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- /*
- SPLITMRB - splits MRB into SHG/BMP/WMF and SHG into BMP/WMF files - Version 1.5
- M.Winterhoff, Geschw.-Scholl-Ring 17, 38444 Wolfsburg, Germany, CIS 100326,2776
- usage: SPLITMRB filename[.mrb] ...
- SPLITMRB filename.shg ...
- Output files are created in the current directory using resolution-dependent
- extensions *.EGA,*.VGA,*.CGA,*.854,*.MAC or *.BMP,*.WMF or *.Snn,*.nnn (where
- n is a digit from 0 to 9). Discarded hotspot info will be written to stdout.
- This program is freeware. Use at your own risk. No part of it may be used
- commercially. No fees may be charged on distributing.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- typedef enum {FALSE,TRUE} BOOL;
- typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER
- {
- unsigned short bfType;
- unsigned long bfSize;
- unsigned short bfReserved1;
- unsigned short bfReserved2;
- unsigned long bfOffBits;
- }
- typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
- {
- unsigned long biSize;
- long biWidth;
- long biHeight;
- unsigned short biPlanes;
- unsigned short biBitCount;
- unsigned long biCompression;
- unsigned long biSizeImage;
- long biXPelsPerMeter;
- long biYPelsPerMeter;
- unsigned long biClrUsed;
- unsigned long biClrImportant;
- }
- typedef struct tagRECT
- {
- short left;
- short top;
- short right;
- short bottom;
- }
- typedef struct tagAPMFILEHEADER
- {
- unsigned long dwKey;
- unsigned short hMF;
- RECT rcBBox;
- unsigned short wInch;
- unsigned long dwReserved;
- unsigned short wChecksum;
- }
- unsigned short GetCWord(FILE *f)
- {
- unsigned char b;
- b=getc(f);
- if(b&1) return (((unsigned short)getc(f)<<8)|(unsigned short)b)>>1;
- return ((unsigned short)b>>1);
- }
- unsigned long GetCDWord(FILE *f)
- {
- unsigned short w;
- w = getw(f);
- if(w&1) return (((unsigned long)getw(f)<<16)|(unsigned long)w)>>1;
- return ((unsigned long)w>>1);
- }
- unsigned long GetDWord(FILE *f)
- {
- unsigned short w;
- w=getw(f);
- return ((unsigned long)getw(f)<<16)|(unsigned long)w;
- }
- long copy(FILE *f,long bytes,FILE *out)
- {
- long length;
- int size;
- static char buffer[1024];
- for(length=0;length<bytes;length+=size)
- {
- size=(int)(bytes-length>sizeof(buffer)?sizeof(buffer):bytes-length);
- fread(buffer,1,size,f);
- fwrite(buffer,size,1,out);
- }
- return length;
- }
- signed char count; /* for run len decompression */
- int derun(int c,FILE *f) /* expand runlen compressed data */
- {
- int i;
- if(count&0x7F)
- {
- if(count&0x80)
- {
- putc(c,f);
- count--;
- return 1;
- }
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- putc(c,f);
- }
- count=0;
- return i;
- }
- count=(signed char)c;
- return 0;
- }
- long decompress(int method,FILE *f,long bytes,FILE *fTarget)
- {
- static unsigned char lzbuffer[0x1000];
- int (*Emit)(int c,FILE *f);
- unsigned char bits,mask;
- int pos,len,back;
- long n;
- n=0;
- if(method&1)
- {
- Emit=derun;
- count=0;
- }
- else
- {
- Emit=fputc;
- }
- if(method&2)
- {
- mask=0;
- pos=0;
- while(bytes-->0L)
- {
- if(!mask)
- {
- bits=getc(f);
- mask=1;
- }
- else
- {
- if(bits&mask)
- {
- if(bytes--==0) break;
- back=getw(f);
- len=((back>>12)&15)+3;
- back=pos-(back&0xFFF)-1;
- while(len-->0)
- {
- n+=Emit(lzbuffer[pos++&0xFFF]=lzbuffer[back++&0xFFF],fTarget);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- n+=Emit(lzbuffer[pos++&0xFFF]=getc(f),fTarget);
- }
- mask<<=1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while(bytes-->0L) n+=Emit(getc(f),fTarget);
- }
- return n;
- }
- int GetPackedByte(FILE *f) // RulLen decompression
- {
- static unsigned char count,value;
- if(!f) // initialize
- {
- count=value=0;
- }
- else
- {
- if((count&0x7F)==0)
- {
- count=getc(f);
- value=getc(f);
- }
- else if(count&0x80)
- {
- value=getc(f);
- }
- count--;
- }
- return value;
- }
- void PrintHotspotInfo(FILE *f)
- {
- int i,l,n;
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned char c1,c2,c3;
- unsigned int x,y,w,h;
- unsigned long hash;
- }
- #if sizeof(HOTSPOT)!=15
- #error Compile byte aligned !
