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- Pegasus Mail for Windows DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Interface
- Copyright (c) 1997-1999, David Harris, All Rights Reserved.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Revision history:
- * WinPMail v3.11: added IDENTITY and VOLATILE keywords to MESSAGE topic.
- * WinPMail v3.12: added RICHTEXT keyword to MESSAGE topic, and STATUS
- keyword to ENVIRONMENT topic
- Pegasus Mail v2.54 and later incorporates support for Windows DDE to allow
- interprocess communication. This document describes the topics supported by
- WinPMail and the syntax of the commands sent to them. It is not a tutorial
- on DDE, and assumes that you either understand how to use DDE, or are using
- an environment (such as Microsoft Word's WordBasic language) that
- simplifies the process of using DDE commands.
- One of the most powerful features of DDE is that it allows transparent
- communication between 16-bit and 32-bit applications: so, by using DDE, you
- can communicate with either the 16- or the 32-bit version of WinPMail
- without having to be worried about the differences between the two.
- Pegasus Mail's DDE interface has been designed to be as simple to use as
- possible, and depends on simple strings for commands. It should be possible
- to use DDE to interact with Pegasus Mail from almost any environment.
- Service and Topic Names
- -----------------------
- Under DDE, a "service name" is the name of an application that can accept
- DDE connections: when you connect to a service application, you specify a
- particular set of commands or operations in which you are interested - this
- set of commands is known as a "topic". Pegasus Mail uses the service name
- "WinPMail" and exports the following topics:
- "System" The standard DDE system topic
- "Environment" Accepts DDE Requests (transactions of type XTYP_REQUEST)
- and returns information about the environment of the
- running copy of WinPMail, such as directories and
- usernames.
- "Message" Accepts DDE Poke commands to create and send e-mail
- messages. A DDE Client can either create and manipulate
- standard Pegasus Mail message editor windows, filling
- in whichever blanks are required, or it can create
- messages without a window.
- "TCP" Provides access via DDE Poke commands to WinPMail's
- TCP/IP-based mail services.
- The "Environment" topic
- -----------------------
- The "Environment" DDE topic allows client applications to obtain
- information about the running copy of Pegasus Mail. To use this command,
- send a DDE Request command (a transaction of type XTYP_REQUEST) the the
- "Environment" topic with the "item" parameter set to the environment item
- you wish to retrieve, selected from the following list:
- USER - Returns the name of the user running WinPMail
- HOMEBOX - Returns the full path to the user's home mail directory
- NEWBOX - Returns the full path to the user's new mail directory
- MODE - Returns either "Standalone" or "Network"
- VERSION - Returns the version of WinPMail, expressed as a four
- digit hexadecimal number ("0254" for v2.54) followed
- by a space and either "16" or "32" to indicate the
- version of WinPMail that is running.
- BASEDIR - The directory from which WinPMail was run
- TCP - If WinPMail's TCP/IP services are available, returns
- the path to the WINSOCK.DLL in use, otherwise returns
- the single character "N".
- NEWMAIL - Returns the number of mail messages in the user's new
- mail folder.
- STATUS - Returns the status of the last mail delivery operation
- -- Example: -----------------------------------
- In WordBasic (MS-Word 7) the following Macro opens a connection to
- WinPMail, retrieves the current version, and displays it:
- Sub MAIN
- channel = DDEInitiate("WinPMail", "Environment")
- a$ = DDERequest$(channel, "version")
- DDETerminate channel
- MsgBox a$
- End Sub
- A longer example in C is shown as Appendix A: in this document.
- The "Message" topic
- -------------------
- Client applications use the "Message" topic to create and send electronic
- mail messages using WinPMail. Once a connection has been established to the
- "Message" topic, the client Pokes data at WinPMail (using XTYP_POKE
- transactions). The string parameter in the Poke command should be set to
- "Message" - other values may be added in future. The data itself contains
- the commands and parameters.
- The following commands can be Poked as data to WinPMail:
- New : <"Message"> or <"Window">
- If the parameter is "Window", then WinPMail creates a standard
- message editing window, and subsequent message commands will change
- the controls and settings in that window. If the parameter is
- "Message", then a data structure representing the message is
- allocated internally and subsequent message commands will fill in the
- fields within that structure.
- Defaults : Y
- Tells WinPMail to apply the user's regular message setting default
- values to the message. This command is only valid when the
- "New: message" command has been sent - it has no effect on message
- editing windows created using "New: window", since they always use
- default values automatically.
- To : <address> [, <address> ...]
- Fills in the "To" field for the message or window. The parameter may
- be any address WinPMail would normally accept, and you may include
- more than one address by separating them with commas. The same rules
- apply to the Cc: and Bcc: fields.
- Cc : <address> [, <address> ...]
- Fills in the "Cc:" (Carbon Copy) field for the message.
- Bcc : <address> [, <address> ...]
- Fills in the "Bcc:" (Blind Carbon Copy) field for the message.
- Subject : <string>
- Fills in the subject field of the message.
- Reply-to : <address>
- Sets the optional reply address for the message.
- Copyself : <'Y'> or <'N'>
- Selects whether or not a copy-to-self should be made of the message.
- Confirm-delivery : <'Y'> or <'N'>
- Selects whether or not to request confirmation of delivery
- Confirm-reading : <'Y'> or <'N'>
- Selects whether or not to request confirmation of reading
- Urgent : <'Y'> or <'N'>
- Selects whether or not the message should be marked as "urgent"
- Encrypted : <encryptor-name><,><passphrase><,><flags>
- Chooses an encryption method for the message. "Encryptor-name" is
- the tagname of the encryptor you wish to use (use "PM-BUILTIN" to
- select Pegasus Mail's built-in encryptor). You can find the tagname
- for an encryptor in the "Form tagname" line of the encryptor's .FFF
- file. "passphrase" is the password for the message. If it contains
- a comma, then it must be quoted using " and ". "flags" is either
- 1 to encrypt the message, 2 to sign the message, or 3 to encrypt
- and sign the message.
- Signature : <number>
- Chooses the signature you wish to attach to the message. "number"
- is 1 - 9, corresponding to the signature sets shown in WinPMail's
- Tools | Signatures preferences page, or 0 to disable signatures.
- Mime : <'Y'> or <'N'>
- Indicates whether or not MIME support should be turned on for
- this message. MIME support affects the way attachments and
- international characters are handled by WinPMail. We strongly
- recommend that you turn MIME on wherever possible.
- Attach : <path><,><filename><,><attachment-type><,><encoding>
- Attach a file to the message. "path" should be the full path
- to the file - do not assume that the current directory in your
- client application will be the same as the current directory in
- Pegasus Mail. "filename" is the name Pegasus Mail should include
- in the message as the real name of the file (you will typically
- use this when you have to create a temporary file but want to
- send it under the original file's name). If "filename" is "-",
- WinPMail will automatically use the filename portion of "path".
- "attachment-type" should be textual information describing the
- attachment; it must not contain spaces. If you set this field to
- a single dash ("-"), WinPMail will use its internal routines to
- try to work out the most appropriate type information for the
- file. "encoding" is used to select the type of encoding for the
- attachment: we strongly recommend that you set this value to 0,
- which will allow WinPMail to choose the most appropriate encoding
- for you. Possible values are:
- 0 - Pegasus Mail decides.
- 1 - No encoding - the file is not altered (local mail only)
- 2 - ASCII encoding - the file is normalised to CR/LF line
- endings and is not otherwise encoded in transit.
- 3 - UUencoding - the file is uuencoded
- 4 - BinHex - the file is transformed using the BinHex 4.0 method.
- 5 - MIME - the file is transformed using the MIME BASE64 method.
- File : <filename>
- Indicates the name of a file containing the text WinPMail should
- use as the body of the message. Note that this file is NOT an
- attachment - it is expected to be plain text.
