*Description: Add Path (will add a path to the specified group\user with the given local & virtual path with only read & list rights)
*Change Login Amont:
*SITE CHLOGINS %d[Username:] %d[Amount]
*Description: Change Maximum Login Amount for a certain User name
Allow Anonymous login:
Description: Users using the anonymous l/p will be able to login
Deny Anonymous Login:
Description: Users using the anonymous l/p will NOT be allow to login
*Change Login Pass:
*SITE CHPASS %d[user] %d[new pass]
*Description: Changes the user's password.
*Delete User:
*Description: Delete the user's l/p
*Delete Group:
*Description: Delete the group specified
*Delete Path:
*SITE DELPATH %d[User/Group:] %d[Local Path]
*Description: Deletes the specified local path from the given user / group
*Disable User:
*site disable %d[User:]
*Description: Users trying to login using a certain l/p won't be able to get in. But the l/p *will remain.
*Enable User:
*site enable %d[User:]
*Description: If the Siteop has disable the l/p, this option will enable users to login *again. Useful for temporary accounts such as upload/upload if u don't want ppl to keep on *uploading too much.
*Who's online:
*Description: Shows you a list of users currently logged in
*Kick a User:
*SITE KICK %d[user id]
*Description: After doing the SITE WHO u can select which user to kick.