home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //
- // apisamp.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000 FinePrint Software
- // All Rights Reserved.
- //
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <tchar.h>
- #include "fpapi.h"
- #define ZeroInit(pb) memset((void *)pb,0,sizeof(*(pb)))
- #define NUM_ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
- // forward references
- void ShowError (LPCTSTR pszFunc, FpError fpe);
- void ShowError (LPCTSTR pszFunc, DWORD dwError);
- void Warning (LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...);
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | WinMain
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int WINAPI WinMain (
- HINSTANCE hInstance,
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR pszCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow)
- {
- HFinePrint hfp = 0;
- HFpStat hStat;
- LPCTSTR pszStat = TEXT ("FPDK stationery");
- FpError fpe;
- DWORD cbAttr;
- LPTSTR pch;
- TCHAR szFinePrinter[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR sz[256];
- FpJobCount jcOrig;
- FpJobStatus js;
- // get the root FPDK folder
- GetModuleFileName (NULL, szFpdk, MAX_PATH);
- pch = _tcsrchr (szFpdk, TEXT ('\\'));
- *pch = 0;
- pch = _tcsrchr (szFpdk, TEXT ('\\'));
- *pch = 0;
- pch = _tcsrchr (szFpdk, TEXT ('\\'));
- *pch = 0;
- pch = _tcsrchr (szFpdk, TEXT ('\\'));
- *pch = 0;
- // get the name of the first FinePrinter
- if ((fpe = fpGetFinePrinterName (0, szFinePrinter)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpGetFinePrinterName"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // open a FinePrint session
- if ((fpe = fpOpen (szFinePrinter, &hfp)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpOpen"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // retrieve current FinePrinter settings
- eLayoutType lt;
- eBorderType bt;
- eMarginType mt;
- BOOL fAcross;
- BOOL fDuplex;
- DWORD cCopies;
- if ((cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliLayout, <, sizeof (lt))) == 0)
- goto Return;
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliBorders, &bt, sizeof (bt));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliOrder, &fAcross, sizeof (fAcross));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliStationery, sz, sizeof (sz));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliForm, sz, sizeof (sz));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliDestPrinter, sz, sizeof (sz));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliMargins, &mt, sizeof (mt));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliDuplex, &fDuplex, sizeof (fDuplex));
- cbAttr = fpGetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliCopies, &cCopies, sizeof (cCopies));
- // select the N-up, borders, and margins settings
- if ((fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliLayout, (const void *) eLayout4)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetLayoutAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- if ((fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliBorders, (const void *) eBordersOn)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetLayoutAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- if ((fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliMargins, (const void *) eMarginMedium)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetLayoutAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // create a new stationery
- if ((fpe = fpCreateStationery (hfp, pszStat, &hStat)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpCreateStationery"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // set the watermark text
- if ((fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr (
- hfp,
- hStat,
- esiWatermark,
- esiaText,
- TEXT ("FPDK watermark"))) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetStationeryAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // set the footer text
- if ((fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr (
- hfp,
- hStat,
- esiFooter,
- esiaText,
- TEXT ("<Left>FPDK left<Center>FPDK center<Right>FPDK right"))) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetStationeryAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // get the current watermark font
- if ((cbAttr = fpGetStationeryAttr (
- hfp,
- hStat,
- esiWatermark,
- esiaFont,
- &lf,
- sizeof (lf))) != 0) {
- // set the font to Times New Roman
- _tcscpy (lf.lfFaceName, TEXT ("Times New Roman"));
- if ((fpe = fpSetStationeryAttr (
- hfp,
- hStat,
- esiWatermark,
- esiaFont,
- &lf)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetStationeryAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- }
- // close the stationery
- if ((fpe = fpCloseStationery (hfp, hStat)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpCloseStationery"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // select the stationery
- if ((fpe = fpSetLayoutAttr (hfp, eliStationery, pszStat)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetLayoutAttr"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- #if 0
- //
- // Set a callback. To see the callback in action, just print a job to
- // the FinePrint Driver.
- //
- // WARNING: this callback stays in effect until either fpClearCallbackDll
- // is called, or the dispatcher exits. See the FPDK documentation for
- // more details.
