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- <HTML>
- This page shows the music for the active track, selected in the <b>Mixer</b> page.
- <br>
- Since the track's <b>Type</b> attribute is set to <b>Instrument</b>, it shows sheet music.
- If you would rather edit a Piano Roll format, click the field that says <b>Staff</b> and change it to <b>Piano Roll</b>.
- <br><br>
- If you would rather enter notes using <b>guitar frets</b> rather than piano keys,
- or if you would like to see note-name labels on each piano key,
- click the on-screen piano with the right mouse button.
- <br><br>
- To change the song's current <b>position</b>:
- <dir>
- <li>Drag the scroll bar at the top of the screen, or
- <li>Drag the hand over the desired note, or
- <li>Press the left or right cursor keys.
- You can extend a selection by holding the Shift key while pressing these.
- You can scroll to the start or end of track by holding the Ctrl key while pressing these.
- </dir>
- To <b>insert</b> a new note,
- <dir>
- <li>position the hand over the place to insert the note,
- <li>select a note symbol from the palette by clicking on it,
- <li>set the volume control to the desired volume for the new note,
- <li>play the desired note on the on-screen keyboard or your synthesizer's keyboard.
- <li>To <b>build a chord</b> while composing, hold the Shift key down
- before entering the first note of the chord, and release
- the shift key after entering the last note in the chord is pressed.
- </dir>
- To <b>insert</b> a rest, press the <b>Insert Rest</b> button.
- To insert several measures of rests, press the Whole Note symbol above the Insert
- Rest button, and then double-click on the Insert-Rest button.
- </b>
- To build a chord using the guitar fret window instead of the piano keyboard,
- <dir>
- <li>press the shift key,
- <li>click the mouse on all of the frets you want to press,
- <li>click the far left of open strings that you want played,
- <li>don't click strings that you want to remain silent,
- <li>when you release the shift key, the chord will be inserted.
- </dir>
- You can also drag a note from the palette to a desired location on the staff.
- <br><br>
- You can also sing a note into your microphone and press the button
- with the picture of a microphone to insert the note on the staff.
- If this does not seem to be working, try turning to the Mixer page
- and selecting a different Audio In port.
- <br><br>
- To change the volume for a range of notes, select the range of notes
- with the mouse and then adjust the <b>Vol</b> slider.
- <br><br>
- To change a <b>note's properties</b> such as pitch, volume, duration, staccato,
- or stem direction, or to <b>delete a note</b>, click on the note with the
- <b>right mouse button</b>. For example, if you want to change a notes
- accidental from Bb to A#, click the note on the staff with the right mouse button,
- select the Properties popup menu, and click the <b>Enharmonic</b> checkbox.
- <br><br>
- If you find yourself changing note properties very often,
- consider adding a keyboard shortcut. To do this, select <b>Options</b> from
- the <b>View</b> menu and set the appropriate values for <b>Anvil Studio Action</b>
- and <b>Computer Key that should trigger the action</b>.
- Then, you can simply press that key instead of bringing up the Note Properties
- window.
- <br><br>
- To change the stem direction for a range of notes, select the range of
- notes with the mouse or shifted-cursor keys, then press the Ctrl-Key
- that is assigned to the Stem-Up or Stem-Down function on the Options page.
- <br><br>
- To change a note's start time, click the note with the right
- mouse button, and then select the <b>Shift note's start time..."</b> popup menu.
- <br>
- A short-cut way to do this is to press the <b>Ctrl</b> key and then drag the note
- right or left while pressing the left mouse button and the <b>Ctrl</b> key.
- Then, release the mouse button before releasing the <b>Ctrl</b> key.
- <br><br>
- To delete an individual rest, and shift the notes that follow it to the left,
- press the mouse's left button and to the left of the rest, and drag the mouse
- to the right while the button remains pressed until the staff looks like:
- <br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="delRest.gif"><br>
- Then, press the <b>Del</b> key.
