61442 This program removes %1 %2 and restores your previous configuration.\n\n Do you want to remove %3 %4?
61443 SPUNINST [-u] [-f] [-z] [-q] \n -u Unattended mode\n -f Force other apps to close at shutdown\n -z Do not reboot when installation is complete\n -q Quiet mode -- no user interaction\n
61444 %1
61445 %1
61446 Are you sure you want to cancel?
61447 The file %s is open or in use by another application.\n\nClose all other applications and then click Retry.
61448 %1 %2 Uninstall Directory
61697 %1 Uninstall canceled.
61698 The %1 was not uninstalled.
61699 %1 Uninstall was unable to shutdown %2.\nPress Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down now.
61700 There is not enough disk space to remove the %1. A minimum of %%d megabytes of free space is required. Free additional space on your hard disk and then try again.
61701 %1 Uninstall could not find the SPUNINST.INF file.
61702 The SPUNINST.INF file is not correct.
61703 You do not have permission to update %1.\nPlease contact your system administrator.
61705 %1 has been successfully removed.\nTo restart your computer, click OK.
61706 %1 was successfully removed. This change will not take effect until you restart Windows. Before restarting Windows, save your work and close all programs.
61707 %1 has been successfully removed.
61749 Service Pack Setup encountered an error:
61750 Error opening SPUNINST.LOG file
61751 Copied file:
61752 Skipped copying file:
61753 Copied file (delayed):
61754 Windows NT 4.0
61755 Windows 2000
61756 Setup detected the following programs on your computer:
61757 If %1 is removed, these programs might not run properly. Do you want to continue?
61758 Windows XP
61759 Setup has detected that Internet Explorer has been upgraded on your computer since %1 %2 was installed. If you remove %3 %4, your system will be unusable. The removal of %5 %6 cannot continue.