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- $Id: README,v 1.59 2002/07/31 19:27:39 guy Exp $
- General Information
- ------- -----------
- Ethereal is a network traffic analyzer, or "sniffer", for Unix and
- Unix-like operating systems. It uses GTK+, a graphical user interface
- library, and libpcap, a packet capture and filtering library.
- The Ethereal distribution also comes with Tethereal, which is a
- line-oriented sniffer (similar to Sun's snoop, or tcpdump) that uses the
- same dissection, capture-file reading and writing, and packet filtering
- code as Ethereal, and with editcap, which is a program to read capture
- files and write the packets from that capture file, possibly in a
- different capture file format, and with some packets possibly removed
- from the capture.
- The official home of Ethereal is
- http://www.ethereal.com
- The latest distribution can be found in the subdirectory
- http://www.ethereal.com/distribution
- Installation
- ------------
- Ethereal is known to compile and run on the following systems:
- - Linux (2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x)
- - Solaris (2.5.1, 2.6, 7)
- - FreeBSD (2.2.5, 2.2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
- - Sequent PTX v4.4.5 (Nick Williams <njw@sequent.com>)
- - Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX) (3.2, 4.0)
- - Irix (6.5)
- - AIX (4.3.2, with a bit of work)
- - Win32 (NT, 98)
- It should run on other Unix-ish systems without too much trouble.
- NOTE: the Makefile appears to depend on GNU "make"; it doesn't appear to
- work with the "make" that comes with Solaris 7 nor the BSD "make".
- Perl is also needed to create the man page.
- If you decide to modify the yacc grammar or lex scanner, then
- you need "flex" - it cannot be built with vanilla "lex" -
- and either "bison" or the Berkeley "yacc". Your flex
- version must be 2.5.1 or greater. Check this with 'flex -V'.
- If you decide to modify the NetWare Core Protocol dissector, you
- will need python, as the data for packet types is stored in a python
- script, ncp2222.py.
- You must therefore install Perl, GNU "make", "flex", and either "bison" or
- Berkeley "yacc" on systems that lack them.
- Full installation instructions can be found in the INSTALL file.
- See also the appropriate README.<OS> files for OS-specific installation
- instructions.
- Usage
- -----
- In order to capture packets from the network, you need to be running as
- root, or have access to the appropriate entry under /dev if your system
- is so inclined (BSD-derived systems, and systems such as Solaris and
- HP-UX that support DLPI, typically fall into this category). Although
- it might be tempting to make the Ethereal executable setuid root, please
- don't - alpha code is by nature not very robust, and liable to contain
- security holes.
- Please consult the man page for a description of each command-line
- option and interface feature.
- Multiple File Types
- -------------------
- The wiretap library is a packet-capture library currently under
- development parallel to ethereal. In the future it is hoped that
- wiretap will have more features than libpcap, but wiretap is still in
- its infancy. However, wiretap is used in ethereal for its ability
- to read multiple file types. You can read the following file
- formats:
- libpcap (tcpdump -w, etc.) - this is Ethereal's native format
- snoop and atmsnoop
- Shomiti/Finisar Surveyor
- Novell LANalyzer
- Network General/Network Associates DOS-based Sniffer (compressed and
- uncompressed)
- Microsoft Network Monitor
- AIX's iptrace
- Cinco Networks NetXRray
- Network Associates Windows-based Sniffer
- AG Group/WildPackets EtherPeek/TokenPeek/AiroPeek
- RADCOM's WAN/LAN Analyzer
- Lucent/Ascend access products
- HP-UX's nettl
- Toshiba's ISDN routers
- ISDN4BSD "i4btrace" utility
- Cisco Secure Intrustion Detection System iplogging facility
- pppd logs (pppdump-format files)
- VMS's TCPIPtrace utility
- DBS Etherwatch for VMS
- Traffic captures from Visual Networks' Visual UpTime
- CoSine L2 debug output
- In addition, it can read gzipped versions of any of these files
- automatically, if you have the zlib library available when compiling
- Ethereal. Ethereal needs a modern version of zlib to be able to use
- zlib to read gzipped files; version 1.1.3 is known to work. Versions
- prior to 1.0.9 are missing some functions that Ethereal needs and won't
- work. "./configure" should detect if you have the proper zlib version
- available and, if you don't, should disable zlib support. You can always
- use "./configure --disable-zlib" to explicitly disable zlib support.
- Although Ethereal can read AIX iptrace files, the documentation on
- AIX's iptrace packet-trace command is sparse. The 'iptrace' command
- starts a daemon which you must kill in order to stop the trace. Through
- experimentation it appears that sending a HUP signal to that iptrace
- daemon causes a graceful shutdown and a complete packet is written
- to the trace file. If a partial packet is saved at the end, Ethereal
- will complain when reading that file, but you will be able to read all
- other packets. If this occurs, please let the Ethereal developers know
- at ethereal-dev@ethereal.com, and be sure to send us a copy of that trace
- file if it's small and contains non-sensitive data.
