- isMouseOver()
- */
- extern boolean GuiObject.isMouseOver(int x, int y);
- /**
- getLeft()
- Get the X position, in the screen, of the
- left edge of the object.
- @ret The left edge's position (in screen coordinates).
- */
- extern int GuiObject.getLeft();
- /**
- getTop()
- Get the Y position, in the screen, of the
- top edge of the object.
- @ret The top edge's position (in screen coordinates).
- */
- extern int GuiObject.getTop();
- /**
- getWidth()
- Get the width of the object, in pixels.
- @ret The width of the object.
- */
- extern int GuiObject.getWidth();
- /**
- getHeight()
- Get the height of the object, in pixels.
- @ret The height of the object.
- */
- extern int GuiObject.getHeight();
- /**
- setTargetX()
- Set a target X position, in the screen, for
- the object.
- @param x The target X position of the object.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetX(int x);
- /**
- setTargetY()
- Set a target Y position, in the screen, for
- the object.
- @param y The target Y position of the object.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetY(int y);
- /**
- setTargetW()
- Set a target width, in pixels, for the object.
- @param w The target width of the object.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetW(int w);
- /**
- setTargetH()
- Set a target height, in pixels, for the object.
- @param h The target height of the object.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetH(int r);
- /**
- setTargetA()
- Set a target alphablending value for the object.
- The value range is from 0 (totally transparent)
- to 255 (totally opaque).
- @param alpha The target alpha value.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetA(int alpha);
- /**
- setTargetSpeed()
- The amount of time in which you wish to arrive at
- the target(s) previously set, in seconds.
- @param insecond The number of seconds in which to reach the target.
- */
- extern GuiObject.setTargetSpeed(float insecond);
- /**
- gotoTarget()
- Begin transition to previously set target.
- */
- extern GuiObject.gotoTarget();
- /**
- onTargetReached()
- Hookable. Event happens when the object has reached
- it's previously set target.
- */
- extern GuiObject.onTargetReached();
- extern GuiObject.cancelTarget();
- /**
- isGoingToTarget()
- */
- extern boolean GuiObject.isGoingToTarget();
- extern GuiObject.setXmlParam(String param, String value);
- extern String GuiObject.getXmlParam(String param);
- extern GuiObject.init(Group parent);
- extern GuiObject.bringToFront();
- extern GuiObject.bringToBack();
- extern GuiObject.bringAbove(GuiObject guiobj);
- extern GuiObject.bringBelow(GuiObject guiobj);
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiX();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiY();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiW();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiH();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatX();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatY();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatW();
- extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatH();
- extern Boolean GuiObject.isActive();
- extern GuiObject GuiObject.getParent();
- extern Layout GuiObject.getParentLayout();
- extern int GuiObject.runModal();
- extern GuiObject.endModal(int retcode);
- extern GuiObject GuiObject.findObject(String id);
- extern String GuiObject.getName();
- extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenX(int x);
- extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenY(int y);
- extern int GuiObject.screenToClientX(int x);
- extern int GuiObject.screenToClientY(int y);
- extern int GuiObject.getAutoWidth();
- extern int GuiObject.getAutoHeight();
- extern GuiObject.setFocus();
- extern GuiObject.onChar(String c);
- extern GuiObject.onAccelerator(String accel);
- extern Boolean GuiObject.isMouseOverRect();
- #define VK_PRIOR 33
- #define VK_NEXT 34
- #define VK_END 35
- #define VK_HOME 36
- #define VK_LEFT 37
- #define VK_UP 38
- #define VK_RIGHT 39
- #define VK_DOWN 40
- extern GuiObject.onKeyDown(int vk_code);
- extern GuiObject.onKeyUp(int vk_code);
- extern GuiObject.onGetFocus();
- extern GuiObject.onKillFocus();
- extern Int GuiObject.sendAction(String action, String param, Int x, int y, int p1, int p2);
- // Group
- extern GuiObject Group.getObject(String object_id);
- extern Int Group.getNumObjects();
