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- /* Style sheet optimized for IE4x - Last updated 2/9/99 */
- body { color: #000000;
- margin-top: -.5em;
- background: #FFFFFF;
- font-size: 70%;
- font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif }
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- a:active, a:hover { color: "#FF0000"; cursor:hand; text-decoration:"underline";}
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- /* for defined terms, follow the "Document Conventions" listing in the Microsoft Manual of Style: */
- /* Keywords, functions, and anything else the user must enter exactly as shown are bold--add "font-weight: bold;" to the dt tag */
- /* Variables, book titles, and placeholders the user must provide are italic--add "font-style: italic;" to the dt tag */
- /* pre-defined arguments are bold and italic--add "font-weight: bold;" and "font-style: italic;" to the dt tag */
- table.main{
- font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, MS Sans Serif;
- background-color: #FFFFFF;
- margin-top: -.5em;
- margin-bottom: 0em;
- margin-left: -.7em;
- padding-left: 0em;
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- { vertical-align: top; }
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- /**** extended class styles ************************/
- /* */
- /* add comment tags to disable the style */
- p.indent { margin-left: "2em"; } /* this class style is used to indent text for notes and warnings; use this instead of the blockquote tag */
- p.indent2 { margin-left: "3.5em"; } /* this class style is used to indent text a second level under the first indent */
- p.proclabel { font-size: 100%;
- font-weight: bold; clear: both; }
- /**************************************************************************************************************/
- /* these class styles are used for the expanding and collapsing text files (expand function in shared.js) */
- #expand {margin-bottom: "0.6em";}
- a:link.expandToggle, a:visited.expandToggle {color:"#000000"; font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none;}
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- div.expand { margin-left: "1.5em"; margin-bottom: "1em"; display:none }
- p.empty { font-weight: bold; }
- span.empty { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 12; margin-left: 16 }
- /*******************************************/
- /* these classes are for thumbnail art */
- a:link img.thumbnail {border-color: "#0000FF";}
- a:active img.thumbnail { border-color: "#FF0000";}
- a:hover img.thumbnail {border-color: "#FF0000";}
- img.thumbnail {vertical-align: top; margin-left: 0;
- width:90; border-width:1;}
- div.thumbnail {float:left; width: 105;}
- /* these class styles are used for <span> tags simulating buttons & their div */
- .button { border-top-color: "#000000";
- border-left-color: "#000000";
- border-bottom-color: "#666666";
- border-right-color: "#666666";
- background-color: "#dddddd";
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- border-right-color: "#000000";
- background-color: "#FFFFFF";
- }
- #buttonDiv { padding: 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em 0.3em;
- border-bottom: thin groove #808080;
- background: "#C0C0C0";
- align:top;
- }
- /************************************************/
- /* class styles reserved for mouseover/mouseout DHTML */
- .cold {}
- .hot {}
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* ID styles reserved for <a> tags calling OCX's within HTML Help by creating OBJECTS */
- #wPopup {}
- a:link#wPopup {color: "#006600";}
- a:hover#wPopup {color: "#FF0000";}
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- #shortcut {}
- img.shortcut {border: none; margin-right: "0.5em"; vertical-align:middle;}
- #specLoc {}
- #relTopics {}
- p.relTopics img {vertical-align:top;} /* img is class=alert */
- #altLoc {}
- p.note,p.tip, p.important, p.caution, p.warning
- { font-weight:bold; clear:both;
- margin-top:"1em";
- margin-bottom:"-.25em"; }
- img.alert {border:none;} /* for icon images - note, tip, important, caution, warning*/
- /***********************************/
- /* Style for print only functionality used with external URL link coUA_print.css*/
- span.printOnly {display:none }
- /***********************************/
- /* Styles for checklists */
- .userData {behavior:url(#default#userdata); } /*sets persistance*/
- #checklist {width:100%; text-align:left; margin:"0.3em 0em";}
- #checklist li {text-indent:"0.2em";}
- /*********************************/
- /* these classes are for previous next navigation */
- a:hover.navbar, a:active.navbar {} /* text in nav */
- a:link.navbar, a:visited.navbar {}
- #nav { left:0; top:0px;
- text-align:left;
- margin:0;
- position:absolute;
- padding-bottom: 1px; padding-top: 3px;
- padding-right:6px; padding-left:5px;
- align:top;
- visibility:hidden;
- z-index:1; }
- #text { left:0; top:0px;
- text-align:left;
- margin:0;
- position:absolute;
- padding:10px;
- overflow:auto;
- height:100%;
- z-index:1;
- background-repeat:no-repeat;
- background-position: bottom right;
- background-attachment:fixed; }
- /***************************************************/
- /***********************************/
- /* links */
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- a:hover#wPopupWeb {color: "#FF0000";}
- a:active#wPopupWeb {color: "#FF0000";}
- a:visited#wPopupWeb {color: "#006600";}
- #shortcutWeb {}
- #specLocWeb {}
- #relTopicsWeb {}
- #altLocWeb {}
- /***********************************/
- /* popups */
- div.popup { visibility:hidden; z-index:3;
- position:absolute;
- top:200; left:200;
- width:"250"; padding:"6px";
- background-color:#FFFFCC;
- border-style: solid;
- border-width: 1;
- border-color: #666666;
- }