- #endif
- HOTSPOT *hotspot;
- char name[80];
- char buffer[128];
- if(getc(f)==1)
- {
- n=getw(f);
- if(n>0)
- {
- hotspot=malloc(n*sizeof(HOTSPOT));
- if(hotspot)
- {
- l=getw(f); // macro data size
- getw(f); // hiword ignored
- fread(hotspot,sizeof(HOTSPOT),n,f);
- for(i=0;i<l;i++) getc(f);
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- for(l=0;l<sizeof(name)&&(name[l]=getc(f))!='\0';l++);
- for(l=0;l<sizeof(buffer)&&(buffer[l]=getc(f))!='\0';l++);
- printf("'%s' ",buffer);
- if((hotspot[i].c1&0xF0)==0xC0)
- {
- printf("Macro ");
- }
- else if(hotspot[i].c1&1)
- {
- printf("Jump ");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Pop-up ");
- }
- if(hotspot[i].c2)
- {
- printf("Invisible");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Visible ");
- }
- printf(" '%s' %d,%d,%d,%d\n",name,hotspot[i].x,hotspot[i].y,hotspot[i].x+hotspot[i].w,hotspot[i].y+hotspot[i].h);
- }
- free(hotspot);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- FILE *f;
- FILE *fTarget;
- int i,j,k,l,m,n,colors;
- unsigned char byType,byPacked;
- long dwDataSize,dwHotspotOffset,dwHotspotSize,w,h,offset;
- char filename[81];
- BOOL res[7];
- if(argc<2)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"SPLITMRB - splits MRB into SHG/BMP/WMF and SHG into BMP/WMF files - Version 1.5\n"
- "M.Winterhoff, Geschw.-Scholl-Ring 17, 38444 Wolfsburg, Germany, CIS 100326,2776\n"
- "\n"
- "usage: SPLITMRB filename[.mrb] ...\n"
- " SPLITMRB filename.shg ...\n"
- "\n"
- "Output files are created in the current directory using resolution-dependent\n"
- "extensions *.EGA,*.VGA,*.CGA,*.854,*.MAC or *.BMP,*.WMF or *.Snn,*.nnn (where\n"
- "n is a digit from 0 to 9). Discarded hotspot info will be written to stdout.\n"
- "\n"
- "This program is freeware. Use at your own risk. No part of it may be used\n"
- "commercially. No fees may be charged on distributing.\n");
- }
- else for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
- {
- strcpy(filename,argv[i]);
- l=strlen(filename);
- while(l>0&&filename[l-1]!='\\'&&filename[l-1]!='/'&&filename[l-1]!=':') l--;
- m=l;
- while(filename[l]!='\0'&&filename[l]!='.') l++;
- if(filename[l]=='\0') strcpy(filename+l,".MRB");
- f=fopen(filename,"rb");
- if(!f)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can not open '%s'\n",filename);
- }
- else
- {
- if((getw(f)&0xDFFF)!=0x506C)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"'%s' is no MRB/SHG bitmap\n",argv[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- n=getw(f);
- res[0]=res[1]=res[2]=res[3]=res[4]=res[5]=res[6]=FALSE;
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- {
- fseek(f,4*(j+1),SEEK_SET);
- fread(&offset,sizeof(offset),1,f);
- fseek(f,offset,SEEK_SET);
- byType=getc(f); // type of picture: 5=DDB, 6=DIB, 8=METAFILE
- byPacked=getc(f); // packing method: 0=unpacked, 1=RunLen, 2=LZ77
- if(byType==6||byType==5&&byPacked<2)
- {
- memset(&bmfh,0,sizeof(bmfh));
- memset(&bmih,0,sizeof(bmih));
- bmfh.bfType=0x4D42; // bitmap magic ("BM")
- bmih.biSize=sizeof(bmih);
- w=GetCDWord(f);
- bmih.biXPelsPerMeter=(w*79L+1)/2;
- h=GetCDWord(f);
- bmih.biYPelsPerMeter=(h*79L+1)/2;
- bmih.biPlanes=GetCWord(f);
- bmih.biBitCount=GetCWord(f);
- bmih.biWidth=GetCDWord(f);
- bmih.biHeight=GetCDWord(f);
- colors=(int)(bmih.biClrUsed=GetCDWord(f));
- if(!colors) colors=1<<bmih.biBitCount;
- bmih.biClrImportant=GetCDWord(f);
- dwDataSize=GetCDWord(f);
- dwHotspotSize=GetCDWord(f);
- GetDWord(f); // dwPictureOffset
- dwHotspotOffset=GetDWord(f);
- if(dwHotspotOffset&&n>1) // dwHotspotOffset
- {
- // save as SHG
- sprintf(filename+l,".S%02d",j);
- fTarget=fopen(filename+m,"wb");
- if(fTarget)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Extracting Segmented Hotspot Graphic '%s'...\n",filename+m);
- putw(0x506C,fTarget);
- putw(1,fTarget);
- putw(8,fTarget);
- putw(0,fTarget);
- fseek(f,offset,SEEK_SET);
- copy(f,dwHotspotOffset+dwHotspotSize,fTarget);
- fclose(fTarget);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can not create '%s'\n",filename+m);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(filename+l,".%03d",j);
