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- //
- // fpcall.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999 FinePrint Software
- // All Rights Reserved.
- //
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <tchar.h>
- #include "fpapi.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- HINSTANCE ghInstCallback;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | DllMain
- |
- | Initial entry point.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, PCONTEXT pContext)
- {
- switch (dwReason) {
- ghInstCallback = hInstance;
- break;
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- static BOOL NEAR OnInitDialog (
- HWND hdlg,
- HWND hctlFocus,
- LPARAM lParam);
- static void NEAR OnCommand (
- HWND hdlg,
- int id,
- HWND hwndCtl,
- UINT uNotifyCode);
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | CallbackDlgProc
- |
- | Dialog function for the Callback dialog box.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL WINAPI CallbackDlgProc (
- HWND hdlg,
- UINT wMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- switch (wMsg) {
- return (BOOL) HANDLE_WM_INITDIALOG (hdlg, wParam, lParam, OnInitDialog);
- case WM_COMMAND:
- HANDLE_WM_COMMAND (hdlg, wParam, lParam, OnCommand);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- // indicate that we did not process the message
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | OnInitDialog
- |
- | WM_INITDIALOG handler. Returns FALSE if we set the focus.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static BOOL NEAR OnInitDialog (
- HWND hdlg,
- HWND hctlFocus,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | OnCommand
- |
- | WM_COMMAND handler.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static void NEAR OnCommand (
- HWND hdlg,
- int id,
- HWND hwndCtl,
- UINT uNotifyCode)
- {
- switch (id) {
- case PB_Early:
- case PB_Late:
- case PB_Never:
- case IDCANCEL:
- EndDialog (hdlg, id);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | fpOnStartDocA
- |
- | FinePrint doc callback function.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern "C" DWORD WINAPI fpOnStartDocA (FpDocCallbackA *pDoc)
- {
- HFinePrint hfp;
- HFpStat hStat;
- LPCTSTR pszStat = TEXT ("OnStartDoc");
- if (fpOpen (pDoc->szFinePrinter, &hfp) == 0) {
- // set to 8-up mode
- fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliLayout, (const void *) eLayout8);
- // create and select a stationery
- if (fpCreateStationery (hfp, pszStat, &hStat) == 0) {
- fpSetStationeryAttr (hfp, hStat, esiWatermark, esiaText, TEXT ("OnStartDoc watermark"));
- fpCloseStationery (hfp, hStat);
- fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliStationery, pszStat);
- }
- fpClose (hfp, FALSE);
- }
- // bring up a dialog box
- MessageBeep (0);
- switch (DialogBox (ghInstCallback, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDD_Callback), NULL, CallbackDlgProc)) {
- case PB_Early:
- // show the FinePrint dialog now
- pDoc->dwShowDlg = ShowDlg_Early;
- return (TRUE);
- case PB_Late:
- // show the FinePrint dialog later
- pDoc->dwShowDlg = ShowDlg_Late;
- return (TRUE);
- case PB_Never:
- // skip the FinePrint dialog
- pDoc->dwShowDlg = ShowDlg_Never;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- // abort the print job
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | fpOnEndDocA
- |
- | FinePrint doc callback function.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern "C" DWORD WINAPI fpOnEndDocA (FpDocCallbackA *pDoc)
- {
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("In fpOnEndDoc callback."), TEXT ("FinePrint callback DLL"), MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | fpPrePrintA
- |
- | FinePrint callback function.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern "C" DWORD WINAPI fpPrePrintA (FpPrintCallbackA *pPrint)
- {
- HFinePrint hfp = 0;
- TCHAR szPrinter[256] = {0};
- LPTSTR pszMsg = new TCHAR [1024];
- BOOL fRet;
- if (fpOpen (pPrint->szFinePrinter, &hfp) == 0) {
- fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliDestPrinter, szPrinter, sizeof (szPrinter));
- fpClose (hfp, FALSE);
- }
- _stprintf (
- pszMsg,
- TEXT ("About to print to printer \"%s\":\n\n%d document pages\n%d sides of paper\n%d sheets of paper\n\nPrint this job?"),
- szPrinter,
- pPrint->pc.cDocPages,
- pPrint->pc.cPaperSides,
- pPrint->pc.cPaperSheets);
- MessageBeep (0);
- fRet = (MessageBox (
- pszMsg,
- ("FinePrint callback DLL"),
- delete pszMsg;
- return (fRet);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | fpOnPrintA
- |
- | FinePrint callback function.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern "C" DWORD WINAPI fpOnPrintA (FpPrintCallbackA *pPrint)
- {
- HFinePrint hfp = 0;
- TCHAR szPrinter[256] = {0};
- LPTSTR pszMsg = new TCHAR [1024];
- if (fpOpen (pPrint->szFinePrinter, &hfp) == 0) {
- fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliDestPrinter, szPrinter, sizeof (szPrinter));
- fpClose (hfp, FALSE);
- }
- _stprintf (
- pszMsg,
- TEXT ("Printed to printer \"%s\":\n\n%d document pages\n%d sides of paper\n%d sheets of paper"),
- szPrinter,
- pPrint->pc.cDocPages,
- pPrint->pc.cPaperSides,
- pPrint->pc.cPaperSheets);
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (NULL, pszMsg, ("FinePrint callback DLL"), MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- delete pszMsg;
- return (0); // return value is ignored
- }