<WORD ID="1617" WORD="yacht (n.)" EXPLANATION="a light sailing boat usually used privately" EXAMPLE="The yacht sails from the marina every morning." WAVE="YACHT__N" />
<WORD ID="1618" WORD="yard (n.)" EXPLANATION="the open space next to a house" EXAMPLE="Our dog loves to play in the yard outside our house." WAVE="YARD__N_" />
<WORD ID="1619" WORD="year (n.)" EXPLANATION="a period of 12 months" EXAMPLE="After many years of study he became an expert on birds." WAVE="YEAR__N_" />
<WORD ID="1620" WORD="yesterday" EXPLANATION="the day before today" EXAMPLE=" Yesterday we visited an exciting Hindu temple. Tomorrow we're flying to Delhi." WAVE="YESTERDA" />
<WORD ID="1621" WORD="yoghurt (n.)" EXPLANATION="soft and sour food made from milk" EXAMPLE="In the hot summer, try some cold yoghurt soup." WAVE="YOGHURT_" />
<WORD ID="1622" WORD="young (adj.)" EXPLANATION="in the first stages of life" EXAMPLE="That young woman is already a famous psychologist." WAVE="YOUNG__A" />