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Text File | 2002-03-26 | 26.2 KB | 1,710 lines |
- %%BeginResource: procset pdftext
- %%Version: 5.0 6
- %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- %%Title: Text operators for PDF
- PDF /PDFText 78 dict dup begin put
- /docinitialize
- {
- /resourcestatus where {
- pop
- /CIDParams /ProcSet resourcestatus {
- pop pop
- false /CIDParams /ProcSet findresource /SetBuildCompatible get exec
- } if
- } if
- PDF begin
- PDFText /_pdfDefineIdentity-H known
- { PDFText /_pdfDefineIdentity-H get exec}
- if
- end
- } bd
- /initialize {
- PDFText begin
- } bd
- /terminate { end } bd
- Level2?
- {
- /_safeput
- {
- 3 -1 roll load 3 1 roll put
- }
- bd
- }
- {
- /_safeput
- {
- 2 index load dup dup length exch maxlength ge
- { dup length 5 add dict copy
- 3 index xdd
- }
- { pop }
- ifelse
- 3 -1 roll load 3 1 roll put
- }
- bd
- }
- ifelse
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- /CopyFont {
- {
- 1 index /FID ne 2 index /UniqueID ne and
- { def } { pop pop } ifelse
- } forall
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- /Type0CopyFont
- {
- exch
- dup length dict
- begin
- CopyFont
- [
- exch
- FDepVector
- {
- dup /FontType get 0 eq
- {
- 1 index Type0CopyFont
- /_pdfType0 exch definefont
- }
- {
- /_pdfBaseFont exch
- 2 index exec
- }
- ifelse
- exch
- }
- forall
- pop
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- currentdict
- end
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- Level2? {currentglobal true setglobal} if
- /cHexEncoding
- [/c00/c01/c02/c03/c04/c05/c06/c07/c08/c09/c0A/c0B/c0C/c0D/c0E/c0F/c10/c11/c12
- /c13/c14/c15/c16/c17/c18/c19/c1A/c1B/c1C/c1D/c1E/c1F/c20/c21/c22/c23/c24/c25
- /c26/c27/c28/c29/c2A/c2B/c2C/c2D/c2E/c2F/c30/c31/c32/c33/c34/c35/c36/c37/c38
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- /c5F/c60/c61/c62/c63/c64/c65/c66/c67/c68/c69/c6A/c6B/c6C/c6D/c6E/c6F/c70/c71
- /c72/c73/c74/c75/c76/c77/c78/c79/c7A/c7B/c7C/c7D/c7E/c7F/c80/c81/c82/c83/c84
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- /cD1/cD2/cD3/cD4/cD5/cD6/cD7/cD8/cD9/cDA/cDB/cDC/cDD/cDE/cDF/cE0/cE1/cE2/cE3
- /cE4/cE5/cE6/cE7/cE8/cE9/cEA/cEB/cEC/cED/cEE/cEF/cF0/cF1/cF2/cF3/cF4/cF5/cF6
- /cF7/cF8/cF9/cFA/cFB/cFC/cFD/cFE/cFF] def
- Level2? {setglobal} if
- /modEnc {
- /_enc xdd
- /_icode 0 dd
- counttomark 1 sub -1 0
- {
- index
- dup type /nametype eq
- {
- _enc _icode 3 -1 roll put
- _icode 1 add
- }
- if
- /_icode xdd
- } for
- cleartomark
- _enc
- } bd
- /trEnc {
- /_enc xdd
- 255 -1 0 {
- exch dup -1 eq
- { pop /.notdef }
- { Encoding exch get }
- ifelse
- _enc 3 1 roll put
- } for
- pop
- _enc
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- StandardEncoding 256 array copy modEnc
- _pdfEncodings exch _i exch put
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- /TZ
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- findfont
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- {
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- pop
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- {
- _usePDFEncoding -1 eq
- {
- counttomark 0 eq
- { pop }
- {
- Encoding 256 array copy
- modEnc /Encoding exch def
- }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- 256 array
- trEnc /Encoding exch def
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- pdf_EuroProcSet pdf_origFontName known
- {
- pdf_origFontName pdf_AddEuroGlyphProc
- } if
- Level2?
- {
- currentdict /pdf_origFontName undef
- } if
- FontName currentdict
- end
- definefont pop
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- Level2?
- {
- /TZG
- {
- currentglobal true setglobal
- 2 index _pdfFontStatus
- {
- 2 index findfont
- false setglobal
- 3 index findfont
- true setglobal
- ne
- {
- 2 index findfont dup rcheck
- {
- dup length dict begin
- {
- 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse
- } forall
- currentdict end
- }
- if
- 3 index exch definefont pop
- }
- if
- } if
- setglobal
- TZ
- } bd
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- Level2?
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- currentglobal false setglobal
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- pdftext_data
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- /saveStacks
- {
- pdftext_data
- begin
- /vmmode currentglobal def
- false setglobal
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- pdftext_data /vmmode get setglobal
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- /restoreStacks
- {
- pdftext_data /vmmode currentglobal put false setglobal
- clear cleardictstack
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- pdftext_data /dscount get 1 2 index length 1 sub
- { get begin dup } for
- pop pop
- pdftext_data /os get aload pop
- pdftext_data /vmmode get setglobal
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- /testForClonePrinterBug
- {
- currentglobal true setglobal
- /undefinedCategory /Generic /Category findresource
- dup length dict copy /Category defineresource pop
- setglobal
- pdftext_data /saveStacks get exec
- pdftext_data /vmmode currentglobal put false setglobal
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- pdftext_data /vmmode get setglobal
- pdftext_data /restoreStacks get exec
- pdftext_data /bugFound get
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- setglobal
- /pdf_resourcestatus
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- {
- {
- pdftext_data /saveStacks get exec
- pdftext_data /os get dup dup length 1 sub
- dup 1 sub dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if
- exch 1 exch { get exch dup } for
- pop pop
- { resourcestatus }
- stopped
- {
- clear cleardictstack pdftext_data /restoreStacks get exec
- { pop pop } stopped pop false
- }
- {
- count array astore pdftext_data exch /results exch put
- pdftext_data /restoreStacks get exec pop pop
- pdftext_data /results get aload pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
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- { { resourcestatus } }
- ifelse
- bd
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- if
- Level2?
- {
- /_pdfUndefineResource
- {
- currentglobal 3 1 roll
- _pdf_FontDirectory 2 index 2 copy known
- {undef}
- {pop pop}
- ifelse
- 1 index (pdf) exch _pdfConcatNames 1 index
- 1 index 1 _pdfConcatNames 1 index
- 5 index 1 _pdfConcatNames 1 index
- 4
- {
- 2 copy pdf_resourcestatus
- {
- pop 2 lt
- {2 copy findresource gcheck setglobal undefineresource}
- {pop pop}
- ifelse
- }
- { pop pop}
- ifelse
- } repeat
- setglobal
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- }
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- Level2?
- {
- /_pdfFontStatus
- {
- currentglobal exch
- /Font pdf_resourcestatus
- {pop pop true}
- {false}
- ifelse
- exch setglobal
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- _pdfFontStatusString 0 (fonts/) putinterval
- /_pdfFontStatus
- {
- FontDirectory 1 index known
- { pop true }
- {
- _pdfFontStatusString 6 42 getinterval
- cvs length 6 add
- _pdfFontStatusString exch 0 exch getinterval
- { status } stopped
- {pop false}
- {
- { pop pop pop pop true}
- { false }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
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- Level2?
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- {
- pop pop
- /CIDFont pdf_resourcestatus
- {pop pop true}
- {false}
- ifelse
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- { pop false }
- ifelse
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- if
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- /_pdfComposeFontName
- {
- dup length 1 eq
- {
- 0 get
- 1 index
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- {
- _pdfString100 cvs
- length dup dup _pdfString100 exch (-) putinterval
- _pdfString100 exch 1 add dup _pdfString100 length exch sub getinterval
- 2 index exch cvs length
- add 1 add _pdfString100 exch 0 exch getinterval
- exch pop
- true
- }
- {
- pop pop
- false
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- ifelse
- }
- {
- false
- }
- ifelse
- dup {exch cvn exch} if
- } bd
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- {
- exch
- _pdfString100 cvs
- length dup dup _pdfString100 exch (-) putinterval
- _pdfString100 exch 1 add dup _pdfString100 length exch sub getinterval
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- add 1 add _pdfString100 exch 0 exch getinterval
- cvn
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- /_pdf_CheckCIDSystemInfo
- {
- 1 index _pdfTextTempString cvs
- (Identity) anchorsearch
- {
- pop pop pop pop true
- }
- {
- false
- _pdfRegOrderingArray
- {
- 2 index exch
- anchorsearch
- { pop pop pop true exit}
- { pop }
- ifelse
- }
- forall
- exch pop
- exch /CIDFont findresource
- /CIDSystemInfo get
- 3 -1 roll /CMap findresource
- /CIDSystemInfo get
- exch
- 3 -1 roll
- {
- 2 copy
- /Supplement get
- exch
- dup type /dicttype eq
- {/Supplement get}
- {pop 0 }
- ifelse
- ge
- }
- { true }
- ifelse
- {
- dup /Registry get
- 2 index /Registry get eq
- {
- /Ordering get
- exch /Ordering get
- dup type /arraytype eq
- {
- 1 index type /arraytype eq
- {
- true
- 1 index length 1 sub -1 0
- {
- dup 2 index exch get exch 3 index exch get ne
- { pop false exit}
- if
- } for
- exch pop exch pop
- }
- { pop pop false }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- eq
- }
- ifelse
- }
- { pop pop false }
- ifelse
- }
- { pop pop false }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
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- pdf_has_composefont?
- {
- /_pdfComposeFont
- {
- 2 copy _pdfComposeFontName not
- {
- 2 index
- }
- if
- (pdf) exch _pdfConcatNames
- dup _pdfFontStatus
- { dup findfont 5 2 roll pop pop pop true}
- {
- 4 1 roll
- 1 index /CMap pdf_resourcestatus
- {
- pop pop
- true
- }
- {false}
- ifelse
- 1 index true exch
- {
- _pdfCIDFontStatus not
- {pop false exit}
- if
- }
- forall
- and
- {
- 1 index 1 index 0 get _pdf_CheckCIDSystemInfo
- {
- 3 -1 roll pop
- 2 index 3 1 roll
- composefont true
- }
- {
- pop pop exch pop false
- }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- _pdfComposeFontName
- {
- dup _pdfFontStatus
- {
- exch pop
- 1 index exch
- findfont definefont true
- }
- {
- pop exch pop
- false
- }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- exch pop
- false
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- { true }
- {
- dup _pdfFontStatus
- { dup findfont true }
- { pop false }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- } bd
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- {
- /_pdfComposeFont
- {
- _pdfComposeFontName not
- {
- dup
- }
- if
- dup
- _pdfFontStatus
- {exch pop dup findfont true}
- {
- 1 index
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- {pop}
- {cvn}
- ifelse
- eq
- {pop false}
- {
- dup _pdfFontStatus
- {dup findfont true}
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- ifelse
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- ifelse
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- ifelse
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- Level2?
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- /Serif
- /HeiseiMin-W3-83pv-RKSJ-H _pdfFontStatus
- {/HeiseiMin-W3}
- {
- /HeiseiMin-W3 _pdfCIDFontStatus
- {/HeiseiMin-W3}
- {/Ryumin-Light}
- ifelse
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- def
- /SansSerif
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- {/HeiseiKakuGo-W5}
- {
- /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 _pdfCIDFontStatus
- {/HeiseiKakuGo-W5}
- {/GothicBBB-Medium}
- ifelse
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- def
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- {/HeiseiMaruGo-W4}
- {
- /HeiseiMaruGo-W4 _pdfCIDFontStatus
- {/HeiseiMaruGo-W4}
- {
- /Jun101-Light-RKSJ-H _pdfFontStatus
- { /Jun101-Light }
- { SansSerif }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
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- ifelse
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- /Default Serif def
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- {
- /Serif /Ryumin-Light def
- /SansSerif /GothicBBB-Medium def
- {
- (fonts/Jun101-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H) status
- }stopped
- {pop}{
- { pop pop pop pop /Jun101-Light }
- { SansSerif }
- ifelse
- /RoundSansSerif exch def
- }ifelse
- /Default Serif def
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- ifelse
- end
- def
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- /SansSerif /HYGoThic-Medium def
- /RoundSansSerif SansSerif def
- /Default Serif def
- end
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- /RoundSansSerif SansSerif def
- /Default Serif def
- end
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- /RoundSansSerif SansSerif def
- /Default Serif def
- end
- def
- end
- def
- /TZzero
- {
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- /_regOrdering xdd
- 3 copy
- _pdfComposeFont
- {
- 5 2 roll pop pop pop
- }
- {
- [
- 0 1 _styleArr length 1 sub
- {
- _styleArr exch get
- _pdfStyleDicts _regOrdering 2 copy known
- {
- get
- exch 2 copy known not
- { pop /Default }
- if
- get
- }
- {
- pop pop pop /Unknown
- }
- ifelse
- }
- for
- ]
- exch pop
- 2 index 3 1 roll
- _pdfComposeFont
- {3 -1 roll pop}
- {
- findfont dup /FontName get exch
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- dup /WMode 2 copy known
- { get _wmode ne }
- { pop pop _wmode 1 eq}
- ifelse
- {
- exch _wmode _pdfConcatNames
- dup _pdfFontStatus
- { exch pop dup findfont false}
- { exch true }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- dup /FontType get 0 ne
- }
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- {
- dup /FontType get 3 eq _wmode 1 eq and
- {
- _pdfVerticalRomanT3Font dup length 10 add dict copy
- begin
- /_basefont exch
- dup length 3 add dict
- begin
- {1 index /FID ne {def}{pop pop} ifelse }
- forall
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- dup 16#27 /quotesingle put
- dup 16#60 /grave put
- _regOrdering /Adobe-Japan1 eq
- {dup 16#5c /yen put dup 16#a5 /yen put dup 16#b4 /yen put}
- if
- def
- FontName
- currentdict
- end
- definefont
- def
- /Encoding _basefont /Encoding get def
- /_fauxfont true def
- }
- {
- dup length 3 add dict
- begin
- {1 index /FID ne {def}{pop pop} ifelse }
- forall
- FontType 0 ne
- {
- /Encoding Encoding dup length array copy
- dup 16#27 /quotesingle put
- dup 16#60 /grave put
- _regOrdering /Adobe-Japan1 eq
- {dup 16#5c /yen put}
- if
- def
- /_fauxfont true def
- } if
- } ifelse
- /WMode _wmode def
- dup dup /FontName exch def
- currentdict
- end
- definefont pop
- }
- {
- pop
- }
- ifelse
- /_pdf_FontDirectory 3 1 roll _safeput
- }
- bd
- Level2?