- if(w==96&&h==48&&!res[0])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".CGA");
- res[0]=TRUE;
- }
- else if(w==96&&h==72&&!res[1])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".EGA");
- res[1]=TRUE;
- }
- else if(w==96&&h==96&&!res[2])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".VGA");
- res[2]=TRUE;
- }
- else if(w==120&&h==120&&!res[3])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".854");
- res[3]=TRUE;
- }
- else if(w==72&&h==72&&!res[4])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".MAC");
- res[4]=TRUE;
- }
- else if(!res[6])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".BMP");
- res[6]=TRUE;
- }
- fTarget=fopen(filename+m,"wb");
- if(fTarget)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Extracting %ld x %ld x %u Bitmap '%s' (%ldx%ld dpi)...\n",bmih.biWidth,bmih.biHeight,bmih.biPlanes*bmih.biBitCount,filename+m,w,h);
- fwrite(&bmfh,1,sizeof(bmfh),fTarget);
- fwrite(&bmih,1,sizeof(bmih),fTarget);
- if(byType==6)
- {
- copy(f,colors*4L,fTarget);
- }
- else
- {
- long l;
- l=0x000000L;
- fwrite(&l,1,sizeof(l),fTarget);
- l=0xFFFFFFL;
- fwrite(&l,1,sizeof(l),fTarget);
- }
- bmfh.bfOffBits=sizeof(bmfh)+sizeof(bmih)+colors*4L;
- bmih.biSizeImage=(((bmih.biWidth*bmih.biBitCount+31)/32)*4)*bmih.biHeight;
- if(byType==5) // convert 3.0 DDB to 3.1 DIB
- {
- long width,length,l;
- int pad;
- width=((bmih.biWidth*bmih.biBitCount+15)/16)*2;
- pad=(int)(((width+3)/4)*4-width);
- GetPackedByte(NULL);
- for(l=0;l<bmih.biHeight;l++)
- {
- if(byPacked==1)
- {
- for(length=0;length<width;length++) putc(GetPackedByte(f),fTarget);
- }
- else
- {
- copy(f,width,fTarget);
- }
- if(pad) fwrite(" ",pad,1,fTarget);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- decompress(byPacked,f,dwDataSize,fTarget);
- }
- // update bitmap headers
- bmfh.bfSize=ftell(fTarget);
- fseek(fTarget,0L,SEEK_SET);
- fwrite(&bmfh,1,sizeof(bmfh),fTarget);
- fwrite(&bmih,1,sizeof(bmih),fTarget);
- fclose(fTarget);
- if(dwHotspotOffset)
- {
- fseek(f,offset+dwHotspotOffset,SEEK_SET);
- PrintHotspotInfo(f);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can not create '%s'\n",filename+m);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(byType==8) // Windows MetaFile
- {
- unsigned short *wp;
- memset(&afh,0,sizeof(afh));
- afh.dwKey=0x9AC6CDD7L;
- GetCWord(f); // mapping mode
- afh.rcBBox.right=getw(f); // width of metafile-picture
- afh.rcBBox.bottom=getw(f); // height of metafile-picture
- GetCDWord(f);
- dwDataSize=GetCDWord(f);
- dwHotspotSize=GetCDWord(f); // dwHotspotSize
- GetDWord(f); // dwPictureOffset
- dwHotspotOffset=GetDWord(f);
- if(dwHotspotOffset&&n>1) // dwHotspotOffset
- {
- sprintf(filename+l,".S%02d",j);
- fTarget=fopen(filename+m,"wb");
- if(fTarget)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Extracting Segmented Hotspot Graphic '%s'...\n",filename+m);
- putw(0x506C,fTarget);
- putw(1,fTarget);
- putw(8,fTarget);
- putw(0,fTarget);
- fseek(f,offset,SEEK_SET);
- copy(f,dwHotspotOffset+dwHotspotSize,fTarget);
- fclose(fTarget);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can not create '%s'\n",filename+m);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- afh.wInch=2540;
- wp=(unsigned short *)&afh;
- for(k=0;k<10;k++) afh.wChecksum^=*wp++;
- if(!res[5])
- {
- strcpy(filename+l,".WMF");
- res[5]=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(filename+l,".%03d",j);
- }
- fTarget=fopen(filename+m,"wb");
- if(fTarget)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Extracting Metafile '%s'...\n",filename+m);
- fwrite(&afh,1,sizeof(afh),fTarget);
- decompress(byPacked,f,dwDataSize,fTarget);
- fclose(fTarget);
- }
- if(dwHotspotOffset)
- {
- fseek(f,offset+dwHotspotOffset,SEEK_SET);
- PrintHotspotInfo(f);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Picture %d of '%s' unknown type %02x pack=%02x skipped.\n",j,argv[i],byType,byPacked);
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }