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- This page shows the music for the active track, selected in the <b>Mixer</b> page.
- <br>
- Since the track's <b>Type</b> is set to <b>Audio</b>, it shows the audio track's wave.
- <br>
- Initially, the entire track's wave is shown. To see the wave in more detail, zoom in by
- scrolling the horizontal and vertical Zoom scroll bars.
- <br><br>
- Click the <b>Quality</b> field to change quality and memory requirements of your recording.
- One Mono track consumes memory at the following rates:
- <dir>
- <TR>
- <TH ALIGN=LEFT>Quality</TH>
- <TH>Bytes per second</TH>
- <TH>Bytes per minute</TH>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>88,200</TD>
- <TD>5.2 million</TD>
- <TD>16 bit @ 44 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Video Game</TD>
- <TD>44,100</TD>
- <TD>2.6 million</TD>
- <TD>8 bit @ 44 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Phonograph</TD>
- <TD>44,100</TD>
- <TD>2.6 million</TD>
- <TD>16 bit @ 22 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>22,050</TD>
- <TD>1.3 million</TD>
- <TD>16 bit @ 11 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>22,050</TD>
- <TD>1.3 million</TD>
- <TD>8 bit @ 22 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>11,025</TD>
- <TD>661,500</TD>
- <TD>8 bit @ 11 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>Old Radio</TD>
- <TD>8,000</TD>
- <TD>480,000</TD>
- <TD>8 bit @ 8 kHz</TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </dir>
- Stereo tracks consume memory twice as fast as Mono tracks.
- <br><br>
- The <b>Mixer</b> page lets you record mono tracks to conserve memory and disk space, but still generate stereo audio output.
- <br><br>
- To begin recording to this track, press the record button <img align=center src="recbut.gif">,
- and then press the stop button <img align=center src="stopbut.gif"> when you are ready to stop recording.
- <br><br>
- With the left mouse down, drag the mouse over the sound window to select part of it.
- <br>
- If nothing is selected, any of the following operations affect the entire track.
- <br>
- To hear only the selected sound,
- press the <b>Play Selection</b> button.
- <br>
- To copy the contents of an audio (.WAV) file into this track,
- select the <b>Import Audio from...</b> from the <b><u>F</u>ile</b> menu.
- A private copy of the file is made, so that any changes you make will not
- affect the imported file.
- <br>
- To copy the selected sound to the clipboard,
- select <b>Copy</b> from the <b><u>E</u>dit</b> menu.
- <br>
- To paste the contents of the clipboard into the song, click the mouse where you want to insert the new sound, and
- select one of the following from the <b><u>E</u>dit</b> menu:
- <dir>
- <li>
- <b>Paste Over</b> if you want the audio in the clipboard to replace sound on the current track.
- For example, if the clipboard contains 1 second of audio, and the song's current position is 0:10:00 (10 seconds), then
- the current track from 0:10:00 to 0:11:00 is replaced with the contents of the clipboard.
- <li>
- <b>Paste Mix</b> if you want the clipboard to be mixed with the current track.
- Paste Mix reduces the volume, preventing the possibility of distortion.
- If you want to preserve the volume and accept the possibility of distortion,
- hold the Shift key while selecting the Paste Mix menu item.
- <li>
- <b>Paste Insert</b> if you want the clipboard inserted into the current song.
- </dir>
- To delete the selected part of the track,
- select <b>Delete</b> from the <b><u>E</u>dit</b> menu.
- <br>
- To set the selected part of the track to complete silence,
- select <b>Silent</b> from the <b><u>E</u>dit</b> menu.
- <br>
- To replace the selected sound with the same sound played backward,
- select <b>Reverse</b> from the <b><u>E</u>dit</b> menu
- <br><br>
- To filter the entire track, press the <b>Filter...</b> button. If you only want to filter part of
- the track, select the desired time period with the mouse, and then press the Filter button.
- <br><br>
- To eliminate clicks and pops from the start or end of an audio track,
- press the <b>Filter...</b> button and set the filter kind to <b>Zero-Average</b>.
- <br>
- Then, press <b>Filter...</b> again and set the filter kind to <b>Normalize</b>.
- <br>
- Then, if there is a high-pitch hiss, press <b>Filter...</b> again and set the filter kind to <b>Low-Pass</b>.
- <br>
- Then, if there is a low-pitched hum, press <b>Filter...</b> again and set the filter kind to <b>High-Pass</b>.
- <br><br>
- To change the volume of the entire track, or a selected part of the track, press the <b>Volume...</b> button.
- As a short-cut, you can make the track, or part of it, twice as loud by pressing the <b>Louder</b> button.
- You can adjust the audio volume without modifying the audio signal by turning to the <b>Mixer</b> page.
- <br>
- To adjust the pitch of the entire track, or a selected part of the track, press the <b>Pitch...</b> button.
- <br>
- To help you synchronize with recorded MIDI instruments, vertical
- <i>tempo</i>
- lines are drawn at the start of each 16th note, quarter note, and measure.
- <br><br>
- If you make a mistake while recording Audio, you can <b><i>Punch In</i></b>, or re-record
- over the mistake as follows.
- <dir>
- <li>Select the part of the recording you would like to re-record.
- <li>Select <b>Set Record + Play Start + End Times</b> from the <b>Edit</b> menu
- (or click on the top of the <img align=bottom src="starttim.jpg"> field),
- and set the Start/End times. This lets you control the positions where song
- playing and recording start and stop.
- <li>Position the cursor several seconds before the part you want to record over.
- <li>Press the <b>Mix</b> button so that there will be no delay when the
- <img align=center src="recbut.gif">
- button is pressed.
- <li>Press the <b>VU</b> button so the Sound Card is <i>warmed up</i>.
- <li>Press the
- <img align=center src="recbut.gif">
- button.
- <li>Sing or play along with the song.
- <li>Recording will automatically stop when the end of the selection is reached,
- and only the selected <i>punch-in</i> range will be captured.
- </dir>
- <br><br>
- <br>Clicking at the bottom of the field lets you
- change time time units to Audio Samples, giving you the most precise control over this selection.
- </body>
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