[ImagePSFreeFont | Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font]
imagepsfreefont (|int fontindex);
[ImagePSLoadFont | Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file]
imagepsloadfont (|string filename);
[ImagePsSlantFont | Slant a font]
imagepsslantfont (|intfont_index, doubleslant);
[ImagePSText | To draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts]
imagepstext (|int image, string text, int font, int size, int foreground, int background, int x, int y [, intspace [, inttightness [, floatangle [, intantialias_steps]]]]);
[ImageRectangle | Draw a rectangle]
imagerectangle (|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
[ImageSetBrush | Set the brush image for line drawing]
imagesetbrush (|resource im, resource brush);
[ImageSetPixel | Set a single pixel]
imagesetpixel (|int im, int x, int y, int col);
[ImageSetStyle | Set the style for line drawing]
imagesetstyle (|resource im, array style);
[ImageSetThickness | Set the thickness for line drawing]
imagesetthickness (|resource im, int thickness);
[ImageSetTile | Set the tile image for filling]
imagesettile (|resource im, resource tile);
[ImageString | Draw a string horizontally]
imagestring (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col);
[ImageStringUp | Draw a string vertically]
imagestringup (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col);
[ImageSX | Get image width]
imagesx (|int im);
[ImageSY | Get image height]
imagesy (|int im);
[ImageTrueColorToPalette | Convert a <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT color image to a palette image]
imagetruecolortopalette (|resource im, bool dither, int ncolors);
[ImageTTFBBox | Give the bounding box of a text using TypeType fonts]
imagettfbbox (|int size, int angle, string fontfile, string text);
[ImageTTFText | Write text to the image using TrueType fonts]
imagettftext (|int im, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string fontfile, string text);
[ImageTypes | Return the image types supported by this PHP build]
imagetypes (|void);
[ImageWBMP | Output image to browser or file]
imageWBMP (|int im [, stringfilename]);
[imap_8bit | Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string]
imap_8bit (|string string);
[imap_alerts | This function returns all IMAP alert messages (|if any) that haveoccurred during this page request or since the alert stack wasreset]
imap_alerts (|void);
[imap_append | Append a string message to a specified mailbox]
[odbc_field_precision | Synonym for HREF="function.odbc-field-len.html"<BCLASS="function"odbc_field_len()</B</A]
odbc_field_precision (|int result_id, int field_number);
[odbc_field_scale | Get the scale of a field]
odbc_field_scale (|int result_id, int field_number);
[odbc_field_type | Datatype of a field]
odbc_field_type (|int result_id, int field_number);
[odbc_foreignkeys | Returns a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a listof foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key inthe specified table]
[odbc_setoption | Adjust ODBC settings. Returns <TTCLASS="constant"<BFALSE</B</TT if an error occurs, otherwise<TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT.]
odbc_setoption (|int id, int function, int option, int param);
[odbc_specialcolumns | Returns either the optimal set of columns that uniquelyidentifies a row in the table or columns that are automaticallyupdated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction]
odbc_specialcolumns (|int connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable);
[odbc_statistics | Retrieve statistics about a table]
odbc_statistics (|int connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, int unique, int accuracy);
[odbc_tableprivileges | Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table]
[SWFBitmap->getHeight | Returns the bitmap's height.]
swfbitmap->getheight (|void);
[SWFBitmap->getWidth | Returns the bitmap's width.]
swfbitmap->getwidth (|void);
[SWFBitmap | Loads Bitmap object]
swfbitmap (|string filename [, int alphafilename]);
[SWFbutton->addAction | Adds an action]
swfbutton->addaction (|ressource action, int flags);
[SWFbutton->addShape | Adds a shape to a button]
swfbutton->addshape (|ressource shape, int flags);
[SWFbutton->setAction | Sets the action]
swfbutton->setaction (|ressource action);
[SWFbutton->setdown | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN))]
swfbutton->setdown (|ressource shape);
[SWFbutton->setHit | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT)]
swfbutton->sethit (|ressource shape);
[SWFbutton->setOver | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER)]
swfbutton->setover (|ressource shape);
[SWFbutton->setUp | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_UP)]
swfbutton->setup (|ressource shape);
[SWFbutton | Creates a new Button.]