- {
- /Tf {
- _pdf_FontDirectory 2 index 2 copy known
- {get exch 3 -1 roll pop}
- {pop pop}
- ifelse
- selectfont
- } bd
- }
- {
- /Tf {
- _pdf_FontDirectory 2 index 2 copy known
- {get exch 3 -1 roll pop}
- {pop pop}
- ifelse
- exch findfont exch
- dup type /arraytype eq
- {makefont}
- {scalefont}
- ifelse
- setfont
- } bd
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- /cshow where
- {
- pop /pdf_cshow /cshow load dd
- /pdf_remove2 {pop pop} dd
- }
- {
- /pdf_cshow {exch forall} dd
- /pdf_remove2 {} dd
- } ifelse
- /pdf_xshow
- {
- /_pdf_na xdd
- /_pdf_i 0 dd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
- {
- pdf_remove2
- _pdf_str1 exch 0 exch put
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- {_pdf_na _pdf_i get} stopped
- { pop pop }
- {
- _pdf_x _pdf_y moveto
- 0
- rmoveto
- }
- ifelse
- _pdf_i 1 add /_pdf_i xdd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
- }
- exch
- pdf_cshow
- } bd
- /pdf_yshow
- {
- /_pdf_na xdd
- /_pdf_i 0 dd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
- {
- pdf_remove2
- _pdf_str1 exch 0 exch put
- _pdf_str1 /_pdf_showproc load exec
- {_pdf_na _pdf_i get} stopped
- { pop pop }
- {
- _pdf_x _pdf_y moveto
- 0 exch
- rmoveto
- }
- ifelse
- _pdf_i 1 add /_pdf_i xdd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
- }
- exch
- pdf_cshow
- } bd
- /pdf_xyshow
- {
- /_pdf_na xdd
- /_pdf_i 0 dd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
- {
- pdf_remove2
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- _pdf_str1 /_pdf_showproc load exec
- {_pdf_na _pdf_i get} stopped
- { pop pop }
- {
- {_pdf_na _pdf_i 1 add get} stopped
- { pop pop pop}
- {
- _pdf_x _pdf_y moveto
- rmoveto
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- _pdf_i 2 add /_pdf_i xdd
- currentpoint
- /_pdf_y xdd
- /_pdf_x xdd
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- exch
- pdf_cshow
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- /pdfl1ys {/_pdf_showproc /show load dd pdf_yshow} bd
- /pdfl1xys {/_pdf_showproc /show load dd pdf_xyshow} bd
- Level2? _ColorSep5044? not and
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- /pdfxs {{xshow} stopped {pdfl1xs} if} bd
- /pdfys {{yshow} stopped {pdfl1ys} if} bd
- /pdfxys {{xyshow} stopped {pdfl1xys} if} bd
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- /pdfxs /pdfl1xs load dd
- /pdfys /pdfl1ys load dd
- /pdfxys /pdfl1xys load dd
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- /pdf_xycharpath {/_pdf_showproc /pdf_charpath load dd pdf_xyshow} bd
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- {
- {
- pdf_remove2
- _pdf_str1 exch 0 exch put
- _pdf_str1 false charpath
- currentpoint S moveto
- } bind
- exch pdf_cshow
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- /pdf_ystrokepath {/_pdf_showproc {pdf_charpath S} dd pdf_yshow} bd
- /pdf_xystrokepath {/_pdf_showproc {pdf_charpath S} dd pdf_xyshow} bd
- Level2? {currentglobal true setglobal} if
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- /nND {{/.notdef} repeat} bd
- /T3Defs {
- /BuildChar
- {
- 1 index /Encoding get exch get
- 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
- }
- def
- /BuildGlyph {
- exch begin
- GlyphProcs exch get exec
- end
- } def
- /_pdfT3Font true def
- } bd
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- MakeBoldFont
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- MakeItalic
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- 420 -20 l
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