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- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.Form FPdemo
- Caption = "FinePrint API Sample Application"
- ClientHeight = 3090
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 345
- ClientWidth = 5865
- Icon = "FPdemo.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 3090
- ScaleWidth = 5865
- StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen
- Begin VB.CommandButton btnExit
- Cancel = -1 'True
- Caption = "Exit"
- Height = 400
- Left = 3600
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 2520
- Width = 2052
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
- Caption = "Set as default"
- Height = 400
- Left = 480
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 2520
- Width = 2052
- End
- Begin VB.ListBox List1
- Height = 2010
- Left = 120
- Sorted = -1 'True
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 360
- Width = 3255
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton btnPrint
- Caption = "Print FPDK.DOC"
- Height = 400
- Left = 3600
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 1320
- Width = 2052
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton btnAttr
- Caption = "Show FP layout attributes"
- Height = 400
- Left = 3600
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 840
- Width = 2052
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton btnOpenDialog
- Caption = "Show FP dialog"
- Height = 400
- Left = 3600
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 360
- Width = 2052
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "Printers:"
- Height = 195
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 120
- Width = 570
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "FPdemo"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- Dim StartupPrinter As String
- Private Sub GetDriverAndPort(ByVal Buffer As String, DriverName As _
- String, PrinterPort As String)
- Dim iDriver As Integer
- Dim iPort As Integer
- DriverName = ""
- PrinterPort = ""
- 'The driver name is first in the string terminated by a comma
- iDriver = InStr(Buffer, ",")
- If iDriver > 0 Then
- 'Strip out the driver name
- DriverName = Left(Buffer, iDriver - 1)
- 'The port name is the second entry after the driver name
- 'separated by commas.
- iPort = InStr(iDriver + 1, Buffer, ",")
- If iPort > 0 Then
- 'Strip out the port name
- PrinterPort = Mid(Buffer, iDriver + 1, _
- iPort - iDriver - 1)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub ParseList(lstCtl As Control, ByVal Buffer As String)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim s As String
- Do
- i = InStr(Buffer, Chr(0))
- If i > 0 Then
- s = Left(Buffer, i - 1)
- If Len(Trim(s)) Then lstCtl.AddItem s
- Buffer = Mid(Buffer, i + 1)
- If Trim(s) = Printer.DeviceName Then lstCtl.Text = Trim(s)
- Else
- If Len(Trim(Buffer)) Then lstCtl.AddItem Buffer
- Buffer = ""
- End If
- Loop While i > 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub SetDefaultPrinter()
- Dim Buffer As String
- Dim DeviceName As String
- Dim DriverName As String
- Dim PrinterPort As String
- Dim PrinterName As String
- Dim DeviceLine As String
- Dim r As Long
- If List1.ListIndex > -1 Then
- 'Get the printer information for the currently selected
- 'printer in the list. The information is taken from the
- 'WIN.INI file.
- Buffer = Space(1024)
- PrinterName = List1.Text
- r = GetProfileString("PrinterPorts", PrinterName, "", _
- Buffer, Len(Buffer))
- 'Parse the driver name and port name out of the buffer
- GetDriverAndPort Buffer, DriverName, PrinterPort
- If DriverName <> "" And PrinterPort <> "" Then
- DeviceLine = List1.Text & "," & DriverName & "," & PrinterPort
- ' Store the new printer information in the [WINDOWS] section of
- ' the WIN.INI file for the DEVICE= item
- r = WriteProfileString("windows", "Device", DeviceLine)
- ' Cause all applications to reload the INI file:
- r = SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, ByVal "windows")
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnExit_Click()
- Unload Me
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- Call SetDefaultPrinter
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- Dim r As Long
- Dim Buffer As String
- 'Get the list of available printers from WIN.INI
- Buffer = Space(8192)
- r = GetProfileString("PrinterPorts", vbNullString, "", _
- Buffer, Len(Buffer))
- 'Display the list of printer in the list box List1
- ParseList List1, Buffer
- StartupPrinter = List1.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnAttr_Click()
- FPattributes.Show 1, Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnOpenDialog_Click()
- Dim result As Long
- Dim szFinePrinter As String
- Dim hfp As Long
- Dim dwDlg As Long
- szFinePrinter = "FinePrint Driver"
- result = fpOpen(szFinePrinter, hfp)
- If result <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(result)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- result = fpDisplayDialog(hfp, dwDlg)
- Select Case dwDlg
- Case IDOK
- MsgBox "User pressed 'OK'"
- MsgBox "User pressed 'Cancel'"
- MsgBox "User pressed 'Defer'"
- MsgBox "User pressed 'Defer all'"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "User pressed button value " & dwDlg
- End Select
- result = FpClose(hfp, False)
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnPrint_Click()
- Dim result As Long
- Dim fpe As Long
- Dim szFinePrinter As String
- Dim hfp As Long
- Dim dwDlg As Long
- Dim intAttr As Integer
- Dim lngAttr As Long
- Dim bAttr As Boolean
- Dim strAttr As String
- Dim lenAttr As Long
- Dim szStat As String
- Dim phStat As Long
- Dim szWatermark As String
- Dim pLogFont As LOGFONT
- Dim oldPrinter As Printer
- Dim P As Printer
- Dim jcOrig As FpJobCount
- Dim lpShellExecuteInfo As SHELLEXECUTEINFO
- Dim hwnd As Long
- Dim lpOperation As String
- Dim lpFile As String
- Dim lpParameters As String
- Dim lpDirectory As String
- Dim nShowCmd As Long
- Dim hProcess As Long
- Dim cSecTimeoutStart As Long
- Dim cSecTimeoutPrint As Long
- Dim pjs As FpJobStatus
- szFinePrinter = vbNullString
- fpe = fpOpen(szFinePrinter, hfp)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- 'select the N-up, borders, and margins settings
- lngAttr = eLayout4
- fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr(hfp, eliLayout, ByVal lngAttr)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- lngAttr = eBordersOn
- fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr(hfp, eliBorders, ByVal lngAttr)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- lngAttr = eMarginMedium
- fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr(hfp, eliMargins, ByVal lngAttr)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- szStat = "VB6 stationery"
- fpe = fpCreateStationery(hfp, szStat, phStat)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- szWatermark = "VB6 watermark"
- fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr(hfp, phStat, esiWatermark, esiaText, ByVal szWatermark)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- lenAttr = Len(pLogFont)
- fpe = fpGetStationeryAttr(hfp, phStat, esiWatermark, esiaFont, pLogFont, lenAttr)
- 'szFontname = Left(StrConv(pLogFont.lfFaceName, vbFromUnicode), InStr(StrConv(pLogFont.lfFaceName, vbFromUnicode), Chr$(0)) - 1)
- 'pLogFont.lfFaceName = StrConv("Times New Roman", vbUnicode) & Chr$(0)
- pLogFont.lfFaceName = "Times New Roman" & Chr$(0)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr(hfp, phStat, esiWatermark, esiaFont, pLogFont)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- End If
- lngAttr = RGB(0, 0, 255)
- fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr(hfp, phStat, esiWatermark, esiaColor, ByVal lngAttr)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- fpe = fpCloseStationery(hfp, phStat)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr(hfp, eliStationery, ByVal szStat)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- fpe = fpGetJobCount(hfp, jcOrig)
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- lpShellExecuteInfo.cbSize = Len(lpShellExecuteInfo)
- lpShellExecuteInfo.hwnd = Me.hwnd
- lpShellExecuteInfo.lpVerb = "print"
- lpShellExecuteInfo.lpFile = "c:\fpdk4\doc\fpdk.doc"
- lpShellExecuteInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL
- lpShellExecuteInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS
- result = ShellExecuteEx(lpShellExecuteInfo)
- cSecTimeoutStart = 60
- cSecTimeoutPrint = 600
- fpe = fpWaitForJob(hfp, jcOrig, lpShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, cSecTimeoutStart, cSecTimeoutPrint, pjs)
- If lpShellExecuteInfo.hProcess <> 0 Then
- result = CloseHandle(lpShellExecuteInfo.hProcess)
- End If
- If fpe <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "FinePrint Error: " & ErrorText(fpe)
- GoTo FpClose
- End If
- ' fpe = fpDisplayDialog(hfp, dwDlg)
- ' If dwDlg <> IDCANCEL Then
- ' fpe = fpPrintAllJobs(hfp, vbNullString, True, True)
- ' End If
- MsgBox "All tests completed successfully!"
- FpClose:
- fpe = FpClose(hfp, True)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- If List1.Text <> StartupPrinter Then
- List1.Text = StartupPrinter
- Call SetDefaultPrinter
- End If
- End Sub