- Data : <String>
- Adds "string" to the body of the message as a single line. Poke
- this command repeatedly to build up a message line by line.
- WinPMail automatically adds the CR/LF termination to each line.
- Poking this command with no <string> parameter will print a blank
- line in the message (but the ':' must still be present).
- Identity : <identity_name>
- Sets the identity Pegasus Mail should use when processing this
- message. For more information on Identities, see the Pegasus Mail
- help file. You can specify any valid identity name as the parameter
- to this command. The default is the user's current identity.
- Volatile : <'Y'> or <'N'> (Default is 'Y')
- (Only meaningful when using Pegasus Mail's built-in SMTP mailer).
- Setting this flag to 'Y' tells Pegasus Mail that the message should
- be written straight into Final Form in the queue when it is sent.
- If you want your message to be reloadable from Pegasus Mail's
- "Review queued mail" option, you should set this to 'N'. If your
- message contains attachments that you plan to delete once the
- message has been sent, you must not set this field to 'N'.
- Richtext : <'Y'> or <'N'> (Default is 'N')
- Set the "rich text" flag in the message.
- Send
- This command sends the message. Note that it has no parameters and
- no ':'. It has no effect when "Window" was used as the parameter to
- the "New:" command.
- Restore
- This command brings WinPMail to the top and activates the Message
- Editing Window created using the "New: Window" command. Note that it
- has no parameters and no ':'. For messages created using the
- "New: Message" command, this command will simply bring WinPMail to
- the top without taking any other action.
- -- Example: -----------------------------------
- In WordBasic (MS-Word 7) the following Macro opens a connection to
- WinPMail, and sends a message with no window.
- Sub MAIN
- channel = DDEInitiate("WinPMail", "Message")
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "New: Message"
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "Defaults: Y"
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "To: David"
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "Subject: Test from Word"
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "Data: Hi there!"
- DDEPoke channel, "Message", "Send"
- DDETerminate channel
- End Sub
- The "TCP" topic
- ---------------
- The commands in this topic allow clients to control Pegasus Mail's
- built-in TCP/IP-based mail protocols. Before using these commands, a
- client should usually use the "TCP" request to the "Environment" topic to
- determine whether or not TCP/IP services are enabled and available.
- Clients interact with this topic by Poking data at it in a similar manner
- to that used to access the "Message" topic. The following commands can be
- poked at this topic:
- Get
- Tells Pegasus Mail to download mail using the current TCP/IP
- settings defined for the program.
- Send
- Tells Pegasus Mail to send any messages currently waiting in
- the queue to be sent out.
- Both
- Tells Pegasus Mail to check for new mail, then to send any messages
- currently waiting in the queue, in that order.
- Restore
- Brings Pegasus Mail to the front and gives it focus.
- -- Example: -----------------------------------
- In WordBasic (MS-Word 7) the following Macro opens a connection to
- WinPMail, tells it to download new mail, then brings it to the front:
- Sub MAIN
- channel = DDEInitiate("WinPMail", "TCP")
- DDEPoke channel, "TCP", "Get"
- DDEPoke channel, "TCP", "Restore"
- DDETerminate channel
- End Sub
- Pegasus Mail and the Windows Registry
- -------------------------------------
- Starting with v2.54, WinPMail updates the Windows registry with a certain
- amount of information each time it is run. DDE Client Applications can use
- this registry information to work out how to find a copy of Pegasus Mail to
- run if none is active, and what commandline is appropriate.
- The 32-bit version of WinPMail creates the following keys:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pegasus Mail\Version
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pegasus Mail\BaseDir
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pegasus Mail\Command
- The "version" key contains the WinPMail version, expressed in exactly the
- same way as the return from the DDE "Environment" topic's "Version"
- request. The "BaseDir" key contains the directory where the WinPMail
- executable file is located, and the "command" key contains the full
- commandline that was used to invoke the most recently-run copy of Pegasus
- Mail.