swfbutton (|void);
[SWFDisplayItem->addColor | Adds the given color to this item's color transform.]
swfdisplayitem->addcolor (|[int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]);
[SWFDisplayItem->move | Moves object in relative coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->move (|int dx, int dy);
[SWFDisplayItem->moveTo | Moves object in global coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->moveto (|int x, int y);
[SWFDisplayItem->multColor | Multiplies the item's color transform.]
swfdisplayitem->multcolor (|[int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]);
[SWFDisplayItem->remove | Removes the object from the movie]
swfdisplayitem->remove (|void);
[SWFDisplayItem->Rotate | Rotates in relative coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->rotate (|double ddegrees);
[SWFDisplayItem->rotateTo | Rotates the object in global coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->rotateto (|double degrees);
[SWFDisplayItem->scale | Scales the object in relative coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->scale (|int dx, int dy);
[SWFDisplayItem->scaleTo | Scales the object in global coordinates.]
swfdisplayitem->scaleto (|int x, int y);
[SWFDisplayItem->setDepth | Sets z-order]
swfdisplayitem->setdepth (|double depth);
[SWFDisplayItem->setName | Sets the object's name]
swfdisplayitem->setname (|string name);
[SWFDisplayItem->setRatio | Sets the object's ratio.]
swfdisplayitem->setratio (|double ratio);
[SWFDisplayItem->skewX | Sets the X-skew.]
swfdisplayitem->skewx (|double ddegrees);
[SWFDisplayItem->skewXTo | Sets the X-skew.]
swfdisplayitem->skewxto (|double degrees);
[SWFDisplayItem->skewY | Sets the Y-skew.]
swfdisplayitem->skewy (|double ddegrees);
[SWFDisplayItem->skewYTo | Sets the Y-skew.]
swfdisplayitem->skewyto (|double degrees);
[SWFDisplayItem | Creates a new displayitem object.]
swfdisplayitem (|void);
[SWFFill->moveTo | Moves fill origin]
swffill->moveto (|int x, int y);
[SWFFill->rotateTo | Sets fill's rotation]
swffill->rotateto (|double degrees);
[SWFFill->scaleTo | Sets fill's scale]
swffill->scaleto (|int x, int y);
[SWFFill->skewXTo | Sets fill x-skew]
swffill->skewxto (|double x);
[SWFFill->skewYTo | Sets fill y-skew]
swffill->skewyto (|double y);
[SWFFill | Loads SWFFill object]
swffill() object allows you to transform(scale, skew, rotate) bitmap and gradient fills. <BCLASS="function"swffill()objects are created by the <BCLASS="function"swfshape->addfill() methods.
SWFFill has the following methods : <BCLASS="function"swffill->moveto()and <BCLASS="function"swffill->scaleto(), <BCLASS="function"swffill->rotateto(),<BCLASS="function"swffill->skewxto() and <BCLASS="function"swffill->skewyto().;
[swffont->getwidth | Returns the string's width]
swffont->getwidth (|string string);
[SWFFont | Loads a font definition]
swffont (|string filename);
[SWFGradient->addEntry | Adds an entry to the gradient list.]
swfgradient->addentry (|double ratio, int red, int green, int blue [, int a]);
[SWFGradient | Creates a gradient object]
swfgradient (|void);
[SWFMorph->getshape1 | Gets a handle to the starting shape]
swfmorph->getshape1 (|void);
[SWFMorph->getshape2 | Gets a handle to the ending shape]
swfmorph->getshape2 (|void);
[SWFMorph | Creates a new SWFMorph object.]
swfmorph (|void);
[SWFMovie->add | Adds any type of data to a movie.]
swfmovie->add (|ressource instance);
[SWFMovie->nextframe | Moves to the next frame of the animation.]
swfmovie->nextframe (|void);
[SWFMovie->output | Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out.]
swfmovie->output (|void);
[SWFMovie->remove | Removes the object instance from the display list.]
swfmovie->remove (|resource instance);
[SWFMovie->save | Saves your movie in a file.]
swfmovie->save (|string filename);
[SWFMovie->setbackground | Sets the background color.]
swfmovie->setbackground (|int red, int green, int blue);
[SWFMovie->setdimension | Sets the movie's width and height.]
