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- i! file MathML.trans : structure transformation for MathML
- ! see HTML.trans for a description of Trans language
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! WARNING : transformations do NOT work with Multiscript elements
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!! mrow transformations
- !surround an element with a mrow
- surrounding row: *;
- {
- * > mrow:*;
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with a mrow
- surrounding row: *,*+;
- {
- * > mrow:*;
- }
- ! remove a mrow level
- remove row: mrow{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- !!! mstyle transformations
- !surround an element with a mstyle
- surrounding mstyle: *;
- {
- * > mstyle:*;
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with a mstyle
- surrounding mstyle: *,*+;
- {
- * > mstyle:*;
- }
- ! remove a mstyle level
- remove mstyle: mstyle{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- !!! Root Transformations
- !surround an element with a root
- surrounding root : *;
- {
- * > mroot:*;
- * > mroot:none % ;
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with a root
- surrounding root: *+,last:*;
- {
- * > mroot.mrow:*;
- last > mroot.mrow:*;
- last > mroot:none % ;
- }
- !remove a root
- remove root: mroot{base:*,? index:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- index / ;
- }
- !!! Square Root Transformations
- !surround an element with a square root
- surrounding square root: *;
- {
- * > msqrt:*;
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with a square root
- surrounding square root: *,*+;
- {
- * > msqrt.mrow:*;
- }
- !remove a square root
- remove square root: msqrt{*};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- !transform a square root into a root
- root with index: msqrt{*};
- {
- * > mroot:*;
- * > mroot:none %;
- }
- !transform a square root into a menclose
- menclose: msqrt{*};
- {
- * > menclose:*;
- }
- !!! menclose Transformations
- !surround an element with a menclose
- surrounding menclose: *;
- {
- * > menclose:*;
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with a menclose
- surrounding menclose: *,*+;
- {
- * > menclose:*;
- }
- !remove a menclose
- remove menclose: menclose{*};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- !transform a menclose into a square root
- square root: menclose{*};
- {
- * > msqrt:*;
- }
- !!! Fraction transformations
- !transform 2 elements into a fraction
- fraction: (num:*,den:*) | mrow{num:*,den:*};
- {
- num > mfrac:*;
- den > mfrac:*;
- }
- !transform an element into a numerator
- numerator: *;
- {
- * > mfrac:*;
- * > mfrac:none %;
- }
- !transform an sequence of elements into a numerator
- numerator: ?*+,last:*;
- {
- * > mfrac.mrow:*;
- last > mfrac.mrow:*;
- last > mfrac:none %;
- }
- !transform an element into a denominator
- denominator: *;
- {
- * > mfrac:none %;
- * > mfrac:*;
- }
- !transform an sequence of elements into a denominator
- denominator: first:*,?*+;
- {
- first > mfrac:none %;
- first > mfrac.mrow:*;
- * > mfrac.mrow:*;
- }
- !remove a fraction
- remove fraction: mfrac{?(num:*),?(den:*)};
- {
- num > :*;
- den > :*;
- }
- !!! Sub and Sup Transformations
- !surroud an element with a subsup
- add sub and sup:*;
- {
- * > msubsup:*;
- * > msubsup:none%;
- * > msubsup:none;
- }
- !removes a subsup
- remove subsup: msubsup{base:*,?sub:*,?sup:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- sub /;
- sup /;
- }
- !removes a superscript
- remove superscript: msubsup{base:*,?sub:*,?sup:*};
- {
- msubsup > msub;
- sup /;
- }
- !removes a subscript
- remove subscript: msubsup{base:*,?sub:*,?sup:*};
- {
- msubsup > msup;
- sub /;
- }
- !surroud element with a sub
- add subscript:*;
- {
- * > msub:*;
- * > msub:none %;
- }
- !removes a subscript
- remove subscript: msub{base:*,?sub:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- sub /;
- }
- !surroud an element with a sup
- add superscript:*;
- {
- * > msup:*;
- * > msup:none %;
- }
- !removes a superscript
- remove superscript: msup{base:*,?sup:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- sup /;
- }
- !change msub into msup
- superscript:msub;
- {
- msub > msup;
- }
- !change msup into msub
- subscript:msup;
- {
- msup > msub;
- }
- !change msub or msup into msubsup
- subsup:msub{base:*,sub:*} | msup{base:*,sup:*};
- {
- base > msubsup:*;
- sup > msubsup:none %;
- sup > msubsup:*;
- sub > msubsup:*;
- sub > msubsup:none;
- }
- !change msubsup into munderover
- change into munderover: msubsup{base:*,sub:*,sup:*};
- {
- base > munderover:*;
- sub > munderover:*;
- sup > munderover:*;
- }
- !!! Under and Over transformations
- !surroud an element with a underover
- add under and over:*;
- {
- * > munderover:*;
- * > munderover:none %;
- * > munderover:none;
- }
- ! remove an underover
- remove under and over:munderover{base:*,?under:*,?over:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- under /;
- over /;
- }
- !surroud an element with a over
- add over:*;
- {
- * > mover:*;
- * > mover:none %;
- }
- ! remove an over
- remove under and over:mover{base:*,?over:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- over /;
- }
- !surroud an element with a under
- add under:*;
- {
- * > munder:*;
- * > munder:none;
- }
- ! remove an under
- remove under:munder{base:*,?under:*};
- {
- base > :*;
- under /;
- }
- !change munderover into msubsup
- change into msubsup: munderover{base:*,under:*,over:*};
- {
- base > msubsup:*;
- under > msubsup:*;
- over > msubsup:*;
- }
- !!! Parenthesis Transformations
- !surround an element with parentheses
- parenthesize:*;
- {
- * > mrow:mo."(";
- * > mrow:*;
- * > mrow:mo.")";
- }
- !surround a sequence of elements with parentheses
- !group: first:*,?*+, last:* ;
- ! {
- ! first > mrow:mo."(";
- ! first > mrow:*;
- ! * > mrow:*;
- ! last > mrow:*;
- ! last > mrow:mo.")";
- ! }
- !remove parenthesis
- remove parenthesis: mrow{mf,?*+,mf};
- {
- mf /;
- * > :*;
- }