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- Pegasus Mail for Windows v3.0, configurable toolbar.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pegasus Mail System,
- Copyright (c) 1990-98, David Harris, All Rights Reserved.
- Under Pegasus Mail v3.0 and later, the button panel (toolbar) is
- configurable via simple scripts. The use of scripts is not normally
- intended to be exposed to end-users, and it is anticipated that a
- GUI-based editor will be made available at some future time. In the
- meantime, however, those willing to do a small amount of work with an
- editor can customize the toolbar to suit their needs.
- Pegasus Mail maintains internal definitions for the toolbar in its
- resource file, WINPMAIL.DAT: these definitions are usually loaded and
- parsed when the toolbar is created. The user can, however, create a text
- file called TOOLBAR.PM in his home mailbox, containing the same scripting
- commands. If TOOLBAR.PM is found, it is loaded in preference to the
- internal resource script.
- The format of the resource script in TOOLBAR.PM is simple: each line
- defines a single toolbar element - a button, a separator, or a combobox.
- Other elements may be added in future. Lines beginning with semicolon
- characters are regarded as comments and ignored.
- Command lines have the following general form:
- <type> [other parameters]
- "type" is an integer that determines the type of the toolbar item. The
- following values are defined:
- 0 A standard 22x20 pixel bitmapped button
- 1 An 8-pixel separator gap
- 2 A combobox control
- Each type of control has its own parameter list as follows:
- Bitmapped buttons:
- ,<control_id>,<flags>,<bitmap_id>,<"tooltip">
- "control_id" the internal activation code for this button
- (see the list below for valid values)
- "flags" an integer, currently unused but must be 0
- "bitmap_id" the integer code for the internal bitmap for the
- button (see the list below)
- "tooltip" the tooltip text the button should display when the
- mouse lingers over it for too long. This string
- must appear in quotes.
- Separators: No parameters
- Combobox controls:
- ,<control_id>,<flags>
- "control_id" the internal activation code for this button
- (see the list below for valid values)
- "flags" an integer, currently unused but must be 0
- Note that for combobox and button controls, there must be a comma between
- the "type" parameter and the control ID.
- Control IDs:
- Control IDs are internal tags used to tie a button to a given internal
- function. The following control IDs are recognized:
- Buttons:
- 801 Start a new mail message
- 802 Open or re-scan the new mail folder
- 803 Work with mail folders
- 804 Work with address books
- 805 Work with distribution lists
- 806 Get a list of local users on the system
- 807 Edit filters applied when the new mail folder is opened
- 808 Open noticeboards
- 820 Cut
- 821 Copy
- 822 Paste
- 823 Print the current window
- 824 Set a font for the current window
- 825 Save to disk
- 826 Read from disk
- 827 Get mail via the built-in POP3 transport
- 828 Send mail via the built-in SMTP transport
- 829 Get mail then send mail
- 835 Perform a selective download via the built-in POP3 transport
- 836 Start a new circulation message.
- 838 Switch to the folder manager window and add a mailbox
- Comboboxes:
- 840 List of currently-defined identities on the system
- You can create a button that triggers any standard menu item in the
- Pegasus Mail menu hierarchy by adding 10000 to the menu item's code (see
- Appendix A, below) then using that value as the button's control ID.
- Bitmap IDs:
- A number of bitmaps are built-in to Pegasus Mail and can be accessed in
- buttons via special bitmap IDs. The following IDs are available: note
- that the text describing each button is simple description - the control
- ID is what decides what function is actually associated with a button.
- 1801 Start a new mail message
- 1802 Open or re-scan the new mail folder
- 1803 Work with mail folders
- 1804 Work with address books
- 1805 Work with distribution lists
- 1806 Get a list of local users on the system
- 1807 Edit filters applied when the new mail folder is opened
- 1808 Open noticeboards
- 1820 Cut
- 1821 Copy
- 1822 Paste
- 1823 Print the current window
- 1824 Set a font for the current window
- 1825 Save to disk
- 1826 Read from disk
- 1827 Get mail via the built-in POP3 transport
- 1828 Send mail via the built-in SMTP transport
- 1829 Get mail then send mail
- 1830 Connect/go online
- 1831 Disconnect/go offline
- 1835 Perform a selective download via the built-in POP3 transport
- 1836 Start a new circulation message.
- 1837 Open a saved message
- 1838 Mount a secondary mailbox
- 1839 Tools | Options
- 1840 Identities
- 1841 Review queued mail
- 1842 Find...