swfmovie->setdimension (|int width, int height);
[SWFMovie->setframes | Sets the total number of frames in the animation.]
swfmovie->setframes (|string numberofframes);
[SWFMovie->setrate | Sets the animation's frame rate.]
swfmovie->setrate (|int rate);
[SWFMovie->streammp3 | Streams a MP3 file.]
swfmovie->streammp3 (|string mp3FileName);
[SWFMovie | Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie.]
swfmovie (|void);
[SWFShape->addFill | Adds a solid fill to the shape.]
swfshape->addfill (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]);
[SWFShape->drawCurve | Draws a curve (|relative).]
swfshape->drawcurve (|int controldx, int controldy, int anchordx, int anchordy);
[SWFShape->drawCurveTo | Draws a curve.]
swfshape->drawcurveto (|int controlx, int controly, int anchorx, int anchory);
[SWFShape->drawLine | Draws a line (|relative).]
swfshape->drawline (|int dx, int dy);
[SWFShape->drawLineTo | Draws a line.]
swfshape->drawlineto (|int x, int y);
[SWFShape->movePen | Moves the shape's pen (|relative).]
swfshape->movepen (|int dx, int dy);
[SWFShape->movePenTo | Moves the shape's pen.]
swfshape->movepento (|int x, int y);
[SWFShape->setLeftFill | Sets left rasterizing color.]
swfshape->setleftfill (|swfgradient fill);
[SWFShape->setLine | Sets the shape's line style.]
swfshape->setline (|int width [, int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]);
[SWFShape->setRightFill | Sets right rasterizing color.]
swfshape->setrightfill (|swfgradient fill);
[SWFShape | Creates a new shape object.]
swfshape (|void);
[SWFSprite->add | Adds an object to a sprite]
swfsprite->add (|ressource object);
[SWFSprite->nextframe | Moves to the next frame of the animation.]
swfsprite->nextframe (|void);
[SWFSprite->remove | Removes an object to a sprite]
swfsprite->remove (|ressource object);
[SWFSprite->setframes | Sets the total number of frames in the animation.]
swfsprite->setframes (|int numberofframes);
[SWFSprite | Creates a movie clip (|a sprite)]
swfsprite (|void);
[SWFText->addString | Draws a string]
swftext->addstring (|string string);
[SWFText->getWidth | Computes string's width]
swftext->addstring (|string string);
[SWFText->moveTo | Moves the pen]
swftext->moveto (|int x, int y);
[SWFText->setColor | Sets the current font color]
swftext->setcolor (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]);
[SWFText->setFont | Sets the current font]
swftext->setfont (|string font);
[SWFText->setHeight | Sets the current font height]
swftext->setheight (|int height);
[SWFText->setSpacing | Sets the current font spacing]
swftext->setspacing (|double spacing);
[SWFText | Creates a new SWFText object.]
swftext (|void);
[SWFTextField->addstring | Concatenates the given string to the text field]
swftextfield->addstring (|string string);
[SWFTextField->align | Sets the text field alignment]
swftextfield->align (|int alignement);
[SWFTextField->setbounds | Sets the text field width and height]
swftextfield->setbounds (|int width, int height);
[SWFTextField->setcolor | Sets the color of the text field.]
swftextfield->setcolor (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]);
[SWFTextField->setFont | Sets the text field font]
swftextfield->setfont (|string font);
[SWFTextField->setHeight | Sets the font height of this text field font.]
swftextfield->setheight (|int height);
[SWFTextField->setindentation | Sets the indentation of the first line.]
swftextfield->setindentation (|int width);
[SWFTextField->setLeftMargin | Sets the left margin width of the text field.]
swftextfield->setleftmargin (|int width);
[SWFTextField->setLineSpacing | Sets the line spacing of the text field.]
swftextfield->setlinespacing (|int height);
[SWFTextField->setMargins | Sets the margins width of the text field.]
swftextfield->setmargins (|int left, int right);
[SWFTextField->setname | Sets the variable name]
swftextfield->setname (|string name);
[SWFTextField->setrightMargin | Sets the right margin width of the text field.]
swftextfield->setrightmargin (|int width);
[SWFTextField | Creates a text field object]
swftextfield (|[int flags]);
[sybase_affected_rows | get number of affected rows in last query]