- extern GuiObject Group.enumObject(Int num);
- extern Group.onCreateObject(GuiObject newobj);
- extern Int Group.getMousePosX();
- extern Int Group.getMousePosY();
- extern Boolean Group.isLayout();
- // Layout
- extern Layout.onDock();
- extern Layout.onUndock();
- extern Layout.onScale(Double newscalevalue);
- extern Double Layout.getScale();
- extern Layout.setScale(Double scalevalue);
- extern Layout.setDesktopAlpha(Boolean onoff);
- extern Container Layout.getContainer();
- extern Layout.center();
- // List
- extern List.addItem(Any _object);
- extern List.removeItem(int pos);
- extern Any List.enumItem(int pos);
- extern Int List.findItem(Any _object);
- extern int List.getNumItems();
- extern List.removeAll();
- // Map
- extern Int Map.getValue(int x, int y);
- extern Boolean Map.inRegion(int x, int y);
- extern Map.loadMap(String bitmapid);
- extern Int Map.getWidth();
- extern Int Map.getHeight();
- extern Region Map.getRegion();
- // PopupMenu
- extern PopupMenu.addSubMenu(PopupMenu submenu, String submenutext);
- extern PopupMenu.addCommand(String cmdtxt, Int cmd_id, Boolean checked, Boolean disabled);
- extern PopupMenu.addSeparator();
- extern Int PopupMenu.popAtXY(int x, int y);
- extern Int PopupMenu.popAtMouse();
- extern Int PopupMenu.getNumCommands();
- extern PopupMenu.checkCommand(int cmd_id, boolean check);
- extern PopupMenu.disableCommand(int cmd_id, boolean disable);
- // Region
- extern Region.add(Region reg);
- extern Region.sub(Region reg);
- extern Region.offset(int x, int y);
- extern Region.stretch(double r);
- extern Region.copy(Region reg);
- extern Region.loadFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reversed);
- extern Region.loadFromBitmap(String bitmapid);
- extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxX();
- extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxY();
- extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxW();
- extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxH();
- // Timer
- extern Timer.onTimer();
- extern Timer.setDelay(int millisec);
- extern Int Timer.getDelay();
- extern Timer.start();
- extern Timer.stop();
- extern Timer.isRunning();
- // Component
- extern Component.onGetWac(Wac wacobj);
- extern Component.onGiveUpWac(Wac wacobj);
- extern String Component.getGuid();
- extern Wac Component.getWac();
- extern Component.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reverse);
- extern Component.setRegion(Region reg);
- extern Component.setAcceptWac(Boolean onoff);
- // Edit
- extern Edit.onEnter();
- extern Edit.onAbort();
- extern Edit.onIdleEditUpdate();
- extern Edit.onEditUpdate();
- extern Edit.setText(String txt);
- extern Edit.setAutoEnter(boolean onoff);
- extern Int Edit.getAutoEnter();
- extern String Edit.getText();
- extern Edit.selectAll();
- extern Edit.enter();
- extern Edit.setIdleEnabled(boolean onoff);
- extern Int Edit.getIdleEnabled();
- // Slider
- extern Slider.onSetPosition(int newpos);
- extern Slider.onPostedPosition(int newpos);
- extern Slider.onSetFinalPosition(int pos);
- extern Slider.setPosition(int pos);
- extern Int Slider.getPosition();
- extern Slider.lock(); // locks descendant core collbacks
- extern Slider.unlock(); // unloads them
- // Vis
- extern Vis.onFrame();
- extern Vis.setRealtime(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Vis.getRealtime();
- extern Int Vis.getMode();
- extern Vis.setMode(Int mode);
- extern Vis.nextMode();
- // Browser
- extern Browser.navigateUrl(String url);
- extern Browser.back();
- extern Browser.forward();
- extern Browser.stop();
- extern Browser.refresh();
- extern Browser.home();
- extern Browser.setTargetName(String targetname);
- extern Boolean Browser.onBeforeNavigate(String url, Int flags, String targetframename); // return TRUE to cancel navigation
- extern Browser.onDocumentComplete(String url);
- // Text
- extern Text.setText(String txt); // changes the display/text="something" param
- extern Text.setAlternateText(String txt); // overrides the display/text parameter with a custom string, set "" to cancel
- extern String Text.getText();
- extern int Text.getTextWidth();
- extern Text.onTextChanged(String newtxt);
- // Layer
- extern Layer.onBeginResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- extern Layer.onEndResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- extern Layer.fx_onInit();
- extern Layer.fx_onFrame();
- extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelR(double r, double d, double x, double y);
- extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelD(double r, double d, double x, double y);
- extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelX(double r, double d, double x, double y);
- extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelY(double r, double d, double x, double y);
- extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelA(double r, double d, double x, double y);
- extern Layer.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, int threshold, boolean reverse);
- extern Layer.setRegion(Region reg);
- extern Layer.fx_setEnabled(boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getEnabled();
- extern Layer.fx_setWrap(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getWrap();
- extern Layer.fx_setRect(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getRect();
- extern Layer.fx_setBgFx(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getBgFx();
- extern Layer.fx_setClear(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getClear();
- extern Layer.fx_setSpeed(Int msperframe);
- extern Int Layer.fx_getSpeed();
- extern Layer.fx_setRealtime(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getRealtime();
- extern Layer.fx_setLocalized(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getLocalized();
- extern Layer.fx_setBilinear(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getBilinear();
- extern Layer.fx_setAlphaMode(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Layer.fx_getAlphaMode();
- extern Layer.fx_setGridSize(Int x, Int y);
- extern Layer.fx_update();
- extern Layer.fx_restart();
- // Button
- extern Button.onActivate(int activated);
- extern Button.onLeftClick();
- extern Button.onRightClick();
- extern Button.setActivated(Boolean onoff);
- extern Button.setActivatedNoCallback(Boolean onoff);
- extern Boolean Button.getActivated();
- extern Button.leftClick();
- extern Button.rightClick();
- // AnimatedLayer
- extern AnimatedLayer.onPlay();
- extern AnimatedLayer.onPause();
- extern AnimatedLayer.onResume();
- extern AnimatedLayer.onStop();
- extern AnimatedLayer.onFrame(Int framenum);
- extern AnimatedLayer.setSpeed(Int msperframe);
- extern AnimatedLayer.gotoFrame(int framenum);
- extern AnimatedLayer.setStartFrame(Int framenum);
- extern AnimatedLayer.setEndFrame(int framenum);
- extern AnimatedLayer.setAutoReplay(Boolean onoff);
- extern AnimatedLayer.play();
- extern AnimatedLayer.stop();
- extern AnimatedLayer.pause();
- extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isPlaying();
- extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isPaused();
- extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isStopped();
- extern Int AnimatedLayer.getStartFrame();
- extern Int AnimatedLayer.getEndFrame();
- extern Int AnimatedLayer.getLength();
- extern Int AnimatedLayer.getDirection();
- extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.getAutoReplay();
- extern Int AnimatedLayer.getCurFrame();
- extern AnimatedLayer.setRealtime(Boolean onoff);
- // ToggleButton
- extern ToggleButton.onToggle(Boolean);
- // GroupList
- extern Group GroupList.instantiate(String group_id, int num_groups);
- extern Int GroupList.getNumItems();
- extern Group GroupList.enumItem(int num);
- extern GroupList.removeAll();
- extern GroupList.scrollToPercent(Int percent);
- // CfgGroup
- extern Int CfgGroup.cfgGetInt();
- extern CfgGroup.cfgSetInt(Int intvalue);
- extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetString();
- extern Int CfgGroup.cfgGetFloat();
- extern CfgGroup.cfgSetFloat(Float floatvalue);
- extern CfgGroup.cfgSetString(String strvalue);
- extern CfgGroup.onCfgChanged();
- extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetGuid();
- extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetName();
- // QueryList
- extern QueryList.onResetQuery();
- // MouseRedir
- extern MouseRedir.setRedirection(GuiObject o);
- extern GuiObject MouseRedir.getRedirection();
- extern MouseRedir.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reverse);
- extern MouseRedir.setRegion(Region reg);
- // DropDownList
- extern String DropDownList.getItemSelected();
- // LayoutStatus
- extern LayoutStatus.callme(String str);
- // TabSheet
- extern Int TabSheet.getCurPage();
- extern TabSheet.setCurPage(Int a);