- Both the 16- and 32-bit versions of WinPMail create the following keys:
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Pegasus Mail\Version
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Pegasus Mail\BaseDir
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Pegasus Mail\Command
- These keys are formatted in exactly the same way as those shown above.
- 32-bit applications should always attempt to find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- keys before the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT keys, since doing so ensures that
- multiple user configurations are respected under Windows 95 and NT.
- Appendix A: Using DDE from C programs
- -------------------------------------
- The source code shown here can be used as a model for interacting with
- any DDE-aware application. It presents a simple dialog with "Service",
- "Topic" and "Command" fields, request selector radio buttons that allow
- the user to select between XTYP_EXECUTE, XTYP_REQUEST and XTYP_POKE
- transactions, and three buttons - one to open/close a connection, a
- "quit" button, and a "Do it" button, that sends the command. If a
- connection is established using the "Open" button, then the "Do it"
- button will send the command to that connection, otherwise it will
- establish a connection, send the command, then close the connection.
- This code was written for Borland C++ v4.52 and should be linked using
- Borland's BWCC.LIB or BWCC32.LIB in order to present the proper dialog
- appearance.
- --------------- DDECLI.C --------------------------------------------
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ddeml.h>
- DWORD idInst = 0L; // DDE instance identifier
- HINSTANCE hInstance;
- HCONV mconv;
- HSZ ghszServSrv;
- HSZ ghszServTop;
- #pragma warn -par
- #pragma warn -use
- HDDEDATA EXPENTRY DDECallback (WORD wType, // transaction type
- WORD wFmt, // clipboard format
- HCONV hConv, // handle of the conversation
- HSZ hsz1, // handle of a string
- HSZ hsz2, // handle of a string
- HDDEDATA hData, // handle of a global memory object
- DWORD dwData1, // transaction-specific data
- DWORD dwData2) // transaction-specific data
- {
- // Nothing need be done here...
- return (HDDEDATA) NULL;
- }
- BOOL SendShellCommand (DWORD idInst, char *service, char *topic, LPSTR lpCommand)
- {
- HSZ hszServSrv; // Service is "DDESERV"
- HSZ hszServTop; // Topic is "MAIL"
- HCONV hconv; // handle of conversation
- int nLen; // length of command string
- HDDEDATA hData; // return value of DdeClientTransaction
- DWORD dwResult; // result of transaction
- BOOL bResult=FALSE; // TRUE if this function is successful
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // create string handle to service/topic
- hszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, service, CP_WINANSI);
- hszServTop = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, topic, CP_WINANSI);
- // attempt to start conversation with server app
- hconv = DdeConnect (idInst, hszServSrv, hszServTop, NULL);
- }
- else
- hconv = mconv;
- if (hconv != NULL)
- {
- // get length of the command string
- nLen = lstrlen ((LPSTR) lpCommand);
- // send command to server app
- hData = DdeClientTransaction (
- (LPBYTE) lpCommand, // data to pass
- nLen + 1, // length of data
- hconv, // handle of conversation
- NULL, // handle of name-string
- CF_TEXT, // clipboard format
- XTYP_EXECUTE, // transaction type
- 20000, // timeout duration
- &dwResult); // points to transaction result
- if (hData)
- bResult = TRUE;
- if (mconv == NULL)
- // end conversation
- DdeDisconnect (hconv);
- }
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // free service/topic string handle
- DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst, hszServSrv);
- DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst, hszServTop);
- }
- if (bResult == FALSE)
- MessageBox (NULL, "SendShellCommand failed", "DDE Client", MB_OK);
- return bResult;
- }
- BOOL SendPoke (DWORD idInst, char *service, char *topic, LPSTR lpCommand)
- {
- HSZ hszServSrv; // Service is "DDESERV"
- HSZ hszServTop; // Topic is "MAIL"
- HCONV hconv; // handle of conversation
- int nLen; // length of command string