- //
- DWORD cEntryPoints;
- TCHAR sz2[256];
- _stprintf (sz, TEXT ("%s\\%s"), szFpdk, TEXT ("samples\\msvc\\callback.mfc\\DebugA\\fpcallm.dll")); // MFC callback
- _stprintf (sz, TEXT ("%s\\%s"), szFpdk, TEXT ("samples\\msvc\\callback\\DebugA\\fpcall.dll")); // Win32 callback
- _stprintf (sz2, TEXT ("Attempting to load callback DLL \"%s\""), sz);
- MessageBox (NULL, sz2, TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);
- if ((fpe = fpSetCallbackDll (hfp, sz, &cEntryPoints)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpSetCallbackDll"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- _stprintf (sz, TEXT ("%d callback entry point(s) installed."), cEntryPoints);
- MessageBox (NULL, sz, TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);
- #endif
- #if 0
- // print a file (assumes FinePrint Driver is the default Windows printer)
- ZeroInit (&sei);
- sei.cbSize = sizeof (sei);
- sei.lpVerb = TEXT ("print");
- sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
- _stprintf (sz, TEXT ("%s\\%s"), szFpdk, TEXT ("doc\\fpdk.doc"));
- sei.lpFile = sz;
- if ((fpe = fpGetJobCount (hfp, &jcOrig)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpGetJobCount"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- _stprintf (sz2, TEXT ("Attempting to print file \"%s\""), sei.lpFile);
- MessageBox (NULL, sz2, TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);
- if (!ShellExecuteEx (&sei)) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("ShellExecuteEx"), GetLastError ());
- goto Return;
- }
- // wait maximum 1 minute for job to start, 10 minutes to complete
- fpe = fpWaitForJob (hfp, &jcOrig, sei.hProcess, 60, 600, &js);
- if (sei.hProcess != NULL)
- CloseHandle (sei.hProcess);
- if (fpe != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpWaitForJob"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- #endif
- #if 0
- // show the FinePrint dialog
- DWORD dwDlg;
- fpe = fpDisplayDialog (hfp, &dwDlg);
- #endif
- #if 0
- // print the current jobs to the dest printer
- fpe = fpPrintAllJobs (hfp, NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
- #endif
- #if 1
- // print to the FinePrint driver
- HANDLE hPrinter;
- int cbDevmode;
- DEVMODE *pDevmode;
- HDC hdc;
- // turn off the FinePrint dialog
- fpe = fpSetDeferAll (hfp, TRUE);
- fpSetShowDlg (hfp, ShowDlg_Never);
- // get FinePrint's current DEVMODE settings
- ZeroInit (&pd);
- pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS;
- OpenPrinter (szFinePrinter, &hPrinter, &pd);
- cbDevmode = DocumentProperties (
- hPrinter,
- szFinePrinter,
- 0);
- pDevmode = (DEVMODE *) new BYTE [cbDevmode];
- memset (pDevmode, 0, cbDevmode);
- DocumentProperties (
- hPrinter,
- szFinePrinter,
- pDevmode,
- ClosePrinter (hPrinter);
- // create a printer DC and print to it
- hdc = CreateDC (NULL, szFinePrinter, NULL, pDevmode);
- delete pDevmode;
- ZeroInit (&di);
- di.cbSize = sizeof (di);
- di.lpszDocName = TEXT ("FPDK sample app");
- // get the job count before we start the new job
- if ((fpe = fpGetJobCount (hfp, &jcOrig)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpGetJobCount"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // print the job
- StartDoc (hdc, &di);
- StartPage (hdc);
- TextOut (hdc, 0, 0, TEXT ("Job 1"), 5);
- EndPage (hdc);
- EndDoc (hdc);
- // wait for the job to complete
- if ((fpe = fpWaitForJob (hfp, &jcOrig, NULL, 0, 60, &js)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpWaitForJob"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // get the job count before we start the new job
- if ((fpe = fpGetJobCount (hfp, &jcOrig)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpGetJobCount"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // print the job
- StartDoc (hdc, &di);
- StartPage (hdc);
- TextOut (hdc, 0, 0, TEXT ("Job 2"), 5);
- EndPage (hdc);
- EndDoc (hdc);
- // wait for the job to complete
- if ((fpe = fpWaitForJob (hfp, &jcOrig, NULL, 0, 60, &js)) != 0) {
- ShowError (TEXT ("fpWaitForJob"), fpe);
- goto Return;
- }
- // send jobs to the physical printer
- fpPrintAllJobs (hfp, NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
- DeleteDC (hdc);
- #endif
- // success
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (
- TEXT ("All tests completed successfully!"),
- TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"),
- Return:
- if (hfp != 0) {
- // close the FinePrint session (keeping the jobs)
- fpClose (hfp, FALSE);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | ShowError
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void ShowError (LPCTSTR pszFunc, FpError fpe)
- {
- TCHAR sz[256];
- wsprintf (
- sz,
- TEXT ("%s failed with error code %d."),
- pszFunc,
- fpe);
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (
- sz,
- TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"),
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | ShowError
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void ShowError (LPCTSTR pszFunc, DWORD dwError)
- {
- TCHAR sz[256];
- wsprintf (
- sz,
- TEXT ("%s failed with error code %d."),
- pszFunc,
- dwError);
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (
- sz,
- TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"),
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Warning
- |
- | Displays a warning message.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void Warning (LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...)
- {
- // expand the message string
- va_list args;
- TCHAR sz[512];
- va_start (args, pszFmt);
- wvsprintf (sz, pszFmt, args);
- va_end (args);
- MessageBeep (0);
- MessageBox (
- sz,
- TEXT ("Fpapi Sample Program"),
- }