3 Unable to execute %s. Please check command syntax
4 WARNING: Unable to open service database...remote control service could not be stopped !
5 WARNING: Unable to verify that remote control service has been stopped !
6 WARNING: Unable to verify state of remote control service. Remote control service may still be running !
7 WARNING: There is no service to uninstall ! UnInstallation of remote control service FAILED.
8 WARNING: Unable to stop remote control service !
9 WARNING: Unable to open remote control service '%s'.
10 WARNING: Unable to stop or find any remote control services to stop !
11 Unable to connect to remote registry on '%s'.
12 Unable to save registry information for the '%s' value.
13 Unable to open/create registry key for password.
14 Unable to copy '%s' to '%s'.
15 Unable to create service on '%s'.
16 WARNING: Unable to delete service !
17 WARNING: Unable to open service database...remote control service could not be removed !
18 WARNING: Unable to connect to remote registry on '%s' ; the remote control service could not be removed.
19 WARNING: The remote control ServiceHelper hook entry could not be removed from the registry.
20 The ServiceExeName setting is missing from the configuration file. The remote control service cannot be installed or checked for installation. Verify configuration file settings.
21 The DestinationDirectory setting is missing from the configuration file. The remote control service cannot be installed or checked for installation. Verify configuration file settings.
22 Unable to lookup the local directory for the share '%s' on '%s'.
23 WARNING: Unable to install the ServiceHelper hook on '%s'. Global user-specific registry settings will not be loaded.
24 WARNING: Unable to connect to remote registry on '%s'. Unable to install the ServiceHelper hook. Global user-specific registry settings will not be loaded.
25 Install remote control software on '%s'
26 Unable to parse '%s' for service creation.
27 Passwords do not match. Please reenter passwords.
28 Unable to load or find the license agreement file '%s'.
29 Unable to find RCM file '%s'. STRCM cannot execute.
30 Software Type could not be determined. Verify setting of SoftwareType in .RCM file. UnInstallation of remote control software FAILED.
31 Unable to open service '%' for remote service removal. UnInstallation of remote control software FAILED.
32 Unable to delete file '%s'.
33 Unable to delete directory '%s'.
34 Unable to delete remote control software files. FileList and/or DestinationDirectory setting in .RCM configuration file is missing.
35 WARNING: The remote control entry for '%s' could not be removed from the registry.
36 Errors were encountered when copying one or more files. Do you want to continue with installation ?
37 Errors were encountered with the installation. Do you want to continue to activate the viewer ?