- HDDEDATA hData; // return value of DdeClientTransaction
- DWORD dwResult; // result of transaction
- BOOL bResult=FALSE; // TRUE if this function is successful
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // create string handle to service/topic
- hszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, service, CP_WINANSI);
- hszServTop = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, topic, CP_WINANSI);
- // attempt to start conversation with server app
- hconv = DdeConnect (idInst, hszServSrv, hszServTop, NULL);
- }
- else
- hconv = mconv;
- if (hconv != NULL)
- {
- // get length of the command string
- nLen = lstrlen ((LPSTR) lpCommand);
- // send command to server app
- hData = DdeClientTransaction (
- (LPBYTE) lpCommand, // data to pass
- nLen + 1, // length of data
- hconv, // handle of conversation
- hszServTop, // handle of name-string
- CF_TEXT, // clipboard format
- XTYP_POKE, // transaction type
- 20000, // timeout duration
- &dwResult); // points to transaction result
- if (hData)
- bResult = TRUE;
- if (mconv == NULL)
- // end conversation
- DdeDisconnect (hconv);
- }
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // free service/topic string handle
- DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst, hszServSrv);
- DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst, hszServTop);
- }
- if (bResult == FALSE)
- MessageBox (NULL, "SendPoke failed", "DDE Client", MB_OK);
- return bResult;
- }
- BOOL SendShellRequest (DWORD idInst, char *service, char *topic, char *cmd)
- {
- HSZ hszServSrv; // Service is "DDESERV"
- HSZ hszServTop; // Topic is "MAIL"
- HSZ item;
- HCONV hconv; // handle of conversation
- int nLen; // length of command string
- HDDEDATA hData; // return value of DdeClientTransaction
- DWORD dwResult; // result of transaction
- BOOL bResult=FALSE; // TRUE if this function is successful
- char *str;
- DWORD x;
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // create string handle to service/topic
- hszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, service, CP_WINANSI);
- hszServTop = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, topic, CP_WINANSI);
- // attempt to start conversation with server app
- hconv = DdeConnect (idInst, hszServSrv, hszServTop, NULL);
- }
- else
- hconv = mconv;
- if (hconv != NULL)
- {
- // send command to server app
- item = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, cmd, CP_WINANSI);
- hData = DdeClientTransaction (
- NULL, // data to pass
- 0, // length of data
- hconv, // handle of conversation
- item, // handle of name-string
- CF_TEXT, // clipboard format
- XTYP_REQUEST, // transaction type
- 20000, // timeout duration
- &dwResult); // points to transaction result
- if (hData)
- {
- if ((str = (char *) DdeAccessData (hData, &x)) != NULL)
- {
- strcpy (cmd, str);
- bResult = TRUE;
- DdeUnaccessData (hData);
- }
- DdeFreeDataHandle (hData);
- }
- DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, item);
- if (mconv == NULL)
- // end conversation
- DdeDisconnect (hconv);
- }
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- // free service/topic string handle
- DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszServSrv);
- DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszServTop);
- }
- return bResult;
- }
- int FAR PASCAL _export dummy_proc (HWND hDialog, UINT wMsg,
- WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- BOOL fProcessed = TRUE;
- DWORD dwResult;
- RECT r;
- HWND hControl;
- char buffer [256], service [80], topic [80];
- switch (wMsg)
- {
- CheckRadioButton (hDialog, 104, 106, 104);
- break;
- case WM_SETFOCUS :
- SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hDialog, 101));
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND :
- if (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) == IDCANCEL)
- {
- EndDialog (hDialog, IDCANCEL);
- break;
- }
- if (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) == 120)
- {
- if (mconv == NULL)
- {
- GetDlgItemText (hDialog, 101, service, sizeof (service));
- GetDlgItemText (hDialog, 102, topic, sizeof (topic));
- ghszServSrv = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, service, CP_WINANSI);
