+ Fixed CodeInsight bug reported by Matthieu Zilliox
+ Re-introduced KeepUndoOnSave
+ Fixed bug in PHP Highlightinh options
+ Fixed a bug in HereDoc syntax
+ Fixed PHPAutoComplete bugs
+ Now DblClick over a unit in CodeBrowser try to open it in the IDE
+ Various other change that I haven't written. Check CVS ;o)
-- 0.6RC3
+ Fixed a bug in QuickMarkManager when trying to drop a mark on a place where one is still present, an axception was raised
+ Turned off fpException in MDIBrowser's WebBrowser
+ Fixed a bug in filename display in CodeBrowser when renaming / closing a file
-- 0.6RC2
+ Re-introduced TagComplete
+ Fixed refresh bug
+ Added a ) when completing a function name with phpCodeInsight
+ Fixed ImageIndex error in CodeBrowser
+ Fixed " & ' insertion pb in PHPAutoComplete
+ Fixed ImageIndex pb in CodeBrowser
+ Fixed an AV in CodeInsight (When calling it on a variable and erasing chars from found prefix)
+ Added a different icon for each file class in CodeBrowser
+ Added PHPAutoComplete which add ) when you hit ( and so on for [, {, ' and "
+ Removed TagComplete feature, there's too many problem with it.
+ Fixed position bug in CodeNavigationToolbar
+ Changed TXMLLanguage to inherit from TLanguage instead of TPLainTextLanguage
+ Changed TXMLLanguage to have it recognize better words which seems like tags
+ Fixed a bug in aInsertHeaderWithParams when calling on a method
+ Added GetFunctionOrMethodAtOffset method to TPHPDOM
+ Fixed bug in TQuickMark which doesn't draw animation circle at correct place
+ It's seems that I need to read more about components licence I use... The CrashReport feature will be delayed for some times...
+ Added aMethodNext & aMethodPrevious which permiss to jump to Next/Previous code
+ Fixed Bugs in QuickMarkManager.Jump & JumpAndPaste causing AV
+ Fixed bug in TCodeInsight when filtering a list which is still emty an AV was raised (Thanks Assid - assid@assid.com)
+ Fixed a bug in VariableInsight when eraseing the last declared variable in the source (Thanks Assid - assid@assid.com)
+ Added CrashReport feature: When an exception is raised, you can send a report to our team to help us debug problems
+ Rewrited the HelpBrowser and introduced MySQL manual. Parsing is done on fly (and for MySQL is not very fast, so please be patient while parsing the MySQL TOC)
+ Rewriten part of CodeBrowser, now all opened file are present, so you can browse all your code easily
+ Improved FileExplorer: Now DoubleClicking a file make : it to be open in PHPEdit if it's extension is known by PHPEdit elsewhere a dialog appear to ask user what to do with it(Open in pHPEdit, Open with associated App, Cancel operation)
+ Added a enabled test for aInsertHeader actions (only active when you are inside a Function/Method)
+ Fixed bugs in aInsertHeader actions which disable method commenting
+ Moved CodeInsight action in TMDIChidForm
+ Made some changes in CodeInsight to be abled to support multiple IInsightTrigger
+ Implemented TPHPVariableInsightTrigger to have a VariableInsight in PHP Code
+ Improved PHPParser to have it recognize variable better
+ Added a thread to parse source code faster without slowing the edition
+ Added a phpDOM to each MDIChild so we can access all class list easily
+ Cursor is now crHandPoint over URL
+ InsertHeader & InsertHeaderWithParams have moved to MDIChild
+ Moved NavigationToolbar in MDIChild and exploded them in Class/Method instead of one
+ Moved DropDown filling code in OnDropDown event instead doing it each time list change
+ OpenDialog now take as initial directory the directory of active file
+ Fixed a dead lock in contextual highlighting switch (Thanks Assid for Bug report)
+ Included DBG (Jonx)
+ A lot of small bug fix
+ Added FunctionComment method (2 alternate, one with parameters and the second one without), which add an header on current function/method in phpDoc style
+ Fixed a bug in MoveToLine
+ Changed Find & Replace look
--> You need to make cleanup in the registry to have them displayed correctly (remove key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PHPEdit Project)
+ Fixed some bugs in Find & Replace dialogs
+ Reintroduced ContextualHighlighting for HTML/PHP --> aoContextualHighlighting option in phpedit.ini
+ Changed KbTemplate trigger to have them expand only when trigger is not part of word
+ Fixed MDIChild toolbar button states when using multiple windows
+ Fixed CodeInsight bug when pressing a key which cannot be part of a function name, the list wasn't dissapearing...
+ Added HourGlass Cursor when fill Insight list
+ Added aoCodeInsightMoveWithCaret Option to have CodeInsight list move with caret when you filter the list
+ Changed registry key from \Software\M@rms Software\... to \Software\PHPEdit project\... because I'm not alone now...
+ Fixed bug in KbTemplateParser which don't recognize '.', '+' & '=' chars for template name
+ Fixed some bugs in template expansion (selection, ...) Still exists bugs with recursive expansion of multiple tokens (yes I'm maniac ;)
+ Comment code in LogPanel since it raise to much exception (need to be tested more)
---- Released 0.5IR1 patch1
+ Fixed Cut & Copy bug
+ Fixed bug in Template expansion when clipboard contain no text
+ Fixed bug in php syntax highlightment (cannot configure all colors)
+ Change behaviour of Paste action in KeyboardTemplate, now only the first token is paste instead of full clipboard content.
+ HardCoded TemplateCommand functions
+ Fixed #0000012 (Bracket mark don't always disapear )
---- Released 0.5IR1
+ Added Cut & Copy in one key (if no selection is available, the current token is selected)
+ Rewritten CodeInsight
+ Included KeyboardTemplate
+ Hint & Insight now only fire in correct states (not in comments, ...)
+ Improved php preview (seems to have problems :-()
+ Added about box with report feature.
+ Corrected Hint persistence bug
+ Removed RaLib package dependencies
+ Written a little HTML Renderer (support <b>, <i>, <u>, <s>, <strike>, <font color, size, face>
+ Added HereDoc support in php syntax parser
+ Added Octal & Hexa chars in strings
+ Fixed bug in php syntax parser "$/", the $ was hisglightned as a string variable
+ Updated function list (Thanks Damien from http://www.nexen.net/)
+ Added URL support in php comments and HTML
+ Fiexd a bug in phpdoc comments (/ wasn't correctly recognized)
+ Change SyntaxFile extension from .pls to .scc
+ Added TPlainTextLanguage
+ Added TXMLLanguage
+ Made TPHPLanguage inherit from TPlainTextLanguage
+ Fixed title bug in HTML default template
+ Now NewBuffer entries display an item per installed TLanguage.