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- <b><u>General Tab</b></u>
- <dir>
- <li>If <b>Save Settings on Exit</b> is checked, then whenever
- Anvil Studio starts, it loads the song file you last loaded and
- turns to the page you were last working on.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable HTML Help</b> is checked, Anvil Studio uses Internet Explorer
- to display help information at the bottom of each page.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Always create a trouble-shooting log file</b> is checked,
- Anvil Studio generates a trouble-shooting log file every time it is run.
- This causes Anvil Studio to run a little slower, so it should only
- be used when trying to track down an problem that seldom occurs.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>All volumes range from 0 to 127</b> is checked, all volume controls range from 0 to 127, the true MIDI standard.
- If it is not checked, all volume controls range from 0 to 100, but are converted to range from 0 to 127 before being sent to MIDI devices.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable Full-Duplex Soundcard test</b> is checked,
- Anvil Studio checks your audio/MIDI hardware every time a configuration change occurs,
- and reports possible problems.
- You can uncheck this if you think you have a full-duplex sound card,
- but Anvil Studio says that you do not, but do this with caution as problems may go undetected.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Show notes for all tracks on Mixer page</b> is checked,
- a zoomed out view of notes for all tracks appears on the Mixer page.
- You can drag the mouse over the notes to hear them played,
- which can be useful when trying to locate a desired position in the song.
- It can also be used to copy and paste measures between tracks.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Printing Option 1</b> is checked,
- Only set this if told to by an Anvil Studio technical support person.
- <br><br>
- <li>Set the <b>Number of levels of Undo</b> to any number between 0 and 50.
- Higher numbers let you undo more edits with the Edit/Undo menu item.
- Setting this number higher also consumes more memory.
- <br><br>
- <li>It isn't always easy to reach the mouse and computer keyboard
- while you are trying to record at your Synthesizer.
- This page lets you control some parts of
- Anvil Studio's user interface from your MIDI keyboard.
- For example, you can use it to start/stop recording when you
- step on a MIDI foot-switch, or wiggle a Modulation wheel, or press the lowest note on the keyboard.
- <br><br>
- First, select the <b>Anvil Studio Action</b> you want to control remotely.
- Then, press a note, step on a foot switch, or trigger any other MIDI event.
- <br><br>
- If the MIDI event you select is a switch, like Sustain,
- then a <b>On starts, Off stops</b> checkbox appears.
- For example, if this box is checked for Sustain controlling Stop/Start Recording,
- then you need to press the sustain pedal to star recording, and release the pedal to stop recording.
- If it is not checked, then you need to press the pedal once to start
- recording, and then press it again to stop recording.
- <br><br>
- Any of the actions listed in the lower <b>Anvil Studio Action</b> field can
- be assigned to a <b>keyboard shortcut</b>. For example, if you need to
- change several note stem directions on the Composer page, assign
- keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U to Note Stem Up and Ctrl+D to Note Stem Down.
- Then you can simply press Ctrl+D or Ctrl+U to change the stem direction
- of the selected note when you are on the composer page.
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- <hr>
- <b><u>Audio Tab</b></u>
- <dir>
- <li>Increasing the <b>Number of audio buffers</b> makes Audio output
- more smooth on slow systems, or systems that have other programs running.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Warn if memory limits record time</b> is checked,
- Anvil Studio warns when starting to record an Audio track if recording
- time will be limited by available memory.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable master playback VU meter</b> is checked,
- it causes the Mixer page to show a Master playback VU meter if the song
- has any Audio tracks.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable DirectX Audio</b> is checked, DirectX effects audio pluggins
- can be added to a song to alter the audio output. Select <b>Links</b> from the <b>Help</b>
- menu to see some sites that provide DirectX effects, or search the Web for DirectX
- pluggins.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Allow very long audio tracks</b> is checked, audio tracks can be longer
- than 60 minutes, assuming that your machine has enough disk space.
- <br><br>
- <li>The <b>Test for Full-Duplex Soundcard</b> button will tell you if your
- soundcard can Record and Play MIDI and Audio at the same time.
- This is an important feature for multi-track recording.
- <br><br>
- <li>Press the <b>Create Audio Diagnostic File</b> button to create
- a diagnostic file that you can email to <i>support@AnvilStudio.com</i>
- along with a description of any audio problems you are having.
- <br><br>
- <li>The <b>Mixer Output</b> field lets you select the Audio Input
- device that lets you record the output of your soundcard's audio mixer.
- This field is different for each SoundCard, but should say something
- like Mixer, Stereo Mixer Input, or What U Hear.
- Some soundcards have no such audio input device.
- This helps the File / <b>Export Mixed Audio</b> menu item know how to do its work.
- <br><br>
- <li>The <b>Synth Output</b> field lets you select the Audio Input
- device that lets you record the output of your soundcard's internal MIDI synthesizer.
- It should be called something like MIDI.
- Some soundcards have no such audio input device.
- This helps the File / <b>Export Mixed Audio</b> and <b>Export Active Track as WAV file</b>
- menu items know how to do their work.
- <br><br>
- </dir>
- <hr>
- <b><u>MIDI Tab</b></u>
- <dir>
- <li>New files created by Anvil Studio are always saved in MIDI-Format-1,
- where each track has its own MIDI channel/instrument.
- If <b>Save song files in MIDI 1 format</b> is checked,
- any file loaded gets converted to MIDI-Format-1 when saved,
- regardless what its format was before it was loaded.