- ghszServTop = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, topic, CP_WINANSI);
- // attempt to start conversation with server app
- mconv = DdeConnect (idInst, ghszServSrv, ghszServTop, NULL);
- if (mconv == NULL)
- MessageBox (NULL, "Connection failed!", "DDE Client",
- else
- SetDlgItemText (hDialog, 120, "Close");
- }
- else
- {
- DdeDisconnect (mconv);
- mconv = NULL;
- DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, ghszServSrv);
- DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, ghszServTop);
- SetDlgItemText (hDialog, 120, "Open");
- }
- break;
- }
- if (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) == IDOK)
- {
- GetDlgItemText (hDialog, 101, service, sizeof (service));
- GetDlgItemText (hDialog, 102, topic, sizeof (topic));
- GetDlgItemText (hDialog, 103, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
- hControl = GetDlgItem (hDialog, 107);
- if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDialog, 105)) // Request
- {
- if (SendShellRequest (idInst, service, topic, buffer))
- {
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Request successful:\r\n ");
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, buffer);
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "\r\n");
- }
- else
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Request failed.\r\n");
- }
- else if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDialog, 104))
- {
- if (SendShellCommand (idInst, service, topic, buffer))
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Command successful.\r\n");
- else
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Command failed.\r\n");
- }
- else
- {
- if (SendPoke (idInst, service, topic, buffer))
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Poke successful.\r\n");
- else
- Edit_ReplaceSel (hControl, "Poke failed.\r\n");
- Edit_SetSel (GetDlgItem (hDialog, 103), 0, 999);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- fProcessed = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- return fProcessed;
- }
- int PASCAL WinMain (HINSTANCE __hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
- {
- MSG msg;
- HWND hWndFrame;
- FARPROC DDEProc, dlgProc;
- if (hPrevInstance != NULL)
- return 0;
- hInstance = __hInstance;
- // get proc instance for our DDEML callback
- DDEProc = MakeProcInstance ((FARPROC) DDECallback, hInstance);
- // register this app with the DDEML
- if (DdeInitialize (&idInst, // receives instance ID
- (PFNCALLBACK) DDEProc, // address of callback function
- APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, // this is a client app
- 0L)) // reserved
- {
- #ifndef __FLAT__ // FreeProcInstance is obsolete under Win32
- FreeProcInstance (DDEProc);
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- dlgProc = MakeProcInstance ((FARPROC) dummy_proc, hInstance);
- DialogBox (hInstance, "CLIENT", NULL, dlgProc);
- DdeUninitialize (idInst);
- return 0;
- }
- --------------- DDECLI.DEF ----------------------------------------
- HEAPSIZE 27500
- --------------- DDECLI.RC -----------------------------------------
- CLIENT DIALOG 180, 121, 246, 168
- CLASS "bordlg"
- CAPTION "DDE Test Client"
- FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
- {
- RTEXT "Service name:", -1, 15, 15, 60, 8
- CONTROL "winpmail", 101, "EDIT", ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 83, 13, 102, 12
- RTEXT "Topic name:", -1, 15, 30, 60, 8
- CONTROL "message", 102, "EDIT", ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 83, 28, 102, 12
- RTEXT "Command/request:", -1, 14, 45, 61, 8
- RTEXT "Transaction type:", -1, 15, 65, 60, 8
- CONTROL "Execute", 104, "BorRadio", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 85, 64, 47, 10
- CONTROL "Request", 105, "BorRadio", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 133, 64, 43, 10
- CONTROL "Poke", 106, "BorRadio", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 184, 64, 32, 10
- LTEXT "Results / Diagnostics", -1, 12, 82, 78, 8
- DEFPUSHBUTTON "Do it", IDOK, 192, 12, 43, 14
- PUSHBUTTON "Quit", IDCANCEL, 192, 42, 43, 14
- CONTROL "", -1, "BorShade", BSS_GROUP | BSS_CAPTION | BSS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, -5, -7, 257, 180
- PUSHBUTTON "Open", 120, 192, 27, 43, 14
- }