- 1843 Asterisk
- 1844 Yellow document icon
- 1845 Blue star
- 1846 Apply general rule set to folder
- Example
- The following fragment creates a simple toolbar
- 0,801,0,1801,"Compose a new mail message"
- 0,836,0,1836,"Create a new circulation message"
- 0,802,0,1802,"Open or re-scan your new mail folder"
- 0,803,0,1803,"Work with your mail folders"
- 0,804,0,1804,"Open or manage address books"
- 0,805,0,1805,"Edit or manage distribution (mailing) lists"
- 0,806,0,1806,"Open a list of local people on your system"
- 0,807,0,1807,"Create or manage rules for filtering your new mail"
- 0,808,0,1808,"Open or browse noticeboards"
- 1
- 2,840,0
- 1
- 0,823,0,1823,"Print the current window"
- 0,824,0,1824,"Select a font for the current window"
- 1
- 0,828,0,1828,"Send all queued mail"
- 0,827,0,1827,"Check your POP3 host for new mail"
- 0,829,0,1829,"Both check and send mail in one operation"
- Appendix A: Menu codes for Pegasus Mail
- The following integer values can be used to construct button panel
- entries that trigger any menu entry in the program. Add 10000 to the
- value shown, then use that value as the button's control ID.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WinPMail Mnemonic ID Menu function (Which Menu)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IDM_HELP 10 "Context-sensitive help" (HELP)
- IDM_USING_HELP 11 "Using Help" (HELP)
- IDM_HELPINDEX 12 "Help index" (HELP)
- IDM_RMACRO 75 "Open glossary manager" (EDIT/GLOSSARY)
- IDM_PMACRO 76 "Expand glossary entry" (EDIT/GLOSSARY)
- IDM_NEWMESSAGE 101 "Start new message" (FILE)
- IDM_READNEW 102 "Open new mail folder" (FILE)
- IDM_OPENFOLDER 103 "Folders..." (FILE)
- IDM_IMPORT 104 "Import into message" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_SAVESESSION 105 "Save message as draft" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_RESTORESESSION 106 "Open saved message" (FILE)
- IDM_PRINT 107 "Print" (FILE)
- IDM_PRINTSETUP 109 "Printer setup" (FILE)
- IDM_FILTERS 110 "New mail filtering rules" (FILE)
- IDM_EXIT 111 "Exit" (FILE)
- IDM_PREF_GENERAL 121 "General settings" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_PREF_SMF 122 "NetWare MHS settings" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_PREF_SIGS 123 "Signatures..." (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_PREF_HOMEBOX 124 "Home mailbox location" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_PREF_EXT 125 "Extended features" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_UNDO 131 "Undo" (EDIT)
- IDM_CUT 132 "Cut" (EDIT)
- IDM_COPY 133 "Copy" (EDIT)
- IDM_PASTE 134 "Paste" (EDIT)
- IDM_CLEAR 135 "Clear" (EDIT)
- IDM_SELECTALL 136 "Select all" (EDIT)
- IDM_SPELLING 137 "Check spelling" (EDIT)
- IDM_SERVER 138 "File servers..." (FILE)
- IDM_LOCALUSERS 141 "Lookup local users" (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_ADDRESSBOOKS 142 "Address books" (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_MAILINGLISTS 143 "Distribution lists..." (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_SAVESIZE 150 "Save window size" (Various)
- IDM_OTHEROPTIONS 151 "Special message view" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_SHOWHEADERS 153 "Show all headers" (READER)
- IDM_EXTRACT 154 "Save messages to disk" (FOLDER/READER)
- IDM_ATTACH 155 "Switch to attachments view" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_MARKUNREAD 156 "Mark message as unread" (FOLDER and NB)
- IDM_ALIASING 157 "Resolve aliases" (ADDRESSBOOK)
- IDM_BPPREF 158 "Button panel preferences" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_LOCALSIG 162 "Signature for local mail" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_INETSIG 163 "Signature for Internet mail" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_MHSSIG 164 "Signature for MHS mail" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_DELEXPIRED 165 "Delete expired messages" (FOLDER/SPECIAL)
- IDM_EDMAIL 167 "Switch to message editor view" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_QUICKLOOKUP 168 "Quick lookup" (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_WORDWRAP 169 "Reformat long lines" (READER)
- IDM_DELLINE 170 "Delete line" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_REFORMAT 171 "Reformat paragraph" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_INDENT 172 "Indent text" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_REPLACE 173 "Search and replace" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_DELWORD 174 "Delete word right" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_APREFS 175 "Advanced settings" (FILE/PREFS)
- IDM_ENLARGE 176 "Enlarge window" (WINDOW)
- IDM_ABK_EXPORT 177 "Export addressbook" (ADDRESSBOOK)
- IDM_ABK_IMPORT 178 "Import addressbook" (ADDRESSBOOK)
- IDM_NOTICEBOARDS 179 "Noticeboards" (FILE)