- Files are saved in this format can be edited by other MIDI editing programs,
- however editing song files with another MIDI editor may cause loss of some important information.
- Anvil Studio stores Sequencer-Specific MIDI events to remember things like links to audio files
- and some staff note properties.
- These special events are part of the MIDI standard and do not interfere with how
- the song gets played by other MIDI player programs.
- Some other MIDI editors delete these Sequencer-Specific MIDI events from song files.
- Anvil Studio preserves Sequencer-Specific MIDI events created by other editors.
- <br><br>
- It is always a great idea to create backup copies of your song files,
- but it is especially important to do so before editing them with another editor.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Echo incoming MIDI events to all synthesizers</b> is checked,
- This has no effect if your computer has no external MIDI port.
- <br><br>
- When Anvil Studio runs for the first time, Echoing MIDI events is initially disabled.
- <br><br>
- You will want to turn this on if you are recording a MIDI track,
- and you want to play notes on one synthesizer keyboard, but have them
- played by a different synthesizer or your computer's sound card.
- In this case, the synthesizer keyboard you are playing will remain silent,
- and the recorded notes will be echoed, and later played back, on the
- synthesizer assigned to the track being recorded.
- For example, try turning this check box on and then select <b>Mixer</b>
- from the View menu and create a Rhythm track.
- Now, press keys on an external synthesizer to hear drum sounds.
- While still on the Mixer page, press the Record button and press keys
- on your synthesizer to record a rhythm track.
- <br><br>
- You will want to turn this off for any of the following reasons:
- <dir>
- <li>If your computer's Sound Card is not <i>Full Duplex</i>, that is,
- it cannot send and receive MIDI events at the same time.
- <li>If your computer's Sound Card is the type that cannot listen
- to the MIDI port and Audio-in port at the same time.
- <li>If you do not have enough MIDI cables to connect:
- <dir>
- <li>the synthesizer's MIDI OUT port to the computer's MIDI IN port, and
- <li>the computer's MIDI OUT port to the synthesizer's MIDI IN port.
- </dir>
- In this case, you need to re-connect a MIDI cable to different ports
- depending on whether you are recording or playing back.
- <li>If you notice delays between the time you press a note and when
- you hear the note played.
- <li>If you don't here anything when you press a key on the synthesizer
- keyboard.
- </dir>
- <h4>Program behavior when Echo MIDI Events is enabled</h4>
- During start-up the program opens MIDI OUT and MIDI IN ports,
- and immediately sends LocalControlOff messages to all channels.
- <br>
- When not recording, it simply echoes any MIDI event to all MIDI OUT ports.
- <br>
- When recording, it echoes the received notes, after changing the channel
- number to the active track's channel number.
- <h4>Program behavior when Echo MIDI Events is disabled</h4>
- The program only opens MIDI IN ports when recording a MIDI track,
- or when Anvil Studio is turned to a page that needs to listen to MIDI events.
- <br>
- The program only opens MIDI OUT ports when playing one or more MIDI tracks,
- or when Anvil Studio is turned to a page that needs to play MIDI notes.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Show notes on staff while recording</b> is checked,
- notes are displayed on the staff while your record an Instrument track.
- machines slower than a 100-mHz Pentium, this can cause synchronization problems.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Record no Rests</b> is checked, the duration of notes is
- not determined by when a note is released, but by which notes are still
- down when a new note is pressed. This sometimes produces more pleasing
- results when recording a score for display as sheet music.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Record Multi-track MIDI</b> is checked,
- When recording MIDI, this causes each MIDI channel to be recorded to a
- different track, instead of all channels getting recorded to the active track.
- For example, when a note is recorded on MIDI Channel 3, that note is inserted
- in the track whose channel is 3. This also causes the File / New menu item
- to create 16 tracks, each with its own MIDI channel.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Record and Play SysEx MIDI Events</b> is checked,
- MIDI System Exclusive messages are recorded to the track being
- recorded, and sent to MIDI devices during play back.
- Otherwise, System Exclusive messages are ignored by Anvil Studio.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable SoundFont support</b> is checked,
- it enables SoundFont support if your sound card supports it.
- This allows Anvil Studio recognize which instruments are currently
- loaded into your sound card. It also allows you to load
- different .SF2 files into your sound card, just like a stand-alone
- MIDI Sampler. For more information, please select <b>How do I...</b>
- from the <b>Help</b> menu, and then read the section on SoundFont ® support.
- <br><br>
- SoundFont ® is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Anvil Studio is the player of .MID files</b> is checked,
- when you double-click on a .MID file from the Windows Explorer,
- Anvil Studio is launched to play the song. Since the Anvil Studio
- program is larger and slower to load than simple MIDI file players,
- you might not want to do this.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Play notes when mouse moves over staff</b> is checked,
- Anvil Studio plays notes when you drag the mouse over them on
- the Composer and Mixer pages.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Show Dotted Rests</b> is checked, dotted rests are drawn
- on the staff. Otherwise, quarter-note, 8th-note, 16th-note rests are used.
- <br><br>
- <li>If <b>Enable Beam lines on Compose page</b> is checked,
- notes on the Composer page are drawn with beams between notes 8th and smaller.
- <br><br>
- <li>The <b>MIDI Ticks per quarter note</b> allows you to control the MIDI
- ticks per second that get sent to MIDI devices. It is initially set to 240.
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