- Support for Lucent/Ascend products is limited to the debug trace output
- generated by the MAX and Pipline series of products. Ethereal can read
- the output of the "wandsession" "wandisplay", "wannext", and "wdd"
- commands. For detailed information on use of these commands, please refer
- the following pages:
- "wandsession", "wandisplay", and "wannext" on the Pipeline series:
- http://aos.ascend.com/aos:/gennavviewer.html?doc_id=0900253d80006c79
- "wandsession", "wandisplay", and "wannext" on the MAX series:
- http://aos.ascend.com/aos:/gennavviewer.html?doc_id=0900253d80006972
- "wdd" on the Pipeline series:
- http://aos.ascend.com/aos:/gennavviewer.html?doc_id=0900253d80006877
- Ethereal can also read dump trace output from the Toshiba "Compact Router"
- line of ISDN routers (TR-600 and TR-650). You can telnet to the router
- and start a dump session with "snoop dump".
- CoSine L2 debug output can also be read by Ethereal. To get the L2
- debug output, get in the diags mode first and then use
- "create-pkt-log-profile" and "apply-pkt-log-profile" commands under
- layer-2 category. For more detail how to use these commands, you
- should examine the help command by "layer-2 create ?" or "layer-2 apply ?".
- To use the Lucent/Ascend, Toshiba and CoSine traces with Ethereal, you must
- capture the trace output to a file on disk. The trace is happening inside
- the router and the router has no way of saving the trace to a file for you.
- An easy way of doing this under Unix is to run "telnet <ascend> | tee <outfile>".
- Or, if your system has the "script" command installed, you can save
- a shell session, including telnet to a file. For example, to a file named
- tracefile.out:
- $ script tracefile.out
- Script started on <date/time>
- $ telnet router
- ..... do your trace, then exit from the router's telnet session.
- $ exit
- Script done on <date/time>
- IPv6
- ----
- If your operating system includes IPv6 support, ethereal will attempt to
- use reverse name resolution capabilities when decoding IPv6 packets.
- If you want to turn off name resolution while using ethereal, start
- ethereal with the "-n" option to turn off all name resolution (including
- resolution of MAC addresses and TCP/UDP/SMTP port numbers to names), or
- with the "-N mt" option to turn off name resolution for all
- network-layer addresses (IPv4, IPv6, IPX).
- You can make that the default setting by opening the Preferences dialog
- box using the Preferences item in the Edit menu, selecting "Name
- resolution", turning off the appropriate name resolution options,
- clicking "Save", and clicking "OK".
- If you would like to compile ethereal without support for IPv6 name
- resolution, use the "--disable-ipv6" option with "./configure". If you
- compile ethereal without IPv6 name resolution, you will still be able to
- decode IPv6 packets, but you'll only see IPv6 addresses, not host names.
- ----
- Ethereal can do some basic decoding of SNMP packets; it can also use the
- UCD SNMP library, version 4.2.2 or later, to do more sophisticated
- decoding, by reading MIB files and using the information in those files
- to display OIDs and variable binding values in a friendlier fashion.
- The configure script will automatically determine whether you have the
- UCD SNMP library on your system, and will use it if it's version 4.2.2
- or later. If you have an SNMP library but _do not_ want to have
- ethereal use it, you can run configure with the "--without-ucdsnmp"
- option.
- If you have an earlier version of the UCD SNMP library on your system,
- the configure script will stop, reporting that it can't find the
- "sprint_realloc_objid()" routine; you should either upgrade to version
- 4.2.4 or later, as UCD SNMP 4.2.4 fixes some potential buffer overflow
- problems, or should configure with "--without-ucdsnmp".
- How to Report a Bug
- -------------------
- Ethereal is still under constant development, so it is possible that you will
- encounter a bug while using it. Please report bugs to ethereal-dev@ethereal.com.
- Be sure you tell us:
- 1) Operating System and version (the command 'uname -sr' may
- tell you this, although on Linux systems it will probably
- tell you only the version number of the Linux kernel, not of
- the distribution as a whole; on Linux systems, please tell us
- both the version number of the kernel, and which version of
- which distribution you're running)
- 2) Version of GTK+ (the command 'gtk-config --version' will tell you)
- 3) Version of Ethereal (the command 'ethereal -v' will tell you,
- unless the bug is so severe as to prevent that from working,
- and should also tell you the versions of libraries with which
- it was built)
- 4) The command you used to invoke Ethereal, and the sequence of
- operations you performed that caused the bug to appear
- If the bug is produced by a particular trace file, please be sure to send
- a trace file along with your bug description. Please don't send a trace file
- greater than 1 MB when compressed. If the trace file contains sensitive
- information (e.g., passwords), then please do not send it.
- If Ethereal died on you with a 'segmentation violation', 'bus error',
- 'abort', or other error that produces a UNIX core dump file, you can
- help the developers a lot if you have a debugger installed. A stack
- trace can be obtained by using your debugger ('gdb' in this example),
- the ethereal binary, and the resulting core file. Here's an example of
- how to use the gdb command 'backtrace' to do so.
- $ gdb ethereal core
- (gdb) backtrace
- ..... prints the stack trace
- (gdb) quit
- $
- The core dump file may be named "ethereal.core" rather than "core" on
- some platforms (e.g., BSD systems). If you got a core dump with
- Tethereal rather than Ethereal, use "tethereal" as the first argument to
- the debugger; the core dump may be named "tethereal.core".
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- There is no warranty, expressed or implied, associated with this product.
- Use at your own risk.
- Gerald Combs <gerald@ethereal.com>
- Gilbert Ramirez <gram@alumni.rice.edu>
- Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>