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- 121 ADSI Path adspath 300
- 121 When Changed whenchanged 100
- 121 When Created whencreated 100
- 121 DN distinguishedname 200
- 121 USN Created usncreated 50
- 121 USN Changed usnchanged 50
- 121 Object Category objectcategory 200
- 121 Managed By managedby 200
- 121 Description description 300
- 121 Display Name displayname 100
- 121 Object Class objectclass 100
- 121 Directory Name name 100
- 121 (All Fields) * 100
- 112 Description description 300
- 112 Display Name displayname 100
- 112 DNS Name dnshostname 100
- 112 Location location 100
- 112 Directory Name name 100
- 112 Member of memberof 100
- 112 SID objectsid 200
- 112 OS operatingsystem 100
- 112 Service Pack operatingsystemservicepack 100
- 112 Version operatingsystemversion 100
- 112 Primary Group primarygroupid 100
- 112 Pwd Last Set pwdlastset 100
- 112 Pre-W2K Name samaccountname 100
- 112 Role useraccountcontrol 100
- 112 (All Fields) * 100
- 110 Directory Name name 100
- 110 Description description 300
- 110 Display Name displayname 200
- 110 Group Type grouptype 100
- 110 Notes info 300
- 110 E-Mail mail 100
- 110 Members member 100
- 110 Member of memberof 100
- 110 SID objectsid 200
- 110 Pre-W2K Name samaccountname 100
- 110 (All Fields) * 100
- 102 Directory Name name 100
- 102 Expires accountexpires 100
- 102 Region c 200
- 102 Comment comment 100
- 102 Company company 200
- 102 Department department 100
- 102 Description description 300
- 102 Direct Reports directreports 200
- 102 Display Name displayname 100
- 102 Division division 100
- 102 employeeid employeeid 100
- 102 Fax fascimiletelephonenumber 100
- 102 First Name givenname 100
- 102 Home Directory homedirectory 100
- 102 Home Drive homedrive 100
- 102 Notes info 300
- 102 Initials initials 100
- 102 IP phone ipphone 100
- 102 City l 200
- 102 Lockout Time lockouttime 100
- 102 Logon Hours logonhours 100
- 102 E-Mail mail 100
- 102 Manager manager 200
- 102 Groups memberof 100
- 102 Middle Name middlename 50
- 102 Mobile mobile 100
- 102 Allow Dialin msnpallowdialin 100
- 102 Callback msradiuscallbacknumber 150
- 102 SID objectsid 200
- 102 Fax: Other otherfascimiletelephonenumber 100
- 102 IP phone: Other otheripphone 100
- 102 Mobile: Other othermobile 100
- 102 Phone: Other othertelephone 100
- 102 Pager pager 100
- 102 Pager: Other pagerother 100
- 102 Delivery Office physicaldeliveryofficename 200
- 102 Postal Code postalcode 100
- 102 P.O. Box postofficebox 100
- 102 Primary Group primarygroupid 100
- 102 Profile profilepath 100
- 102 Pwd Last Set pwdlastset 100
- 102 Pre-W2K Logon samaccountname 100
- 102 Script scriptpath 100
- 102 Last Name sn 100
- 102 State/Province st 200
- 102 Street streetaddress 200
- 102 Phone telephonenumber 100
- 102 Title title 100
- 102 Web Page: Other url 100
- 102 Account Flags useraccountcontrol 150
- 102 Logon userprincipalname 100
- 102 Workstations userworkstations 100
- 102 Web Page wwwhomepage 100
- 102 Home Phone homephone 150
- 102 Home Phone: Other otherhomephone 150
- 102 E-Mail: Other othermailbox 200
- 102 Last Logon lastlogon 150
- 102 Last Logoff lastlogoff 150
- 102 (All Fields) * 100
- 122 Exchange Mailbox Store homemdb 300
- 122 Exchange Alias mailnickname 200
- 122 ILS autoreplymessage 200
- 122 Simple Display Name displaynameprintable 300
- 122 Hide from AB msexchhidefromaddresslists 150
- 122 Custom 1 extensionattribute1 200
- 122 Custom 2 extensionattribute2 200
- 122 Custom 3 extensionattribute3 200
- 122 Custom 4 extensionattribute4 200
- 122 Custom 5 extensionattribute5 200
- 122 Custom 6 extensionattribute6 200
- 122 Custom 7 extensionattribute7 200
- 122 Custom 8 extensionattribute8 200
- 122 Custom 9 extensionattribute9 200
- 122 Custom 10 extensionattribute10 200
- 122 Custom 11 extensionattribute11 200
- 122 Custom 12 extensionattribute12 200
- 122 Custom 13 extensionattribute13 200
- 122 Custom 14 extensionattribute14 200
- 122 Custom 15 extensionattribute15 200
- 122 Send Limit submissioncontlength 100
- 122 Receive Limit delivcontlength 150
- 122 Recip Limit msexchreciplimit 150
- 122 Email Addresses proxyaddresses 300
- 122 Use Defaults mdbusedefaults 150
- 122 Deleted Flags deleteditemflags 150
- 122 Warning Limit mdbstoragequota 150
- 122 Send Limit mdboverquotalimit 150
- 122 Hard Limit mdboverhardquotalimit 150
- 122 Garbage Period garbagecollperiod 150
- 124 TSE Initial Program tse_initial_program 200
- 124 TSE Working Directory tse_work_dir 200
- 124 TSE Inherit Program tse_inherit_program 200
- 124 TSE Allow tse_allow_logon 75
- 124 TSE CxOut tse_connection_xout 75
- 124 TSE DxOut tse_disconnection_xout 75
- 124 TSE IxOut tse_idle_xout 75
- 124 TSE Drives tse_connect_drives 75
- 124 TSE Printers tse_connect_printers 75
- 124 TSE Def Prn tse_default_printers 75
- 124 TSE Broken tse_broken_xout 75
- 124 TSE Reconn tse_reconnect 75
- 124 TSE CallBack tse_callback 75
- 124 TSE Callback Phone tse_callback_phone 150
- 124 TSE Shadow tse_shadow 75
- 124 TSE Profile tse_profile 200
- 124 TSE Home Directory tse_home_dir 200
- 124 TSE HDrive tse_home_dir_drive 75