- <br><br>
- To move a note up or down on the staff, drag it straight up or down with
- the mouse while pressing the left mouse button. If you drag it beyond the
- top of the staff, it will leave the note unchanged. If you drag it beyond
- the bottom of the staff, it will remove the note from the song.
- <br>
- If you click the toolbar button
- <IMG BORDER=0 SRC="swipe.gif">
- you can hear the note played as you drag it.
- <br><br>
- To manipulate a range of notes, drag the
- mouse over the desired range while pressing the left mouse button, and then select
- one of the following items from the Edit menu:
- <dir>
- <li>Cut -- removes selected notes, copying them to the clipboard
- <li>Copy -- copies selected notes to the clipboard
- <li>Paste Mix -- mixes notes from the clipboard with notes at the current position
- <li>Paste Insert -- inserts notes from the clipboard at the current position
- <li>Delete Selection -- remove all selected notes, shifting the notes that follow to the left left
- <li>Silent -- remove all selected notes, leaving the notes that follow where they are
- </dir>
- To insert <b>Slurs, Crescendos, Decrescendos,</b> and <b>Repeat</b> symbols:
- <dir>
- <li>position the cursor where you want the symbol added
- <li>select a range of notes if you want the symbol to apply to a range
- <li>select <b>Insert Notation...</b> from the Edit menu.
- <li>select the symbol that you want to add.
- <li>click on the new symbol to move it up, down, right, or left within the measure or change its size.
- </dir>
- To see this track's lyrics,
- click the field named <b>Staff</b> and change it to <b>Lyrics</b>.
- To edit the track's lyrics:
- <dir>
- <li>move the mouse to the note you'd like the words to go with,
- <li>press the right mouse button, and
- <li>select Lyrics.
- <br>
- For multi-verse lyrics, type several lines in this field.
- They will all be displayed when printed, but only the first verse
- will be shown on the screen-staff.
- </dir>
- Frequenly, standard MIDI songs have lyrics stored on their own track.
- If you have loaded such a song, select Merge from the Track menu
- to merge the lyrics track into track that has the notes you
- want displayed with lyrics.
- <br><br>
- To display a chord label above the staff,
- <dir>
- <li>move the mouse to the note you'd like the label to go with,
- <li>press the right mouse button, and
- <li>select Chord.
- </dir>
- To insert Time Signatures and Key Signatures in the middle of a track,
- position the cursor within the measure that you want to change,
- and then change the Key: or Time: field in the panel below the staff.
- <br><br>
- To change the song's tempo, select <b>Metronome</b> from the View menu.
- <br><br>
- If you would like to use your computer keyboard to enter notes,
- the keys between <b>Q</b> and <b>]</b> can be used as a row of <i>white</i> piano keys,
- while the keys between <b>2</b> and <b>=</b> can be used as the <i>black</i> piano keys between them.
- Similarly, the keys between and <b>Z</b> and <b>/</b>, and <b>S</b> and <b>;</b> can be used as
- another row of piano keys. To <b>change the octaves</b> that they represent,
- move the mouse over the piano keyboard and press the Right mouse button.
- <br><br>
- To change note duration from the keyboard, press keys <b>F1</b> through <b>F6</b>.
- <br>
- To toggle the Dotted Note checkbox, press <b>F7</b>.
- <br>
- To toggle the Staccato checkbox, press <b>F8</b>.
- <br>
- To toggle Insert Mode, press the <b>Ins</b> key.
- <br><br>
- If you want more precise control over the time where you drag notes,
- change the <b>Grid</b> field to any value other than <b>-- no grid--</b>.
- The staff will be divided by equally-spaced vertical grey lines.
- This makes it easy to drag a note from the palette,
- or an existing note from the staff, to the exact time position you want it.
- <br><br>
- To view this track in piano-roll format, click the field named <b>Staff</b>
- and change it to <b>Piano Roll</b>.
- <br><br>
- </body>
- </HTML>