- IDM_ANN_EDIT 180 "Add/edit annotation" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_DATE 270 "Sort by date" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_REVDATE 271 "Sort by reverse date" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_SUBJECT 272 "Sort by subject" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_FROM 273 "Sort by sender's name" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_SUBJECT2 274 "Sort by subject/reverse date" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_COLOUR 275 "Sort by colour" (FOLDER)
- IDM_FORMS 185 "Open Forms Manager" (FILE)
- IDM_ANN_DELETE 186 "Delete annotation" (FOLDER)
- IDM_REVIEWMAIL 187 "Review Queued Mail" (FILE)
- IDM_TODISK 230 "Save to disk" (Various)
- IDM_FROMDISK 231 "Read from disk" (Various)
- IDM_EXTRACTFILE 240 "MHS directory service" (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_LOGGED_IN 241 "Logged-in users" (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_ADD_USER 242 "Add sender to list" (READER/SPECIAL)
- IDM_REMOVE_USER 243 "Remove sender from list" (READER/SPECIAL)
- IDM_FONT 299 "Font" (Various)
- IDM_TILE 500 "Tile" (WINDOW)
- IDM_CASCADE 501 "Cascade" (WINDOW)
- IDM_ARRANGEICONS 502 "Arrange Icons" (WINDOW)
- IDM_BUTTONPANEL 503 "Button panel" (WINDOW)
- IDM_NETCONFIG 210 "Network Configuration" (FILE)
- IDM_GETMAIL 211 "Check host for new mail" (FILE)
- IDM_SENDMAIL 212 "Send all queued mail" (FILE)
- IDM_GETANDSEND 189 "Check and send mail" (FILE)
- IDM_MSGCOLOUR 260 "Set colour" (FOLDER)
- IDM_UADMIN 322 "Manage users..." (ADDRESSES)
- IDM_ONLINE 321 "Leave offline mode" (FILE)
- IDM_OFFLINE 320 "Enter offline mode" (FILE)
- IDM_QF_6 316 "Quick folder 6" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_5 315 "Quick folder 5" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_4 314 "Quick folder 4" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_3 313 "Quick folder 3" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_2 312 "Quick folder 2" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_1 311 "Quick folder 1" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_QF_DEFINE 197 "Define quick folders" (FILE/FOLDERS)
- IDM_EDIT_FLAGS 199 "Edit message flags" (FOLDER)
- IDM_SRT_NEWTOTOP 198 "Sort unread before read" (FOLDER)
- IDM_DLM_EXPORT 196 "Export to text file" (LISTS)
- IDM_DLM_DUPLICATE 194 "Duplicate list" (LISTS)
- IDM_DLM_EDIT 193 "Edit list" (LISTS)
- IDM_DLM_DELETE 192 "Delete list" (LISTS)
- IDM_DLM_ADD 191 "Add new list" (LISTS)
- IDM_PREF_VIEW 190 "Attachment viewers" (FILE)
- IDM_FULLSCREEN 188 "Enlarge message editor" (MESSAGE)
- IDM_ADD_MAILBOX 330 "Add mailbox to list" (FOLDER)
- IDM_CHANGE_USER 249 "Change user" (FILE, standalone only)
- IDM_COPY_SPECIAL 360 "Copy special" (r-click in editor)
- IDM_CSFILTERS 112 "Edit copy-self filtering rules" (TOOLS)
- IDM_DISMOUNT_MBX 364 "Remove mailbox from list" (FOLDER)
- IDM_EDITRULES 113 "Create/edit general filter rule set" (TOOLS)
- IDM_EDIT_FLAGS 199 "Edit message flags" (FOLDER)
- IDM_FILTERSA 115 "Edit rules applied when folder closed"
- IDM_HELP_CMDLINE 17 "Commandline options" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_DRAGDROP 16 "Help on drag and drop" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_ETIQUETTE 18 "E-Mail etiquette guidelines" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_HISTORY 21 "History of Pegasus Mail" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_MANUALS 15 "Ordering manuals" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_TANDC 20 "Terms and conditions" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_TECHSUPP 14 "Technical support" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_TROUBLE 13 "Troubleshooting" (HELP)
- IDM_HELP_WHATSNEW 22 "What's new in this version" (HELP)
- IDM_IDENTITIES 120 "Identities..." (TOOLS)
- IDM_IMAP 363 "IMAP Profiles" (TOOLS, v3.11 and later)
- IDM_KEY_MANAGEMENT 182 "Digital key management" (READER)
- IDM_LOGGING 377 "System Messages" (WINDOW, v3.12 and later)
- IDM_MARKREAD 244 "Mark as read" (FOLDER, r-click)
- IDM_MARKREADONLY 340 "Toggle read-only state" (FOLDER, r-click)
- IDM_MONOFONT 245 "Switch to monospaced view" (READER/MESSAGE)
- IDM_NB_NEW 370 "Create new topic" (NOTICEBOARD)
- IDM_NB_PROPS 371 "Current topic properties" (NOTICEBOARD)
- IDM_NB_RESYNCH 372 "Rescan this topic" (NOTICBOARD)
- IDM_NOTEPAD 119 "Notepads..." (TOOLS)
- IDM_QUICKLOOKUP2 166 "Lookup in recently-used addresses"
- IDM_REDO 130 "Redo" (EDIT)
- IDM_REPLY_TEMPLATE 366 "Reply using a template" (FOLDER, r-click)
- IDM_RESEND 365 "Resend this message" (FOLDER, r-click)
- IDM_RESET_STYLES 246 "Reset styles" (MESSAGE, r-click)
- IDM_SELECT 376 "Select..." (FOLDER, v3.12 and later)
- IDM_SET_COLOUR 247 "Set message colour" (FOLDER/READER)
- IDM_SHOWHEADERS 153 "Show raw headers" (READER)
- IDM_VERIFY_DSIG 181 "Check for digital signature" (READER)
- IDM_WORDWRAP2 361 "Wrap long lines" (READER, v3.12 and later)